Разработчик: Midgar Studio
Об игре

Мир Гериона разорван на части. Несколько лет назад таинственная инопланетная сила погрузила планету в бесконечную разрушительную войну, в которой и магия, и технологии дошли до своих самых темных пределов.
Теперь возникла еще большая угроза: захватчики выпустили Коррозию — смертельную болезнь, превращающую живые организмы в отвратительных чудовищ.
В эти отчаянные времена молодому солдату придется принять свою судьбу и отправиться в эпическое путешествие, которое навсегда изменит будущее Гериона...

Ключевые особенности:
- Захватывающая история, наполненная сюжетными поворотами и душераздирающими моментами
- Завораживающий фэнтези-мир
- Эпические сражения с уникальной стратегической системой пошаговых боев
- Харизматичные и запоминающиеся персонажи
- Потрясающий саундтрек при участии Ясунори Мицуды (Chrono Trigger и Xenoblade Chronicles)
- Продвинутая система создания предметов
- Бесстрашный и очаровательный зверь, с которым можно подружиться
- Более 50 часов игрового процесса!

О студии Midgar Studio
Midgar Studio — независимая французская студия, созданная в 2008 году и состоящая из тринадцати любителей видеоигр. Студия расположена в Ниме на юге Франции и специализируется на хардкорных играх, в основном для ПК и консолей.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, japanese, simplified chinese, spanish - spain, spanish - latin america, russian
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10 64 bits
- Процессор: Intel i5 6500
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GTX 970
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 20 GB
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10 64 bits
- Процессор: Intel i7 8600
- Оперативная память: 12 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GTX 1070
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 20 GB
Отзывы пользователей
bad optimization, lag, and crashes... did you put everything into the update function? the story seems interesting, visuals are beautiful but unfortunately the gameplay is not.
Like a TEMU version of Final Fantasy.
This should be a $5-10 max. It is comparable to a tablet based rpg.
The experience almost immediately doesn't feel finished. The animations are empty, the main character is skinny to the bone with a running animation that doesn't really fit and not two steps out into the first field all you see is empty space. A little more clutter would have been good. Where's the grass? The bushes? The trees? It's completely flat. Interacting with NPCs didn't feel great either, unpolished. I think there's a lot to learn here. Stuff to build on, but I'm not going to invest any more time in this game. Maybe the next one though if there's more going on.
I liken the emptiness to Overgrowth, but with Overgrowth the emptiness feels more natural in that it's a second thought. You never go near it because you take the planned path the Devs want you to take. You don't notice it as much. The animations also felt better than what you see and feel here in Edge of Eternity. Where Overgrowth is a finished game Edge of Eternity needs more work
Just finished playing this one. It's quite similar in style to Final Fantasy 10 but with Fire Emblem battle mechanics. Unlike both of those games, this game's story and characters aren't quite as memorable, nor is it as polished. It is a mish-mash of interesting game design, you can change the weather to give you an advantage against certain enemies when employing magical attacks. It has a fast travel system and auto combat to help you get through the very large maps. The game is largely voice acted as well. It reminds me a bit of the 'Tales of' games. There are a few game glitches but none of them stop you from progressing with the game. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes slow moving JRPGs with huge maps.
I really want to like this game and give it a good review, but I find it pretty much impossible to play with keyboard and mouse. Every time I try to change the window size so it will fit on my TV, it won't let me select yes when it asks me to confirm the changes. I don't like to use my controller to play games on my monitor, I prefer to use my TV for that.
I had a graphical issue and also text freezing on screen....its a good game but its also very liner style rpg tho i do like how each character can unlock their own unique weapons and each weapon has their own crystal combos.
a well rounded game definitely worth a try.
Stunning visuals, good soundtrack and likeable characters, particularly outstanding from a small studio.
The side quests are interesting too, the devs really put their hearts into the game!
buggy garbage, refunded immediately...
if you get it on sale for super cheap I would say try it out. I am glad I only paid 5 bucks. it's ok. just, ok. it has some stuff going for it but has a lot wrong with it, and I feel kinda bored for big chunks of time playing it.
- So fun to play, rating 95/100
Very cheap looking game.
This game feels very unfinished. It's hard to focus on each element because everything is off but basically it all feels placeholder like a proof of concept not even a demo. The controls feel disconnected, floaty, and lag, the camera seems to do what it wants in combat, the combat animations are slow, the voice acting is worthless as is the music, the UI is somehow presented on rails as hard as a mobile game but is so unintuitive that I feel lost in instantly. . . . Please, don't buy this.
Naah too many bugs and the crafting mechanics dosent make any sense tbh
I had 2 game crashes to desktop in under an hour.
The Bad:
I played this game on the max difficulty. They seem to have gone with the classic "inflate health and damage numbers" strategy for increasing difficulty. It really is a shame because there is a positioning mechanic and a charge/interruption/backstab mechanic which could easily have been a source of extra difficulty if the enemies were smart enough to use it. I don't know if it's just because I've only played the first couple of areas, but enemies don't try to get behind you (even when in large groups) and only ever move in a straight line towards you. If you have multiple characters on one tile, the enemies don't seem to have a competent targeting system for which character they decide to hit; meaning that your mage can charge an attack right next to the enemies and if you dice roll luckily enough, the enemies will just ignore the mage instead of interrupting the spell. The AI really undermines the potential that the positioning could have had as a mechanic.
Leveling doesn't really feel satisfying. Having spells tied to crystals you find around the world is interesting, but in practice it lessens the reward of grinding levels. In other JRPGs the best part about leveling was getting new and better spells to use. It gave a good sense of progression and made combat more interesting. As far as I can tell, leveling only makes your damage and health numbers go up. Also having spells tied to the crystals makes it so that you end up having the same small amount of spells for a long time. In the 2.5 hours of gameplay I only got two spells each on my characters and they were all damage spells just with a different element attribute.
If you care about this sort of thing there does seem to be at least one woke person on the dev team. For whatever reason your mother is a black woman. There is no indication in the dialogue that she is anything other than their blood-related mother and it is honestly immersion breaking to have these two white (one of them is blonde) kids have Mom that looks like she just got off a boat from Kenya. It doesn't instill any confidence in the rest of the story for me as it indicates that diversity quotas are more important than a logical and cohesive story.
Also there's this popping sound that comes every once in a while from the BGM that is constantly playing and after a while it started to hurt my ears.
The Good:
The combat is engaging *enough*. I like the animation work for the different attacks. The voice acting is better than Xenoblade lol.
Good graphics, but gameplay just isn't there. Interesting combat mechanics, but again...it's just not there. Too bad.
Good fun so far.
For those with motion sickness like me, this game has plenty of options to explore. I went from very dizzy and bad headaches to no motion sickness at all. It has FoV, AA, and motion blur toggles among other settings. Personally I maxed FoV, set motion blur off, set my AA to something that didn't make the grass flash wildly (I have an old rig that doesn't support the newer types of aa), and fiddled with my settings until it was a steady fps.
TLDR: Not perfect, but was fun. Hour 10 was where I became hooked. I really enjoyed this game. It has technical issues and it is a bit buggy, but I think it still manages to be fun despite that. Its has an interesting story with characters that have a fair amount of depth. Combat was a bore for me, but didn't take away too much from the motivation the story gave me to completely every side quest and the main story.
I'll start with what I disliked.
It was buggy and sometimes you'll come across a few weird gameplay decisions that just feel very strange. If you can't stand anything but perfection this is not your game. If you can handle some weird glitches and bugs and remember sometimes the 'continue' takes the last autosave instead of your most recent save (just go back to menu and manually load up most recent save) you'll be fine.
The worst thing about the game outside of bugs and issues, was the combat. I really found it super boring. Even in the late game were you have a decent amount of options its a very uninspired atb turnbased game. The crystal system, where you learn your skills and get some extra stats is fraught with bugs and just not fun to use. Would have preferred a linear 'get skill on level up' with more thought put into how these skills could combo with your teammates and for the character themselves. Combat ends up being, damage dealers spam your most damaging skill usually the elemental weakness and supports do support things unless not needed then spam most damaging skill. I played on normal and found the difficulty reasonable throughout. Never hard but it did make me jump for a few wins. Just wish I could have been more engaged with the combat then wanting to skip it all of the time.
Directly counter to that I ended up doing all of the hunts and side quests I could find. Despite the combat being a bore, it was good enough to get me by and the rest of the game carried itself.
The game looks great. I'm not sure what some reviewers are saying about the game looking bad or not as good ingame. What you see is what you get. I also have a very old rig at this point, and run the game on medium at 40-60 fps depending on area, generally 50s and the game still looks nice and pretty. They did a great job on on the environments and the amount of foliage they managed to cram into one area and make it work as well as it does is a miracle.
The story is where I found a lot of my amusement but that is with a caveat. The beginning is very not interesting. I'm not going to speculate why, though I suspect the lack of an actually fun combat system contributes to it. The first few hours were a slog. However once I reached 5 hours I started to have fun, and by 10 I was invested. By 20 I was having a really good time that lasted me the rest of my 50~ hours. If you have the game and don't immediately refund it, maybe give it a chance over a few more hours. I am genuinely interested in the siblings and co's adventure and I'm looking forward to any future installments in their story. There was plenty left at the end to continue with but was also a good solid end if it never does.
I think what really made me enjoy the story was that most of the main characters both try for depth and the story made an attempt at playing with character themes that we really don't see in these sorts of stories unless you dig for them. It mostly landed pretty well, though I would say with a few missteps here and there. The plot is pretty cool as well. Yes if you really want to break it down to its basic parts its similar to any jrpg, but that's diminishing every game out there. What makes games fun is how these basic parts form more complex ideas, and for Edge of Eternity it has some really cool ideas that it does a great job with.
There are still numerous bugs, specifically with combat. After 50 hours of play the crystal forging system is completely unclear, crafting is basically useless with thousands of mats in storage, and there is a lot of just back and forth running around.
7/10. This game is a bit of a labor of love. Its rough and unpolished, lot of bugs that can be annoying but if you can ignore them, this game is pretty fun. It has a pretty cool grid based JRPG combat system that takes a while to learn, but once you do it can be very fun. The story is great IMO and I've actually used several things from this game in my DND campaign. The characters are hit or miss, both in playability and personality. I enjoyed it but I can see how it wouldnt be great for everyone.
Edge of Eternity failed to meet expectations on several fronts. First and foremost, the game’s unnecessarily high system requirements are disappointing, especially considering the lackluster graphical quality. Screenshots appear significantly more polished than the actual game, creating a false impression of visual appeal.
It feels like there’s potential — JRPG elements, humor, character progression, and stats — but ultimately, it falls flat. From the start, the game feels dull and slow, plagued by numerous graphical and functional bugs that further hinder the overall experience and immersion.
The combat system also disappointed — the turn-based battle mechanics feel outdated and less engaging compared to modern alternatives. The boring and drawn-out battles drastically reduce interest and pacing.
Additionally, the price of the game is unjustifiably high given the low-quality content and overall experience. What’s also baffling are the overwhelmingly positive reviews, which seem difficult to justify.
In reviews, the game is often compared to Final Fantasy, but I’ve only played XV and found no similarities whatsoever, aside from the fact that they are both JRPGs. Final Fantasy is clearly on an entirely different, much higher level.
A lot of graphical glitches and a few bugs. Decent story and gameplay though. Deserved a sequel if the developer can avoid making the same technical problems.
UI is so bad.
i cant stand any more of it
the game have good mechanic and not so bad gameplay. gameplay is similar to wild arm.
i feel like the game is trying to be skyrim and final fantasy at the same time but the execution is just so bad
Despite its flaws, decent game.
Decent game that is still getting love.
The games battle system glitches out in a scripted story battle in early chapter 3, making it impossible to proceed.
bad game
General review: Good, not Great, but has the potential to be better.
The overall feeling of this game can probably be summarized as (1) an indie game trying to look like a big studio game, and (2) going out of its way to try and hit every classic jrpg trope in the manual.
I'm very interested in seeing the next game that this studio makes (whether it's a Part 2 or something else) so they can showcase what they learned from making this one.
-- Detailed comments --
Overall, it's a very large game but the pacing doesn't quite land right:
- It's a party-based tactical game but you don't get a full party until 2/3 of the way through the game and don't get enough party members so that you can swap someone out until almost the end.
- The setting is interesting and can be engaging (notwithstanding the edgelord protagonist and mary sue female companion), but getting to the end feels very much like a "Chapter 1" that needs to continue or you don't feel like you actually got a conclusion to anything.
- Some of the terrain mechanics that can be very interesting really only get used once or only in a specific zone and you never see them again.
- There aren't a lot of equipment options, it's mostly just better or worse or slightly-worse-until-you-level-it-up.
- As a tactics-type game it falls into the same trap that they all do, where increasing your speed to get more turns is objectively the best option in every situation.
- The areas are absolutely massive and can be beautiful, but they feel like there is a lot of wasted space (in every sense of the word). Part of this is because the way the combat grid works as an overlay on the actual field there needs to be enough room to give full battle maps... but it still feels like there is a lot of distance to cover in every area.
-very scuffed, game feels unfinished mouse/keyboard or controller both feel incompatible
-bugs such as not being able to target enemies or falling through the floor in combat
+cool characters and stories
Do not get me wrong, edge of eternity is not a bad game. It has all the ingredients that a great JRPG has, unfortunately the way it is executed is not very favorable. I liked the characters for the most part, but it's hard to make a connection with the side characters when they look almost same like (and are so much different style wise from the main cast). I liked the exploration surprisingly and the combat is pretty fun ( Except when the enemy is faster than you and kills you in three turns before you get to act but that's a me problem ). I actually think it's quite admirable for everything it tries to do,( Especially the scenery, and the dialogue is quite charming at times ). I'm proud of what the dev team was able to achieve, i just hope their next project can become a step above this. I only gave this a "No" review because steam does not allow for a "Just ok" rating. If you're feeling to pick up and play an RPG then Edge of Eternity is certainly an option for you to choose, but there are definitely others in the market that are a bit better.
Like FF8. Go play Final Fantasy VIII instead.
It's a long drawn out game that tries to be more than what it can.
1. Massive world that is barren and devoid of any activities besides random mobs scattered around.
2. 30 hours in and I only have the same starting 2 party members. 30 HOURS!!
3. It's a buggy mess with music overlapping each other, and characters clipping during cutscenes.
It's been 3 years since the game got released and it's running like it's in Alpha stage...
Has impressive visuals and the makings of a great game. However, the game while playable to the end is unfinished. There are multiple quest lines that feel like there should of been follow ups to them and dialogue that sounds like a quest was meant to start from it. The game's ending makes it feel like this was meant to be part of a much larger game or a series. Additionally there are several annoying bugs that affect the main quest lines' battles in some areas. There are work a rounds to these bugs though
I disliked working my way through a buggy game only to make it to the end and have a 3 phase final boss fight bug out right at the end causing me to have to restart the whole boring thing.
The game is very buggy, the graphics aren't as good as screenshots in store seem, the story is lame, the pacing is bad ... I wanted to like this game and hoped if I kept playing something interesting would happen. Instead I was punished ultimately in the end.
Development was clearly cut short
The world is mostly large open areas filled with nothing but crafting materials
Combat is painfully slow, even at 4x speed
I backed this game during its kickstarter and thought that I'll wait for the rest of the content to release before playing it. After playing it for while I've come to regret backing it at all. The gameplay is extremely boring and you'd be better off spending your time else where.
I tried to look into the modding scene and thought of making a mod myself but when directed to their modding page I was met with some story about NFL jerseys from China, it seems the mod page was hi-jacked and they didn't bother doing anything about it. After posting about it on steam discussions in the modding section (which was barren) someone replied that the game was abandoned, I'm assuming it was after they released the "new beginning" update.
There is a game to play though, but in my opinion the game is bad.
As with any precious and roughly hewn stone: With careful study and adjustment, the light can shine through in a truly astounding way.
There are some small arenas of discomfort:
-Minor visual effects linked to specific spells that (depending on weather) just don't look right.
-Certain NPCs are comically under-animated. Add to this that many are simply not visually appealing.
-I played using the Japanese voice over pack; animations often didn't match the dialogue during cutscenes.
-Certain fights cause action time to hang. *This doesn't soft-lock the game*, you always have a button that moves time forward manually.
-Certain puzzle fights *do* soft-lock the game when they start, but the devs added a "restart" button to refresh the encounter. This fixed it every time.
-Given that you're working with an ATB-like (Action Time Battle) system, and there's a stat you can stack that's linked to how often a character gets a turn... Take the time to tweak your stats so you can go faster. It's pretty much required by the end.
With that out of the way, Edge of Eternity is a work of great beauty:
The land is extremely detailed and vibrant at all times of day. There are a wide variety of environments and despite the opening stating outright that advanced technology is part and parcel of the story being told, I was thoroughly lost (and invested) in the authentic fantasy feel of the game. I found the story fascinating to follow, and I thoroughly enjoyed the ride.
Cedric Menendez is to be commended for his splendid orchestral composition. I had to go looking for which tracks Yasunori Mitsuda contributed to the OST because I simply couldn't tell offhand.
The character writing is wonderful, though it is limited initially. You're stuck with the first two characters for quite a long time; the story has a very long and steady introductory arc through... I want to say chapter III. Everything beyond that point is an absolute joy. The ceiling for spectacle was already quite high, but they continually raise it. There's always something new they want to show you. Sometimes it's genuinely horrifying; more often, it's breathtaking. In combat, it's curveball after curveball; testing the limits of their own combat system in innumerable ways.
I found the voice work (again, I used the Japanese voice overs) to be excellent. I can't speak to any others. Tone and expression was very well chosen, and I found every member of the main cast likeable.
Before I forget: You also get to ride a giant cat.
For anyone who enjoys turn-based combat and has a love for reading, strong recommendation.
It's an interesting story, at least the starting premise. The game mechanics are interesting, I have only seen something like this once before, but not quit the same. I like the two main characters, they have interesting personalities, especially that they are almost polar opposites. Now I have never played a JRPG befoe, I'm assuming this is one. So I can't be a judge about how repetitious the combat gets after a while. The foes are varied with different attacks for most of them. But a map region will be loaded with too many of the same maybe. I didn't mind that very much, I want to get further into the game so I can see what the later stages are like.
Note: Starting Chapter 6.
A genuine JRPG made by a French developer team with that pleasant combination of emotional depth with occasional cringe moments where the writing falls flat.
Bloom is overly aggressive, turn it off to enjoy the visuals.
The sibling dynamic between the protagonists is well portrayed and feels real.
Not entirely bug free but I've not been prevented from progressing.
All in all, we'll see how I feel when I finish, but I absolutely recommend this game provided you keep your expectations in check.
Nice 7.5/10
Worth to Play :D
Good game.
Pretty apparent that it should have been lengthier but was cut short in production... main quest is really good and characters are memorable
A Good Insomnia Cure
Story : Very Boring.overly serious
Gameplay : Tedious
Conclussion: not worth it
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Midgar Studio |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 75% положительных (1667) |