Разработчик: Skyboy Games
super funky dance soundtrack.
Ooki the monkey must take cute, furry revenge on a bunch of banana thieving crabs, but to do so he must :
- Get help from a super cute flying ANGEL CAT!
- LAUNCH MISSILES from Ooki's little pink BUTT!
All this and DAILY CHALLENGES that allow you to get more helping ITEMS from the OOKI BALLS vending machine!
A 17 track MP3 soundtrack is also bundled for free!
Поддерживаемые языки: english
Системные требования
- OS *: Windows XP or later
- Processor: 1.5 GHz Processor or faster
- Memory: 256 MB RAM
- Graphics: OpenGL 1.1 compatible graphics card
- Storage: 384 MB available space
- OS: OS X 10.9
- Processor: Intel Core Duo
- Memory: 256 MB RAM
- Graphics: OpenGL 1.1 compatible graphics card
- Storage: 384 MB available space
Отзывы пользователей
Ookibloks is what looks a lot like a mobile app that's in the wrong place. The game probably won't work for a lot of gamers on modern PCs. Here's why.
It's apparent that little to no testing for the game was done, at least on modern gaming PCs. In fullscreen, the game doesn't display properly, with the game area drawn outside the viewable space. This is caused by the developer not bothering to ensure the game works on resolutions over 1080p, with very high resolution monitors that use resolution scaling. Because the game area is not drawn correctly, it doesn't map to the mouse pointer properly, so the game itself simply cannot be played. Gamers shouldn't be forced to accept defective products just because developers don't bother with basic testing on PC.
If you can somehow get the game to display properly, you'll find it's a very basic "ice sliding" style game where you're positioned on a puzzle grid. You move in straight lines. Each time you move, you move until you hit an obstacle/block, then you can plan your next move. This is the basic schtick for the many Russian ClickTeam Fusion asset flips in the "Chocolate Makes You Happy" series of games, but in this case there's an added dimension of moving enemies which you must avoid by timing your moves carefully. Okay. A bit convoluted to explain, but you can get the idea pretty quick watching a gameplay video... and ultimately it's a shallow experience that would barely be worth playing on an iPhone, let alone here on Steam.
From a technical perspective, the game doesn't meet basic minimum requirements that most PC gamers expect as standard.
While there are options to change the resolution for the game, all this does is scale up the simplistic 2D art assets used to make the game, which makes little or no difference to the graphics quality. Without any other substantial graphics tweaks, it's not possible for gamers to improve the lacklustre 2D visuals.
The game features simple, cartoony 2D graphics, of the type you normally expect to see in low effort mobile apps. 3D graphics programming does require a degree of skill and competence and unfortunately not all developers have the budget or talent to deliver this, despite 3D graphics cards hitting the mainstream in the 1990's. Considering this is being evaluated as a PC game, having the graphics phoned in like this isn't going to result in a high quality, visually impressive game that PC gamers are used to seeing.
The controls can't be customised, which will be an annoyance for many, but it can also render the game unplayable for differently-abled gamers, left handed gamers or gamers using AZERTY or other international keyboard layouts.
This looks and feels like a mobile app, but it doesn't seem to have made it to the app stores. It's unclear why this was put on Steam instead of the app stores it seems to have been designed for. Maybe it was removed, maybe it was rejected by Apple and Google (they do have more rigorous quality standards than Valve does for Steam, after all).
Regardless, for all intents and purposes Ookibloks might as well be a mobile app, it has the same limitations and dumbed down qualities. It's impossible to recommend such a game to PC gamers. We don't spend all this money building gaming rigs so we can pretend they're iPhones and play games that might as well be mobile apps.
These technical defects push this game below acceptable standards for any modern PC game.
You don't have to take my word about how bad the game is, we can measure the interest in a game by how much people bothered to play it. Ookibloks has achievements, and they show us a very clear picture that the game absolutely failed to capture any interest from gamers. The most commonly and easily attained achievement is for clearing the first stage, trivial to achieve, but less than 6 percent of players bothered to get that far before uninstalling the game. That's a tiny, tiny proportion of gamers who even bothered with this. Ouch.
Reviewing SteamDB to check how popular this game was with players reveals a surprise... there's a very healthy spike in player counts for the game. But this only happened once, and isn't consistent with the achievement stats, that show less than 6 percent of players bothered playing the game for any reasonable amount of time. How is it possible for this game to have so many concurrent players who didn't bother engaging with this game? Trading cards. People will use card idling software to collect the cards and sell them, but this won't trigger any achievements in-game.
That tells us people only really bought this game for trading cards, and that's a damning indictment of the woeful quality. A closer look at the numbers shows the game just has a couple of players every week running up the game and idling it for cards, then deleting it. We must ask how it benefits gamers for there to be so many games like this, with little merit as a serious game, that only generate sales from people idling and selling the trading cards.
So, should you buy this game?
Ookibloks is relatively cheap at $2 USD, but it's not worth it. Given the defects and quality issues with the game, coupled with the unrealistic price, this is impossible to recommend. This is also competing with over 11,000 free games available on Steam, many of them far better than this paid product.
I am 32 years old.
My ex-wife and I have a daughter together, and we adopted our son together. Both are now 4 years old.
When we were going through our separation, I felt lost and unhappy. I was self-destructive. One day, I was so angry with everything spiraling out of control that I punched a concrete wall in a moment of overwhelming emotion. This resulted in breaking my fifth metacarpal in my right hand—the hand I worked with, played games with, and used to carry my children to bed—the hand I desperately needed to ensure I could continue providing.
Upon learning the severity of the self-inflicted damage, I became almost suicidal. Keep in mind that just a few months before this, I was the happiest man, with no history of depression or anxiety. I had never experienced anger outbursts, nor was I the type to break down and cry, but I was in a tough situation that truly prevented me from seeing the light on the other side.
With nothing better to do, I looked for a game I could play WITH ONE HAND while recovering. Somehow, I stumbled upon this game and read some of the comments. I decided it was worth a try... I must admit I didn't beat the game, nor did I play as much as some of you. In fact, I may have played this game for only a day or two. That being said, after doing so, I had a new joy and hope for life. I managed to leave behind the pain and suffering that had been thrust upon me. I could experience the joy and happiness of other people. I relaxed for 5 ♥♥♥♥ minutes listening to this music, long enough to realize that I would be okay.
After realizing this, I turned off the game and went back to work. My hand hurt a lot, but I was motivated. I stopped feeling so sorry for myself and became the father I needed to be at that moment, not the weak boy I was behaving like.
Today, I am close friends with the mother of my children. We don't fight, argue, or say hurtful things to each other. We are parents and friends.
Now I have 3 children. My third child is, wait, ALSO 4 YEARS OLD. The woman I am with was going through a very similar situation at the time of my separation, and we just unexpectedly stumbled into each other's lives. We have been dating for a year and are very happy together.
Moral of the story: you never know what life has in store for you, and if I had given up when all odds were against me, I wouldn't be where I am today. This silly little game helped me realize that.
Thank you.
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Idk its ok if your board
Game is really nice, long gameplay and rather fun puzzles for the price. It's just not really well adapted for computer. The controls are icky and the daily reward is really unexplained and I lost the prize other than that it's an okay game. You'd be better getting this on mobile, however.
This is an action game rather than puzzle. I didn't like it.
Help the monkey get his bananas.
Cute, charming puzzle game with an earmeltingly wonderful soundtrack, simple controls, addicting combo-score attack mode, and wonderful visual direction.
Ooki, our happy go lucky monkey is minding his own business in the jungle. Ooki with a sparkle in his eyes spots of his favourite …. bananas! But then something terrible happens. Those awful yet terribly cute bullies gang up on Ooki and steal his precious bananas. Distraught Ooki goes to visit monkey god. He is told to beat ALL the cute bullies over 100 levels to get his bananas back! Life really isn’t fair….
So the story is just fluff and took one minute to write but this just setup for a very fun block puzzle game. Ooki has to punch all the banana blocks in a correct route. This consists of nine areas made up of ten levels and a mini boss fight. To unlock a new area, you must beat the previous one first. The faster and longer combos you achieve the better points you get. This in turn gives you a better rank. Be warned slow coaches! Devil Cat will appear and start chasing you and try to kill you after a certain time.
Figuring out some of the routes might make you want to punch something but they are all solvable. Additionally, elements, spikes, portals, floating and ground enemies are all determined to ruin your good time. providing some additional challenge. If you need extra help you can take the daily challenge to win a go on the prize machine for extra lives or helpers.
Artwork and Music
The artwork and character designs match the tone of the game perfectly and I feel it was a great design choice. Its big, bold, cartoon like and colourful. The main catchy instrumental sounds like a steel band jamming on an island. Devil Cat got his own instrumental too which is a scratch stopping the main and gives of a spooky warning feel. The animal sounds are very nice too.
This is great value for its price providing hours of fun out if you enjoy puzzle games. After game completion you can still do daily challenges, banana chase and work on achievements. Devil Cat also wants you to try his ultra difficult levels if you are hard enough. I am also convinced the developers unleashed their inner child by naming an area Mount Doodeedoo. On a final note I would love the developers to add some emotes to collect for this game. If you have seen any screenshots of this game the character designs are too cute not to collect!
This game is obviously a "patched" game from tablets, made it obvious by how the game or trailer, can't remember where I saw that, states that it is DLC free and such. The lives and daily challenges are very likely to be relics of the game being available for free on tablets, but don't quote me on that, I may be very wrong.
Anyway, not claiming this is a problem, but it does make lives pretty much irrelevant and somewhat annoying since a game over screen is pretty much a loss of time. There's also the fact that there's no quick and easy way to reset a level when you try to go for a perfect combo and the background graphics seem to "break" if the resolution gets too big (On the world map with a resolution of 1600 X 900)
However, beside those nitpicks, the game is really nice. I saw that the music was given with the game and I was sceptical about it really worth being MP3s and oh boy was I wrong. The music is superb and really catchy, probably my favorite aspect of the game. I like the music so much that I went on the data files (\resource\shared\sfx) and got the actual music files myself and added .ogg to them so I get the real music files to listen to :P The MP3s have some very noticeable compression artifacts.
The gameplay is simple but challenging, controls are very responsive, however as I said the lack of a Retry button is annoying.
I also expected a custom level editor for that kind of game but it seems there is none of that. I didn't complete the game so maybe it unlocks once you finished it
Fun game!! I got it on sale for 2 dollars during the steam summer sale. Totally worth the buy. Its a fun game, with some interesting puzzle mechanics. I want to play it on mobile, because its a great game for passing time.
First I should say this is not the kind of game I normally play, being a veteran RPG player. Having said that, though, I very much enjoyed my foray into Ooki's colorful bananas world! The controls seemed fairly intuitive, the music was great, and the characters are extremely cute. There's a nice tutorial at the beginning to show you the ropes and does a good job explaining how the game works. The fact that I was terrible at the game, therefore, can only be my own fault!
I wouldn't play this game if I was looking for deep, immersive story - but for light entertainment purposes, this game is great and time will go faster than you might think!
TL;DR: cute, colorful and great music. Thumbs up!
The bright, colorful art style and monkey theme makes it accessible to kids, but it's definitely challenging enough for adults. It's an action-puzzler that requires both strategic thinking and fast reflexes. Good pacing, with lots of different puzzle elements that get introduced gradually to make it progressively more challenging and consistently interesting. Plus challenge levels for the truly masochistic! Gameplay feels solid and fast, and the music is great. Overall a lot of fun!
Very charming and fun game. Ookibloks covers the basics of good game design and presentation perfectly:
1) It's very easy to learn, but hard to master.
2) The pleasant, well polished (and very cute) music, sound, graphics and play mechanics are very cohesive...nothing ever seems remotely out of place, confusing or imbalanced. Nothing is wasted, and all that is there adds to the depth and charm of the experience.
3) You want to not only finish the game, but also replay it to see how much you can improve on your speed, score etc.
The lives counter is also a great way to gauge your skill level. Can you make it through the whole game without the need to continue or even without loosing a single life?
Ookiblocks is a very fun and cute casual game which perfectly blends action and puzzle without causing stress or frustration. It's also a great game for a parent to share with their children due to its previously mentioned traits.
Sure, you can get a free to play version on mobile (which I will also do), but I much prefer a full screen, ad free version with d-pad support on the comfort of my own PC.
One final note: I was surprised and thrilled when I ran into the first boss. A great and well done added bonus when a game of this sort manages to have boss battles.
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Skyboy Games |
Платформы | Windows, Mac |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 85% положительных (13) |