Разработчик: Double Fine Productions
This classic action/adventure platformer from acclaimed developers Double Fine Productions follows the story of a young psychic named Razputin. In his quest to join the Psychonauts--an elite group of international psychic secret agents--he breaks into their secret training facility: Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp. But this is no average psychic summer camp! A mysterious villain has kidnapped Raz’s fellow campers and stolen their brains. Now he must use his psychic powers of Telekinesis, Levitation, and most of all his ability to project himself into the minds of others--to find the loose noodles and keep them from falling into the wrong hands. Fight mental demons! Uncover hidden memories! Sort emotional baggage! Explore the fantastic realm of the inner mind! Join the Psychonauts!
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german
Системные требования
- OS *: Windows 98 SE/2000/XP
- Processor: 1.0 GHz Pentium(R) III and AMD Athlon(tm)
- Memory: 256 MB of RAM
- Graphics: 64 MB GeForce (tm) 3 or higher or ATI(R) Radeon 8500 or higher (except GeForce 4 MX and Go series)
- DirectX®: version 9.0 or higher (included with game)
- Hard Drive: 3.75 GB minimum hard drive space
- Sound: DirectX® 9.0 or higher compatible sound card
- Controls: Windows-compatible keyboard and mouse
- OS *: Windows 2000/XP
- Processor: 2.0 GHz Pentium(R) IV and AMD Athlon(tm)
- Memory: 512 MB of RAM
- Graphics: , 128 MB GeForce FX 5600 or higher or ATI(R) Radeon 9600 or higher
- DirectX®: version 9.0 or higher (included with game)
- Hard Drive: 6.0 GB minimum hard drive space
- Sound: DirectX® 9.0 or higher and Sound Blaster Audigy 2 series sound card
- Controls: Game Pad (optional)
- OS: Snow Leopard 10.6.8, or later.
- Processor: Intel Core Duo Processor
- Memory: 2 GB of RAM
- Graphics: ATI X1600 / NVIDIA 8600GT / Intel HD3000 or better card with at least 128 MB VRAM
- Hard Drive: 4GB minimum hard drive space
- Controls: Keyboard and Mouse
- Leopard is not supported
- OS: Snow Leopard 10.6.8, or later.
- Processor: Intel Core i Series Processor
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: ATI HD 3870 / Nvidia 8800GT or better with at least 512 MB VRAM
- Hard Drive: 4GB minimum hard drive space
- Controls: Game Pad (optional)
- Leopard is not supported
- Processor: 2.0 GHz
- Memory: 2 GB
- Graphics: 128 MB VRAM with OpenGL 2.1 capable and Compressed texture support (S3TC)
- Libraries: glibc 2.7+
- Note: 32-bit native binaries only
- Processor: 2.0 GHz
- Memory: 2 GB
- Graphics: 128 MB VRAM with OpenGL 2.1 capable and Compressed texture support (S3TC)
- Libraries: glibc 2.7+
- Note: 32-bit native binaries only
Отзывы пользователей
Dated game with a MIGHTY NEED of remaster and way better end level.
Otherwise it's THE unique 3D action-puzzle platformer with whole lot of cool mechanics and amazingly original fun levels. Except the last one, god why, why Meat Circus exists, you fools, you had a good game and you ended it like this!
One of the best 3D platformers I've ever played, so full of charm you'd swear its just made of the stuff. It has aged surprisingly excellently, so don't worry about too much clunkiness. Maybe just get a Fullscreen fix mod, as that will help your enjoyment.
The controllers are making it unplayable. Raz just continues to walk off a cliff even I didn't push the button for almost 10 secounds. And many of the time it doesn't registrer that I push a button, even worse with a controller. Please get it fixed.
Psychonauts is an immensely creative and fun 3D platformer with tons of charm and wit.
- Solid platformer; decent physics that manage to be floaty but tight
- Extensive options for a game of its time
- Interesting and deep characters
- Excellent story and premise
- Strong themes of mental health as well as growing up; the Asylum area is really good at dealing with intense trauma and mental illness
- Diverse cast of different nationalities, backgrounds, and stories
- Characters live outside of just your narrow view; they develop relationships and change with time
- Sidequests (however few they may be) are usually fun
- Semi-open world is really nice to explore and manages to have enough variety to feel fresh despite being all in the same location
- Dowsing rod minigame is sorta fun and encourages you to pay attention
- Varied bosses testing your abilities in interesting ways
- Plenty of variety in setting via different missions
- Great sense of humor (the city section is a good one)
- All abilities are really cool; the ball one is the best
- Bit too easy to use the dowsing rod and get a ton of money early game; plus the minigame is just mashing which sucks
- Getting all collectibles (especially figments) is absurdly obtuse and difficult
[*] Fish boss forced perspective is a bit annoying
Psychonauts is totally amazing. I used to play it back on the Original XBOX and I'm glad to say it still holds up today extremely well. If you love 3D platformers, you do NOT wanna miss out on this one!
In a time in my life when nothing is certain about my future, this game has been a breath of fresh life and sanctuary from the harsh and unfiar reality I'm grueing through every day. This game is absolutely fucking timeless. This game has increased the quality of my life and is helping me through shit I wouldn't wish on anyone. Buy this fucking game. Bless
its a good platformer, it has good creative ideas, its got funny writing, and its got interesting graphics. What else do i even need to say?
Psychonauts is one of the most fun platformers I've ever played. It's not just a copy of other platformers but its brimming with it's own personality. I loved the story, The summer camp setting is great and every character have their own quirks and are fun in their own way (you should go talk to everyone after every level to not miss their interactions). Level design is fantastic, every level is unique and has it's own formula to get through and i enjoyed most of them especially Waterloo world in which you are playing a game of risk and lunfishopolis where you are basically godzilla and if you are the type that tends to complete everything this game is filled with collectibles. It's a game from a time when games tended to be more creative and I think it's a must play if you want a fun time.
Probably the most fun I've had with a game that infuriated me. The combination of floaty controls and precise platforming during certain sections made me want to end it all right there on the spot, and I'm pretty sure I missed 30-40% of the story on accident. With that being said, the story I have seen and the absolute control the game has on nearly every aspect of itself to make every character and location have a distinct identity and keep the gameplay feeling fresh sets up an undeniable charm that kept me going through the parts that absolutely pissed me off. I never would have thought a game I played because "Hehe, funny milkman guy" would be this amazing.
This was quite a delightful change of pass compared to other games in my library. The art style, character design, and over all level design felt very unique without fear of changing it up to go along with the games concepts. I personally am a fan of games that have collectibles to obtain and keep track of my progress. Collecting everything is not necessary for completion, but it can be beneficial for leveling up your psi rank to make the game easier.
This game did however come with some downsides for this port of the game. I frequently had struggles with collisions in parts of the maps and some unstable controls. I had to put some work in to fully complete this game in spite of it's difficulties in its design, but I am writing this after my completion of everything I found the game had to offer. Withholding spoilers, I did feel the ending still lacked something regarding closure of the defeat of one of the villains. It's not the shiniest jewel, but it is still very pretty to look at and play with.
If you are looking for a nice well rounded experience and enjoy platformer/collectathon games then I cannot recommend it enough for a try. It is a very low commitment game that you could bust out in a short amount of time and still feel satisfied. With that, I shall see you on the mental battlefield fellow Psychonauts!
One of my favourite 3d platformer collectathons (or even just games period) that I have ever played. From the SHEER number of collectibles, to the very varied level design and mechanics, to just the vibrant art direction as a whole, to all the interesting characters, to the fact an absolute potato pc can run it without issues! Literally the only complaint I have is playing with keyboard can be quite a struggle, so I recommend playing with a controller. 9/10
How could I've miss this game for so long??
great game, fun gameplay and story
A platformer with its share of flaws, but oozing with charm thanks to its characters and humor. Some bugs get in the way of the enjoyment, like a boss where on a latter phase the camera glitched out to the point where I literally could not see my character on the screen. I had to start the boss over in order to fix it and it happened twice more. Similar bugs occur throughout the game. Still, this is one of those titles I feel every platformer fan should play through at least once. I only wish it had better Steam Deck support.
I'ts well written, with very imaginative and inspiring areas that are fun to jump around in!
Worth Every Penny.
(there are some cryptic parts you may get stuck on for a while without a guide, and getting every Item for completion's sake just sucks)
Original, well-written, cleverly-designed puzzle platform game with great characters. Best enjoyed with high-resolution texture pack and widescreen fix given its age. Clunky at times, but worth pushing through that. Thoroughly enjoyed playing this and will be going straight on to the sequel.
A classic!! it's 20 years old but I can see why people still love the game even now. The levels are fun the story is good for what it is if I had to say anything negative it's the final boss play wise story wise it makes sense but the boss was wayyyy too easy
It's good! Sure, it's kind of janky and I often found the gameplay objectives confusing, but the writing is funny and whimsical and smart and it communicates its ideas so well that I have nothing but appreciation for it. The visual style is a big hit! (as long as you aren't a snob who can't handle mid-2000s graphics) Technically this is a platforming game, and the platforming is fun, but honestly I think it is driven most by its great ideas.
Despite being a game that becomes 20 years old this year, Psychonauts is more unique than most games that have released since then. I would highly recommend this game to anyone who likes 3-D platformers, or any game from the "weirder" era of the 6th generation.
The only negatives are the camera being weird to control at points (especially when trying to reach collectibles) and some of the boss battles being somewhat repetitive.
A little rough at the start, but if you can get past the first level or two, the game really opens up. The platforming is mostly well done accompanied by some very creative puzzles and humor. The combat shines during boss fights. There is plenty to collect in a wide variety of levels.
My only major complaint is the camera refuses to cooperate, It gets stuck behind objects and it fights you to snap back behind Raz when you want to look around. Fortunately, this does not make it unplayable.
I can admire the creativity and the game looks and performs fantastically well for a game this old. Just pick up and play. The problem is that it's interminable at times. I was begging for some gameplay sections to end and cutscenes to finish. The second game has endless cutscenes aswell but the gameplay is enjoyable and this one just isn't for the the most part. I didn't play it for a week and had no idea what to do and how to do it when i played again.
A classic masterpiece that much to my regret, I cannot recommend without reservations on PC. However, if you happen to read this and aren't that bothered by my complains, be sure to check it out because the game is undoubtedly good.
So my main gripe with it is that the game shows its age, but not for the reasons you might expect (in fact I couldn't care less about the graphics); instead, it feels outdated for four main reasons:
- It has compatibility issues with W10 and higher. Thankfully it can be easily solved, so to avoid constant crashes after certain dialogues, set compatibility mode to something like Vista or earlier.
- The controller support doesn’t work fully. It took some time to function and recognize Steam Input during the first few game sessions, and there are certain settings that can only be adjusted using a mouse.
- It doesn’t come with subtitles in Spanish, which isn’t a personal barrier for me but is worth noting.
- But my greater issue with the title is that mission design also feels outdated. Setting aside the technical aspects and delving into the gameplay, I don’t intend to dissect every single detail, but I’ll focus particularly on three: kinesthesia, pacing and difficulty scaling.
- Regarding the player's movement, jumping, shooting, grabbing stuff... It doesn’t particularly work like a charm... obviously! Still worth mentioning though, because I’m not gonna lie, there are certain parts of the game where I was mad at how clunky the controls and camera can get. Same goes for certain platforming zones, where my boy Raz took forever to grab the proper pipeline. It’s aged.
- The pacing, being more subjective, genuinely bothers me due to the mission structure—you spend half the game in a tutorial phase, and the rest is what truly feels like the actual game, although I have personal grievances with the design of certain levels: I find it unacceptable that some main missions are gated behind a required level. The grinding isn’t overly tedious but could've been avoided by designing a more organic structure.
[*]As for difficulty, the game is fundamentally too easy in almost all of its parts, except for around the last third. Additionally, some of these later puzzles (starting as early as the infamous Milkman mission) provide very few hints on how to solve them, so I had to check a guide. Btw, the last mission is too demanding, especially considering that throughout the game you are almost never expected to be that skilled.
As I said previously, the game is a must, so I'm editing this review and recommending it, but in order to fully enjoy the experience, you must be aware of its flaws.
Just finished the game after a year of playing it on and off. Genuinely one of the most creative, genre-blending, and awe-inspiring games i've ever played. Will try and 100% in the future.
Probably the only negative I have is that the controls are kinda finicky sometimes, and well, it WAS made in 2005, so that is to be expected.
10/10, please god, play this before you die.
Really inconsistent controls. This is a timing and memorization game, but the controls and camera don't work well. For example, at the beginning of the game, it will not detect pulling up arrow heads - nothing you can do will get it to detect the key strokes. This makes the game unplayable later in the game when it won't detect jumping. The camera is broken, sometimes it get stuck in a death spiral over the characters head; if you're lucky you'll die, but otherwise you get to restart the game. Saving is next to useless, it does not save progress.
The worst part about this game is the excruciatingly awful sounds effects. Brutally repetitive. Just turn the sound off, otherwise it is a spike in your brain.
The puzzles made this seem like it would be a fun game, but it is so unreliable at the end when the game degenerates into lazy game design, I really hated it. Did I mention that the sound effects are awful.
Yeah. This sucks. Wish I hadn't bought the package.
One of my favorite games of all time! I've played through it countless times, 100%'d it plus all it's sequels, and still find myself quoting lines all these years later. The characters and writing are just that timeless. The platforming is a bit wonky, you can tell it's the studio's first attempt at the genre. Some objectives are a little bit unclear at times. The entirety of the meat circus is still pretty messy too, even if it was measurably worse in it's original Xbox release. There's one specific point as you're climbing up a spinning fence you need to jump then quickly use levitation to float right away or else the camera whips around causing you to fall and you have to do the whole section over. Even still; all the levels are so incredibly imaginative, the narrative is wonderful, the ending is sweet, and it's just so much fun to play. I love this game!
This game was a really fun platformer with a unique story that never felt boring or dragged on too long. Since it's from 2005 though, theres a whole lot of jank in terms of controls and missing jumps so if you can get through that, I'd highly recommend it still. I played with a controller for 95% of the game but you do need a mouse to navigate some settings when paused. In terms of completion, clean up is not too bad but being able to find all the figments can be terrible even with the use of a guide.
This game is so fuckin funny. Some of the backtracking for collectibles can be annoying but otherwise great
Good wholesome fun. Felt like playing in a Nickelodeon tv show from the 90's/early 2000's.
Sure there is some jank, got lost a few times and other matters that has not aged great, but the setting, voice acting and characters is what makes this game special and glad I played this 20 nearly years after its release.
Onto its sequel
Both Psychonauts games are very appealing graphics- and story-wise, apart from the Meat Circus level of the first game.
This game feels like a comic brought to life, each character is so different from each other and they are so weird looking i love it!! Very silly, very funny game!! The environments inside the mind are so unique and strange, and the world they live in is so different from ours. Its mustve been really fun to draw the characters and the backgrounds. I LOVE THE STARTING SCREEN AAUUGGGHHHHHHH ONE OF MY FAVORITES EVER SO SMART
I love Milla!! love her design, her voice, her dynamic with Sasha, shes so lovely, so nice <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Kind of like an Oreo, you'll have a great time if you extract the gooey middle, roll a bunch up into a giant ball, and then drift off into a diabetic coma after consumption. Highly Recommend.
One of my all time favourites. 10/10
Incredible game, give it a try.
I waited a whole year to get that 'Christmas Shopping' achievement, it was worth it !
Psychonauts is a charming and funny adventure. You can tell this was a passion project.
Great little game!
It's quirky, fun, & challenging, with an interesting storyline.
The controls can be a bit of a pain, & there's a small amount of grinding to do if you want to platinum the game, but for all that it's a very enjoyable & engaging game =o)
Words cannot express my love for this game. Reminiscent of American McGee's Alice, just a wonderful, twisted trip. Fully compatible on modern rigs, no mods required; Though, HD texture packs help bring out the brilliance in Psychonauts pulchritudinous art direction
It was not on my radar to play Psychonauts 1 anytime soon, but 2 had a strong sale with 90% off recently. It became time to experience a franchise that is very loved by others, even though the style looked unappealing to me. This impression quickly made room for how charming everything is. The dialogues, voice acting and cutscenes are on point. The world and characters are super charming, and it’s a nice set-up to have Raz train to become a Psychonaut. A hero with super powers to enter the mind of others in order to help them. What you get is many varied levels, cool powers to affect others/the environments and lots of collectibles. The game is also quite ahead of its time for a PS2 era game. There is auto and manual save, fast travel, pages that show the main objectives, all the collectibles etc.
That said, it’s still a PS2 era game in a negative sense too. Cutscenes don’t have 1440p resolution like the in-game graphics, they look pretty blurry for it. There are some design decisions that clearly only belong in that era, the kind that you rarely see anymore. Such as levels being designed awkwardly that cause you to die over and over until you find the right angle etc, they involve bad platforming mostly. It feels like the game could have benefited from a remaster treatment even though it’s still fairly playable. At least I didn’t experience any technical issues and I didn’t need to tweak anything in order to play the game.
What you get is a decent action platformer that feels very fresh and it’s definitely worth playing for fans of the genre. But I hope Psychonauts 2 steps things up and irons out some of the flaws by becoming a more polished game. It took me over 23 hours to get almost all the achievements. The one I’m missing has you in-game shopping on Christmas Day which is in 4 days. The achievements were fine, some involve doing random things but a lot of them are story progression and collecting everything.
Imagine if Tim Burton and Jim Carrey went to therapy together but ended up opening a summer camp for training people to break into each other’s minds.
The gameplay feels like a soulful platformer: you jump, collect and lose yourself on levels that look like the designers brainstormed after three cups of coffee and two cups of mushroom tea.
Psychonauts is when you expected action but got therapy and realized you kind of love it.
It's from 2005 and it's a game company's both first game and its first 3D platfomer.
Granted to say, a lot of janky controls and wacky physics.
The story, characters, atmosphere, and creativity overall is a 11/10 but I just CANT recommend this game due to the overall confusion and frustration that 50% of the gameplay is.
I quit once I got to the final part with Raz's Dad. There is a glitch where it won't let you double jump no matter what.
I looked it up and apparently it's a well known issue and you have to do some BS in order to get across it.
That is where I drew the line.
Play A Hat in Time instead.
Not this garbage.
Unplayable. Camera constantly rotates. Was excited to finally play but sadly cannot.
90/100 - TOP 3D PLATFORMER PEAKS. You've already heard all about the positives (story, dialogue, artstyle, level design, powers) and negatives (camera and character movement, controls) aspects. So, personally, I just want to mention two negative things, lack of development in the main villain's background and the unnecessary and ridiculous main character's romance. That´s all,still great.
The game itself is awesome, but I really had to work around the controls and Proton settings to make it work on my Steam Deck to stop camera from spinning. Such a masterpiece doesn't deserve such bad treatment from its developers, it just begs for a major update! Other than that it's a masterpiece in every possible way. If you play it on PC, it's great, but if you want it on Steam Deck, get ready for a LOTS of tinkering with controls.
Psychonauts makes me feel like I'm living inside a 2000's Nickelodeon cartoon. It's almost 20 years old now but still does not disappoint! The 3D levels are huge and there are many wacky characters and side-quests to keep you busy. Also check out their other game, Costume Quest.
It's a great game. Somehow i missed it completley when i was in high school, so i've completed it just now. (i'm 35 btw). idk what else to say. If you love Beyond Good and Evil, Fable, etc, then Psychonauts is a must play for you.
Psychonauts defined an era and still holds up for me as one of the best 3D platforming adventure games ever made. The game is oozing with rare creativity and concepts you won't find in many other games. The humor is also well placed and amazing. The only thing that holds it back is jank that was standard for games during that time. But give it a shot, Psychonauts holds its own even in the year 2024
One of my top ten games of all time!! I highly recommend this to anyone who loves good humor and great atmosphere.
Hilarious, well designed 3-d platformer that's bursting with personality and things to keep you busy.
Psychonauts gave me crazy nostalgia for a game I really didn’t play as a child. With the humor and writing reminiscent of the first few seasons of SpongeBob, and wacky art similar to the rest of the Nickelodeon-verse, it is a blast from the past. And it delivered at being a game too with fantastic puzzles.
The game has wonderfully unique and colorful levels to all the eccentric characters that truly reminded me of my own childhood. You become so immersed in the world that you forget it’s an old clunky 3D platformer. However, outside the camera that should have stayed on the original Xbox, it aged incredibly.
If you’ve just played the newer Psychonauts 2, I highly recommend giving the older title a shot.
I love Psychonauts. Been a huge fan since I played it as a kid in 2006. The graphics can be a little odd and the level difficulty is a bit of a rollercoaster, but I recommend this game to anyone who wants to play a fun, beautifully designed videogame with a great story and a lot of heart.
Впервые пробую игру ничего не зная о ней и могу сказать что это уникальная и весёлая игра с очень очаровательной атмосферой и персонажами. В каждом уровне или в сознании у тебя разные задачи и способы их решения, что делает прохождение не скучным. Также в игре очень много всяких коллекционных штук для улучшения способностей или открытия доп.материалов, так что исследование мира очень захватывает. Всем рекомендую
This game is honestly one of my favorite games of all time. The overall artstyle, and story are what make this game great.
This is one of the best games that I have played. Actually, I was looking up the store during the Autumn Sale and came across this gem, there was a great discount being offered so decided to go on with the purchase and oh boy, am I glad to buy it. I am someone that prefers the game's elements like story, writing, mechanics, creativity etc. and not care about the graphics that much. I found the concept of this game really fascinating and was really amazed by the world that the DOUBLE FINE team has created.
Although, I liked the game a lot but there were some things that hindered my experience :-
1) I was playing with my controller and there were times when the game just refused to accept my inputs although restarting the game fixed it but I faced this issue 2-3 times during my total time with the game.
2) Sometimes actually I tried to do somethings in the game that were intended but the game just didn't work as it was supposed to do. (In Waterloo Board Game and Milkman's mind)
Despite these minor issues I will still recommend this game to everyone, I guarantee you all will have a good time with this game.
Btw, I also bought PSYCHONAUTS 2 during the sale (was on great discount 😁) and am excited to jump into the mind of DOUBLE FINE again.
Happy Gaming!!🎮
Yeah it's pretty good, a bit clunky due to it's age but if you don't have any rage issues and are willing to play it on it's terms its pretty good.
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Double Fine Productions |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 17.02.2025 |
Metacritic | 87 |
Отзывы пользователей | 96% положительных (8070) |