Разработчик: SEGA
All previously released DLC included
Set in a fictitious continent reminiscent of the 1930s, Valkyria Chronicles depicts Europa, divided and ruled by two super powers: the Empire and the Federation. The Empire has set its sights on invading the principality Gallia, which shares its borders with the two superpowers, in an attempt to secure an invaluable natural resource, Ragnite. Within this struggle a hero named Welkin, and his fellow soldiers of the Gallian Militia, ‘Squad 7’ are fighting back against the invasion and the Empire’s attempts to unify the continent under its power.
During the ensuing war, Squad 7 discovers that the Empire possesses a secret weapon, known as the “Valkyrur” – an ancient race with special powers thought to exist only in legends. With this new discovery, the fate of Gallia’s ability to defeat the Empire and save the lives of the Gallian citizens…
- “CANVAS” graphics engine: A unique engine that produces breath taking images that look like watercolour paintings in motion.
- “BLiTZ” tactical battle system: Experience strategic maneuvering of units combined with conventional RPG gameplay, all layered on top of the moment to moment action afforded by real-time controls as players command each squad member and tank in battle.
- Epic storyline: Players will immerse themselves in the epic struggle for freedom, as the fate of the world lies in the hands of Welkin and the members of the 7th platoon.
- Customisation: Over 100 customisable characters allow players to create a variety of platoons to suit each battle’s needs.
- Beautifully rendered battlefields: Players explore 30 different environments, using unique terrain features to gain advantages in battle.
Additionally this brand new PC digital version comes bundled with all previously released DLC, including:
- Hard EX Mode (harder versions of skirmish missions in the main game)
- Edy’s Mission “Enter the Edy Detachment” (a side story campaign)
- Selvaria’s Mission “Behind Her Blue Flame” (a side story campaign)
- Challenge of the Edy Detachment (six challenge missions)
Поддерживаемые языки: english
Системные требования
- OS *: Windows Vista/Windows 7
- Processor: Intel Core2 Duo @ 2.0GHz (or equivalent)
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 240 (or equivalent)
- Storage: 25 GB available space
- OS *: Windows 7
- Processor: Intel Core2 Duo @ 2.8GHz (or equivalent)
- Memory: 3 GB RAM
- Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280 (or equivalent)
- Storage: 25 GB available space
Отзывы пользователей
only play if one is a masochist
A masterpiece in its own genre, the turn JRPG genre. The story is solid, the mechanics are good, the units were interesting with some counter play involved, and so was the soundtrack.
kinda like anime turn based tactical game
A excellent RPG
Good game, bad port.
Get it on Switch or Playstation if you can, if not then save frequently and be prepared for crashes and some minor graphic glitches.
Aged poorly, and kb+m controls are absolutely atrocious... though incredibly photogenic, the gameplay process is incredibly unbalanced, and force-feeding the unskippable story by FMVs is painful.
Lots of bugs, crashes and could have been so much more.
A great game, the series comes the closest to feeling like Fire Emblem without actually being it. It's aged very well and the port is decent. Story is basic but charming, and gameplay is very fun. Its basically an easier version of XCOM mixed in with some Fire Emblem. Some notes about the port:
- SAVE OFTEN: I had one crash that happened twice right after the first mission, the first time it happened I didn't save and lost 30 mins progress. The second time I saved and it was fine. Have not had issues since but just make sure you save after every mission as there are no auto saves.
- This is a port, not a remaster. cutscenes are stuck at 1920 x 1080, and some textures look bad, especially at higher resolution but its fine as long as you go in knowing that.
In terms of QOL Mods there aren't many, just one that will skip the intro and load the game faster. There are some rebalance and graphics mods but they don't seem worth it.
no autosave, when my game crashed suddenly, when I relaunched i am still on the prologue, lost almost 8-10 hours of progress. 1 out of 10. will not replay to completion due to loss of progress.
I love Valkyria Chronicles series, because I grew up with it. I love the stories and unique combat system. Of course it's too much grinding for EXP and DCT. If I got money and discount, I'll buy the fourth game. It is deeply regretted because second and third game is PSP exclusive. If SEGA had plan, please release the second and third game to Steam. I'll love it to wishlist it and buy it for my childhood memories and nostalgia.
Whilst the difficulty can be very up and down, and class balance is very uneven at times
Valkyria Chronicles still means a lot to me as one of my first gateways into RPG's with a captivating story and memorable characters that bring me back to playing this game years later
This game is amazing
Strange game this like, 3rd person XCOM, real time reaction fire from your own troops and enemies gives a more immersive feel. Tactics are varied but sadly the game seem to awards you more for bumrushing than taking a more clinical approach. Still you can play it however you feel and story is compelling enough to keep it moving, and being moving in places too.
All of this underscored with a beautiful soundtrack and aesthetic it's worth giving a try. I strongly recommend bashing your head against a wall first time through and finding ways to a rank and seeing what secrets (Enemy Aces and hidden recruits) you can uncover then using what you learned to smash it on new game plus.
Only real problems I can think of are a few missions where ambushes are lobbed on you via trigger points you had no way of knowing existed. Some of the mechanics in a couple missions are poorly/timed obscurely too. But this only happens a couple of times throughout and you can generally save yourself from any of these situations.
what a fever dream
What should be a fun X-com type game is sadly just a puzzle solver, with almost each battle having a '1 turn solution' to get an A rank. Yes, one single turn, rush into the base with a fast scout unit and win the battle, and the devs actually REWARD this stupid gamey play by giving you extra exp and income boosts for turn 1 clearances.
So, with that said, ignore all those abilities, all the other classes, all those cool perks each character has, its all meaningless, you will literally never have to actually defend anything, if you give the enemy just one turn, your already losing, might as well reload the mission and try again.
anime world war 2 but only the western front, don't worry about what happened back east
The content of the game is actually really good, but the game crashes when I switch from ‘headquartes’ to ‘book mode’.
Which causes progress to be lost as the game has no form of auto-save.
This wouldn't actually be a big problem, or so I thought.
However, I'm not the only one who has this problem with the game
and in fact this problem seems to have existed for years.
It's a real shame, but I don't want to support a product that requires the player to solve problems that should actually be solved by the developers.
i enjoy
A fun and different take on the turn-based combat genre; a great story, likeable characters, and a variety of strategies and unit types make it challenging but not punishingly hard. A lot of fun for those who like advance wars or fire emblem.
Its a good game even with the end of the plot gets so dumb and the ranking too tight for the player, better just play the 4 game if you only have time for one of the two in steam.
Alicia 100/10
A great game to sink hours of tactical thinking into. Graphics are beautiful, sound is amazing, and the wide variety of recruits means you can build the squad you want to lead into battle.
it good
I love this game. The characters in this game have so much personality and you really care about them.
The story is pretty good en cute, but also has a lot of dark moments in it.
The soundtracks are a 10/10 and the main theme is personally my favorite.
The gameplay is great and perfectly balanced in my opinion.
wish the missions were better designed tho. Lot of the missions require constant save scumming just cause they are not explained properly.
One of my all time favorite games. Excellent combination of strategy and action game play and a pretty great story with good character development. Played it quite a bit on PS3 and had to get it for PC when it got ported.
Good memories, very underrated franchise.
The best one in the series and way ahead of its time.
Highly recommended strategy RPG. Its gameplay is really unique and creative. I haven't found something similar anywhere. The upgrade system is super satisfying. Choosing what troops you'll dispatch based on their relationships, attributes, class, and skills is brain scratching but good! All the thinking is kind of reserved for the first two-thirds of the experience, though. Once you understand the systems well enough, you'll breeze through most maps with an "A" grade. (That's a positive for me.) It's rewarding to easily crush the enemy you had a hard time dealing with before. It's a shame the third game is not fully fan translated yet. Hoping Valkyria Chronicles 2 and 3 find their way to PC, as they are stuck on the PSP.
Still an amazing game despite being out for years.
Awesome but...
1. Cool battle system, you need to experiment with the level and character perks to pass the level, but the actions you do takes so many time so you dont want to practice at all and just watching walkthrough to speedrun the level.
2. The ending is dumb ( why da hell Faldio is suicide at the end, whenever team can just shoot him? Just to sacrifice what he did? L
3. How da hell they both jumped on the full speed plane????????????
Going off the in-game map, Gallia is roughly an equivalent of Estonia in our world. Unfortunately, this means that our loving cast of ragtag rebels are in fact Estonian beet and onion slop farmers who are resisting the USSR elevating them to sapience.
Gameplay's fantastic, I'd recommend this game to anyone who likes the genre. But you making people think Estonians are good people is a crime.
Culturally Marxist themes
Good story and characters but the port could be done alot better. Got turned off after 10 mins of having to fight the controls to move the tank from one position to the next. On the other hand the world design and style is second to none, learned alot of design elements from this game.
If you have a playstation, play it on that instead or try VC4 (hopefully the controls are better there)
The only thing about this game that is bad in my honest opinion is the gameplay, story was decent, characters good, a lot of them funny they do grow on you but playing the game was the hardest part.
Awesome combination of tactical and turn based strategy, though with short story it focuses on the protagonist development
Simple to learn, hard to master tactics hybrid that expects a lot from the player, but at great reward for the payoff when the planning and strategy pays off. The final portion of the game really pushes you to be efficient. The computer WILL take advantage of any slack you give them.
The story has some solid beats, and explores war and how it affects the characters well..
The game has aged well with its "history book" aesthetic and solid character/world design. Even the individual squad mates that would be randomly generated and lifeless in a modern game all have their own personality.
As a fan of Disney's Treasure Planet I respond to the seemingly anachronistic mix of medieval armor in a WW2 setting with "whatever its cool"
I loved this game on PS3
I love it now... Its a reminder of when games were fun and served as an escape from reality and immerse yourself in a different world... seriously I would recommend this to everyone
Story: 10/10
It's an interesting story. I watched the anime before I knew there was a game. I think that the story might be best experienced in the anime, but it's still good in the game.
Setting: 10/10
As a great war rages on the continent, a previously neutral country is invaded and has to defend itself. The technological level in this world is similar to the early mid-1900's with the main differences seemingly being because of the resource ragnite which is used for fuel and a wide variety of other applications. And there are no planes.
Gameplay: 10/10
It's turn-based tactics, but with a unique flair. Instead of telling each soldier where to go, you control them directly and as you move the enemy will fire on you. This makes it feel more like you're in live combat and not as if the entire battle pauses for you to take your turn. You thus have to think before you move and not stop out in the open.
There are different soldier classes with separate uses, strengths and weaknesses to use for your plans.
The gameplay is really fun and the main reason I'm recommending the game.
Graphics: 10/10
It's anime style, but on top of that there's a shader that makes any shot from the game look like it was hand-drawn. It's beautiful!
I was actually tricked in the menu where you can read the characters' biographies. The images of the characters weren't images at all, they were 3D models that you could rotate!
Music: 10/10
The music is lovely and always put you in the right mood.
godawful game
A tactical turn-based RPG that overreliance on RNG and inflexible tactic are both unfun and frustrating.
Not as good as I remember it. Very random... Not super tactical, and annoying to have to redo missions...
This game I remembered playing a demo for back on PS3 when my family first bought it in 2008, and the visuals alone blew me away... Looking somehow hand-drawn yet clearly 3D, cell-shaded as well... It's one of the most gorgeous games of its generation truly.
It also has great gameplay for those who love strategy games and JRPGs, on top of an amazing storyline, and while I've only got past the half-way mark of the story so far, it is DEFINITELY gonna be interesting to see how it continues in the PSP sequels, and eventually also checking out the newest entry with Valkyria Chronicles 4!
Simple to learn, hard to master tactics hybrid that expects a lot from the player, but at great reward for the payoff when the planning and strategy pays off. The final portion of the game really pushes you to be efficient. The computer WILL take advantage of any slack you give them.
The story has some solid beats, and explores war and how it affects the characters well. However, VC does have the common JRPG slump near the end where the writing has to drive toward the final boss fight.
The game has aged well with its "history book" aesthetic and solid character/world design. Even the individual squad mates that would be randomly generated and lifeless in a modern game all have their own personality.
Highly recommended and worth the time.
At the start the mission are condensed and packed it let you make a plan and execute it in a timely manner, unfortunately the later chapters are such a slog to waddle through, no wonder people ended up rushing scouts, is that or having to stay an hour just to move soldiers through the field. Is not by any means hard but spending so much time just moving units to move units to move units to move units to move units, every unit with their animations: orders, movement, potential, execution, result, voiceline. God so many animations I just want to move a goddamn, an scenario takes so long unless you cheese it.
And on top of that the enemy turn, the enemy artillery it's so so so long
I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with this game.
Prospective buyers be aware you need to find a patch for the ladders in chapter 15 or they'll clip your units under the map.
Overall enjoyable but be prepared for some bad-tasting gameplay moments, gameplay that rewards cheese above all else, and that most levels will punish you for starting with more than the bare minimum of units, with optimal gameplay generally being to dip into a level just enough to figure out what that minimum is, then rushing to capture points to bring in the units you want for the rest.
I'm also not sure what happens in the first Selvaria level if the side of the tank she magnetises to happens to be the last one you have left, but the possibility that's an auto-fail is horrifying to me.
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | SEGA |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 90% положительных (6967) |