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Разработчик: LucasArts

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Long after the passing of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight sky and the stars were bright and numerous, came the Age of the Great Guilds.
Blacksmiths. Shepherds. Clerics. Each dedicated to the absolute control of secret knowledge.
Another such Guild was the Weavers. Over the centuries, their craft transcended the limits of physical cloth, until they wove the very fabric of reality itself. Now, a strange power has swept the Weavers into oblivion, leaving behind one Weaver boy to unravel the mystery. Help young Bobbin rescue his Guild...and you just might save the universe from an unspeakable catastrophe.
An Extraordinary adventure with an interface of magic…
  • Stunning, high-resolution, 3D landscapes.
  • Sophisticated score and musical effects.
  • Detailed animation and special effects.
  • Elegant point 'n' click control of characters, objects and magic spells.
  • No burdensome typing, mapping, or inventory management.
  • An easy and engaging game for beginners and veterans alike.

Поддерживаемые языки: english

Системные требования


  • OS *: Windows XP or Vista
  • Processor: Any 2002 era PC or better
  • Memory: 32 MB RAM
  • Graphics: 2 MB - PCI Graphics Card
  • DirectX®: Required for sound
  • Hard Drive: 290 MB
  • Sound: 16-bit sound card


  • OS: Mac OS X version 10.5 (or newer)
  • Processor: Intel Processor
  • CPU Speed: 1.8 GHz
  • Memory: 128 MB RAM
  • Hard Disk Space: 2 GB free disk space
  • OS: Mac OS X version 10.5 (or newer)
  • Processor: Intel Dual Core Processor
  • CPU Speed: 2 GHz
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Hard Disk Space: 2 GB free disk space

Отзывы пользователей

Рекомендую 10.01.2025 05:28
0 0

5/5 very actiony lots of combat and platforming puzzles

Время в игре: 139 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 08.01.2025 00:06
0 0


Время в игре: 524 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 07.01.2025 16:39
0 0

Runs perfectly well on steamdeck. The only thing you need to do is map the F5 keyboard key to an unused control so you can save an load games. Once done, the game plays flawlessly and was fun to revisit after several decades.

Время в игре: 278 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 06.01.2025 16:35
0 0

Loom is a great game. The interface of using musical notes to perform magic spells is unique and hasn't been replicated much since then (notable examples would be the Ocarina of time). The puzzles are decent and there's a mix of puzzles with different skill levels. The story is great and there are lots of engaging characters who you really want to talk to or help. It is the standard story of "bad guy taking over the world for no apparent reason" but there is a tiny bit more to the story to that.
This version of the game, however, is not the best. I originally plated this game on the Amiga, and I was stunned when I played this version. It has a bunch of changes that make absolutely no sense.

- The characters are fully voiced, and the acting is pretty good.
- Much of the in game music is missing and so you get hours and walking around in total silence.
- All of the character close ups are missing, which means there's a lot of artwork that is just not here.
- Due to the character close ups missing there's this strange secondary issue where all of the cut scenes skip sections without allowing for the missing scenes. This means that a lot of the dialog is delivered out of sync with the actions on the screen and doesn't make sense.
- There's a strange smoothing effect over the graphs that is on by default. This makes everything fuzzy. You can turn this off using "Alt-S".

So, I would avoid this version of the game. Or only get it for curiosity (or for the voice acting) when it's on sale.
If you want to experience Loom then please look for the Amiga version and play that. This version has the original dithered graphics that were original developed for use in this game and really make it look great, even on modern systems.

Время в игре: 14 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 04.01.2025 19:48
0 0

Loom is an enjoyable little game and easily playable in a day. If you're in the mood for a tough challenge, then Loom is not the game for the moment. If you just want an enjoyable little experience with an interesting storyline and endearing graphics then Loom is the game! There is nothing difficult (although I will say, make sure you learn ALL the Drafts (i.e. spells) you can from each area before moving on (I had to restore almost to the beginning because I didn't learn a draft in the Glass City). Other than that, the game is easy, it flows and has a unique quality about it. Much like the Monkey Island series, this is not a points-based game. As you explore the world, it unfolds. There are some lovely little sequences which were very beautiful at the time of release (circa 1990). Having said all that, you can choose a user level in the beginning and I have only played with the Standard setting. I am sure if played as a more advanced player, then you probably have less time to solve puzzles and, perhaps, can even die (and, actually, it's just coming back to me know, I think in the more advanced settings, they don't show you the notes and you have to remember them by sound - so if you are musician than that would probably add another dimension of fun). So, all-in-all, a good little game, not too long, not frustrating and with some beautiful moments as it unfolds.

Время в игре: 258 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 01.01.2025 22:09
0 0

Loom is one of the most beautiful pixel art games I've ever played. Although a very short point and click adventure style game that most players will be able to get through in an afternoon, it features an engaging story, unique mechanics, and a bizarre but engaging ending that makes me wish the other two planned games had gotten made.

Worth your time if you enjoy vintage games and want to explore a story that is both weirder and more whimsical that what the modern game landscape offers.

Advice: This game was meant to be played with the use of it's manual in a physical paper format for the player to take notes as they go. Make sure to have something open you can write down your DRAFTs in. A scan of the original manual is available in the Additional Content on Steam and gives additional world building as well as a guide of how to keep your notes. I recommend reading before playing.

The game also doesn't have a tutorial level, assuming the player is familiar with point and click titles already. If this is your first time, you need only to click on areas of the screen with your mouse to move or interact. If an item or person shows up in the lower menu, you can interact with it further either by clicking on the lower menu to have Bobbin narrate either further details about an object or speak with another character.

Время в игре: 187 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 27.12.2024 01:14
0 0

I'm hurt after playing this game that I didn't find it sooner. I've never played a game with such a unique and fun way of using magic.

Время в игре: 201 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 12.12.2024 15:04
0 0

Super fun retro game I use to play years ago.

Время в игре: 198 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 07.12.2024 04:09
0 0

Loved the idea and execution. There's a certain, stoic charm to late 80s/early 90s voice acting and the accompanying soundtrack is lovely. Despite the technical limitations they managed to craft an enchanting game experience. It's a shame it couldn't be longer or the sequels never came to fruition.

Время в игре: 285 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.11.2024 22:28
1 0

Good stuff ;)

Время в игре: 305 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 29.11.2024 14:39
0 0


Время в игре: 198 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 28.11.2024 19:06
1 0

K [ScummVM] I [ScummVM] N [ScummVM] O

Время в игре: 235 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 14.11.2024 19:02
3 0

I didn't like the writing.

Время в игре: 110 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 31.10.2024 23:50
1 0

Never would have thought point & click meets music would match but it does! I am by no means a musician, I couldn't tell you what note is what sound, I can't read any sheet music, but this game actually works for me. It's a shame it never got an official sequel since it ends on a kind of cliff-hanger; however the journey is worth it.
Unfortunately there is no "ultimate edition" for Loom because all the different variations (the DOS version, the TurboGrafx version, etc) all lack something that the other has and the soundtrack is not the quality it should be on most releases. There was, and is a great story in this game and it's a real shame no other company has been allowed to work on it since this is a Lucasarts owned property which means Disney owns it, which means they couldn't care less about doing anything with it.

Although seeing what Disney has done to Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Willow perhaps that's probably a blessing.

Время в игре: 456 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 28.09.2024 18:30
0 0

Quite simply one of the best games of its genre ever made. The world, the story, the magic mechanics, all timeless classics.
The only regret I have is that LucasArts never made a sequel.

Время в игре: 122 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 13.09.2024 20:29
0 0

Beautiful atmosphere, touching story (maybe just for me), a remarkable game for me despite it's very short gameplay duration. I really wish it was longer. Also, I love the idea where you learn a spell depending on what you're seeing.

Время в игре: 217 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 31.08.2024 19:59
0 0

Nice nostalgia 👍

Время в игре: 170 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.08.2024 03:18
0 0

First thing's first, the version of Loom on sale here on Steam is not good. Neither is the version sold on "The Polish Site" (like Macbeth is "The Scottish Play"!). If you want to play the best version of this game, it is the EGA 16-colour version, which is easy to find online and run through ScummVM. But you should buy a copy of the game before you do any of that, alright? And why not Steam?

Now, for the game itself... While I've never considered myself to be one of those "hardcore" players of video games who always pick the hardest difficulty or do crazy challenges, I'm am not challenge-averse. Loom on the other hand, is an incredibly easy game - exactly as designed. Loom is a game that is meant to be able to be beaten by anyone and everyone. There is gameplay and puzzling, but it is very much on the light side. With today's "gamer" culture, this isn't going to appeal to everyone - heck, it didn't when the game was released either!

It's also short, with not much replayability. Some of the drafts are randomised in each playthrough, but that only makes a difference on the hardest difficulty, which is actually genuinely hard if you're not especially musically inclined, but not in a way that actually feels beneficial to the game. It's just more fruitless struggling for struggling's sake.

So, if neither challenge or multiple playthroughs are the point of Loom, then what is? Well, it's the story. And the graphics (yes, the 16-colour version's graphics are actually better than VGA's 256). And the music. And, well, everything really! Loom is basically a fairy tale, a delightful adventure meant for all ages (apart from that one scene where Ron Gilbert had no supervision and really let loose with the animation).

I just find Loom to be refreshing - a unique adaptation of the point-and-click adventure style, a charming story, lovely graphics, nice music, and it just all gels really well together!

...I just wish the ending had a more solid conclusion.

Время в игре: 65 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 09.08.2024 01:49
2 0

One of my favorite games of all time. The world building is exceptional. I love it so much, I want to live inside the game. Used to play this all the time with my brother when it came out on floppy disk. We'd write all the spells inside of the Book of Spells as we uncovered with secrets of the Weavers. Can't recommend this game enough.

Время в игре: 396 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик LucasArts
Платформы Windows, Mac
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 09.03.2025
Отзывы пользователей 89% положительных (396)

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354 положительных и 42 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 23.01.2025 07:07




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