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Разработчик: Midgar Studio

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Hover – динамичный паркур в трехмерном футуристическом открытом мире, поддерживающий одиночный и многопользовательские режимы.

Действие игры разворачивается в ECP 17, высокотехнологичном инопланетном городе, который сами жители называют Ховер-сити. Великий Админ прекратил все общение с Галактическим Союзом и установил диктатуру. Веселье теперь вне закона, как и все формы развлечения.

Вы ведете команду молодых повстанцев, Геймеров, в борьбе против новых порядков. Оснащенные лучшей экипировкой, которая позволяет развивать огромную скорость и совершать невероятные прыжки, они патрулируют город: мешают пропаганде, помогают жителям и ищут способ добраться до Орбитальной станции. Там они смогут связаться с Галактическим Союзом и положить конец диктатуре.

В Hover вы в любой момент можете мгновенно переключиться из оффлайн-режима в онлайн – и присоединиться к друзьям или игрокам со всего мира, чтобы продожить приключения вместе с ними или в игре против них. Где бы вы ни были, что бы вы ни делали, вы сумеете сменить режим на лету. Hover – это проект, тесно взаимодействующий с сообществом, поэтому у игроков есть множество инструментов для создания миссий или мини-игр.

  • Удивительный город

    Ховер-сити – огромный красочный футуристический город. Из его зданий получаются прекрасные вертикальные игровые площадки.

  • Полностью открытый мир

    Абсолютная свобода! Исследуйте город от самых вершин и до глубокой подземки, занимаясь паркуром, трюками и высокоскоростными гонками.

  • Создайте свою команду

    Разблокируйте 10 персонажей. Развивайте их навыки, чтобы сформировать идеальный отряд. Даже цвета можно менять.

  • Разные механики

    Сердце игры – интенсивные гонки и трюки, но помимо них есть много альтернативных механик, от стелс-миссий до спортивных состязаний с друзьями.

  • Смена режимов

    Мгновенно переключайтесь с одиночной игры на мультиплеер, когда только захотите. Играйте от первого или третьего лица – или задействуйте камеру, которая будет динамично сочетать оба способа.

  • Создавайте собственные миссии

    Используйте простой редактор прямо в игре, чтобы выстраивать испытания для соло-режима и мультиплеера.

  • Безумный паркур

    Оснащенные высокотехнологичными костюмами, геймеры бегают с сумасшедшей скоростью, скользят, отталкиваются от стен и совершают невероятные прыжки. Задействуйте саму планировку города, чтобы сбежать от полиции!

  • Трюки и комбо

    Продемонстрируйте навыки в скольжениях и финтах: докажите, что достойны стать одним из лидеров Сопротивления. Делайте комбо в многопользовательских миссиях, чтобы сгенерировать ошеломительные ауры, которые понижают мораль противников и повышают характеристики союзников.

  • Опыт, сетка навыков и чипы

    Получайте опыт и разблокируйте чипы, которые улучшат способности ваших геймеров. Вы сможете обменять лишние чипы через систему Е-Свап.

  • Многопользовательский режим

    Присоединяйтесь к друзьям в сети в любое время и продолжайте приключение вместе, независимо от того, сотрудничаете ли вы или играете друг против друга. Участвуйте в гонках, особых событиях и рейтинговых битвах, которые создаются сообществом в реальном времени.

Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, spanish - spain, russian, simplified chinese, japanese

Системные требования


  • ОС *: Windows® 7 64-bit / Windows® 8 64-bit / Windows® 8.1 64-bit
  • Процессор: Intel® Core™ i3-4130 @3.4 GHz
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 650 / AMD Radeon™ HD 6870
  • DirectX: версии 11
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 2 GB
  • Звуковая карта: DirectX® compatible


  • ОС: Sierra 64-bit
  • Процессор: Intel® Core™ i5 @2.5 GHz
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA® GeForce GT 650M
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 2 GB


  • ОС: Ubuntu 12.04+, SteamOS+64-bit
  • Процессор: 3 GHz
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 650 / AMD Radeon™ HD 6870
  • Место на диске: 2 GB

Отзывы пользователей

Рекомендую 26.02.2025 11:12
0 0

my feeligns on this game are somewhat mixed given that it's been abandoned, but sometimes all i wanna do is jump around. scratches that itch for real. satisfying parkour and a lot of jumping, indeed

Время в игре: 819 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 10.01.2025 22:41
0 0

This game revolves around reactions and planning ahead before jumps. It's action packed and looks awesome and worth every penny so far. Well done guys.

Время в игре: 328 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 31.12.2024 05:56
0 0

coming back to this game after a few years and post BRC, this game is clearly still great to just turn off your brain to and its very clear it not only takes inspiration from JSR but other things too, while trying to stand as its own thing.

its a shame that this game seemingly just dunked on now? apparently??? i don't think hover is perfect but other JSR-likes exist and they can all very much co-exist as their own spin. the JSR drought made people innovate with the thing they like, and hover has its place. even then, gameplay-wise it really seems to be doing more of its own thing. graffiti doesn't have a system in this game compared to JSR/BRC, and its clear that it's not the focus. graffiti is quite minuscule compared to what the rest of this game does. it's really just a futuristic parkour game with a story akin to JSR/F, which is probably why people are saying its a "jsr ripoff" or whatever for having a story theme that is very much not exclusive to JSR/F at all lol. (btw, i thought the lore and world building was pretty interesting, but you need to look for it.)

this game deserved so much better, though. the publishers fumbled the dlc this game was supposed to get, so badly that i believe the devs released whatever dlc they had unofficially. it honestly feels like this game was meant to have more content in the future, more maps and things like that. my only big issue with this game is that i wish there were more maps to explore and parkour and do missions around, maybe some more world building and lore bits. the story is bare bones, but it doesn't really upset me, outside of the ending. (which might have been the bad ending, i dont quite remember). i will also agree with what others say that yeah, the controls can be jank, especially in gameball. i got used to them though; gaining speed can be exhilarating.

7/10, do not expect anything on the scale and polish that BRC has, but it has a unique charm and vibe. if this game interests you in any way, i think it might be worth your time. it certainly was for me.

still got my handmade watabax plushie on my shelf 👍

Время в игре: 6173 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 03.12.2024 07:53
0 0

Hover fell so Bomb Rush Cyberfunk could rise.

Время в игре: 377 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 01.12.2024 20:36
1 0

TL;DR- If it wasn't for the movement, this would be at least a 9.5/10 game for me.

Great art style, maps are amazing, love the soundtrack, would play more if it wasn't for the movement. Movement feels awkward, clunky, and overall sluggish.I think the momentum side of the movement is good, but my main problems are with the slow acceleration, difficulty to turn, and small objects having full collision.I often find myself trying to turn a small corner, hitting a arrow sign or small ledge and loosing all speed. Rewind works for some of the mistakes but often times just kills the entire flow and leaves you in a almost worse spot than you would be rewinding.
If movement was tighter and allowed sharper movement, akin to something like BombRush Cyberfunk or even DOOM(1993), it would be perfect.

Время в игре: 149 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 20.11.2024 06:48
0 0

if you like jet set radio or bomb rush cyberfunk, its like that but with less story and more cyber aesthetics. fun

Время в игре: 39 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 12.11.2024 22:28
0 0

The movement doesn't feel that great and the rest is just average on average. Progression is locked behind MMO-styled level grind and skilltree, which isn't fun.

Время в игре: 43 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 25.09.2024 21:36
0 0

I just wanna bounce!!!

Время в игре: 769 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 14.08.2024 03:15
3 0

Still Keeping it Groovy

Yeah yeah i hear it all, blah blah blah Jet Set Radio rip off, blah blah blah Cyberfunk is better. Look, Cyberfunk dropped a little less then a year ago at the time of this review and yeah its immaculate. But for almost 7 years now, Hover has been keeping the lights on and carrying the Jet Set Radio fandom on its back alone until they showed up. This game is NOT a rip off of JSR because there's no such thing, if you make a game that involves the visage of the greatest video game ever made, then by all means praise will be given, and this game deserves all the praise for keeping us fed.

Hover is fun, fast paced game with the smooth vibes that I became accustomed to since playing JSRF for the original Xbox back in 2003. I been aching for a game like this for years, and in 2017 it came along and scratched that itch as well as connect me to other long time JSR fans from around the world.

There are some missing pieces that would have put this game on the same grounds of JSRF such as a DJ to give you the 411 on current events in the game, it felt a bit quiet in the speaking department which kind of hurt the overall enjoyment of the story. But thats just a preference for an already solid 8/10 game.

You can get this game anywhere from steam to consoles, id absolutely recommend the Switch version as its perfectly designed for on the go gaming. (BTW use a controller for this game, using mouse and keyboard can be a bit awkward)

Время в игре: 1434 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 04.08.2024 18:42
0 0

my favorite game :3

Время в игре: 856 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 04.08.2024 07:40
0 0

It's worth it but complicated

I played this twice, when it was fresh out of the oven and now, it has a lot of good things, like the uniqueness of the world and a lot of quests are fun to play, and that you can have different characters with different builds in one playtrough and switch them depending on the situation, some things are really well designed
Both times did I really tried to complete it and both times I ended up skipping the ending altogether, there are some small things that would definetely enhance some quality of life but what's worse, 7 years after it came out and there's still bugs, you definetely get lost many times, you have no idea what kind of quest you're getting to until it's already started, not to mention promised content that who knows if it will ever come out

I love this game, start and middle parts are great, the ending and some other details prevents me from wanting to try a third time...

Время в игре: 4990 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 01.08.2024 18:54
0 0

Throughout this entire game, I could really summarize it as "Jet Set Radio ran so that this game could walk". Sometimes, a peaceful walk is what you want though.

It is odd. I feel like I should absolutely adore this game. It really just is ok though. The music ranges from alright to Hideki Naganuma, which is really cool that he did songs for this indie game. Movement is... fine. It is like half of the game, but it really is just fine. I guess it never clicked with me, which is odd since Jet Set Radio clicked with me extremely fast. It is very simple to control. Trick / Grind and then movement with a jump button. There is also a scanner to find where to go next and hack things. Very simple.

Movement feels like it should be better. The gameplay looks amazing, but actually playing it feels very floaty and odd. Wall slides cancel downwards momentum which feels odd. Grinding can slow you down depending on your build (huge issue that will be covered soon). Jumping feels like you're on the moon. It is really just... fine. It is nothing atrocious, but I felt I could never really do cool stuff with it. It is fun to just free style some combos, just don't try anything precise. Speaking of, combos are not earned here. They just never stop. Sliding pretty much made combos impossible to drop. That and wall runs / jumps.

So the big issue. Progression. This game is semi-MMO. So they have a stat based upgrade system. I hate this system. Like a LOT.

Major issues:
-Most upgrades are deleted if you unequip them. This punishes experimentation
-You have to start from scratch to try a new DNA kit (character)
-Lower tier upgrades have zero purpose compared to higher tier ones. Higher tier are objectively the best with no reason to keep the lower tier ones or to even win them
-High tier upgrades can be won extremely fast by getting a fuzzy metal at any mission
-Leveling up feels slow and pointless
-Varying builds completely destroy any form of cohesive level design

This is a Jet Set Radio styled game. Because of that, all of the characters should be roughly the same so that levels can be designed around how they move, accelerate, jump, etc. Because of this progression system, the world cannot be designed around that. This does not destroy the game, but it greatly limited its ability to be better than it is. Combos / Tricks that you use to get through the worlds feel slapped together. There does not feel like there are many purposeful paths to take.

I know that it sounds like I am absolutely dogging on this game, but I did have fun with it. Gameball matches were amazing, races felt fun, and the worlds were incomprehensibly large. There was just so much more this game could have been if they removed the progression system.

Speaking of the worlds, there are 2. Haven district and Administrative District. Both of these are absolutely huge. Like, both could be their own game huge. That is probably my favorite part of this game. It is just so big. Just exploring felt really dwarfing to me.

Overall, it is alright. It is nothing deep, but it is fun enough for what it is. Don't go into this expecting a thrilling run, expect a little walk. 7/10

Время в игре: 435 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.07.2024 05:16
0 0

woowee is it good, like oh my god. I can't believe it. 7.5/10

Время в игре: 261 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 28.07.2024 02:29
0 0

game goes crazy

Время в игре: 1142 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 25.07.2024 22:18
0 0

why did i have to repay to play the game i got it in 2019 back as a free promo help plz

Время в игре: 153 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.07.2024 20:14
0 0

best 15$ of my life

Время в игре: 1839 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 09.07.2024 22:20
1 0

You run around and do parkour and tag stuff and break-dance in sci-fi cities/slums/sewers. It's fun to play in short bursts, probably better for longer if you're in a group. It's compared to Jet Set Radio which it obviously takes inspiration from but it does it's own thing well enough I think to be worth a play even if you're not here for the Jet Set vibes this game has. Definitely a game to give a shot if you like open-world exploration or are lookin for something more "chill" or relaxing.

Время в игре: 854 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 08.07.2024 09:37
0 0

Music is calming and the movement is exciting

Время в игре: 242 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 05.07.2024 06:06
1 0

“Full Controller Support”

This game didn’t work in tv mode on steam deck. It wouldn’t recognize my controller. Ah well. I was so excited to play this!

Время в игре: 6 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 27.06.2024 23:47
2 0

Relaxed open world with good visuals and audio

Время в игре: 84 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 27.06.2024 17:35
0 0


Время в игре: 697 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик Midgar Studio
Платформы Windows, Mac, Linux
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 09.03.2025
Отзывы пользователей 82% положительных (981)

Отзывы пользователей

803 положительных и 178 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 05.03.2025 07:11


Action Adventure


Single-player Multi-player PvP Online PvP Co-op Online Co-op Cross-Platform Multiplayer Steam Achievements Full controller support VR Support Steam Workshop Steam Cloud Stats Steam Leaderboards Includes level editor Remote Play on TV Family Sharing