Super Laser  Racer

Super Laser Racer

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Steam Store

Разработчик: New Star Games Ltd

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Super Laser Racer — это захватывающие гонки со стрельбой в космосе абстрактной геометрии. Пробейтесь на верхние строчки таблицы рекордов с помощью лазеров, ракет и бомб! 24 удивительных трассы, 12 гонщиков, 8 турниров, игра по сети и редактор трасс.
  • 24 удивительные трассы
  • 12 гонщиков
  • 8 турниров
  • Бомбы, пушки, лазеры, мины, ракеты, плазма!
  • Онлайн-таблица лучших игроков
  • Режимы игры на Выживание или на Уничтожение
  • Возможность создавать собственные трассы

Поддерживаемые языки: dutch, english, french, german, hungarian, italian, polish, portuguese - portugal, spanish - spain

Системные требования


  • ОС: Windows 7/XP/Vista
  • Процессор: с тактовой частотой 1 ГГц или лучше
  • Оперативная память: 256 МБ или больше
  • Жесткий диск: 40 МБ свободного места
  • Видеокарта: совместимая с OpenGL
  • Звуковая карта: OpenAL

Отзывы пользователей

Рекомендую 15.05.2022 13:48
1 0

Great game, fun solo and local with friends, however the editor itself has good options and is great to use but the issue with it is that I will crash withing 5 seconds of opening up and will render the game unuseable with is greatly disappointing.

Время в игре: 923 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 19.03.2021 05:52
0 0

Modern make of the old school top down racer genre. It's fun but too dated for my liking.

Do me a favor, do it, do it.

Время в игре: 5 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 08.09.2015 04:49
1 0

What a crock this is.

Every vehicle handles pretty much the same as the others, aside from very minute differences, the power-ups are a joke, and the difficulty is completely artificial.

+Soundtrack is okay, I guess.
+The style is nice. Lasers are pretty cool.
+Top down racer.

-Controller support is a joke. You can't pause the race with anything but the escape key. No modern controller support. (A big "screw you" to ExBawks and PS users.)
-Power-ups aren't remotely balanced. You can get hit with a tractor beam off-screen and be slowed and unable to turn for as long as they're behind you. So you could drop from first to last because of one power-p.
-The vehicles handle the same, and thus the stat values mean nothing. 20% of what? 80% of what?

All in all, glad I got this in a humble bundle for a dollar. Any more and I would've dragged Valve to court to get this refunded if I had to.

Время в игре: 28 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 07.07.2015 21:07
0 0

In descending order of annoyance:
- Mellow, mumbling announcer. What's she saying?!
- Some annoyingly loud and boring or random music.
- No satisfying weapon hit sounds.
- Actual gameplay not as fast as store video suggests. I recommend F-Zero and SpeedRunners instead.
- Editor lacks zoom, gamepad support, edge scrolling, and correctly defined start area because it won't save your track without one!
- Multiplayer service is down, showing only weird HTML.
- Unbalanced weapons. Some require exact aim and others instantly affect the nearest player anywhere on the map.
- Rocket still plays seeking sound after exploding.
- Engines sound slow, and loud while idle.
- Collision physics are kinda random.
- Border areas deal damage as well as slow you down even more. Super Mario Kart leaves damage to easier, more satisfying weapons.

+ Old gamepads are (mostly) supported.
+ Lots of vehicles and tracks.

Время в игре: 165 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 22.05.2015 00:59
14 2

This is a really old game! It's a F-Zero type racer (where your cars can blow up if you take too much damage, and you can heal by running over special tracks), with some Mario Kart items and Geometry Wars graphics. The soundtrack is very good if you're into electronica, and each racecar has different properties that can work with different playstyles or different racetracks.

For achievement hunters who happen to have this in their library already, it should provide about 10 hours of pleasant frustration. Otherwise, I don't really recommend it.

Firstly, this game has an outrageous number of technical problems. Sometimes when you try to run it, it doesn't initialize and you have to task-kill it before trying again. Sometimes it runs, but if something's hogging processor cycles, the framerate lag will snowball out of control until the game becomes completely unplayable. And the online multiplayer has long since been disabled, you can't host a server anymore. LAN play still works, however.

If you actually get the game to run, you might find that it's a very decent racer. There are some real magical moments of exhilaration when you're absolutely shredding the track and trying to maintain your first place lead. Unfortunately, the magic is killed by the game's terrible selection of items and the CPU players who will use them on you. See, when you get hit with an item, you lose the ability to steer your vehicle for about five seconds. It's just about as annoying as it might sound. If you're about to take a sharp turn and a CPU player comes up from behind and blasts you with a seeking missile... sorry! Now you're careening off the track and way in last place, and there was nothing you could really do to prevent it. Luck-based Mario Kart hell.

The items are not only unfun to get hit with, they're unfun to wield, and they require high precision if you want to do anything with them -- precision that the CPU players have, but not you. While I never caught a CPU blatantly cheating, they have an infuriatingly accurate aiming algorithm that leads their shot to exactly where you'll be when the shot will hit. It's very impressive and must use some kind of trigonometry calculation, but it will make you pull your hair out. They also have an uncanny ability to get a seeking missile or a tractor beam when they're in close second. Naturally, the shield item is the best item in the game, and it's usually the case that the player(s) who get the shield within the first five seconds of the race will be able to get a huge lead that they'll keep for the remainder of the race.

The weapon chaos wouldn't be so bad if the game didn't expect you to come in first place every single race if you want to get the final achievement. Luckily, you get infinite retries if you abuse the restarting feature, and you will absolutely need to abuse it if you want to survive the random chaos in the first ten seconds of every race.

Overall, it's a perfect demonstration of why an F-Zero racer shouldn't have Mario Kart items. It's one of those games that's a complete blast when you're winning, but utter bull when bad luck screws everything up. Give it another chance if you already own it, but otherwise avoid.

Время в игре: 840 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 07.04.2015 20:02
0 0

I don't know whether to recommend or not; I just can't play it, because the controls are too confusing for me. They are very simple - accelerate, brake, left, right. However, it is not easy to use these in a "relative" context - right/left with respect to the car, not with respect to what you see. So, you may have to press left to turn toward (absolute) up ... or to turn toward (absolute) down go

I would have loved "up, down, right, left" on a joystick or keyboard.

Played 20' max.

Время в игре: 20 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 17.01.2015 06:14
0 0

Great little top down racing game with bags of style and lots of fun to race around blowing up the opposition and trying to avoid all the mines and lasers flying around while staying on the track at the same time. The different racers allow players with different preferences or play styles to pick one that helps them out, the weapons all have their uses (although most are somewhat situational) and nothing is horribly unbalanced compared to the rest.

The tracks have a fairly good range of different dynamics and challenges - with some being a fairly straightforward and "clean" race where only people closely competing are likely to be able to attack each other, some have occasional crossover points where in some instances the leading players will cross in front of the chasing pack and often go down in a hail of gunfire for a much more open and messy race, and yet others will have masses of intersections and merges and be complete carnage for the entire race most of the time.

The racing side is well balanced for an arcade style game - going off the track slows you down noticeably, but even crashing into walls is usually not the end of the race for you, as sooner or later everyone hits a mine, or gets a missile up the exhaust.

Время в игре: 356 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 15.02.2014 20:58
24 0


Very nice & fun little retro racing game! Testimonial! :3


Todella kiva ja hauska retromeininkin autopeli, suositteluni! :3

Время в игре: 130 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 14.02.2014 02:04
0 0

I've spent a good few hours playing this game, and imagining myself in a sort of Tron-like environment racing through the tracks appropriately themed.

Pretty fun minimalist vector-style racing game. It's very Wipeout-ish (weapons while racing and the like), trading one set of fancy graphics for another set of fancy graphics. Great to play when on a trip.

Did I forget to mention online multiplayer?

Время в игре: 301 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 10.01.2014 20:40
0 0

With the speed and weapons, it feels a lot like R.C. Pro-Am but with the added shield/recharging mechanic of F-Zero. Graphics are pretty awesome vector-style. Really fun game if you like arcadey racers!

Время в игре: 79 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 29.11.2013 14:18
10 0

The game has a few bugs and inconveniences:
- Gamepad doesn't really work. With it plugged in I couldn't race. It gets stuck on the loading screen just before a race.
- Windowed mode isn't recommended. The gameplay will be extremely choppy. Fullscreen is basically required for smooth play.
- You can't do much else if you're playing this game. If you run any other software at the same time that uses your CPU reasonably, this game'll be choppy. It seems a tad poorly coded for such a simple looking game.

That aside, for just under 1 euro (in a sale) you have an amusing little racing game. You have a choice out of various tracks, difficulty, and what type of race you want. You can do a normal race, elimination, survival, or time trial. Multiplayer's possible as well, though I haven't tried it yet. You can also decide which vehicle you want to race in, each have their own pros and cons.

The screenshots of this game pretty much says it all about what the game looks like. You get to be able to shoot at your opponents, after you've driven over those red square thingies. That is the weapon box. The other symbols have various effects like boost, or reducing your speed. You can customize tracks as well, including changing the colors.

I can recommend this game if you see it for cheap in a sale and you happen to like top-down racing games.. It's just that, a little racing game, worth a buck at most.

Время в игре: 92 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 28.11.2013 22:07
9 0

Are you a fan of retro racing games like Wipeout or F-Zero? Are you a fan of Geometry Wars? If so, buy this game. It's a brilliant little top-down kart-style racer with Geometry Wars-esque ships and graphics and Wipeout-esque weapons. Such a simple concept, and pulled off really well. There's even online multiplayer, so you can vector-obliterate your friends' glowy ships! :D

Время в игре: 144 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 21.11.2013 17:39
0 0

Very good racer in the spirit of microcars. Adjustable tracks, modes and an editor makes for as much gameplay as you want.
The music fits perfectly as well.

Время в игре: 801 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 04.08.2013 06:25
1 0

Simple game, but well made. The weapons are well implemented standards, and the racing has more to it than just get the weapons, stay ahead. Each racer has it's own stats, affecting top speed, acceleration, durability, and most interestingly, turning. It makes for an interesting set up, and execution. The best part is that the randomness of the other racers keeps the matches from becoming predictable. Simple, but entertaining, overall.

Время в игре: 316 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 13.07.2013 01:48
27 1

I thoroughly recommend this game. If you are an old-schooler and remember Super Cars (II or III) on Amiga 500 or Micro Machines to a lesser degree, then this is very similar.

It's a very racey shootey 2D-er, with a great challenge and fantastic soundtrack, (the kind of beat beat boom boom boom, I usually only like in video games). If you can pick it up cheap, then do!

You probably won’t give it 100 hours, but if you give it 10 or 20 they will not be boring.

I give it 10 thumbs up (wait, what?).

Время в игре: 1961 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 02.09.2011 19:26
2 0

What a fun little title! This reminds me of the top down game "Micro Machines 64" on the N64. This indy title has all the fun that indy games bring, with none of the annoying issues. All resoloutions are supported, it supports controllers, you can easily rebind the controls, and the online multiplayer works like a charm! I whole heartedly reccomend this game to anyone & everyone. The game has a wonderful soundtrack as well. The soundtrack combined with the visuals makes this game a complete joy to play. ~PR0XIDIAN

Время в игре: 176 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 27.08.2011 23:35
0 0

This game reminds me a lot of the arcade racer 'Super Sprint', but with weapons. Top down racer that has pickups around the track. 4 race modes, also has mult-player. Includes a large number of tracks & has a track editor.

Время в игре: 376 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 26.08.2011 19:31
1 0

It feels like this game isn't finished but it has all the core fundamentals which are required. It has a fairly nice variety of weapons and the track layouts are fun to play. There's not really any point in playing multiplayer without the "equal ships" setting because you aren't allowed to choose your ship, so you will probably be at a disadvantage to others otherwise.
For £1 I think this was a good purchase for a quick bit of fun, but I think if they polished it up and added some features which you would expect, like background music in multiplayer, a better multiplayer chat system, the ability to change server settings without starting a new server, an end-game timer for slower players, the ability to do something rather than stare at the leaderboard until the next game, etc., then it would be worth its normal £3.

Время в игре: 312 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 04.04.2011 02:32
0 0

A top down, RC Pro-Am style racer with weapon and game mechanics taken straight from the WipEout series, Geometry Wars-esq vector graphics, and a track editor to boot. Did i mention that it has multiplayer support over both internet and LAN and a kickin' techno soundtrack? For a mere $4.99, it's kind of hard to go wrong with this one. I recommend it highly.

Время в игре: 466 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 20.12.2010 15:47
4 0

It's actually a rather fun top-down racer. Like a TRON-flavored R.C. Pro-Am. And since it's all 2D, it runs quite well on just about any laptop.

Время в игре: 125 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик New Star Games Ltd
Платформы Windows
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 22.10.2024
Отзывы пользователей 84% положительных (68)

Отзывы пользователей

57 положительных и 11 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 20.10.2024 00:59


Action Racing Indie


Single-player Multi-player Steam Achievements Partial Controller Support Family Sharing