Fantastic Contraption

Fantastic Contraption

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Разработчик: Northway Games

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Fantastic Contraption — удивительная игра-конструктор в виртуальной реальности. Создавайте машины в натуральную величину, делайте их настолько большими, насколько вам позволяют собственные габариты, затем приводите их в действие и решайте при помощи них загадки на противоположной стороне парящего острова. Ваша задача проста: доставить этот фиолетовый шар к цели, которая может находиться у вас над головой, или на противоположном краю пропасти, или просто очень-очень далеко — в общем, практически где угодно. В вашем распоряжении достаточно простые инструменты: вращающиеся колеса и тянущиеся прутья. Однако у каждой загадки бесчисленное множество решений, и среди них нет правильных или неправильных.

С самого начала мы создавали эту игру для виртуальной реальности в вашей комнате. Приготовьтесь перенестись на загадочный небесный архипелаг и познакомиться с Нэко — кошкой, обладающей способностью к фотосинтезу. Создавайте собственными руками механизмы в натуральную величину — пусть они будут размером хоть с лошадь. Играйте с физикой: жонглируйте деталями, бросайте дротики, ощущайте окружающий вас мир.


  • Увлекательные головоломки. 50 уровней от самых простых до таких, из-за которых вы начнете рвать волосы на голове и говорить слова, которые не принято произносить вслух. Но поверьте, нет ничего невозможного. Наверное.

  • Безграничное количество решений. Работающие машины, танки, катапульты, конвейерные ленты, ходячие создания или же, напротив, простейшие конструкции, для работы которых нужна лишь сила притяжения. Простота и изящество или огромная грохочущая гора хлама, которая едва делает то, что вам требуется — выбор за вами. Лишь бы работало.

  • Стройте своими руками. Все движения такие простые и естественные, что вы забудете о том, что у вас в руках контроллеры. Нужно колесо? Просто поднимите его. Нужен прут подлиннее? Берите тот, что есть и вытягивайте. Как играть в кубики, которые размером больше вас.

  • Благородное происхождение. Fantastic Contraption — новая игра в виртуальной реальности, эволюция идей Колина Нортвэя, воплощенных в двухмерной браузерной игре 2008 года, которую уже оценили миллионы игроков, и которая по-прежнему доступна совершенно бесплатно. Но учтите, новая игра сильно отличается от своей прародительницы.

  • Полностью объемные звук и музыка. Вообще-то у игры нет фоновой музыки. Зато есть музыкальные инструменты. Только вот придется сначала их построить. То есть... если сначала вы разберетесь, как это делать.

  • Красивый фантастический пейзаж. Как насчет немного расслабиться? Просто прилечь и отдыхать среди облаков, слушая песни небесных китов. Да, так вы два счета забудете о серых мрачных буднях и той комнатушке без окон, в которой вам приходится жить? Кому вообще нужен солнечный свет? У нас же есть виртуальная реальность.

  • Ящик с инструментами по имени Нэко. Да, ваш ящик с инструментами — живой. Это такой летающий зеленый кот, и вам лучше не знать, на чем он работает. Главное, он не против, когда вы забираете один из его хвостов или выдергиваете булавку из его головы. Вырастают они быстро, так что, пожалуй, с этим проблем не будет...

  • Сетевые функции. Отважно ступите в темный мир внутри мира и загрузите механизмы своих друзей и случайных незнакомцев. Недоумевающе почешите в затылке, глядя на всю ту дикую жесть, которую они тут насоздавали. А потом прищурьтесь и скажите: Я могу их обставить. Я могу лучше.

  • Редактор уровней. Создавайте собственные головоломки и делитесь ими с друзьями и другими игроками.

Поддерживаемые языки: english, japanese, simplified chinese, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, arabic, danish, dutch, finnish, korean, norwegian, polish, portuguese - portugal, portuguese - brazil, russian, swedish, traditional chinese, turkish

Системные требования


  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС *: Windows 7+
  • Процессор: Intel Core i5 4590 equivalent or greater
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Nvidia GeForce GTX 970/AMD Radeon R9 290 equivalent or greater
  • DirectX: версии 11
  • Место на диске: 750 MB
  • Поддержка VR: SteamVR
  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система





          Отзывы пользователей

          Рекомендую 28.01.2022 07:40
          0 0

          Great game for not such a great price.
          the game is simple and fun. but it costs too much because of the whole "its in vr!"
          advice: wait until its on discount.

          Время в игре: 257 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 13.01.2022 04:25
          0 0

          If you use Windows Mixed Reality, be cautious in buying this! Be sure to test it out within 14 days. I could not get this game to work with my Windows Mixed Reality controllers at all. The controllers annoyingly buzzed all the time, the space didn't scale properly and things moved AWAY when I tried to pick them up or touch them. The controllers jumped around in the space and nothing worked right. Exiting the game my controllers still were messed up. Unfortunately I spent 20 days working on it and didn't realize refunds must be within 14 days, so I am stuck with a broken game. Maybe someday it will be updated to fix this issue, but I don't believe I am the only one.

          Время в игре: 57 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 23.07.2021 00:19
          0 0

          Keeps saying I'm facing the wrong direction in game, tried everything to fix it. Flash games were much better than this garbage

          Время в игре: 34 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 20.02.2021 02:06
          6 0

          Game feels broken. There is no menu's despite the manual saying to put on a hat? There is no hat? Buttons don't do anything except grab and stop/play. . It feels like something is off or not working. I have an oculus rift which is stated as compatible.. but I can't access options, settings, level select so i can skip starting over each time the game starts. A menu did pop up randomly once and it was the most confusing thing. Didn't make any sense., Can't recommend this sadly. Fun creative game from what I played tho.

          Время в игре: 45 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 08.11.2020 12:47
          0 0

          Build the most janky shit and watch that abomination try to reach the finish line :D Fun even with multiple people watching and teasing the builder.

          Время в игре: 99 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 07.05.2020 21:49
          5 0

          Overall: great bones, repetitive levels. Maybe buy it on sale.

          I really wish there was a "recommend, but" or "almost/kind of recommend" option. Much about this game is awesome (one might say fantastic), but the level designs, at least up to level 10b, were kind of repetitive (more on that in a bit). (I played on an oculus rift)

          The basic premise is that you have to use sticks and wheels to build a widget to get a pink glowy thing into a pink glowy area (maybe more pieces later? I played the first 10 levels so far). Things are attached at joints

          - You can configure the building area. Your building area has a floor with adjustable height and a size - you could drag it to fill up your room, or (as I did) make it so that you're essentially building on a desk in front of you). This is awesome and works well. I wish you could adjust this on the fly (zoom in/out/rotate the world to get a different angle sort of thing), but that's not really necessary and it is very well done.

          - Basic mechanics are great. You can build things, they act as they should, and can do cool things.

          - The controls are great and mostly intuitive. Sometimes if you have a bunch of things joined together and need to break a specific joint, it can be annoying, but over all they're great.

          - Visually and audibly (aurally?) pleasant and relaxing and immersive. I mentioned I made the playing field into a desk - I did try to rest my elbow on it once and felt stupid.

          - No VR pukiness (for me, at least) - I plan on using it as start when I show off my VR headset from now on. I suspect this is because there is no movement in game that is not also movement in real life. I do tend to turn off comfort effects (ie teleporty movement) in VR games, and get used to it after a while, so take this as you will.


          The only con so far, though it's kind of a big one, is that (again, at least up to level 10b), the obvious solutions were nearly all the same: build a car.

          I don't remember the exact order, but my play experience was something like this: goal straight ahead, so build a car. That's fine, intro level, getting you used to how it works. Oh hey, goal straight ahead but in the air - so build a tall car. Goal ahead and to the side, with a wall so you can't drive into but can drive by it: build a car but now hang ball off one side, balanced by weights on the other. That was kind of cool, actually, but then there's the next level: two balls into two goals, both straight ahead: build two cars. Oh hey, something different: build a tower with a spiny thing that'll knock the ball off a pedestal and into the goal. Next level: build the same car with the ball hanging from the side from the first time, but with one tiny modification,

          It got to the point where for one level the obvious solution was build a medium tall car, but I was tired of if, so I built a short car and a medium tall bridge for it to drive on. But then that was kind of finicky (though it would have worked eventually), so I pushed the bridge aside and made the medium car in hopes that the next level would be interesting. The next level: build a car.

          That's when I stopped and wrote this review. Occasionally the car would push something over. Once the ball couldn't be attached to any objects, so I built a cage, put the ball in the cage - and attached the cage to a car. But so many of the levels were just build a car.

          At some point the game gave me a new piece that would stop joints from rotating, which I used a few times. Maybe it gives more pieces later (I really enjoyed the charged particle canon things you could make in the 2d version, dunno if there's charges later on or not. The fact that I built the same car so many times might be slightly less annoying if you could paste in cars you made before, but if you can I don't know how - you can save contraptions by putting on a helmet (think opening a menu) and then dragging them to a shelf. But if you drag from the shelf to a new level, it opens the old level rather than inserting your contraption into the current level.

          Again, many things about this game are awesome, and I intend to use it as a light intro to VR because of the general pleasantness, lack of pukiness, and interactability. But after building slightly different cars for something like 80% of the first 10+ levels within an hour, I had to turn it off. I'll probably fire it back up in a couple days or a week in the hopes of finding different levels, or maybe I'll just impose a personal no car rule and see how far I can get. There's potential there.

          Game has great bones. But the levels...

          Время в игре: 57 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 11.12.2019 16:22
          2 0

          I've only played for an hour, but I already love this game. I laughed out loud with joy almost every time my contraption made it to the goal.

          Being able to change the scale feels amazing. You can look down on a contraption you built on the "table" in front of you, then jump into room scale and gape up in awe as it towers overhead. (Sort of like in Beetlejuice!) The physics make you feel the weight of it all. I dodged instinctually as one of my more precarious contraptions fell over in my direction.

          Finding your way around in this game feels like another game. There's no UI in the headset. Navigating the features requires creativity and discovery. It may sound tedious the way I've described it, but I'm telling you it's absolutely delightful and one of my favorite things about the game.

          Something I wish I had known going into this: The settings menu is on your computer screen, not in the headset (at least using Oculus Link). You configure the scale and position of the play space during the tutorial. I accidentally set the button to finish a puzzle inside my real-world computer desk and felt stuck when I couldn't reach it. I restarted the game several times until I figured out that I could reset it by taking off my headset and looking at the app on my computer.

          This game deserves more reviews and better reviews. It's my favorite VR game right now.

          Время в игре: 67 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 04.04.2019 19:41
          2 0

          This game is infuriating. I want to love it and have to advise people to stay away. The controls just don't make an ounce of sense.
          1) I couldn't do something, checked online and found a bunch of stuff "hidden" that you could use. What?!!??!
          2) I have frustratingly zoomed out. Couldn't find a way to zoom back in again. Pressed all of the buttons. Nothing worked. Restarted the game and found that I am still zoomed out. It looks like I will have to continue playing a mile away from where I should be! ***What?!?!?!?!

          I can't recommend this. The developers have come up with a great idea, but haven't paid the slightest attention to the basics of game development, and as such, this is unplayable.

          What a shame!

          Время в игре: 120 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 27.02.2019 01:33
          0 0

          Games like this exemplify why Steam's binary "yes/no" system is insufficient. Fantastic Contraption VR is juuuuuust barely on the no side of the fence.

          On one hand, I think Fantastic Contraption VR has a lot of potential, and is, in theory, a really cool game.

          On the other, there are just so many failures in execution that it is only a hollow shell of what it could be.

          The biggest problem is simply a lack of tools. You're able to grab parts, move parts, join parts, and delete parts. That's pretty much it. While it's true that you can (in theory) build anything allowable within the confines of the game rules with just these functions, the problem is that, when you can only add one part at a time, contraptions that consists of hundreds of parts take painfully long to build, and contraptions that require any sort of precision are nearly impossible.

          If this game had a few more of the following features, I would recommend it in a heartbeat.
          -Allow selecting all parts in an area and moving them while leaving the rest of the parts attached to them alone. (Basically, a middle ground between moving a single part and moving everything with the grip)
          -Implement some way of aligning parts. For example: Allow snapping parts to a grid. Or, add a function that duplicates a part and places the copy parallel to the original. (Or both!)
          -Implement a way to duplicate a selected group of parts.
          -Implement a way to save a selected group of parts as a sub-assembly, and a way to grab copies of that sub-assembly at any time and in any level.

          Время в игре: 194 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 01.09.2018 01:34
          0 0

          Add about 40 hours to the steam playtime for my play on the viveport version. This game is fun and one-of-a-kind.

          Время в игре: 697 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 16.04.2018 03:56
          0 0

          For 20 dollarydoos you cant really go wrong here. It does not have as many parts as I would like, but there is a batch of content here, especially with the 2.0 update. You can build some pretty crazy stuff, even though almost everything you will make to clear levels will be some form of roller/spinner. That doesnt really matter though, as the experience of solving the puzzles in VR within your playspace is well worth the price of admission. Its also a pretty cool game for demoing the Vive to people, as its an early Vive title.

          Время в игре: 142 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 26.09.2017 13:17
          0 0

          This is a great game but while it is very well put together, the controls/piece locations are not explained very well. Overall the game is great and one of the more played games in our library. Go Tarheels! @House Undergraduate Library

          Время в игре: 77 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 10.06.2017 09:44
          1 1

          I'm still in the early levels of this game but so far it seems very very well polished and a heck of a lot of fun for puzzle enthusiasts!!

          A must have for puzzle lovers and players new to VR.

          I do, however, get confused in their 'menus' which seem very unintuitive and... well.. confusing.

          You have to spin platforms and pick up objects to change levels and stuff like that.. and one time I ended up in a level editor for a custom map created by someone else and I had to foce quit the game because I couldn't find my way out!!

          Still, a lot of fun.

          Время в игре: 66 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 20.02.2017 13:04
          0 0

          Fantastic party game! These contraptions are built with very few different components and work well enough to be a real joy to create. I've had a group of 10 watching the screen making suggestions to the VR player on how to complete the puzzle, providing us hours of engaging activity together.

          Время в игре: 458 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 02.02.2017 18:33
          0 0

          Great game really enjoy, just can't get mixed reality mode to work in the director controls it make the game play very stuttery and unstable when webcam is enabled

          Время в игре: 210 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 05.01.2017 10:09
          0 0

          As a huge physics game lover this is truely one of the best physics/VR experiences ever.

          This game is addictive.
          You've been warned ;)

          Время в игре: 175 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 28.12.2016 06:52
          0 0

          This game is very frustrating for me lol.
          I wish there were more tools, maybe there are and I am just stuck.

          Either way very cool, I like the game within a game, playing with the cat and mini map are fun too.

          Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 30.10.2016 08:36
          0 0

          This is hands down the best game out for the Vive. The puzzles are interesting, engaging, difficult, and really get you thinking. At one point I had a room full of friends all trying to figure out what kind of machine to build to solve the harder puzzles - and it was an absolute blast. You make full use of your room space and you get to make really clever contraptions to do hilarious things. I love this game!

          Время в игре: 175 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 24.10.2016 18:09
          0 0

          This game is an absolute blast to play with friends. The inventive ways you get to use the tools at hand and the remarkably intuitive way of using the tools makes this game an absolute must buy for vive owners.

          Время в игре: 252 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 28.09.2016 07:49
          2 0

          A wonderful game to put your imagination to good use!
          The goal of the game is to throw particular items into the black hole, but you have to create a tool to carry the item to the goal by yourself. The initial level gives you a Tutorial about how to make a small car with sticks, wheels and the target ball. Follow the instruction to put the materials in the right place. You can also change the size of the materials to fit your own design, stages went harder and harder, and that is the time for you to imagine freely!
          Meanwhile, the developers thought about the balance problem. Every parts have its own weight, the assembled parts lose balance when one side is heavier than another. So elaborate isn’t it?
          A highly free game in general, all parts can be connected with others, you can create whatever you what.

          To talk, play and share your ideas about virtual reality, please join us:

          Время в игре: 366 ч. Куплено в Steam

          Дополнительная информация

          Разработчик Northway Games
          Платформы Windows
          Ограничение возраста Нет
          Дата релиза 07.03.2025
          Отзывы пользователей 71% положительных (34)

          Отзывы пользователей

          24 положительных и 10 отрицательных отзывов
          Обновлено: 20.02.2025 13:40


          Strategy Indie Simulation


          Single-player Steam Achievements Tracked Controller Support VR Only Steam Trading Cards Captions available VR Support Steam Workshop SteamVR Collectibles Steam Cloud Includes level editor Family Sharing