Разработчик: Unknown Worlds Entertainment

Natural Selection 2 сталкивает чужих против людей в футуристической борьбе за выживание. Возьмите разрушительное оружие, будучи космодесантником, или станьте ксеноморфом, смертельно опасной формой жизни расы Kharaa. В то время, пока обе команды сражаются между собой с видом от первого лица, два командира смотрят на поле боя сверху вниз, как в стратегии реального времени. Эти командиры могут отдавать приказы, устанавливать строения, собирать ресурсы, исследовать технологии и используют особые способности, которые помогают своим командам победить врага.

Стратегия встречается с шутером
Natural Selection 2 это шутер от первого лица и стратегия в реальном времени объединённые в одну игру. У каждой команды, у людей и у чужих, есть командир. Командир смотрит вниз на поле боя, отдаёт приказы, устанавливает строения, собирает ресурсы, исследует технологии и используют особые способности.

Примеры: Командир людей может телепортировать аптечки и патроны пехотинцам, устанавливать турели для защиты своих позиций. Командир чужих может вырастить новый Хайв, распространяющий заражение и откладывающий яйца, из которых появляются чужие.

Две уникальные расы
Играя за чужих, игроки могут мутировать в одну из пяти жизненных форм: Быстрый и грозный Скалк может бегать по стенам и наносящий огромный ущерб своими челюстями. Лерк, юнит поддержки, летает и распространяет газ. Горг лечит другие жизненные форм и строит туннели и другие тактические структуры. Фэйд появляется и исчезает перед пехотинцами, используя телепортацию и наносит урон своими конечностями-косами. И, наконец, гигантский Онос, настолько массивный и тяжелый, что даже целый отряды пехотинцев не сможет поднять его.

У пехотинцев есть автоматы, дробовики, гранатометы, пистолеты и другие виды оружия. Кластерные гранаты могут очистить вентиляционные шахты от подлых Скалков, огнеметы хорошо сжигают чужеродные структуры и заражение, а способности командира, такие как нано-щит и катализаторы, увеличивают боевую эффективности пехоты.
Пехотинцы могут атаковать противника не только пешим ходом, они могут сесть в неповоротливые Экзоскелеты, с миниганами или с электромагнитными пушками. А могут одеть реактивные ранцы и быстро напасть на Хайв чужих.

Долгосрочное развитие
Natural Selection 2 получает постоянные обновления. В этом году (2019) компания разработчик Unknown Worlds продолжает разрабатывать новые фитчи, контент и улучшения.

Инструменты модификации игры
Natural Selection 2 имеет все инструменты, использованные при создании игры. Весь игровой код является открытым. Это значит, что вы можете создавать и играть в не ограниченное число модификаций. Публикуйтесь, делитесь кодом и качайте модификации со Steam Workshop. Модификации автоматически скачиваются, если вы присоединяетесь к серверу с модами.

Цифровое Deluxe издание
Цифровое Deluxe издание включает в себя:
- Официальный саундтрек - один час племенной, индустриальной музыки созданной Дэвидом Джоном и Саймоном Чилински
- Цифровой артбук - более 40 страниц иллюстраций окружающей обстановки, существ, оружия и многого другого от Кори Страйдера
- Эксклюзивные обои для рабочего стола и аватарки - уникальные зарисовки вселенной NS2 от художника Rantology
- Эксклюзивная модель пехотинца в игре - новая модель пехотинца с прибором ночного видения и с дополнительной бронёй
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, spanish - spain, polish, russian, finnish, romanian, swedish, czech
Системные требования
- Поддерживаемые ОС: 64-разрядные версии Windows Vista
- Процессор: Core 2 Duo E6700 с тактовой частотой 2,66 ГГц
- Оперативная память: 3 ГБ
- Видеокарта: с 1 ГБ видеопамяти, поддерживающая DirectX 9, ATI X800, NVidia 8600 или лучше
- DirectX®: 9.0
- Жесткий диск: 12 ГБ свободного места
- Другие требования: широкополосное подключение к Интернету
- Поддерживаемые ОС: 64-разрядные версии Windows 7 и 8 и 10
- Процессор: Core 2 Quad Q6600 с тактовой частотой 2,4 ГГц
- Оперативная память: 4 ГБ
- Видеокарта: с 1.5-2 ГБ видеопамяти, поддерживающая DirectX 9, AMD 5770, NVidia GTX 450 или лучше
- DirectX®: 9.0
- Жесткий диск: 12 ГБ свободного места
- Другие требования: широкополосное подключение к Интернету
Отзывы пользователей
Couldn’t play this game for shit. Just spectated instead. Watching the chaos, humans and aliens tearing into each other, was way more fun than actually dealing with any of that shit in game.
Then one game, the human team captain loses it on me. Apparently becoming a spectator takes up a player slot. His team was struggling, and me just sitting there enjoying myself was too much for him. Guy has a mental breakdown in chat and doesn't even build or order anything for his team anymore.
I stayed. The match was great.
There is still a small community going. Would be nice to bring back more people.
This game definitely has great potential and actually still is different from most games.
Think it flew under the radar for most people.
At time of review has about 200 players active but this game is great. Its an asymmetric team game. Has an aliens vs colonial marines theme with great art style. Has a great community playing from across the globe.
I love the fact that one member of each team is a commander who has to manage their team like they were units in an Real Time Strategy game: giving orders, activating unique team based commander abilities and providing intel to their team.
Although a daunting task I too once took up the mantle of playing as commander and found that a portion of the player base (most veterans) were very kind and encouraging towards a newer player like me. They provided tips and gave helpful instructions. I would however insist that if you can to get a microphone if you plan to 'com' since communication to you team is key.
Finally if you plan to buy this game bring a friend, we always need new players.
Make this free to play!!!! Miss this
from my experience the aliens are so easy to kill that they don't get to upgrade so it is giant mech suits and machine guns vs small fox sized aliens who the best form they can afford is a bird that can easily be shot down
Dogshit :(
Make it f2p please?
Amazing Indie game!
Very dynamic RTS
I love this game. When all the indie games were coming out in the mid 2010's this game was an absolute gem and certainly has the capability of coming back. Its cheaper than its ever been and as long as we mute and ignore the toxic tryhards (but for sure listen to advice this game be hard), we can keep this game going forever.
I will stand by playing this game throughout my life. Not always, but a couple binge weeks a year for sure. <3
cuz yes
Great game
Bought it for the cool dragon looking alien. Let down.
I lurk
this game sucks.
even on casual community servers.
its either always full or always empty, and all of the players just use vote kick the second they don't get what they want.
Even though the game is old, one of the best team vs team games I've played. There's nothing quite like it in the wild among new games. Not a single one required so much team coordination to actually pull the victory and it's very punishing if either your commander fails to provide support and guidance or the regular players fail to defend/attack a crucial objectives. Both sides (Marines and Kharaa) are extremely different in gameplay and can satisfy almost any player in what different roles can offer (especially on the alien side, as there you can literally play as either: ambusher, support, tank, assassin or just not care and go straight into enemies' face with a good ol' skulk considering the speed they can go at). Would love to see a continuation but most likely it will not happen.
Nothing else like it
very cool game, lots of fun.
Amazing game. Its a shame not too many people play it anymore
the game is incredibly fun from both an rts and an fps perspective but the community can be some of the most polarizing people. In servers that say noobs welcome, noobs really aren't welcome especially if you com. There's a large learning curve and if you want to play key role like a commander you need a mic and know build orders, map layouts, everything. I'd recommend it if you like fps/rts with thick skin to handle at times unfair criticism.
Fun command & fight RTS game.
Not sure how it's doing in 2024 in terms of its community - but in its peak, and just in terms of gameplay, it was incredibly worth playing back when I played it more. There is much potential with the commanders, if they know their individual team members and how they play.
Brought it to play with friends, they didn't want to play. played 2 hours, left it in my back log. Seems the community is dead now.
There is no sound and no way to fix it. Even after hours trying to find the fix on google. So damn dissapointed :/
Please add sex with Big Tiddy Goth Chicks
Picked this game up for 2 bucks and was very excited, but there's no player base anymore. Can't say it's anyone's fault, this game is 12 years old, just needed to say something so people know there's no players.
I went berserk and killed everything that moved as an onos
NS2 players love this game more than the developers
The game is pretty fun, but it quickly loses its appeal. It seems to have a much smaller player base now, and many of the remaining players are extremely skilled. Even a little mistake can make you die. That would be fine if players focused on playing the game instead of blaming each other for losing. In almost every game I've played, someone complains about how incompetent the commander is or accuses others of wasting money.
I’m obviously a newbie compared to these players with thousands of hours, but it's frustrating to listen to grown adults constantly rant about a video game. They might be right, but the way they express it feels toxic.
If you're looking for an FPS strategy game to invest time in, then this game is great. Otherwise, save your money the game already has a very small player base, and only a few servers ever fill up.
underrated game
This game makes my nipple tipples dry.
6666666666666666666666666666 yes
Commander plays RTS, infantry plays shooter
Small online, many nerds
Very long and difficult achievements
4/10 not a bad game, but not for me
This game is a sad lost gem, avoiding by many because it's old or hard to learn. I had amazing 60-70 minutes matches on this game and even had some decent shit talking moments where it's actually allowed in this game. It's just a damn shame not many people play it.
I really love the concept of this game.
It's a pity nowadays there is nothing simillar.
So sad that the servers are dead, really enjoyable asymmetric FPS
Like this game but few things you need to prepare yourself for:
- Toxic players in a small community
- Too many talking in team chat
- Getting yelled at for being a noob and doesn’t know what to do
- Good game
PS: don’t jump into the commander chair if you are a noob, the tutorial doesn’t really teach you anything, it was made back in the day when the mechanic are different, specially for the aliens.
seems like a nice game but its hard to get into
there are currently 2 community servers that have players and both are constantly full i'd give it some more time but i didnt want to lose the refund option and the tutorials took me 1.5 hours
make natural selection 3 and my life is yours
The game itself is great.
The Community however? I've never seen a worst cesspit of try hard arrogant group of people since League of Legends AND THAT'S SAYING SOMETHING!!
No matter what server you attempt to join, whether its a official server, community or even servers labelled "NOOB PARADISE" (Yes referring to one toxic server in particular.) you are constantly harassed over voice-chat no matter what your role is, Commander or Grunt. Nothing you do is ever right or enough and you're never given a chance to learn from experience, everyone is toxic and it seriously degrades my mental health playing this game just like LOL.
Which is a shame because this game is holy unique and its continued community is a example of what kind of gem this game is. However the community it has fostered whether intentionally or not makes this game virtually unplayable and I genuinely recommend anyone who isn't accustomed to COD trash talking lobbies to avoid this game like the plague because you will not find a worst group of people.
Amazing game, at the cost of being super dead.
mabye one day UW will drop NS3...
Make a third one following the same formula as this one and polish it where it needs polishing.
One of my all time favorite games that is still a ton of fun despite the dwindling and sometimes a bit elitistic playerbase.
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Unknown Worlds Entertainment |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 80 |
Отзывы пользователей | 85% положительных (5307) |