
Разработчик: Expansive Worlds

Самый реалистичный симулятор охоты из когда-либо созданных — теперь бесплатно! Почувствуйте азарт охоты во всех уголках бескрайнего мира: от австралийского безлюдного буша и огромных болот Луизианы до захватывающих пейзажей Австрийских Альп. Выслеживайте и преследуйте добычу, вооружившись чем угодно — от арбалета до современного ружья или винтовки со скользящим затвором. Реалистичное поведение животных и постоянно обновляющиеся онлайн-функции создают динамичный мир, по тропам которого можно бродить в одиночку или соревнуясь с другими игроками в погоне за славой.
Ключевые особенности
- Первый релиз theHunter Classic состоялся в 2009 году. С тех пор в игре постоянно появляются новые животные, оружие, экипировка, заповедники и многое другое. Это настоящая сокровищница возможностей для игрока, а на подходе еще масса всего нового!
- Охотьтесь на 44 видов реалистичных животных, вид и поведение которых воссозданы с невероятной точностью. В их числе: рысь, бизон, барибал, бурый и полярный медведи, лось, олень Рузвельта, олень Ситка, колумбийский, белохвостый, чернохвостый, благородный и северный олени, горный козел, косуля, дикий кабан, вепрь, лиса, койот, рыжий кенгуру, песец, европейский и американский кролики, американский беляк, индейка, фазан, кряква, американская черная кряква, серая утка, шилохвость, канадская казарка... И это еще не все!
- Исследуйте 11 необъятных заповедников с отличной графикой, сменой времени суток и погодными эффектами — от субарктической Аляски до луизианских болот.
- Отправляйтесь на охоту вместе с друзьями в мультиплеере до 8 игроков или соревнуйтесь с другими игроками!
- Разнообразные онлайн-функции позволяют улучшить навыки и статистику, а также творчески подойти к снимкам трофеев. Участвуйте в соревнованиях, покоряйте вершины списка лидеров или зарабатывайте достижения в сложных, но интересных заданиях!
- Присоединяйтесь к самому большому и дружелюбному сообществу онлайн-охотников! Мы всячески стремимся помогать друг другу и делиться своими достижениями. Похвастайтесь невероятной коллекцией оленьих рогов, которая гордо красуется в вашем личном хранилище трофеев, или вдохновитесь другой добычей! Нелегко выследить и загнать большого зверя? Спросите товарищей! Многие из них — настоящие охотники, и вам с удовольствием помогут.
Прогресс и приобретение предметов в игре
Множество контента в theHunter Classic можно получить бесплатно. При регистрации все игроки бесплатно получают лицензии на пять видов животных (белохвостого оленя, европейского кролика, фазана и два дополнительных вида, меняющихся раз в неделю), а также два вида оружия (винтовку со скользящим затвором калибра .243 и однозарядный дробовик 12-го калибра) и ряд предметов экипировки. Дополнительные игровые предметы — оружие, лицензии, новые виды животных и боеприпасы — приобретаются в магазине за игровую валюту gm$, которую можно заработать при выполнении заданий, или за игровую валюту em$, которую можно выиграть в соревнованиях или приобрести за реальные деньги.Охотясь на различных животных и используя разнообразные предметы, вы улучшаете свои охотничьи навыки, а с совершенствованием навыков открываются новые способности. Со временем вам хватит опыта, чтобы по одному только следу определить пол и вес выслеживаемого зверя или точнее прицелиться из любого оружия.
Достижения можно получить, выполняя различные игровые действия. Каждое достижение прибавляет определенное количество очков к вашему рейтингу HunterScore, который можно сравнить с рейтингом других игроков. С повышением рейтинга HunterScore открываются и специальные предметы, например, патронташи и чехлы для винтовок.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, czech, danish, dutch, finnish, hungarian, norwegian, polish, portuguese - portugal, portuguese - brazil, russian, swedish, turkish
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows ® 8/7/Vista/XP
- Процессор: Двухъядерный процессор Intel или AMD с частотой 2 ГГц
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVidia GeForce 8800, ATI/AMD Radeon HD 2400
- DirectX: версии 9.0c
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 8 GB
- Звуковая карта: Совместимость с DirectX
- ОС: Windows ® 10 64-bit
- Процессор: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU or HigherIntel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.4GHz or Higher
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce GTX760 or Higher
- DirectX: версии 10
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 16 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX Compatible
Отзывы пользователей
Its a great good game, no matter its a inbleedgame whit payment in the higher end. But see how much cheap and free to play games there are there rearly are bad timewaste, I prefare these quality game and have many good hours hunting whit tracing shooting and enjoying the Landscapes. Before complain and shoot down thing for payment options, Consider what you get. And you can just be good enough as hunter, there are competitions whit price money :D
Fantastic made hunting areas, great made and animated animals of many kind. Scent dog and Retriver dog. Many different hunting options from stalcking elk so sneak turkeys. I recomend it highly - Worth every cent putted in the game .
Want to start the game? Yes, you can
Want to shoot some animals? Pay us and you can
Want a new weapon? Pay us and you will have one
Want to do anything? Pay us a lot and you can do everything
this is a very difficult game to recommend to anyone, especially if they aren't inherently interested in hunting games, and it's all because of how aggressive it is at telling you it wants your money.
to actually play it and have the full experience you have to constantly pay it for features you would expect the free version to already have. it's ridiculous to see 32 species of animals and only be able to hunt 3 of them, and then find out that you have to pay real money for rifles, ammo, all the different kinds of permits...
i decided i had enough when i saw that even bait and calls cost real money. while the latter could be reused, the former is a consumable and it makes zero sense to make it unavailable to people that don't want to pay a monthly subscription for playing an essentially singleplayer videogame
this way of implementing microtransactions (can they even be called micro if you transact sums that rival some AAA titles' prices?) is outrageous and predatory. games need money to be made and maintained, yes, but, in my opinion, simply adding "shortcut" purchases and some "premium" vanity items could've easily funded it too.
it sucks because the base game is actually fun. the way the guns reload, the way you use the mating calls, that moment you catch movement in the brush...
all the while you're surrounded by a forest that, although rendered at a very low resolution, looks gorgeous. also, the map is enormous, though the slow walking speed might be the main culprit for making it feel so big.
the only reason why i could recommend this game is if you just want to try and see if you like hunting sims at all. since it's still technically free, all you will lose is your time (and based on the fact that you read some random guy's review of game called "theHunter", you clearly don't value it much).
if you do end up liking it - they have a one-time purchase sequel named "call of the wild", but honestly, with how aggressive its dlcs are (and how much stupider its ai felt like to me), I'm not sure I'd recommend it either.
That's not free-to-play at all! I'd rather buy full game and play it normally than play this paywall crаp. Yes, you have to pay every month for the game that isn't worth it. Game is repetitive and even if you pay you still would have 2 weapons. There is new theHunter, but anyway it's not worth that much.
Brilliant fun game to play. Very immersive. The game is F2P but ofcourse, with limitations. You can get around not paying a penny so long as you do the Missions but, this method will be very time consuming. I'm happy to support the devs on this game. They have provided an enjoyable game and deserve to be paid. It's a hard game and you can walk around without seeing a thing. Animals will scatter before you even get a glimps of them, they smell you coming from a mile away and tracking an animal for hours on end may sound tedious. But it makes for a very enjoyable experience.
It's not a game for everyone but I'd say atleast give the game a try.
When I try starting the game it goes to a black screen then closes and gives me an error that tells me to check the forums for help. I have gone through the forums and the help sites for this game and I cannot find anything that will help.
The undisputed Greatest Open World game of all time. Take a game like the witcher for example. There's tons of characters to meet, secrets to uncover, monsters to kill, stories to engage in, and beautful locations to visit. But that's all superficial when you compare it to the greatness that is thehunter. In thehunter, I walked 10 miles and found deer poop. Nice.
Horrible game, i played 2 hours and killed one deer that i didnt even get rewarded for, i had to follow footprints for all this time. not worth just one deer. i would not recommend this game because of the time and effort for one animal.
bad graphics
dont get rewarded for kills
waste of time
This game is just a dora the explora 4 hour long lets play.
Free to play tag is a joke. Not really free at all. You can hunt deer. For three days. Then everything is spend money to buy this or that to keep playing. Whats worse is you can only buy animal licenses with the ingame currency you get for completing achievments. Gear and ammo and other items all cost real money.
You can't buy anything with the in game money so you'll have to pay real money for all the guns and equipment.
Just downloaded it for shits and giggles with friends. But I can't even play the game, because you have to log in (again!) with your Steam email and password or you have to make an account for theHunter. (terrible name, btw)
The best thing, though, is, that even when you put your email and password correctly, you just get the message that something is incorrect. And there is no way that I make an extra account for that piece of programed rubbish. I get enough spam in my email box already.
Really good game other than the "FREE TO PLAY" part. The fact of the matter is this game is limited to play. To hunt every animal or get supplies you must buy them with in-game currency that is paid for. Other than that its a good game and i recommend it. Hope this helped cheers!
Ok. I have now hit around the 100 hour mark in this game and its time to review it. Does this game deserve 40% negative review? short answer: NO. Long answer: Still no, but I understand why its so low. This game is advertized as a "free to play" game. This is sadly not the case. This is a pay to play Hunting simulator. And let me tell you, this is the single best hunting game ever made. Hands down the most fun and imersive hunting experience I have ever had the pleasure to enjoy. I love this game and always will. TheHunter classic will be a game I come back to again and again for two reasons.
1) Like I said above this game gets hunting right. From big game to small the team at EW has done an amazing job creating beutifull hunting reserves inhabited by great looking and beliveable animals to hunt. Its a blast to shoot bucks and ducks alike.
2) I have spent too much money not to get the most out of this game. I think I am sitting at about a $250 bill when it is all said and done. From guns, blinds, lures, callers, bait stations, tents and any hunting equipment you could think of I have bought something of it. But here is why this game is sitting at 40% negative on steam review.
The majority of reviews here are from people who downloaded the game, played for a hour and quit and uninstalled when they saw what is free in the game. Which is not very much. You can always hunt for free with licences for Whitetail deer, all the rabbits and pheasant's. They also give you the means to hunt all of these animals. For free equipment you get the .243 bolt action rifle, 12ga single shot shotgun (not free when I started years ago by the way, bonus for new players now!) and unlimited free ammo for both guns. You also get binoculars, deer bleet caller and a camera to take pics with. You as a free user can also join other hosts multiplayer games but you yourself can't host a game without membership. You can complete missions for specific animals and earn in-game money to buy consumables with. You cant get any weapons with the mission money. You can however earn the premium curency by entering and winning competitions (you are unlikely to win so I dont really count this).
By now many people will already not want to bother trying this game if you have read this far.
Try it anyways.
Trust me here you cant get some really fun hunting done with what you have a free user. Its basicly a demo so why not give it a try and see if you like it. And if you do like the game then buy a membership package. I recomend the $54 one that gives you a year of licences to hunt all animals and a bunch of new weapons and equipment to get you a really good start. With that package you dont really need to buy anything else to get the full experience out of the game.
Here are some tips to get free stuff in game (dont say the devs never gave you anything).
By verifying your email you get a free rifle. Do that in your account info in the launcher. Aslo if you send a referal link to a friend (find that in the launcher sidebar) and they make a TheHunter account you get a ground blind free and your friend gets premium curency and some free equipment. So get a friend to try with you, and if they decide to buy a membership package (you will get the following rewards depending on what package they buy) you get a premium engraved .308 rifle, engraved deer "grunt" caller and a two person tree stand all for free. Also in steam there is a free dlc equipment package that gives you a bunch of consumables for no cost.
First of all i dont want to talk about what this game has done right wait it did nothing right you cant just you cant go in the water to hunter 99% of the animals you have to pay REAL money for it you have to buy guns with REAL money and you have to buy ammo wit REAL money its just awful and to start a multiplayer game you need to have premium which is jut dumb there are like 3 animals that you can hunt without buying there licences not to mention you have to buy callers with REAL money to get the animals to get close to you and you walk around for half an hour not even seeing an animal and when you do find and animal you cant shoot it unless you have the licenses there is ingame money but all you can buy with it scent eliminators that do like nothing you also have to buy dogs with REAL money and you have to buy duck decoys with you guessed it REAL money if i were you dont waist your time downloading the game and if you do download the game dont buy anything in the game with real money its just a wast
To much to fricking pay for the game, the game itself is an amazing idea and an amazing game although it has to much fucking paywalls in it.I mean that really just makes you fricking selfish morons who don't care about the game or the people playing it, but the money they make so just screw you guys.You can only play the game enjoyably by paying for every fucking bit.BS game developers
pretty much the only hunting game that takes a stap at not being a fast passed arcade shooter.
been playing for years and i keep goin back. the range of hunting areas, species and hunting techniques mean you can keep the repetivity at bay.new content is fairly regular but the game overall is expensive. a membership is about £20 thats not bad but a new rifle will cost you £5 and their is so much stuff to buy. and this game is NOT free to play. you can play but its more of an on goig demo you will get 1 basic gun and 1 basic shotgun and 2 species on a rotation. its access to the tip of the iceberg to see if its for you.
graphics are bad, minimal gameplay, laggy as all hell and my pc can run battlefield 1 flawlessly on the highest graphics settings and the sound was not all that great.
I wanted to come back to this game but after remembering i couldnt do much w/o continuously spending money, i decided to give up on it. If this game had a one-time payment and then i could play with no restrictions (Hell i would even still pay for it if i could play with MOST of the restrictions gone) then i would definitely pay the one time fee and enjoy this game. Otherwise, im moving on with my money
I want to love this game. Which I do enjoy it alot, but what it comes down to is what everyone else says, PAYWALLS. When you start you get 3 days of unlimited tags for any animal which sounds great right? The catch is that you only get two guns, sure the 12 Gauge is permitted to use on A LOT more animals than the .243 they give you as well but once the three days is up don't expect to be able to enjoy the game until you spend $3.99 on some game time. But wait there's more! You still only have the two guns, one blind, one bottle of decent scent remover, and one call that only works for deer. So in other words expect to spend a ton of money on this game if you really want to play it. It's not my kind of game for that exact reason. Other than the paywalls this game is amazing. If they were to remove the paywalls and make you pay $30 for the game I'd be all in for sure but there's no way I'm playing any more of this. Hopefully the new one will not have paywalls but I'm not holding my breath.
very outdated look but good idea
i recommend you buy the newer version theHunter call of the wild much better game
Игры похожие на theHunter Classic
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Expansive Worlds |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 03.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 42% положительных (235) |