STAR WARS™ Dark Forces (Classic, 1995)

STAR WARS™ Dark Forces (Classic, 1995)

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Разработчик: LucasArts

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Behind a veil of secrecy the evil Empire is creating a doomsday army - one that, if finished, will become the final cog in the Empire's arsenal of terror and domination.
Your Mission? Join the Rebel Alliance's covert operations division, infiltrate the Empire, then battle every man and machine the Imperial Forces can muster. Search a vast galaxy for clues, attack enemy bases-all in a desperate attempt to stop the activation of this fearsome new weapon.
  • Fully interactive environments - morphing walls and floors, moving platforms, and conveyors, realistic lighting and atmospheric effects.
  • First-person ground combat. Call on 10 weapons to fight twenty types of enemies.
  • Explore the virtual Star Wars universe up close and personal.
  • Climb catwalks, look and shoot up and down, jump off ledges, wade through garbage.

Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, italian, spanish - spain

Системные требования


  • OS *: Windows 2000, XP or Vista
  • Processor: 486 or higher
  • Memory: 16 MB
  • Graphics: DirectX
  • DirectX®: DirectX 5.2
  • Hard Drive: 80 MB
  • Sound: 16-bit sound card

  • Note: Due to the age of the title, users may run into a few compatibility issues from use of current hardware. Please see the forums for more information.


OS: Mac 10.9+
Processor: 1.8GHz
Memory: 1GB
Graphics: 3D graphics card compatible with 256 MB VRAM

Отзывы пользователей

Рекомендую 13.01.2025 10:34
0 0

-Classic boomer shooter.
-Maps can get confusing and maze like.
-Excellent progression of difficulty.
-Cool old school expanded universe Star Wars story and concepts.
-Decent weapons.
-Auto-aim is annoying.
-Great mechanics and feel.
-Signature LucasArts visual aesthetic.
-Definitely playable and holds its charm in 2025.
-If the pixels bother you, get the remaster

Made me nostalgic for the legendary LucasArts days. 8/10

Время в игре: 178 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 11.01.2025 23:52
0 0

Unfortunately, this isn't the greatest rendition of the game. The keybinds have been changed from the original, aren't explained anywhere, and can't be rebound. Enjoy having primary fire on control or primary mouse button, and alternate fire on R instead of the historic Z. Also, alt fire isn't bound to the secondary mouse button! The game also lacks modern QOL upgrades like scrollwheel for weapon switching, leaving you to fumble with the number keys to switch weapons. Page up/page down to look up/down, because this game was made in an era where mouse to turn had been figured out but mouse to look up and down hadn't. There's no gradual reset of your view as you move either, that's bound to... wait for it... number pad 5. Hope you don't have a tenkeyeless keyboard like I do. Also, there's no controller support. As for the game design? It really doesn't hold up that well. The technical innovations this game had were remarkable for its time, but "rooms can be located vertically above other rooms" is not something that moves the needle today. This is a nostalgia trip that is, unfortunately, best left in the past - and the extra graphical fidelity is in many ways detrimental... some of the buttons and switches on walls are quite difficult to identify amidst all the noise, and there is one switch required to progress in the game that requires you to be crouching to press. (No, looking down at it doesn't work.) Unfortunately, all the issues add up to a no recommendation. I'm glad the game is preserved thanks to DOSBOX. If you want to play a game that is a piece of boomer-shooter history, something other than iD's games and Duke Nukem, this game shows a key piece of that history. It's a museum piece. For Star Wars junkies from before Disney ruined the canon, this was the first time we met Kyle Katarn.

For everyone else, I cannot recommend it. I don't know enough about the remaster to know if that's a game to get instead.

Время в игре: 609 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 09.01.2025 22:42
0 0

Never thought there'd be a star wars boomer shooter but there is, and it's pretty good
and im not fucking paying for a remake when the old is just as good

Время в игре: 165 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 07.01.2025 01:33
0 0

this is a classic game

Время в игре: 151 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 04.01.2025 15:54
0 0

Good game. Very challenging as it is not as refined as newer games and you'd need to figure things out yourself most of the time. Very little instructions, weird control, no look up and down, and no mid-save. Very frustrating at times but somehow it always manage to draw you back to finish that level you got stuck at. Great game if you love star wars lore and want a challenge.

Время в игре: 1002 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 03.01.2025 08:50
0 0

The first game I ever played on a computer. Works great with a Wingman joystick.

Время в игре: 667 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 01.01.2025 16:20
2 0

STAR WARS™ Dark Forces (Classic, 1995) is a fantastic first-person shooter set in the Star Wars universe, marking the beginning of the STAR WARS™ Jedi Knight Collection.

In this game, you play as Kyle Katarn, a former Imperial officer turned mercenary after learning that the Empire was responsible for his parents' deaths. Alongside Jan Ors, a Rebel double agent, you take on a mission to aid the Rebels, seek revenge, and dismantle the Empire's secret Dark Trooper Project.

As a 90's classic, the game builds on the foundations of DOOM + DOOM II, offering a nostalgic trip back in time. While it may feel dated by modern standards, you can breathe new life into it through The Force Engine (TFE), an open-source community project. However, setup can be a bit tricky, and the improvements are limited, so modern players might prefer the STAR WARS™: Dark Forces Remaster instead.

Overall, STAR WARS™ Dark Forces (Classic, 1995) is a stellar game, that Star Wars fans will enjoy!

(Note: My low Steam hours don't reflect the time spent playing in the late 1990s [and mid-2020s].)


Время в игре: 20 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 31.12.2024 14:36
0 0

Blast from the Win95 past!

Время в игре: 254 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 27.12.2024 18:20
0 0

some level designs are trash and almost impossible without a guide. everything else is done better than its competitors like doom

Время в игре: 395 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.12.2024 22:42
0 0

Just install the force engine and enjoy dark forces remaster for 2~6 dollars

Время в игре: 66 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 23.12.2024 00:55
0 0

This is a good game however if I were to buy it again I would be the updated version that improves the graphics I believe they call it the remastered version.

pros- runs on less powerful PC's
simple controls

cons- uses a lot of puzzles to get you through the level and some of them arent easy and dont have explanations ( i did have to youtube and google many level parts)
Graphics are blurry and its hard to identify levers and buttons needed
No map or PDA display while in first person shooter mode
no tutorial ( had to google and youtube it which made the game easier to play)

Время в игре: 3985 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 19.12.2024 02:39
0 1

bad grapics old game

Время в игре: 361 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 19.12.2024 01:27
1 0

It's just not pleasant for today's standards.


Время в игре: 154 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 15.12.2024 04:23
1 0

This was the first FPS I ever played. I only had the shareware version and ran it on a Macintosh IIcx with 1 MiB of RAM and a Motorola 68030 -- yes, the one without an instruction pipeline or a built-in floating-point unit.

Performance was so poor that, if it had been a Choose Your Own Adventure flipbook, it would have actually been slightly more playable. Game came on a CD, which was, back then, inserted by means of a caddy instead of a retracting tray. Loads took for fucking ever, and the screen with Kyle's, like, 20 polygon ship and the progress bar box will be forever etched in my memory.

I think that, even for the gaming standards of that day, this was an atrocious situation, but I still derived a lot of enjoyment from the 3 (?) levels I was able to play. And of course I didn't know any better, because back then I only knew what I had seen on television, read from a book at the library, or had heard from the radio or someone else (who was almost certainly just as ignorant by modern standards).

I never got to the end of the sewer level as a kid because I was too dumb to figure the level out. Finally seeing Moff Rebus in person 30 years later, I wanted to hug him.

Время в игре: 200 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 04.12.2024 17:41
0 0

Having a blast playing through this game. Growing up we had dark forces 2 on the PC and we never beat the game. i jumped on the deal bundle and got the whole series for $12. Time for a fairly new adventure for me.

Время в игре: 2229 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 25.11.2024 03:59
0 0

Jogo estilo Doom clássico, muito divertido, mas tem horas que acaba ficando repetitivo, porém, vale muito a pena pegar.

A melhor pedida é comprar esta versão clássica de 1995 e baixar o The Force Engine pra conseguir rodá-lo com gráficos melhores com suporte até 4k. Você economizará pelo menos uns 70 reais fazendo isso do que simplesmente pegar a versão remasterizada lançada em 2024.

Время в игре: 865 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.11.2024 20:34
0 0

It was some fun. The graphics bleached my eyes and the inability to look up and down made exploration difficult. The Force Engine mod is definitely needed. The remaster is vastly overpriced.

Время в игре: 125 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 16.11.2024 01:50
0 0

Its a boom style star wars game. its not too bad but it becomes a slog halfway through the game.

Время в игре: 1022 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 13.11.2024 17:31
0 0

such a classic

Время в игре: 196 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 04.11.2024 17:10
0 0

When Star Wars was great - a Doom template with a great variety of enemy types, a level design that makes you think and a fan favorite lead character that lead to many other games. A true Star Wars classic that must never be forgotten.

Время в игре: 1111 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 03.11.2024 21:49
0 0

Love the nostalgia in this game and it is interesting to play other character from Star Wars and see their story.

Время в игре: 253 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 28.10.2024 01:07
0 0

Not the best boomer shooter but fun enough.

The game really tries to have a lot of verticality without having the proper support to do so, and it gets real annoying real quick when you want to shoot at a guy above you.

Also boomer shooters usually shower you with different types of weapons to have fun with, but this game's weapons are very samey.


Время в игре: 369 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 26.10.2024 02:03
0 0

Didn't played it in my infancy, but rediscovered Star Wars franchise in the present. I love going deep in a well crafted story rich universe and I am sort of a completionist. So it made sense to go back to games like this one, with Star Wars side stories that are involving and intriguing.
Recommended for those gaming lovers that enjoy go deep in a lore multiverse.

Время в игре: 829 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 18.10.2024 01:19
0 0

This plus The Force Engine is the definitive way to play this game. The perfect Doom clone, bar none. Force Engine is worth it for the save/load feature alone.

Время в игре: 616 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 16.10.2024 16:54
0 0

Use force engine. Just rename "dosbox" in dark force's folder to whatever you want, then drop force engine inside and rename it to "dosbox".

Happy gaming!

Время в игре: 181 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 08.10.2024 17:34
0 0

these alien bastards are gonna pay for shooting up my ride

Время в игре: 12 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 07.10.2024 18:25
0 1

How do you play this game

Время в игре: 11 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 26.09.2024 18:25
0 0

It's just a poor Doom total conversion. The graphics are bad, the gameplay is bad, the design is full of confusing monotone corridors.

Время в игре: 8 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.09.2024 19:29
1 0

Dark Forces was fun and entertaining i actually enjoyed playing it, it's been a long time since i actually enjoyed a star wars product and it reminded me of why I fell in love with the franchise in the first place and why I stopped being a fan

Время в игре: 655 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.09.2024 10:40
0 0

Think Duke Nukem 3D but with Star Wars and no sex jokes

Время в игре: 47 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 14.09.2024 01:52
0 0

So menu is wonky af, cant calibrate mouse to play game unsure how to fix this

Время в игре: 7 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 25.08.2024 03:47
1 0

i miss when this was star wars! Classic 8/10 Challenging Frustrating

Время в игре: 2719 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик LucasArts
Платформы Windows, Mac
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 07.03.2025
Отзывы пользователей 89% положительных (1715)

Отзывы пользователей

1,532 положительных и 183 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 23.01.2025 07:08




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