Разработчик: Artery Games
- Меняющаяся погода и время года.
- 5 построек на вашей ферме, каждую из которых можно улучшить до 5-го уровня.
- 5 разновидностей сказочных лошадей.
- Интерактивная система ухаживания за лошадьми.
- Более 700 предметов для украшения вашей конюшни.
- Более 30 видов магических зелий.
- Более 30 видов магических подков.
- 4 варианта тренировки ваших лошадей с 5 уровнями сложности.
- 25 кубков за победу на скачках.
- 30 заданий по поиску потерянных магических кристаллов.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, spanish - spain, hungarian, russian
Системные требования
- OS *: Microsoft Windows XP (Service Pack 2) or Vista or Windows 7
- Processor: Pentium 4, 1.4 GHz or equivalent
- Memory: 512 MB System Memory
- Graphics: DirectX 9 Compliant Video Card with support for Shaders Version 1.1, 64 MB VRAM
- DirectX®: DirectX 9.0c
- Hard Drive: 300 MB Free Harddrive Space
- Sound: Direct Sound Compliant Audio Card
- Other Requirements: Monitor that supports a resolution of 1024x768x32
- OS *: Microsoft Windows XP (Service Pack 2), Vista or Windows7
- Processor: Pentium 4 2.0 GHz or equivalent
- Memory: 2 GB System Memory
- Graphics: DirectX 9 Compliant Video Card with support for Shaders Version 2.0, 256 MB VRAM
- Sound: Direct Sound Compliant Audio Card
- Other Requirements: Monitor that supports a resolution of 1280x800x32
- ОС: OS X Leopard 10.5.8, Snow Leopard 10.6.3, или новее
- Процессор: Intel based Macintosh с тактовой частотой 2 ГГц
- Оперативная память: 512 МБ
- Видеокарта: NVidia или ATI
- Жесткий диск: 2 ГБ свободного места
- Другие требования: монитор с поддержкой расширения 1024x768x32
- ОС: OS X Leopard 10.5.8, Snow Leopard 10.6.3, или новее
- Процессор: Intel based Macintosh с тактовой частотой 2,4 ГГц
- Оперативная память: 2 ГБ
- Видеокарта: NVidia или ATI
- Жесткий диск: 2 ГБ свободного места
- Другие требования: монитор с поддержкой расширения 1280x800x32
- OS: Ubuntu 12.04 or later
- Processor: Any processor with 2 Cores
- Memory: 512 MB System Memory
- Graphics: ATI or Nvidia Video Card with with at least 256 MB VRAM
- Hard Drive: 350 MB Free Harddrive Space
- OS: Ubuntu 12.04 or later
- Processor: Any processor with 2 Cores
- Memory: 1 GB System Memory
- Graphics: ATI or Nvidia Video Card with with at least 512 MB VRAM
- Hard Drive: 350 MB Free Harddrive Space
Отзывы пользователей
Not Recommended
Amazing alternative game to gift to Germans who can't play more... intensive games.
EDIT: Never mind. They decline it.
this game is alright for a younger kid i suppose. I purchased it only because i used to play it loads on my old kindle fire when i was like twelve.
I did not seem to remember how repetitive and boring the gameplay is, most of the challenge is pressing arrow-keys at the right time.
It also has an annoying amount of waiting timers for a PC game, although it is just a port over from a hand held device, and IOS games for as long as i can remember have been full of "come back in five minutes for a reward :)".
Another thing that i thought was pretty weird was the lack of tutorials or hints anywhere. As soon as you start the game you get a slideshow of the lore, and then the option to name your first foal, and then nothing. You are not given a single prompt after that.
Which sounds pretty fun and adventurous, right? But there are so many random bars and numbers on your screen that are just never explained. Several times i had to pause and look up walkthroughs.
The game didn't explain how leveling up your horses worked, or how you actually needed to breed foals to level up, or how leveling up is purely static unless your foal is a higher level than your previous horses.
Or how you need to groom your foals in order to get higher intelligence on your horses, and how an adult horses intelligence is permanently static and literally cannot be edited at all as an adult. Meaning you now just have a really shit adult horse that you can't delete because the game never explained to you how any of the stats worked.
And then you finally understand why you never got past your first horse as a kid, because the game is still confusing for an 18 year old, let alone a child with barely any gaming experience.
TLDR: Its a mobile game from 2010 that's been put on steam with little to no gameplay changes, you get what you expect.
By the way, if you are interested in purchasing this game for shits and giggles, the secret developer console is "1234d". Give yourself a ton of money and herbs.
When you play this game, use only one acount in the family to progress faster. Kinda repetitive. Ugrade the stall high enough so that you can buy a horse of level 2 instead of 1. Beautiful graphics, but repetitive music.
So, for the horse riders fan out there, let me WARN you its not the usual Arrow keys or W-A-S-D Maneuver resembling the Witcher 3 settings . You need to hit the arrow key right before the obstacle and just leave rest to the computer . In fact, the entire game is computer-controlled and I am here just sitting admiring my upgraded pony-tailed glittering unicorn , What am I expected to say. Wow ! What a beaut.......This game is just a mobile gallery of charming-appearance horses and unicorns with unequivocally nothing to do with our hands and leave it to the computer to play on its own and do whatever the.....it wants to do with the horse. In the end, it will coerce you to leave the game running on background and dive straight into deep-sleep state out of utter boredom imagining riding the actual unicorns in a parallel universe . Sad that I started this game too late and I am ineligible for refund now but at-least I can save the humanity with my appalling experience. Go on, if you're short of sleep pills and need that dose of yawning on your computer seat, this AI-Controlled Horse-breeding simulation is a must-have. A big-NO or In the sounds of horses, Neigh !!
P.S:- Actual farm-bred and forest horses are harmed in the making of this game.
I bought the game for the meme.
I recommend this as a game for younger audiences that like horses, or people who want a boring but relaxing game to play for hours. It's basically the Solitaire of horse games. I'm giving this game a positive rating because it does what it promises, it's an appropriate game for younger audiences and horse fans, it takes a long time to finish, and the graphics and gameplay are okay.
There's a finite set of training activities you can do with your horses. Most are basically quicktime events. You can breed horses and in order to breed horses, you have to do various activities (you can't just breed horses and immediately right after, use that horse to breed more horses). There's also some light? RPG elements, in that the horses can be sent on quests and can be equipped with items to raise their RPG style stats.
It takes 2 horses to make 1 horse, and I think that's the limit (1 child per horse, so 2 horses can only at most make a single horse). There's 5 levels of horses. This means to get a level 5 horse, you need to have raised its parents (2 horses of level 4), grandparents (4 horses of level 3), great-grand-parents (8 horses of level 2), and great-great-grand-parents (16 horses of level 1). That's 30 horses that you need to raise in order to make 1 single maximum level horse. With a certain upgrade in game, you can buy level 2 horses, so I guess you can reduce that number to 14 horses that'd need to be raised to raise a single level 5 horse.
You apparently need to do this 4 times at minimum to win the game, so to get 4 level 5 horses, each of a different breed, the average user will have to train anywhere from 56-120 horses.
According to HLTB (How Long To Beat), this is a 20-25 hour endeavour, and it'll likely take a child or a casual gamer a longer time to beat the game. This isn't a game I ever plan on finishing, but I played a few hours and did the low level versions of basically everything in the game, and was amused, but haven't picked it back up again. However, I'm neither a child nor a horse fanatic, so that was to be expected.
Do not buy this game for yourself. Buy it for that guy you have a raging hate-on for but can't confront directly. Make sure your gift message includes disparaging comments about how inadequate his skills are for the task of raising the ultimate magical pony. Study his weaknesses in advance so you know how to effectively goad him into installing and running this glimpse into Pony Hell. Know that every second he spends in the game is a second when your life is better than his, even if you are undergoing a root canal at the time. Rejoice.
Ok, so you know what? This game looks beautiful. But the gameplay is terrible.
Upgrading your farm and buying more horses sounds like a ton of fun. But earning money is just sending your horse of on quests and waiting for it to come back. Oh, and if the weather turns bad while it is away, there is a chance of your horse getting sick. Which means you have to spend even more money to cure it. What a pain.
You can increase your horses stats by either training it, mixing potions, or making horseshoes. To do this you must tap arrow keys as they lazily cross the screen. It's like DDR for snails.
If you decided to buy the DLC, you can also earn money in a Mario Kart-esque racing game. It's pretty bad too, but at least more fun than sitting doing nothing. The Dress Up is cool too, it gave me a few laughs, but you have to repurchase costumes for new horses. Which means you must go back to the painful process of earning cash. I wouldn't recommend the Soundtrack / Coloring Book, as the book only has 10 pages and you'll be tired of the soundtrack after an hour of gameplay.
So that about covers it. This is probably a game better suited for young kids than a 19 year old.
Gallop, don’t trot!
Figured I’d dismount for a bit to finally write a real review, which I probably owe to a game I’ve spent this many hours in. You think I’d manage to do it before 600 hours, but neiiiiiiiggggh!
Much like the horses, the game has a break-in period where you have to get used to the huge array of features and activities. It can be a little confusing, but you have to give the devs a hand, horses are an exciting and complicated world. The biggest difference between this and real life is that at the end of a run, *I’m* the one covered in lather. Marginally less saddle soreness, too!
I know it’s a little bit of a social faux pas to be a grown man that loves horses, but if I ever get married the bridle have to be alright with my obsession with shiny manes. If she canter won’t, then we might just be incompatible, because ponies aren’t going anywhere for me.
Time to get back in the saddle,
Chesthair Ascot
-Mostly appealing aesthetic. It's not gonna win any awards, or anything, but the horses are pretty, and the foals are cute, even if the player characters look like they walked straight out of Halloween Town.
-Mildly entertaining. What little gameplay there is manages to keep the brain kind of stimulated.
-Tedious. Getting money is a grind, especially given how expensive everything is. A lot of upgrades are purely aesthetic. Breeding a level three horse took three hours. Questing only yields so much money, and upgrading your well so you can keep more horses and earn money faster is surprisingly expensive.
-Adding to the well bit, expect to sell a lot of your horses to make room. If you have a child, make sure they don't get too attached to their first pony, because your little unicorn is gonna have to go to the glue factory if you want the space to breed some level twos.
-There's not a whole lot to do while all of your horses are out working. If the wait times were longer, and the yield was higher, at least I could do something in the background, but they manage to be just long enough to be annoying while simultaneously being just short enough to force you to remain on standby.
-Quests are pretty much all the same, save for the length of time they take to complete and the amount of money they earn you. You'd think that, given how little effort it must have taken to code each one - seeing as your horse does nothing but disappear for a bit and return - that at least they could give more variety to the descriptions, but there are only about four or five to choose from. Selling your horse counts as a quest, so don't be surprised if you accidentally give away your painstakingly-bred demon steed for a fraction of its actual value.
-Racing is only marginally more entertaining than quests. At least it gives you something to look at, though what it gives you isn't much. It doesn't help that it's faster to skip the dialogue box than watch for the millionth time as lil' Pegacornelius IV takes the 1 place.
-All three training games play and look exactly the same save for a few minor aesthetic differences, and one of them you'll never even have to use. The obstacle course one raises your strength and dexterity, and the forest one raises literally everything else. There's no skill specialization, here; you have to max them all in order to breed, so playing the third is just an inefficient waste of time. Given the slow, SLOW pace of the game, time-wasting is the last thing you want to do.
Conclusion: Children might find it marginally entertaining, but they probably won't have the patience to finish the game. I'm not sure that I even have the patience to finish the game. With that said, I hear that this makes a great joke purchase for friends, especially given the low price.
It's like Dark Souls, but more difficult. And with ponies.
I am surprised that this game is not rated Mature, because there is a LOT of horsey snu snu.
Do not play this game unless you are ready for a true challenge!!!!!
Think DDR, but for retarded people. After spending an hour training my stupid unicorn, I entered it into a race. My retarded unicorn lost and took all my spirit with it.
Fuck this game.
Every once in a while, I open Steam and am instantly hit with a sense of absolute peace. The feeling, indescribable. There is absolutely no better game in the whole of human history. I had sought the best game for years but could not find it; this was gifted to me by a friend. I put on my Fedora in anticipation as I booted up the game and when the title appeared I came buckets. The Graphics are real-life-tier and the story is better written than Shakespeare's Hamlet and Homer's Odyssey combined. The gameplay mirrors exactly what being a horse-breeder is all about. I wept pure hot tears. This game made me abandon Atheism, for when I played it for the first time, I was convinced that there was a god. Pure Euphoria rushed through my veins as I made Horses breed. I quit my job, left my wife, and abandoned my kids to play this game non-stop. Empires rose and fell, miracles happened, dreams came true, JFK was assassinated and reborn in Nigeria, but nothing could convince me to stop playing.
Every once in a while you get the chance to play a game that sets the bar for everything else. This game will forever be the one by which all others are measured. I've considered on several occasions cryogenically freezing myself, because absolutely nothing else in this world could possibly top the experience I had while playing what will come to be known as the ultimate masterpiece of human intelligence. I am 100% fully convinced that I can say with absolute certainty that this is the peak of everything in human history and that everything else you will ever do will only be a complete and utter disappointment in comparison.
This game has everything needed in a successful video game: love, drama, comedy, action...
It truly has transcended our generation's understanding of what makes a video game. This is something more; this is the quintessence of artistry in a digital medium. There are little words to express the absolute majesty of this game, from the cutting edge graphical quality to the intricate character detail with every well-purposed polygon to shape a beautiful beast on the screen.
This video game will no doubt continue on for generations to be remembered as one of the art masterpieces of the 21st century, much like the works of William Shakespeare, Vincent Van Gogh, Michelangelo, Stephanie Meyer, and J. K. Rowling.
Truly the capability to own such a game for the price of $4.99 is a steal, but if you manage to acquire it at its sale price of $0.99, you should be reported for theft for even attempting to get away with such a heinous crime.
Truly, in short, this game is no doubt underappreciated, as it is ahead of its time. Aptly said, this game is like Batman: it's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. Perhaps in a world where chauvinist bigotry is not the societal norm, we can all learn to appreciate this game for its truly artistic nature.
Hey guys
This game changed my life.
Last week I cashed out my 100 bud TF2 BP to play this game and I'm loving every minute of it.
Before this game, I was a lowlife. I had a serious cocaine addiction and it was seriously harming my family and friends. This game completely took my mind off the drugs and showed me a new way to get high. Not only do I get to feel the rush and high of cocaine, but i get to look at horses while doing it. Thats what I call a fucking win-win
Good fucking game, I can't wait for the sequel
Really le'd my xD -IGN
One of the greatest games I have ever had the chance to play. The horse breeding is just flat out phenomenal, the amount of detail they put into horses making other horses together is crazy. I have two horses currently, Fore and Skin. They have started a wonderful family of sixty nine other ponies (and even some horses by now) but sadly, I have given them all up for adoption. I just couldn't stand the idea of other horses, besides my two wonderful creatures, Fore and Skin. I love them to death. I feel as if they are of my own blood. They follow me around everywhere I go. It's the most amazing thing I have ever experienced, just imagine, Fore and Skin, following you around every corner you take, every store you enter, every traitor you kill, they will be there. This game is a must buy for any hardcore CS:GO Lover or even if you just love the casual COD style of gameplay, you will find it here. I would feel unfair leaving any other score besides a 10/10, solely being from just the amount of joy my two horses, Fore and Skin, have left me. If you're reading this Fore and Skin, I love you guys.
10/10 would buy again
The stunning graphics in this fantastical game are only rivaled by its superior gameplay and majestic plot. For only a dollar, you can purchase what certainly will amount to dozens--neigh, hundreds of hours of captivating fun. I personally would pay upwards of $50 for this impeccable example of immaculate game development. But really, you can't put a price on pure orgasmic joy. Overall, move over Skyrim- there's a new horse in town. 10/10 Masterpiece
By far truly the best game I have ever played, It is truly euphoric, I have acheived dharma through my gameplay, I shall continue living in true bliss as I continue to prosper with my horses.
This game is truly fucking magical. Everything you could possibly want within a Unicorn simulator, this game offers. Unicorn/10, would play again.
This is the best game I have ever seen in my entire life, the next-gen graphics are amazing, the horse AI is really good, this game should cost 60$ in my opinion, looking forward for more DLC's and games from the developers, I've played 0.7 hours in this game and it was truly fun, I'm gonna continue my adventure later, this is truly a masterpiece 10/10 would reccomend
This game is the construct of Chuck Norris's beard. It is the sole heir to all creation. The only true purpose of life. 42 means nothing when you consider all the magic crystals that can be obtained with your endless talented super awesome ponies. Only the most purest of disciples may be able to handle such raw power in the finest form. I beseech you to only dare try this game if you're ready for everything you know to be proven wrong and be granted a new purpose in life.
I'd like to start off by saying that I've actually beaten this game.
Second, I should note that I'm a horse person. I've been riding hunt-seat for quite a few years now, and consider myself fairly well-versed in equine knowledge. But you don't need a lick of knowledge to play this game.
You got this game from a friend, didn't you? Probably during the Winter or Summer sale. Because no one in their right mind would buy this game for themself, unless it was to occupy a seven year-old for a while.
But whatever. It's in your library now. And if you want to 100% it, you have to beat it. And to beat it you need five level 5 horses of each different breed.
The objective of the game is straightforward. Get the magic crystals. It took me about 20 hours to accomplish this, but I bet it could be done faster.
The game is simple. Buy a horse, wait for it to be an adult, train it to max, breed it, sell it, rinse and repeat. It just takes a very, very long time since you can't breed a level 5 horse with another horse.
Each level 5 horse requires sixteen level 2 horses, eight level 3s, and four level 4s. All of which need to be trained fully. Each training segment is a simple DDR-ish sequence that takes maybe a minute and a half each time. You have to train a horse six times for it to be fully trained.
And you have to do this with every. Single. Horse.
Obviously, this is a good game to play while watching Netflix or YouTube on a second monitor or something. There's quite a bit of waiting involved, so if you want to catch up on a series while you play, this is the best game to do so in.
Some things you should know about the game:
- save files don't transfer from computer to computer
- there's a crap ton of Engrish in this game
- the game will pause if you click out of the window
But, I suppose it all comes down to this: Did I have fun playing it?
And to that I say: Yeah, I guess. Give this to your young siblings and let them have fun with it.
Игры похожие на Secret of the Magic Crystals
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Artery Games |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 82% положительных (525) |