Operation: Matriarchy

Operation: Matriarchy

Steam Store

Разработчик: Madia Entertainment

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Об игре

Operation Matriarchy - освещает новую грань фантастической Вселенной третьего тысячелетия. Война идет между войсками экспедиционного корпуса Галактической Федерации и Оборонительными силами планеты Велиан - одной из колоний, использующей инопланетные технологии.
Игрок – рядовой десантник экспедиционного корпуса правительственных войск, атакующих планету Велиан. По мере выполнения задач штаба операции игрок получает новые, соответствующие очередному заданию возможности в выборе вооружения, военного оборудования, и всё глубже проникает в тайну появления Велианской аномалии человеческой расы.

О противнике:

Тип общественного устройства – подобие матриархального муравейника. Все представители сильной половины человечества отсутствуют как разумные существа. Они существуют как поставщики биоматериала для дальнейших генных экспериментов и как часть сложных биомеханических систем, хотя тут уже разговор о половой принадлежности несколько неуместен, но первоначальной основой таких систем были именно организмы мужской части велианского населения.
Произошло так потому, что мужчины оказались недоступны для заражения спорами Glukateria Teratogenaea Extraterrestriana по гормональным причинам, а поскольку заражение было очень быстротечным, никаких искусственных мер принято не было. Женское же население изменилось так, что от человеческих существ осталась лишь телесная оболочка, да и то отчасти, и весьма видоизмененная.
Практически каждый Велианец относится к какой-либо более-менее специализированной разновидности - несколько видов солдат – (разведчики, тяжелый солдат, легкий солдат, солдат-оператор псевдоживых систем вооружения, разные виды охранников, рабочие особи разных видов, управляющая каста, обслуживающая каста).
Кроме того, присутствуют в большом количестве биоты – т.е. биокиберы, органически-механические роботы, разных форм и размеров.

Поддерживаемые языки: english, bulgarian, polish, russian

Системные требования


  • ОС *: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1
  • Процессор: Pentium 4 или лучше
  • Оперативная память: 514 MB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Athlon XP 1.5 ГГц
  • DirectX: версии 9.0c
  • Место на диске: 4 GB

Отзывы пользователей

Рекомендую 23.02.2025 17:44
0 0

IMPORTANT NOTES BEFORE PLAYING - 3 things you need to know in order to enjoy this game.
1: it's in 4:3 aspect ratio so you need to play in 1024×768 or 1280×960 to make sure everything displays properly.
2: for some reason this essential control isn't listed in the game options or tutorial - press G to drop the weapon you're holding! You can only carry 4 guns at a time so you will need to know this in order to use all the different weapons.
3: the game is playable as it comes, but the music doesn't work - so you'll need to get a fan-made patch if you want the soundtrack.

Operation Matriarchy was a very pleasant surprise for me - I wasn't expecting much due to the multitude of bad reviews, but I was drawn to it for its unique aesthetic and I'm so glad I chose to judge it for myself - this is a genuinely good game in my opinion.

I'll start with the aesthetics - the surreal, creepy cyberpunk/biopunk world of Operation Matriarchy is an extremely unique blend of influences - my guesses for the inspirations behind this are Quake and Star Trek (for the cyborg bodyhorror enemy designs of the Strogg and the Borg), Alien (for Operation Matriarchy's Giger-like organic architecture) and Riven (OM has many "liminal" and "creepily beautiful" feeling locations that make it remind me of Riven more than anything else, despite the game being a different genre).

It's an extremely creative mix of influences, and the game keeps serving up new and different, meticulously handcrafted locations in every level. It's honestly a really impressive effort considering it was a small team, low budget release. If you love games that have unique, weird atmosphere, read no further as it's worth a play through for this alone.

Gameplay - a lot of people are saying this feels bad to control, but I'm puzzled by this - for me the controls were smooth and responsive. The action is fairly basic but it works well enough to add some excitement to the main focus of exploring OM's world as figuring out your path through sprawling and sometimes labyrinthine levels. The general combat and level design feel is a little like Chaser or Alpha Prime, but I think OM is better than both these games as the pacing is tighter and the path forward is never so fiendishly hard to figure out that I needed to check a walkthrough. OM adds an additional layer of interest to the action by including drivable mechs/exosuits - later in the game you unlock a jet pack too, so the gameplay is more varied than many indie shooters.

OM's general themes and atmosphere are very creepy - the twisted enemy designs and their nightmarish environments give a strong edge of horror to the experience, which combines really well with the "backrooms"-like surreal vibe. The dark-yet-trippy experience of Operation Matriarchy is similar to Cruelty Squad and Beyond Citadel to me.

In conclusion - this is an unfairly underappreciated game that swam in a lane of its own. It's full of bold, creative design and does a great job at fascinating the player with unpredictable, beautiful and disturbing scenarios. It runs way more easily than many of the "eurojank" fps games on steam, which is a bonus, but my main complaint is that the music fixing patch should be integrated into the steam release seeing as the game is still "actively" being sold. I actually played through it without getting the patch because I don't mind a quieter experience - I didn't miss it much, but I'd have like to get the full experience without needing to do a DIY fix.

Still - Operation Matriarchy comes highly recommended for fans of dark scifi, liminal/backrooms aesthetics and creatively unique games.

Время в игре: 328 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 17.01.2025 21:50
0 0

Cool game but it needs a remake. This is one of those bad but guilty pleasure type of games. As long as you lower your standards and enjoy what it has to offer, you should be fine.

Время в игре: 130 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 05.01.2025 03:07
0 0

Some nostalgia and fanservice, what could go wrong:)

Время в игре: 36 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 19.12.2024 20:59
4 0

[h3]Cheap version of Doom 3.

Время в игре: 23 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 01.05.2024 01:33
0 0

This is a really rough gem. The game is kinda janky, as the HUD doesnt works in Widescreen, all maps look almost the same, the plot is questionable at best and the gameplay is really outdated for its time, but at the same time it works quite well once you patch it with an unofficial patch, the maps are barely any confusing at all and seemed quite well paced and despite its repetitive gameplay, it is decently fun.

Время в игре: 149 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 29.01.2024 02:43
1 0

Only Get This Game on Sale & if you like old FPS
The First 4 Hours of the Game is not that Bad.
The Second Half is where it falls apart.

Время в игре: 901 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 25.06.2022 03:33
1 0

This game has very good art direction, the enemies are creepy as hell although a bit bland. i dont know whats going on with this sound bug, or whatever but so far its a janky fps from mid 2000's its pretty cool though theres some awesome ideas here.

Время в игре: 21 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 20.06.2022 13:12
0 0

- Cons:
Incredibly amateurish, not acceptable as an student project.
Non accelerated graphics, butt ugly models and animations, poor bare nonsensical levels and design.
So bad it's just bad.

- Pros:
Paid a few cents, but not worth your time, free or even if they paid you for playing.

Run away.

Время в игре: 37 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 08.06.2022 15:37
3 0

Resolution doesn't scale properly. I don't think that this game was worth it back in 2005 either, but some people might enjoy it considering its price on sale.

Время в игре: 251 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 07.06.2022 12:46
0 0

Great texturing and modeling, some really inspired level architecture and enemy models. Also gotta love the space AK-47

Время в игре: 811 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.05.2022 12:41
0 0

just make sure you play it with the unofficial fan made patch otherwise there is no music and the game looks pretty unfinished on it's original state

Время в игре: 228 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 04.01.2021 22:21
2 2

from russia with love. This game is a nicely made little fps a little bit like doom 3. It plays well and is quite easy to get into. Its addictive and interesting enough if you like fps old skool. I would definately recommend this, it does require some modding which is very simple to do and in the forum all files are available. Its literally
pennies...go get it

Время в игре: 68 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 02.12.2020 02:05
0 0

Pretty weird early 2000s fps game. Anyway here are all the weapons.


Время в игре: 532 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 20.11.2020 23:49
0 0

-game enemies look interesting to me
-game immediately gives you a chain gun
-runs at 144 fps
-aspect ratio garbage
-sound is garbage
-translation is garbage
-story ?

okay so first of all lol. second of all what? this game is garbage seriously.

Время в игре: 387 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 20.01.2020 11:32
3 0

Only Get This Game on Sale
The First 4 Hours of the Game is not that Bad.
The Second Half is where it falls apart.

Время в игре: 475 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 19.01.2020 05:24
8 3

Oh wow! It's that game which was trying to bait me with beautiful titi babes in Alien-like Ginger suit in print ads, in game magazine I used to read, before I hit puberty! As well as having a promising preview article, in which devs wrote that they showed the game for "Feminism in videogames with example of Operation: Matriarchy" presentation, if they weren't lying. Russian made too. 2005 nostalgia. I cannot wait to touch my patriotic hardcore history!!


It's shiт.

no music (aside from main menu)
no sound design (same reload sound for all guns)
no plot (cringy 2005 Russki shitjokes aside)

yes bumpmapping
yes ragdolls
yes crab-like animation for crab-like enemies, the one and only, must watch on youtube
game done, ship it

enjoy stumbling through endless corridors of histcan enemies while pewing from same hitscan automatic wepnz, no grenades, no balls
wolfenstein 3d 2


i blame feminism
i like fatso enemies and crabs. very "speciemen of the beautiful gender", as quoted by game features back on russki original release.

just like all those fps creator engine shovelwares on volvo drm store

must have been rushed to be released in early alpha state. but at least alien-stuff designers had fun.

Время в игре: 121 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 09.01.2019 05:43
4 0

Ugh! Don't bother. Even though I spent less than half an hour on this I seriously doubt I'll go back for more. Would have been a good deal at .99 but at 6 bucks leave it alone. Seems like a good story at first but poorly done, mindless enemies, bare minimum controls. Much better available for less coin. Could not play at 2K res because all the info was off the screen. Dialed back the res and it didn't fill the screen. Did not have any problems with running the game, 965, 16 GB ram, 1070, 7200 HDD. No glitches encountered.

Время в игре: 22 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 09.11.2018 09:00
5 0

My, some of the other reviewers are harsh on this game. It's a budget FPS from 2005. Indubitably flawed, but fast-paced fun if you know the kind of thing to expect.

Let's tacke the major technical problems first. The sound is bare-bones and most of the music is broken. Fortunately, there have been patches to fix this for nearly a decade. Now, look at the trailer. It is in 4:3. Look at all the screenshots. They are in 4:3. One might expect based on this this (and I'm going out on a limb here),a game that plays in 4:3! Playing the game in most widescreen resolutions results in a diminished field of view, cutting off the HUD. There is, however, at least one widescreen resolution that it runs fine, with no loss of field (see the discussions for the exact one).

The AI is pretty dumb, no getting around that. It can be hard to spot objectives on the screen. Fortunately, they're marked on your radar, so you aren't likely to get stuck for long. Gameplay is pretty linear, with some decent-sized but not that big levels for you to explore.

Gameplay is frenetic. Simplistic, to be sure. There are large numbers of enemies in relatively tight spaces, every one of whom seems to have shotgunend two Red Bulls just prior to engaging you. So be prepared for some bustling firefights. The game may, as someone in the forum proposed, be running faster than intended. The challenge is reasonable enough, however, that it's still playable. The key to going far in "Operation Matriarchy" (at least the half dozen or so levels I've played thus far) is to NOT CONSERVE AMMO. There's heaps of it lyng around, and generous helpings of health and armour.

There isn't that detailed of a story. I've read that the manual and the other games set in this universe tell a larger and more interesting story, but only the basics make it into the game. Voice acting and writing are cheesy and not memorable (hardly a surprise), though one of the patches improves that. Graphics are all right for a budget Doom 3-era shooter. Some enemy designs are creative. It starts out with spider-legged robots and "wow-Kurt-from-MDK-got-bosomy" cyborgs, but soon enough you start seeing more organic looking and progressvely odd life forms. The setting also takes a turn to the weird as you eventually leave the generic metal spaceship and travel to more alien landscaped. Nothing groundbreaking, but pretty nice for 2005.

Many of the enemies are female, with some dressed . . . sexily? I'm not going to analyze whether this game is sexist or not. Certainly less fetishistic than, say, Gynophobia.

Do you like the rapid, fairly mindless gameplay of lower-tier FPS games from days past, with enemies chump but plentiful? Then maybe you'll like this. I did, since I wasn't expecting anything great. Operation Matriarchy is just strange and different-feeling enough to make it worth a casual playthrough, particularly for those who want something that feels hyper and challenging but probably won't frustrate most FPS afficionados (as long as you rely on the radar). But I do urge you to wait till it's on sale. Think of it as finding a budget title n the clearance bin at Electronics Boutique.

Время в игре: 301 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 02.07.2018 01:32
2 0

I haven't played this for along time but i remember it growing on me and really getting into the journey.

It's probably what you would call an old skool low budget game now ,doesn't really compare very well to modern games.

But i did have fun with it at the time many moons ago.

On a sidenote it looks strangely familiar to a newer game called Return to Planet X
Though i haven't played that one ,just looked at the store page images.

Время в игре: 290 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 12.09.2017 06:45
5 0

If your looking for a standard run of the mill FPS then you'll be satisfied with this. Really, there is nothing special about the gameplay, you run through levels killing aliens with a range of guns. The game's variety mostly comes in enemy designs, ill give the developers credit for creating some pretty interesting and creepy aliens. The game's early levers are spaceship/space station levels which do the job well but aren't that interesting to look at; the best levels come later in the game when you get some alien landscapes which seem partially inspired by HR Giger.

My biggest criticism of this game is that the enemy AI is pretty crap, majority of the enemies will just run straight up to you and get right in your face, which is a pain especially in the early levels where you are in a lot of corridors. Also a lot of the time it felt like the enemies had aimbot as they RARELY ever miss you.

Время в игре: 311 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 12.08.2017 14:32
5 0

Operation: Matriarchy
fast game with modern day graphics with easy controls that moves from location A to B to C and so on.

good game.

Personal Suggested Purchase Price: $0.99 Or Less During Sale

Время в игре: 363 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 22.10.2016 16:38
10 0

One of worst games that I ever played. Although graphics is not that bad but sound and gameplay are really awful. Music does not work, game has really bad voice acting and other sounds also are not any better. For example positioning of environment sounds is so bad that you will never know from where enemy shooting at you, even old Doom had much better environment sound (no kidding). Gameplay is also very bad, developers prefered quantity over quality, mostly you will have to face a horde of cloned mutated female warriors with terribly made weapons which are often very weak and they had absolutely no recoil. Other thing than exterminating horde of enemies is you have to looking for key cards which is also very annoying because our main protagonist is very slow and levels are quite big. Level design could be interesting but gameplay is very monotonous therefore it getting old very quickly. I'm disappointed, this could be a good game but workmanship is very cheap and bad. If you looking for some better but not great obscure FPS try Chaser, Ubersoldier 2 or Dusk 12 (some people consider them as bad games but from my experience proved to be much better, they have a lot of drawbacks of course but I think that some people just don't understand these games) but Operation: Matriarchy avoid at all costs (don't take this game even for free).

Update: I installed unofficial fan made patch which supposedly repairs problems with sound. Bullshit! Although this patch adds some new sounds but still it lacks of a lot of things like footsteps. Even with this patch game is very bad.

Время в игре: 282 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 31.01.2016 22:09
49 0

Music does not work, HUD is being displayed out of the screen, Enemies look uninspired and AI is dumb and even the community patches do not fix any of the issues.

Время в игре: 6 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 30.01.2016 18:25
111 6

A ripoff. The trailer is different from the game itself. The trailer is March- off world recon. which is a game i played before. But the game itself is Operation Matriarchy which is some mindless crap corridor fps shooter and the resolution doesnt even fit the screen for 1080p. Its cut off so you cant see your health/armor at the bottom or the radar up top that shows objectives. Plus the sound is terrible, and the enemies move like they have lag. I requested a refund...

Got the refund. Before you buy this look at the other 'Thumbs Up' reviews. most of them are less than 50% helpfull. This game is truely trash.

Время в игре: 24 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик Madia Entertainment
Платформы Windows
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 07.03.2025
Отзывы пользователей 66% положительных (44)

Отзывы пользователей

29 положительных и 15 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 28.02.2025 09:29




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