Разработчик: Berzerk Studio

■ Несколько концовок, зависящих от решений игрока.
■ Полные интересных испытаний замки-подземелья, а также множество битв с боссами.
■ Свирепые кровожадные чудовища хотят убить тебя намертво.
■ Система уровней, благодаря которой ты сможешь играть так, как тебе хочется.
■ Покупай новые предметы и открывай навыки, которые помогут тебе снять проклятие.
■ Неповторимый и опасный открытый мир, где тебя ждут разнообразные секретные области.
■ Собери волю в кулак, размазня — будет жестко.
■ Играй с другом или в одиночку, заручившись поддержкой вспомогательного персонажа — оруженосца Сервула

Infernax — это приключение великого рыцаря, который возвращается на родину и узнает, что ее отравляет нечестивая магия.
В поисках способа любой ценой уничтожить источник скверны ты побываешь в суровых землях, где сразишься с полчищами безжалостных чудовищ и опасных тварей.

Важно каждое твое решение. Что ты предпочтешь:
● убить незнакомца или помочь ему?
● потратить опыт, полученный за убийство чудовищ, на здоровье, ману или урон?
Подумай хорошенько, прежде чем принять решение. Один твой выбор может изменить все... Помнишь, что стало с тем парнем по твоей вине? А Пеппер помнит.

Убей всех чудовищ на своем пути и заработай денег, а затем потрать сбережения у кузнеца на лучшее оружие и доспехи. Подбери нужное снаряжение и стань сильнее, чтобы расквасить еще больше лиц в своем приключении!
Каждый сделанный тобой выбор открывает доступ к дополнительным заданиям, за которые можно получить мощное оружие и навыки или деньги.
Напади на Замок и расправься с местными боссами, пока еще больше невинных не оказалось во власти таинственного проклятия, отравляющего твою родину... В конце концов, только ты можешь избавить Апель от чудовищ. А уж как это сделать — решать тебе. Все в твоих руках...
Вернись в Апель в роли герцога Альседора — и на этот раз компанию тебе составит верный оруженосец Сервул. Избавь свое герцогство от вредоносных темных сил, играя в локальном совместном режиме для 2 игроков или в в одиночном режиме, позволяющем переключаться между персонажами прямо во время игры.
Используй различные инструменты Сервула, чтобы спасти или уничтожить родные земли и местных жителей, в обновленной версии игры с измененным балансом!
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, simplified chinese, traditional chinese, korean, japanese, portuguese - brazil, russian
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: Windows 7
- Процессор: Intel Core i3-540 or AMD Phenom II X2 550
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Nvidia GeForce GT 320, 1GB or AMD Radeon HD 6570, 1GB
- Место на диске: 500 MB
- Звуковая карта: multipass
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: Windows 7
- Процессор: Intel Core i3-540 or AMD Phenom II X2 550
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Nvidia GeForce GT 320, 1GB or AMD Radeon HD 6570, 1GB
- Место на диске: 500 MB
Отзывы пользователей
muito bom
The good old game in retro-style.
This dev really took the Castlevania 2 day/night switches and said "Yeah, those were sick". Brave man. Good game.
Эта игра поменяла кто я
Where is Infernax 2: slaughterhouse babies from elm st. 2099 ?!?!?!?!
Punishing difficulty its "Nintendo hard" meaning like the old nes carts we played back in the late 80s and early 90s.
Has a vibe that mixes simon's quest and faxanadu with metroidvania save points and actual quests. Music and vibes feel very much a fusion of the 2 mentioned games which big parts of my childhood and still some of my favorites to this day. Im pretty bad at games as a old man in his 40s now so I prob wont complete it but this is still a very good game for what it sets out to do. Well recommended if you are a fan of the above mentioned.
Very tightly-designed retro-style game without the frustrations of the era. Highly recommend it for split screen.
A love letter to retro gaming as polished as Shovel Knight that you can even play with a friend in local co-op!
This game is so mindblowingly good, I don't even know how to express what I feel about it without looking like an exaggerating fanboy. I played through the whole thing with a big smile on my face that never wore off!
Every time I felt like I'd finally seen all of the surprising things this game had in store, BAM! another epic event / NPC interaction / gameplay mechanic suddenly appeared on my screen. Simply unbelievable. The attention to detail is amazing!
This is a metroidvania with tangible decisions at multiple key points of the journey that will result in both short-term and long-term consequences for the rest of your run and it's been crafted meticulously well! After completing 1 run, you will find yourself wanting to play again for the same reason that compelled you to do so in things like Skyrim or Mass Effect!
I'd also like to thank all the players that made negative reviews for this game due solely to skill issues - they're the only reason this game doesn't have extremely positive reviews, which in turn made me approach the game with tempered expectations only to get blown away after realizing how good it actually is!
Overall, 10/10 game in my book, definitely recommended. 💯💯💯
A fantastic game! It's challenging but I found it was doable, and I don't consider myself a very good gamer by any means. I really enjoyed the art too. The most enjoyable part was the length. A single playthrough isn't very long, encouraging multiple playthroughs with different paths.
i am enjoying this game so much. It does such a great job of capturing the feel of Castlevania and improving on the shortcomings of Simon's Quest. The pixel art is great and the tone of humor is very fun.
very hard very rewarding
really really good old style arpg game, multiple endings and a lot of secrets
Really fun Metroidvania game! Highly recommend.
Unsure if I would recommand Epic game and yet frustrating enough to stop playing
(personal review ofcourse)
Total ☆☆☆☆ But I quit playing this game so maybe ☆☆☆
- ☆☆☆☆
- Old retro pixel art style with some epic cutscenes
- ☆☆☆☆
- pretty epic and catchy but not something I could sing out of the game
Level Design
- ☆☆☆⋆
- Level Design is pretty good a 4 but then you have:
- weird places that if you jump a little earlier you die in one hit
- the water castle and the wheels that almost made me quit twice
- not a lot of feeling that you could explore back in the map and so remember some upgrade you forgot to take, making it harder to play the game sessions by sessions.
- ☆☆☆⋆
- pretty simple but yet pretty easy to mess it up
- ☆☆☆☆
- really loved the general mood of bad and evil but then you can part up with cultist and so on.
- the night and day ambiance with new monster and all is fun
- Love going around and investigating a little of what is going on
- also some really fun/ silly interactions
Oh my castlevania
hell yeah
Playing Infernax was the most fun I've ever had playing a metroidvania (one of my favourite genres). It is a Zelda-like Metroidvania with a relatively short campaign, but unbelievable replayability. There is a moral system with multiple different endings, access to different spells and alternate characters you can play as that give the game a completely different feel. They have also added local co-op (and the option to play 2 characters solo). There are several unlockable cheats, may of which are for fun and flavor. The game also has a great difficulty curve. It is never too difficult, but definitely puts up a challenge. And by endgame, when you figure out all the mechanics, it feels amazing to conquer the game. I cannot recommend a game any higher than this. I absolutely loved it.
A cozy little Soulsvania, complete with body horror, satisfying backtracking, and surprisingly delicate combat. It's nice to see a combat platformer with a nicely constrained scope now and then!
It is one of the coolest throwbacks to the original Castlevania games I have ever played. The only thing I haven't tried is playing it in coop, and honestly, I have a hard time imagining what might be good about playing such a game in coop. But everything else is just perfect. All those little in-game references that are instantly recognizeable for long time Castlevania series fans. Visually stunning pixel art. Authentic yet modernized old-school gameplay, retro sounds, and music. All Castlevania fans should pick this one up, especially those who played the original on NES.
Having more fun with this game than anything AAA
great coop fun with adjustable difficulty. nes style of hints and difficulty
Score: 8/10
- Visuals: The game features a well-executed retro visual style, perfectly fitting its dark and gritty theme.
- Music: The soundtrack is acceptable.
- Gameplay: Entertaining and engaging. It starts off challenging, but after leveling up character stats and acquiring some spells, it becomes more manageable.
- Multiple endings: The game features several endings based on the player’s morality, encouraging replayability. Depending on the chosen path, new bosses, weapons, and spells become available, adding variety for those who enjoy playing through multiple times.
- Side quests: The game offers a solid variety of side quests, adding depth and extra content to explore.
- Character variety: There is a wide range of characters to unlock, but most are only available after achieving different types of endings, limiting accessibility in earlier playthroughs.
- Boss variety: There is a good selection of bosses, but most are fairly simple with limited attack patterns. Some bosses are repeated multiple times with different skins, which also applies to mob enemies.
- True final dungeon: While it provides a climactic challenge, it is overly long and reuses bosses, sometimes pitting two of the same type against the player simultaneously.
- Fast travel: The lack of fast travel early in the game is a drawback. Forgetting an important item, like a key in an earlier dungeon, can result in significant backtracking. Fast travel becomes available after defeating the first three mandatory bosses, but only if the player finds it in a shop, which can be missed.
[*]Accessibility options: The game includes excellent accessibility settings, both for making the gameplay easier and for assisting players with diferent needs.
Great game! Quite tough at times, but always fair thanks to precise controls!
A strong callback to NES-era action adventure games like Simon's Quest and Faxanadu, with plenty of Easter Eggs to the development team's inspirations.
Plays like the best NES era game ever made. Music, graphics, story, atmosphere, gore, everything just clicks. Choices are great, difficulty picks up relatively early on.
The only gripe is the difficulty spike you can have in the first castle where you literally learn the ropes. Game is very easy until the first castle and then slaps you in the face with it's true difficulty for the first time ... and if you were expecting a casual experience judging from the prologue you will be in for a shock. It can be a hard game if you don't have all the upgrades. To make it easier for yourself farm gold and XP for all of the upgrades you can possibly get, finish first 2 castles and you will start to feel like a certified bad-ass :> that's when the game truly clicked for me and that's also where the story picks up even more.
10/10 one of the best retro games, loving it!
One of the best games I've played all year. Glad I finally got it~!
If you like Castlevania, you'll like this game. If you like Metroidvanias in general, you'll probably like this game. If you enjoy a bit of theatrical gore with your fun old-school Nintendo-hard side-scroller, you'll REALLY like this game. And if you enjoy dark humor, the ability to run as a saint, or as a sinner, or multiple endings, or fun unlocks that let you replay this game many times in different ways with different setups and different outcomes, then you'll ABSOLUTELY LOVE playing Infernax.
And on top of that, when you can get the Co-Op to work (steam co-op play can be a bit dodgy over long distances), you can play it again WITH YOUR FRIEND and have yet another blast.
This is a solid entry into the Metroidvania genre. Infernax is a love letter to the old school Castlevania games. It takes the best aspects of them (Great Music, Good Graphics, Well Designed Levels, Enemies and Bosses) while fixing/removing their shortcomings (stiff controls and relentless difficulty). Everything about the game feels just right; the controls are spot on, the game-play is satisfying, the difficulty is noticeable but fair, and its length is just long enough that it's not brief but it also doesn't meander and get old. If you enjoy Dead Cells, Hollow Knight, and Blasphemous, then this is right up your alley.
amazing game, hope the developers make a sequel
it's good metroidvania through and through. Just love it
really good. multiple ending so a lot of replayability
Like others have said, Dark Souls if it was a side scrolling Metroidvania. It's really good. Also, all of the achievements are named after Metal songs, can you go wrong?
Nice short game. But I also see it is replayable with different choices.
Esta chido, a destruir demonios o ser un demonio.
Degrades into a terrible platformer with lack luster controls, that is filled with "Gotcha" moments of instant failure/death. The map is highly repetitive with areas/rooms being exact clones of one another.
I hate played it to the end.
The prayers quell the pains of battle.
Infernax is like if Castlevania 2 or Zelda 2 got juiced up on steroids, cranked to a R rating on the violence, and backed by a metal soundtrack all in the best ways possible. Multiple endings make replays worth it, and wither you go good or evil has gameplay changes to your spells and abilities. Not many games let you go the true evil bastard route, but Infernax does it well! This game has everything to be a long standing retro styled classic! 9/10
The style reminds of old retro arcade games, the game-play is straightforward, and the overall demon designs are all unique, 10/10, plus all the different routes to take depending on your actions are an amazing to explore. be the savior or live long enough to become the villain. Its up to you!
Good. Bad. I'm the guy with the gun.
Very well made game, 0 complaints, brings back old school gaming memories. Would insta buy any sequel.
Perfect game, I highly recommend. Makes me remember my summers playing on my SNES.
Simply excellent. New players who like retro games and those who grew up in the pixel era like myself will love this game. Paced very well. not to challenging and has none of the control problems of older games this was modelled after.
A really fun game and awesome throwback to the ol' NES days. You can feel the love the devs had for games like Castlevania and Metriod.
There is certainly a particular humor in this game as well. You’ll either get it, or you won’t.
As for the game play, it fun and not too complicated. The story and moral points give the game a lot of replay value. I have to really commend the devs here, as each choice is unique and will alter the ending, of which there are 8 of.
100% the achievements is kind of a pain, but certainly nowhere close to too difficult.
Really looking forward to the next game from this studio.
Very good
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Berzerk Studio |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 84 |
Отзывы пользователей | 94% положительных (931) |