Разработчик: Code Horizon

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В нашей игре нет компании. Мы решили, что у игрока будет полная свобода. Если ты когда-нибудь почувствуешь себя потерянным и не будешь знать, что делать, нажми кнопку TAB, чтобы проверить дневник и DIGTube для получения дополнительной информации.

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Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, polish, portuguese - portugal, russian, japanese, simplified chinese, norwegian, turkish, dutch
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows 7 (64-bit) or Newer. Doesn't support Mac OS.
- Процессор: Intel Core i5
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVidia GeForce GTX 760
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 19 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX compatible
- ОС *: Windows 7 (64-bit) or Newer. Doesn't support Mac OS.
- Процессор: Intel Core i7
- Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVidia GeForce GTX 970
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 19 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX compatible
Отзывы пользователей
this game overall is good, but for beginner is quiet hard, because lack of hint what things must to do
Tedious and not very fun. Needs massive QOL changes to be at all fun.
realy fun to play, even though its a little grindy and kinda hard to run for my laptop. (I have to say i miss the game being called "gold rush: the game" ): )
Had the sudden urge to play Gold Rush after 7 years, learned it's now Gold Mining Simulator, installed it, played it for half an hour and voila, still the same shit as 7 years ago.
Graphics look like CoD 1, not on lowest settings but on ultra, gameplay is still janky and repetitive which is not up my alley and I love Factorio, and bugs got better but it still has them: it went from getting your pickup stuck and reaching 7.7 million km/h (look in my screenshots, shit was whacky) down to put stuff X in Y and X cant go into Y, but its still anoying.
So in short: get yourself the series for the same prize and have more fun laying on the couch watching that
Very good game. Definitely needs better optimization, but overall the game is solid and simply enjoyable. Also, the premium downloadable content in my opinion is good and priced fairly.
The gameplay is great, graphics are decent only issue is preformance.
Game is complicated and graphics are very choppy, even with lowered video settings
This game is still buggy not fully complete and the developers have announced gold mining simulator 2 another Crappy game dev....
I have spent many hours on this game and it never gets old! The level of detail is impeccable. This is as close to real life as you can get. I am interested to see how this goes under the new management and team and I'm really looking forward to what they bring to this game moving forward.
My first PC didn't run it, had to wait to play it.
It is very complex and for some people it is really good but for me, I prefer the first stages and to end my gameplay there.
Very fun alot of things you can do in this game and its in depth like the tv show. Cons the city is kinda dead its just you out there it gets kinda spooky. Great game other then that.
its a good game and its pretty fun my only complaint is workers well dont work they function like perk cards and are generally a waste imo i get that perks can be useful but when i see worker in a game i think automation which was a pretty big let down that it wasnt available even if it was just when you slept in game
I enjoy this game, because there aren't many games like it out there. There are some, I know, but not a lot. That being said. This game is a buggy mess. I just bought the Orange Beast DLC yesterday to complete the set. Since I installed it I've had the following things happen, that never happened before. I'm playing the leaderboards.
1 - I dropped a full can of fuel while trying to refuel my diesel water pump, and it fell through the ground. Out a jerry can and the fuel inside (which isn't cheap on day 1 of a fresh game}, and have to make a trip to town because now i have no water supply to run my hog pan.
2 - I had a stack of 20 empty buckets left next to my hogpan. I fill buckets from my hogpan all day and process it at night. I loaded last nights save this morning and every one of my buckets was gone. $200 worth of buckets and a trip to the store later i finally got back to work.
3 - I rented the drill yesterday to probe my parcel, and about 1/4 through i checked my gold map, and there was nothing recorded from the drill. Not 1 square.
4 - I decided to try the drill again today. I rented it. Transported it. Bought a replacement drill bit for when it breaks. Drive back to my claim. No drill machine. I checked every inch of my claim. I pressed the [ and ] keys, which quick move you to the next vehicle. Drill machine doesn't exist. I went back to the machine shop to see if it was there. Nope. Out like $8000ish and have nothing to show for it what-so-ever.
I have to ask, what is going on? Are leaderboard games buggy, or disallow drilling or something? I haven't tried non leaderboard since getting the Orange Beast DLC, am I in for more of this? Did the last update take the game a step backward? I don't understand, but it's really game breaking when these things happen. And all of the above happened with the same save game. All this time and i'm left with basically nothing for my effort because the game is taking everything away from me. I have 128 hours into this game so far, and have wishlisted GMS2. But if this is what the game has become, I'm soon walking away and cutting my losses. It's just not worth the time and effort to get screwed at every possible turn.
game has its moments but u can see that the new developers are bringing what the people asked for and bringing out new dlc's game play is addictive.
I enjoy this game so much I had to get the pc version after playing about 100 hours on my xbox lol can not wait for part 2!!
I had heard many good things about the game, so I bought it during a sale. Unfortunately, I didn’t get around to playing it until about a month later.
The game looks nothing like the pictures. I thought it was an issue with my settings, but even after spending over an hour trying, I couldn’t get it to look like the videos I’d seen. I was very disappointed.
The next issue was that even though I was getting around 100 frames per second, the game jittered while walking, and every 100 meters, it froze to load the next zone. It’s such a promising game, but it feels unplayable for me. The worst part is that I couldn’t even refund it because I’d purchased it more than two weeks ago. It's frustrating to see such a promising game get worse with each update.
discovery really dropped out of this game huh absolutely for the best the game is trash now bye bye gold rush the game o7 and well go away gold mining simulator
It runs a bit rough on my system, and I get annoyed by it always loading. However, it has fun game play and physics, so I look past all that. I wish there were actual ai or npc's on the map. It feels weird being the ONLY person in this mining town. I can look past all the weird or annoying things because it is a really fun game. Its quite a bit deeper than I thought and will entertain you for quite some time. I recommend giving it a shot. I will for sure be playing the 2nd one when it comes out, and I already have a group set up for the multiplayer.
tbh if it was me id dump this game in the can and remake it on a new engine like seriously its awful
- load zones like you're playing a game from 2004 ie Postal 2
- awful pop-in objects within just a few metres away like honestly come on cyberpunk 2077 had a worse launch than this and it still had decent rendering of distant LODs
- outdated driving physics with god awful suspension dampening ect
- outdated tutorial on a way higher gold collection stage like change it to stage 2 with a few cheaper items from stage 3 so it blends better with the actual intro
save yourself the hassle of tryna fix the mess the OG devs left it in and make it a new experience
vehicle mechanics and controls
Bought this in 2017
Now 2025 and nothing has changed. Still full of bugs, awful performance.
what the fuck have they been doing for 8 years
After playing. The game the idea of it is there. But there are some things that are just goofy and often frustrating. Such as the equipment most notably the tracked vehicles having no engine power. Slight hills will drop their speed to less than 1 mph. Some animations for the trailers are backwards. The support leg should extend when the trailer is detached from a vehicle and retrach after being attached to a vehicle. Game also has issues with frame rate drops if stored on a regular hard disk drive. The Equipment DLC packs though not required to enjoy the game do add some to the game.
This is probably the worst game that I actually find enjoyable and keep coming back to. Really wish there was more development on the game, rather than constant focus on leader boards. And please fix the damn loading times between map zones.
a little buggy, graphics are definitely not 2025, but the game play is excellent and it helps me to just chill out.
After 10hrs of playtime i had a full T3 setup. As soon as you get to T3 there are no more upgrades. The upgrade path after T3 is gated by pay2win / dlc.
the worst thing is that the base game excravator is filling my dump truck 5-6% per scoop. And then watching people with the DLC excravator scooping 20%.
the progress from T3 onwards felt meaningless to me without the DLCs. but i refuse to give the dev more money for now. if your 8 year old basegame feels like it forces you to spend more money it's not sitting well with me.
I Loooove Gooooooooollld!~
Though For Real, The Game Is Fun Once You Get Into It, And While It Has It's Issues Thanks Mostly To The Original Devs And Discovery's Brand Deal With The Game Fucking The Devs Over, It's A Good Game, And The Sequel Looks Like It May Be The Improvment We Need For Gold Mining, With That Game Our Biggest Request Will Be Granted, Multiplayer, As This Game Is Sorely Lacking, Given it Would Require A Complete Rewrite Of The Code And Game From The Ground Up, But Overall, I Love This Game
good game to pass time grew up watching youtubers play it and always wanted to play it
much better now. keep improving. thanks
looked like an awesome game. soon as i played it i found the performance to be absolute garbage. looks terrible and surges between 120fps and 10. every level of graphics setting still results in the surging. its essentially not playable.
needs multi-player or actual AI characters that can be hired to help run equipment such as dump trucks excavators and bulldozer's as the current in game helpers are useless
I have never come across a game before that has made me go from pure enjoyment to genuinely want a refund the longer it's been out.
When I first bought this game, I loved it. I greatly enjoy digging holes and this was, in some ways, even better than Space Engineers for that. Then I had to put it aside for while and have recently came back to it to discover that apparently changing the games name turns it into an even more buggy mess. Came back to discover my save files gone, no biggie I'm used to early access, I'll start again. I just about get to the point where I don't have to Hog Pan anymore ie. into excavation and automation, and suddenly I can't put down my gold pan. Again, no biggie, I'll just reload right? No, enter the BSOD every time I try to load that save, both the manual save I did right before the bug occured and a significantly earlier autosave. This is beginning to be a bit of a pain in the ass but I figure I'll give it one more go, maybe it was an anomaly, nope wrong again. First pan I did, same glitch, same BSOD attached. F**K this game, it will never grace my hard drive again.
TL:DR Dev's took a decent enjoyable cheap game and broke it over the space of two years.
i really enjoy this game.... its simple in design compared to triple a games but i enjoy the gameplay and would say get this game if you are into simulator games and if you like mining sims id put this and out of ore at the top of the heap
The only downfall to this game is its not multiplayer... Love the game otherwise.
Don't waste your time with this game. You will spend hours building up your mine, and then all of your progress will just disappear. Horrible game and company!
vary good game the chunk loading can get some work tho
fun game with easy to get used to controls
I love this game, well let me preface this, I love occupational sim games. I enjoy the grindy nature of these types of games. The dirt digging feels good, the washplants for gold reclamation are awesome. The graphics look old because this game is older, but the new dev team is really trying to get it up to speed again with new DLCs and new bug patches, all of which are welcomed by the community. I find myself coming back to this game whenever I want to work on my mining company for a month, then I'll go play something else, but I always come back. Love it.
I started my adventure on console in the Discovery Channel era and been through the roughest and lowest of lows. I went to PC all to find the same issues and lack of attention. Code Horizon was limited in their ability as they were under the grip of the Mega Corp. Now things changed and CH is fully in control this game is starting to become a masterpiece of mining simulation. They have brought tons of updates and DLC, some rocky but benefits the miner and most of all a new claim. New machines and a refresh of a grind. Much needed breathe of fresh air. So tired of the same Old Arnold to Nighthawk grind. Drilling nugs to escape Old Arnold and fighting flying excavators and matrix like screen transitions riding in the truck. I must say this now but wouldn't then and that is the game is more enjoyable and playable with a bright future. If CH was going to give up it would have been in the rough patches with Discovery rather than now. Rumors of GMS 2 on the Horizon? I admit mulitiplayer would be game changing but wouldn't have that same feel. GMS 2 will make that happen.
This is a good game there's room for improvement the one thing I am having problems with the portable conveyor belt moving on its own even with the breaks on I have to keep readjusting it
You must love digging for endless hours non stop and stopping to tediously do clean-outs that do not pay enough. The goal is simple: to minimize cost while maximizing pay dirt processing. If that is what you like then this game is for you. I enjoy it as it has a relaxed pace.
Loving this game. Outside of the mining areas can be a little buggy with loading, but overall the concept and design are super cool. Needs multiplayer, but looks like it's planned in the 2nd release. Can't wait.
deceptive trailer, game looks nothing like the trailer and performance is horrible.
Sucks! Idea is good but it just sucks! You buy cables or whatever, place them in the back of the truck and then you can't get them out ever.
This game is about digging. No-digging content is at most 1-2h. If you like digging, this is definitely the game for you. The gold aspect is irrelevant, could just as well be coal, stone, copper or fairy eggs.
I want to like this game, but i hate it. I've had this game since when it was called Gold Rush, it was over complicated trash then and still is today. Save your cash spend it elsewhere.
---{ Graphics }---
☐ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☐ Good
☑ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
---{ Gameplay }---
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
---{ Audio }---
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
---{ Audience }---
☑ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☑ Grandma
---{ PC Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☐ Decent
☑ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
---{ Game Size }---
☐ Floppy Disk
☐ Old Fashioned
☑ Workable
☐ Big
☐ Will eat 10% of your 1TB hard drive
☐ You will want an entire hard drive to hold it
☐ You will need to invest in a black hole to hold all the data
---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
---{ Grind }---
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☑ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second life for grinding
---{ Story }---
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☑ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It'll replace your life
---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☐ Long
☑ To infinity and beyond
---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☐ Worth the price
☑ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
---{ Bugs }---
☐ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☑ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☑ 8
☐ 9
☐ 10
---{ Author }---
☑ https://vojtastruhar.github.io/steam-review-template
I really wanted to like this game. I gave it all of my patience but it is just a a hot mess. I cannot think of a single aspect of this game that is done well. The financial system is horrible. The machine control system is tedious and overly frustrating. The driving mechanics are dumb. The mining has no positive qualities unless you just like grinding World of Warcraft style forever. Skip this game (even with the current steep discount). It isn't worth your time or money.
Gameplay- Boring. Tedious. Clunky.
Sound- Meh. Repeats a lot. Misses the mark all over.
Graphics- I have a 3080 so not a low end machine and this game is not near what should be expected. Yes, the price point means it isn't going to be perfect but even with settings at mediumish, this game slows to a crawl when more than the bare minimum is happening.
game gave me a headache trying to do the tutorial, why do i need 20 buttons to scoop dirt, until that is changed i will not be playing this
have some ideas for some addons to help the flow of things would love to get in contact with the dev group but with amazing improvements i see the huge potential amazing game guys!!! would deff recommend!!!!!!!!
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Code Horizon |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 69% положительных (6713) |