Lazy Galaxy: Rebel Story

Lazy Galaxy: Rebel Story

Steam Store

Разработчик: Coldwild Games

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Об игре

Старый робот H-34-RT просыпается на заброшенной космической станции рядом с его родной планетой. Его цивилизация уничтожена коварными О'Ксеглами, но ему только предстоит узнать это. После начального потрясения, он решает выполнять свои старые программы для защиты планеты: это означает сражаться с кучей врагов, даже если он один.

В Lazy Galaxy: Rebel Story вам предстоит управлять маленькой эскадрой истребителей, чтобы уничтожить базу коварных О'Кселгов. Это сложный рогалик с механиками shoot-em-up / bullet hell. Летите через сотни препятствий, уворачивайтесь от тысячи пуль и уничтожайте мощных врагов: всё это для того, чтобы помочь одинокому роботу выполнить его миссию.

  • Начни сражаться один, спасай союзников по мере продвижения в игре
  • Меняй построение свой эскадры, чтобы лучше уворачиваться от вражеских пуль
  • Используй способности союзников для того, чтобы стать сильнее или вылечиться
  • Готовься к трудностям! Уворачивайся от пуль и сражайся со сложными боссами
  • Усилия вознаграждаются! Узнавай больше про H-34-RT и его друзьях по мере продвижения в игре
  • Лети через восемь разных уровней, уничтожая злобных врагов

Поддерживаемые языки: english, russian

Системные требования


  • ОС *: Windows 7 SP1+
  • Процессор: Intel Core 2 Duo
  • Оперативная память: 1024 MB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: shader 3.0 supporting card (i.e. Intel HD Graphics 4000)
  • DirectX: версии 9.0a
  • Место на диске: 512 MB
  • Дополнительно: DX9 (shader model 3.0) support


  • ОС: Mac OS X 10.9+
  • Оперативная память: 1024 MB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: shader 3.0 supporting card
  • Место на диске: 512 MB


  • ОС: Ubuntu 12.04+ / SteamOS
  • Оперативная память: 1024 MB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: shader 3.0 supporting card (i.e. Intel HD Graphics 4000)
  • Место на диске: 512 MB

Отзывы пользователей

Рекомендую 15.05.2024 17:52
0 0

It's okay side scroller!

Время в игре: 38 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 14.01.2024 07:35
0 0

It's fun but there's not enough variety in the game to justify the amount of time it wants you put into it to get the "good ending".

Время в игре: 161 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.12.2023 06:05
0 0

Lazy Galaxy Rebel Story is weirdly structured, but once you figure it out you can start with 3 ships and advance to all the maps. I have about 5 hours on this great shmup including the demo. I think the structure holds this game back, and it's a shame. Controller support doesn't work. I just used my WASD buttons and my mouse for firing and special abilities.

Время в игре: 215 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 15.12.2023 09:32
0 0

⣿⣿⡻⠿⣳⠸⢿⡇⢇⣿⡧⢹⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣾⣿⡇⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⡐⣯⠁ ⠄⠄
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Время в игре: 84 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 14.06.2023 13:02
2 0

1 dollar for maybe 2 hours of decent shootemup action, not great not terrible.
The ally relationship gimmick is mostly irrelevant unless you plan on replaying this game dozens of times, and from what little I've seen by completing three runs it doesn't look like it has anything interesting to offer anyways.
I would suggest playing through the Frantic series and Legacy of the Elder Star before considering this one, given how they're free games of significantly higher quality.

Время в игре: 87 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 26.04.2023 01:06
0 0

i mean, its alright, and on sale its not a bad deal if ur into this genre, it dont reinvent the wheel tho, its jst a decent small game of the type, thats priced fine

Время в игре: 25 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 14.11.2021 17:13
0 0

Well, I just like the developers. I liked Lazy Galaxy A LOT and this game is quiet good. But nothing too special, obviously.

Время в игре: 309 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 16.06.2021 03:26
1 0

This is a great schm'up. It is short, so make sure you buy it on sale. But the controls are good and the flow of enemies is fun. It is not a difficult bullet hell, on easy (Story Mode) it can be beat in an hour or less. Apparently takes a few more hours to unlock the alternative ending and get 100% achievements.

Love the graphics and the game play. Check it out if you like the genre!

Время в игре: 62 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 21.12.2020 16:54
2 0

A hit-or-miss roguelite but a good short shmup

The developers decided it was time to reinvent the shmup, which initiative I can only applaud. Exploiting the replayability aspect of a roguelite sounded great on paper. But the first impression is very mixed.

When playing a roguelite, you generally expect a bit of diversity in the runs and the possibility of using various strategies in function of whatever powers you can unlock within runs or in-between runs. There is literally zero variety here and the levels are chained in the same sequence, like in any traditional shmup, withouth variability. And no strategy either. The friends' powers don't really bring anything else than "more power" or "more health regen" to your gameplay.

You can unlock some non-gameplay elements in the form of dialogs between your party members which, if you unlock all of them, give you access to the real ending. This sounded like a good idea, unfortunately the dialogs here are a bit cringe and amateurish at first sight, with grammatical errors.

Unlocking the good ending seems definitely not worth the dozens of playthroughs it requires. Or is it?

Despite all that, the shmup part is pretty good, in fact even better than a lot of indie shmups, even though the presentation is very modest and un-spectacular. So you'll probably accept to replay it a couple times before shelving the game.

Then you might get used to the dialogs and realize that the repetitivity of the run kinda work on the long time. Especially when each run becomes easier and easier with supplementary unlocks.
You can enter a "zone" and play it like solitaire as a way to pass time or empty your mind.
So if you play it in that way, the "roguelite" aspect is okay and works pretty well. Pretty much the same as a "clicker game", which is the devs' original specialization.
In the later half of the game you unlock enough ships and powers for some nice interactions to start happen in your play-style.

So it's cheap and even cheaper on a sale and even as just a one-time shmup it's extremely correct with coherent graphics and good gameplay, so why not?

(follow my curator page GenXPlayers for more retro and indie reviews)

Время в игре: 73 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 25.07.2020 23:06
5 2

This is a great time waster and I don't really regret buying it for the amount of fun I got from it, BUT there are a lot of better SHMUPs out there. The distracting and useless upgrades, as well as obvious errors in the 'story' segments (wrong characters are speaking to you, grammar structure changes mid-conversation for a character), really take away from the fun you can have from the other novel parts of the game. Ruining your run because you wanted to experiment with any gun besides the occasionally exploding gun takes away a lot of the replayability for me. I'm going to 100% this game and probably never touch it again.

Last note-the sound track is very enjoyable! If you have the 2 bucks, I recommend purchasing it.

Время в игре: 1084 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 29.03.2020 20:53
0 0

rather meh. didnt like the 3 ships at once gimmic, rather hard to dodge stuff. dont seem to be an online leaderboard, wich is just as well cos of the random nature of the game and the fact you can milk bosses for score indefinatly. grafix are simple, enemy design kinda boring. enemy waves and patterns seem poorly designed, same with bosses. all in all rather mediocre. there are many better shmups out there, i just got this cos i have played em all more or less

Время в игре: 57 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 04.01.2020 05:58
0 0

Lazy Galaxy: Rebel Story is a quite short and cute shoot'em up/bullet hell with a classic pixel graphics style, it doesn't offer much in terms of gameplay, however it is quite fun and challenging on the hardest level.


We are a robot, H-34-RT whose mission paremeters are to destroy the enemy race known as O'Xelg, a conquering race that has vanquished multiple other civilizations. During our Journey we meet other characters whose stories intertwined and join forces against a common enemy.


It has all the classic mechanics of a 2D arcade space shooter, cute little spaceships that dodge a hell of bullets from all directions. During our adventure we get to meet some others pilots with different background and stories, all of them offer different skills that will help us defeat the multiple enemies we face, while we advance these friends will have conversations, banters and will share experiences that eventually will shade light on the galactic war and our main enemies. Every boss fight will end up with a new skill to pick and use, in time all these will prepare you for a harder battle ahead. The more times we finish the game the more ships will be unlocked, ships that have different characteristics.

Our allies' dialogue will vary depending on whom we choose to take as companions, these sharing of experiences will unlock their multiple set of skills, all of these will make of your adventure a more diverse campaign in terms on firepower and defense.


The pixel graphic style is a trend in these kind of short, 2D shooters, it looks good and colorful and brings back memories, pretty good, especially the space level. The lack of details, but strong shiny colors is deliberate, it makes sense as an arcade shooter.

Sound and Music

The music in this game is purely metal, riff after riff, fast drumming and some other calmer interludes, simple yet brutal and upbeat. In terms of sound effects, the game reminds me of the classic games of the 90's, the arcade style of the sounds and everything that brings in works for the pixel style of it.

The Bad

While the game suffers from no crashes, bugs nor any other issue, I must say some of the mechanics incorporated tend to be of not much use when it comes to gameplay, this is mostly because LG:RS is a short game and with the many allies we can play with and their multiple skills to be unlocked, by the time you beat the game multiple times you still need more tries to unlock all of their perks, these are usualy pointless to have due to the repetitive nature of the game, there isn't much replay value because it lacks other modes and/or challenges. A good system if the campaign were longer. Other than that I find no other negative thing to say.


Should you give the game a try, I'd say yes, especially with a discount, it offers a decent and fun campaign with a variety of ships, allies and perks that spice up the gameplay, while the game is quite short and lacks any other mode besides co-op, it is an example of old school shooters with pixel style are far from over.

Время в игре: 512 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 20.09.2019 21:14
1 0

A very nice shoot-them-up, a real labour of love, and some very nice and fresh ideas, like the way your wingmen get better the more you make them fight together...nice characters, good lore and dialogues, 3 diffculty levels, challenging but very playable. I you like the genre, with a twist, and a have to give this one a try.

Время в игре: 335 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 02.07.2019 06:40
6 0

Very enjoyable shoot-em-up game. The mechanics of selecting a squad of characters with different abilities is fun and makes the game very versatile. At the same time, it is a very pleasant and addictive narrative element that allows the player to discover the stories of the heroes, watching their communication with each other. The ships available to the player are very different from each other, which greatly changes the game. Good balance of difficulty levels. Nice music and art style.

Время в игре: 422 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 29.06.2019 23:29
1 0

Deviously difficult shmup. Unexpected metal soundtrack. Simple pixel graphics. Uninterested in the story. Interesting level and unlock progression.


Время в игре: 33 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 23.05.2019 14:17
11 0

Lazy Galaxy:Rebel Story is an easy shoot-'em-up with some very light roguelite elements. Where enemies spawn in each of the eight stages, as well as which weapon options you get in the middle of each stage, are randomized, but it's also just a fairly easy game, such that I was able to win on the hard difficulty with nothing more than the first unlocked ship (which has self-healing) and some of the first unlocked allies.

Unfortunately, a bunch of the game design is built around the assumption that you won't get very far at all without constantly dying - only one technology can be unlocked per run, and all the ones I got to see cost tens of thousands of score when a winning run can get millions, and building up the relationship between your pilots to see the true ending takes getting halfway through the low hundreds of stages, in a game with eight stages on a full run. It's also not very hard even on "insane" and the bosses are always the same, though, so I found it to have limited replay value.

On the bright side, as a shooter, the gameplay is at least passable, even though it's in the Western shoot-'em-up style where you're supposed to just take hits occasionally. I still wouldn't recommend it in general, though - you'd have to be in the sweet spot of player skill where grinding out the unlockables actually helped you in order to really enjoy this as anything but a quick playthrough. As a quick playthrough, it's okay, but it left me with the feeling that I didn't see half of the game - an understatement, considering how many conversations there are to unlock.


Время в игре: 133 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.12.2018 12:17
0 0

A lot like Steredenn. Interesting squad/companion/formation mechanics and more charm than most shmups. If you like tough and shooty permadeath with progression you can't go wrong here. Great.

Время в игре: 352 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 21.12.2018 19:30
7 0

I would love to make a game like this. There is so much love put on this game.

+ The graphics look great. They are simple but represent very well what they want to represent.
+ Have great music and good simple sounds.
+ They gameplay is pretty solid. The controls are precise. The special is recharged by itself.
+ Plays better than Steredden, and is more lovable.

It have a decent amount of content. Allies level up by playing with differents combinations of allies and knowing more about them.

I'm happy I bought this game. 5/5.

Время в игре: 124 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 14.10.2018 11:10
4 0

I have tried an hour playing but I still cannot beat the Level 1 Boss in easy mode. The game is fun but too hard for me... Maybe the "easy mode" is not easy enough, hoping to see any difficulty adjustment.

Время в игре: 60 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.08.2018 13:50
20 0

A new story has come forth in the universe of Lazy Galaxy- a damaged robot wakes up from years and years of sleep. To find out what became of his creators, and avenge them in the name of justice, he sets of on an adventure gathering a group of allies to support him on his quest!

Rebel Story is a shoot 'em up game built within the universe of Coldwild's game "Lazy Galaxy". The goal of the game is to survive the oncoming waves and defeat the enemy bosses, and as you go a story will unfold. The game's difficulty ranges from easy to very hard, so it appeals to a wide range of skill types. The variety in enemies and high quality art means that you will find it very hard to get bored, especially when you consider the local multiplayer and play with a friend!

To top it off, the game has highly dedicated developers who listen carefully to any problems or question and do their best to accommodate your needs.

Highly recommeded for any shoot 'em up fan, or anyone interested in the genre!

Время в игре: 246 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик Coldwild Games
Платформы Windows, Mac, Linux
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 07.03.2025
Отзывы пользователей 85% положительных (20)

Отзывы пользователей

17 положительных и 3 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 28.02.2025 03:52


Action Indie


Single-player Multi-player Co-op Shared/Split Screen Co-op Shared/Split Screen Steam Achievements Full controller support Steam Trading Cards Steam Cloud Remote Play on TV Remote Play Together Family Sharing