Разработчик: Byte4Games
We are pleased to announce the launch of Linux and Mac versions of the game. In addition we updated the game to version 1.0.7 with many bug fixes and improved gameplay. We are waiting for your comments and suggestions. Enjoy, Demoniacs !!!
Об игре
"""Кристалы демона"" — это бешеная ""стрелялка"" для двух джойстиков, где нужно провести уриканских демонов по полной опасностей территории, чтобы воцарился мир. Разнообразное оружие и бонусы помогут вам одолеть гигантские орды врагов. Урикане всегда были на вершине пищевой пирамиды, но однажды появились трое загадочных существ, из-за которых мирные жители стали агрессивными дебоширами. - Аркада, 1-4 игрока В режиме кооперации могут взаимодействовать до 4 игроков. Их цель — пройти 3 мира и победить в конце боссов. У персонажей есть система уровней, влияющих на их выносливость и силу. - Выживание, 1 игрок Вам предстоит как можно дольше оставаться в живых. В мире вы сможете соревноваться с другими игроками, следя за рейтингом онлайн. - 6 локальных многопользовательских режима, 2-4 игрока: ""Выживание"", ""Бой насмерть"", ""Противники"", ""Кристаллическая атака"", ""Захват великого кристалла"" и ""Убей врагов"" "Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
- Процессор: 1.5GHz processor
- Оперативная память: 1 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: DX9 - 256MB VRAM
- DirectX: версии 9.0
- Место на диске: 410 MB
- ОС *: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
- Процессор: 2GHz processor dual core
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: DX9 - 512MB VRAM
- DirectX: версии 9.0
- Место на диске: 410 MB
- ОС: OS 10.6+
- Оперативная память: 1 GB ОЗУ
- Место на диске: 410 MB
- ОС: Ubuntu 12.04 or later
- Процессор: 1.5GHz processor
- Оперативная память: 1 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 256MB VRAM
- Место на диске: 410 GB
Отзывы пользователей
surprisingly really fun and adictive twin stick shooter give me some contra vibes but with a cute fantasy spooky theme lol love the arcadeish gameplay if you like arcadeish top down shooters you will love it
This is a twinstick shooter that has a rather nice soundtrack and a fun and somewhat tame style Halloween theme. The weapon selection is interesting as are some of the boss fights. I did find the leveling mechanic to be a bit weird, though. It didn't really seem to do a whole lot between levels and I never felt overpowered. All in all, a fun game that I still come back to around Halloween for some fun spooky times.
nice colors not 2 hard and not 2 boring its perfeckt 4 being high =D
Good game for killing time. No need to rush to play this. Your characters will get stronger by leveling up.
It's a decent Twin Stick shooter. It's nothing great or memorable, but it's also really cheap. While a lot will find the lack of online multiplayer a turn-off, I don't mind. There are tools like Parsec that let you do that (I also prefer local multiplayer over online, so it's just bias). Overall, it's worth it if you're looking for a local multiplayer game to play with friends.
Demon’s Crystals review
The Devil lies in the details, and in this case, those details are microscopic and barely visible.
You put one half of a third-person shooter with another half of a bullet hell shooter, and you mix it up with an endless Horde mode, and you get Demon’s Crystals. It’s got interesting anime characters you choose at the very start, the graphics are reasonably detailed, colorful and vivid enough to look like a Pixar movie on a tight budget, levels are small, well-designed arenas, you get a story mode, survival mode and a handful of multiplayer modes of play, and the best thing of all is that this game costs a pint of beer. So from a get go Demon’s Crystals get a solid recommendation for me with a big caveat, which I’ll get to it soon.
You are greeted with a wall of text spewing out a nonsensical story which you’ll forget in 3.333 seconds. Basically the empire of demons, who spent all their time lollygagging and chasing crystals instead of slaying humans, have met their match in an undead horde hell bent of taking all their crystals, candies and lands. That’s all you need to know about the story, and no, there is no chance in hell anyone is going to spoil the surprises this “story” has.
In a story mode you fight through small levels filled to the brim with all manner of undead nasties who will try to stop you dead in tracks. Some of them are big and slow but hit hard, other shoot projectiles in a specific manner; a few cast radius spells that damage anyone close enough. You either kill X amount of enemies to get to the next level, or you pick up XXX amount of crystals, or you do both. After a dozen or so levels, you get to the big boss you have to defeat, and this modus operandi keeps repeating a couple of times till you finish the story mode. Every level is exponentially tougher than the last, which is remedied with your character leveling up in time and getting stronger (yes, you’ll have to do some grinding, but it never gets excessive or annoying). Characters you choose differ only in the color of their projectiles. Survival mode is there to see how long you’ll last and where you’ll land in leaderboards. Multiplayer modes are useless since no one is playing it, so unless you get a kleptomaniac friend or two to join up, you can forget about multiplayer.
Now the big caveat I mentioned in the beginning is the color palette: levels are drenched too much in red color and your mouse pointer you use to shoot badies is also red, so when projectiles start flying from all directions and monsters come pouring from every hole in the ground, you won’t be able to see that mouse pointer anymore and where you’re shooting. In fact, at times there are too much stuff happening on screen, each armed with graphical effects, that you won’t be able to see what in the Lucifer’s name is going on. This is a big oversight and I’m frankly surprised developers didn’t fix this already.
All in all, Demon’s Crystals is a decent bullet hell, budget horde game and I’m eager to see what developers can do next. It’s alright, but nothing memorable. You could do better for a fiver, but you could do a hell of a lot worse.
My wife and I like to play twin-stick shooters... except this one. The music is good--has a sort of whimsyvania feel to it--and the character concepts aren't bad, but the game is virtually unplayable when you combine all the problems:
1. Certain enemies, such as the exploding giant zombies, are overpowered and conveniently spawn adjacent to you.
2. The map is full of visual clutter, which makes moving around the many obstacles on each map rather difficult. (Increasing the qraphics quality only increases the clutter.)
3. There seems to be absolutely no point to increases one's character level. (My character was over level 40 when we stopped playing, and I cannot tell any difference between that and level 1.)
4. At least one of the power-ups is actually a detriment: It just makes your shots spiral around you in an uncontrollable, hurricane-cloud-like pattern.
5. Weapon damage is generally underpowered, given the number of enemies that can dominate the screen at times.
6. The camera angle is really bad. It's too northward-facing. It should be focused more downward.
Overall, the game is frustrating. We completed about 60% of it when we decided to forfeit, and we'll probably never return to it--which is a shame, because as a fan of both twin-stick shooters and Castlevania games (and my wife is a huge Tim Burton fan), I really wanted this game to be good. :(
I agree with alot of other reviews on here, this game gets boring very fast. Within 20 minutes or so. Not enough originaility to make this enjoyable. Don't waste your time.
I wanted to like this game but it has many game breaking flaws.
For example you beat a wave, next wave will spawn randomly tanky guys all around you covering all exists from the area and if any of them gets any close they explode killing you instantly and sending you back to wave 1. Sometimes they just spawn on top of you and there is nothing to do about it but die.
Weapon spawns sucks, most times they spawn on top of a trap or when you gonna pick them up an explossive enemy spawns right on top of them so you're like ignoring weapons most of the time to avoid exploding.
Sometimes you don't get any weapon spawn in an entire wave.
Whenever you pick up a decent powerup that might help you advance in the game fasters monsters stops spawning so it's faster to avoid picking up said powerups so at last you will have something to do instead of running around in empty rooms.
Sometimes the game turns into a bullet hell, monsters predicting your movement with a huge wall of projectiles that are too fast to dodge with the movement delay the characters has. You can't even see who's shooting all that spamm.
You can't kill monsters during the spawn animation and if you want to walk over them sometimes you just drag them on you, so as soon as they finish that spawn animation wich is about 3 seconds they will deal damage on you instantly. And guess what, they spawn on front of you whenever you're about to pass trought a door so you rather kill the entire room or try your luck trying to clip trought that monster.
Stages are full of trash decorations around that can't be spotted easily. So you're pretty much trying to dodge every single monster every single projectile while getting stuck on all that trash that you can't even see because the massive glow everyhting has like bullets fire effects and some monsters too.
The game seem to have some delay in the movement so if you stop moving to avoid a projectile you need to hold the direction for half second before start moving away wich makes the whole list of shit i mentioned even more cancerous
I wanted very, very badly to like Demon's Crystals. It's a fast-paced twin-stick with anime babes. Graphics are bright and colorful, too, so that's good, right?
Well, that's about all it has.
The gameplay, while fast, doesn't have much life to it. Your primary attack sucks, the power-ups never feel like they do enough damage, gaining levels does nothing noticable to the gameplay, and the sheer amount of crap on screen ensures that you will die many a cheap death. The music, while not awful, becomes increasingly obnoxious as the game goes on.
If you play the first level of this game, cool. Pat yourself on the back and walk away because you've played the entire game. I put about 2 hours into this and it all felt exactly the same. Exactly. The. Same.
You could argue that for about a dollar you're getting your money's worth. But look at it this way: why waste money on a sub-par budget title when you could save up and play something of value? Demon's Crystals is not the worst game I've ever played, but it certainly is not one of the better. Save up your dollars and get Assault Android Cactus instead.
Have struggled with the game. The graphics are nice enough and there are plenty of maps but its way harder than it needs to be. Can't get past the second boss so will never see half of the games content.
Beyond that the game suffers from lack of content. All you can do is run around like a toddler blazing away at fleeting targets. Its somewhere between exciting and annoying. The least attractive feature four characters than can all be levelled but don't seem to be especially different.
There are worse games out there, and can see how some people really like this but I wouldn't recommend it.
Glitches out allot and sometimes doesn't let me play with my ps4 controllers. And it makes me use two player slots using only one controller. a little frustrating but other than controller issues once you get into the game It's a really fun twin stick shooter. And highly reccomend to anyone.
Bought for about $1.24 in the 2017 halloween sale, even that price was too much to ask for such a boring, empty-handed game. It's better than other similarly priced garbage but that's not saying much. I managed to get almost 2 hours out of this but how in god's name I did that I don't know. If you play level 1 you've basically played the entire game. They might as well had just repeated level 1 over and over again and called it a day. There was no reason to make anything more because it's all the same. The combat has no substance to it. Your bullets might as well just pass through enemies as if they were ghosts because that's how it feels anyway. The end of round/level jingle also sounds very familiar. I think it might have been directly ripped off from another game. They sure are proud of the way it sounds too because you hear it constantly since each level has 3 rounds and you hear it at the end of each round. The music and sounds get old in about five minutes too. You also die easily because in all the confusion that your screen filling array of bullets causes you can't tell wtf is hitting you. Dying and having to retry all 2-3 stages in a level is just pure torture in such a bad game.
The only good thing about this game are the controls and graphics which isn't enough to save it from a woefully low score of 4/10.
Bleh... this game is good for 20 minutes or so.
- Shooting ghosts, ghouls and zombies
- Halloween style
- Twin Sticks
- Works great on Linux Mint
- Demon in the title ;-)
- Nothing, I have spotted, maybe samey, but not bad thing
My linux gameplay:
Great arcade twin stick shooter. Grab a joystick and have some quick pick up action. Would recommend to anyone looking for a fun game without a steep learning curve.
What it does it does well, which is look good and sound good. It plays OK too.
Sadly, what it has to offer can only be stretched out about an hour at most before monotony sets in.
I love twin-stick shooters and it doesn't take much to impress me, I even gave a thumbs-up to some corny 49 cent zombie shooter.
This game is like a one note song that gets old fast.
+ Nice little Game
+ Challenging
+ Shooting, Moving, Bullethell Weapons
+ Nice Soundtrack
+ Great and changing leveldesign
- all chars basically the same
- cant level above 90 XD (that was really quick)
A nice little game somewhat challenging, i broke up near the end, cause i am too old for 832179423742 bullets and enemys on the screens. but its fun nonethelesss 80%
This is a fairly simplistic twin stick shooter with ok graphics but nothing too flashy.
I played this 2 player (local co-op) with my Little Brother and cleared the first 10 levels + first boss. Gamplay is rather basic left stick move right stick shoot being the only controlls.
The game itself is a decent amount of fun but with somtimes confusing/ frustrating mobs (the trees that you cant kill only stun, the hands from the floor frequently hidden by the effects) but they were minor hassles
7/10 competent and cheap enough to be worth it.
Haven't played much yet, just gotten through a few levels - I'll add more to the review once I've experienced more. what I have experienced so far, though, is a lot of fun! The graphics, as you can see from the screenshots & trailer, are nice & colorful and have a great not-overly-serious whimsicailty to them, and the engine runs beautifully and without hitches. The action is fast and frantic, with enemies closing in on all sides, big bunches of crystals to collect and plenty of colorful and varied powerups to keep things interesting! Playing local multiplayer is a blast, and the levels and gameplay hold their own in singleplayer equally as well, which is important to me, since I can be more of a singleplayer gamer for the most part. There are four characters to choose from, and they gain experience through the stages for various actions, which means levelling up, which keeps me happy and coming back! Control is tight and responsive, both for the gamepad (I use an Xbox 360 myself) or keyboard/mouse. All said, I recommend without hesitation! Gotta go now, want to get back to it - it's got that 'one more round' quality that we all know and love. Give it a try! Well done, developers! Cheers! -XT
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Byte4Games |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 64% положительных (22) |