Разработчик: Three Phase Interactive Pty Ltd
- Невероятная свобода творчества: создайте мощнейший корабль в галактике деталь за деталью при помощи более чем 180 доступных компонентов и многого другого.
- Оставьте в своем дизайне изъян: спроектируйте лучший корабль для выполнения задания, но не забудьте намеренно оставить в нем слабое место, чтобы можно было справиться с ним, когда ваша команда неизбежно взбунтуется.
- Эпические масштабы: бесконечные возможности флота от маленьких истребителей до боевых станций размером с небольшую луну.
- Сразитесь с кораблями друзей: загрузите ваш самый удачный корабль и сразитесь с лучшими кораблями сообщества.
- Динамичная система музыки: сочините подходящую музыкальную тему для своего корабля на основе компонентов, используемых для его создания.
Игра имеет два фазы: строительство и сражение. Фаза строительства начинается с расположения ядра, которое определит максимально возможный размер корабля, затем необходимо будет добавить выбранные компоненты корабля. Они могут быть расположены, масштабированы и повернуты в любом положении, и будут работать в соответствии с законами физики и правилами игры, давая вам большую возможность для творчества.Компоненты корабля обладают разными характеристиками и поведением в зависимости от их основной функции. Есть три основных визуальных стиля: компоненты TriStage производятся массово и обладают индустриальным стилем, SSN отличаются обтекаемыми формами в стиле будущего, а 2255 — это стиль ретро и возврат к временам бумажных журналов и космической гонки. Новые стили и темы уже запланированы и будут зависеть от отзывов нашего сообщества.
Постройте свой корабль мечты из ключевых компонентов:
- Ядро — установите мощный источник энергии корабля, а также его самое уязвимое место.
- Оружие: выбирайте из лазеров, бластеров, ракет, торпед, мин, рельсовых пушек, турелей, зенитного оружия, орудий точечной обороны и многого другого.
- Команда: в конечном итоге они собираются пойти против вас и просто выкинуть вас в космос, но, к сожалению, вам нужна команда, чтобы управлять кораблем.
- Корпус: этот компонент содержит большую часть брони корабля.
- Крылья: забудьте, что вам говорят «ученые», космическая динамика существует, и крылья помогут вам создать гораздо более подвижный и маневренный корабль.
- Двигатели: настоящая разница между хорошим кораблем и летающим космическим мусором.
- Особые компоненты: некоторые компоненты усилят ваш корабль или дадут ему определенную специализацию. Палубы истребителей, щиты, радары, радиаторы, выхлопные отверстия, ионные поглотители, фальшфейеры и меры противодействия, которые могут быть очень эффективным, но которые также могут стань уязвимым местом, если вы не будете их защищать.
Фаза сражения включает в себя управление кораблем сверху в режиме 2D-перспективы и уничтожение вражеских кораблей. В случае победы, вы переходите на следующее задание. В случае поражения вы снова окажитесь на дизайнерской доске, чтобы собрать новый корабль, который может оказаться лучше.
Вы будете переходить из фазы строительства в фазу сражения, постоянно развиваясь, создавая корабли и сражаясь со все более сильными кораблями противника параллельно с тем, как будет разворачиваться история. Однако после каждого задания ваш корабль будут захватывать перебежчики, и вы будете вынуждены сражаться со своей старой командой в следующем задании. Это создает для игрока проблему Ахиллесовой пяты. Постройте наилучший корабль, но оставьте в нем слабое место, которым вы сможете воспользоваться позже.
Планета Асбестос: между корпорациями, правительствами, пиратами и частными лицами разразилась война за право добывать загадочную частицу, которая существует только в одном месте во вселенной. Теоретически, такова планета Асбестос. Расходы на исследования и добычу уже обанкротили несколько планет, таким образом повысив ценность возможно несуществующей частицы и создав фондовый пузырь, поддерживающий экономику всей галактики.Ваша задача: защитить планету силами флота Угнетенных систем. Ваша команда была набрана из тюрьмы, потому не стоит ожидать слишком высокой исполнительности и мотивации. Мораль на нуле. Мятеж неизбежен.
Задания: выполните основную задачу, после чего мятежная команда поднимет бунт и захватит корабль с целью прикончить вас. Основные задачи могут состоять из разных целей и подразумевать простое уничтожение волн истребителей, захват космических станций, эвакуацию пассажиров с горящего круизного корабля, а также строительство корабля, который выглядит так же, как вражеский, чтобы обойти щиты противника и сбросить на этих глупцов ядерную бомбу.
Режим испытаний дает вам возможность сражаться против кораблей, созданных другими игроками, будь то ваши друзья или кто-либо из сообщества. Это не прямая сетевая игра, поскольку вражеским кораблем будет управлять ИИ. Задания могут быть быстрой тренировкой с выбранным размером ядра и врагом, битвой за выживание против волн врагов или одним из заданий кампании без лимита лома.Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, russian
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows Vista or later
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- DirectX: версии 9.0c
- Место на диске: 1 GB
- ОС *: Windows 7 or later
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- DirectX: версии 9.0c
- Место на диске: 1 GB
- ОС: OS X 10.9 or above
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Место на диске: 1 GB
- ОС: OS X 10.9 or above
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Место на диске: 1 GB
- ОС: Ubuntu 12.x or above
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Место на диске: 1 GB
- ОС: Ubuntu 12.x or above
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Место на диске: 1 GB
Отзывы пользователей
Defect is a clever idea - a constant cycle of 'design a ship and then fight it', with a steady flow of new equipment opening up, and increasingly challenging missions to complete (all ending with you fighting your old vessel). The idea is good, and frankly the execution isn't bad. However, it becomes clear rapidly that the game has some problems, and some serious difficulty spikes. You cannot defeat certain (critical) missions without unlocking certain equipment, so you have to go back and replay older missions to grind for the older stuff. Ironically though, many other missions can be completed with the same ship you had before (I must have completed 5 or 10 missions in a row with just one unchanging ship design) - as long as you're a better pilot than the computer (which you are).
This means that the game feels like a boring grind with occasional bouts of 'completely start again and make something new'. Then, out of nowhere the game requires that you 'defeat these two way overpowered bosses to progress', which force explicit grinding of the completed missions to unlock better weaponry. I've no idea how to defeat the Pirate Prime Minister and frankly, I'm not sure i want to work it out.
The puzzle element is through the game's insistence that there is a single upper limit (power) on your ship. Every add-on part requires either Power or Crew or both, and while you can convert power to crew and vice versa, you cannot create either. Secondly, in order to maximise speed, mass must be diminished, though each item has its own armour rating. So you balance adding two 10-person crew pods, over one 20-person pod, because the first option is lighter, but the second option has better armour.
Where the game excels, is in using these restrictions to force the player to build a perfect ship for the scenario that can also beat your last ship, but those moments where this is actually required are a rarity, and there's several mission types that render this simply impossible. There's a side-mission (near the Pirate Prime Minister) where you must build the fastest possible ship with the weakest possible core in order to take part in a race, and then when you win the race (just, by stripping everything out, including guns) you have to somehow defeat your previous ship (which given the stage of the game, has a 3rd level core, and is no doubt laid out with guns). Suffice to say, i did not manage to do this. I assume that you need to go back and play earlier levels to grind with increasingly weak ships until you can get something nice and weak.
Graphically the game is pretty, and it's possible to design some gorgeous ships, but you see all these pretty screenshots of spaceships above - beautiful aren't they. You won't be using those. You'll be using the ugly box hull and nothing else - it's the best armour to mass ratio, so why use anything else (and if you need twice the armour just stack a second one on top of the first. In fact, just stack everything on top of the power-core and be done. The sad truth is that the game's two core tenets (limited power/crew 'budget' and having to fight your own ship after a mission), is the very thing that kills the game's desire to let you build pretty spaceships.
The other big issue, given how easy it is to die, and the need to grind, is how irritatingly slow it is to get back into a mission - back to the mission select, click launch, watch the setup cutscene, watch your ship warp in, click through the multiple text boxes of 'story' while the camera zooms in and out multiple times and finally, you'll be able to fly. If the only reason you're restarting is because a single missile clipped you after 10 minutes of ducking and weaving, well, you get pretty irritated with the slow restart.
The final complaint sadly, is simply that the game was abandoned in 2016. It's a crying shame, there's a genuinely great game concept here, and at a price of $7 Canadian dollars, it's hard not to say it's worth a try, but if like me, you bought this after reading a PCGamer story about this genius idea of a game, I'm sorry to say, it's just not here.
Criminally underrated. fun, replayable, with a nice level of difficulty, and levelsare always difficult thanks to having to beat your own ship(I'll admit, I can't beat my current ship yet) hours of fun and plenty of things to do, it's well worth the 6 bucks. progression is fun as well and super sized ships do not just beat out fighters like you might expect, there's some serious thought put into the balancing of this game. a fun but difficult game, I've personally almost finished the campaign, I have maybe 10ish levels left, but I'l certainly miss it when it's over
reaching the end, it's clear that the game is very unfinished, I've unlocked the last tier of ships, and while I haven't beaten the last level yet, my loadout consists of one core and one weapon, where there are normally 8-12 pieces in each catagory. there are also noticable bugs, and issues with the game as well as the fact the developers have been incommunicado for around 7 years now make this a game I only tentatively recomend. fun, yes, awesome concept yes. well executed, probably, wasted potential? miles of it
if you are into designing .... its like kerbal space program where you haVE TO keep building better ships... but even on easy, it's very hard...
Good concept, shit execution.
~ Well... i read the reviews, saw the videos : i knew this game was far from a gaming masterpiece, but i decided when it came to 4.99 to give it a try : tbh it is ok for 4.99, so i wont complain and wont refund : gameplay is smooth, graphics are very correct and there is some also good humor in it : dev(s) took time to make it, polished it correctly, and i'm having very-correct fun playing it.
So, for that price tag, and if u check reviews/videos u'll, as i did, fully understand what the gameplay is about, and wont be disappointed.
If you like old style 2D shooters this is for you. Great game, hours of fun. Replay is even better as you know how to build the right ships for each mission. One small glitch in wave mode, can't destroy the last ship. Apart from that, awesome!
A great game for people who like to build and tinker with space ships. The core mechanic of fighting your own previous ship is clever, and part and weapon variety is significant, and the game contains a variety of missions testing your ships ability in different specializations. Some missions can be frustrating, but most that are can be skipped and saved for later, when you have access to more powerful parts.
It's been a while since i played this game, i did enjoy it. I only played a few dozen hours, and you might play even less. But it is an enjoyable game, and it is a small team production, worth supporting.
I really liked this game at first. Anyone who likes building spaceships will. However (and you are never told not to do this) if you build a powerful ship with all your money and you can't beat it with the money you have left, the game becomes unplayable as you can no longer advance through any missions. This happened to me a few missions before the end of the campaign and completely ruined it. What a shame :(
Excellent game, requiring a different tactic on the "build and conquer" mentality. You have to face your previous ship in every mission, so you have to build them to be good, but not TOO good.
Currently stuck facing off against the super dreadnaught I build previously, just now realizing I lost the money investment when mutineers inevitably shove me out an airlock.
I really wanted to like this game. I have an unhealthy love for building spaceships that blow each other up. The conceit, that the end boss of each level is your previous ship, is an awesome idea.
Ultimately, though, I can't recommend it.
First and foremost, you're continually fighting with the camera to see anything. The game automatically zooms in and out with the range to what it thinks is your target. Missions regularly zoom way out and away from the ship to show you new ships entering the mission, while sometimes also blinding you with a giant white "warp drive" flash- without pausing the game or restoring the camera to where it was when done.
Secondly, the missions aren't very fun. They're constantly filled with very tightly-timed insta-fail conditions. Get used to restarting because something you were escorting got blown up or something you were chasing escaped. Combine this with the hostile camera and fidgity controls, and expect a lot of frustration. I assume this mission design is an attempt to help mix up the combat, which is somewhat limiting because the AI mostly seems to be limited to doing jousting-style weapon passes at you, but it's no fun at all.
It also sometimes feels like completing mission objectives too promptly can render later mission objectives much harder by causing enemies to spawn near something you're defending sooner and closer. Finding the sweet spot between instant failure and failing the next objective because I succeeded too quickly isn't particularly fun- some events seem like they ought to occur at fixed times and distances instead of relative to the player's progress and position.
Controls aren't great. Imagine steering a car with a keyboard where you can only turn the wheel as hard left or right as possible with nothing in between. Now imagine you're doing this while trying to shoot at targets under a tight time limit using a gun bolted to the front of your vehicle. Also, although a tractor beam mitigates this, you're trying to fly around and pick up items on the ground. All while also being under the constraints of the first two complaints: you're fighting the camera and racing instant-fail mission conditions.
Another control issue is that the game also emphasizes using "manual control" to boost and repair components, but does a very bad job of making this manageable for all but the smallest ships, given that you've got the number keys and a relatively short scrollable list on the right side of the screen to select what you want to boost but a lot more than ten components and very little free time with which to micromanage. I see what they're trying to do, but a more classic guns/engines/shields/repair ship-wide boost probably would have been far more manageable. At a minimum, though, it needs better ways to display and select the components you can be boosting.
The ship design itself is OK, although the game does a very poor job of explaining the mechanics. What's that green +125% aura parts get and under what circumstances do you get it? How is damage distributed when your ship gets shot? What's stability? Is there any reason not to just stack all of your parts that aren't armor on a block safely in the middle of your ship and then build a framework of armor around it? How can I tell if a weapon has any sort of firing arc, and how big that arc is? I've got figured out partial answers to most of these, but the game doesn't tell you much about the core bit of the game: ship building.
The final fight mechanic is a bit undermined by bad controls and limited AI, but I still appreciate it because it forces you to design against two constraints- the requirements of the mission and the ship you last designed. This helps encourage you to avoid settling into a single design you use over and over a bit.
Overall, this feels fix-able, but at the moment it's just not enjoyable. The camera, the controls, and the mission design all serve to undermine the core awesomeness of building and fighting with spaceships and against your own designs.
I'm sad to be not recommending this game, because the concept is great, the genre is one I love, it's not terrible and irreparably flawed by any means, and the developer seems interested in soliciting feedback and making the game a better game. In its current state, however, I just can't recommend it.
This game has some good mechanics. I really enjoy the ability to create your own spacecraft and load it out with your own weapons.
But it got old very quickly.
If you’re not aware, the main principle of this game is to build a ship and control it though a mission, at the end of the mission you fight your own ship from the previous mission, only controlled by AI. Once you beat the mission, you lose your ship and the cycle begins anew for the next mission.
This is the premise that caught my attention, I love ship building games, and the ship construction part of Defect is good fun.
It seemed like a neat and novel idea to fight your own ship designs.
The campaign is hard.
I found myself failing the missions (very early game), over and over. I would try again with a different strategy only to have the same thing happen and to have to watch the same cut-scene repeatedly before once again ending in failure. It began to grind on me. Out of the 6 or 7 missions available, I was completely unable to finish any of them. I would try again and again and again, trying out different strategies and ship designs. It’s very frustrating, and makes it glaringly apparent how repetitive the game is.
When I finally managed to complete one of the missions available, my ship was taken away I was presented with another two missions. The cycle started anew.
“Unprecedented freedom of creation - Create the most powerful ship in the galaxy piece by piece, with more than 180 components available and many more to come.”
Even if you try and unlock new ship parts by going back over previously completely levels, the same thing happens. You complete a mission you have already completed, and bam, ships gone, start over. As someone who likes building ships, the combination of repeated failures and completing old missions meant I was building ship after ship after ship, and boy did it get stale fast. Pieces unlock chronically slowly, meaning you’re using the same handful of pieces for the majority of missions.
“Exploit your designs - Create the perfect design to complete the mission, but remember to build in a weakness you can exploit later when your crew inevitably turns against you.”
The loss of your ship after every mission doesn’t add anything to the game, it’s just a gimmick. You can load up exactly the same ship design for the next mission. Considering how the game requires you to switch up your strategy so often, you would likely never be able to use the same ship twice anyway. I never found fighting my own ship designs difficult, the AI just drives straight towards your guns blazing at the end of each mission. The idea that you can build a ship to complete a mission, defeat the previous ship you built and still have room to adjust your design to make it easier for yourself next time is utterly laughable. I found I didn't have enough components or power early on to have the luxury of choice in the way I designed my ship.
"Epic scale - Unlimited combinations available from tiny fighters up to battle stations the size of a small moon."
I had so much trouble I actually went ahead and watched a video on shipyard construction made by the developer. It showed him making a goliath ship with masses of power available, which is what I wanted from this game, but to me, it would take another 10-30 hours of gameplay just to get to that stage.
Despite all that, this game has a lot of potential. If parts unlocked much faster, you would have more choice in your ship designs and that, hopefully, would make things easier, more diverse and theoretically make it easier to make progress and have fun. At the moment though, for me, it's an exercise in futility.
Love the idea of the game and the degree of customization, but, the difficulty is punishing and the lack of control, lack of pausing during decision making junctures detracts from the experience. Having to beat your previous bad-azz ship at the end of the stage is great, but, most missions I've felt entirely overwhelmed by waves of AI. The difficulty should be less unrelenting. I really, really, really hate to give this a thumbs down. It just needs some more tweaking.
The core concept is great, and the ship creation system is one of the best I've seen.
However, the game falls apart after that. The missions are short, boring, and frankly, annoying. The core mechanic is that you build a ship, do one mission, and then it gets taken away, and you have to build a new ship to do exactly one mission and then fight your old ship. Rinse, repeat...l I played long enough to know it wasn't worth $15 to me.
This game could be great, if the linear mission system was stripped out and replaced with a sandbox world where you slowly acquire scrap and unlock upgrades to keep improving your ship. I'd play that game for hours.
Fun game with an interesting mechanic. If you want something a bit different pick this gem up...
I was digging around Steam for space games that would work on a Macbook Air and which I could play on the train. This game ticks all the boxes.
It is incredibly satisfying to overcome a seemingly insurmountable wall of difficulty, simply by changing the configuration of your ship. Having to periodically face your own previous creations, makes you think twice about building something unbeatable.
The ships can be controlled using just WASD, the space bar and the occasional swipe of the touchpad, which is something your can just about manage cramped up in the train. Given more space and a mouse, your options expand to turretted weapons as well.
As someone who counts 'Star Control II' as one of their favorite games of all time, this game is a dream come true.
It's the simple controls and combat of the classic 'Asteroids' added with a easy-to-use ship builder that had me hooked instantly.
Initially you might think that all you need to do in every mission is to build the beefiest combat ship you can afford, but most missions are designed to challenge you to build a ship with very special capabilities to beat it - and just *barely* beat it too, since your current ship will be the final boss of the next mission. This creates an interesting dilemma when you design your ship.
The only annoyance so far to me are the cut-scenes that momentarily remove your controls and/or pan the camera around to show you where ships are warping in or anything important that's going on. While this is perfectly okay and even necessary the first time you play a mission, it quickly becomes an unskippable nuisance when you have to attempt a mission again and again and again. (Thanks again for stopping my ship dead in my tracks for showing me that i really really quickly have to catch up to that one ship over there!)
Good game that's well worth $15.
Only been playing for a few hours but it's better than I expected. Easy to pick up and start playing, tutorials feel like normal missions and are quick enough to keep you from getting bored. Graphics are good and the game runs smooth, I haven’t encountered any slowing or stuttering yet.
Combat is fun, your guns will fire automatically or you can control them yourself. Everything you put on your ship can be damaged or destroyed during missions, engines damaged? Your a sitting duck, decided to attack head on, lose your weapons in the process. However, you can repair your parts during the mission as long as you've collected scrap off destroyed ships.
One thing I was worried about was having to re-design your ship over and over and thought it would be very tedious. To my surprise ship building is quick and very easy, you can save your setup or start from scratch but takes very little time at all. With that being said the amount of time you spend in a certain class of ship is very appropriate, you'll unlock new parts every mission but you don't advance to larger ships without adequate time to use most of what you've unlocked so advancement feels good.
Then there’s the mutiny, after every mission you'll lose your ship and you'll have to face it as the last enemy in the next level. Several missions in I thought to myself "this is the best ship I could have built right now it's great" and what a double edged sword that was. During the next mission within seconds I found myself without weapons or wings within seconds of fighting the best ship I could have designed! Take caution when designing overpowered ship.
There's not a whole lot I dislike about this game, some things are the parts are displayed on the left hand side, but when you get so many you'll have to scroll down to repair some of your parts, an option to resize them or start a second row so they're always on the screen would be nice. Currently when there is a mutiny at the end of the level the crew always says the same thing. Not game breaking by any means just small annoyances.
Well worth the $15, this game is fun and fighting your old ship keeps things interested.
This game is awesome and wildly exceeds my standards for early access.
So far I have yet to encounter any real bugs.
Building ships is awesome. The editor is easy to use, seamless, and you can build some really gorgeous ships. They give you a large collection of parts to play with as soon as you wrap up the tutorial, and you consistently unlock new ones.
Battling is fun, but more akin to jousting then a traditional bullet hell style. To be honest, this is probably an excellent choice for this game.
The game is actually funny. Not just a pile of bad Nathan Drake esque jokes, but actually pretty funny. The game is not shy in making fun of itself a bit, and the dialog and story while simple are absolutely sufficient to allow gameplay.
Great idea, excellent execution, and without doubt worth the price.
I'd love to see in the future a creative mode, and some kind of multiplayer. Especially if those two are combined - it could be very fun.
Don't hesitate, get this game now!
wish I could give a neutral vote... game has awesome potenial, it just misses the mark in a few aspects. Early game is very restricting and maybe I am missing something but I cannot advance past the first few levels. looks great, plays well, controls are alright, but my ship is never fast enough, powerful enough, or crewed enough to get past where I am at...
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Three Phase Interactive Pty Ltd |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 20.01.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 59% положительных (22) |