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Разработчик: Centauri Production

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Alternativa - это история, которая перенесет вас в мир, совершенно отличный от всего, что вы ожидаете в 2045 году. В мир, разрушенный войной и революциями, мир, управляемый гнетущим и жестоким диктатором.
Классическая приключенческая point&click игра, основанная на оригинальном научно-фантастическом/киберпанковом сценарии, составленном из маленьких историй, которые проведут вас как сквозь жизни отдельных персонажей, так и через целый вымышленный мир будущего.
Убийство одного, власть нескольких, предательство всех!

Ключевые особенности:

  • Классическая приключенческая point&click игра
  • Более 120 детально проработанных задников
  • Играйте за 4 разных персонажей
  • Оригинальная научно-фантастическая история в детально продуманном мире
  • Простое и удобное управление, использующее только мышку
  • Смоделированные видеоролики
  • 2 уровня сложности
  • Интерактивные диалоги с выбором фраз
  • Оригинальный саундтрек

Поддерживаемые языки: english

Системные требования


  • ОС: Windows XP ® или Windows ®Vista
  • Процессор: Intel Pentium IV ® 2 ГГц или аналогичная
  • Оперативная память: 2 ГБ
  • Видеокарта: с 512 МБ видеопамяти (необходима поддержка шейдеров 2.0)
  • DirectX®: DirectX®: 9.0c
  • Жесткий диск: 2 ГБ свободного места
  • Звуковая карта: совместимая с DirectX 9.0c ®

Отзывы пользователей

Не рекомендую 04.12.2024 02:34
0 0

This game is so ahead of it's time, it feels like AI made it.

Время в игре: 221 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 31.10.2024 07:41
1 0


Didn't finish the game. It crashed and I wasn't bothered to repeat the 20min of the lost gaming.
Most of the cast can't act to safe their life.
The story is mediocre at best.
Dialog... clearly written by a person with English as a second language. It's not that bad but very noticeable.

Время в игре: 384 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 04.12.2020 02:54
5 1

One of the most depressing games I've ever played, and then, when I thought this couldn't get any worse... the ending ended up being the biggest rotten cherry on top of this messed up cake. Ugh!

Время в игре: 879 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 24.12.2019 01:26
3 0

If you like Adventure games this one isn't too bad, but it's a bit of a grind, finding exactly the correct sequence of actions to solve puzzles. Often that sequence requires repeating the same action repeatedly to trigger progression, without any indication that doing so will result in a different result.
Still it's a nice little story set in Cyberpunk Prague so I can't be too hard on it!

Время в игре: 548 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 07.03.2019 20:32
3 0

45 minutes or so into the game, I ran into a bug with an endless walk cycle causing the game to become unresponsive, aside from the old Alt+F4. After about 2 hours, I ran into it at the morgue. I looked around a bit for known issues and fiddled with my settings a bit, but...

This game is just OK. It's got some mood. However, there is a lot of padding, especially with how you have to go back and forth to pick things up, every screen padded with having to wait until the character finishes their walk cycle.

If you're really into adventure games and not running Windows 10, this might work for you. I just don't think it's worth it.

Время в игре: 137 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 20.06.2018 12:13
7 1

Dystopian point-and-click from ten years ago, some elements of violence that are unnecessary to the plot, only get it on steep discount if you are a fan of the genre

Время в игре: 1348 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 15.06.2018 15:34
5 0

I am bit on the fence about this game. On the one hand, I feel that it had a lot of potential (which wasn't utlizied). On the other, I felt like the ending was rushed and I really didn't have a full sense of resolution.

Interesting plot, with darker themes
Dsytopic (for those that like that in their games)
Multi-players to play as
Interesing locals

Graphics were a bit blurry
The voice-acting (mainly the women) was ehhhh. Some of the female voices were borderline nails on a chalkboard to me or too stilted in terms of emotion
The ending was very disappointing (at least for me...I needed a bit more and just some questions were not answered)
Massively annoyed with some of the bugs in this game (sometimes the game would crash because of some glitch at random periods in the game) and the leeway time between cutscenes.

I got roughly 3-4 hours of game time out of it. The game played a bit choppy for me (though that could have been due to the glitches...I had to keep rebooting the game).

I did get this game while it was on sale a while back (I think I payed around 1.89 or some such price). I don't know if I would replay it (which is for me is criteria for a good desire to replay), but I think it's worth checking out if you aren't paying full price and you need a game to kill a couple of hours. Also if you do purchase, save the game (ALOT) just in case of bugs. Sometimes it will crash in the middle of completeing certain tasks and it is a pain to go through the motions all over again.

I did debate whether to recommend this game or not (I wish steam would give more than yes or no), but I am saying recommend ONLY IF it is on sale. It is not worth full price for me as it still has glitches, choppy flow, problematic voice acting.

Время в игре: 276 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 17.01.2018 05:38
4 0

As a long-time fan of the Point&Click adventure game (starting with Sierra's King's Quest series), I have to say this game is disappointing. Whereas some P&Cs offer multiple solutions to puzzles, Alternativa seems to only have one solution. What's worse is that the solutions don't always make much sense. There's also a lot of back and forth, from point A to B and back to A, before you can go from B to C. If you try to use two items together before experiencing a pointless conversation with an apparently unrelated character, nothing happens. After you talk to someone you have absolutely no reason to talk to, those items work together perfectly. Good effort, poor execution.

Время в игре: 101 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 08.03.2017 21:52
8 0

Not an entirely bad game nor good game, somewhere in the middle...but kinda leaning towards bad...ish. One reviewer nailed with the to and fro to locations being an absolute waste of time, agreed. Basically this game starts off with you loosing your job, then you rummage around for stuff, then you get asked to do other stuff for some lazyass chick, rinse and repeat to different locations....what cheeses me off is the way this ends, basically get done over my the story just crashing off the cliff...I kinda voice out muvafuka when the ending confirmed itself...this aint no Beneath a Steel Sky..4 ish out of 10 on a cheap as chips sale..use a guide so you can just enjoy to a point!

Время в игре: 420 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 27.11.2016 05:49
8 4

Disclaimer: we did not finish.

It's painful to see a world that's so intriguing wasted on a game like this. Name an Adventure Game Sin, this one has it: pixel hunting? Check. Gratuitous backtracking? Check. Blocking advancement until you've clicked just the right item? Check.

Interactable objects are blended into the background, enforcing pixel hunting to even find them. Necessary objects are usually on the other side of a multiple screen map and often you won't even be able to pick them up until you've established that you need them. Sometimes you won't even be ABLE to interact with an item until the game says you can.

The last straw came when we were essentially punished for being smarter than the main character and making a logical leap before the game said we could. After that, the game crashed. We took it as the game committing seppuku out of shame and moved on to better pastures.

Время в игре: 179 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 22.01.2016 21:37
13 5

You just go back and forth back and forth. You see the item you have to take, it's obviously right there but you can't take it until you go to some arbitrary location and do one arbitrary thing then go back, only then, ONLY THEN, you are allowed to take the item. Everything must be done in order. It is absoulutely ridiculous. At some point I went into a building and tried to search the debris around and the game said nothing was there. Then I tried to open the locked door right NEXT TO the debris. You wanna know where the key is? Right in that fucking debris that I searched 2 seconds ago. But the game didn't give me the key because I didn't check the door first. Fuck you game.

Время в игре: 334 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 24.11.2015 12:02
5 0

Alternativa, a cross between 2D and 3D graphic point and click game

The game backgrounds and level design look great
Voice acting is pretty decent.
Gameplay is simple and has a user friendly interface

The story, at first it seems interesting but actually playing through the game is really boring. Action is limited.
The ending is really bad as well XD but it made me laugh.
Character models arent the best.

Id avoid this game to be honest its just really boring and no matter how nice it looks will make up for that.


Время в игре: 262 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 04.11.2015 22:22
5 0

Painfully unfinished, Alternativa may be the worst point and clink game Ive played in years. Firstly, the game crashes a lot. This can be remedied by running in as an admin, but the game will still however crash sometimes during cutscenes (which it did during the bloody ending credts).

Some puzzles are nonsensical (the very first for example) and a lot of the time lacks any clear hints about what you need to do. This could be down to a poor translation, but some of the solutions are just down to bad game design. Does the story make up for this?
No....Not even a little.
Theres an interesting Distopian setting presented here, but its wasted on a plot that travels so fast, that the story itself isnt even fleshed out. There was a twist at one point, that Im guessing was supposed to be dramatic, but as a player you werent given enough background to actually care. As other reviewers have mentioned, the game end on an abrupt note, and feels very unfinished. If the plot was good, I would complain, but I was just happy it was over.

Graphics and voice acting can always be forgiven, bad puzzles and narrative however, cannot.

Avoid, and go play a game published by Wadget Eye instead

Время в игре: 491 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 03.05.2015 01:00
20 0

Clunky puzzles, can easily get stuck and break the game. Terrible ending, developers obviously planned a sequel so ending is open ended and unsatisfying.

Время в игре: 362 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 04.04.2015 18:20
26 3

I can only half-recommend this game. The story and the atmosphere are both good, although I have to agree with other reviewers that there are some elements that seem unfinished (pretty sure more was meant to happen with the cat outside the apartment , for example). I liked the setting of a dystopian Prague, since I also know and like the city. The voice acting is decent. but as others have said, the game's ending leaves many questions unanswered and this is a slight disappointment.

All in all, I'd recommend it for the atmosphere, decent graphics and decent voice acting. However, it's probably more something who really love adventure games and dystopian themes in particular.

Время в игре: 469 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 29.12.2014 17:28
18 0

One of the most boring adventure games I played recently. The ending is unbelievably rushed, the backtracking is massive and uninspired, there are very few characters you can interact with. No reasons to play it.

Время в игре: 383 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 19.12.2014 08:50
22 0

I was excited about this game. I thought the graphics were great. Dystopian society story, love it! Voice acting was annoying at times but not too terrible. The reason this game gets the thumbs down is the ending. The story is really interesting, the climax is exciting, and then the ending....just kills it. It feels as if the company ran out of budget and couldn't flesh out the story any more, because after you are really getting into the the story and uncovering lots of stuff, the ending basically tells you, "well thats all we can do for now, we better disappear before the bad guys discover us." Thats it. It screams sequel! Sadly, I don't think a sequel has been announced so this game is a gigantic cliffhanger. A promising beginning ends with disappointment.

Время в игре: 814 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 04.07.2014 16:43
4 0

You can't imagine how glad I am, that I only paid 0,99 € for this.
And even that is far too much.

The whole game is based on stretching the time.
Screen transition last from eight to 15 seconds and most tasks are solved by going back and forth from one end of a map to the other end of a DIFFERENT map.

The few jokes in this game a very poor, which is kind of okay, if I look at the story behind it.
The story itself is not bad, but sadly it stops abruptly with the whole game, before it can get really deep.
A nice concept, a terrible execution.

A waring:
The games resolution is hard set at 1024x768. Though there are options to enable 16:9 or 16:10, the game stays in 4:3 and only the cutscene are in the richt format then.
To activate 16:9 or 10 most users seem to have to do additional changes in their graphics driver software directly.
Else, there can be various display issues.

I know, there are people who put time and effort into AlternativA, but 1 out of 10 points is the absolute maximum iI can give
for this poor excuse of a game, sorry.

Время в игре: 422 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 19.06.2014 18:37
8 0

Dystopian point-and-click adventure game.

Boring. Glitched out a couple of times.

Ends abruptly and on a hugely unfulfilling cliffhanger note -- sequel never emerged, production derailed? You can see either the time or the budget allotted for the game ran out, because Alternativa gets increasingly 'barebones' through to the end of the game. Non-essential elements vanish, background music disappears, puzzles simplify. Feels decidedly unpolished and hurries you along.

The game's story is straightforwardly linear and I have no idea what the game's Steam description means by "composed of a number of shorter stories."

Can't recommend. Would want to read a postmortem from the developers to find out what the hell happened.

Время в игре: 586 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 06.04.2014 22:11
73 0

"Wait... Really? That was it? WTF!" That's pretty much the reaction you'll have at the end of the game. The story isn't very engaging and by the time you get any sort of meat to sink your teeth into, it ends. You get a few solid plot nuggets throughout the game which ultimately go unresolved leaving you unsatisfied and wondering what the point of it all was in the first place. Honestly, it feels as though they had unfinished 3 plot concepts squished them together and hoped for the best.

Well, at least it was a challenge and fun to play right? Nope... It encapsulates one of the most reviled characteristics of the classic point and click adventure games. In order to progress through an obvious puzzle you first have to interact with something 10 screens away so that the option then becomes available. The constant backtracking, the inability to collect stuff without you'll obviously need before interacting with something unnecessary and the occasional pixel hunt make the game play nearly insufferable.

The sad thing is, despite the game having a largely unfinished feel... Actually, I think it's safe to say it is unfinished. The art work is actually pretty good. Some of the sub plots are fairly dark and interesting, even though most of the story is just hinted at, and no real plot is there. This game could have really had potential but it is ultimately doomed by a clear disinterest in actually finishing it.

Время в игре: 483 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 11.01.2014 18:10
299 3

I cannot really recommend this game. Even thought I had whishlisted it for a long time and expected a lot.

The beginning starts quite well. The base of the plot is well... not very original but one can feel it could get interesting.

Also, the graphics isn't bad -- even though everything is 1024 capped with 4/3 aspect ratio, but I don't mind.

But then you start to notice the very bad voice acting, the clumsy gameplay where you basically have to go back and forth in countless areas just to get an item that you couldn't pick earlier...

Talk to this guy, go there, pick item, come back to the guy, new dialog is unlocked, etc.
Alright that's like the basics of adventures games, but for this game this is really a waste of time.
All of that is made to make the game longer. Really.

The gameplay was so pointless that at the middle of the game I started to use a walkthrough just to PLAY the game instead of wandering aimlessly everywhere just to find a piece of paper or a piece of grass (yeah, true story) or whatnot. I just wanted the story to continue.

Also, the closer you get towards the end of the game and the less detailed everythings gets.
You cannot click on random stuff anymore and have your character comment on it, or having nice description of the surrounding. I believe even the music is gone too near the end. Even though it wasn't that great in the first chapters, it was still a little bit immersive.

And, when the end of the game comes, we can saddly notice that everything has been rushed. The story falls appart and then comes dissapointement.

However there are some dialogues and comments that are kinda funny.
There is a little bit of humour in that game that will make you laugh for sure.

But yeah... no I cannot recommend this game.

Время в игре: 461 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 20.05.2012 21:18
5 0

I really wanted to like this game. It's got a great premise and setting, but the animations are so very bad and the voice acting is so very, very dire that I just couldn't stick with it past the first half-hour.

Время в игре: 32 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик Centauri Production
Платформы Windows
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 17.02.2025
Metacritic 63
Отзывы пользователей 44% положительных (123)

Отзывы пользователей

54 положительных и 69 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 23.01.2025 07:02




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