Разработчик: Tripwire Interactive
D-Day Anniversary 2016 Update for Heroes of the West
To commemorate the 72nd anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy, we have introduced 2 new maps, a new vehicles and a whole bunch of detail changes and updates for the Heroes of the West mod! The new maps are:
- Caen Outskirts: a combined arms map featuring the British in a gruelling fight to break out from the Normandy beachhead in summer 1944. The map also introduces the British Bren Carrier troop transport.
- Hill 400: this map recreates the bitter fighting in the winter of 1944 with the 2d Ranger Battalion struggling against Axis forces in the Hurtgen Forest.
If you own RO2/RS the mod is completely free to you. To get your copy, simply head for the store page: HERE
Heroes of the West mod added
Free user-created mod
Now released - the user-generated mod, Heroes of the West. Produced by the RO2/RS community, with a little help and some assets from Tripwire and Antimatter Games. Bringing RO2 warfare to the Western Front, the mod adds 4 new maps, 5 new character sets and 10 new weapons - with lots more to come!
If you already own RO2/RS, you can simply install the mod here:
Расширенное издание Steam добавляет следующие бонусы к обычному изданию игры:
- Разблокировка элитных оружий штурмовика (MKb 42(H) и AVT-40) и полу-автоматических оружий снайпера (SVT-40 и G 41(W)) в первый же день:
- Шляпы русского и немецкого солдата в Team Fortress 2 («Высшей пробы», если был оформлен предзаказ):
- Два новых персонажа для Killing Floor — исполнители ролей русского и немецкого солдата:
RO2 Contains ALL Rising Storm Content
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Game of the Year Edition
May 2014: To celebrate the award of PC Gamer's "Multiplayer Game of the Year 2013", we have update Rising Storm to the Game of the Year edition. This already includes all the previous content updates (Island Assault and the Counterattack mapping contest maps) and now adds in the following:
- 2 transport vehicles for the RO2 factions - Universal Carrier for the Russians and SdKfz-251 halftrack for the Germans
- 3 existing maps updated for the transports (Arad 2, Barashka and Rakowice
- New map - Maggot Hill, featuring Merrill's Marauders at Nhpum Ga, April 1944
- New Search & Destroy gameplay mode - a single life game-type in which teams take turns attempting to destroy one of multiple objectives by planting an explosive. A full set of 10 maps configured for this new game mode
- 3 new community maps now official - Phosphate Plant and Otori Shima featuring US vs Japanese and Myshkova River featuring Russians vs Germans

December 2013: Now that the $35,000 Counterattack Mapping Contest for RO2 has concluded and helped us find the best community made maps on Steam Workshop, Tripwire have worked with the original map makers to polish them up and add them into Red Orchestra 2 as Official Custom Maps. These are some of the best - adding some great new gameplay. All are included for free for everyone who owns the game. Don't forget there are more great community maps and content on Steam Workshop, so head on over there now!
This is the second Counterattack Map Contest Pack and completes the set, bringing you 3 more maps:
- Bridges of Druzhina - a massive combined arms map, Russians attacking across open ground, a river and right through a small city, supported by armor; the Germans dug in and steadily pushed back. A classic!
- Cold Steel - a Soviet assault against German infantry dug in to a huge factory complex, fighting across open spaces and then inside individual factory buildings.
- Gumrak Station - a re-imagining of a classic Ostfront map, moved to Gumrak Station, to the west of Stalingrad.
Издание Digital Deluxe Edition
Steam Digital Deluxe Edition adds the following extras on top of the Standard Edition:
- Day 1 Unlock of the Elite Assault Weapons (MKb 42(H) and AVT-40) and Semi Auto Sniper Weapons (SVT-40 and G 41(W):
- Team Fortress 2 German and Russian hats ("Genuine" if bought during pre-purchase):
- Two new characters for Killing Floor - Russian and German Soldier Re-enactors:
New Game Modes
This new edition adds a whole set of extra features, available for free to all owners of the game, including two new game modes:
- “Action” mode – Featuring a crosshair, easier aiming and toned down recoil, reduced damage and open access to a wide range of weaponry Action mode is the perfect first step for players into the world of Red Orchestra.
- “Classic” mode blends the gameplay innovations of the new game with the tactical and edgy gameplay of the original giving the fans of the first game exactly what they want.
- Mamayev Kurgan – complete new map, featuring both close-quarters battles in trenches and bunkers, as well as longer ranged combat across the famous hill in Stalingrad.
- Refined and improved gameplay across the board, vehicle improvements, and way better performance and polish. We listened to the community and based on their feedback refined and tweaked almost every major feature in the game!
Об игре

Игра «Red Orchestra 2» посвящена Сталинградской битве и соответствующим операциям немцев и Советского союза, проводившимся с июля 1942 года по февраль 1943 года.
Игроку предоставляется возможность поучаствовать в одном из самых жестоких сражений за всю историю человечества. Игра отличается непревзойденной точностью в деталях и реалистичными жестокими битвами в многопользовательских режимах: от стремительных перестрелок до сложных, продуманных тактических противостояний.
Многопользовательская часть «Red Orchestra» взяла новую высоту
- Реалистичный до жестокости игровой процесс «Red Orchestra» был доработан, расширен и сделан более дружелюбным для игроков.
- Среди игровых режимов — узнаваемая «Перестрелка» (командный бой насмерть в исполнении Tripwire), одиночная игра в виде режима «Обратный отсчет», а также «Территория» — режим, успевший полюбиться сотням тысяч игроков «Red Orchestra» по всему миру.

Увлекательные танковые сражения от первого лица
- Вам предстоит поучаствовать в самой захватывающей из когда-либо созданных игр о танковых сражениях и узнать, каково было сражаться внутри металлических монстров времен Второй мировой войны.
- Подробно смоделированное трехмерное внутреннее пространство, полноценная команда под управлением компьютера и усовершенствованные системы поведения брони и урона, а также уникальные возможности управления танком.
Постоянное отслеживание статистики и развитие игрока
- Постоянное отслеживание статистики дает игрокам цель, к которой можно стремиться.
- Вы будете получать новые ранги и достижения, улучшать свои способности и сможете стать героем!

Система укрытий при игре от первого лица
- Примите участие в поражающих воображение перестрелках с использованием системы укрытий и вида от первого лица.
- Вы сможете выглядывать, стрелять вслепую из-за угла и многое другое.
Уникальная тема: глубоко проработанная Сталинградская битва
- «Red Orchestra 2» задает знакомому жанру игр о Второй мировой войне новое направление. Игра оставляет далеко позади Нормандию и предлагает игроку совершенно новые сценарии и события.
- Вместе с немцами вам предстоит атаковать Сталинград, двигаясь к берегам Волги. Вместе с советскими солдатами вы будете удерживать город, несмотря на отчаянный натиск, а затем уничтожите силы Оси.

Оружие Второй мировой войны в новом виде
- Реалистичная баллистика, пробивание пулями, дыхание, регулируемые прицелы, свободное наведение, установка на сошки, фотореалистичная графика и многое другое — вы сможете взглянуть на оружие Второй мировой войны совершенно по-новому.
- Достигните конечной цели и станьте героем в игре. Игроки со статусом героя вдохновляют солдат вокруг себя и вызывают страх у противника.
- Героям открывается доступ к самому лучшему, редкому оружию — кроме того, они визуально выделяются среди остальных.

Боевой дух
- Попробуйте, каково быть солдатом в одном из самых кровавых конфликтов в истории, и почувствуйте важность боевого духа, который иногда может даже переломить ход битвы.
- Подавляйте противника и получайте преимущество в сражении!
Доработанный Unreal® Engine™ 3
- Игра разработана на доработанной версии Unreal Engine 3 и обладает самыми современными функциями и визуальным оформлением.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, russian, polish
Системные требования
- ОС: Windows XP/Vista/7
- Процессор: двухъядерный с частотой 2,3 ГГц или лучше
- Оперативная память: 2 ГБ
- Видеокарта: с 256 МБ видеопамяти, поддержкой DirectX 9, NVIDIA® GeForce 7800 GTX или лучше ATI® Radeon® HD 2900 GT или лучше
- DirectX®: DirectX 9.0c
- Жесткий диск: 8 ГБ свободного места
- Звуковая карта: совместимая с Windows
- Другое: требуется широкополосное Интернет-соединение
- ОС: Windows XP/Vista/7
- Процессор: четырехъядерный с часотой 2,6 ГГц или лучше
- Оперативная память: 3 ГБ
- Видеокарта: 512 МБ с поддержкой шейдеров 3.0 и DX9 NVIDIA® GeForce GTX 260 или лучше ATI® Radeon® HD 5750 или лучше
- Жесткий диск: 8 ГБ свободного места
- Звуковая карта: Sound Blaster Audigy или лучше
Отзывы пользователей
Better than Hell let loose, just needs more players.
Red Orchestra 2/Rising Storm is a fantastic game that I would see is the perfect middle ground between HLL, S44, CoD WaW, and BF5. A properly set server will be one shot kill to the chest and if you're hit in a limb, better duck down and bandage up. Gunplay is very, very satisfying. Gun selections are true to life no whether you Allies or Axis in the Pacific or European Theaters.
The one downside to this game is that player base is very small. Pacific Theater has been mostly abandoned except a few server hosts doing the lords work keeping it alive. That said being the game goes on sale for dirt cheap quite often it's absolutely worth getting it and joining the community. There a couple Discords for the game and I recommend hopping in a few and being social to help respark the community.
Hope to see y'all on the field!
Best to make new friends and meet unique people, I 100% recommend buying this game as soon it gets on sale!
This game may be ancient but it still holds out great! Especially with the although shy but funny community nonetheless.
Each campaign makes you feel like you're in some story or a movie and it can be really immersive at times.
(I'm looking at you Leica)
This game has made me feel anxious , rage, shed tears, overwhelmed with joy and compassion.
This game is a hidden gem and I hope we meet together in the frontlines!
Hru na 100% odporúčam. Hra je síce staršia a grafika nezaujme každého. Môže byť zo začiatku náročná a chaotická ale po splnení tutorialov a pár hrách sa človek vyzná. Veľké plus ktoré ocenia fanúšikovia tankov sú veľmi dobre perpracované modely (interiér aj exteriér), možnosť multi-crew, historické mieridlá a celkový dojem z toho že človek je v tanku.
Don't listen to Shirin, It's a hard but a great game.
Game of my youth but I was to stupid to understand how to play it correctly so I switched to Battlefield and Call of Duty and now its to late to play this game since it is overrun by cheaters or mostly abondend.
detailed tank interior, realistic gore, but i will be happy if there was another tank
This game has the best shooter game play I have ever experienced. I have tried so many other ego-shooters and nothing can compete gameplay-wise for my taste.
getting ready for war
one of the GOATS for sure
Not Recommended
This game is hard to review. There are a lot of tactics involved in this World War 2 game when it comes down to finding a good position and deciding when to take more territory. Overall great WW2 shooter and map design! On the other hand, the devs did a sloppy job when it came to removing the single player campaign because they were incapable of making it work. I've never heard of a game developer removing this much from a game. It's a first. They also kept the single player achievements and promised to fix it later even though the campaign was removed. Kick the bucket down the road. Then they said the game is too old so the devs won't fix it. There is also an impossible achievement because of a progress bug the devs screwed up on and gave everyone who had the bug an achievement called inb4reset which is not a reward for something the player did but a mistake from the devs so it was a limited time achievement. Weird and unheard of to get an achievement for the developers mistake for bugging everyone's progress. I just find it very strange. There are a lot of other bugs and problems with the game. It is still a great multiplayer game. So I'll let you decide if this game is right for you. If achievements are not important to you, and you want to get another WW2 shooter, then I say go for it. You also shouldn't expect any bug fixes because support is basically non-existent.
Played a lot. Liked it. But recent weapon handling/recoil update really ruined it for me. I wish they fixed texture bugs instead.
Best shooter i have played, i found games pretty easily and the game is really realistic. This is the example that good game doesnt need great graphics.
This was always dream of mine to play in 2011. It delivers with amazing realistic gameplay and large scale battles.
Great game as long as the teams aren't unbalanced.
This game dives into an often unexplored side of warfare. Horror. Between the screams of the dying, the deafening cascade of gunfire and artillery, and the ever present threat of death, this game can be downright traumatic. Boasting a still-active playerbase and a gameplay formula that combines ultra-realistic action with simpler controls than most other military simulation games, this one is definitely worth a try.
Gut game what can I say.
game is a bit older and needs bots to fill in for most lobbies second time purchasing it cause stem didn't believe it was me on my other account so thats great.
Buggy with frequent crashes
give me inb4 reset pls
Great fun
I've heard and seen a lot of good things about this game, that it was one of the most gritty and intense WW2 FPSes that complimented classics like Day of Defeat. Naturally I decided to try it.
I can now salute both sides of the Eastern Front for their suffering. Suffering through the laggiest menu possible, and charging in a low poly 1280x720 environment that constantly stutters because anything higher than 8 bit graphics would make them frozen for five minutes.
My computer is far newer than most computers designed to run this 2011 game. It's truly incredible how a lazy company and lack of optimization can make an over-a-decade high rated shooter so broken now.
Blacklisted for broken product and horrible optimization, as well as Tripwire's other products. Do not buy.
good game
i can kill russian
i downloaded the game for the tank gameplay, but no tank, still good
Really shows how little value life had back then. The soundtrack is awesome too
Such a long time ago that i played this game and seeing it gives me a lot of good memories.
It might not be worth to buy it anymore since its totally outdated but i always dream of a proper remake with new graphic......
I still remember leading multiple banzai charges, literally overruning the entire campaing for multiple hours... the start was hard but once it succeded you had literally the entire team charging with you, making it an absolute awesome experience.
I Think at that time i was called Blitzkrieg/Von Clausewitz etc. no idea anymore but i remember other great commanders like "2" who lead multiple banzai charges and some of them were even recorded on youtube.... good old times i wish for a remake <3
its fun enough but not supporting controllers is gay
russa and germney
Before Enlisted you are the OG
Game is a pure meh.
Concept is good, but graphics and gameplay are just not up to the task.
I played similar games but this was the worst so far. The ideas for mechanics are awesome, Roles are interesting and it could've been a game that let's you forget the bad graphics with good gameplay. But its not.
Only Server based, toxic comunity with people shouting racial slurs and insults, Gameplay is confusing af and you can choose to play on a Server filled with pros or bots. YAY. My first server was just angry chinese speakers shouting in their mics and me spawning in and gettin killed without even noticing who or how. Sometimes you get shot, sometimes you just loose health by chance...wtf? But maybe it's just a bad tutorial and mechanics that are not well explained.
But I played Mount and Blade: Napoleonic War online and it was WAY better than this game, even if the graphics were worse. Same for Battlefield, way less options and more streamlined, but way more fun gameplay.
So 100% NOT Newcomer friendly and let me put it like that: Do not buy if you are looking for some easy going war game fun or meaningful MP experiences.
Or let's say it like this: I bought it on sale for 3 Bucks and still want my money back.
Loved it, but it's pretty dead these days.
It is realistic, its fun, there's times where you wipe out 10 guys in 1 life or make a good flank. I don't see any downsides
Red Orchestra 2 is fundamentally different from the original Red Orchestra. It keeps the more realistic gun mechanics of the first game but gets rid of some of the more controversial parts of the game that pushed players to play more careful and use teamwork instead of just run and gun.
The second Red Orchestra is less realistic and more faster paced game than the original. This is mainly done with faster spawn times and allowing players to spawn with their officers directly into the action. In the original game the longer spawn times and having to walk back to the front made dying a bigger cost and pushed people to actually play more carefully (realistically). The first game also had darker maps and more extreme weather conditions that pushed people to stay closer together and follow each other. The second game has brighter maps and less extreme weather which leads to more people feeling comfortable enough to act like a lone wolf despite having objectives clearly marked on their map.
This is still a good game. It maintains the more realistic gunplay of the first game (although still slightly more sped up) and gets rid of the map mechanics that were inconvenient, but promoted more realistic play. This tradeoff means a faster paced and more action packed game.
Around a decade ago I once stabbed a guy with a bayonet awkwardly installed on a set-up japanese heavy machinegun
It is still one of my rarest achievements ever
Not worth playing if you're new (Like me). Filled to the brim with old head veterans that will crush any amount of enjoyment that you could have and no room to learn. Buy it if it goes on sale but don't bother otherwise.
Certified classic. First game i ever bought on steam
Respect for all the dead in massgrave Mamayev-kurgan.
Like Fortnite but Stalingrad
Best game ever, no other game catches this one's feelings of realism in a WW2 setting at all
Please revive this game!
Mixes of Realism and Arcade is exactly what we need. 10/10.
Игры похожие на Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Tripwire Interactive |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 76 |
Отзывы пользователей | 94% положительных (11159) |