Разработчик: BlackSpot Entertainment

Line of Sight is an online Free to Play FPS game, developed by an small independent studio, that tries to deliver many and unique features, such as detailed character and weapon customization. Line of Sight takes place in a modern military setting in a twisted reality. Our unique Psionics Abilities will enable you to have a unique and blasting game experience.
However if you are a classic military styled fan, the core is build on a classic shooter experience and ESP/PSY abilities are an optional room-setting.
What ever playstyle you prefer, we got your back!

There are no improved gear, weapons or gameplay relevant items purchasable for real world currency. Weapon variants are pure cosmetic only!
They are based on the basic version and just have an advanced visual weapon body.
The weapon stats and performance from an variant and the basic version are identical.

Optic, Muzzle, Barrel, Ammo-Type, Utilities, Paint..you name it - you can fully adjust it!
Over 40 weapons with infinite tuning possibilites to choose from with more than 1.5 million customization options.

Extensive character customization options to create the character you want to play.

Over 20 different maps spread across the globe, with both day and night options available and several modes to choose from.

To face enemies on your skill-level and keep your stats tracked with one single click!
One of the most advanced leaderboard systems in any free2play game ever.

Поддерживаемые языки: english
Системные требования
- OS *: Windows 7
- Processor: Dual Core 2.0GHz from Intel or AMD 2.0GHz
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8600/9600GT, ATI/AMD Radeon HD2600/3600
- DirectX: Version 9.0c
- Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 8 GB available space
- OS *: Windows 7 64bit
- Processor: Dual Core 2.6 from Intel or AMD 2.6GHz
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: NVIDIA 460 GTX, ATI/AMD Radeon HD6850
- DirectX: Version 9.0c
- Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 8 GB available space
Отзывы пользователей
I really want to recommend this game but I just can’t at the moment. I enjoy playing it and it brings back so many good memories of MW2 but there are just too many problems with it currently. If the devs fix/change anything I'll update my review.
- Weapon/Character Customization
- Not Pay to Win (Yes I'm serious)
- Runs good
- High TTK
- Classic Vibe
- Weapon Balance (Pretty good, there are a few weps that need a nerf atm though.)
- Hitreg - Terrible atm, constantly die around corners
- Hit boxes - Same with hitreg
- Head glitching - Major problem that needs fixing
- GP earn rate - Needs to be increased or weapon prices lowered
- Mantle/Flash Animation - Are terrible and get you killed so much and need to be removed.
- Player falling physics - don't try to slide down a hill
- Flashlight - I get its a tactical light but it shouldn't be like looking at the sun
- Maps - Pretty meh, a lot of them could use adjusting.
- "Super Powers/Abilities" - I hate them, but I play classic anyways
- UI - Could be simpler
If you want to read it properly formatted: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Juggernaut_Drive/recommended/436520/
I'll try to expand on my points in case anyone is interested in more of what I mean. Before that however I do want to mention that I do enjoy the game. I enjoy it so much and it reminds me of when I used to play COD all day on xbox when I was a kid. Now to get to the points.
The Pros:
Weapon/Character Customization - Nothing much to say just it's pretty in depth and you can make so many different variants. The only real thing their lacking here are the skins. I assume they will add more skins in time though.
Not Pay to Win - It's not pay to win which is great! People who say it's pay to win don't put any time into the game and look don't at the weapon stats. If you did than you would find out that most of the weapons you buy don't have any better stats that the ones you start with. Now of course there are some weapons that are better than others atm but you get that with every AAA game that has a price tag of ~$60 so I'm sure the developers will address those in the future.
Runs good - Nothing more to say really. It runs good and I have had no problems with it.
High TTK - Very high time to kill which is great. But if you pair that with bad hitreg then you get a load of problems (hitreg is talked about more below).
Classic Vibe - Reminds me of the COD4/MW2 days.
Weapon Balance - As talked about in the not p2w section, weapon balance is pretty good at the time of this review.
The Cons:
Hitreg - It's really bad atm and I mean REALLY bad. Your shots don't hit and you die around corners constantly. I don't know if I just didn't notice it when I first started playing, but I noticed it after one of their updates. So I'm not sure if it was always bad or if that update broke it.
Hit boxes - The female hitbox is smaller than the males (not the bad point) but when you have bad hitreg/head glitching it makes you thing that the hit boxes are also broken. I don't know if it’s that or the hitreg, but something is definitely off.
Head glitching - Major problem that needs fixing. You see the tippy top of their head and they see your whole body. Plus, pair that with the hitboxes and you can't hit their head.
GP earn rate - Needs to be increased or weapon prices lowered. I have around 28 hours into the game (not all playtime) and I currently have around ~170,000 GP. Which seems like a lot of GP but when you add that I played very heavily during the valentine event and the new achievements I got (since it was a new account) it's really not that much. If it wasn't a valentine event and I wasn't a new player I would have significantly less GP for that time played. Yes yes I know you get GP from missions, achievements, leaderboard rankings and at the end of every match.
- Missions - Math is based off a 30 day month. So if you do EVERY single mission a month you get around 114,000GP. Daily Missions = 90,000GP, Weekly Missions = 12,000GP, Monthly Missions = 12,000GP. So 1 month of my time isn't worth enough for ONE primary weapon (about 214,000GP)?
- Achievements - Yes you get GP for achievements and you get the reward ONCE. This seems good and fair since there are 408 achievements but it's not. More than like half of the achievements are weapon related which means you CAN'T get the reward until you unlock the weapon. The weapons go as follows; K2 I = 30 kills, K2 II = 300 kills, K2 III = 3000 kills. I shouldn't have to say much more about why relying on achievements for GP is so stupid.
- Leaderboard - You get 20,000GP if you place in the top 4% in every section every month.
[*]End of match reward - You get like 100GP which is pointless. 1000 games of 100GP = 100,000GP.
Mantle/Flash Animation - Are terrible and get you killed so much and need to be removed. There stupid animations that are not needed. The flash puts a hand up in front of your view and you can’t shoot until the hand goes down. It also lasts LONGER than the actual flash like wtf. The mantle locks you into a mantle animation when you try and jump over something.
Player falling physics - You get stuck and jitter down the hill or object that’s slanted.
Flash light - I get its a tactical light but it shouldn't be like looking at the sun. It's gameplay breaking, way to bright atm.
Maps - Pretty meh, a lot of them could use adjusting. The S&D maps are by far the best but come with problems as well. A lot of the sites only have 2 entrances and then its closed off.
"Super Powers/Abilities" - Hate them since you need to have the medic one equipped or you’re at a huge disadvantage.
UI - Very confusing when you first load it up and could be simpler.
The game has powers like medkits and speed boost. If you dislike these powers you can play thr Classic modes. You can 1 tap people with high powered assault rifles and snipers are one shot kill chest up. Game plays a lot like the old CoDs but graphics are slightly worse. I prefer this game to CoD becuase the leaderboards are competitive and you receive rewards for ranking on the weekly leaderboards. The game is not P2W because the weapopns are pretty balanced. I hopped on this game expecting something to play for an hour, now I want to grind it with some friends. Pretty good game.
Tutorial Dialogue
I'm sure you're a veteran but this tutorial might teach you a few new tricks [...] press WASD to move and Space to jump. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Very casual shooter with CoD style maps, mechanics, character customization and it's not pay to win as many reviews yell about. While it may not seem like it you could choose to rush or play slowly more tactical allowing the enemies to give away their position many times.
> runs on any potato
> weapon & character customization
> game modes diversity
> sniping is a viable playstyle
> competitive clan playlist & ESL tourneys (PogChamp)
> balanced all around gun damage for a f2p game
> terrible UI
> shop is very expensive (but not p2w!)
> map design could be better
> low quality sound effects
> hitboxes are broken half the time
The reason I recommend this game is I hope they will fix the hitbox issues in the future, biggest drawback yet.
1. Nice gameplay/mode
2. Nice Character Model (mine custom like ninja with rifle! lol)
3. Playable Ping For SEA Gamers. (A lot of big DEV wont provide us SEA server. So This game will give another option to SEA gamers)
4. NOT Pay To Win. (OPTION : U can topup to speedup achievement and unlock weapon n tuneable item faster)
5. Weapon and item can be buy PERMANENTLY using GP (Game Point Earn Ingame) and GEMS (topup).
P/S : Come join us in LOS. More player more better. THANKS.
This. This game. This game right here. Everyone says "f2p CoD!" "Pay 2 win!" I for one say:
Totally a f2p CoD. No denying it, Doesn't mean it's a bad game. Snipers are often 1 hit kills, so expect a MASSIVE amount of snipers playing. Rifles are good too. BUT, it's like 100k to perma buy any gun, and you get like 300 gold for a 30 kill deathmatch game. Might just be me but it's slightly hard to get some guns. But you can just temp buy it. This doesn't make the game pay 2 win, BUTTTTTT the Training M4 you start with, get this, gives you a 50% LESS bonus for getting kills. You are PUNISHED for using it. THAT is bullshit. Use guns that are on free rotation instead for as long as you can get other guns. But other than those, it's a fun game.
I recomment playing it only since it is free.
For a free game, the experience is not so bad.
Still, the developers have a lot to do to polish it, but the game has great potential.
The guns feel good and it looks pretty decent graphics wise, but the rubberbanding frustrated me too much
Could be my internet, but I have good internet and can play games like RS6 Siege, CS:GO, Overwatch etc. just fine.
edit: Update, was able to find a match that ran smoothly. I wonder if it has to do with the other players I am connected to?
TL;DR at end
Ok this is very annoying some of the reviews of this game so I've decided to make a review and give this game the respect it deserves.
I want to make 1 thing very very clear at the start. This game has no P2W element. Any guns you can get from the random (lotto) box are IDENTICAL in stats to their counterpart. This has been said by the GM's in NUMEROUS discussion threads. The only difference is visual.
And for anyone complaining about "cheaters" there are people already putting tons of effort in this game and I would like you to show me some examples of hacks you can find from this game. Battleeye is not a bad anti-cheat, infact it has a better track record than VAC itself.
Now onto the game review, I'll list some pros, cons and possibly some neutral points
-This game can run on a toaster (and most people who play put the settings to minimum to reduce map clutter)
- There is already a competitive scene for this game on ESL if you are into that sort of thing with their own rulesets and everything.
- If you want to play with upped graphics the game can look pretty decent but imo it suffers from aliasing issues
- Gameplay is very fluid although there is an odd bug when it comes to jumping in some cases where you will vault instead of jumping normally (pls fix).
- Lobby system, the lobby system is very nicely organized and you can clearly see what lobbies are restricted and to what.
- Mod purchases are cheap and permanent
- Servers are unstable but in the recent couple of days I haven't had an issue and hopefully they keep progressing in a right direction with their server stabilities.
- Clan ladders and Ranked ladders are not very populated and it could be a very long time before you can find a game.
- Cannot invite friends to a lobby, they have to find it themselves.
- When inviting people to a matchmaking party sometimes it bugs out and requires a restart to work.
- GP System. You earn an OK amount of GP per game and it is suggested to buy guns as a rental and not try to save for permanent purchases. The developers said they are working on changing the prices or the amount of GP earned to help with purchasing of guns
- Gem System. Gems purchase you visual items (and you can buy characters from which I haven't seen any benefit really UPDATE: I did some proper searching about characters and infact they are cosmetic updates and infact one of the characters you can purchase is slower and has worse options for their armor vests. ) but no guns you purchase have a stat boost over their normal counterparts. You can use gems to purchase guns before you unlocked them. You can also purchase gems in game by using steam wallet if you so wish.
TL;DR All in all I do recommend this game and yes it does require a little bit of time investment to get used to their gunplay, movement and to really learn the maps and contact points. Community is friendly and is more often than not willing to answer your questions.
Hope to see you in the game!
"pay 2 win" and shit comments like this seem to be very apparent in reading these reviews, let me shut you the fuck up.
2.The GOLD guns you see in the feed are the EXACT same as their counter-parts they just have DIFFERENT LOOKS TO THEM.
3. You can get guns EARLY with buyable in-game currency but it's all from the random boxes in game but you cannot ETEND THE LENGTH OF THE GUNS EXPIRATION DATE, you can if you unlock it via leveling
In conclusion, this game is not P2W in the slightest, research a bit about the game so you know whats good and what isn't, the heaviest armour does protect you from any shot but a headshot from snipers but heavily injured of course, leg shots you will live through with any armor usually.
Overall, a straight upgrade from combat arms, graphics, gameplay and you can actually buy stuff but you need to grind for it.
Much like a polished and modernized Combat Arms. Very reminiscent of the old f2p shooters like CA, Soldier Front, AVA, War Rock, etc. Large variety of gamemodes to play, about 21. Same frustrating model with p2w elements we see in every f2p shooter (do not play if you cannot get past this).
Note: I've already played LoS before it was released.
Its a big pile of meh,tons of things can be improved.
- The game tries to be like CoD,CSGO and that Bioshock 2 Multiplayer mode that nobody remembers,and fails to be good at any of them. Plus most rooms I've seen disables the psychic abilities so it just turns into another generic shooter.
- The game also focuses on customization for weapons and such but you cant just customize it to your liking,you have to grind for days to get a single part for a weapon. So theres another "unique feature" gone.
- I had to lower the graphics to the lowest possible since they've managed to squeeze every single effect on whatever engine this game is running on. It looks fine on screenshots and such but when I actually go into the game everything is in your fucking face its annoying.
- This is a minor complaint but animations and sounds are out of place. Some animations feels like they have 10 frames and others flops the gun all over the screen its just off and annoying. Sound effects sound like they were taken from a free resource website and slightly altered.
If you like one of those Asian CS wannabe games and dont have the money to play games like CoD then you can get this.
It also comes with the obligatory female character that wears skimpy clothing in a fucking battlefield as well as the generic soldier dudes with samey faces and the annoying "WOOHOO YOU GOT A KILL CONGRATULATIONS" voice every time you get a kill. After all this was suppoused to be Combat Arms 2.
I like this game a lot, I really honestly do, but I cant reccommend this to anyone thats trying to avoid spending money, the Pay To Win aspect is ruining it which is a shame because every other aspect of this game is solid but the pay to win holds back my reccomdation.
Heres why:
The most GP (in game currency) Ive ever gotten in a team deathmatch which takes about 10 minutes to complete is 180 (being first place) and like 500 for playing team survival which takes like 15-20 minutes
The lowest possible time you can rent a gun is 3 days, and that costs anywhere between 9,000 and 12,000 GP and perms cost 144,000 - 300,000 for a primary and attachments for the guns cost about 7,000 each so the grind for anything in this game is pretty crazy.
To buy a perm with real world money at the moment costs about 15 dollars
Not to mention the starter gun (Training M4A1) cannot be tuned for attachments and has a 50% reduction in GP awards (thats what the in game description says). Why would there be a reduction of GP on the starter gun? Thats the most ridicilous thing I ever heard, that makes it ever HARDER for new players to grind. Just plain stupid.
I personally dont mind throwing 15 bucks max to free to play game but if you're trying to play GP only (Which was totally doable in Combat Arms) you're going to have a horrible time here until you've grinded your way to a perm gun. If you're thinking about spending any money go strait for the starters pack, it gives you two guns instead of buying one single gun. I don't like that other players have to resort to spending money, thats just not fair. Hopefully this stuff changes in the future.
Edit: Prices might change soon
Edit 2: The Training M4A1 has identical stats to the normal M4A1 just with 50% GP reduction, so you can deffinitely compete but still its not right.
This would have been a great game if it came out 10 years ago. Sadly for Line of Sight, it isn't 2007 and the current F2P shooter market is much better than what this game has to offer.
In response to the comments, I have to admit playing Line of Sight gave me a newfound appreciation for Dirty Bomb's F2P model.
You remember Combat Arms? This has just as much potential, but just like Combat Arms the pay to win model kills it. I want to like this game, i really do, but nah.
Not to mention all the russians with 90/2 stats.
I give it a 6.5 out of 10
So far Iv'e played like 11.4 hours and I must say this game while it's not GREAT, it is not as horrible as other reviews say it is.
-The gameplay is smooth
-Controls are great
-Customisation is awesome, there's like 1 million possibilities
-Variation of weapons, there are like 40-50 weapons as of now
-AI TDM is fun to practice and to mess around
-Sniping is awesome feels like a mix of COD and CS sniping
-Graphics are beautifull
-Game runs smoothly
-the grind is unreal, you get like 200-350 gp per game and a permanent weapon costs like 120-150K gp.
-There are not enough players in the NA server.
-The maps are designed to make spawn traping really easy.
-The CO-OP mode sucks, yes there is only ONE co-op mode.
Buying a weapon with real money is like 10$ in gems, it's less expensive than most F2P shooters but still is 10 bucks
This game has potential, Give it a try.
hey who knows, maybe in like 5 months from now the game is going to be gold!
I will keep this short and sweet, I have the 5th most hours of actual gameplay out of everyone, was number 1 for a few maps and weapons, and I have watched the devs BUTCHER this game, they refused to listen to anyones suggestions that would actually require them to work and when they finally did listen to 1 or 2 they would ex. (remove an gun effect in the game causing glitching when being hit by said weapons and at the same time add something no on asked for that was even worse of an effect on the guns the original problem was with) they also let the playerbase go from a blooming competetive community to the point where even on a friday or saturday night you might have 10-20 people online FOR NORTH AMERICA, EUROPE, AND ASIA COMBINED. We have been begging them to do some giveaways and market and they always tell us that "its early access we dont do any marketing" and this is there response knowing that the games playerbase is so low that the players cant even play a game, (maybe 1-2 game being played and usually 1 person per game fighting bots with the room locked) as for the giveaways they think doing a raffle that would give 1 person 5 keys to the game is solving the problem..... Save your money and go spend it elsewhere until this DEV TEAM pulls there pants up, oh and one of the biggest reason the dev team lost so many players was because they promised to focus on the competetive aspects of the game and to not let it go PAY2WIN and the first 3 updates included female characters and Special real money guns and 0 updates to the actual issues of the game which then proceeded to be dragged out so badly that after 2 weeks all they would have gotten done is 1 minor bug.. SAVE YOUR MONEY AND RUN
What I like:
Psionic Abilities - Psionic Abilities make firefights exciting as you try and figure out how to best use them against your enemies. If you don't care for them, there's a Classic Mode where Psionic Abilities are turned off.
Maps - The maps look really cool. I like all of them...well, not the wheat field. That map is hell for non-snipers. Oh, and about snipers...in my personal opinion, most of the maps seem to cater to snipers; however, if you know the map and you think smart, you'll be OK.
Weapon customization - Plenty of mods and skins to choose from. With the silencers, ammo clips, scopes, etc, you can make a weapon that's perfect for your playstyle. Right now my M4A1 has a grenade launcher attachment that helps me blow up those pesky campers and snipers.
What I don't like:
Lack of character customization - I don't know if the male characters have this problem, but the females can't change their outfits. You can put on a gas mask or a hat or choose from two other hairstyles, but clothing-wise, you're stuck. This is more of a personal dislike rather than something that's wrong with the game, I suppose. I hope more options are added in the future.
Guns are too expensive - It'll take a while before you can buy your favorite weapon permanently. This is something that the devs are aware of and will change in the future. Luckily, there are quests you can do every day that reward you with GP (in-game currency) and Gems (currency you buy with real money).
Lack of weapon selection - We need more guns!
Latency - My connection isn't the best even though I am in the west coast, where the servers supposedly are/were. The devs are moving the servers to central US, so latency should improve for those who don't live in the west coast.
Minor graphical bugs - It's early access. No surprise there. Sometimes my character's face disappears in the lobby, leaving behind only her hair and eyes. Just throwing it in to give a fair review.
Overall, I do recommend this game. I am having a lot of fun with it. PVE is on its way. Looking forward to blasting zombies away. The game will only improve from here on out.
It should be a free-to-play game. In game you can rent guns for about 60,000 in game points. You earn about 150-200 in game points per game. There are little daily bonuses, but you're looking about 3-5 days of solid play time in order to rent a new gun for 7 days. To purchase a gun permanently you need to pay about 400,000 in game points. Or of course, just spend your real money to get a gun quicker, which is what the system seems designed to do.
This is an old, worn out model I've seen in Korea often and I'd wager lots of other parts of Asia use it as well. If you're going to make an average at best FPS and charge in game to get nice guns, at least make it free to play. The only reason I didn't refund the game is because my Korean friend likes it so we will play together.
Edit: Half of the maps are long snipe maps. Usually one team with the high ground spawn sits in the spawn while the other runs to them, gets sniped, spawns, and repeat. I've seen several that don't finish because a team won with a winning score, but finished because the 20 minute time limit was up. /sarcasm/ I can assure you, it's extremely fun playing these type of maps. /endsarcasm/
This game is in its Early Access stage, so it may not be representative of its future additions.
Line Of Sight - Shooting Range
Line of Sight is a Free-To-Play FPS game created and now published by Blackspot Entertainment. This was a game that I had some anticipation for, mostly because their trailer made the game appear very smooth, and while I wasn't particularly a big fan of Combat Arms in the past, I did have a fair amount of good times before their "Hi-Sec Key" patch. With Line of Sight, I wasn't expecting much, but here are my thoughts so far.
I purchased the starter pack, which includes some permanent weapons, some skins, and a female character. This may or may not affect my judgement, so just take a grain of salt as I explain my thoughts so far.
Business Model
It's definitely for the long haul. Each match nets around ~ 300 - 600 GP. There are daily missions which help boost your amount, but Much like any other F2P, at the end of the day, you're stuck grinding for weapons.
A Price Range...
2K ~ 10K = New Weapon Attachment (Permanent)
300K ~ 450K = New Weapon (Permanent)
250K ~ 300K = New Character (Permanent)
There isn't any "weapon maintnenance costs", but one thing I really disliked was that their Training Weapon / Default Weapon receives half the monetary earnings. To me, that's a low kick in the sack.
So Realistically, you could play this game and receive the benefit of missions as well as achievements that help boost your GP, but once those achievements are received and the missions are kaput, earning 500 GP per match for a permanent weapon that is 400K+ seems like a real challenge.
Of course, you could just spend an easy $12.00 for a permanent gun, but that's not the point.
It plays like any other F2P with a twist. I'm going to take a guess that people want a full-fledged AAA game come out as a F2P, but like Metro Conflict with REDDUCK or First Assault with Team Waffle, it's a lost hope. Each character have their own offensive and defensive special abilities through genetics. They call them ESPs (Defensive) and PKs (Offensive) in this version, and they range anywhere from tornados, radar disruption, to spawning medkits. Under the field however, you at best would be able to use PKs three or four times in an entire match.
Customization is loadout-based. There is a hefty amount of customization, but I have yet to discern whether it truly affects the game itself. With a single loadout, you can customize the character's appearance, weapons, masteries, and abilities. So if I wanted one loadout as a male with an AK47 and a satellite strike ability, I can run with that. I could also run as a female with a silenced KRISS while a small teleporting ability.
Psionics, the main feature of the game, can be toggled by mode. In my mind, this was easily something that they could have turned into a separate mode in Combat Arms. They have three separate modes where you can enable/disable psionics, but from the main feature they advertised (aside from that it was branded from Combat Arms earlier) was Psionics. It may have been to accommodate those who just wanted a regular FPS, but this really just shows how weak the original feature is.
Recoil is somewhat non-existant in this game, so try to keep your shots accurate. Aiming Down Sights is not terribly necessary, but unless you want your gun taking up 60% of your screen, be my guest. Aside from that, there is the headshot and nutshot, so if you aim low enough you might be able to get the same thing down.
At least in the steam reviews, there are a lot of people that want this game to succeed, and from this have gone on tirades by saying some reviews are unhelpful. I'd like to reply by mentioning that The game needs to speak for itself. So even if it's in Early Access, this is the chance for Blackspot Entertainment to make choices for the better.
But hey, if the game becomes F2P (as it is in other markets), the question is whether people are excited over a game, and I'm certain that the positive ratings are comprised of the Hype train from previous beta testing.
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | BlackSpot Entertainment |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 14.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 53% положительных (1184) |