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Испытайте отвагу, что делает героев легендами
"Брайан Салливан (один из создателей Age of Empires) и сценарист «Отважного сердца» Рэндалл Уоллес разработали невероятную инновационную action RPG, действие которой происходит в Древней Греции, Древнем Египте и на Древнем Востоке.Титаны вырвались из своей вековечной тюрьмы и сеют хаос по всей земле. Миру нужен герой, способный переломить ход эпического противостояния, в котором решается судьба и людей, и богов.
В рамках грандиозного столкновения сил света и тьмы игрокам предстоит встретиться с величайшими злодеями греческой мифологии, сразиться с Цербером и побывать на опасных берегах Стикса. Чтобы уцелеть в этом трудном приключении, игрокам придется разобраться в сути пророчеств слепого прорицателя Тирезия, сразиться плечом к плечу с Агамемноном и Ахиллесом и воспользоваться хитростью Одиссея."
Готовы ли вы к этому?
Key Features
- Исследуйте античный мир, разгадывая его сокровенные тайны и сражаясь с мифическими существами. Побывайте в Парфеноне, у Великих Пирамид, в Висячих Садах Вавилона, на Великой Стене и в других легендарных местах
- Атмосферная трехмерная графика: герою предстоит путешествие по реалистичному, детально воссозданному, чарующему античному миру
- Побеждайте легендарных чудовищ! По ходу тщательно продуманного сюжета вам предстоит сражаться с кошмарными тварями и мифическими созданиями. От ваших действий зависит судьба всего сущего
- Широкие возможности для индивидуализации персонажа: вам доступны 28 классов и более 1000 единиц уникальной и легендарной экипировки, с помощью которых вы сможете потягаться за звание сильнейшего из героев
- Коллективная игра по сети: созывайте других игроков, чтобы сражаться на созданных вами картах в кооперативном режиме
- Творите сами! Простой в изучении редактор миров поможет вам создать собственные карты, чтобы приключение никогда не кончалось
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, czech, polish, russian, japanese, korean, simplified chinese, ukrainian
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 32 or 64 bit
- Процессор: 2.0 GHz CPU
- Оперативная память: 1 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 128 MB NVIDIA GeForce 6800 series or ATI Radeon X800 series or equivalent
- DirectX: версии 9.0c
- Место на диске: 5 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX compatible
- ОС *: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 /10 32 or 64 bit
- Процессор: 3.0 GHz CPU Dual or Quad Core
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 256MB NVIDIA or AMD card
- DirectX: версии 9.0c
- Место на диске: 5 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX compatible card
Отзывы пользователей
In-depth analysis further down.
[th]🟩 Pros[/th]
[th]🟥 Cons[/th]
• Excellent variety of class building possibilities thanks to dual multiclassing and a plethora of skills for each.
• Decent overall variety of enemies, most of which have different behaviors and unique abilities.
• Good diversity of locations, all well-made and consistent, with many references to mythology and philosophy.
• Tremendously slow, unsatisfying progression, compounded with severe content bloating.
• Miserable bosses that hardly prove a challenge with any half-decent build.
• Top-tier vanilla class abilities are locked behind a DLC paywall.
• Boring exploration that features no events of any kind, limited randomization, and unrewarding secrets.
• Painfully-paced combat with outrageous cooldowns for an ARPG, unresponsive controls and ultra-jank melee.
[th]🟨 Bugs & Issues[/th]
[th]🔧 Specs[/th]
• Random crashes may occur when transitioning areas and make you lose progress.
• UI doesn’t scale well in 4K, making many elements too small.
• Barebones loot filtering system that doesn’t allow any customization past basic tier exclusion.
• i9 13980HX
• RTX 4090
• 3840x2160
[td]Content & Replay Value:[/td]
[td]It took me, with another player in co-op, around 34 hours to complete Titan Quest on the standard difficulty (the only one available on your first run), taking extra time to finish all side quests and fully explore each area. The replay value is decent with the multi-class possibilities, however everything else stays the same on harder difficulties.[/td]
[td]Do I recommend it?[/td]
[td]No. Despite some good points, Titan Quest is, ultimately, a mind-numbing slog. It doesn’t do anything that countless other ARPGs have done before or after its time, and has no specific features or qualities that set its own identity.[/td]
[/td][td]An infuriatingly generic and poorly-paced ARPG: monotony and repetition soon overtake any and all enjoyment—its vast class-building simply isn’t enough to keep it afloat in an ocean of unambitious, boring design choices.[/td]
[quote]Follow our Curator and Website to see more high-quality reviews regularly.[/quote]
Writing & Worldbuilding
Titan Quest’s ancient Fantasy setting, spanning from Greece to African regions and even higher planes of existence such as Hades (Hell) and Elysium (Heaven), is overall detailed, consistent and well-made visually and artistically. Despite its age, the visuals hold up well enough, and the ragdoll physics add some dynamicity to an otherwise very static combat feel. If you enjoy historical settings, you’ll feel right at home.
Given that deep, meaningful plots are never a priority in this genre, efforts have been made in other iconic titles to, at least, grant a semblance of interest to the various tasks at hand, take Diablo II for example. That doesn’t happen in Titan Quest, however. Whereas the main story is generic but serviceable, any and all side characters or quests are inconsequential—their middle school grade writing only worsens the dullness of tasks already repetitive by nature. You’ll find no interest whatsoever in any of the admittedly iconic characters you’ll meet, such as great ancient heroes and even demigods, all stripped of any pathos or epicness they may have had.
Exploration & Secrets
You’ll explore each area on foot, your only means of transport besides two-way portals that allow fast-travel to discovered locations, such as cities, to sell loot, use facilities and restock consumables—the standard ARPG fare. Notably, quest givers aren’t highlighted when it’s time to return a completed quest, so good luck remembering where “Generic NPC I Forgot The Name Of’’ is located. The average speed of your character is inadequate to traverse any area in a decent time; with how large each map is, you’ll find yourself walking more than fighting, since enemy density is subpar. You’ll often ask yourself when the current area will end, because you’re fed up with it already.
Each map has plenty of side-areas and dungeons that often host Elite or Boss enemies guarding higher-tier chests that have a chance to spawn the best loot. Exploring is worthwhile to mop up as much XP as you can, but not so much for loot since most chests, including “secret” ones, have miserable rewards. The satisfaction of finding a secret dungeon, clearing it and getting some actual good loot from it is almost always absent.
Combat System & Bosses
The combat gameplay, of course, will change based on your Masteries (classes) of choice, ranging from pure casters to summoners, melee specialists, archers, rogues, and why not, a mix of all the above. The amount of combinations is staggering, with a relatively cheap respec option available at any town for skills. The standard ARPG system of mana, health and related potions is in place, plus an array of consumable Scrolls that have a variety of unique effects, purchased for a high price or rarely found. Should you perish in combat, a feat not easy to achieve due to the generally tame challenge posed by your foes, an XP penalty is applied, having you return to your death-mark to reclaim it; nothing else is lost.
The cooldowns. Good lord the cooldowns. Of any ARPG I have played, Titan Quest takes the cake for the slowest, most infuriating cooldown timers. Whoever thought a 30 seconds cooldown on the basic Taunt skill for a tank (which doesn’t work properly half the time anyway) or even 60 second ones on caster skills were good ideas, should take a break from game development and play some Diablo II to see how it’s done.
Even if the enemy variety is good in a general sense, most maps overextend and bloat for too long, having you fight countless of the same fodder far past what would be ideal for this genre. The Elite and Boss enemies aren’t unique or meaningful enough to grant the needed diversity. Speaking of higher-tier enemies, unless you go against one that is twenty levels above you, you won’t have much problems dealing with them, at least on the default difficulty setting. Most of them are miserable, generic, and just don’t stand out enough from the crowd save for some different color or aura around them. I died a total of five times in the whole game, which isn’t a lot.
Character Progression
By killing enemies and completing quests, you’ll level up and receive 3 Skill and 2 Attribute points each time. You can also get these as quest rewards, alongside other unique bonuses like +% damage, but that’s a rare occurrence.
You’ll also loot charms from enemies and chests, which can be used on weapons to bestow passive traits that compound your build, and also reused by destroying the weapon to get the charm back and then put it on a better one.
Leveling up in Titan Quest is tremendously slow: by the end of the campaign, after doing everything, I was just level 37; the level cap is 75. That’s less than one level per hour, which may be fine for the last 10-20 levels in an ARPG, when your build is already shaped up, but it’s a depressing affair so early. Your gameplay evolves slowly, frustratingly so: your combat experience will stay the same for hours on end if you decide to focus on a few skills, which is the only way to make them worth using to begin with. Also, you’ll also have to spend skill points to increase your Mastery level and access higher tier skills, further sinking more points into passive stats instead of active skills that evolve your class’ gameplay.
Overall there are many aspects of the game to appreciate: large areas for a game from the mid 2000s, fun gameplay, rewarding loot, skill and build variety, variability in the areas you visit, and a cool Grecian theme to name just a few. A lot of effort went into bringing back the only real challenger to the Diablo Throne that I have ever player personally, even if many aspects of the game are dated by today's standards.
The only issue I really have with the game is the lack of optimization, which is somewhat understandable considering the age of the game, but the stuttering and FPS drops can be really off putting at times. I've researched a lot of recommendations stemming from disabling the Steam Overlay, eliminating cloud sync, setting the game to utilize legacy OS such as Windown XP or Direct X9, etc., but the game continues to have issues regardless what you do: though these things are still recommended as they may provide some benefit for new players.
I highly suggest use Cheat Engine to speed up gameplay and increase the enemies in places where it is stable as this really makes it much more fun due to the slow movement speed, attack speed, and large fairly sparse areas in certain parts of the game. I also recommend using the TQVault, a fantastic app, as this will make storing and transferring gear between toons much less stressful: there are 11 masteries and you have a primary and secondary mastery to create classes, so there are many permutations to experiment with and you will want something to help manage all the loot you get :)
I loved this game, when It first came out, I still do. I beat it several years ago and I am super excited about part 2 coming out this year. So I am replaying it again. Have a great day.
Old but still nice game. Being base on mythology and real locations instead of pure fantasy is also quite nice.
Pretty neat game. Power and gear progression was enjoyable, but the mob density was a bit lacking, even when we used the 5x mod. Story is whatever.
Nice game, but... we have only Like or Dislike.
Bug with "Unable to conect to server" in multiplayer.
Bug with enchanting items.
Bug with stucked keyboard buttons.
- no fix,
- no comments from devs.
So why should I post Like?
Love the game.
I played it many years ago and it still very addictive.
Such a classic.
I remember not being able to come far in this game when I played it nearly 20 years ago, but still loved it quite a lot despite getting my ass handed to me. Revisiting it after a long time definitely doesn't make me like it any less too, still a fantastic game, even though it does feel a bit dated now. I still haven't tried all the classes though, because there's just so many to choose from, but I definitely intend to. In case you're wondering what that means, this game basically lets you choose 2 so-called masteries, which are something like specialisations/talent trees, and each unique combination of two masteries results in a different class for your character (there's a total of 11 masteries, so due to a lot of possible combinations between them, quite a lot of classes are available). I also love that there's no seasonal stuff like in many other ARPGs, here you have your character and you have it forever, it ports to higher difficulties and everything if you want to continue playing it, you don't have to make completely new characters for each of the new seasons and similar stuff. My only gripe with this game is that the higher difficulty isn't directly available if you want to play it. Some of the content is also only available on the highest difficulty, and to be able to play the highest difficulty you first need to beat the entire game and the expansions on each of the lower difficulties first. Basically you have to beat the entire game on normal difficulty first before you can do epic difficulty, and only after beating the entire game on epic difficulty as well you're allowed into legendary difficulty, which is very time consuming, especially if you intend to do it on more than one character. But generally I absolutely can only recommend this game, it's great and lots of fun. I've played through the entire campaign with another person recently, so I can also say that multiplayer works great as well and is super fun
Fantastic game. It has a lot of depth and just a great dungeon crawler in general. What a classic. A few things to mention however. The classes are slightly unbalanced and I would have to agree it is linear. Still a great game though with tons of fun to be had. It is also set in an interesting time period. Would recommend!
No hardcore mode - BOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Other than that, it's not the worst ARPG (D4) I've ever played, but it's not the best either. I like Grim Dawn much more.
ARPGs have a come a really long way since the days of Titan Quest, but there is still a charm to going back and seeing some of the games that laid the groundwork for what we have now. This game can stand on its own still, though, so don't think it is just for a stroll down memory lane. This will require getting over the initial learning curve for the game, though. I played a couple of hours and quit because I couldn't remember what I was supposed to be doing, and couldn't understand why loot wasn't dropping. Thankfully, I revisited the game months later and accidentally learned the trick to the loot (one of the great things we have today is an alert of important things dropped...this doesn't have that...it is easy to miss things). I haven't delved into the endgame and dlc yet, but I am looking forward to both, and will definitely get my money's worth out of this! Go buy it!!!
As big fan of D2 this is closest game to true successor i have ever played, solid A game from different time period.
If you cherish your childhood nostalgy - NEVER play eternal embers dlc, it locked behind legendary difficulty which shows every flaw of outdated game. Run on normal difficulty with atlantis and ragnarok was best part of this playthrough tho.
After reaching and beating Eterna embers,
I can only say that i'm glad that i will never boot this game ever again.
Maybe when it was released it was fun but it's not very deep—which makes it boring. Path of Exile and Grim Dawn are much better.
Great 6 player co-op with modding and custom campaign support! LAN browser hasn't been working which is annoying, but supports Steam Play and Epic cross play so good overall.
Works with Linux out the box!
Great game that still holds up almost 20 years later
The two mastery system gives wide build diversity, the stat and loot system is very engaging in trying to meet all your character objectives and honing your build - the clever thing is that your doing this almost from the start of the game because you constantly need to balance your stats to keep progressing gear upgrades as the enemies are no joke.
The combat is engaging - slower paced and more tactical than poe and you will find yourself swapping weapons to use different skills, using multiple abilities to manage enemy packs.
The world is interesting and largely open world - caves and dungeons are entered seamlessly from the main map and the world is hand crafted
I just can't recommend this when games like Torchlight or Sacred exist.
This is a perfectly fine Action RPG hack-n-slash. That's about it. It's fine. It's perfectly competent, and I'm sure many people have nostalgia for it, but... it's dull. It's boring. It's much the same over and over and over again without (in my gameplay experience) a ton of interesting weapons to pick from, locales to explore or abilities to make your gameplay feel fun.
It's a potion-chugger where you run around and hit things or cast spells on them. The world is... fine, the combat is... fine, the store is a snooze-fest and easily skipped. Enemy variety from my experience was lackluster to say the least, and it just didn't feel like a lot of fun.
I've tried to play this game through several times now and each time I get about 5 hours in and I'm just absolutely bored. Torchlight and Torchlight 2 have better gameplay, more interesting enemies and environments and more fun abilities. Games like Sacred have much more interesting worlds to explore and while not a great story, a much better one than exists here.
If you're looking for something more or less brainless, go for it, but otherwise I just cannot recommend this title over several others that are, in my opinion, significantly superior.
This has been one of the best games my family has owned. we have put in over 5000 hours all of us. while this one if fun, you should keep an eye out for Titan Quest 2!
If you are a huge fan of Diablo and Grim Dawn ARPGs, this one is a bit slower (but that can be changed in settings a bit) but I would say give this one a go. Especially if you have a love for Greek, Chinese, Egyptian and even Nordic (through DLC) mythologies in ARPG form, I HIGHLY recommend this game!
The game is kind a old now and the Titan Quest 2 should make a big difference when it comes out but this is an RPG I played when I was a teenager and it was great.
I like the NPCs which provide mythology stories.
It doesn't work no matter what I do (windows 11 and a gaminc laptop).
I fixed the first Issue which was some problem it had with the way One-drive save things (although one-drive certainly has a part in that mess).
I changed to Directx9 in the options and it work for 2 hours or a some session and then force quit.
You are probably don't get refund in this case so I advise you to stay away unless you 100% sure it's going to work on your pc.
I think anyone who is a fan of Diablo style ARPG's owes it to themselves to play this game. It nails everything great about the genre and doesn't overstay its welcome if you only care to playthrough once. For those who like build crafting with new characters or higher challenge the repeat playthrough of main story content and DLC are done very well. For someone who wants to see all the content on a single character it is a Shame the third DLC is only playable on the final difficulty, but I believe there is more than enough going for the game to make the playthroughs required to get there worth it. Overall even many years on a top of the genre game for sure.
Great game have the original on CD so I'm well versed with the game love and ready for titan quest 2 to come out can't wait!
This is best thematic aRPG out there. Plus, it's slow to level and slow to kill.
It definitely feels like an older game at times, but the flavor makes up for it.
There's both a lot to do and yet not a lot.
The game is loaded with different classes to try out (picking 2 different masteries to make a class is very cool) but it feels very... dull to play? It isn't particularly interesting to play or explore unless you are loaded with nostalgia. It feels very old, despite being more recent than hallmarks of the genre, and so does not feel particularly interesting to play.
I say there's not a lot because the game is essentially running to the next room, and while for a while the decor is fine it just gets dulled really quick when the maps are big, the environmental markers lacking, and the flavor missing. There just isn't anything remarkable about the areas as you try to just run through them.
I would save your money and try another ARPG, unless you really want to play it.
A Diablo 2 replica in terms of style but set in the ancient world mythology (Greece, Egypt, etc.) with dozens of class combinations and ways to combine skills. It will always be new each time you make a character. Highly recommend!
Very good game, An almost perfect Diablo clone. The graphics have held up well even in 2024.
A classic, glorious and well-made hack'n' slash title, with a distinct antiquity and mythology flavour. :-)
It is a bit old in 2024-2025 but still playable. Enjoying this game a lot. I just wished that this was a bit more recent game
love it also have it on other systems but on pc i can do more
Titan Quest is a timeless masterpiece! I played Titans Quest in 2018/2019 and Its captivating mix of mythology and action RPG gameplay hooked me completely. With stunning environments, deep character customisation, and rewarding combat, it left a lasting impression. I can’t wait to relive the epic journey and dive back into its rich, immersive world!
I love ARPG games and of all I played, this one is the best, in my opinion. I'm re-playing it every 2 years or so, since it came out first.
Great game, so much content for a small asking price!
Game just doesn't get any better than the first three seconds. Story was so boring I stopped bothering after the third conversation. Game play is ok, but nothing exiting either. After more than 80 hours, I am still not really hooked but rather frustrated with being stuck every now and then, so I have to backtrack and grind for a while. I'm giving up at this point.
Titan quest was an interesting game when it first launched, I really liked it back them. However Grim Dawn has evolved this particular formula of Action RPG to the point where Titan Quest feels outdated. Moreover, the recent expansions are not as good as the main game and it's first expansion. I would recommend to play it only if you really like the setting.
challenging game, tons of content and even though old still one of my favorites
It is a good yet tactical game, I like it for it's strategy. It's a good game.
Good ol retro game, Diablo but Greek.
love this game played this on xbox but just got it on pc and i love it on pc even more. 10/10 would play again definitely.
Most nostalgic game from my childhood who still gets rare updates.
For those, who like a game simillar to Diablo 2
Still great game after all these years.
It is easy to learn and fun to play.
I played this game when it was new nearly 20 years ago and to finally play and beat the new legendary-only expansion today was so satisfying. The randomly generated loot and beautiful landscapes really do it for me. Now I'm ready for Titan Quest 2. Life is good!
A classic masterpiece. There is nothing else that can be said. The expansions are fun and worth the play-through. Excellent!
Good Game
Love the Greek era of this game. All the myths and legends come alive. This game is great!
Probably in the top 3 of best ARPGs I've ever played. Often considered the predecessor to Grim Dawn this game uses the (if done correctly) amazing class system of choosing two separate masteries to create your class. There is a lot I could say about this game but I'm going to start off with the negatives first.
-The Cons-
1. This is not your modern ARPG
Before anyone jumps on me and calls me out for not being a "true" fan of the genre or anything, I actually PREFER this. I LOVE that this game is not your modern, 1 button pressing, legendary loot at level 10, inconsequential builds ARPG. This to me is NOT a negative but it must be stated because if you are NOT interested in putting at least 10+ hours into this game you probably will not see what I see, and 10 hours is kinda low to be honest. I will get more into this when I talk about the classes/builds but just know you probably won't feel like a "strong" or "special" character for a much longer time then you'd be used to coming from modern ARPGs. Couple this with the hard bosses (Typhon WILL stop your run the first time you playthrough, that's fine, enjoy it, start a new character if you'd like, don't stress), rare loot drops, most abilities have cooldowns unless meant to be your autoattack, and you're going to be drinking potions like your life depended on it because it normally does.
I know this is a negative point but I must say from my perspective I'd really give this a try still. The bosses are meant to be slow burn events, loot is meant to be exciting when you get it (and many people have beaten the game with yellow, or uncommon, only gear), ability management USED to be a part of ARPGs and I'd wager the genre has gotten worse for moving away from this, and while drinking endless potions can be annoying 'E' and 'R" are your best friends.
2. Quality of life
While MOST of the quality of life features I can overlook the two I cannot defend is the game "remembering" what difficulty you last played on (many times I accidentally play on Normal with my Epic+ characters). Speaking of I'd actually commit ARPG blasphemy and say that APRGs SHOULD move away from the 3 difficulty system, while I understand the point of it and don't MIND the idea of running older zones with harder mobs, I just think forcing the player to "start over" 3 times is quite archaic. This is admittedly very minor but it is very annoying, however this game also ESSENTIALLY has no stash and this is a genuine concern.
The stash system in this game is SO extremely minimal that if you have even 2+ characters and would like to keep gear for either future runs or just for any sort of collecting you will run out of space probably by Act 3. There are work arounds TQ Vault is a great resource after I ignored it for years I now use it all the time. This is definitely a genuine complaint with the game that I can't defend or argue against.
-The Pros-
1. Classes/Builds
Arguably every ARPG lives and dies by its classes/class system. I could probably write a 100 page thesis on why classes are important for ARPGs but this isn't about that, it's about Titan Quest, just know that I cannot understate how important it is to have a compelling class system and Titan Quest definitely does.
So this game has a total of 11 masteries, with DLC, you as the player at level 2 choose your first mastery that can be leveled up to 40 with new actives and passives after leveling up your mastery. Once your character has leveled up to 8 you choose your 2nd mastery which then creates your class. While your class doesn't generally affect any stats (masteries do 'class' doesn't) most people understand what you're trying to do when you mention your class (for example if I say I'm playing a Conqueror veterans understand I'm probably building auto attack heavy character).
All this to say, just surface level, there's a lot of playstyles, but then I'd even argue each class has multiple niches to them. Want to play an archer with a lightning orb pet? You can. want to play a trap placing dual wielder? You can. Want to play a fire mage with wolves? You can. (disclaimer you CAN not saying all these builds can push Eternal Embers Legendary, I simply don't know)
Then we have.
2. Itemization
The gear/class system of this game makes SO MANY interesting combinations of fun things to do. I remember the moment I fell in love with the itemization of this game was the moment I found a shield (can't remember the name, sorry veterans) that had a chance to on block create a huge temporary pet ON a character that used shields and pets. There's many examples of this but especially in Epic+ there's many items that will seemingly validate your builds you've been working on.
Again, loot is rare and specific loot is even more rare, but there are so many items out there that validate dozens of different builds to at least make it TO Legendary, probably further.
5. Everything else
From the setting, to the enemy diversity, to the boss battles, to the heroic monsters, to the massive content available. This game truly is special and as I said before is top 3 ARPG of all time with a MAJOR argument it could be number 1.
P.S. I hope TQ 2 is half as good as this.
its a old game but alot of fun. Can"t stop playing.
My top favourite game of all time with Diablo 2
Игры похожие на Titan Quest Anniversary Edition
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | THQ Nordic |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 22.01.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 91% положительных (7364) |