Разработчик: Jason Oda
...but forget that. The real story is that Continue? is an existential metaphor that explores the finite nature of existence and the beauty and tyranny of our desires within it.
From the developer:
For fans of cerebral games such as Gone Home, The Novelist, and Papers Please.
This is one of those love it or hate it experimental art games. Regardless of whether you like it or not, I ensure you that it is like nothing you've ever played before. It's less about action and strategy and more about taking an emotional and philosophical journey that allows the player to explore his or her own sense of mortality. You will be very, very confused along the way, but your interpretation of this confusion is what the game is all about. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who is not looking for something very weird and different. Continue? is for the type of person that appreciates odd, poetic word play, interpretation of the abstract, and existential philosophy.
Some games we play to kill time on a long commute, some we play at home to blow off steam after a hard day’s work, and some games are about escaping into a world more magical than our own. Continue? is meant to be played late at night with some wine or weed, when you're feeling quiet and contemplative.
Everything in Continue? has a deeper meaning behind it. All of the strange places you go to, people you talk to, and scenarios you go through are part of a greater idea that I hope you spend a second or two trying to figure out and interpret...or not. You can also just play the damn thing.
What happens to dead video game characters?
In the garbage dump of the Random Access Memory, you travel from town to town, meeting people who offer you their lightning and their prayer. Lightning clears the way for you to move forward and prayer builds shelters in a distant town where you must frequently hide to avoid being deleted into nothingness by the garbage collector. Along the way, you are thrust into many battle challenges, the outcome of which affects your shelters. There is ultimately, no way to escape the garbage collector, but running from it buys you time to think, wander, contemplate, and hopefully be at peace with the inevitability of your deletion.
Each game randomly assigns you 1 of the 6 characters and 6 of the 11 areas. There is no set order to the stages of the game.
Continue? was inspired by existential road trips into nowhere, Peruvian jungle drugs, and a brush with death while lost in the mountains of New Mexico. It is a quest for wonder, contemplation, and peace.
Continue?9876543210 was independently developed by Jason Oda in 2013. Past projects of notoriety include The Perfect Strangers game and Skrillex Quest .
Поддерживаемые языки: english
Системные требования
- OS *: Windows XP
- Processor: 2.0 GHz
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: 512 MB of memory
- Storage: 250 MB available space
- OS: Mac OS X 10.5
- Processor: 2.0 GHz RAM
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: 512 MB of memory
- Storage: 250 MB available space
- OS: Ubuntu Linux 10.10
- Processor: 2.0 GHz RAM
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: 512 MB of memory
- Storage: 250 MB available space
Отзывы пользователей
It might have been 9 years before my first and second attempts to play this game, but I finally made it, and you know what, yeah. This is good. Not sure if it is $10 good, but I actually had a few moments of quiet introspection as a result of the minimalist and mournful narrative, and that is probably more than I can say for some games I definitely spent more on over the years.
Oh, and the hook, which is admittedly great, is that you are the protagonist in some other unnamed? game who just lost his last life, and you are trying to stretch the nanoseconds before game over into infinity to avoid death, even though it is inevitable.
It's a nice little game about playing as a data dump. It did age poorly, however it has some interesting mechanics and a nice backstory. Did not finish it, but overall enjoyed what I played.
yo this game is like, not "good" in terms of objectivity maybe but subjectively and emotionally it can help u feel a little better about your inevitable death which is a pretty cool thing to get out of a videogame
Got stuck on the corner of a wall in the first 10 minutes of the game. No way to get unstuck or anything. Great
Got stuck on a wall in the first ten minutes of the game. Again! Don't care how deep or meaningful some people think this game is. If it's not even playable; it's garbage.
0/10. Uninstalled.
difficult, obscure, fleeting, intensely melancholy
play this game
Continue?9876543210 is literally the most depressing game I've ever played. I don't mean it's just sad, or disheartening, or bad, or deep. It's one of the only pieces of media I've ever experienced that, without fail, makes me feel worse every time I play it. I can read tragic stuff, I can watch sad movies, whatever- occasionally I might even feel teary-eyed- but only Continue? actually makes me feel actually mentally distressed.
In Continue?, you play as the data ghost of one of several failed video game characters, destined for deletion by some sort of cyberspace garbage compactor. In order to survive, you must flee through these strange recycled realms, where everybody talks in an eerie, vaguely poetic dialect of english, mixing terms of faith and hope with computer and video game terminology. Your currency is "Foo" (or possibly "fod", given the somewhat ambiguous font); your extra lives are "Spare Parts". And, most importantly, you are frequently given the choice between two options- "Lightning" and "Prayer". Every time you choose to take Prayer, you create an extra layer of defence at your next gateway town, meaning Prayer is vital to your success in the game. Every time you choose to take Lightning, you randomly destroy some of the barriers blocking your progress to the next level, making Lightning vital to your success in the game.
The game actually has a really great atmosphere- of inevitable doom and the futility of struggling further. I presume this is the intended effect, because it's actually pretty haunting. Some of the "lore", barely comprehensible as it is, actually sticks with you after playing it, the poems and the "prayers" of the NPCs you speak to genuinely some impressive alternative writing. The sound and level design also puts forward this idea, especially in the zones between certain levels.
The other thing that contributes to the feeling of dread and nihilistic despair, however, is the gameplay. In order to survive, you must collect Lightning and Prayer, and the game is utterly unforgiving. If you die without a Spare Part to revive yourself, then the game gives you a "second chance" by consuming some of the shelters you earned with Prayer. This is, essentially, just a way of making you suffer more. Losing even a few shelters will result in a game over once the storm comes. The rest of the game is a mixture of slightly janky minigames (which punish you harshly for losing, making taking part in the encounters a tense gamble) and a race against the clock to find NPCs to talk to to gain resources from. Several of the NPC interactions are basically just random chance- there are temples, for instance, which reward you for providing the right answer to an abstract and unknowable riddle. If one of the NPCs you met in this run told you the answer, then, so long as you remember it, you can pass the test and gain a large amount of Lightning or Prayer. If, however, you weren't fortunate enough to run into that NPC yet, then you have to either guess or leave, having wasted some of your very limited amount of time in the overworld before it begins randomly collapsing again.
If you're feeling charitable, you could argue that the clunky gameplay is part of the metaphor- the challenges we face are random because our lives are not designed for us to succeed in. The controls are imprecise because really, how much control do we have over our lives? Or something like that. Alternatively, your character just handles really badly because the game's a bit shoddily programmed.
As an artistic endeavour, Continue? is actually pretty impressive. It's also the most insidiously soul-destroying experience available to you on Steam, which is why I can't really recommend it. Continue? never gives you any answer or comfort about the existential dread it wields- your character is doomed, just as you are doomed, to be erased and become nothing. Some people describe something similar about Dark Souls- sorry for bringing it up- but at least in Dark Souls it's possible to at least kind of achieve something. Continue? presents a world where the player is utterly alone and totally abandoned, faced with an unfair challenge to extend their miserable existence by approximately a couple of hours if they succeed.
Not everyone is going to like this game. I can guarantee you this much. I, for one, love this game very much, it's a very metaphorical experience. Take note, this game has a bit of an arcade style to it. You play until you die, then start again from the beginning.
Yes, the game saves, automatically at the beginning of every level.
Yes, you can skip the introductory cutscene, you have to click somewhere and a box appears in the top-right corner saying "SKIP->"
Some people will not take appreciation of the metaphor used in this game. Others might, but will not enjoy the gameplay for some reason or another.
When I first saw this game in the Greenlight queue, I was astonished. The trailer looked wonderful. An action/platformer that is esentially a deep meditation on the existence of video game characters, with a simplistic yet stylish look, and not to mention, a great track to accompany the whole affair.
Once I saw it available in the Steam market, I bought it immediately (this never happens).
What I got was a little different than what I expected.
Yes, the deep philosophical message was there. The eerie, ethereal atmosphere was there. The melodious, calming soundtrack was there. But gameplay was not. At least, not what I was expecting exactly.
The game opens with a very beautiful sequence of death and transcendence into the after life (In terms of a defeated video game character). As wonderful as this opening is, you will get very sick of it. You will die quickly from the get go, and you will see this long cut scene each time you restart. But the first time around, it really sets the tone and feel of what is happening. Very melancholic and simple with an underlying complexity. From here on out is where my feelings for this game took a turn.
From the trailer, it looked very Zelda-ish (to which I'm a sucker for. See my review of "Anodyne"). This was certainly not the case. You did not really have freedom to explore. By freedom, I mean with enough time. As soon as this starts, you are on a kind of timer for each world. After a certain amount of time, the world around starts to fall apart and glitch; the system is essentially trying to delete you for good. You have to do a lot of walking around, talking, while every once in a while being subjected to a rather lackluster battle sequence. The point is to get out of the area you are in and move to the next area. Now, there is also a small town in another area of the game. It is here that you build up buildings which will also be subjected to termination. At some point in the game (I forget when, as it has been some time since I've played this game) you go into the town. The program starts systematically deleting the buildings. If you get hit by a lightning bolt, you are deleted, and this results in a game over. Then, it is time to start again, from the very beginning.
The game is rather difficult, and when I played, I found it annoyingly difficult to survive inside of the small town you construct. No matter where I went or the buildings I had, that bolt found its way to me, resulting in an instant game over.
I might give it another go another time, but it was a big disappointment. I like how they tried to really do something different, but in the end it wasn't fun. I give it a perfect ten for style and music, but for gameplay...let's just say I give it a much lower score. Maybe if it had been more free and open world, then it would have worked well. I don't expect a Zelda knock-off AGAIN...but Anodyne seemed to manage being Zelda without being Zelda.
Sorry creators of Continue?9876543210....Great concept. Not so great execution.
The intro is the best part of this game. The gameplay itself is fairly repetitive, and when I had reached the point of repeating levels or scenes, many of the sequences cannot be skipped even when I had seen them a number of times. I really like the concept which is why I bought it despite the poor reviews. I do not really care for the execution and was quickly bored with the title.
Additionally the Linux port is not very good. No resolution/fullscreen configuration without finding the config file and editing it, unlike the Windows launcher. It also does not handle widescreen aspect ratios unlike the Windows version.
Emogame and Emogame 2 were staples of my adolescent experience. They turned me on to a slew of music that I wouldn't have appreciated otherwise and managed to be both hilarious and thoughtful throughout. When I saw that the creator of those flash games, Jason Oda, had developed this odd-looking title, I was intrigued. So, I'll lay out the negatives first: unskippable intro (that you will have to sit through many many times), boring and awkward combat, unintuitive gameplay mechanics. With that in mind, the game is a remarkably beautiful meditation on mortality explored by proxy through slain video game characters facing deletion and finally oblivion. If you go into this expecting a hack and slash dungeon crawl, you will be sorely disappointed. This is more of an interactive poem than a game, and it excels in that respect.
Continue?9876543210 is a surrealistic adventure game that is somewhat stylized like an old RPG game. Or something like that. Continue is a very strange game; The basic idea is that you play as a video game character who is at the end of his life. The classic, 'Continue?' screen of arcade games of old has passed, and no quarters were inserted. And so, you have 'died', and enter into a realm where all data from a previous game goes to be erased, wiped clean for the world to start anew again for the new player, and New Game option. In this desolate space, data is assimilated into bytes and data, and you having not made your peace yet struggle to survive in a climate made to delete you.
In the game, you start on a level that is representative of some gameplay trope, IE town, field, ruins, etc. There are a variety of NPCs and locked doors. You can talk to the people, who will either try to sell you something, give you a hint of some sort in the level you're currently in, say something about the story of the game, or say some rather useless blabber. NPCs phase in and out of existence, however. There's also monsters that spawn on the level, and wander around. Touching them triggers a battle scene, that transitions to a different scene like an RPG game. However, the battles aren't turn-based, but real-time, and work more similarly to a Zelda game. However, what they exactly are changes per encounter. Some are top-down, some are side-scrolling, some make you defend something, or you just have to fight all-out. Winning battles or doing things around the level usually get you a key, which you can use to unlock one of the various locked structures around the level. Inside the structure you'll either find a shop, something to push the story, some sort of side-quest, or a person who will either build structures or cast lightning.
Now building structures and casting lightning is important. The game has a sort of time limit, both in levels and the overall game. The levels you go to are randomized, and each has differences to each other. However, you have a certain number of 'rounds' that will pass before the whole level is eliminated. If you're in a level when it's eliminated, it's game over and you get a bad ending. There is a time period you have to do stuff in the level, and then the round ends and you face some kind of challenge. This can be like a tricky level, a boss fight, some kind of puzzle, etc. They're random. If you win, you get a big benefit to your cause of survival, but if you lose you miss your chance for some aid. Aid for what? To exit the level, you need to get people you encounter to cast lightning, as casting lightning will destroy some of the blocks randomly blocking one of the several exits out of a level. However, you also need to build structures. After every two levels or so, you'll be in a sort of 'storm' you need to survive, or else its game-over. In the storms, you're in a town that is formed of the buildings you have made people build in the normal stages for you. A storm hits, and the buildings are stricken by lightning. You have to hide in a building and wait for the storm to pass, though if your building is hit and destroyed you have a certain time limit to quickly scamper around the town to another building. If there are no other buildings or you run out of time, it's game-over.
You will always be given a choice of either Lightning or Building Structures. Lightning will clear a path to the next level after a few lightning strikes, while building structures will create buildings to hide in during these 'storm' sections.
Basically the game is all about time management and succeeding in the various challenges that both the monsters, NPCs, and Round End's bring, for doing these allows you to gain chances at either Lightning or Structure Building, to make it past the individual level in time and to build structures for the storms that happen every two levels or so. You'll either like the game or not, it's a bit complicated to understand at first, and won't be fun for everyone.
Also there are side-quests you can do that effect your story. The game has multiple endings, possible level paths, and more... What you do in levels, what level path you take, and the like effects the ending you work towards. The game is kind of made to be played multiple times, as its not very long and you won't go to many of the levels or see the whole game in a single playthrough.
And the game gets weird. The story is told in a very indirect way, and some of the events that can happen are just absolutely bizarre. Honestly the story feels most similar to something that David Lynch might of concocted up if he were to make a video game about video games. Depending on who you are, that might either be a good or bad thing.
The game's oddness is supplemented perfectly by its audio department. The game has a haunting soundtrack, interesting but odd sound design, but it all fits the weird atmosphere of the game perfectly.
And there isn't really much to say. The game is deceptively complicated, but actually rather simple when you get down to it. It strikes me as a huge love it/hate it type of game, and something that'll divide people's opinions on whenever it's good or not.
My stance is that it's interesting. The game itself is okay, but the atmosphere and some of the surreal elements I enjoyed. Of course, if you're less fond of such things, there will probably be less to enjoy in the game for yourself. Basically said, while there is a game here, the game is more about the experience. And depending on who you are, that experience will either be worth taking, or it won't be.
Continue may be worth it if you like experience-based games with a surreal and strange edge that are open to interpretation. If you don't like that, you probably won't like the game. Like the game itself, it all seems so complicated but it's so simple, really.
I believe that an idea is much more important that how the idea is expressed. As a conseqence, I am almost always willing to overlook bad gameplay provided a game has substance. Contine?9876543210 is the exception to this.
Ostensibly the game is a contemplation of death, but the gameplay is so awful that it ruins anyting that the game is trying to communicate. Specifically:
-The instructions provided are totally inadequate.
-The controls are unredeemably bad.
-Most sections of the game have arbitrary time limits. These appear to be included solely out of spite that the developer has for you.
-A substantial portion of the game is composed of unskippable cutscenes.
It seems like the total length of the cutscenes for the total game is probably less than 20 minutes, but thanks to the awful controls you will have to replay most of them for hours before you win. Given this situation, it is probably only a matter of time before some masochist posts them online. Since the main point of the game is for you to contemplate the cutscenes, if that happens you will essentially get the substance of the 'game' for nothing.
Finally, do not be fooled by the trailers, they do not accurately represent the game. If you are truly interested in buying it, wait until some gameplay videos are posted online before you make your decision.
The only positve aspect of the game was the music.
Continue?9876543210 is a remarkable milestone in the history of gaming: the videogame equivalent of Vogon poetry.
I played this game for about .... 1 minute, but it took me 10 to get into actual gameplay which was me going from the start to the end of "Level 1" to get into another cut scene.
the sounds are extremly harsh, the animation is weak ( considering the simplicity of the models the rigs should be super simple) and i had no idea what was going on,
The most creative game i've come across for a long while.
with it's incredible humanity and soul this game won me over within 2 seconds of reading the steam store page, which is a rarity in this age of Call of Duties and Minecrafts.
obviously that being said i don't mean to disown those games as they are solid and deserve being put in a good light for but they deffinetly don't have the soul this game possesses which is something, in my humble oppinion, is grossly lacking in video games in modern times.
would i reccomend this game?, in short, hell yes!
Not worthwhile. As much as I like strange "artsy" games like To The Moon, Antichamber, etc., I found myself struggling to like this one. I was really interested by the initial idea of Continue?9876543210, but in the end it delivers nothing but a load of horribly vague, cryptic, "2deep4u" nonsense with an absolutely bizarre excuse for a playable game. Very few things are explained or made to make sense.
The idea of "shelters" being the worst as far as the gameplay goes. How many of those freaking things do you need? I "died" from having 4. Okay, then I'll just go for more. But having over 14 shelters didn't save me from getting zapped. And then I had to sit through the agonisingly long cutscene yet again, to start at the beginning again. To do what differently, exactly?
This is far too "contemporary art" for me to think that it'll be enjoyable for most people. Whatever this is, the artist has picked a bad medium for it. If you want to tell a story that can turn out differently or have different meaning, tell it in a different way. A multi-choice visual novel would have been a far better medium, for example. Not a game that punishes the player for their expected failure by giving them an absolute waste of time of a story/experience.
I'm a sucker for the TRON-like digital afterlife concept. So I went into C?9-0 eagerly expecting a deep, affecting experience. And for the first five or ten minutes, it seemed like it just might deliver on that...
Sadly, it very quickly descends into a qurky, poorly designed pile of...bits. Instead of feeling like a solid, well-thought out game, it feels more like an overly ambitious Digipen student project. The biggest problem is, you're thrust into a bizarre, abstract world without any sort of guidance.
"DEAREST FRIEND, YOU WILL BE CONFUSED AT FIRST, BUT BE BRAVE, IN TIME YOU WILL UNDERSTAND.", the game assures in a large, ubiquitous, fatiguing-to-read typeface. Part of me wonders if this line was a lampshade put in at the 11th hour of development to assuage confused newcomers.
I've spent more time than I'd care asking myself "what the hell is going on?!". Given the concept, this MAY be a conscious choice by the developer, since you're no longer in a 'game' and you're figuring it out as you go along just like the main character, Maggie. But as a player here in meatspace, I still need some sort of graceful introduction to the concepts.
Like, what the hell is 'Foo'? Apparently it's money. It says 0/5 RAM on the status bar. What does that mean? Oh, now I'm suddenly sucked into a Zelda-like overhead persective and attacking chattering teeth? Whoa, now I'm in a platform section where I have unexpectedly acquired a jump key, slaying more chattering teeth. Aaaand now I'm back to the Indian trailer park, talking to Juggalos.
To be fair, there IS a clumsy, minimal in-game manual to ham-fistedly explain some of this stuff, if you deicde to "spoil the mystery". And the more you bang your head against the wall, things begin to slowly connect together.
Unfortunately once you begin to weave together a vague notion of what's going on, you begin to realize that the core gameplay is not nearly as complex or interesting as you'd hoped. As an outsider, this has been an incredibly frustrating, confusing experience. Abstract concepts are great, but they need a clean and well-thought out game design to prop it up, more than most.
It's clear from other reviews that some players got a lot more out of this game, and I'm sure if I magically "got it" from the outset like they apparently did, I'd probably like it more, too. But as it currently stands, I'm confused as hell, and -- the bigger tragedy -- I feel no overwhelming desire to invest more time into understanding it further. In some ways, that's a worse failure than my benchmark for bitter mediocrity, "Thirty Flights of Loving". At least I was compelled to finish THAT, such as it was. But also, like that game, reviewers attributed to it a great weight of intellectual complexity that, frankly, I had a hard time giving it credit for.
Save your rupees, gang, and simply enjoy the lovely developer-provided screenshots. Imagine a great game built around those images and know that the game you have imagined probably DOES exist somwhere, out there, in-between the bytes of your computer's RAM.
Before we continue we must ask ourselves: what is an experience? Not what is a game, because that is almost too broad to bother trying to put into words. But what is an experience? What is something you enjoy experiencing?
I cannot define this for all of you. An experience changes for each person- it is a variable that makes each person who they are.
Continue?9876543210 (wow that was fun to type out on the keyboard, I slid my finger down the number keys like some sort of badass) is definitely an experience. Whether it is a good one or a bad one is up to you. I personally felt like it made me think a lot about my life and what I take out of it, but I personally do not feel that much of the game other than the thought it provokes lives up to the price I paid for it, even at this discounted price of 8 dollars I paid for it. I personally think thinking should be free. What should be paid for is how the developer makes you think- either through visuals or audio or even story and gameplay.
The gameplay in this game is very basic. You run around and talk to people who usually just jabber on about strange things, but sometimes they open doors for you, and sometimes they sell you things. You are able to choose "lightning" or "prayer" when you enter these doors, and what these mean are up to the player to interpet, but what they do is either randomly spawn lightning to clear the path ahead or spawn a house in a town that is crucial to survive the later stages of the game. After 45 seconds to a minute though, garbage collection or something similar runs and takes you down to play a combat based minigame. After too many of these though, your game ends- but progressing to the next area resets this. So you are in a battle against time to progress to each area.
This gameplay sounds fine, but it is very repetitive. I was about to quit and take a break after the third one of these, but then I realized that there is no save feature in the game- the point is to play the game in one sitting it seems. And so I druged on (and how fitting to relate to the plot of the game), hoping the game wouldn't be TOO much of this. While the gameplay is unique and quirky, after the 3rd or 4th time through, it just gets old.
The music and the graphics are fitting to the theme of the game, but leave much to be desired. I found the graphics and music just plain boring to look at and listen to, and while there are some flashy scenes and very well done graphical choices during cutscenes, the levels look somewhat all the same in exception to a few that look amazing (the level where you're chasing down your reflections in the sea comes to mind) and in the end I just grew tired of it all very quickly.
It's very ironic that a game where you have to find peace with yourself grows harder and harder to get through. I found myself getting very bored with this game very quickly. But it's not about the game right? It's about the experience!
Well that my friends, I do not think is worth my 8 dollars. While it made me begin to think, I feel the game ITSELF did not make me think but rather the themes of it did. I apologize if that may be a mouthful, but it is hard to describe a game like this into words. In simpler terms, I feel like I could have just poked around the website of continue9876543210.com and gotten the same feelings I did instead of playing the game. And for that, I do not give it my personal reccomendation.
But experiences change for everyone. Who knows? Maybe you will enjoy it more than I did.
Despite the big thumbs up, I wouldn't recommend the game at its full price. It's good but you can get a lot more with $10 on Steam.
As for the content itself, its atmosphere sort of reminds me of a 3D Sword & Sworcery. However, I found Sword & Sworcery to be little more than a collection of pixel art and mysterious but ultimately meaningless dialogue whereas I found Continue to have genuine meaning that you can connect to your own life. The gameplay is not the focus in either game, but it is at least entertaining in Continue. Where it really excels is in its metaphorical meaning,
It is more art than game, designed to make you think as you race against time to build up what resistance you can to a fate you ultimately cannot escape. There is little replayability; you will discover most of what the game has to offer in a few short playthroughs. But I wouldn't call that a fault considering the goal of the game is to explore a theme, not to provide hours of entertainment. If that doesn't appeal to you, then avoid the game; otherwise, it's something to look into.
This is a tough game to describe in a review, it's not really like anything I have played before; But in a good way. This is the type of game you have to experience for yourself to truly understand it and even then it takes some time. At first I was lost, the game just kind of throws you into the world and asks you to figure it out on your own. It took me a good 30-45 mins of playing to start to understand that a lot of the things shouldn't be taken quite at face value and most things seem to have a deeper meaning than at first glance.
It's not an easy game, but it's not a hard game. It's a game that require's player mastery through experience. You won't "complete" this game on your first go at it, and likely not your second or third either. The subject matter keeps you interested and often times will make you think. It's really a journey for the player character to make peace with the fact that their death is inevitable.
This certainly isn't a game for everybody, but I say if the game's premise intrigues you; then give it a go!
A rich experience focused on the inevitable. You follow your main character's journey on the acceptance of his deletion by traveling and consulting with the inhabitants of other locales moments before their Garbage Collection. You have two primary options when speaking with the villagers, lightning or prayers. Lightning will help you escape the current level, or access secret areas that will aid you achieve your closure. Prayers will create a shelter based in your own town, which will protect the player from the deletion storm - literally lightning that deletes objects. Your ultimate goal is to survive long enough so the main character accepts his fate. The attitude at the time of their deletion depends on which villages you have been to, how many, and any "secret" areas you have been to which includes objects from your past and present.
The combat is fairly varied, but not overly complex. It does require skill, and this is certainly not a game you can skate by on without thinking what you are doing. To receive lightning or prayers from certain people, you might need to remember a fact about the town said by another villager. The combat can vary from side-scrolling challenges, to zelda-esque dungeon crawling, to arena "kill-house" style challenges. Depending how well you do can give you bonus lightning or keys which open doors in the villages, which allow you to speak to more villagers. I would advise against those who think the combat itself is the only reason to get the game- you will be dissapointed.
In addition to the combat and memorization, the skill of time-management is needed as well. Each village only has a certain amount of time before it's expiration. You have to prioritize what you need done. This is indicated by a countdown timer in the upper-right, once it hits zero there is a "stage" of degradation (Which varies how many there are by village). You will then enter a random combat scenario. Upon completion, you will return to the village which will have become slightly more hostile. Deletion monsters will roam the village which will delay you in your quest for shelter and closure.
It's an emotional ride that is open to your own interpretation. It does a grim subject matter well and was emotionally captivating enough to tug me along. And for that I am thankful.
Edit: Just would like to clarify on something some reviewers seem to have missed (Even though it's in the instructions). This game does have an auto-save feature each time you load a new area.
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Jason Oda |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 62 |
Отзывы пользователей | 53% положительных (92) |