Path of Exile

Path of Exile

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Разработчик: Grinding Gear Games

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Вы - изгнанник, который пытается выжить в мрачном мире Рэкласта. Сражаясь за свою жизнь, вы накопите силу, которая поможет вам отомстить тем, кто обрёк вас на эту участь. Path of Exile создана игроками для игроков. Это онлайн Action RPG в тёмном фэнтэзийном мире. Игра, предлагающая жестокие бои, могущественные предметы и глубокую настройку персонажа, полностью бесплатна и не имеет Pay-to-Win элементов.

Основные особенности

  • Свобода. Мощь. Возмездие.
    Path of Exile - это онлайн Action RPG, построенная вокруг живой онлайн экономики и глубокой настройки персонажа.

    Действие Path of Exile происходит в тёмном фэнтэзийном мире Рэкласта. Испещрённое шрамами загадочных катастроф прошлого и населённое кошмарными созданиями, само окружение бросает вызов изгнанникам, осмелившимся ступить в его пределы. Вы можете играть Дуэлянтом, Ведьмой, Охотницей, Жрецом, Дикарём, Бандитом или Дворянкой. Пройдите путь от проклятых берегов до столичного города Ориата, исследуйте Рэкласт и раскройте древние тайны, дожидающиеся вас.

  • Неограниченное развитие персонажа
    Создавайте и настраивайте сотни связок из камней умений, которые можно выменивать у других игроков, и огромного древа пассивных навыков. Совмещайте камни умений, поддержки и активаторы, чтобы создать уникальную комбинацию для нападения, защиты и уничтожения.

    Все классы персонажей в Path of Exile делят между собой единое обширное древо пассивных умений. Стартовав в одной из семи точек, продиктованных выбранным классом, игроки могут сосредоточиться на основных специализациях своего класса или начать путешествие по древу, чтобы собрать комплексные сочетания умений из различных дисциплин. По древу разбросаны Ключевые умения, умения Мастерства и гнёзда для самоцветов, которые кардинально меняют стиль игры персонажем.

  • Вооружён и смертоносен
    Path of Exile целиком и полностью построена вокруг предметов. Целебные флаконы у нас всегда висят на поясе и имеют модификаторы. Финальные области нашей игры можно найти в виде карт - предметов, сложность которых можно изменять по своему желанию для получения более ценных наград. Мы даже отказались от золота в качестве валюты и построили игровую экономику вокруг сфер, способных случайным образом менять свойства других предметов. Мы тщательно продумали нашу систему предметов для тех, кто не понаслышке знаком с лучшими Action RPG.

  • Исследуйте Атлас миров
    Атлас миров - это набор из более чем ста высокоуровневых карт, которые по-настоящему испытают вас на прочность. Изучая Атлас, вы постепенно раскроете его тёмные секреты и столкнётесь лицом к лицу с самыми опасными боссами, каких только видел Рэкласт.

    В лучших традициях Path of Exile, Атлас миров имеет собственное древо пассивных умений. Зарабатывайте очки, завершая карты в Атласе, и создайте ваш личный уникальный игровой опыт на позднем этапе игры.

  • Смертельные задания
    В странствиях по Рэкласту вы встретите других изгнанников, которым требуется ваша помощь. Ловите диких зверей для Эйнара, спускайтесь в глубины Азуритовой шахты с Нико, изучайте секреты Храма Ацоатль вместе с Альвой или расследуйте загадочный Бессмертный Синдикат с Джун. После получения эти задания можно выполнять на поздней стадии игры в любой момент. Этот опциональный контент Path of Exile вознаградит вас ценной валютой, мощными предметами, которые можно передать другим игрокам, и новыми способами ремесла.

  • Создайте своё убежище
    ​Исходив Акты и Атлас миров вдоль и поперёк, вы обнаружите тайные места, кишащие опасными монстрами. Победите их, заберите убежище себе и создайте собственное поселение, обустроенное по вашему вкусу. Используйте спокойную обстановку убежища для торговли с другими изгнанниками, ремесленных дел, или расширьтесь и превратите убежище в парадный зал гильдии, обставленный сотнями декораций.

  • Будьте беспощадны
    Опциональный Беспощадный режим предлагает более сложный способ игры в Path of Exile. В этом режиме игроков ждёт чрезвычайный дефицит предметов, ограниченное ремесло и множество других изменений, как, например, получение камней поддержки только случайным выпадением. Беспощадный режим – это режим о трудностях, напряжении и предвкушении. Его сложность очень высока, но преодоление этой сложности приносит огромное удовлетворение. В мире, где ваши предметы сильно уступают среднестатистическим, каждый выпавший предмет потенциально может оказаться той ступенькой, которая позволит вам подняться выше.

  • Честный магазин без Pay-To-Win.
    Мы считаем, что платежи не должны давать игрового преимущества. Все микротранзакции в Path of Exile исключительно косметические и не влияют на игровой процесс.

Поддерживаемые языки: english, portuguese - brazil, russian, thai, french, german, spanish - spain, japanese, korean

Системные требования


  • ОС: Windows 10
  • Процессор: x86-совместимый 4-х ядерный 2,6 ГГц
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 650 Ti или ATI Radeon™ HD 7850
  • DirectX: версии 11
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 40 GB
  • ОС: Windows 10
  • Процессор: x64-совместимый 4-х ядерный 3,2 ГГц
  • Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1050 Ti или ATI Radeon™ RX560
  • DirectX: версии 11
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 40 GB
  • Дополнительно: рекомендуется использовать твердотельный накопитель


  • ОС: macOS 10.13
  • Процессор: 4-х ядерный Intel Core i7 2,6 ГГц
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Radeon Pro 450
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 40 GB
  • ОС: macOS 10.15
  • Процессор: 2.6GHz hex-core Intel Core i7
  • Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Radeon Pro 555X
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 40 GB
  • Дополнительно: рекомендуется использовать твердотельный накопитель

Отзывы пользователей

Рекомендую 28.02.2017 21:50
2 1

This game rocks. I think I will keep playing it if they upgrade it like they do.

+No P2W aspect.
+Good graphics.
+Good story
+Infinite build posibilities
+No boobies. no sexuality. (Except Atziri... She got 4 of them!)
+Nice voice acting.
+Always fresh.
+You won't get bored.
+Steam Client Allows you to buy MTX with your Steam Cash

-You actually don't need to pay anything. But "Trade Chat" is trash. So you'll eventually buy a "Premium Stash Tab" if you want to trade stuff.
-You can't play Hardcore mode without a good PC(imo).
-You can't party up without a good pc because of lags. (Even with a good pc you can't still party up...)
-Steam Client's download time is horrific.

Play it. You won't regret it.

Время в игре: 31873 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 26.02.2017 14:35
2 0

CEO/Lead developer missed colleague's wedding and stayed in office til midnight to keep servers up for a random community event, and hang out with streamers because event got popular.

10/10 would spend another 600$ on free to play game.
EA can eat a bag of dicks, this is how you lead a company!

Время в игре: 41329 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 23.02.2017 06:20
2 0

I don't have a lot of Hours on this, as I just started playing it through steam. I have been playing Path of Exile since June of 2012 and have thousands of hours on it.

It is among the most amazingly awesome games I have ever played. Coming from Diablo 2: LoD, and the various mods (Valhalla, Eastern Sun, Median, etc) this game is perfect for me.

* I will start here, with the things that I enjoy about it.

1. Diversity among builds. Want to shoot a thousand exploding arrows per second (Quill Rain + Chain/Greater Multiple Projectiles/Exploding Arrow/Fire Penetration)? Want to blast rays of fire that launch exploding balls of magma (Scorching Ray/Cast While Channeling/ Fire Penetration/ Multiple Projectiles/Magma Orb)? Want to call forth the fury of the heavens with a mighty scepter, smashing your foes into submission (Mjolnir+ Lightning Strike/Arc/StormCall/Spark/Multistrike)? The sheer amount of ways you can go about destroying mobs is limited only to your imagination.

2. Story is great, very interestnig, and keeps you entertaining while playing through the game. Unlike other ARPGS of similar play style, Path of Exile is able to effectively deliver a quality story along with the extremely well done gameplay.

3. Scenery is dark and grim, gloomy, morbid, and full of gore. From corpse ridden beaches, ancient temples filled with undead and skeletons, destitute crumbling cities, palace cellars flooded with blood - ridden with heaps of corpses and twisted miscreations, echocing crystal caverns of golems and mutated freaks. The variety in enemies and terrain is very broad.

4. Item creation, map alteration and creation, uber dungeons. There is plenty of challenge to be had in this game, thus keeping you striving to achieve ever greater power and push yourself ot the absolute limits of your capabilities.

5. Infinite replayablity. I have made probably 50+ characters so far, and each one gets progressively more powerful as I understand more about the game, the mechanics, and how to build them effectively.

6. Temp Leagues + Ladder. Nuff said.

7. Constant expansion and content updates. The game is constantly being updated, minor balance tweaks, additional items, skills, monsters, maps, etc. It's amazing.

8. Grinding Gear Games are among the most amazing gaming company. Really really good people and they constantly interact and have dialogue with the playerbase. "How do you guys feel about X? Does Y feel right to you? If you could change X, what would you do and why?" etc.

I could go on for another thousand lines but I feel as though I got the point across. The game is amazingly fun and addicting.

Now, for the things that, I don't necessarily "dislike" - but things that I feel may dissuade other people from playing the game.

1. Learning Curve is incredibly steep. Your first 3-5 characters will be absolute trash. You need to do a bit of research on what to do and how to build effectively, otherwise you're probably going to get wrecked hard once you get to a4 merciless. Here is a beginners guide -

2. Repetition of acts, 3 difficulties (however, this will be gone come July - TEN ACTS ONE PLAYTHROUGH HYPE!) Going from Normal, to Cruel, and then to Merciless can really put people off. Myself, I'm used to it and have done it since d2 so it's just a normal thing for the arpg genre. GGG are going to change that though.

3. Item crafting is extremely expensive. Like, unfathomably expensive. I have never crafted an item before other than throwing an alch and a couple chaos into a rare item.

4. Currency is nightmarishly rare. I've found maybe 4 exalted orbs in my entire time playing this game. Two of them were just within the last week as well. I have only ever owned two 6-link items. Wings of Entropy, and some random rare 2h sword that is garbage.

5. is the only real way to trade. $Chat is a scam 100% of the time. Once they implement a real trading system other than posting shops online and checking the forums every 3 minutes, or browsing for an hour at a time trying to find an item to fill a hole in your build this game will be just shy of perfection.

Those are really the only negative things I can think of that might dissuade a player from sticking around... the game is magnificent.

I highly, highly suggest you play.

[h1]Overall Rating[h1]
10/10 - one of my favorite games of all time.

Время в игре: 1682 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 21.02.2017 18:59
159 7

PoE patch 3.0 gets 6 new acts for free, Diablo3 patch 2.5 gets more "Class balance meta changes".

Wake up people! This is a good game and it's free.
This is free content for the lovers of true ARPG games.
Probably the only free game where the microtransactions are purely for vanity items.

Try it and support it if you will enjoy it.

P.S. Don't get scared by the skill tree. Can be overwhelming but it makes sense!

Время в игре: 4101 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 20.02.2017 05:14
15 0

Hands down the best modern dungeon crawler with multiplayer ever made.

And the best part is? You don't even need to spend a dollar to thoroughly enjoy it. It also runs anything variably better than a Raspberry Pi.

It's not pay to win, and it doesn't require you grind for 14 hours a day or keep playing regularly to keep/upgrade your stuff.

I honestly have no idea how PoE can be this much of an amazing game with an amazing developer and an amazing community and not crumble to ashes or burn out like so many games before it.

It's truly astounding.

Время в игре: 2108 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 20.02.2017 04:22
63 1

~ Free To Play
~ Good Storyline
~ Game Runs Well With Minimal Specs
~ Good Sized Player Base
~ Fast Servers
~ Nice Graphics
Overall,this Game is a lot of fun and is a great Diablo 3 alternative.I give a lot of credit to the Developer for this Game,considering how great it is and it's free to play.There are Microtransactions in the Game,but you can still have an enjoyable experience without using them.

Время в игре: 2145 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 19.02.2017 20:22
2 0

It is rare to find a free to play game of anywhere near this scale where the pay-to-win factor is so committedly avoided. Having said that, some of the skins and cosmetics are absolutely worth having and the POE community are really responsive and supportive of new players too. Grinding Gear have remained true to their word over a long period of time to ensure wide access and a massive playing base. The skill tree and slot system for weapon improvement has been extraordinarily well-thought out.

The ability for players to change direction of character development is really quite unparalleled and I can not recommend this game highly enough for balance, replayability and sheer addictive enjoyment. Having completed the game as a nimble (you gotta know how to dodge as some of those bosses hit HARD) dps-focused hunter, I am going back to the beach with magic in my veins for a different challenge. This is a great game..

Время в игре: 21535 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 19.02.2017 00:49
32 3

This is a great game. Try it out, its free anyway.


Path of Exile is a ftp-Action_RPG game, released 2013 and being under continued development since then, having had multiple free expansions, leagues and content updates. It can be played solo or in a party with up to 5 other people on either soft- or hardcore.

-Free to Play, only cosmetical purchases
-dark & gritty style fitting the story and lore
-insanely deep and varied skill system
-smooth leveling experience
-expansive and challenging endgame
-interesting and unique currency and crafting system
-free trading economy
-seasonal leagues with their own twists and challenges to keep the game fresh
-regular free content patches
-big and friendly community
-around 5h of soundtrack
-nice looking cosmetical microtransactions

-this will eat your time
-start of play can be unimpressive
-since this is a always online game, connection issues can be a problem
-daunting skill tree
-through the leveling process you have to play the same story 3 times in increasing difficulty (changed in the future*)

*as of now, the new expansion "Fall of Oriath" has been announced for mid 2017, adding 6 new acts to the 4 existing ones, therefore eliminating the need to replay the story 3 times. (i have a boner)

For anyone interested in the action-rpg genre and disappointed by Diablo 3, look no further than this ftp-gem called Path of Exile. Challenging, rewarding and smooth to play, this appeals to everyone: the casual softcore to the min-maxing hardcore player. There is little as rewarding as building up your own character, theorycrafting, gearing, fighting, struggling and finally concquering everything the game has to offer. And then doing another one, thats complety different. And another one.
For someone new to the action-rpg genre, don't get scared by the seemingly endless possibilites and mechanics the game offers you, punch through the somewhat tedious first 2-3 hours of the game and enter the realm of the game that will suck you in and never let you out again.


Время в игре: 59547 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 16.02.2017 21:17
2 0

So you think this game is all about killing and looting just like any other ARPG. Well, yeah, there is tremendous amount of looting and killing in PoE, but really, really this game is about creating builds and see how it works.

You have to devour and digest enormous meta to fully enjoy this, and learning it is a part of the fun.

Huge passive tree, lots of active skills (gems), different ways of attack and defend, buffs and debuffs, type of weapons and magic, six classes each with 3 sub top classes and one class which is mix of all of them, and links and synergies between all this stuff. It all leads to literally endless variations how you can build your character and play it.

Oh, and this game is totally free. No content is hidden behind the paywall, you just pay for cosmetics and extra stash space which you need only if you love to collect all kind ot trash you'll never need.

So it's easy 10/10 for me, now I have to create another new character with this build idea I've just got.

Время в игре: 9381 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 11.02.2017 17:55
36 1

Great end game with challenging bosses providing satisfying season goals;

Vivid economy based on crafting currency;

Immense build variety;

Dark and desolate theme with amazing art;

Helpful, passionate and well humored community of players;

Developers pumping content like crazy;

Through constant consistent updates this game has definitely become a keeper.

Время в игре: 29205 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 11.02.2017 04:21
86 4

Path of Exile is an online Action RPG set in the dark fantasy world of Wraeclast. It is designed around a strong online item economy, deep character customisation, competitive PvP and ladder races. The game is completely free and will never be "pay to win". This is the best Free to Play game on Steam!

+Game Features+

-Completely free to download and play
-A persistent online world capable of supporting hundreds of thousands of players
-A dark and gritty game world rendered from a fixed 3D perspective
-Battle dozens of foes across a variety of unique areas
-Randomly generated levels and items for extreme replayability
-Online ranking and ladders for every game mode
-Visceral combat with dozens of combinable skills
-Battle in PVP tournaments for worldwide recognition

Время в игре: 153697 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 07.02.2017 14:02
109 3

all you wanted from d3 and so much more.
-incredible amount of content
-awesome crafting and trading
-huge learning curve
absolute recommend

Время в игре: 24446 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 07.02.2017 09:43
17 0

Random Lazy Review (SP):

This game may be inspired heavily by diablo 2 but presented a pinnacle of greatness out of itself.

+ One handed easy to play isometric hack and slash worldwide standard.
+ Main storyline, missions are decent enough.
+ Every single game mechanic is perfected to the extremes.
+ Huge skill tree, interesting gem properties resulting in brilliant active skills.
+ Artistic/Graphical side and variety of characters, enemies, landscapes etc. are a sight for sore eyes

Some of minor issues "for me" which has no effect on the value fo the game:
- Where is the pause button? Respawning of monsters in a particular map whenever you are disconnected or hit esc to get a coffee. You have to go through everytime.
- Too much unecessary loot (little bugs droping heavy armours!).
- Countless of weapons which make no sense. (a common problem with diablo genre)

Bottomline : Evil Blizzard's worst nightmare.

Recommend : Play it now.

Время в игре: 567 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 05.02.2017 09:15
55 1

I was skeptical at first, since I'm not a huge fan of dungeon crawlers. Fell in love with the depth of this game though, and 45 hours in I've gotten three of my friends addicted to it as well. Awesome game, and even better it's free.

Время в игре: 4410 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 03.02.2017 11:50
39 9

Very good game. Its free to play so how cann you go wrong. Can get somewhat repetitive working your way through the acts multiple times.

SMALL TIP FOR NEW PLAYERS: Pay attention to your skill tree. This is very important. If your skill tree is not optimized properly towards what types of spells and attacks you plan on doing then you will not be able to defeat the higher tier enemys and end up grinding HARD. Look up some good Path of Exile builds online or on youtube and follow those.

You will not just have one character. And you will not play through the game just once. Everytime becomes more of a challenge to better your character.

10/10 would wash up on a beach again.

Время в игре: 6764 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 03.02.2017 02:23
1 0

if you love game's like diablo/torchlight etc etc then look no further
because this is pretty much the best you can get

Время в игре: 97417 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 02.02.2017 17:10
17 3

the best diablo2-clone on the market....well, actually it's free. A true f2p.
A great game for who likes grinding gear games, same name of the sh who created it.
A tough, time-consuming, not-QoL arpg.
Not a game I love, but quality in it can't be denied. 8/10

Время в игре: 9270 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 31.01.2017 21:02
1 0

It has been done. A better game than Diablo 2 has been created. I'm not going to argue with you about it. I was 13 when Diablo 2 came out, and I spent some of the best years of my life on that game. It invoked me with a sense of nostalgia that will, frankly, never fucking leave me.

The official Diablo 3 - You are looking at it. When I first played this game, I said to myself "This game is so similar to D2 that the devs are going to get sued!"

Jokes on me. This gave has (approximately) 25x (yes, 25x) as much content as D2. The crafting system puts every other game's system to shame.

Whatever. Take an oldschool D2 player's advice and DL the freaking game. It's free to play, pay to stash, but you start with plenty of stash tabs. Trust me brother, they get you *good and hooked* before you even think about spending a penny.

Время в игре: 27373 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.01.2017 00:04
2 0

Solid ARPG with a neat skill gimmick.
Unfortunately, the lack of any kind of overall story (at least from what Ive gone through) leaves it a big drab for me.

Still reccomend for the fun factor.

Время в игре: 563 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 26.01.2017 01:52
3 0

i love the game but i need a better computer to run most of the game and most of my bilds it does suck only haveing 384 mb of graphics i need to get a new compter otherwise its a good game and yes ive been playing this game at 1-15 fps some times crashing or the game freezes up and becomes unplayable keep up the work ggg keep doing what is necessary to improve the game experience

Время в игре: 43606 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.01.2017 12:10
11 0


best diablo/hellgate mix that i have ever found! skilling is funny, you can almost do everything you want and even as free player you can reach good power level but well optic effects cost as usual. even high powered you will look like all the rest. everything special you got to buy with real money. but isnt that always the case?


the quests become boring very fast, if you finished the first act you will fly over the others faster and faster until you encounter the point where you could NEED some other player to go with you. well...if nobody of your real life friends play this game you can forget it. in the community you wont find SOCIAL or FRIENDLY people. only egoistic and rude ones.

its fun to play it solo just need twenty hours more patience ;)

give it a try and find out by yourself.

Время в игре: 2037 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.01.2017 18:39
1 0

I was a big Diablo 3 fan. Years ago I tried this game in beta and brushed it off after 20 minutes to play more Diablo. In those years I've seen that POE has had countless updates and content. It's really came into its own. I was tired of Diablo 3, and the developers decisions with it. I tried this game again and was amazed at how far its come, and how much it does right compared to Diablo 3.

This game has incredible depth and unique varied RPG systems that makes leveling up really fun. You have the skill tree (similar to FFX) as you level. You also have skill gems and gem slots that allow you to add, remove, and mod skills with other skills. Its a very fun system. You can also level up those skills too.

The gameplay is addicting and fun. Party up or solo its a great experience. Skills are unique and fun to use and mod, and the addition of 5 potion slots makes it even more vaied.

The developers really know ARPG's. They listen to the community and make smart decisions with balance, gameplay, and how items/currency work. They give you plenty of freedom with items that can customize your gear so you have lots of room to make something you want work. Best ARPG I've ever played!

Время в игре: 689 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик Grinding Gear Games
Платформы Windows, Mac
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 07.03.2025
Metacritic 86
Отзывы пользователей 92% положительных (548)

Отзывы пользователей

503 положительных и 45 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 02.03.2025 11:35


Action RPG Indie Adventure Massively Multiplayer Free to Play


Single-player Multi-player MMO PvP Online PvP Co-op Online Co-op Steam Achievements Full controller support Steam Trading Cards In-App Purchases Remote Play on Tablet