Разработчик: Grimlore Games
518 год. Так называемые Войны Магов. Восстание магов в конце концов было подавлено войсками Короны. Эта победа, однако, не принесла облегчения: в далеких провинциях царит анархия, по всей стране оставшиеся без крова беженцы ищут новый приют. Кроме того, замечены вспышки новой смертоносной болезни, получившей название "кровный жар".
В подобные времена люди цепляются за любую надежду. "Праведный свет", возглавляемый харизматичным Рондаром Лекайном, утверждает, что все беды от магов, и лишь второе пришествие Аонира, отца всех богов, способно вернуть Эо былое величие.
История происходит до событий SpellForce: The Order of Dawn.

- Инновационная комбинация: уникальный геймплей, непринужденно объединяющий ролевую игру и стратегию в реальном времени
- Творите и изменяйте: создайте собственного персонажа и выбирайте способности из множества разнообразных категорий
- Стройте и воюйте: создавайте армии, чтобы сокрушить противника в сражениях эпических масштабов
- Эпический мир: окунитесь в насыщенный мир и раскройте тайные предпосылки сложившейся ситуации. Исследуйте огромный мир Эо, полный интересных персонажей и захватывающих историй.
- Находите новых друзей: соберите отряд из встретившихся вам персонажей – ваш выбор не только скажется на игровом процессе, но и может изменить ход сюжета. Развивайте их способности и улучшайте снаряжение, чтобы гарантировать себе победу на поле боя.
- Выберите сторону: примите под командование одну из трех фракций: эльфов, орков или людей. Подготовьте войска к решающему сражению. Разрабатывайте стратегии, используйте рельеф местности, построения, поле зрения и своевременную разведку.
- Захватывающий сюжет: насладитесь полностью озвученной сюжетной кампанией на 30+ часов в одиночку или совместно с друзьями.
- Сетевая игра: вас ждут различные режимы, в которых другие игроки могут быть как вашими противниками, так и союзниками.

Reforced Edition Features:
- Углублённый игровой процесс:
- улучшенная механика и переработанный дизайн фракций RTS-режима (людей, орков и эльфов) из дополнений Fallen God и Soul Harvest;
- расширенные деревья навыков с добавленными в них заклинаниями из дополнений к игре;
- улучшенные сюжетные линии;
- переработанное распределение трофеев для более плавного развития персонажей;
- переработанная система изготовления предметов;
- переработанный баланс ИИ в RTS-режиме;
- обновлённая база, экономящая ваша время;
- вычищенные нестыковки в сюжете и заданиях;
- улучшенный режим совместной игры.
- улучшенная механика и переработанный дизайн фракций RTS-режима (людей, орков и эльфов) из дополнений Fallen God и Soul Harvest;
- Визуально и функционально улучшенный интерфейс из дополнений.
- Полноценная поддержка управления с помощью геймпада в игре и меню.
- Каньон слез – новая карта для "Стычки", расположенная в горной местности.
- Странствие – новый игровой режим, сходный с режимом бесплатной игры в изначальной SpellForce, включающий в себя более 20 часов уникального контента и возможность многократного повторного прохождения. Подходит для совместной игры!
- "Стычки" Странствия: разыгрывайте PvP-стычки с участием героев вашего Странствия.
- Арена – новый бесконечный режим, позволяющий взять свежего персонажа и сразиться им против нескончаемых волн чудищ, покупая у торговцев снаряжение и заклинания и соревнуясь с другими игроками за верхние строчки рейтинга. Подходит для совместной игры.
- Улучшенная поддержка пользовательских модификаций, в том числе в режимах Странствия и Арены. Создавайте собственные карты для Странствия или Арены и обменивайтесь ими с другими игроками.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, german, french, italian, spanish - spain, simplified chinese, polish, russian
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: Windows 7, 8, Windows 10 (64 bit)
- Процессор: Intel Core i5 3570, AMD FX-6350
- Оперативная память: 6 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GTX 660 2GB, AMD Radeon 7850 2GB
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 51 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX compatible Sound card
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: Windows 7, 8, Windows 10 (64 bit)
- Процессор: Intel Core i7-4790, AMD FX-8350
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GTX 970 4GB, AMD Radeon R9 290 4GB
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 51 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX compatible Sound card
Отзывы пользователей
Miss the days I played this one my old computer.
At a first glance, this game seemed like a perfect fit for me - a Warcraft 3 with stronger RPG elements? With quite pretty, modern graphics? Sign me in!
Unfortunately this game is simply bad. While the rpg missions seemed like more expanded Warcraft 3 no build missions which is fun, the whole experience is totally ruined when you get to actually building a base. The RTS mechanics in this game are trully terrible.
I honestly see no point in playing this game. If I wanted to play a pure rpg then there are plenty of better options than this, and as a real time strategy this game is simply not fun.
One of the few flaws of this game is that Prof. Twiddle or Flink McWinter doesn't show up. Dave's butter knife was here at least and is good on a tank/meat shield character. Other then that the economy and worker system was a nice call that allowed you to focus on combat, the scale of combat gets pretty crazy even if the computer cheats with resources, AOE spells are your godsend so never make a character without one, didn't expect the almighty katana or nagamaki to show up in the game but is still welcome, and finally screw you catapults.
For mods that don't break immersion I suggest the following: Treasures of EO , Unique Bandits , Level cap 70, Undead fcation, and SpellForce 3 - Universal Reforced Content Patch
It's not a bad game, it just didn't age well and I could never make it click with me. Combat is extremely boring, but one thing that really frustrates me is way too many loading screens.
I bought this game with around 80% off. It's worth it. I'm glad with this traditional feeling of ARPG and RTS
This is an amazing game! I enjoyed every part of it, but especially music and voice acting. My or my! The main song of the game (if you know, you know) will crawl under your skin and stay there. It's been over a year since I finished Spellforce and I still remember it. Voice actors work is incredible, top level.
I'm a sucker for a good story and guys! this game has a lot to offer. World and story are rich, deep and captivating. Characters are unique, interesting and have their own perspective on the events unfolding. And voice acting, did I mention voice acting?
I would say this is more RPG with elements of RTS (though RTS is quite significant). Speaking of RTS, this part is quite challenging, if you're playing solo. I recommend playing with a friend, you'll get amazing experience together.
In coop mode players don't have equal possibilities, the one controlling Tahar will do all the speaking and plot choices, the rest can only sell/buy stuff. In RTS mode everyone can build everything.
Overall 10/10. Now I want more games in similar genre mix but there are none and I don't understand why.
Classic RTS, loving it!
Design & Presentation
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 5
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 5
Story or Uniqueness
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 5
Quality & Performance
🟩🟩🟩🟩⬛ 4
Content & Price
🟩🟩🟩🟩⬛ 4
🟩🟩🟩🟩⬛ 4
🟩 x27
Score Board:
⬛ 00-09 Garbage
⬛ 10-15 Only if you really into it
⬛ 16-19 It’s okay, worth a look
⬛ 20-23 Good Game
🟩 24-27 Above Averange Game
⬛ 28-29 Aweseome Game
⬛ 30 Masterpiece
- It looks great
- More of an RPG than an RTS. Both offer quite some depht
- Awesome story, cool world building, give off some WC3 vibes (More RPG, less RTS)
- Ingame no bugs at all. During loadtime opening the steam overlay locked me out of the game
- Worth the price. Must buy if it's on a discount (got it for 8€)
- Germany voice acting is almost always top notch, but sometimes it's just bad
I went from Dying Light, Lara Croft and Snaper Elite to play SpellForce III and this game is just great.
I thought it won't run well on my PC, but it is constantly over 60 FPS {GTX-1070 / Intel i5 10400F, 16 GB RAM} with everything set to max. {1920x1080}
Game has great graphics and beautiful interesting world.
Love to explore the maps and find different items to shape my characters the best possible way.
Just don't know if i have created my lead character: 2/3 Soldier and 1/3 White Magic very wisely?!
Well, progressing well so far. Playing on normal difficulty.
Building, creating soldiers, take care of the food and needed materials etc. is making this game even more interesting.
Good game overall
It's a good one imo. The story is engaging and so are the characters. The endings are a bit lack luster, but for 100 hours of gameplay for all the campaigns I think is worth it.
I'm a big RPG fan and I can't believe I never heard of this game until recently. I think anyone who likes RPGs and has some level of interest in RTSs should definitely give it a try. The RTS side is a bit intimidating at first but fairly easy to learn. I was most surprised by just how well written and voice acted many of the characters were, and I actually found myself pretty invested in them and the overall lore. I absolutely think there are some flaws with the game and things that could have been done better, both from the RPG and RTS side, but all in all I found it to be a good experience.
I have only recently picked up this game and no regrets, but the feelings are a bit mixed so I decided to write a review. This is from a viewpoint of someone who at this point is almost finished with the main campaign on the hardest difficulty.
So the RPG side of the game (player and recruited heroes development) is really good. Every recruitable hero has their own unique skill tree which is combined with selected standard trees the player character has access to. This is an amazing way to make every recruit unique and not duplicable by the player, who in turn also is unique in a way that he has access to more standard skill trees and also additionally a special leadership skill tree. It's amazing.
The game has an interesting system, where the player has to combine skills and stats that boost those skills along with the characters themselves. On one hand , there are plenty of stat and skill points to create viable builds early, on the other hand, there are never enough to get everything one could wish for, so every stat and skill point is a decision to make. The game allows for a respec (limited in amount, but accessible enough), which is great, because depending on the character level (and thus the available stat and skill points), some builds great at the start may outlive their efficiency, and can be replaced by another build, which can happen several times during the playthrough (or at least once, as at some point, new skills get unlocked, which throws away even the most thought-out build).
The build possibilities are plenty, and whats even more fun, there is no limitation to how to build your character, especially once enough stat and skill points and some interesting equipment pieces are available. For example, I play a character who started with white magic, black magic and archery. A pure healer at start, later on switched to a black magic caster (once the new skills got unlocked), only to now functiuon as a melee (yes, melee) warrior.
But here comes the first downside of the game. Even on the hardest difficulty, when playing with heroes only (no RTS), the enemies are not at all balanced around all the builds shenanigans the player can come up with. The heroes can get really strong, and tbh I don't even think one has to go way out of the box to achieve that. This part of the game is only somewhat challenging at the start, with limited skills and equipment, but becomes a cakewalk pretty quickly. Some selected bosses can still feel tough for a while longer, but eventually even the supposedly hardest boss fights will become disappointing (no need to reposition or to react to spells, no pressure to interrupt every cast, just straight up tank and spank, and I`m not even sure about the tank part, I certainly don`t have any character with any extra resistances from defensive skills beyond what the equipment provides).
And then there is the RTS part of the game. I honestly fell in love with the game when during one of the early RTS mission, the game started throwing hordes of orcs against my base very soon after the start. At first I felt like there is nothing I can do, but I found a way. It felt great. Few missions later, the enemy has suddenly access to siege weapons, and my strategy breaks down - time to come up with something new.
But there is a catch. Eventually, and it doesn`t really take that long, the heroes become so strong that it is very possible to just pick up your starting army (or whatever units join the player after a quick side quest etc.) and just go for the enemy throne, despite it being in an extra fortified and heavily defended zone. And soon after, one doesn`t even need to have any additional units, the heroes can just do it themselves.
It's sad. The whole RTS aspect of the game just completely breaks down.
The game would greatly benefit from some kind of scaling system that keeps improving the basic RTS units to not fall so much behind the heroes. Instead, in an attempt to comensate, the game gives the AI more and more special overpowered units, so that your own units, as long as no heroes are nearby, are completely useless.
Overall, 7/10.
I will certainly finish my playthrough and probably do another one, plus have a look at the other campaigns. The RPG aspect is what keeps me in, not necessarily the challenge (which there isn`t much of), but more the complexity of the system, which allows for very creative builds.
It's been a pretty fun RTS/RPG mash up, though not without its flaws. Definitely worth giving it a shot if you can get it and both expansions for cheap on sale like I did.
RPG Side. Decent from what I could tell.
RTS Side. The worst I've ever played.
Having played through the campaign in its fullest, I can say for certain that this is a wonderful RTS and RPG mix of a game. The combat is fun on both sides - moving around small squad of elite troops, or managing a full army.
The story is good, I liked the character diversity and all of the main companions felt like complex people with a unique perspective on the world, which makes sense for the story.
There are some flaws - the AI can be a bit dumb at times with its pathing, melee heroes are difficult to keep alive in big fights, and the game does require that you enjoy and are proficient at both real time spellcasting like in an MMO, and RTS, if you happen to be not experienced in either, you will get frustrated with one aspect or the other, like you see in many other reviews.
For me personally, no bossfight throughout the game took longer than a minute or 2 on the second hardest difficulty. The RTS missions can sometimes be a big grindy, but if you are aggressive with your expansion early and have a good composition, you should be fine.
TLDR: If you are a fan of both RTS games, especially something like Warcraft 3, and Action RPG games/MMO's, and dont mind a diverse cast of characters that dont fit into the usual fantasy stereotypes there a good chance you'll enjoy the game.
A nice mix of party based rpg and a real time strategy.
The way the games download is interesting. I bought the "Versus" edition, and this was part of it. Steams sees this as a separate game, but my progress is all tracked within the "Versus" edition. Anyways, I just wanted to leave a note here in case anyone else was a bit confused. I'll be posting an actual review under the "Versus" edition.
It's a more than worthy continuation of the Spellforce saga. Twist of strategy and role-playing game which hooked me up in Spellforce 1 and 2, made me come back to this game. Fantastic soundtrack, engaging plot and professionally written characters made me love this game even more than the previous parts.
I had so much fun while playing this beautiful game. when i was playing this game i forgot what time is it.
The RTS part is just nonesense spam fest. The AI cheats the hell out for every resource and just sends a full army spam every 30 seconds. It does not matter if you defeat them or they retreat the next will come at full force anyways.
The fighting is not very tactical either. It is just how fast can you click to get all the spells and abilities out. Don't overthink it just spam that s**t. Speed beats everything and the cooldowns are basically nonexistent. You get a rotation like in a MMO and just click the buttons.
Oh and the units are either melee or ranged. There is nothing more to them. More expensive units have more hp and dps. That is basically it.
I beat a few missions anyways but it just get tedious and stupidly repetetive.
The voice acting is pretty good. The story seems alright as well so far, but the core gameplay is just garbage. It feels like a custom Warcraft3 map became it's own game but with worse balancing than the average random map maker could muster.
I began playing this game because I wanted RTS and RPG elements and this game delivered that. However, as I played I noticed more and more how beautiful the game is, how all the dialogue was voiced and that the story intrigued me. This is a quality game with a lot of love put into it and it shows pretty much everywhere with the only downside being that it took me awhile to get used to controlling both a party with 20+ abilities at your disposal while also controlling an army.
P.S. you have some missions where its just RPG and some where its mostly RTS, which adds a lot of variety.
I really want to like this game, have great memerioes from playing the old once. But i simple can't get me to play it anymore.
The good parts
* The Visuals : The game is stunning, so much love seems to have been put into every map.
* The music : The background is okey, nothing overly memerable but does add to the magical feeling of the backgrounds.
The bad part
* The writing : This is a worst part of the game, the writing for the Champaign is no cringe and modern feeling. The world, and NPC does the feel real in any way. Just finished a mission with a plot where the son of a triple leader had betrayed his people and kidnap his brother with the help of enslaved snake folk. But when you finally meet him, he is this winning perfectic teenager.
* The Voice Actors : I don't think it is the necessarily the voice actors fault, it might just be bad directing. But the voice actors all sound so american and generic, non of them really feels like they sound as the character they are permitting. There are a few good once, but it only takes a few bad once to really take you out of game.
* The Skill Tree : The skill tree are so short and uninteresting. You get three skills tree plus a leadership one, so four in total. But you can rush down them with in the first few missions. You so quickly stop caring that your character as leveled up.
Loathing: a feeling of intense dislike or disgust; hatred.
This word describes my exact sentiments about this game which I feel does not deserve the deceptive 76% positive reviews. I was enchanted by Conquest of EO which is quite a masterpiece and I thought it was time to explore the world of EO through this game which I hadn't yet found time to play in my library.
Avoid this like the plague. This is a bad console port combining RPG and RTS. The RPG part is fine, the graphics are beautiful, I even met Yria the mage, one of my favourite apprentices in Conquest of EO.
But the RTS part, oh boy, where do I start.
It's a complete mess. Uncontrollable troops with poor AI and pathfinding, limited resources (for the player), seemingly unlimited swarms of rampaging enemy troops, no pause button or game speed control. Awkward controls. It feels like those boring tower defense games with unending enemy waves or those epilepsy inducing console or mobile games for little kids with colourful stuff going on everywhere on the screen.
Having played some awesome RTS games such as Sacrifice, Warcraft, Starcraft, Command and Conquer, Grey Goo, Warlords Battlecry, I just can't muster the will to muddle through the mind numbing, time consuming, repetitive process of interface taming.
Life is too short to waste leisure time.
Steam Charts: Average number of players last 30 days: <20
This game is a treat for SP gamers who play for the campaign like myself. It is mix between RPG and old school RTS. Mix could be better, and there could be more things to when exploring as RTS, but it is satisfactory combo. Graphics and units scale are great as well, level design better than most RTS. Game editor included.
This is not a perfect blend between RTS and RPG.
This review came from my experience in campaign mode.
At first, it seems like they made this game as an RPG first, and RTS second, as a fan of the two genre ( who prefered RPG more ) it caught my interest. There's good chunk of RPG elements in it like skill trees for each heroes, you can equip various weapons and armors for your heroes, character customization, side quests, multiple dialogues, choices and other ordinary stuff you'd find in other rpgs. There's even a fully voiced dialogue which is a huge bonus point for me. But then i got frustrated when I found out that this game actually leaned heavily towards the latter ( the RTS ).
For almost every level so far, it dwindled into two parts, first is the "RPG" which is good, I enjoyed exploring the map and finishing quests with only a handful of people in my party, it's slow and nicely paced in my opinion, even though I feel like there's just too many walking even with the portals due to how big some maps are.
I just wish it stay that way though, because for the half is the RTS segment, it will go like "you're a corporal so you need to take control of Y army to take care of X". which are a complete contrast to it's RPG sibling, it's hyper aggressive. You need to think fast, there is no pause button, you need to micro-manage your building, your resources, your units, your heroes, their abilites at the same time while getting attacked on every minute. Every battle is a horde "stats" mashing. The sector system looks fine in Skirmishes/pvp but it's stupid in campaign. And it's just not fun for me. It's like i'm playing a completely different game, if it's a "perfectly blend" as the description said then I'd be enjoying it a lot more but unfortunately it's not. Safe to say, Spellforce 3 is a Real Time Strategy game with heavy RPG elements, not the way around, and definitely not "perfect blend".
If you enjoyed fast-paced RTS a lot like Warcraft, Age of Empires or CnC then you're going to like this. But if you enjoyed RPG more and expecting it to be an RPG weighted game then you probably should avoid it.
if this was just a top down RPG it'd be good. but its got command and conquer elements to it, and thats what i have a problem with. if you've played the game before the storm, or anything like it. the troop management is like that. so essentially they mixed a adult RPG with a baby game. you manage where your workers go but you dont control them...which begs the question why im controlling the troops? and if im controlling the troops why i also have troops with abilities that go in their troop menu, and then my hero abilities are up on top of my screen, but it selects your heros as the first unit in the selection so you cant even use the abilities without clicking on the unit. and because you really only get to pick one hero as you and then they give you the other people, which have preset classes, ones a archer healer, and the other is a necromancer, youre essentially forced to be a knight or something, otherwise youre gonna be haveing duplicate powers and not really know whos they are. and theres so many abilities you should have one hero but theres 4 at like all times with one bar thats just lightly color coded so you can know whos abilities are what,
but that doesnt matter when youre in a fight. its like i wana keep giving it a chance and wanting it TO BE good....but theres just so much on the meh side. it feels like im playing a RPG or C&C game somtimes...but half the time i feel like im playing a game managing a bakery. and then they say theve made it easier by making a point and click system where you hit ALT which pops up a weapon wheel, then click what ability, and then it auto targets the spot you selected teh ability from so you dont even hit the spot you clicked wasting the ability and also making that control completely pointless. which because their controls dont work properly it also makes the game harder than it should.
its like they made sure the things worked but didnt make sure that it would do what its supposed to.
on the same thing, its as if they played the game to make sure the levels worked but not if they were fun.
also you're going to be forced into an hour tutorial every time you want to start a new game.
its like the game was an april fools prank of a good game. like it wants to be, but its just not, and it could have been, but instead of using real game elements like C&C, AOE, Warcraft3, etc....like you know when those games are turned into tap and wait games and they just ruin everything fun about the game? but you still try to play cause you downloaded it? thats how this feels.
this game is really RTS should be
great time consuming strategy game. Love this game
Don't recommend it for increase price from Gothic series.
really good game, looking forward to play SpellForce 4 some day ;)
It might not be amazing at every aspect it features, but there's something to be said for a franchise that blends campaign story, RPG, and RTS elements together while also still offering co-op and PvP modes.
It's also the closest thing to the original "Dungeon Siege" that I've seen in a long time.
if you liked the previous ones, this is also a great game! it combines RPG with strategy. However, it is not fully fledged out on either end. In terms of grades, I give it a B+
I really liked this game I give it an 8.5/10.
It has alot of RPG elements for its main campaign, which was cool, and then it would jump into RTS in Some missions.
-RPG elements, and it is generally done well.
-Good, and interesting Characters.
--There were a few times when characters caught me off guard with statements or actions that made me think yeah, This is a cool guy I am glad I have them on my team.
-RTS is so so. It is very streamlined but is an interesting way to break up the gameplay.
-Some missions just do stuff to tick you off or annoy you. Like spawning in a pack of very strong bears to raid your capitol every 3 minutes while you deal with a rampaging army of fanatics. Kinda got old even if I could mostly ignore it.
-Some enemies become a bit too tanky and it turns combat into a grind. Some Iron ones for example having 7k Hp is just uncalled for.
-Some abilities are Straight up broken. The abominations for example that can stun half a screen for a solid 15-30 seconds can go die in hole like the filthy hoes that they are. They also have WAY to much hp.
-Sometimes combat is a bit wonky, like you will start it and you heroes will just MELT, then you walk away restart combat with the same foes and you will be entirely unkillable.
-The map "The Eye" I could have had like 3 extra expansions, but poor pathing, poor map design visually on paths, and fog of war made it where I could not find them. I would just reveal the entire map and then let fog of war cover it, just so people do not feel cheated. I mean I did the entire fight without Lenaya resource... I TRIED exploring the dark areas and my units refused to go any where.
-The mission The Eye 2 where you have to lead an army. This is poorly balanced and badly handled. So you are supposed to clear enough area to manage the main quest and just teleport in. I, not wanting to waste time were a massive army is trying to kill me, decided to slaughter my enemies instead of doing the quest. This was much harder, and very poorly balanced. But by goly there were no Utran forces left. A simple Quest tag with the two routes to completion would have changed how I played the mission.
-There is also a glitch here where you will instant lose if a random province is lost...
--The Eye 3, Still sucks, you should have given me the ability to recruit both factions.
-I think the fact that I never get an AI RTS companion kind of sucks. Sure they would take up space/expansions, but man some missions would have benefited from it. The one mission that I did have that, they sat in their base doing nothing, which was entirely lame.
-Items. There are enough items in game to build any character build you want for sure, but some builds were definitely left behind. Single handed Artifact weapons? I found one. Two handed Artifact weapons? I had like 10-15. Medium armor? I had like 4 sets. Light? There is nothing for light armor/mage. Heavy armor I found two sets. Rings? Amulets? Trinkets? Pshh There is like one the entire game.
-----Item Subset. Stat requirements shoulda been lessened a little bit. You are already stretching to get two attributes to decent. Its just kind of lame how high the stat requirements are on somethings.
-Skill sets This being a Hero RPG sorta deal Skill sets are IMPORTANT. But you only get two bars and you have to switch between them if you want to use either one. There is so much dead space on the screen they could have just put 4-6 skill panes on the bottom for example and kept the one up top sure you scrunch the Unit overview but I mean it beats not ever using 70% of your hero skills available. UI is good otherwise.
The Mid stuff between Good/Bad
-The RTS element, almost gets brought down to unit swarm and the Attack move system is buggy. Its not so much strategy as it is horde wars. Very fast paced as far as RTS games go. BUT a positive is there there is not Unit Skill bloat. so 8.5/10 for this game mode.
-The story. It sits well through 90% of it, but the end kinda gets a bit rough. Some Spoilers ahead.
One of the "Trinket holders" is just a guy in a "mask" pretending to be some dead people from earlier in the story. Kind of weak.
Part Deux of weak story. The end fight should have never happened. I am sorry but Frik off with that "The Monster Summoned Itself and ruined your chance of getting the amulet back" Poor lazy lame story writing. This Deus Ex machina to ensure one last fight is just awful and should have been removed. Even If it screws with your desired lore.
Random Tips If you are playing Campaign
-From the very start of the game You should just use a guide for artifacts, there is a very good one on steam. Some artifacts are entirely missable and you can not get them after completing certain maps. Looking at you Labratory :|
-You will only get enough cash to upgrade ONE race. and while it is not 100% needed for normal difficulty, it really helps, Like reducing unit costs by 3/4 levels of helps. So choose one race, and upgrade them, in other words specialize.
----Companions and Skills
-Ianna is Top choice campanion. She has DPS, Damage soak skills, And The almighty RAZE which just deletes buildings and makes RTS missions a cakewalk. If you do not want her on your team CHOOSE the skill set with RAZE in it. It is legit easy mode and it can even be spammed.
-Yria Is top Choice Companion. There is a bow that summons random tanky animals on hit. She specializes in bows. She gets to do a ton of damage create meatshields, and she comes with Light spells for healing.
-Get some AOE spells Chain lightning for example is absolutely killer and worth it.
-Dark magic is kind of weak IMO. None of its summons are worth it at all even upgraded and its AOE damage spells suck. I am pretty sure the Totem spell does not do anything at all. It has its uses but Buyer Beware on this skillset.
-Bringing Light magic yourself is also Entirely worthwhile. Nothing wrong with two healers.
TLDR Game is fun, and aside from some minor balancing Really well made. I had Zero game ending bugs/Glitches my playthrough.
The only bad reviews are from players who haven't even touched the game more then a hour. Its slow at first but opens up into this massive game. I am 70 hours in and still haven't beaten the game. If you like RTS games like age of empires and DND games like baldur's gate 3 this is a total buy. Massive open world with a insane amount of secrets in the world. I have around 70 hours in and still havent beaten it. 10 / 10 if you are into these types of games and love a vibrant story.
So, Woke bs aside, its an alright game, if you're okay with all the white guys being Evil or Dumb and every city ruled by a Queen or a female mayor, Gay Dwarves and a female elf who just hates the patriarchy then this is the game for you, otherwise skip all the dialog about halfway through and the game will be a solid 7/10
I like this one...
Disapointed about Warcraft 3 reforged?
Try this hidden gem!
Absolutely amazing game! Great atmosphere, gameplay and for my taste just the right amount of world building and lore mixed in.
Spent 130 hours playing and didn't encounter a single gameplay-affecting bug. Shout out to the dev team!
If you're somewhat experienced in playing RPGs use Circle Mage difficulty to be forced to make proper use of the game mechanics (in particular in early - mid-game).
at par with baldurs gate 3
I highly recommend spellforce 3 as a series, a very enjoyable campaign and extra skirmishes to boot, The AI can be very challenging on the higher difficulties take your time with the game it is worth it
A rather curious blend of RPG and RTS, and not a totally dislikeable one, at that.
I am currently somewhere mid-game and already love this game. It is a true successor and advancement of the previous titles. So far the storyline is new. The skill trees have more spice than you might think at the first glimpse. The music again is outstanding.
There are minor things, that I do not like that much, but I doubt the majority will stumble upon them. I might add them later after completing the game and its DLCs.
Campaign is captivating. Take it slow.
"Welcome! Thank you for playing SpellForce 3 ! For the best experience, please sign into your THQ Nordic Online account, or create a new one for free if you aren't registered yet."
This is a thing you will see when starting up the game. If you hit play offline it will try to guilt trip you to make an account for fear of losing out on some bullshit level or whatever.
You will see this in the other SpellForce 3 games: Soul Harvest and Fallen God.
How about no! I am done with this series. The first game was the best and what came after it was sloppy written garbage and online forced bullshit.
SpellForce 3 Reforced
I legitimately do not understand why this game is not better known. I bought it on a whim, and now just a couple hours in I am astounded at the quality of the writing, character creation and depth, and narration. What I was expecting was a throw-away experience, but I can say the RPG side of this is absolutely brilliant. If you liked playing the single player bits of StarCraft, WarCraft etc then this is FABULOUS. It's like taking Baldur's Gate and adding an Age of Empires RTS element. The default difficulty level is very forgiving, although if you want a challenge you can up it *substantially*.
So freaking fun.
---{ Graphics }---
☐ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☑ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
---{ Gameplay }---
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
---{ Audio }---
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
---{ Audience }---
☑ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Grandma
---{ PC Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☑ Potato
☐ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
---{ Game Size }---
☐ Floppy Disk
☑ Old Fashioned
☐ Workable
☐ Big
☐ Will eat 10% of your 1TB hard drive
☐ You will want an entire hard drive to hold it
☐ You will need to invest in a black hole to hold all the data
---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☑ Easy
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
---{ Grind }---
☑ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second life for grinding
---{ Story }---
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
☑ It'll replace your life
---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☑ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
---{ Bugs }---
☑ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☐ 8
☑ 9
☐ 10
I cannot give enough justice to the character writing. I've thousands of hours playing games with legendary narratives and this somehow beats them all. Its so peak I just can't. However depending on what appeals to you as a person, the game-play can be seen as an obstacle to phenomenal characterisation.
I have a certain fondness for the Spellforce games because it mixes two of my favorite genres, the RPG adds to what RTS may feel lacking in, while the RTS improves the more subdued RPG scale. It's been a while and this is only the first game of the whole package since, but it's still a full game.
I had trouble during the first few missions, the way the RTS element was changed felt so different from what I was used to, it was difficult getting into it. I needed to get used to the new way resources and building are handled, with more tactical points compared to freeform RTS building. I ended up going more for blitzkrieg tactics because sustaining defense in so many places felt too consuming and inefficient, which was the perfect fit for the Orcs faction. After the adaptation time at the start, I started really getting into it, and in the end I loved it. There's a powerful feeling in having an army of doom roaming around while all the outposts produce overflowing units to infinitely refill the losses.
The same way for the story, the start had me lack care a bit since I didn't have much context, but as it went on I got more invested. The many companions were also fairly interesting, allowing you to chat and learn about them if you wished to.
Multiplayer achievements should not be a thing please, or always have a way to solve it in solo, even if it's harder. The QOL to speed up cinematics/dialog was appreciated even though I didn't use it during the first time. Ironically the graphics style is a bit too detailed, making visual information more cluttered and was hard to parse the terrain. The flip side was that it made really good maps environments and layouts, and never having only one path to your base meant you couldn't huddle in a corner that easily.
If the start needed adaptation, past that point I had more and more fun. I'm glad this wasn't a disappointment.
Combines RTS and RPG perfectly takes me back to wc3 a bit love it
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Grimlore Games |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 12.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 75% положительных (2677) |