Разработчик: Spidermonk Entertainment
Roogoo is an innovative and unusual 3D puzzle game that has players guide and stack different shaped blocks through various platforms to not only save planet Roo, but the entire Roogoo race. Roogoo tasks players with guiding meteors in the form of shaped blocks through a series of rotating disks as a means of saving planet Roo and the entire Roogoo race. If aligned correctly, the disks allow the blocks to reach the ground and scores are awarded. Various obstacles and enemies will impede the blocks' movement and with the flow of meteor blocks steadily increasing as the game progresses, players will have to think on their feet to save the Roogoo and rack up seriously high scores.
- Contains 45 levels of action packed puzzle racing games
- Easy to play, starting with two buttons and adding more functions as you advance
- Cute and funny short story segments throughout the game
- Appeals to everyone including both casual and serious gamers alike
- Interesting world objects and multi-layered game play progression
- Filled with fun imaginative creatures
Поддерживаемые языки: english
Системные требования
- OS: Windows XP SP2 / Windows Vista (95/98/ME/NT4/XP_SP1 not supported)
- Processor: Intel 1.7 GHz P4 or AMD equivalent
- Memory: 512MB of System RAM
- Graphics: Nvidia 6200+ or ATI Radeon 9600+ with 256MB / Direct X 9.0c / Shader 2.0 support
- DirectX®: DirectX 9.0c
- Hard Drive:256MB Free Hard Drive Space
- Sound: Direct X 9.0c compatible sound card
- Supported chipsets: GeForce 6, 7, 8, series or higher (5000 or FX series NOT supported) or Radeon X2900 or higher
- OS: Windows XP SP2 / Windows Vista (95/98/ME/NT4/XP_SP1 not supported)
- Processor: Intel 3.0 GHz or AMD equivalent
- Memory: 1 GB of System RAM
- Graphics: Nvidia 6200+ or ATI Radeon 9600+ with 256MB / Direct X 9.0c / Shader 2.0 support
- DirectX®: DirectX 9.0c
- Hard Drive: 512MB Free Hard Drive Space
- Sound: Direct X 9.0c compatible sound card
- Not supported chipsets: Any card lower than 256MB / Direct X 9.0c or Shader 2.0 support / All INTEL onboard video cards / All Nvidia GeForce 5000 or FX series
Отзывы пользователей
Roogoo is an ancient console ported game from 2008. It's a whopping 16 years old at the time of this review. The game lacks support for any modern gaming display resolutions (or widescreen monitors), hasn't been modernised or updated to run smoothly on modern gaming PCs. Despite this lack of modernisation, it carries a pretty high price tag for such an ancient game. This seems to have been put on Steam as a nostalgia gouge, or just a cash grab to try profit from abandonware.
The game itself is, well, pretty bad. It's a family friendly game, where you rotate a number of platforms around a spindle, so that the holes in the platform "catch" the falling block. You know, the educational baby toys where they have to put square pegs in square holes? That's the entirety of this game... and it's bad. The technical delivery is awful, too.
From a technical perspective, the game doesn't meet basic minimum requirements that most PC gamers expect as standard.
There's no option to change the resolution and no useful graphics tweaks. There's no way to ensure this is running at the native resolution of your display. There's no guarantee this game will look right on any PC as a result of this hamfisted design decision.
The game only displays in 4:3 pillarboxed aspect ratio, due to the age of the game, it predates the 16:9 widescreen gaming standard established back in 2006. It's possible they're marketing this towards people using an old CRT they found in a dumpster, or this game is being specifically marketed towards people gaming on PC's from 1995... either way, this isn't really acceptable in the modern era of PC gaming. It's obviously not going to look right on a modern 16:9 gaming display.
The implementation here is of such poor quality, the developer couldn't work out how to make the game display in fullscreen, it only runs in a window. If you try to maximise the window, this causes the game to crash, you have to restart it. At least it tries to go into full screen mode? Anyway, this is a serious defect that the developer should have fixed if they wanted to keep trying to get money out of gamers for this product.
The controls can't be customised, which will be an annoyance for many, but it can also render the game unplayable for differently-abled gamers, left handed gamers or gamers using AZERTY or other international keyboard layouts.
Because this is designed for handheld/portable gaming appliances (notably Nintendo DS), it carries a number of deliberate design deficiencies. Compromises were made to cater to the low power handheld gaming appliances that the game was designed for. These are unfortunate compromises and limitations that PC gamers shouldn't be forced to accept, but it's evident that PC was a second thought for the mobile game developers. The game is deficient as a result of these choices, and would have been so much better without the handicaps that designing games for low power handhelds forces upon a game. While this might run well on a Steam Deck, we must remember the vast majority of gamers here are gaming on PC.
These technical defects push this game below acceptable standards for any modern PC game.
The game never really caught on with the millions of gamers on Steam, with a very low peak player count close to launch, and then just a handful of players launching this game every couple of days. This is undoubtedly caused by factors such as those raised in this review. It's always helpful with buying decisions to consider how popular and successful the product is, and unfortunately while this did accumulate a few participation trophy reviews, overall, people just aren't using it.
So, should you buy this game?
Roogoo is relatively expensive for an abandonware nostalgia gouge, at $4 USD, and it's not worth it. The game is just too old, hasn't been modernised. And as the old saying goes, you can't go home again. This is also competing with over 11,000 free games available on Steam, many of them far better than this paid product.
Note: Due to the very poor quality of the game, all the comedians came out of the woodwork. The vast majority of the reviews for this game are joke reviews, such as "this game cured my cancer, saved my marriage, changed my life" etc. Because most of the reviews are as insincere/mocking the game, and if you removed the fake/joke reviews the game would have a markedly different review score, the positive review score for this game should be disregarded.
This game has a premise I honestly would love more of: Childhood toys and games, in this case the simple shape-matching toys of less worry-burdened days, reinterpreted into a challenging game.
I wouldn't put this forward as a major competitive tournament material, but I think it's surprisingly engaging here, and catching pieces successfully feels like a real accomplishment. It may be based on a baby toy, and star a cast of innocent toy-bear-like creatures, but this game takes you seriously, especially after the first three rounds.
I recommend giving it a try if something as weird as a baby toy turned into a computer game sounds interesting to you. As per usual, up to you if the curiosity is worth $4. I'd personally say this odd experience has been worth a bit more than an individual cheeseburger.
Do you want:
* A simple puzzle game that is harder than it appears, rewarding perfection and punishing mistakes?
* A game that will test your determination, coordination and reaction time?
* A spirit-crushing device for "Hardcore Gamers TM" that try to achieve 100%, and a frustration brewer & generator of callous distaste for shapes and cute creatures in the remaining players for a low, low price?
* A self-test for how intoxicated you are?
* The next candidate for a KusoGrande challenge?
...Then Roogoo is for you!
The difficulty spikes a few levels before halfway in the single-player experience, to the point where you know you're a good gamer if you beat stage 3-7, "Bursting EX" on Casual without being driven to uninstall.
Very bad and very very tedious game. The game is short but it doesn't seem to evolve in terms of game mechanics, it's the same all the way through, it just takes longer to beat the levels the further you get.
This game would have benefited a lot from just having the story and levels removed and just made it one endless mode game with a leaderboard.
2 / 10, don't buy
You know that peg and hole game children play in kindergarten? Well this is that except designed by the dark lord of hell himself. Roogoo is a carefully disquised excersize in frustration, it looks simple enough, however it becomes dredfully difficult. On top of that it really dosen't know what type of game it wants to be, puzzle?, dexterity? skill based? Roogoo is a jumbled up mess.
Also it only runs in 4:3 so good luck with an ultriwide setup.
Tags: Casual - Youth
Additional Tags: Delete Local Content & Remove from Library
TLDR: A brain dead simple colorful falling block game where you match the shape of objects through rotating platters. Lack of Xbox360 support and lack of resolution options seriously bring down the value proposition of this title.
No Target Audience: By the time a child can be trusted on a keyboard they would be edging out of the target demographic that is being targeted here making this a very unappealing title.
Even if the non casual mode represents a higher difficulty the grainy resolution and sit-down-at-desk experience of a keyboard makes this not so compelling for a casual game for adults. The infantile skin of the game would rub most adults the wrong way when it comes to their self respect if they were to play this.
Simple casual game which becomes really frantic and difficult in the second part. Gameplay is reminiscent of an education toy for todlers, it starts with just matching shapes, but adds more and more mechanics as it goes.
Downsides being not good depth perception due to lack of proper shading, unclear states indication and ninjas, damn ninjas.
Buy one — get one.
When I first saw this game I thought it'd be for children and it'd be something relaxing...
I was far from fucking wrong, this is one of the most addictive games i've ever played and it even comes with the amazing bonus of raging after introducing a new mechanic every 2 levels eventually all the mechanics gang up and just fucks your day over.
Overall 17/10
This game needs a fair review. The cutesy graphics have done this game a great disservice - with folks confusing it for a kids game or an easy game. This is a great casual game, with some qualities that I think set it apart
- The game gets hard, especially if you play as "Normal" not in the "Casual" mode. Beating the Par time is really hard - you need to focus well. It reports stats like "Accuracy" i.e. how many blocks you lost due to misalignment. Combined with timing, it keeps you trying to get everything right
- The controls are super simple. Just the arrow keys or a 4 buttons on the controller.
- Great for moments when you don't want to get into a complex game and want something simple, yet challenging and fun.
- There is little randomness in failure - its always your fault when you lose a piece. So you never feel cheated.
If they were to remake this with a Zombie theme, this game would do much better. But if you can get past that, gameplay is solid.
Once you move past the intro parts, its lighting fast and keeps you on your toes. Bravo for making a simple concept hard. If the look does off set you it really does take some effort. Many here pick on it because it looks like a childs game and they are not wrong. Its cute and the puzzles remind me of those toys I played with when I was two. Round peg to round hole but add random obsiticles and rewinds and speed that up ten times and tada Roogoo!
Game gave me the feeling I was 3 years old again, playing with figures trying to get them in the right hole.
Which also is a perfect discription for the game. Yet, it managed to challange your reaction speed and requires some focus.
Music is calming and the game has a funny look, nothing fancy but relaxing overall. This makes failing a level (over and over) less irritating.
Multiplayer is fine aswell. You can either choose to just play along and see who finishes first or totally screw each other over. It's a good game to play with people who aren't really good at gaming but still want to do a game together (or versus each other)
7/10 for this simple Indie :)
Have you ever wanted to know what it feels like to do the job that an automatic coin sorting machine does? Do you hate coins and prefer Lucky Charms' marshmallows instead? Do you also like insipid stories about teddy bears that turn evil when exposed to Lucky Charms? Then boy, do I have a game for you!
That introduction sounds negative, but seriously, Roogoo is fast paced and colorful with an appropriate art style and some unexpected complexity / variety in its very small scope. I don't mind recommending it at all if you like action puzzle games like Tetris. It's a small game but it does offer a significant challenge, despite the cutesy appearance, especially if you're obsessive about getting perfect scores.
Roogoo is possibly the most well designed game i have ever played in my entire life. I was caught in a deep spell of depression and was thinking the worst but then I found this glorious game and it made my life so much better. This puzzle game is so perfect that it brings me back to my childhood and makes me cry tears of joy. I love this game so much. 10/10 everyone who exists should buy this game.
This game is nothing less than a gift from God. Not even the second coming of Jesus can match this game. I play this game and feel closer to God. This game is so amazing that it alone can deliver you from the influence of Satan. I urge you. Buy this game and ascend to heaven stacking blocks with pure bliss.
The Roogoo series has built its reputation on memorable moments. Some epic, some intimate, some barely believable--YouTube is filled with clips of people far better at Roogoo than you, doing amazing things (to people like you). Roogoo wants you--yes, you--to experience even more thrilling, more epic moments than ever before with a beefed up single-player story and the addition of map-changing levolution events and show-stopping destruction online. That’s the aim… and in this respect, the game is a roaring success.
roogoo is a significant step forward from number 3, both on and offline. The change is more marked in single-player, where the story strikes a more intimate note, echoing the buddy-banter from the roogoo games. Your squad mates moo and poohave more developed personalities, and there are some memorable little moments in between all the shooting and shouting. At one point, Poo starts subtly dancing to some lift music in a rare pocket of silence sandwiched between some intense gunplay. “What?” he asks baffled-looking squad-mates, “I love this song. It’s a great freaking song.”
"Roogoo is actually a sequel to the critically acclaimed "Super Mario Bros. 2" on the NES.
This game is a BRILLIANT example of modern-day RPGs. With smooth, quick turn based combat, Roogoo will have you
on your knees, BEGGING for more.
The game begins with your nameless hero stranded on a lush, tropical island. What seems like a forced vacation turns into a nightmare as you trek through dark, dank caves filled with creatures, just waiting to have a bite at you!
I truly reccomend this game to any die-hard RPG fanatics. I give it a 10/10!"
One day I got up and went to my pc and saw a steam notifiication. I clicked on it and saw it was a gift! I stared at it in stunned disbelief. I opened it. It contained this game along with a note and I quote, "Have fun with this steaming pile of sh** Nig***". Okaaaay I thought. I then installed it and ran it. Within ten minutes I felt sick, so utterly sick. I called 911 and the ambulance came and I was taken to the hospital. After the doctor ran numerous tests he confirmed that the game had given me AIDS and Diabeetus
10/10 GOTY
Are you inching towards suicide but haven't really made up your mind yet? Then this game is perfect for you! Within half an hour you'll be sucking dicks for money so you can afford a bigger shotgun to blow your skull inside out!
And best of all, it's child-friendliness and local multiplayer mode make it fun for the whole family!
Roogoo is a very different game, i may come a across as a complete childs game but i guarentee, the older people will enjoy too. the only thing im dissapointed with is the mention of multiplayer. there is no online multiplayer which is surprising for a steam game but its a "Couch" multiplayer game, where one person uses a half of the keyboard. I will upload a full lets play onto my channel for anyone interessted BTW. Reccomend this game for the puzzle, quick thinking person willing to ay around £1 Rating: 7/10
Roogoo is a casual shape and color matching timed puzzle game that manages to be cute and accessible enough for children but challenging enough for adults. The game features a campaign mode that eases you into the gameplay and provides some basic context for the puzzles themselves. The music is well done and provides a relaxing backdrop for what at times can be frantic gameplay. Both the Steam Overlay and Widescreen modes are supported. Given it's bargain price, Roogoo offers casual gamers the relaxing puzzle fun that is sure to find plenty of fans.
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Spidermonk Entertainment |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 72 |
Отзывы пользователей | 76% положительных (127) |