Разработчик: b-alive gmbh
Привлеките новых посетителей в зоопарк с новыми подводными обитателями, таких как Плащеносная акула или Белуха. Tренируйте ваших обитателей зоопарка под и над водой с помощью специальных тренажеров, например дельфиний свисток. Покажите вашим посетителям, что выучили ваши животные и und предложите им впечатляющие и уникальные шоу. Украшайте ваш парк и стройте новые аттракционы, ограды и здания сервисы. В общей сложности насчитывается более 60 новых потрясающих возможностей с новым аддоном!
Погрузитесь в морской мир
Предложите своим посетителям совершенно новые возможности и обслуживающие объекты такие как новые аттракционы для всей семьи, как подводная экспедиция в подводной лодке или поездка на больших качелях - лодках. А чтобы отдохнуть — посетителям предлагается креветочный бар или кино. После покупок в сувенирной лавке Вы можете закончить свой день в эксклюзивном отеле Морской конек. В Marine World существуют огромное количество способов сделать свой парк. Подарите своему парку новое лицо и украсьте его новыми и полностью анимированными элементоами, такими как большой маяк, рыбный или осьминожный фонтаны. Кроме того, впервые добавлены пять видов кораллов, таких как Актинии.
Море и его жители
Море предлагает большое количество различных существ, а также Marine World. Будь то уникальная кожаная черепаха, быстрый дельфин, Мурена или Белуха: более 20 животных доступны в новом аддоне. Создайте соответствующую среду обитания для ваших новых подводных обитателей и убедитесь, что ваши животные всегда будут довольны. Новые тренажеры как корзина яблок или пингвиний удар доставит удовольствие рыбам, людям и другим млекопетающим. Играйте с животными и тренируйте их, чтобы предложить посетителям уникальное шоу.
Станьте королем морей
Моря занимают 71 % поверхности Земли. Морская флора производит около 70% des кислорода, которым дышат люди. Испытайте ""Вид на море"" в Wildlife Park 2 выучите много нового о рыбах и млекопитающих. Представьте своих животных с нового расстояния. Планируйте и контролируйте кормление. Предлагайте вашим посетителям напитки, еду и сувениры, а также новые объекты, которые финансируют Marine World. Попробуте роль директора зоопарка и продемонстрируйте ваши организационные и финансовые навыки еще раз. Создайте невероятный водный парк с животными из всех частей моря.
Принесите вашим посетителям незабываемый подводный опыт!
• 8 миссий
• 10 карт морского мира („режим песоцницы»)
• 23 морских жителей: Белуга, тунец, мальгашская ночная акула, рифовая акула, рыба - меч, дельфин, Золотистый спар, обыкновенная луна-рыба, кожаная черепаха, морская корова, пилорылые скаты, горбатый кит, плащеносная акула, рыба - клоун, золотая макрель, мурена - зебра, драконовая мурена, Cheilinus undulatus (вид морских костистых рыб семейства губановых), тихоокеанский дельфин, индоокеанский малоглазый групер, калан и русалка
• Аттракционы для посетителей: подводная экспедиция в подводной лодке, документальные фильмы о животных и о морских животных, поездка на больших качелях - лодках и посещение рыбной хижины
• Плавание и погружение с дельфинами, акулами, китами и другими морскими обитателями
• 3 вида морских растений: морская трава, лотос, морские водоросли
• 5 полностью анимированных кораллов: мозговой коралл, большая устрица, мадрепоровый коралл, губка, актинии
• Специально разработанные для воды тренажеры (баланструющий мяч, тунель, мяч для дельфинов, корзинка яблок, пингвиний удар) и оборудование для корма (труба и мн. др.)
• 11 зданий сервиса, такие как креветочные закуски, подводна станция, отель Морской конек, качели — лодка и др.
• 12 морских декораций таких как русалка, пузырьковая башня, рыбий фонтан, осьминожный фонтан, корабль — призрак с пушками, светобашня, глобус в якоре, подводная лампа, воронье гнездо (на кораблях)
• В том числе Wildlife Park 2 "режим песочницы" с многочисленными украшениями, растениями, объектами сферы обслуживания, инструментами культивации, строительство полов, заборов и т.д.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, german, french, italian, dutch, polish, russian, spanish - spain
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows 10/8/7/VISTA/2000/XP
- Процессор: Intel Pentium IV 2 GHz or compatible
- Оперативная память: 512 MB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: DirectX 9c compatible, 64 MB RAM
- DirectX: версии 9.0c
- Место на диске: 3000 MB
- Дополнительно: ATTENTION: Does not work with any Wildlife Park Retail Versions
Отзывы пользователей
Wildlife Park 2 - Marine World is probably my favorite game in the Wildlife Park 2 series. I have a strong positive bias towards zoo games that include aquatic animals. I really enjoyed making the parks in this this game and OF COURSE Wildlife Parks wild story telling did bubble to the surface with the introduction of the mermaids. I will never NOT enjoy a good entry in the Wildlife Park lore. The only thing that was difficult for me was the (mini game?) level where you have to photograph fish, you REALLY have to make sure those fish are dead center. Overall, Marine World will forever have a place in my heart, very silly and fun. I think that if you enjoy park building games you will enjoy Wildlife Park 2 games.
Glitchy as hell. Brand new laptop too so that's not the issue. Really disappointed as I was hoping it would be
like Zoo Tycoon from my childhood, but I can't even see what's on the screen half the time.
This game had the potential to be really fun, but there are no instructions whatsoever. After trying to figure out how to actually feed the animals, I just gave up. Uninstalling, total waste of money...
Honestly, this is so worth the money. All of the separate "packs" of this game are fairly cheap. I personally find the missions super entertaining. At times it gets tedious to wait for income, but overall I can and will play for hours on end. Went into the game hoping it would be exactly like Zoo Tycoon; though it isn't really the same, I found a whole different fun to it!!
Really not a game i should have bought.
To unlock all build options and decorations in freeplay mode from other the DLC's you need to launch Marine World instead.
Most animals from the DLc's are in there but I'm not sure if all of them were in this DLC because I noticed that I missed 2 fish species. Its possible that some maps and animals from other DLC's are not in Marine World.
If you also have the Fantasy DLC then Dragons,unicorns and mermaids are in Marine world.
If you have the Dino World DLC then the Dino's will also be there in Marine world.
Sadly if you already have a Zoo in one the other DLC's in freeplay mode
and you want all the decorations and buildings you will need to start a new zoo in Marine world.
If you play Marine World for the first time
you will collect 4 cards.
I have received 4 cards when I first played Marine World and none of them were doubles,
they were all different sea animals.
Like in my original review, I would r e a l l y like tanks. And (maybe) swimming of some Sort.
Nice expansion of WL2, but only eight missions are available. They are fun, however, and will take some time to solve.
This game and its expansions are so nice to play. This pack is a nice addition to the main game.
*Note: This is a copy of the review I posted on Wildlife 2*
Okay I'm gonna say it... this game is better than Zoo Tycoon 2
*Immediately changes name and goes into hiding to avoid assassination from the ZT2 mafia*
Before I explain why let me say that I spent countless hours growing up playing ZT complete collection and ZT2 complete collection, and for this comparison I'm referring to Wildlife Park 2 + all expansion packs and DLCs
Things I like better about WP2:
1. Animal designs are so much more realistic than in ZT2, and many are unbelievable adorable because of it (the otters!!!)
2. Animal's needs and behaviors are more realistic (i.e. needing it to be hotter or colder, interacting with the natural parts of their environment for food, water, shelter, and entertainment)
3. More animal and plant species to choose from (including oddities that can only be achieved through breeding and certain species that have color options when you purchase them)
4. Zoo IS NOT set up on a grid system which allows more design options.
5. Environmental challenges such as weather changes and temperature challenges
6. You don't have to make a zoo, ZT2 made you have a zoo entrance and guests would show up and complain no matter what you did. WP2 gives you the option to make a zoo, nature preserve, farm, ranch, animal shelter, or just a natural environment for the animals to exist in.
Things I like better about ZT2:
1. Terraforming controls are much more user friendly in ZT, however those in WP2 are more realistic in terms of how one would actually landscape and form lakes and deep water tanks
2. The sorting system, WP2 has no sorting system for anything and that can be overwhelming before you know where everything is and tedious once you do.
3. Staff didn't need their own individual buildings, nor did they have a limited range
Really in the end it all comes down to what you are looking for in a zoo game. In my case, I wanted realistic animals more than anything and a wide variety of them on top of that. However, if you want a more user friendly, child safe (I've seen multiple posts in the discussion boards from parents who aren't pleased with the realistic mating in WP2) zoo game, then perhaps ZT2 is better for you.
What I Like: Bought this not realizing it was only DLC. What I like is that, despite it only being DLC, it's a standalone game too, you can play it without needing the base game installed.
What I Dislike: The game teases you with what you can find in other expansions. In some campaigns you're allowed to mess around and play with animals from other expansions (Which is pretty neat tbh, and not really a downside), however, this confused me once I went into freeplay and was only left with "some" of the marine animals. All others are locked, the game does not tell me why and I cannot find any information online as to why. I understand why the base game animals are not there, but when I have unlimited cash in freeplay there is no reason why all the marine animals are not available.
Overall, this is a good game. At times it felt like it was trying too hard to be a zoo tycoon copy. While this game does play like a ripoff of the more major title, some parts of it are done way better (better quality animal appearences, more realistic animal interactions, the ability to choose the color you want on certain animals, guests require doctors when animals hurt them) but other features it falls short (instructions are never clear, sometimes frustratingly so, random parts of other expansions are "thrown in" as a tease but leave you more confused than in want of more (I spent 2 hours trying to figure out what to do with the researcher until I realized he couldn't do anything in my game), and controls take some getting used.)
Despite the bad sides, this is an incredible competitor to Zoo Tycoon 2 and I believe if they had polished it a little more and made it more player friendly, it could have been more popular than the ever nostalgic ZT2.
Reccommended for anyone seeking an alternative to Zoo Tycoon.
Four people decided to swim in my reserved ocean sanctuary. With sharks. In the middle of the ocean. With all their clothes on. "Grandma 2" feels there is not enough scenary 20 miles out in the ocean, and is carrying 1.7k cash on her. Best game of its time.
Very good game! I really enjoyed it! Anyone who loves animals, the ecosystem and a good, a bit complex and difficult economy/strategy/simulator/magement game to play or have kids and wants to play something on the PC with them should buy this game as soon as possible and buy the whole collection!
PS: You need to own Wildlife Park 2 to play but for the Missions/Quests & Different Starting Screen to appear you need to launch the according game icon, for example for Marine World Missions you need to launch Marine World but for Wildlife Park 2 you need to launch Wildlife Park 2. Whatever the case they will both share the animals so you will still have marine world animals in the Sandbox mode of Wildlife Park 2 but not in all the missions of Wildlife Park 2.
This game has decent graphinc, but its missing, 1) a tutorial, 2) ITS A DLC!!!!! thats all
nice game
Didn't bother reading any of the tutorial... but I was soon rewarded with numerous dead turtles generally floating around the place.
If you pick it up for only 2 dollars like I did then it's not too bad for a dodgy sim/sandbox/etc game.
Adds marine related missions aswell as new environments and all sorts of lovely animals.
Creating a special marine zoo is rather theraputic. I like to imagine the fishies as businessmen and the sting rays as mobsters. Makes things more exciting that way.
i love fish and whales and all the other sealife
The animals in the game are a picture of the animal.is that a bug?
great child game for problem solving and time managment
It's Ok. Not the best game, but what should've I expected for 3.99
Игры похожие на Wildlife Park 2 - Marine World
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | b-alive gmbh |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 78% положительных (23) |