Разработчик: TatriX
Постройте свой мир в сложных условиях выживания!
- Развитие характеристик персонажа происходит через получаемые из еды витамины.- Возможно развитие всех характеристик до максимума на одном персонаже.
- Арендуя земли в личное владение, можно разделить права на ее использование с друзьями.
- Свободная экономика, управляемая игроками.
- Создаваемые игроками предметы имеют прочность и качество, зависящее от навыков.
- Разнообразие навыков и рецептов крафта, разведение животных, охота на монстров и боссов.
- Открытый ПвП мир с тремя уровнями подземелий и ПвЕ территориями - арендованные участки игроков и общий город.- Потеря витаминов, экипировки и сумок при смерти.
- Арена для поединков без штрафов и потерь, поля командных сражений, а так же инстансы для охоты за добычей.
- Мир терраформируется игроками.
Игровой контент 21+
Курение, алкоголь, обжорство, азартные игры, промискуитет и, конечно же, расплата за все вышеперечисленное, от похмелья до зппп."Игра создается командой всего из двух человек. Мы делаем проект для души, и поэтому у нас уже есть прекрасное сообщество игроков, которые обязательно помогут вам словом и делом.
Добро пожаловать в мир Рогалии!"
Поддерживаемые языки: english, russian, japanese, portuguese - brazil, traditional chinese, simplified chinese, korean
Системные требования
- ОС: 7, 10, 11
- Процессор: Intel 2.77GHz Dual Core
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: OpenGL 2.1 compatible graphics card
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 300 MB
- ОС: OS X 10.7.3, or later.
- Процессор: Intel 2.77GHz Dual Core
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: OpenGL 2.1 compatible graphics card
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 300 MB
- ОС: any
- Процессор: Intel 2.77GHz Dual Core
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Intel 2.77GHz Dual Core
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 300 MB
Отзывы пользователей
Game is deader then dead. dev wants you to pay him 20$ to have a private server so he cant wipe all your stuff. clownshow basically
EA status and no updates since more than 6 months. This game is far from beeing finished and is obviously abandoned by the devs. Only few players left on the servers.
Do not buy this game. It is relient on the on the kindness and decency of its disgusting, antisocial trash community. I love the grind of games like this, but if I get to the point where people can nullify all that I've done just for then i feel like I wasted my time and money. The people of this game do all kinds of things just to ruin the game for others, things like destorying cave entrances so people cant go into the cave and mine ores and stone. If you cant go inside of the mines, youll need to make your own cave entrance which requires 25 mining. 25 mining will take atleast a days worth of play if you dont have a cave entrance already bulit, along with that the materials need to make the entrance. To get that 25 mining, youll need 25 vitality and for that youll need 25 fat. Fat is one of the vitamins which allows for you to increase your stats, and you can only rise your skills to the amount you have in your stats. Im not going to go into Hunger and food too much, itll take you about 30 minutes to an hour to get to 25-50 hunger and the quality of food is what gives you the vitamins. This is what I meant for the grind of the game. For that Cave entrance, youll need Flax. A plant that grows around the map, and when harvested youll be given Flax seeds. Now with this, Im not sure if players just harvested all the Flax without thinking about other players, if the same people destorying the cave entrances took all of the seeds or if the game just isnt generating them correctly but I'm unable to find any flax plants in this game. Not only the flax, but hemp, grape, hemp, wheat and pumpkins are no where to be found. I know theyre had to be a person harvesting them because they harvested the onion and carrots and left their seeds on the ground. I can buy flax seeds in the games market place, but of course the games market place is glitched for some reason, saying "No space" with an half empty invetory. Not to mention the other plants that I listed above are overpriced and at low quality. There are a load of problems going on with this game and its community. I personally will try to contuine playing, i enjoyed the game a few months ago. Not sure what happened between that time, besides from the owners moving and not maintaining the game. But ill update this review if things get better, but do not touch this game until things get better. I dont care what the owners are doing, they should have a plan for when there are no admins or mods online. The game has updated in along time for a reason guys. If you do buy the game, add me and Ill give you some pointers if you really want to play. God bless
5 total players across all servers. This game redefines the term "dead content." A long, tedious grind that is extremely boring is required for all starting players unless you choose to engage in microtransactions. As to be expected, marketplace is completely empty. 1/10 worst isometric MMORPG I've ever played.
I spent considerable time with the game, for a while. After reaching late game, it got really boring for me. I don't see this game ever getting out of the small community, niche following, ever; for fairly obvious reasons.
It's worth it to buy on a good sale and mess around for a bit. I spent several times more on the cash shop items than I did on the game, and never used most of them. I simply logged-in one day, gave the shit away and never went back.
Again, I see no future here whatsoever, unless you really enjoy being a part of a tiny community. If that's your thing, you just may enjoy it.
(Edit: Looks like the game, predictably, had to go F2P to get any new players. Over 1.5 years later, and still a very small community game. Looks like the prediction was true.)
CONCLUSION, ~1.5 years after making the original post: TRASH DEV - TRASH GAME.
No backpack space
Everything runs away
Combat doesn't really work
No real goals or anything to stride towards
worst of all is that its a mmo, should be like wurm where you can have your own group of friends or yourself and theres a quest or something to do. Could see it going somewhere in the future if the right steps are made.
I am generally placid and easly amused but this game was annoying.
Everything I attacked ran away and regenerated its hp in seconds while mine regenerated a few hp per minute: annoying.
Every move I made started as one step forward then 1 step back from lag then run forward like nothing happened: annoying.
You are constantly short on backpack space for even the simplest of crafting tasks: annoying.
You buy the game then find an in game shop for real money: annoying.
This is early access game and yes, they need to improve.
But support is fast and they keep trying do better.
I really enjoy this game including process.
If you like "Heaven and Hearth" but feel it's too hardcore, then you'll love "Rogalia".
After playing about 1 hour, I am not expecting the game to be complicated and I thought of getting a refund. But after a few hours of research about the game, I gave this game another chance and well it's worth it. There's so much to do in this game. I am a farmer but I have yet enjoy the farming mechanic in the game since I'm busy with my studies. You will be excited to wait for your plants and crops as it takes a few days to grow. I am currently building my own house and it takes lots of patience as I need to cut down a lot of trees and replanting them requires quite some time.It's a great game that everyone should enjoy it!
First review I've done so be nice. I have 380+ hours on steam and prolly three times that just on the browser because the browser runs way smoother. Some nice things i have to say are - the game has a very good farming mechanics, thats about really. It was updated regulary, but those where mostly just new/reworked sprites.
Pros- Good farming mechanic
- ???
Cons- No population if on EU server
- Japan server has very low pop 30ish people maybe
- Dev spends more time deleting forum posts then anything else
- PvP non-existent
- Dev doesnt care about player feedback ex. when suggesting something he will refer to play or dont play policy
- Nothing to do after reaching max stats
- Updates consist mostly of newer sprite models
- Poor performance on steam client version
- Too much grinding for too little of an outcome
- Feed your character food simulator
- Unforgiving for new players
- too many more to list
Now I know its early access, but this game should not have a price tag on it, theres barely enough to keep you playing for even a free game. I suggest wait a few more years and maybe it gets better and maybe not.
As you can see, I have spent many hours playing this game. 799 to be exact with all my characters, at least that is what it says on the statistics in my game. It just shows how little Tatrix cares for the players who have been supporting the game on the EU server. He has basically abandoned it to work on the Japan server, but he will do the same with it after a few months. I think the main problem is that he does not have enough knowledge and/or experience to develop the game further to make it actually enjoyable instead of having us spend hours grinding, only to make money by opening a new server instead of expanding what he already started. Game came out in December, 2016 - 5 months ago and the EU server is pretty much toast. Only a few die hards still playing the game. I wish Steam would not support “wanna be” developers unless the game is free to play. What a huge disappointed and waste of time this game ended up being. It is so sad because it did have potential, but it is only as good as the developer makes it and if he is not invested in the players of his game, it will not get any better. He should have worked on the game instead of changing the graphics every few weeks to make it look like they were doing something! Beware everyone playing on the Japan Server!! It is only a matter of time.
This game is fun, it reminds me of games I used to play like UO, RPGWO, Runescape etc. The graphics and movement are a a but clunky but improvements are being made all the time. Crafting is in depth, but fun and achievable.
You claim some land, build, plant, mine, raise animals and expand, there is PVP and you can lose everything pretty easily especially in Mines, however I've managed to recover all my stuff every time i've died so far, with a little perseverance!
The one main thing to do when you start, is to ask on chat for help if you need it, there are some really helpful players who will get you started and help you find a good place to set up a claim.
When you set up your first claim, either ask on chat or have a good run around the map as there are quite a few abandoned claims that have useful items on them which helps out at the start.
Oh and run away from wolves/ anything with a red name, they will kill you until you can get some armor.
if you like runescape you'll like this game.. i only thing i don't like about it is you die alot in the first few mins then the rest of the time but once you get it its fun and friendly. i love this game!!! could use some improvement on building muti of things but i love that i can build my house the way i want kill what i want do anything i want i havent even done a quest yet and i'm hours into the game.
A lot of the bad reviews are people who didn't ask questions and give it enough of a chance. The hunger being slow is on purpose, it's not a level to 100 in a day kind of game. And there is enough to do as you get going. Gut corpses people leave laying around to make small sacs, then make some drying racks/tanning tubs. A well situated claim can fit dozens of these.
Movement can be a little awkward around the trees and boulders and such in the open world, but if you click rotate wasd in settings, and just walk around things it's not that bad. I'm rarely wandering around the overworld these days anyway.
As for what food to eat, there are posts on Reddit and such just ask in game for the link I don't have it immediately i'll probably update this if I remember with some links. There are stat calculators and a lot of the higher end food is really good stats and all of it is bought off the in game auction house. Players can hire new players to plow or do some odd jobs for early money. Once you find something that you're good at and like, you can make a lot of coin just killing monsters and selling food items. It's a beautiful game and I do love it.
There's a time where I would recommend this game. Now however, I don't.
The game feels like it lacks a direction, and the development can be pretty silly at times.
Maybe the game will be fully enjoyable when it's completed - if it ever does.
Advice: Don't invest in this game yet, because by the time you reach what I'd imagine most other players like myself consider the endpoint, you'll be hugely disappointed and feel like you wasted time.
Also I got permenantly banned from Rogalia discussions for offering to give away my items.
Here's a picture: http://imgur.com/a/TOBUr
Oh, and I got banned from the game too.
And I got banned from the Discord when simply asking why I was banned.
So immature.
EDIT2: You banned me for offering to give people my items, which funnily enough was posted after this review initially was.. No where does it say that's against the rules. Your reasoning is flawed on the basis you're the first person to ever ban me in 14+ years of gaming with no real justification for it other than you seem to have a personal problem with my review.
Can't take criticism I suppose? Welcome to being a developer you tool.
Fantastic sandbox MMORPG!
This is the first MMO I've played where a "joint" is a craftable item. You farm hemp, dry it into "weed", and then craft it with paper. It heals you and gives you the munchies (which is a good thing in the context of the game).
I'll admit though, I refunded the game after I bought it the first time and then decided to give it another go. It's a great game, very deep systems, but it is tough getting started. Here are a few very important starter tips:
-Don't mess with any dead bodies or graves at all. You'll become a criminal and then you can be killed by anyone. Almost everyone makes this mistake at first.
-You can go ahead and eat raw meat. It won't hurt you.
-Don't overeat or you'll walk really slow, and this makes new players think the game itself is really slow, when really it's just because they ate too much.
-to start out you can craft ropes out of grass and sell to the NPCs in town, as well as making "flower essence" for potions out of flowers at the herbology table in town, which you can also sell to the NPCs. It only takes an hour or two to save up enough money this way to buy a piece of land.
-when you drop several items on the ground in the same spot, it turns into "garbage". If you play in garbage you get "plague" and this drains your life and kills you. Don't play in garbage or litter. Just "destroy" items you don't want by right clicking and selecting "destroy."
I really gave this game an honest go - I wanted to like it. I enjoy games like this - where you craft and build your way up. However there's a few things that buyers need to beware of.
First, the graphics and gameplay is quite .. well ... look at the screenshots. But that's ok. The fences don't auto blend into each other its as though each tile is it's own entity. Again - this is fine. I found a horse which is rare I was told, and put it into a pen so no one would steal it. I logged off and came back on, and the horse was dead. Why? Because I didn't feed it apples. Nothing told me I needed to feed it apples. The pen was grass, and last I checked horses will eat grass and forage. They don't simply fall over dead.
But ok. So, I looked into the progression. To advance in the game, you eat foods which enable you to increase stats as you perform actions. However, you can only eat so often without overeating. When you die, you come back full. The mechanics are a bit weird, but I enjoy weird.
However, I had to draw the line when I got plague and died after waiting about an hour for my food to go down enough to eat something so I could raise my skills further. How did I get the plague you ask? By rinsing off dirt looking for worms. Yep. Dirt carries plague apparently which makes no sense at all - plague was transfered via ticks from rats and other hosts. Plague doesn't just spring up when you wash dirt. You need worms to fish.
After dying and having my hunger reset to full again, I realized that this game isn't just a grind, but it's engineered to slow your progress in any way it can, with rediculous mechanics that make no sense at all for a survival game.
Perhaps its because its in early access - but I cannot recommend this game to anyone and, if I could, I would get a refund.
I wasted my money and a ton of time on this game. I spent so much time making ropes so i could pay the rent on my claim and alot more on fences to defend my claim. Then after many hours I was able to make a couple of leather sacs so I could carry a few more things., it takes 8 slots just to collect the grass you need for one rope, One rope will get you 30 silver and rent is 8 gold for one week that is a lot of rope. Never had time to master combat. Then people who know how to play will make a new character and hunt down new players then proceed to berate you call you soft and a cry baby. I was teleported right in front of this guy and started to run away but he had magic and chased me half way across the map till he killed me.They do that to say they were only level 15 they are no better than you but they know what they are doing. you lose everything you were holding. now my character is buck naked and all that time wasted. I just cant justify spending all this time to recover and still no bette at combat. These are just a few things I wish I knew before I wasted my money and all that time on this game. They will berate you because they already have your money. I'm just mad at myself for paying for this and i'm never going to p[ay again. I wish I could give it to sombody.
Caution. If you aren't willing to spend hours establishing your base and slowly growing at the start to have a easier time. You won't like this game. This game isn't for people who wants to build a giant base in less than an hour. There is grind, not everything is perfect, but the developer is active and frequently responds to every forum post.
Game play is similar to that of Haven and Hearth, but claims are not "attackable" or raidable. Therefore it is your safe haven. PvP is open season as you go down the Z axis in the "caves" while you can still pvp on the surface, but with a reduction in damage. The "Tiered" world>cave1>cave2>etc system works well as the deeper you go into caves, the higher ther rewards with rare metals, however you can get pk'd more easily.
Crops, raising animals, will take days. Such as wheat is 36 hour rotation. It is a blessing and a curse, but that means you aren't stuck playing "crop simulator" nonstop if your farm grows in size. Community is generally friendly, however always suffers from several trolls.
Game is def still a early access game, however for a survival game in this kind of isometric genre type, it is fairly well developed. As of today, there is a large update coming soon that will update the graphics more, add more items, and polish more mechanics.
There is a fairly large Japanese population/fanbase to this game.
I decided to wait until I had over 100 hours of played time so that I could give an honest review.
First off I want to say I highly recommend this game. After 100 hours played, I am sure I will be putting many more. This game is very addicting!
This game is primarily an mmo, crafting, and survival game. In the beginning you will find yourself a spot in the world and stake your claim. This is your land to work, where you are safe from PvP. The idea is to level your skills to build new powerful items. The areas outside of claims and the city are PvP free for alls.
The crafting system is very rewarding, allowing you to craft a large range of items from wooden swords to energy guns to castle walls and much more. There is no skill that is useless to level.
The community is very friendly. If you have questions, there is almost always someone willing to help you out.
The developer is constantly working on the game and releasing updates.
The game is considered to be 21+ which allows for some very funny moments.
As of 12/23/16, the game is in it's beginning stages of progression. If you start now, most of the first pick names are available, and the players aren't very far ahead of you. Players are currently avoiding most PvP in favor of working together to get ahead.
The item descriptions are hilarious.
The game is still in beta and has its bugs. None of them are game breaking though.
The game is so addicting it can eat up all of your time! Maybe this isn't a con.
Some of the basics aren't intuitive and may require you to ask for help in one of the public chat channels. The community is very helpful though
The wiki is primarily in Russian at the moment. Google translate does a good job, but there are still some issues with the translation.
Some of the item descriptions aren't very descriptive and require you to actually make the item to figure out what it does.
The game is still very new and has a small community. With the dedication of the Dev along with the great premise for the game, I am sure this will soon change.
I have been working on every aspect of the game in my time played and I am thoroughly happy with all of it. There are a few bugs here and there, but nothing more than a slight inconvenience. The Dev is often logged in and actively talking to chat, and is immensely helpful when it comes to technical questions. I don't want to give the wrong idea, but this game is like a combination of runescape for the graphics style, skills, and PvP, and Terraria or Minecraft for the survival aspect along with focus on building up your home base.
This game is a solid 8/10 in my book. It is doing everything right. As a long time MMO player, I have been unable to get into any MMO for the last few years, and this is the first one to really appeal to me in a long time. Plus the game is pretty cheap, with no monthly fees.
Lots of crafting, usage based skill progression, claim a plot of land, build everything from the ground up. Has a UO type of feel to it so far, with some fun, humorous additions, such as crafting cigs, joints, overeating till ya have to use the toilet or puke, has a hooker in the inn.
Helpful community that is willing to answer questions. Responsive developers.
One core aspect of this game is your plot of land. You can claim one anywhere on the map and expand its size. There is rent based upon the size of your plot. Fail to pay rent and your claim is in danger. You can plant seeds, harvest crops, build a house, craft forges and other tools, make chicken pens, raise cows. Your claim is a refuge where you cannot be pked. You can surround it with fences to keep other players out of it if you wish.
The crafting system is hardcore. For example, if you want to craft a shield for combat, you must gqther materials to craft a knife, then create an axe, chop down a tree, chop the tree into a log, craft a saw, use the saw to turn the log into boards, use the knife to harvest raw hide, craft a dryer rack to dry the rawhide, craft a tanning tub and tan the hides, then buy or craft nails, then combine them all. That is if you have the required skill level.
There are many different recipes under the categories of Carpentry, Metalworking, Leatherworking, Stoneworking, Mining, Lumberjacking, Pottery, Tailoring, Mechanics, Alchemy, Survival, Farming, Fishing, Herbalism, Cooking and Leadership.
There is so much to already do in this Early Access game, it really is a sandbox. Want to Pk, or get strong and fight the Pks (so far there hasn't been much Pk action - I've yet to be attacked.), want to have a farm, or craft goods for the auction, have a player vendor on your land, you can.
As for the dungeon type of experience, there do not seem to be dungeons out of the box. Instead players with mining can create a mine entrance and explore the underworld where tougher mobs spawn and rarer ores and gems can be harvested. These can go down multiple levels.
There is a lot here for the cheap price. As a sandbox however, you must bring your own fun and define your own experience - which is how I like it.
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | TatriX |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 01.02.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 63% положительных (98) |