Разработчик: Pipliz

Динамический поиск пути в 3D
И колонисты, и монстры свободно перемещаются по вашему миру. Стройте мосты, туннели, лестницы, а также переходы над и под землей, чтобы помочь поселенцам добраться в нужное место и не подпустить врагов! Поставьте знамя, чтобы основать колонию. По мере того как она будет расти, на вас начнут нападать монстры. Возводите стены, копайте рвы и стройте форты, чтобы защититься.

От пращников к гранатометчикам
Открывайте новые профессии, блоки, улучшения и оружие с помощью развитой системы наук. Жизнь колонии начинается в каменном веке, где вам доступны самые примитивные занятия. Собирайте материалы, изучайте глиняные таблички и свитки, продавайте предметы роскоши и продвигайтесь сквозь эпохи. В конце концов вы сможете использовать огнестрельное оружие, планер, печатный станок, рельсы и многое другое!

Осваивайте огромный разнообразный мир
Для изучения новых технологий необходимы ресурсы, встречающиеся только в определенных местах. Вы можете покупать дорогостоящие материалы на рынке или с помощью астролябии искать их источники и строить аванпосты на болотах, в горах и иных областях. А быстро перемещаться по миру вам помогут планер и рельсы.

Совместная игра: легко объединяйтесь с друзьями
Запускайте в главном меню сервер для совместной игры и зовите друзей в свой мир. Вы можете вместе управлять одной колонией или строить несколько поселений и торговать предметами и научными знаниями. Также доступен продвинутый инструмент, обеспечивающий более детальную настройку сервера. А полноценная поддержка модификаций позволяет игрокам менять игру по своему усмотрению.

Регулярные обновления
Мы постоянно добавляем контент, исправляем ошибки, вносим улучшения и небольшие изменения. Перечислим некоторые вехи в долгой истории игры:
- 16 июня 2017 года. 0.1.15. Выход игры. На тот момент есть несколько профессий и предметов.
- 31 октября 2017 года. 0.4.0. Множество новых предметов, стражников и монстров.
- 23 марта 2018 года. 0.6.0. Появились строитель и землекоп, а также возможность красться. Увеличена зона обзора, значительно улучшена производительность.
- 26 июля 2019 года. 0.7.0. Добавлены режим совместной игры, новая система создания мира, возможность строить несколько колоний, торговля, планер. Многочисленные исправления ошибок и улучшения производительности.
- 11 мая 2020 года. 0.7.3. Добавлено меню статистики, в котором приведены данные по самым разным показателям.
- 21 декабря 2022 года. 0.9.0. Значительно переработаны дерево технологий и создание мира. Множество нового контента, включая ловушки и аванпосты.
- 13 октября 2023 года. 0.10.0. Добавлены рельсы и декоративные предметы: крыши, двери, окна, колонны и другое.
- 16 февраля 2024 года. 0.10.1. Добавлена прозрачность воды, улучшены туман и освещение.
- 31 мая 2024 года. 0.11.0. Полностью переработаны и улучшены модели колонистов, у них появились имена. Улучшены строительные профессии.
- 27 ноября 2024 года. 0.12.0: Добавлены мельница, динамические четверти блока, добавлены и улучшены крыши, появился предпросмотр объектов.

Полный набор: множество настроек, переводы, модификации, читы и не только!
В Colony Survival есть все, чего можно ожидать от игры (кроме полноценной анимации).
- Читы. Надоело играть по правилам? Читы помогут быстрее вербовать колонистов, создавать блоки и проводить новые исследования.
- Детальная настройка графики. Не нравится свечение или глубина резкости? Хотите изменить поле зрения? Эти параметры можно легко задать в меню графики.
- Настройки игры. Можно отключить монстров, чтобы спокойно строить колонию. А можно устроить себе испытание и разрешить им появляться днем.
- Модификации. Игра поддерживает модификации любого рода. Мы тесно общаемся с авторами модов и помогаем им создавать классные проекты.
- Продвинутая настройка серверов. С помощью настройщика серверов любой может с легкостью создать закрытый сервер для игры с друзьями или открытый — для всех.
- Прозрачная разработка. В регулярных пятничных постах мы рассказываем, над чем работаем и почему. А еще активно общаемся с игроками на форуме в Steam и на нашем сервере в Discord, чтобы понимать, что игрокам хотелось бы увидеть в игре.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, spanish - spain, czech, japanese, korean, polish, russian, simplified chinese
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows Vista SP1 и более новая, 64-разрядная
- Процессор: Intel Pentium G620 (2,5 ГГц, двухъядерный) или аналогичный
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Intel HD Graphics 5000, разрешение 1280x720
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 300 MB
- Дополнительно: Игра в разработке: требования могут повыситься из-за новых функций или понизиться благодаря оптимизации
- ОС *: Windows 7 SP1 & newer, 64-bit
- Процессор: Intel i5-2300 (2.8 GHz quad core) or equivalent
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Nvidia GTX 750 or equivalent, 2 GB VRAM, 1920x1080 display
- DirectX: версии 11
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 1 GB
- Дополнительно: Work in progress: new features may raise the bar, optimizations may lower the bar
- ОС: OS X 10.11+, Mac новее 2012 года
- Процессор: Intel Pentium G620 (2,5 ГГц, двухъядерный) или аналогичный
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Intel HD Graphics 5000, разрешение 1280x720
- Место на диске: 300 MB
- Дополнительно: Игра в разработке: требования могут повыситься из-за новых функций или понизиться благодаря оптимизации
- ОС: OS X 10.12+, Mac from after ~2013
- Процессор: Intel i5-2300 (2.8 GHz quad core) or equivalent
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Nvidia GTX 750 or equivalent, 2 GB VRAM, 1920x1080 display
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 1 GB
- Дополнительно: Work in progress: new features may raise the bar, optimizations may lower the bar
- ОС: Ubuntu 12.04+, SteamOS+; 64-разрядная
- Процессор: Intel Pentium G620 (2,5 ГГц, двухъядерный) или аналогичный
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Intel HD Graphics 5000, разрешение 1280x720
- Место на диске: 300 MB
- Дополнительно: Игра в разработке: требования могут повыситься из-за новых функций или понизиться благодаря оптимизации
- ОС: Ubuntu 12.04+, SteamOS+; 64-bit
- Процессор: Intel i5-2300 (2.8 GHz quad core) or equivalent
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Nvidia GTX 750 or equivalent, 1920x1080 display, supporting openGL 4.2+
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 1 GB
- Дополнительно: Work in progress: new features may raise the bar, optimizations may lower the bar
Отзывы пользователей
Pretty fun game so far. It does scratch a certain Minecraft itch when it comes to building. If you like Minecraft for the boss fights, well, there's none of that here, but if you like it for building, wishing villagers were about 100x more useful and light exploring / outpost building, then you'll enjoy this.
Don't worry about the terraforming at the start. Look around for a reasonably flat spot and clear a place to begin. Later on you'll get an ability to have villagers flatten ground for you. Also, you can hit escape -> info and read through the quick start guide whenever. It makes more sense if you basically do it in the order presented and refer back to it after doing the things on one page.
Progression is pretty good. If you want to keep advancing, you'll have to start working on remote outposts for your other materials. Not nearly the same big buildout to make an outpost, but they need a little something. And you need to scout the location and figure out where your materials are going to be.
Gameplay loop is basically build -> expand -> upgrade -> trigger worse monsters.
I played briefly on normal and then started over on hardest difficulty and that's the setting I'd recommend. It's still a far cry from 7 Days to Die level of horror but you'll get spanked if you don't balance your materials correctly. (A night or two of failing to realize you are not processing enough copper to fully refill your arrows and you're in trouble. Initially you can personally kill the monster waves but your contribution to any fight dwindles into near uselessness as things progress. You must rely on your troops and traps.)
16 hours in and I still haven't unlocked iron age. Unlocking bronze nearly killed me. Nearly.
(Edit: I did, finally, actually get wiped. Going to the iron age proved I was not as ready as I thought I was. Interestingly the zombies don't really destroy your base, they just kind of put you in a position where I don't think you can recover. Hmm, but what if I always had a backup outpost that was well defended and dedicated to food..... Welp, time to start a new world!)
I enjoy playing on the highest difficulty and trying to see how far I can get before the zombies end my run. Game gets a lot of updates over the years and is always changing. Fun game, looking forward to the official release.
Fun indy version of Minecraft with a unique and novel twist. Being able to construct a group of mobs that automate and defend their own civilizations is awesome. I have always had a unique fascination with NPCs and this game definitely satiates that more than Minecraft.
i really do like this game and i think it could be a great game but in its current state i cannot recommend it i think it really needs a system to make preset buildings its so tedious to build even with the builders
This game is really fun to play solo, and with friends. Everything from start to finish is full of content and things to unlock. If your thinking about buying this game, I would highly suggest!
Obviously there definitely are things that could be better, but its simple and fun so who the hell cares
Bugs ruin this game.
I really enjoyed colony survival in the past and decided to try the new update. Everything is going well and I am really enjoying the game. I spend hours crafting a wonderful little village. I tab out to do something for about two minutes. I come back 90% of my colony is dead. My archers are just stood there doing nothing as zombies pour into my village. I had tabbed out before for longer ON THE SAME THREAT LEVEL and it had fine. It's just that this time my archers decided that they didn't care anymore. They had arrows. But they just werent doing nothing. 15-20 archers on 100 threat level- that SHOULD be enough. But i forgot this game is a broken mess. Hours of progress ruined because of this dumb bug. ALL OF MY PROGRESS GONE BECAUSE ONE OF THE GAMES MOST BASIC FEATURES DOESN'T WORK. WHAT?! FIX THE JOBS THAT DEFEND THE VILLAGE MY LORD! THERE ARE LOADS OF BUGS LIKE THIS AND IT IS LITERALLY SOUL CRUSHING. I want to enjoy this game so bad but every play through ends in a bug killing the vibe.
There is also a HUGE AMOUNT of conflicting resources out there. The wiki says about 900 different conflicting things, so does the reddits, guides and youtube videos. You used to be able to get around bugs by enabling cheats, fixing stuff and carrying on. Nope. They made it so cheats disable achievements. I understand why, but now I can't even brute force my way through this bug riddled game.
TLDR; if you want to have hours of your life robbed away by some stupid, perplexing bug PLAY THIS GAME. IT IS SO SOUL CRUSHING TO SEE SOMETHING YOU HAVE POURED HOURS INTO GET KILLED BY RIDICULOUS BUGS AND TERRIBLE OPTIMISATION. IF I COULD REFUND IT, I WOULD! Don't buy until better updates come out!
Great, fun, lots of grind and option to play in multiplayer. Also the devs on discord instantly helped with bugs and super friendly :D 10/10
The fascist action is crazy but lowkey needs a bit more commusim, i like putting my slaves to work.
Really enjoyed this game and look forward to the updates this game will bring. I found it frustrating how seemingly small the range for every ranged post was, as trying to build something that doesn't feed everything towards a small opening is rendered useless, especially when my kingdom was on a hill. I also didn't enjoy enemies spawning in farmland simply because I couldn't place light sources in the middle; I somewhat expect minecraft rules, but would appreciate something more flexible to a kingdom that might not always have light in every section for aesthetic purposes. Some optimization issues I expect to be rectified as well, but overall, really solid minecraft esque colony sim in the first person, a POV that kinda seems pointless in the long run.
I really enjoy playing this game, me and my family enjoy the inventory management, plus having the colonist doing the work for you, and having to defend your colony/outposts from night attacks. Don't think I'd play minecraft again after this game
genuinely enjoy this game. Been waiting for it to get more updates before i played it and its pretty darn good. only downfall is some items dont tell you where to craft them or how to acquire them after unlocking them in the science, which is a little annoying. but other than that. I love it! great kingdom management sim tbh
ha ha funny colony die because they wont eat food for no reason :(
6/10 worth playing but the villagers are bloody stupid and wont eat food have the time unless you have a varitiy very annoying but worth playing
Fun little game, more intuitive than I expected. The only thing is, enemies should vanish once the sun comes out.
But this is a good game!
This is one of the best voxel games I have played in a long time, it looks good, it plays very well, is very intuitive and just fun over all. The colony aspect of the game is exactly what I expected and am very excited for the future of the game. (buy the game!)
Initially I dismissed this as a 'discount minecraft' but in actuality this is so much more. For me, this hits a deep itch of colony management ala Rimworld, FPS/RTS ala Battlezone/Execuative Assault, and minecraft itself.
The gameplay loop is as simple as it is complex. You start off by placing your banner, which stakes a fairly substantial section of land as your own. You collect resources, by hand at first, and research technologies. Eventually (rather soon actually) you will want to place down beds and hire colonists to do your resource collection for you, and eventually to build more complex items.
The game quickly evolves into a resource chain management as you battle competing priorities (Why did I lose colonists last night, where is the breech in my wall? Am I producing enough food? Do I have enough of X,Y,Z resource or product? What technology or placement of objects can improve my colonist productivity?)
If you've played games like Civilization where you often suffer from 'one more turn' this game makes me suffer from 'one more night' and I end up playing the game til 1am knowing I have to be up in 5 hours. (Give me a break, I'm getting old)
Playing this game with a friend is almost a must. It could be quite fun on it's own but my wife and I play very differently so being able to split our focus is both benefitcal and a detrement lol. While I'm off building a mountain bunker system she's off building pretty tree houses or elaborate streets and accomodations.
if there was one thing I would suggest, and it's entirely possible I just havn't unlocked it yet, is more decorative blocks, tables, chairs, nightstand, etc to decorate homes and workplaces with. Also, a great improvement would be to be able to group or designate the colonists for more fine control, such as being able to assign beds to colonists so that my farmers arn't living in my castle, bunker or market homes and instead live in the hamlet homes next to their jobs, etc. Or have colonist automatically attempt to move to a bed that is closest to their job location. My final suggestion would to eventually be able to patrol your guards, its really cool to see them standing guard at night but it would be even cooler to see them patrol during the day, to give the village a little more life to it, but please don't take these suggestions as indication that I am displeased, these are mostly QoL changes, the core of the game is fantastic!
Edit: At this time I have about 80 colonists, production is booming and I just upgraded to archery, I'm starting to get my 3rd zombie type. I don't know that the maximum number of colonists will be but I eventually plan on having over a thousand, even if I don't need that many I just want to see what the system can withstand and what the game will look like when there are more colonists than I can keep track of!
I love this game. I went in expecting a barebones Minecraft style game with some colony sim/city building elements on top of it and light tower/base defense elements as well. It is so much more than that. Sure, it starts off pretty simple and bare bones with just a berry farmer and tinkerer and miner to start off your production and begin growing your colony. Once you start researching some science/tech, though, it really starts to open up and offer a lot of depth for how simple it may look on the surface due to it's graphics and voxel style.
I think around the time I unlocked the Astrolabe that showed me where nearby other biomes were so I could go exploring for more resources than could be found at just my colony's location and start branching out with some outposts to produce resources for the main colony, the game really started to blow me away with how much content it had to offer and how well designed it is. There's a really fun loop of unlocking new things and gathering materials that it unlocked or building new resources with materials that you had previously unlocked-and that doesn't even get into any of the base/tower defense elements of the game. Just the colony sim in a 3D voxel world offers a ton to engage with.
As you expand out to the other biomes to start gathering things like hemp for rope and tin for bronze, you also have to manage your ever growing need for the basic resources such as food, stone, and wood-just like you would in any colony sim. I also wasn't expecting to progress beyond the Bronze Age so far in the game, but I'm now in the Iron Age and working with glass and sulfur and making gunpowder and steel and all sorts of complex things that aren't possible with just one colony.
That brings up probably one of the best parts of the game, though-your outposts aren't like traditional outposts in other colony sims or city builders-it's basically just another colony with its own population cap that gets upgraded alongside your main colony's upgrades. So if you have 300 max people available in your main colony, each outpost you found ALSO gets that many if you need it. Allowing you to supercharge production in ways no other colony sim really seems to allow. I've mainly been using it to focus on the resources specific to those biomes, but I also sneak some extra production in there on the side-such as extra farmers and fishermen in the Marshes with all that water, or extra stone production in the mountains, etc.
I'm now a little over 250 games days into it and still discovering a ton of new resources to gather and then process and then use for other things that I just unlocked after getting access to glass and steel. This game is a lot bigger than its price or graphics might indicate. I highly recommend it to anyone who likes games like Minecraft, or Banished, or any other kind of colony sim or city builder. This seems like a game that offers not just a lot of content in a single playthrough, but a lot of replayability if you want to start over and try different things multiple times.
This game has changed and not for the better. Why can't you craft in your inventory anymore like you used to be able to, now you have to wait for items to be crafted which is ultimately annoying when you just like to build and get some quick materials in the beginning of the game. Stupid decision to do it like this, what are devs thinking making games more grinding and waiting, instead of just having fun and actually playing the game. Uninstalled and removed from my visible game library. Nonsense bullshit that is just made to annoy the player.
Sure, if you're a kid and you have a million hours to play games, but even then, just having to wait for materials is incredibly stupid, it is an arbitrary game mechanic to make you take longer before you are able to do anything. It is completely unclear to me why people are so oblivious to this kind of stupid player bullying game design. What are the devs thinking? Other games do it, so we must too? Just stop implementing game mechanics that don't add any value to your games.
temu minecraft but its actually good
ok fr though:
Its a really good mix of a simple resource management game and a sandbox, it gives you complete creative freedom and is really fun.
This game has been in development for 7+ years and still has super clunky controls, no real tooltips, half information on how things work. It's another game that relies on it's community to teach each other how the game works instead of supplying that information. I was hopeful for this but there are better games for this price point.
the game is 8 years into early access and it doesn't even have basic animations. might as well play some flash games on base building because those have more soul and depth. the dev should be ashamed. The long list of people who like this game for some reason would be pleased with stale white bread.
Highly encourage people to check out this game. Its a lot of fun. It can definitely be a bit grindy and as others have pointed out, there is no reward for building other than progression to build more. I think this game is going in the right direction. I hope a lot more content is added and they spend more time making the game enjoyable. They cant do that without peoples support so buy it and play it.
Okay.... I liked the game already... It's cool, havin' fun.... can't wait to see how they add to it over time.
But when I'm playing and hear a sound I created and posted to freesound while I'm plying it... That just made it all the better!!!!!! That is the ship!... lol.... I got so excited!!! The siege gate sound is MINE!!!!!! lolololol!!!!!!.... I love it!
A really interesting game and concept. If you like Rimworld esque base building games, would highly recommend!
Overall: This should just have been a mod for Minecraft. It's a great idea, but no reason to invent the wheel when it's already perfected. The game wants to much and ends up being bad at all: Exploration, voxel-sandbox, towerdefence'ish, citymanagement. it's really just a "meh" experience all around.
There's no reward in building at all, (e.g. could've been more productivity when workers sleep indoor.)
The world is VERY bland and empty.
The ressource mannagement is just very basic.
The voxelbrick physics feels like a highschool project and so does the controls.
Why do you have boats in the video, when theres litteraly no reason to build one?
Looking for voxel-creative-sandbox? play minecraft instead. Looking for a better colony sim? Play Rim World oh, not a FPS? Play Medival Dynasty, ressource/factory management? Play Satisfactory. This game doesn't stand out in any way.
This is a great idea, it's just very poorly executed and lack ambition or maybe just a clear strategy. I know it's still in EA, but i think it's fair to get to this conclussion when it's been in EA for more than 6 YEARS.
Probably a good game. But using VirusTotal + Ghidra to analyze the packed binaries in the game showed multiple engines designated as "miners" -- on top of the game having residual files that persist after uninstalling, I would say that this has all the earmarks of cryptojacking malware. Avoid entirely.
Bought this game literally yesterday... in 24 hours I already have about 16 hours of gameplay. Worth every cent.
Really fun so far, the worlds a bit bland but i do like the scale of mountains and such. my problem is water. remember the really old versions of minecraft where the water flowed infinitely and could ruin your whole world. well this game has that. my mines got completely flooded after accidentally digging into a river. now the only way to get rid of it is to place every block back and break them to clear it out. the game is in a weird spot, but i think has a good future.
Amazing game! Super original and fun to play when bored or just for try hard. I honestly didn’t really looked for it but it would be so cool to be able to establish more than one colony
Relaxing and fun. Very simple colony management and a crazy amount of creative freedom when it comes to building and running things. Love this game soooo much
Amazing game
I'd rate this as mixed if I could.
This is another EA game that I kind of regret getting. I got in 2017 soon after it came out so I think I got it for around 15-17$.
This isn't a bad game, but it's a game I'm no longer interested in and don't plan to come back to.
My spouse got the game after watching me play and we did have fun with the MP.
I think the last time we had played was either 2018 or 2019 decided to wait until more stuff was added into the game before jumping back in.
There's a lot of people who love games like this, and honestly this game is for a different audience. I used to be part of that audience but I've switched the type of games I play through the years and this isn't the type of game I'd really play anymore.
The only way I can explain this game now is- it's fully automated (factory type game) but with colonists with zombie and colony defense.
We tried playing the game again Dec 2024 and some of the changes I liked and others I didn't.
There a lot of stuff that you could make yourself that you now need to rely on your colonists to make for you, or rely on the mill which some of the stuff doesn't make sense.
The game feels more fully automated compared to what it was just a few years prior. It kind of killed it for me because I used to be able to make a lot more things myself but now I have to wait for colonists (or mill) to make it instead. Which does go fast when you get enough colonists but still.
A lot of the changes were good, at the same time I just didn't like a lot of them.
I know it's still EA and it's my fault for buying the game in EA, between all the changes and maybe after 7 years and waiting for updates I just stopped caring about the game and no longer find it fun.
11/10, highly addicting; requires some brainpower, but is easy to master. It is fun watching all your serf- i meant colonists work for you. You get to also fight zombies with dark-age weaponry, which is awesome. Doesn't require a NASA computer to run, and a twist to a voxel game. I would reccomend this game to somebody like me, who sometimes likes a chill game to play and likes sandbox games.
As much as I want to like this game, I'm finding it to be so full of questionable design decisions hampering the experience that it is difficult to recommend in its current state. Probably my greatest complaint about the game is how passive the experience actually is: as the player, you have only a very small number of items you can craft yourself, all of which are basic items not relevant to the game's long-term progression. As such, you will spend a large amount of time simply waiting for the NPCs to gather resources and, more importantly, crafting them into the items you are waiting for. In this way, this game borrows from more traditional colony-management games where you indirectly control characters. This game changes that formula by having you control a character yourself in the first-person, rather than being a 3rd-person omniscient force.
Unfortunately, I think that is to the detriment of the experience because you now lack the bird's eye view required for the micromanagement this game requires. You'll constantly be running back and forth between the different workers to make sure they have the resources they need, are prioritizing the items you want them to craft, and are making the correct number of that item. But the implementation of that brings some complaints as well:
- If a worker lacks the required materials to make anything, they will spend the full amount of time it would take to craft something crafting nothing before checking if they now have the materials. For example, if an item requires 90 seconds to make, then if a worker lacks the required resources to make that item when attempting to make it, they will not check again for 90 seconds.
- When a worker finishes crafting one item, they may either decide to craft another one or immediately deposit what they've made into storage. I have not figured out yet what determines which the worker does, so I do not know if this is something I can control. While crafting multiple items before depositing them cuts down on time spent walking (thus making the worker more efficient), it brings with it the possible problem that that another worker may be waiting for that item to start making their own thing. This ties into the previous issue I mentioned, where now a worker may be stuck twiddling their thumbs for twice as long.
- Trying to build a nice-looking town, like the ones shown in the screenshots on the game's store page, will mean lots of time running around, rather again than simply panning a camera from one place to another.
[*]You gain access to a currency called Points with which you can purchase materials and other items, but you are initially limited to only storing up to 100 Points maximum. You later unlock an item that, when placed into the world, raises the maximum Points but also increases the Threat level to your settlement (meaning more and stronger zombies will attack at night). As such, you are encouraged to only place that item immediately before selling things for Points, and then removing the item once you've spent the points. This is frankly tedious to constantly do. But more than that, this leads into the issue that, if your workers for any reason do not complete the crafting you need them to within a single day, then you are left with a larger Threat level at night. This wouldn't be such a big deal if not for two things: 1) as previously mentioned, you can't manually craft anything of value, and 2) the NPCs stop working for the day sometime seemingly between 19:00 and 20:00, so when they will stop working is unpredictable. First-person games like Satisfactory encourage you to have others do work foryou by making it more efficient than simply doing it yourself, but you are still able to close the small gaps manually in cases where you need just a little more of something in a pinch. And to the second point, a game like this so heavily focused on management requires transparency to the player, which is made that much more difficult when I have no idea how much longer my colonists will continue to work in a given day.
Beyond all of that, the game auto-saves when you exit, including when you close the game through your OS (such as pressing Alt+F4 or tabbing out and then closing the window). You can manually save as well using a console command, but that's it. This game is too unpolished to not allow for manual saving or exiting without saving.
Some more minor nitpicks to illustrate the current lack of polish: you have a healthbar, but it's not labeled as health, so I didn't even realize right away when I had taken damage. When injured, you can eat food to heal, but this is not communicated to you in-game at all. NPCs do not reliably leave their workplace before nighttime, so I've had farmers strolling back to the walls of my fort as zombies are not far behind them; meanwhile, NPCs inside the walls had clocked out for the night long before. Some foods are ingredients for better, more efficient ones, but there is no obvious way to disallow colonists from eating the worse ones to ensure the better ones are made first. You cannot build gates for your walls, so you have to instead built a moat around your base that your villagers cannot jump over, surround your base with a large maze that zombies will die before navigating through, or simply leave openings that the zombies can waltz into. The developers have expressed hesitation at adding such structures to the game, again suggesting their goals for the game are at odds with how players may want to experience it. While there are mods for this and other such features, I find it hard to recommend a game simply because there are mods because those mods can easily be broken by updates, abandoned by the creator, or implemented in ways that are themselves incompatible with the design of the base game experience.
You eventually gain the ability to create outposts outside of your main colony but that share inventory with your main colony, which you do by placing a flag; however, should you decide you want to move the outpost, you do not get back the flag when destroying the existing outpost. As such, you have to constantly grind for more resources to sell to purchase the flag again, which then feeds into the other problems I mentioned above where you're subject to your colonists' whims for when that flag is finally achievable again, all the while at an increased risk in the meantime for invasion that wrecks your colony. I do not know if it's intentional for the player to not receive the Outpost Banner back when it's destroyed. Frankly, that does not matter though. I am unsure which would be worse: the developers decided that the player should not be allowed easy do-overs but fail to communicate such a penalty to the player, or that this was an oversight that the developers did not find in testing a major feature.
The game's overall lack of polish includes a significant lack of information for the player, and what information is available to the player is generally not communicated to the player clearly and efficiently. This means you will likely need to do a lot of googling to find out what to do or how to do it, but the wiki for this game is outdated and incorrect for the current version of the game.
All in all, I've decided that the frustrations I've encountered in this game are just not worth it in its present state. I am hopeful that, in the long term, the developers will listen to feedback such as this to polish the experience, so I'll likely check back every six months to a year to see how the game is progressing.
Colony survival is a very nice strategy game if you have homies even if you play alone. Because even singleplayer even multiplayer is fun. You can built massive colony and lot of beautiful buildings, best thing is you can do it even underground because of diggers and builders. Defending against zombies can be sometimes difficult, but if its too hard, you can set lower difficulty and if its too simple, you can set harder one. if it gets boring you can instal mods, and some of them are very good.
For me its worth it, when its in sale, because 25 euro is liitle too much for me
verry nice my name is borrat i like to move it move it ehh same guy who voices my guy king juilian
Not going to let this game go unnoticed anymore, as far as it goes, this game is amazing, the Devs are dedicated and on point to things their community wants. That's already more than most companies these days.
Factory/city management simulation done really well, its honestly very peaceful and enjoyable. The threats scale with your population and the designs are limitless, your colony can starve and you have to rebuild it, making outposts and sending resources to friends in the same game. freedom to build so much and enjoy yourself.
I have had this game for years, i use it to scratch and itch for a game thats not out there yet, but this game, is becoming more and more like my ideal game, building/city management/horde survival/exploration.
One day it will be finished
good tower defense game
i love this game. i spent 95 hours in it and didn't even notice it
good i approve
very good game, however there are some flaws, for example its kinda outdated on the graphics part and that it doesn't get updates very often however it is a good game just a bit overpriced.
I really want to like this game. It's got a lot going on for it, but it's been 7 years and the basic controls are still unclear. Please get the working better.
This is a great game unfortunately the developers have made gliders almost useless
overall good game
Minecraft, but a bit more realistic, and with more steps, and villagers actually do stuff.
if u like minecraft and responsibility this is the game for you!
It's a fun little game, multiplayer is sometimes broken. But everything else is great!
Lots of fun, challenging enough, and definitely worth the time and money invested so far.
I'm just a little addicted to this game.
A huge thanks to the devs for picking out every detail I've ever wanted in a building/management game!
Thank you Pipliz, you boys have made a wonderful game!
I will recommend this game more with every update to come.
Great cool game would reccomend
I've been playing this game for a few years now, and I love it. The devs put a lot of hard work into the game, the community is pretty awesome, and if you want something that can challenge you, be relaxing, and inspire creativity... I highly recommend Colony Survival. It just keeps getting better, great work devs!
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Разработчик | Pipliz |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 92% положительных (5396) |