Разработчик: Biart Company LLC
Кроме того, вам предстоит стать охотником за сокровищами и подводным фотографом. В режиме свободного плавания можно будет насладиться детально воссозданным подводным миром и совершить дополнительные погружения, чтобы развить возможности своего персонажа.
Подводная охота с использованием гарпунного ружья – один из популярнейших экстремальных видов спорта в мире.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, russian
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows 7
- Процессор: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz or AMD Athlon X2 2.7 GHz
- Оперативная память: 1 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVidia GeForce 8800. ATI equivalent. Intel Integrated Graphics HD3000
- DirectX: версии 9.0c
- Место на диске: 920 MB
- ОС *: Windows 7+
- Процессор: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVidia GeForce 8800 or higher. ATI equivalent. Intel Integrated Graphics HD4000+
- DirectX: версии 9.0c
- Место на диске: 920 MB
Отзывы пользователей
The graphics are rich and interesting. and the music is mesmerizing. Gameplay excels in allowing a realistic sense of discovery, and even has some puzzle solving. There is even the possibility of learning due to the choice of the real world environments. There is a sense of legitimate marine preservation of valuable animals, without being heavy handed or political. This is not an action game, nor should it be; the gameplay is absolutely relaxing and delightful.
I am very satisfied with BIArt's entry here. There are some bugs; I had a hard time completing certain goals. Some objects can be hard to find even with the tracker. Navigation between scenes sometimes takes longer than I want to wait.
Overall, thank you BIArt for a solid, thoughtful, enjoyable entry!
Chill game
I would judge this to be a simple 5$ game that would be a good fit for youth interested in ocean content. The controls are poorly handled and UI is terribly designed as if made by someone with little gaming experience but the gameplay is very linear and does exactly what it claims to do. While I didn't care for it to much, I would have to recommend it for those that are the interested target audience.
I enjoyed this game...up to a point! The last few achievements don't drop, and the game seems to have been abandoned by the devs. So, the game cannot be 100% completed.
Completed the campaign mode in a bit over 3 hours and I have to say I agree with the other comments that this game is worth buying only on sale. Otherwise I genuinely like it as a casual/relaxing game. It's not your typical cozy game but I'd say it's one. My favorite part is going around photographing different marine animals.
Not unless it is on sale for like 75% or greater.
It's more of a simulator than a game, as it takes less than 2 hours to beat and is no reason to continue playing afterward as you will have unlocked everything at that point - making coins and experience useless.
I truly do not understand how this game has a mostly positive rating when it's full price is $15 USD. Baffling.
I am extremely disappointed.
This is not worth even streaming as a kuso, there is no real gameplay.
click acquire coin click acquire coin
might as well be a mobile game, it has less complexity than angry birds
the fish do not even react to you
I really like this game. It's so relaxing and calming, I can never feel tired when playing this because the atmosphere is so cool. In other reviews that don't recommend this people say that it can feel boring because everything is repetitive. In my opinion the boring part is exaggeration because the issue here isn't the gameplay, it's just a matter of taste. I don't complain when it comes to doing same things really because they're interesting to me. Other than capturing fish I take photos,find treasures and yes these are basically all there is to do in the game, but again just a matter of taste. If you like the music and the environment you won't feel bored. It's just soo refreshing to dive into ocean after a long tiring work day. To decide whetever this game is suited for you or not, just download demo.
Although game could be way better than this too, sadly I must admit. So, to have a safe invesment wait for good sale, I would say 70% and beyond. Which is imminent this being 7 years old.
Depth Hunter 2: Deep Dive is a truly relaxing game where the only 3 objects to the game are catch fish with a speargun, take pictures of fish with an underwater camera, and to not drown! You can take some pretty good pictures and get some good screenshots in this game. There is also some dlcs if you beat the game and find you need to play some more :)
As with most Unity based games, expect issues.
Fun and relaxing, but not worth the full asking price, issues are with broken DLC (scuba kids).
No remapping of controls is available though the ini file might be able to be hak'd.
A poor GUI that makes you click on things you don't want. just so you can select what you do want, this happens in the shop area when you click on the bag (gadgets) icon. Can also crash the game by going left too many times via the arrows. Sometimes you are unable to start a mission without up to 6 / 7 clicks, due to some unresponsive behaviour.
Very little explanation as to what the items do, i.e. Bombs for instance are only for scuba kids missions. You have to find that out the hard way.
The mouse keeps changing the item in hand so I'm trying to hunt with a spear gun, sometimes the camera pops up or the radar, vice vs.
Some missions do not behave forcing you to reload in the hope the next time round it will work, and sometimes that does !
There is no attempt at animation when finding something, it just pops out of existence. For some reason it makes the camera angle spin round to some disorientating angle, and then you get a large picture zoomed into the middle of the screen blocking you from looking for things temporarily which gets old rather quick as many items you find are not unique.
One of the DLC also uses the worst possible imagination of quicktime events, instead of asking you to doge left / right, it expects you to think in the keyboard layout as in AWSD. So playing on an xbox controller, you have to put down, and then start using a keyboard. There is not even a consistency as to where the QS instruction appears on the screen. On top of that the math is wrong but I won't go into spoilers to explain how. Get this wrong and you have to start the whole mission over from scratch, no save point before.
Music is very limited, could use some alternatives.
Could also use 3x as many fish and locations.
Could do with a HD graphics update as the textures and models are amateurish but don't actually detract too much from the fun. As a game specialising in an underwater environment it's a shame more effort wasn't put into colours of reefs and just a drab generic feel to all the locations is the effect.
Depth hunter certainly lacks depth but does have a hunt !
On the positive side, it's fun , undemanding even on time limits, relaxing and very few games on the market for this kind of experience.
Minimalistic and therapeutic - food for the soul.
Simple is the most perfect word to describe this game.
A blend of simple objectives (e.g. capture x amount of x fish or take pictures of x),
timed and non-timed challenges (e.g. capture x amount of fish), hidden object and exploration.
It's basic and clean. The type of game that you play for a few minutes every now and then for a healthy dose of peace within.
This is perhaps the time to mention the exploration mode. Self explanatory, maybe? There is
no goal or objective. You simply explore and soak in your enviroment and the music. It's a meditative experience!
The meat of the game can be completed within a few hours but of course, there are dlcs if you hunger for more! Perhaps not worth the current asking price but that very much depends on the individual.😇
Depth Hunter 2: Deep Dive
If you are looking for a casual, relaxing game that has quite easy missions, that’s your game. This game provides simple missions, a relaxing atmosphere and some fun, while you try to spot its hidden treasures. On the other hand if you want a spearfishing simulator.... well that game isn't a simulator.
First of all, no human being can stay underwater for that long. In real life spearfishing you take a deep breath, you dive, you hit the fish you spotted (it is more likely to miss...) and then you get out again for a breath. Well in this game i caught 50 fishes with one breath!!! Also when you purchase the last upgrade for diving, your oxygen levels are like you got a scuba set.....I searched the map 2 times, all around, with a single breath.... Secondly you may miss some shots early in the game, but after you purchase 1 or 2 upgrades it seems that you can hit fishes that are almost 5 meters away. Finally the fishes don't react like real fishes do. In real life when the fishes spot the hunter they run for their lives.... hiding behind or under rocks or just swimming away at lightning's speed. In this game sometimes it seems they head towards you.
Nonetheless, I recommend this game for casual players that want a relaxing game, where they can spend some time exploring the map, but i suggest you purchase it when is only at a great discount.
If you are paying more than $20 for this, please go get a real set of fins and mask, then tyr the actual thing in the oceans. This game gets boring fairly quickly. Just like real fish in the ocean, it's hard ot track them in the game. Try to ignore the exciting music in the ad for the game, the actual game is not nearly as exciting.
It's basically an aquatic themed hidden objects game in 3D.
Story / missions are trivial. Don't upgrade your radar, so that the locations of treasure items don't get spoiled. Prolongs gameplay.
Tricky end-game+ is finding all the coins which don't show on the radar.
In the end it's like watching fish in an aquarium (in a positve calming way).
Has nice underwater locations to discover/explore (coral reefs, caves, wrecks, ruins etc.)
All in all nice little game. Perfect for 15min zen meditation chill out before going to bed.
Buy when on sale. Only two DLCs give you additional 3d locations.
This game is nice, when you're aware of what the features are.
Maybe I should start with describing what this game is NOT:
- It is NOT a realistic diving simulator.
- It is NOT story-rich.
- It is NOT challenging.
So, what is Depth Hunter 2 then? It is perfect to relax. You start your tour on your boat, you get a short mission briefing and then you start to dive. You take a harpoon, a radar and a camera with you. To be successful, you have to catch some special types of fishes, find loot on the ground of the sea or take high-quality photos of reefs or animals. That's all. When you have finished all missions in one location, you unlock the next. There are 5 locations in general which vary slightly one from another. The surroundings are nice to watch, but could have been detailed more. The underwater world looks vivid, though.
As I mentioned before, the game isn't challenging - you should not expect too much; The price of 15 bucks is way too high, wait until it is on sale and you can grab the complete bundle including all DLCs for around 5 €/$.
As a result I can say, this game is perfect to relax and to bowl down some simple quests while you're enjoying some nice underwater-surroundings.
A fun little game, probably not worth full price i'd say since it doesn't have alot of things to do unless you buy the DLCs that add a bit more things to do.
The overall gameplays, looks and feels of the game are nice though, it just centers around exploring around in an area, finding treasure, coins, catching fish and taking photos of sea creatures.
Though, the game is certainly not flawless, it has some mistakes that i've certainly noticed.
-The text is weird.
This is a bit nippicky, but when a mission for me is "Make a photo of 5 fish" then i begin to question wherther or not the person that wrote that is a person who has good experience with the english language, and this is not just one typo mistake. It says "Make a _____" on just about every quest.
-Small maps
Like it says, the maps are not really that big, they are certainly good looking and a bit interesting to explore, but there isn't much map to it. The standard game comes with 3 maps which can easily be fully explored in a matter of hours.
-Uninteresting treasures
One of the things you can do in this game is collect treasure on the sea bottom, things like ancient swords, shields helmets and stuff like that. But it's really just the same stuff scattered around randomly and with no history or story about them, i would have appreciated if the loot was unique for the map you were on and if they were real salvaged artifacts that had been re-created in the game and with a bit of history to read about them. But it's not like that, they also got silly names like "Sword of justice" like it's some sort of enchanted thing from a fantasy RPG.
Overall it's a decent game to get on a sale if you enjoy underwater exploration games, but don't expect to get a whole lot of hours on it, because it's quite easily completed.
* 3/10
* Casual spearfishing game (Supposed to be.. Its not really)
* Frickin Child-proof
* VERY Pricey. 2,5$ for a DLC for this game.. Give me a break..
* Good graphics
* Good & needed idea/concept
* Plenty of fish types
* 2 hrs of gameplay.. Thats what you get at most.. And thats because I went around aimlessly.
* So easy to play you can hardly say there is a game here.. You cant miss.. While spearfishing???!!! You can be shootin at an angel fish at 15 mt and still you will hit %100 and reel in.. There is absolutely ZERO difficulty.. No challanges.
* Game is by default child-proof.. You cant shoot at anything you want. Its so stupid.. You cant fire your speargun in water. Has to be a target.. You cant shoot any target... Ridiculous..
* Sound effects are like a casino game.. You get a slot machine sound everytime you catch fish or pick up something from ocean floor.. Its Vegas spearfishing..
* No realistic animal behavior.. You can head-butt a shark.. And it just stays there.. No reaction. Nothing..
* One of additional equipment in game is "extra 6 MINUTES oxygen".. You become a submarine.. What kind of free diving world do you live in that I hold my breath additional 6 minutes and exert myself swimming around full speed with a speargun..
* The lousy trick that the developer pulled to some people who bought his greenlight bundle.. (+++Rep to Kenuty being the only person in Negative reviews mentioning it)
There is no game here.. This is not even arcade. No content. Spend your money on real games. There are great games for the same amount of money where Devs really develop a REAL game... I didnt know about the scam they pulled before I bought the game. If I knew, I wouldnt buy it. They promised people keys while in Greenlight, in a bundle and when they get Greenlit, they changed the name of the game, made some tweaks and didnt give out their keys..
TL; DR: What a WASTE OF MONEY... Do not buy.. Look elsewhere
Bought this on sale for about 3 pounds, had fun for 3 hours. That's less than I'd pay to watch a movie or go to the pub for 3 hours so I'm not complaining.
After 3 hours I'd got full upgrades (in fact I got most of them after the first mission after spending time collecting coins) and had played all the modes the game had - fishing, treasure hunting, taking photo's.
Past that, other than more of the same on different maps the game was done for me. I guess it's possible there was a whole different game waiting to be unlocked after another hours worth of play but I doubt it.
I think the main draw with this is the novelty of playing underwater (seems to be one of the next big things from what I can see). If that's what interests you then I'd try Subnautica instead. Otherwise, at sale prices this relieves a boring weekend afternoon - If I'd paid full price this would have been a negative review.
A casual game, not a hardcore diving simulator. The missions aren't very challenging, but are still fun to play. My goto relaxing sim. If you're looking for a more realistic diving sim, try Infinite Scuba (non-Steam game) [url]https://www.infinitescuba.com/ [/url]
I've long wanted a cool underwater simulator, not for combat but just exploration. Depth Hunter 2 could have been that game except for one massive failure.
There is no way to remap the keys. In the 21st century, lacking this feature is simply unforgivable.
Great game if you want to just kill some time and relax. Music is soothing, game play is simple. If you want to take pictures, hunt for treasure and just enjoy swimming around with the creatures of the sea then, this is a good game. However, maps are small and more maps are in the version of DLCs. You have limited underwater wildlife you can hunt for and sharks don't attack. In game upgrades are all purchased with the gold you find and the credits you earn while playing the game by hunting the fish and the like.
I really can't give this a rating because, this is the first underwater game I've played of this type that I can remember. I'd have to play more of them before doing so. All-in-all, I'd say it's worth the time and money if you like these type of games.
It does have a few missions in the game for you to accomplish so, it's not all just swimming around in the beginning. The missions don't seem to be mandatory but, completing them allows you to unlock more upgrades.
Edit: As for more maps, I have 3 maps plus 2 after buying one DLC. Not sure how many maps there are in all though? 5 maps are a lot of exploring. So, from what I can tell so far is, 3 of the maps are mission maps, the first three. The DLC maps are for exploration.
2 more maps come with this DLC: http://store.steampowered.com/dlc/248530/
I would also like to add that, all the pictures you take in game with the camera, it has a feature in your menu to view them and/or, make the as desktop wallpaper. That's cool. :)
After reading what this game is about, I was disappointed in what I've played and not because the game is bad in any way or form. It was just plain boring in terms of gameplay mechanic, and the simulation aspect of it all. Yes I actually just beaten this game and I banged my head against my bathtub wishing this was a more complex simulator but instead is an arcadey, tedious, and casual game that needs way more work If you're wondering why I am not playing anymore of this game, This is how long it takes to beat the entire campaign. I think this game can be better than what it is and heres why.
The game starts off with you looking at the map and seeing that there are 3 Large areas you can explore in the game, You'll start in Thailand then go to South Africa reefs, the last and final reef is the Bahamas all of which is decently sized and looks great.
The gameplay is about spearfishing, Aim your speargun at a fish, shoot, and watch it automatically get reeled in with camera gameplay and treasure hunting thrown in.
The missions consist of the player searching for treasures around the area, look around and shoot fish or find treasures for 5-10 mins, find specific fish, or take pictures of fish. These missions will repeat most of the time. You can kill so many fish but when it comes to sharks, turtles, jellyfish, morays, stingrays and so on the game will have a don't shoot box over them. When you do try to shoot them you'll shoot AIR. EMPTY AIR, even if the game says don't shoot I SHOULD HAVE THE FREEDOM TO SPEAR THEM FOR THE HELL OF IT. If I do so I should also be punished for it instead such as being fined, or sharks coming back to bite me off. Something instead of empty air.
The graphics to this game is quite nice and there is a good amount of fish to see and capture, the open area in the water and the underwatercave are pretty nicely done also and each of the maps are a decent size. The sound and music to this game is also nicely done HOWEVER
The mechanic and gameplay to this game is absolutely boring and unimmersive and also very arcadelike. It is very fun during the beginning of the game for about 30 mins then it just became repetitive and boring. Whenever you shoot a fish you'll acquire xp and gold which makes this annoying coin sound as if you're playing a slot game ruining the immersion of the game completely. After earning enough gold which takes about 5 mins or less of you swimming around shooting every fish you see in sight, you can then spend to upgrade 4 different things, your camera, more usb slots to take picture of fish, speargun accuracy and length, and your swim fins, once you fully upgrade all this. You'll swim at a really fast speed and any fishy you see can easily be minced meat basically because you'll become the son of poseidon himself. You're basically done and gold will completely become useless except for spending on more usb slots to take pictures of fish. Hell even the picture taking mechanic is pretty drysince all you need to do is point it as close to the fish as possible to take a picture as long as they are in the frame, the numbers also have to be 100% or you cant get points for taking thier pictures. Theres nothing in this game that can kill you except make you lose oxygen and there is nothing challenging about the breathing in this game at all, just swim to top and your oxygen can be filled fully without a single struggle, the only way you lose is when you forget that you're not diving but snorkeling.
I think the game could do much better than this in future sequel. I want to be able to control the pulling of the fish in, Taking the spear out the fish or cutting the lines once I hunt them, drag them back to the boat feeling the weight of hunting. Instead of just picking up treasures from the ground with one button players should be forced to brush off the sand and figure out how to extact the treasure out carefully. Also the fact that I should be able to shoot any animal I want and in doing so will have a consequence on my gold or what not instead.
If you're going to give players levels and XP in a game it should have a reason except that it was completely pointless. Right now this game has an awsome concept, but it needs to build on that concept and make itself AMAZING. I am not easily impressed because it was downright too simple, super casual.
If you think I am lieing Go download the game and play it, Congratulations you've basically played 80% of the game for free.
I also want to warn you guys of the dev pulling a fast one on bundle buyers which someone has come to my attention about.
Long story short? Dev promised to try to get keys for people on desura etc, then turned around and rebundled game into a different name and in turn changed thier tune after getting greenlight. He didn't make a different game but took the same game and change its name so he doesn't have to give them keys. I would look up more about this company before you make your purchase in the future. This is something I do not condone from developers of breaking promises. Will not be buying anymore products in the future hell don't even send it to me for free.
+Great Graphics
+Good sized open area
+Shooting fish is satisfying
+Great amount of fish to shoot at
+Sport is Extreme
- Gameplay mechanic too simple, gets SUPER tedious
- Can't shoot jellyfish, turtles, sharks, morays, dolphins, crabs, urchins, reefs, sponges and the list goes on
- No multiplayer of any kind or score comparisons
- Missions are downright tedious and boring, Find treasure, shoot a certain fish, or search out a fish with waypoints showing you directly where the fish is. Sometimes the treasure quest tells you to search in a 40km area then becomes boring as sin searching 30 mins on the ground clicking.
My advice is to shelf out 10 more dollars, head to early access and get world of diving.
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Biart Company LLC |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 74% положительных (95) |