Разработчик: Nerve Software, Gearbox Software, LLC
• НОВЫЙ ПЯТЫЙ ЭПИЗОД от дизайнеров оригинальной игры Аллена Блюма III и Ричарда “Levelord®” Грея!
• Нововведения в эпизоде 5: наконец-то наш герой получит ИСПЕПЕЛИТЕЛЬ, чтобы поджарить новых светляков!
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Поддерживаемые языки: english
Отзывы пользователей
I wish this was good, I really do.
The pros:
- New lighting
- New 7-level episode
- Red crosses replaced with pill icon, which I really like
The cons:
- No FOV customization (Many don't really mind, but I really hate the narrow FOV in-game)
- Max sensitivity is too low for my taste
- Mouse movement is incremental
- Game tends to go into windowed mode when tabbing out (Really minor issue, pressing ALT + Enter puts back into fullscreen)
- Sunstorm's expansions, Duke It Out In DC and Life's a Beach are NOT included
- No Linux support (I don't use Linux myself, but it must really suck for Linux users)
- Removal of Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition* from digital stores
*Megaton Editon was a rerelease from 2013 put on Steam and consoles. It was well liked, especially for the fact that it included the Sunstorm expansions. It was removed by Gearbox due to conflict with Megaton Edition's publisher, Devolver Digital. A little while after Megaton was taken off of store, Gearbox released this version of Duke Nukem 3D.
By the way, if you have a spare Megaton Steam key, could I have one? I'd like to try out this older version sometime.
I'd recommend getting the ZOOM Platform release of Duke Nukem 3D. It includes the original version, Sunstorm's expansions, and a bunch of other content for $6 and emulate these in a source port like EDUKE32. If you want to try out the new episode in this release of the game, buy this release when it goes on sale for $2 and use EDUKE32 with the World Tour Compatibility Stopgap.
Comments are on. I would love to hear your opinions on this re-release and my review.
even though this has terrible netcode across all platforms this got released on cause i mean i played this on pc and playstation so it has to be bad on switch and xbox as well it is a great piece of nostalgia and has workshop support and people have actually posted old campaign wads from the 90s and 00s in the workshop plus new campaigns and maps have been created too along with other content. with the anniversary release of the game a new episode was created so that was awesome too. i feel like the coulda done better for the multi side of the game but hey it is still worth grabbing and playing
this is the first version of this game I've played so if I'm missing out on something I don't know what it is.
game is great, I see why its a classic. You just feel almost like you bought your own arcade game and brought it home. I recommend the remake of Dark Forces as well.
Amazing update for the Duke we all know and love. The developer commentary adds a nice bit of additional context for some of the more interesting aspects of the game such as level design and easter eggs. The one caveat to this is that not all levels contain developer commentary which is sad considering how much enjoyment it adds to the overall experience. Overall, 10/10, Highly Reccommend!
I don't care if Duke was censored or changed for this version, it sucks balls because the mouselook is choppy as all hell, the movement makes you feel gimped beyond belief, the quicksave and quickload is a complete misnomer, only pulling up the save menu and not actually quick saving :/ - every negative aspect a shooter can have, this horrendous rerelease has in spades. I don't like it :]
Play EDuke32 or with BuildGDX, it's actually a really good game when you do!
I really like this game since the 90s. I really like how they updated it just like doom 95.
Come get some!
This game is extremely fun, a very great game from the golden age.
It's very comedic and very violent!
It's the greasy Randy version. Go for the version on ZOOM, unless you REALLY want to play the new episode.
This is a terrible port, controls are sloppy, no qucksave/load buttons. And if you die and reload a save too fast the game bugs out and says YOU DIED while you're standing there alive.
Only reason to buy this is so you legally have the files to use in a source port like EDuke32.
Constant 'you died' errors, can only progress with save spamming, the 'real 3D rendering' option does not stick after restart. Otherwise fine, if you can deal with it.
I bought this game for pennies on a whim, not even sure if I’d play it. But before I knew it, I was knee-deep in alien blood, blasting my way through memories I didn’t even realise I still had.
This version modernises just enough to smooth out the rough edges. Gone are the weird isometric distortions when looking up and down, which always made me feel like I was playing through a funhouse mirror. The lighting even seems better—though maybe that’s just my nostalgia running on overdrive. It feels cleaner, sharper, more like Half-Life 1 than the warping fever dream I remember from the 90s.
Back in the day, getting my hands on Duke Nukem 3D felt like an achievement in itself. I still remember walking into Our Price, knowing exactly what I wanted but realising I was 75p short of the £25 price tag. After scavenging every possible coin from my room, the car’s cup holders, and even my old coat pockets, I was still just shy. That’s when I had a brilliant, desperate idea—my Barclays account. With a grand total of £1.20 sitting untouched, I assumed the bank would laugh me out of the building for asking to withdraw mere pennies. But to my surprise, they handed it over without a second thought. Armed with my final 75p, I stormed back to the shop, dumped a pile of random change on the counter, and triumphantly convinced my mum that this game was definitely not too violent.
When I finally got to play it, I was hooked—but not just by the game itself. What really captivated me was BUILD, the level editor. I spent an entire summer making maps, recreating my school down to the last detail. Those files are long lost to time, but I’d give anything to dig them up again.
Coming back to the game all these years later, the humour still holds up. Back then, it was a love letter to 80s and 90s action movies, a perfect parody wrapped in explosions and one-liners. But while Duke Nukem 3D understood satire, its long-awaited sequel, Duke Nukem Forever, somehow managed to miss the mark entirely. The jokes in this game feel effortless, while Forever made Duke sound like that one guy at the bar still quoting Austin Powers unironically.
The action is still fun, though I can’t help but feel that the modernised 3D fixes might have made things slightly easier—flying enemies, once a pain, are now much simpler to hit. That said, the game isn’t a pushover. The sprite-based enemies are a reminder of its age, but let’s be honest—no one’s booting up Duke Nukem 3D expecting photorealism.
I haven’t yet reached some of my old favourite levels, but the White House stage was always a standout, and even back in the day, the extra content felt like a worthy expansion of an already incredible game.
Duke himself remains a relic of a different time—part Arnold, part Bruce Willis, part every action hero shoved into one sunglasses-wearing, cigar-chomping parody. Back in the 90s, he fit perfectly. Today, he’d probably need a more self-deprecating edge to work, poking fun at modern action heroes rather than trying to be one.
But that’s the beauty of this game—it’s a perfect time capsule of an era where action heroes could do anything, and a good one-liner was just as important as a rocket launcher.
Want to see what 90s FPS games were like? Picture Doom, but with strip clubs, alien ass-kicking, and one-liners that make Arnie look like a Shakespearean actor.
And for a few quid, it’s worth every penny.
Although the game itself is fun, it is abhorrently misogynistic and I can't overlook that. I reiterate, the gameplay itself is really fun and engaging, and I'm a big fan of the respawn system. If you don't mind the massive amount of objectification of women, then this game is actually really good.
I never played the original. The game is harder than I expected, but having a blast! 100% worth the two bucks I paid on sale!!
1#Turn vsync to "FAST" in nvidia control panel for the game exe
2#Play with a controller
= No weird mouse lag or frame pacing issues
It is sickening the devs shipped the game like this? Yes! Very! It's more stupid than sickening though...
Want a better experience with no achievements? A wizard named "Ken Silverman" made a free new engine to run the game from. You still can buy it here and use the exe in this engine, but no steam achievements.
I personally play with fast sync and controller through steam.
Usually, i would say i hate games like this because this is just stupid brain-dead nonsense that has no purpose other than to be an expendable meaningless form of escapism but i like it because this game reeks of sarcastic masculinity so goddamn stupid you just can't help but love the charm.
TLDR: (would recommend) :steamthumbsup:
i like this game the eater egg where duk nukem kisings the pig cops was scary but its good
duke em till you nuke em. this is legendary. but FUCK YOU RANDY. i dont know who tf you are but civvie hates you and so do i.
Extremely fun, one of the best shooters out there
You can kick ass, chew bubblegum and save babes while killing aliens. 10/10
For 2$ its an ok version. There are issues with bad sound quality, censorship issues which include a removed female sprite, CTRL F1-F9 insults are missing their audio.... Volume level issues for dukes voice... Few bits of art changed for various legal reasons. Not exactly faithful to the orig copy of the game.
Runs well on Win 10.
great price for a throwback to Windows 95. Plus the Workshop mods make it super easy to experience new content on such a classic game. Highly recommend.
This game is amazing
10/10 bought on sale. I simply bought it for the .GRP file and also hoping one day we get a good sequel to DN3D (Ion Fury is awesome tho, try that one if you already love the original Duke Nukem 3D). And as other reviewers say, you're better off playing it on EDuke32, which requires a file you can get by buying this version, so maybe buy it when it's on sale and then just use the .GRP file on EDuke32 or ZetaTouch (for mobile).
The new levels are fun, there's also a rewind function, better audio, re-recorded Duke's lines and developer commentary, so I'll give that to this version. Commentary is probably the best thing you can get from this besides the file required to play the game in its best form.
And as always, hail to the king, baby!
It's Duke Nukem, he kicks ass and chews bubblegum... If you are a PC gamer you are obligated to have played this game at least once.
I remember being introduced to this game on the phone back then and now fully experiencing it. i'm having a blast
Peak FPS badassery. My 2nd favorite game from the holy trinity of the Build Engine, losing only to Blood. Amazing game, can't recommend it enough; though this port here isn't quite the best i will say.
you should make a duke nukem xtreme
golly you just try and find every excuse to try and make fun of poor old shmup huh
Duke Nukem 3D itself is a fps masterpiece, but this Gearbox re-release is a joke. They ruined mouse sensitivity and audio, plus added bugs. I have no idea how that's even possible since there already was perfectly fine "megaton edition".
Fuck Gearbox and especially fuck Randy Pitchfork.
Alright, let's kick some ali
Duke Nukem 3D is back, and in its 20th Anniversary World Tour edition, the king of politically incorrect action proves he's still got the moves (and the one-liners). This isn't just a simple re-release; it's a love letter to a classic, packed with new content and thoughtful updates that make it a must-play for both nostalgic fans and newcomers alike.
Gearbox Software didn't just slap a new coat of paint on Duke Nukem 3D. While the core gameplay remains faithfully preserved - and that's a good thing - they've enhanced the visuals with a "True3D Rendering" mode that makes the game look smoother and more vibrant, while still retaining its pixelated charm. The option to toggle between the original and updated graphics is also a welcome touch.
But the real treat for fans is the brand-new fifth episode, "Alien World Order," designed by original level designers Allen Blum III and Richard "Levelord" Gray. This new episode fits seamlessly into the game, capturing the classic Duke Nukem 3D vibe with its inventive level design, hidden secrets, and challenging enemy encounters. It's like discovering a lost chapter of a beloved book, and it's just as good as you remember.
The addition of developer commentary is another fantastic feature. Hearing Blum and Gray reminisce about the game's development and share behind-the-scenes anecdotes is a fascinating insight into the making of a gaming legend. This feature alone makes the 20th Anniversary World Tour worth the price of admission for hardcore fans.
Of course, the core of Duke Nukem 3D is still what makes it so great: the tight, fast-paced gunplay, the interactive environments, and Duke himself, spouting his iconic one-liners. This game is a blast from the past that still holds up incredibly well. It's a reminder of a time when shooters were less about realism and more about pure, unadulterated fun.
The Highlights:
* New Episode "Alien World Order": A fantastic addition that feels like classic Duke.
* Enhanced Visuals: The True3D Rendering mode makes the game look better than ever, without sacrificing its retro charm.
* Developer Commentary: A fascinating and insightful look into the making of the game.
* Faithful Gameplay: The core gameplay is unchanged, and that's a good thing. It's still a blast to play.
* Rewind Feature: New for the game is a rewind feature that can help players get through some of the game's more frustrating segments.
The Verdict:
Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour is a triumph. It's a respectful and loving tribute to a gaming classic that manages to enhance the experience without losing what made the original so special. Whether you're a longtime fan or a newcomer curious to see what all the fuss is about, this is the definitive way to experience Duke Nukem 3D. So, grab your shotgun, put on your shades, and get ready to kick some alien ass. Hail to the king, baby!
Rating: 4.5/5 Stars - Come Get Some!
add naked mod for duke
Played it for a bit, felt I was better off using a source port instead. The mouse controls don't sit right with me at all.
Plain Old FUN!
Just play on EDuke or Raze, this version sucks.
Having never really played much of Duke Nukem 3D back in the day it's still surprisingly fun with just the right amount of cheese. Interesting level design, weapons with lots of gibbing and goofy one liners, what's not to love.
Terrible port of a great game.
I can't even save my game for some reason.
Sorry, But I can't recommend this version of the game.
Don't bother with this port, bad mouselook, and movement. Only reason I played it was to get all the achievements for bragging rights.
I'm very glad that Source Ports like Raze exist because otherwise this port SUCKS. Alien World Order is a banger of an episode and fits right in with the rest of the Atomic Edition content on offer here, but The King deserves a better official preservation of his crown jewel adventure. The mouse look sucks, no matter any settings to V-sync or framerate. The true 3D doesn't do much other than add awkward lighting and gaudy ambient occlusion. Occlusion works fine as a flourish for a game that was made with it in mind but it does not work at all when a majority of what's been given it is 2D sprites. The worst part of it all is that it's been coded in a way that you can't just drag and drop into a source port like eDuke32.
I'd say the only reason to buy this is for Alien World Order and run it through Raze. Otherwise, you're better off getting the old Atmoic Edition off of ZOOM Platform that can run in ANY source-port. No DRM whatsoever.
Gearbox really should do better with Duke. A new game or an updated, better port AT LEAST.
If you love classic shooters like doom, wolfenstien, and power slave you've probaly played duke nukem but the new addons are great
Same great game with some new levels added.
Classic Duke Nukem. Plays great, no issues.
Just like I remembered. It's a good old school FPS shooter with some mature kinda funny one liners and some 2D pixelated babes.
If you're interested in this game for the multiplayer, don't buy it. It keeps crashing and Gearbox doesn't seem to be willing to fix it.
protip: download eduke32, extract it into a folder in your steam installation of this game, in the launch options write "(whatever drive its on)\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Duke Nukem 3D Twentieth Anniversary World Tour\(eduke folder name)\eduke32.exe" %command%
and then play the game without having to deal with this shitty port
give a random Texan a game budget the game
The original was better, this one feels like it sucks. 5/10
This is a "recommend" with a disclaimer.
Duke 3D is a classic 90s FPS that kinda has it all. Fast paced action, added degrees of novelty, and an engine that allows some fancier level-design tricks. This version includes a new campaign that's decent enough with an amusing new weapon.
There are issues with sound on this one. Octabrain screams and some ambient alien droning sound stacks a lot, getting unreasonably loud. There's also perhaps slight oddities with weapon precision. Enemies seem to do more damage and are a little more precise while aiming is a little wonkier than I remember (or that I can see when I fire up an older version instead).
Still, given I got this on sale for like 2 dollars, it wasn't a bad nostalgia trip. Game runs mostly fine and if you like Duke 3D or these kinds of "boomer shooters" in general, you'll probably enjoy this. Perhaps best on sale.
The little aforementioned issues and the lack of a convenient level editor in the package does mean older versions of the game come off as the superior options to me, even if they take a bit more to get running properly and maybe aren't quite as graphically pretty. Also, if you're the kind of person who requires a game to have a content update every month or so, or you consider it "dead" or "abandoned" you're going to be very disappointed and should look elsewhere.
Nice to get achievements for having balls of steel.
Good game, this game is action packed, fun, goofy and a good game to play if your a fan of 90s FPS games! I had a blast playing through the 4 original episodes from the Atomic Edition and the extra bonus episode made with this port!
Now besides the game, this is the only way to buy Duke Nukem 3D on Steam and its not a BAD modern port of the game. It just has some issues like the Mouse delay and not including the 3 expansions that came with the megaton edition, Duke it out in D.C, Nuclear Winter and Life is a Beach. So its a shame if you want to play those expansions you'll probably have to either have a family member who has it with steam family sharing or get it through illegal means. But at least it comes with the original GRP file for Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition to run it in a source port like EDuke32.
10/10 Game
7.5/10 Official Modern Port.
This may be a shitty port for one of the best fps ever made and I only bought it for the source code and the incredible new chapter (seriously, it's super worth it) but it's duke nukem, even with the lag and the weird behavior this game still kicks gum and chews bubble ass, and I'm all outta gas.
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Nerve Software, Gearbox Software, LLC |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 72 |
Отзывы пользователей | 81% положительных (2698) |