Разработчик: Kindermann Corp.

PIXELMAN is a retro styled action-filled, high-score chaser, where you control the title character in his mission to rescue the citizens of Pixville from the evil Baron Von Pixel and his contraptions.
In PIXELMAN you need to keep your combos going to be able to make it into the online leaderboards!
PIXELMAN's gameplay harkens back to a time where every token counted, as was the case with games such as Donkey Kong, Galaga, Moon Patrol and others from the golden era of arcades. You have simple controls and goals, and the difference between being a regular Joe or the king of the arcade is your ability to completely master them.
The citizens of Pixville are counting on you!
How to Play
Controlling PIXELMAN is very simple: you press and hold to go up, release to go down, and you can also use the pad to move faster (but with less accuracy!) Your goal is to rescue the citizens (humans and their pets!) to keep your heroic energy up, and also avoid crashing into buildings, traffic, and Von Pixel’s weapons and traps.If you don’t rescue anyone for a while, your heroic energy will go down; and if it reaches zero, you´ll lose your powers and fall!
XBox 360 Controllers, Mouse and Keyboards supported (We truly recommend playing with a controller).

Every time you rescue a Pixelian, your combo meter will go up. Once you’ve rescued 5 in a row, your score will start to multiply! BUT, if you fail to rescue a single soul, you meter will deplete, and you’ll have to start all over again. Keep the combos going for maximum high-scorage!
Power Ups
From time to time, you’ll come across a shield. If you grab it, you’ll activate the power up mode! In this mode, your score and combo meter multiply, your speed goes up, and you can’t get hurt! The bad thing is, it only lasts for one hit, so you better watch out!Grab an atom and get the power to shoot fireballs! You can accumulate up to 4, if you do, you'll get a super shot! That super shot can destroy everything in its path and do extra damage to the bosses!

He’s Pixville’s senior superhero, his superpowers are flying and untying knots really fast. He also loves podiums! His main weaknesses are buildings, bombs, lasers and missiles… nothing that a good power up can’t fix!
She’s Pixville’s new superhero! She’s pretty much like PIXELMAN, but faster and cooler! Once you learn her quirks, she’ll start racking up points like nothing!
He's very mysterious, we don't know anything about him.Baron Von Pixel
PIXELMAN’s main antagonist is a mustache-twirling villain who hates everyone in Pixville. He managed to buy a few rusty WWI weapons on Craigslist, and he’s not afraid to use them! His main hobby is to tie people up and leave them on top of buildings, trees and cars. Only PIXELMAN can stop his devious schemes!
What’s a superhero without a podium to stand on? In PIXELMAN you start on top of a sad soapbox, but to show their gratitude after being rescued, the Pixelians will start building new podiums for you! Can you unlock them all? Are you the hero Pixville needs? Or the hero Pixville deserves? How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Online Leaderboards
The game doesn’t have an ending. You can play until your eyes bleed or the speed goes so far up that you can’t control your hero anymore! The goal of the game is to make it to the online leaderboards. And in order to achieve that, you need to maintain your combos going. If you have a high combo and you manage to get a power up, you can make over 1000 points for just one rescue!
Can you slalom between 50 rockets? Can you survive over 5 minutes in one gameplay? Can you reach over NINE THOUSAND!!!™ points in one game? If the answer is YES, this is the game for you! We have 28 achievements ready for the hardcore PIXELMAN players to show their skills!
Trading Cards, Badges, Profile Backgrounds and Emoticons
PIXELMAN fully supports all Steam features, you're going to love our Pixelart emoticons!PIXELMAN Features:
- State-of-the-art graphics! (by 1987 standards)
- Catchy music! (that you can turn off, just in case)
- Incredible cape physics!
- Awesome pixel explosions!
- Mesmerizing animated light shows!
Поддерживаемые языки: english, spanish - spain, spanish - latin america
Системные требования
- OS *: Microsoft® Windows® XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
- Processor: 1.4 GHz or Faster
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: Graphics Card made within the last 4 years (Pixel Shader 3.0, Vertex Shader 3.0)
- DirectX: Version 9.0c
- Storage: 10 MB available space
- Additional Notes: Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller or compatible
Отзывы пользователей
When mom says we have Superman at home
fun fact:
this game is better than every single game in steam
this is ture
Quite possibly the best Pixelman game in existence...
Cool game about pixel superman, I liked the style and mechanics, so I recommend the games
One of those games that's simple & easy to play but hard to master. Yes, some reviews said there are already tons of similar games out there, but this one is quite unique at least to me.
While waiting and hoping for a DC Comics Superman game that on par with Batman Arkham Series, this game ease me up a bit as a nice parody.
The protagonist flies and rescue people, as well as some helpless animals. While the antagonist tries to stop our hero by wreaking havoc mercilessly. Will you be able to save the day by the farthest distance?
It's fun for the whole family and quite relaxing to play. Definitely recommended. (^_^)d
look up to sky, what is that? is that a bird. no is that a plane. its pixelman!!
At first this was going to be a game that was idled for cards and reamained to rot on my account forever...
But I decided to really play it. And it was surprisingly good!
Yes, it's an indie game with pixel art but it's really well made (with a decent atention to small details, like an ability to pick up a hat). The gameplay is simple, you just fly upwards, avoiding obstacles and saving men, women, cats, dogs or flipping cows.
So if this game is in your library give it a try, it can give you a several hours of fun!
Way too hard superhero themed flappy bird with tweaks. good game tho!
PIXELMAN is a mobile app that's been dumped on Steam as if it was a real PC game (it's not)... it's a cash grab from greedy mobile devs. The game is an extremely poorly made mobile app hybrid of "Flappy Bird" style endless runner and 2D arcade bullet hell shooter. You need to position yourself on your mobile phone screen using a Flappy Bird tap-your-screen fly/fall mechanism, and also occasionally fire off attacks at enemies and dodge various bullets/rockets. Simple stuff, but what should people expect from a phone game that's been dumped on Steam?
Amusingly while the developers website points to the Google Play page for the mobile app, Google seems to have removed the game, presumably because of the low quality, who knows. If it's not good enough for mobile phones, it's not good enough for you.
From a technical perspective, the mobile app doesn't meet basic minimum requirements that most PC gamers expect as standard.
A choice was made to use obsolete, decades old retro pixel "art" as a substitute for contemporary PC graphics. It's unclear if this is due to lack of budget or talent, regardless, the overall visual quality of the mobile app is extremely low as a result.
There's no options to change the resolution for the mobile app or customise the graphics settings. There's no way for gamers to ensure this is running at the native resolution of their displays... there's no guarantee this mobile app will look right on any PC as a result of this hamfisted design decision. There's no way for gamers to try improve the low quality graphics.
The controls can't be customised, which will be an annoyance for many, but it can also render the mobile app unplayable for differently-abled gamers.
Because this is a mobile app, it carries a number of deliberate design deficiencies. Compromises were made to cater to the iPhones that the mobile app was designed for. These are unfortunate handicaps and limitations that PC gamers shouldn't be forced to accept, but it's evident that PC was an afterthought for the iPhone developers who are to blame for this. The mobile app is deficient as a result of these choices, and would have been so much better without the handicaps that designing games for mobile phones forces upon a game. Once more, mobile devs have made gaming worse for everyone. I didn't spend thousands on building a gaming rig just so I could pretend it's an iPhone.
Some of the defects in the mobile app can be attributed to the choice of using the GameMaker Studio construction kit/toolset. This is a very poor quality toolset favoured by amateur developers as it's cheap and requires little in the way of development skill, but unfortunately has very limited capabilities. Just as you can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear, you can't make a great video game if you use a terrible engine. GameMaker Studio is most commonly used to make retro pixel shovelware and cash grabs.
These technical defects push this mobile app below acceptable standards for any modern PC game.
You don't have to take my word about how bad the mobile app is, we can measure the interest in a mobile app by how much people bothered to play it. PIXELMAN has achievements, and they show us a very clear picture that the mobile app absolutely failed to capture any interest from gamers. The most commonly and easily attained achievement is for completing a level to get a "podium" placement, and only around 6 percent of players bothered to get that far before uninstalling the game. That's a tiny, tiny proportion of gamers who even bothered with this. Ouch.
Reviewing SteamDB to check how popular this mobile app was with players reveals a surprise... there's a healthy spike in player counts for the game. But this isn't consistent with the achievement stats, that show only 6 percent of players bothered playing the mobile app for any reasonable amount of time. How is it possible for this mobile app to have so many concurrent players who never bothered playing the game? Trading cards. Players will use card idling software to collect the cards and sell them, this won't trigger any achievements in-game. A closer look at the numbers shows the mobile app just has a couple of players every week running up the mobile app and idling it for cards, then deleting it. That tells us people only bought this mobile app for trading cards, and that's a damning indictment of the woeful quality.
Once more we see greedy mobile devs trying to scam PC gamers. On Steam, this is $1 USD, on app stores, it was free. Mobile devs must learn PC gamers are not here to be gouged, and can't be expected to pay a premium for a free mobile game just because it's been lazily dumped on Steam. This is unacceptable disrespect for PC gamers. Because of the defects and mobile-app nature of this non-PC game, it's impossible to recommend. Who do they think we are?
[quote]Developer Response![/quote]
The developer has weighed in to inform everyone they didn't read the Developer Usage Rules for Steam "partners", or they deliberately ignored the part where Valve says:
[quote]Though it may be tempting, not every review needs to be responded to. A developer response will frequently draw more attention than the original statement, potentially turning a small issue into a much larger community discussion. It's also not a good idea to use this feature to refute customer opinions. Your direct attention can be seen as validation or a defensive attempt to silence your customers.[/quote]
The developer brings up a huge list of admissions here that go a long way to explaining the woeful quality of this mobile app.
The developer first admits this is a Flappy Bird clone, and then they go on with the bombshell it took them 7 years to develop this garbage. If I worked on something for 7 years and it turned out this badly I'd very quickly find a new job. I certainly wouldn't publish it and embarrass myself. 7 years is surely enough time to hire an artist or find someone who knows how to do 3D graphics. This just makes the poor quality of the game even more inexcusable.
The point is, it doesn't matter if this was slapped together in an afternoon or if it took 20 years, the resultant quality of this mobile app is still deplorable, as I point out in my review... an objective fact that the developer does not refute in his pointless response. That it took the developer so long to come up with a product of such incredibly inferior quality speaks volumes about their incompetency. Why does this have to become a problem that gamers have to deal with?
> Pixelman for PC was not a "cash grab" it was made with sweat blood and tears
It's a free mobile app that the developer is trying to scam gamers into paying real money for on PC. Charging people money for free stuff is a scam. The amount of effort the developer put into trying to scam PC gamers for free mobile apps simply indicates their level of competence... not much, from the looks of it. The developer seems proud of their unethical, anti-gamer actions here. This is not acceptable, which is why I warn gamers about this in my review.
> we had no idea what we were doing
This again explains the woeful quality of the mobile app, but it does not excuse it. Why does the developers incompetence have to be a problem that gamers have to deal with?
> a lot of people bought it only for the cards
The developer admits this is just a card farming cash grab with no real merit as a serious video game for gamers. Why is this good for gamers? It's not.
The developer shows a clear pattern of behaving unethically and against the interests of gamers for their own benefit. Nothing at all in the developers pointless, embarrassing, self-incriminating response changes any of the objective facts of my review. My review stands unaltered.
I played a very Flash player version of this in early 2000's
for those times sake. I bought this gem.
Nothing like some good old nostalgia <3
Solo en oferta, si no te funcionan otros jueos, no tenés un mango y no te queda otra.
Highly Recommend. OMG, this adorable little game is fun and challenging and only cost $0.52 on sale!
PIXELMAN is a Superhero themed clone of Flappy Bird. So, if you like that, you'll like this. I would also recommend this to fans of retro-styled pixel games or casual skill games.
Not quite as dirt simple as Flappy Bird. Pixelman's Arch-Nemesis, Baron Von Pixel, shoots at Pixelman while harassing the citizens of Pixeltown. You have to rescue the citizens who are in danger, to keep Pixelman up and flying. Watch out for the Baron during those Boss Battles!
Pixelman can be controlled by mouse or keyboard, which is a big plus. I feel like keyboard handles better, but that is merely my opinion. Another amazing plus is the game takes up less
hard drive space than 1 vector image. 10mb? That's awesome.
Got Champagne Taste and Kool-Aid Pockets? Me, too.
Check out more platinum reviews of inexpensive games at Curator Page: D_Snutts Got Game
With a simple command this works GREAT
The only issues are Menu's are hidden and you cannot readsome of the text information during loading screens.
This is almost perfect,
I'm part mad that this game never existed until now and part glad that this was never in an arcade to rob me of a small fortune in coins. Yes! This is the joy and exhilaration of a side-scroller that you can play one handed and maybe even eventually with a blind-fold on because it is addictive and compelling. I am like "where is my wamen?" trying to save the world from itself while keeping cats and dogs safe on the streets...endlessly.
Cats and Dogs? ✔
Special Powers? ✔
Baddies? ✔
Wamen? ✔
And such? ✔
*Fun Factors ✔
*TLDR; this game is simple, fun, and the best damn dollar you ever spent if you can beat my high score, punk ; )
Actual good game for small price. Auto-scroller where you have to avoid things, save civilians and shoot the bad guys. It's bug-free, has real-time leaderboards following while playing (thing you don't see in most games), and a working gameplay. It's a small game, but it's also very cheap, I think there is nothing to dislike here. I'd love to see a PIXELMAN 2 with more levels, hazards and obstacles :)
Pixelman is a retro dodging game. The graphics are very basic, so you shouldn't expect a lot on that score. However, it is fun to play.
As Pixelman - or Pixelgirl (as a female character is also provided) - you are the hero of the story, which you can play in arcade mode or endless mode.
You fly through the air, rescuing people (and animals), whilst dodging buildings, as well as evading enemies who attack you from aeroplanes, or who throw dynamite at you from the ground.
The game is easy enough to understand, but not so easy to beat.
If you like a bit of cheap retro fun, then I can definitely recommend Pixelman.
I got this game on release date and it was interesting for a while and can be very good when you get handle of it but it simply gets boring after a while. It is good to play a little just when you are bored but it is not for playing a lot. I must say it is quite interesting but this would make a good mobile game, definitely not a good PC game, it is nothing compared to some of the more popular video game franchises.
Ahh, Pixelman. It had been sitting on my wishlist for quite a while. Now that I bought it for cheap, I finally got to play this disgrace.
-Engaging core mechanics, similar to Flappy Bird, Jetpack Joyride, etc. Simple but effective.
-Several characters to choose from.
-Small graphical details every time you reach certain milestones.
-Music and sound effects are awful. You'd rather have your own music in the background.
-Graphics and colors aren't attractive. It tries to adopt an 8-bit esque style but the palettes are just bad. Also, buildings get mixed with the background and it's kind of difficult sometimes to make up which is which. No sense of depth in the graphics.
Look in the sky! It's a coin! It's a lakatu! No! It's...
An amzing arcade throw back game that's designed to bring back memories
of the Atari 2600 classics of old, at first, seems like a Flappy Bird clone...
oh how wrong!
I've found myself going back to this game several times, even after beating it,
chasing that high score while dodging dynamite and bi-planes. The devolper
came up with the concept before Flappy Bird ever hit the scene. He put all his
effort into this game and it shows in every byte.
There are bosses, multiple characters with seperate crontrol styles and stratagies,
weapons, power ups, difficulty settings, endless modes, online leader boards,
and one heck of a challenge!
With a good sense of humour, fun level design, tight controls, and resonable price,
I recommend this game for anyone who like to put their reflexes to the test and
loves games that were made for having fun.
Hurry, our future heroes, precision tapping, power blasts, and your determination
to best pixelated evil are all that stand between you and the end of pixel life as we
know it!
Up, Up, and AWAY!
10/10 - A classic in my eyes!
Great, addictive and challenging game... and it's really cheap so there is no excuse.
Not recommended if you have to get work done
so i picked up this game for 1.39$ sale and its not the greatest game i recomend geometry dash but PIXELMAN is a okay game.
It is addictive like other games of its ilk. This game reminds me of Scramble. Worthy of a couple of bucks
WARNING - ACHTUNG !! - its addictive , very addictive ! and you will hit buildings! .. again , and again! Great game !
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Kindermann Corp. |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 85% положительных (66) |