Разработчик: Matt Roszak
Игра прекрасно подходит даже тем, кто никогда не играл в предыдущие части, а ветеранов серии порадует множество интересных новшеств.

В Epic Battle Fantasy 5 вам встретятся...
- 30 часов геймплея и тонны дополнительных подземелий и испытаний.
- Более 120 умений и столько снаряжения, что за всю игру не перемерять.
- Более 170 разных врагов, каждый из которых уникален своими атаками и поведением.
- Почти любого врага можно захватить, как Пок*мона, а потом использовать в бою. (Даже боссов!)
- Новая игровая механика, включающая в себя изменение погоды и перезарядку умений. (Прощай, мана!)
- Подготавливайте умопомрачительные комбо-атаки, используя статусные эффекты. (Влага + Электричество = Огромный урон!)
- Весь текст в игре переведен на русский.
- Понравится и простым игрокам, и хардкорщикам.
- Подходит для любого возраста (если отключен контент для взрослых).
В Epic Battle Fantasy 5 вам НЕ встретятся...
- Раздражающие случайные битвы.
- Неудобные точки сохранения.
- Депрессивные герои.
- Точки невозврата.

Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, portuguese - brazil, japanese, korean, polish, russian, simplified chinese, spanish - latin america, traditional chinese, vietnamese, spanish - spain
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows 7
- Процессор: 2.3 GHz Dual Core (или лучше, для более высокого качества)
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Не особо важно
- Место на диске: 400 MB
- Дополнительно: Достаточно одной лишь мыши
Отзывы пользователей
it's peak.
The best JRPG ever made.
GOATED franchise.
I grew up with the first 3 EBF games. I loved them all, enjoyed 4 to a great extent all through middle school. By the time this game came out I was in Junior year of high school, playing all of these big name RPGs, but something about EBF always keeps me coming back for more. I will say that as someone who greatly enjoyed the 4th game, I wasn't too sure about the hard reboot, but I can see why it needed to be done, considering 4 ended with 2 gods deciding to just leave after we beat them up, but the reboot part has since grown on me and I appreciate the way that the game handles everyone meeting up. I highly recommend this game for anyone who enjoys more old school RPGs that still have some modern upgrades that you wouldn't see in older titles.
Game feels far more punishing than the previous entries in the series. You have to constantly think about medals and trying to capture every boss, because if you don't, you better PRAY that creature respawns somewhere! On top of the cooldown system feeling like a step backwards from the earlier games that run on MP, this just makes for a miserable, tedious experience where every step of your adventure needs to be meticulously planned out if you want to access everything you can before NG+.
Final boss was very generic, felt that there was something missing. NG+ was just replaying the game with all our endgame gear. Personally I preferred, the free version of 4 but I played that game ages ago so that opinion is laced with nostalgia.
its an awesome game
It's peak
It's a good time
A really great turn-based RPG game with some mechanics to learn and tons of skills. I have played EBF 3 and 4 before this and they are really good game. But, after playing EBF 5, i'm sure that this is one of the best turn-based game i've ever played. This game mix the element of turn-based game, exploration, secret finding, and a little bit of grinds. Some concepts in this game are also really spectacular. I personally would recommend to go for hard/epic difficulty so that you can actually learn the mechanics in this game and actually play (i think) how the game was intended to be played. Normal difficulty or below can just be completed by just "brute forcing" the enemy(my experience tho, not sure about others). But, after getting 100% of the achievements in this game and opened a secret room that required all achievement to be completed, the room and the afterword/story felt a bit anti-climatic. Other than that, EBF 5 is really a good game.
Overall, 9/10. If you like turn-based game, go try this game out!
I have played it in a different device. This game is definition of fun game and what games are meant to be. %100 worth!
Another great entry in the EBF series.
This is the best JRPG I’ve played in recent years. The story boldly breaks the fourth wall, packed with countless references and Easter eggs that add charm. The gameplay is extremely player-friendly while still offering deep exploration and engaging mechanics. With an abundance of side quests, there’s never a dull moment. I love EBF5, just as I sense that Matt is deeply devoted to the art of gaming.
This is a bit long so, sit in for a little read and i hope the dev sees this PLEASE MATT READ THIS
what an improvement over 4, this is massive and a lot better than it's predecessor, i've finished this game on my phone (which btw i'd rather be paid than be "free" in the way it currently is, pay for the rest of the content)
and i've been playing to finish the game with its full content on pc now, its great the pretty old honestly, humor is a little out of date but then again the people who play the game are probably over 20 or older by this point so it still hits, you still laugh.
animations are tight, simple but effective, some are flashy just in the right way and some are simple just the perfect amount.
gameplay wise is the biggest change, you get 5 characters this time and there's no more mana (thank you Matt) and while some people might prefer having mana and NoLegs as a summon, i say, THANK GOD, variety, omg its an entirely new skill set to use and learn, its an entire character with it's own interactions and equipments and uses, it expands the game in a much better way than just give everyone 10 new skills, and no mana is amazing the cooldown system is MUCH better, some cooldowns are a bit much being honest but that's no issue considering i dont have to worry about running out of mana using the big titty, the mage, after using 4 spells.
it makes the game a bit easier tho which is where im gonna be complaining a bit, 4 is a lot harder, no doubt no discussion, some enemies feel pretty bullshit in this game, but then again you really dont have to worry about anything other than your health, you dont have to manage mana anymore which was a big part of 4 if you were playing on a difficult above game journalist, having to strategize what skills to use so you dont run out when its most important was a pretty difficult thing to do having you waste a turn just to recover the mana.
another issue with the game is the framerate and peformance, i know the animations are clearly not animated on 60fps but, the mobile version has an option for it, you can make unlimit the fps on mobile which is weird that it's not an option at all on pc, but animation apart, the game runs kinda bad, it still feels like its a game programmed for Flash which rarely ever ran properly even on powerful machines, which is very apparent on menus and such where the game wouldnt need to limit the framerate due to animation reasons, if there's more than a few particles on the screen the game kinda dies and, i can send my specs, its not my computer, maybe its some spaghetti code, what game doesnt have some right? but still, 2018, its 2025, please fix the framerate and give us the secret options from mobile to pc.
now on a personal complaint, the scaling, i play purely on 200%, call me a masochist, i LOVE challenge, but there's challenge, and then there's putting 4 enemies with 100k hp while your characters still have at best 5k hp, i have my Matt be a brick shithouse on the defense and magic defense stats, i maxed the most amount of resistances on him, he has auto revive, regen, EVERYTHING to make him last the longest and tank a lot and for the biggest part of the game, he still gets one shot by most enemies at his level, i know its supposed to be hard, but some manual input on the difficulties is needed rather than just scaling stats by 200%, it's challenging, but not in a fun way, you have to FULLY max out damage on a single turn on most of the time a single target and still watch as 3 out of 5 characters get one tapped by most enemies, difficulty needs a change, no surprise there i'm hoping.
I really did not have to 100% this game 6 times and amass 1200 hours in it but the characters and art have so much charm, the gameplay is one of my favorites of the RPG genre. It's just the right amount of strategic where it's doable for casual players but still challenging for the experienced. Also Lance is one of the funniest video game characters ever holy shit
already played the series since EBF2 on the website. EBF5 does have a lot of additional features than the previous series (especially the feature to catch monsters), as well as some changes for example not using mp and adding a couldown mechanism, I think it's quite okay but to be better it's better to add both mechanisms to make it more challenging and exciting. from some designs in EBF5 it looks quite different from the previous series for example seen in the mobs, they have a pretty good design. however the design on the skill limit break 7th haven natalie and the Lance's pistol model both I don't like, kyuunn on EBF3 and EBF4 are much cuter! (not gonna lie). as a fan of "lance" the lance pistol in EBF3 and EBF4 which is in the form of a gunblade is honestly very cool and intimidating (it's a shame EBF5 doesn't use it anymore even though for me it's one of Lance's characteristics). some other unique designs are on the equipment where if you use the right set then the design will change and adjust to the set for example Maid cat. some of the accessories are no longer just random accessories that are just attached, but also some can be earrings, necklaces, faces and also pets. overall this EBF5 game is no less exciting than the previous series, providing new features from the previous series as well as new equipment, accessories, weapons and new Foes making this series much more exciting and interesting!. love it!
Very good RPG that has decent humor, mechanics, characters, attacks, and overall charm. Worth a play if you have the time.
This game has EVERYTHING a gamer would want in a turn-based RPG. Not only is the soundtrack top-notch, but the story is funny AND awesome! I would be remiss if I didn't mention that while the gameplay is simple, it still has soooo much replay value. 10/10 would highly recommend!!!
this game is so goo liekf omg i lvoe the overall gamepaly the stroy THE CHARACTERS THEYRE SO FUNNNNNN def recommenf its so silly this def is my new all time fav game :3 also rlly fun world building i loveeee all the diff areas
I fantasise abt this
Fun game.
Great RPG with lots of content. A zelda-like overworld and classical turn-based battle. Very fun.
coming from a place of zero nostalgia: this is a truly excellent JPRG. The mechanics of games like early final fantasy, pokemon, dragon quest, and persona have been combined and honed to a razor's edge. tons of extra content too. the story is nothng to write home about, a bit newgroundsy and edgy, but I enjoyed the character interactions and it still does it's job of making you care about the characters. The art is also great.
One of my favorite games of all time! I remember playing EBF3 back on armor games and absolutely falling in love. I was so excited when EBF4 came out! To be able to play such a nostalgic game from my younger years done so incredibly well was an absolute treasure. I can't recommend this game enough. All EBF games are so wonderful and fun, and all of the new fun content on EBF5 was an amazingly fun challenge and a new perspective on the game. Being able to revisit the old games was awesome too - even the EBF1/2 were super fun!
For anyone on the fence, please give this game a try, especially if you can get the delux version. I love this game!!!
Don't use 7th heaven while your parents are in the room!
It only took me seven months, but I figured out basic comboing and beat the final boss on maximum difficulty. Absolutely recommend the game, and to be played on the highest difficulty, but I will say, when going into the final encounter, make damn sure you understand the comboing mechanics, elemental weaknesses, and status effects, make sure you have good equipment and know how to swap it out, and have useful summons for debilitation, and be ready to plan on the fly (if you intend to make it the first time) because you can't turn back. It's apparently not so hard, since 1/3 of players who beat the game beat it on Epic difficulty, but it's no joke either.
It`s pretty great. Currently on my first playthrough (I picked Epic mode)
So brutally difficult that even after 66 hours of play (I played the mobile version first so that`s why my steam playtime doesn`t match) i`m not even halfway through the game.
There`s a lot of strategy in it too.
Played EBF3 long ago when I was a kid, loved it. Now 10+ years later, this is a masterpiece. Loved every moment of it. Lots of memes, references, 4th wall breaking, and one of the best (if not the best) turn-based combat system I've ever experienced. And Phyrnna's music is so good on top of that.
The epic difficulty medals are definitely very challenging. They require a deep understanding of the game's combat system, what each character can do, what each enemy can do. It's perfect for players who love studying in-depth game mechanics.
Best childhood game series i ever had...
ebf4 is better.
i don't have the energy to write anything down right now, but you really can't go wrong with the epic battle fantasy franchise, especially this one
An amazing piece of digital media. I would go out of my way to say it is a genuine piece of art, hats off to Matt Roszak for keeping the series going after all these years, the many artists that contributed as well as Phyrnna for the various soundtracks.
Absolutely, without a question, is quite possibly the
I've played EBF since the first one came out on Kongregate and with each new addition have been pleased at the new additions. I kind of enjoy the addition of a pseudo-Pokemon style aspect to the gameplay in this version, where instead of getting a new character, you can capture your foes and force them to help you out in combat. And Matt, NoLegs, Natalie, Lance, and Anna are still funny as ever.
best game ever, tell everyone about this game, this isn't a request this is a threat, THE PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW
Finally bought this game after 5 years because I didn't have any money, and I must say I'm not disappointed. I wish it wasn't a reboot but a continuation tho lol.
Oh my God.
I get it now.
I spent too much time 100%'ing this game
if you ever played the old final fantasy games this game is pretty much like it. or any other old school role playing game Kupo does good work and this shows. this game is hours and hours of fun and with new content being added slowly its a worthwhile game.
Though some of the humour can be tasteless and outdated, this game is actually pretty f'ing masterful. The characters are likeable and interact well and have unique personalities and go through growth throughout the game whilst still retaining what makes them who they are. The battles are fun and intuitive, the soundtrack is PHENOMENAL and quite honestly I really enjoy the visuals too. Definitely recommend it, especially if you're a fan of stuff like Final Fantasy VI.
Great game.
will play it more when i find out how to get the cairitor/enamies idle battle anamations to stop freezeing.
other then that its worth the price
Great game, got it on my phone as well, been a fan of this guy's work since i was little and i never seem to tire the game play, love the story and characters, even after all this time am excited to play any game this guy dishes out. for sure check out his other stuff
I will leave this cat here, so that everybody who passes by can pet it and give it a thumbs up and awards
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Matt Roszak |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 99% положительных (2558) |