Разработчик: Almost Human Games
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Об игре
Legend of Grimrock — ролевая игра на исследование подземелий в современном исполнении, но зато с духом старой школы. Группа узников приговорена к верной смерти в ссылке на изолированной горе Гримрок за жуткие преступления, которые они, может быть, и не совершали. Но не ведали их каратели, что гора пронизана древними туннелями, подземельями и гробницами давно исчезнувших цивилизаций. Теперь, если они хотят когда-либо снова увидеть дневной свет и обрести свободу, сбродная группа изгнанников должна сплотиться в команду и спуститься через нутро горы, уровень за уровнем.Игра возвращает старомодные испытания, такие как тактические битвы в реальном времени и перемещения по сетке, хитроумно запрятанные переключатели и секретные места, а также смертельные ловушки и жутких монстров. Legend of Grimrock ставит акцент на головоломках и исследовании так, что разум и восприятие игрока — гораздо более важные инструменты, нежели самый острый из мечей, какой только может быть. А если ты закаленный в изучении подземелий ветеран и жаждешь еще больших испытаний, то запасайся листами в клеточку и включай режим «Oldschool», чтобы отключить такую излишнюю роскошь, как автоматическая карта. Готовы ли вы рискнуть и распутать тайны горы Гримрок?
Ключевые особенности:
- Исследуйте обширную сеть древних туннелей, раскройте секреты и найдите способ выжить в опасных подземельях горы Гримрок.
- Творите заклинания при помощи рун, варите зелья из трав и сражайтесь со смертоносными монстрами с помощью разнообразного оружейного арсенала.
- Создайте отряд из четырех персонажей и придайте им индивидуальности с помощью различных рас, классов, навыков и особенностей.
- Чистокровная игра-лабиринт с сеточным перемещением и тысячами квадратиков, напичканных спрятанными переключателями, нажимными плитами, выдвижными стенами, плавающими кристаллами, заброшенными алтарями, дверями с ловушками и многим другим.
- Подарочное издание включает в себя: красивое руководство по игре, карту мира Legend of Grimrock, разлинованную бумагу для записей в режиме «Oldschool», музыку из игры, стильные карточки созданий Гримрока, а также фото команды разработчиков.
Поддерживаемые языки: english
Системные требования
- ОС: Windows XP с пакетом обновления 3
- Процессор: двухъядерный Intel с тактовой частотой 2 ГГц или AMD с тактовой частотой 2,8 ГГц
- Оперативная память: 2 ГБ
- Видеокарта: ATI Radeon X1600 или NVIDIA GeForce 7600, или лучше (не менее 256 МБ видеопамяти, необходима поддержка шейдерной модели версии 3.0). Минимально поддерживаемые разрешения экрана: 1280x720 и 1024x768.
- DirectX®: 9.0c
- Жесткий диск: 1 ГБ свободного места
- Звуковая карта: совместимая с DirectX 9.0c
- ОС: Windows Vista или Windows 7
- Процессор: четырехъядерный Intel с тактовой частотой 2,66 ГГц или AMD с тактовой частотой 3,2 ГГц
- Оперативная память: 4 ГБ
- Видеокарта: поддерживающая OpenGL версии 2.1 и выше; ATI Radeon HD 2900 или NVIDIA GeForce 8800, или лучше; необходима поддержка шейдерной модели версии 3.0
- DirectX®: 9.0c
- Жесткий диск: 1 ГБ свободного места
- Звуковая карта: совместимая с DirectX 9.0c
- ОС: Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) или новее
- Процессор: Intel Core 2 Duo (двухъядерный)
- Оперативная память: 2 ГБ
- Жесткий диск: 1 ГБ свободного места
- Видеокарта: с поддержкой OpenGL 2.1 или более новой версии (с 256 и более МБ видеопамяти). Минимальные поддерживаемые разрешения экрана — 1280x720 и 1024x768
- ОС: Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) или новее
- Процессор: Intel Core i5
- Оперативная память: 4 ГБ
- Жесткий диск: 1 ГБ свободного места
- Видеокарта: ATI Radeon HD 2900 или NVIDIA GeForce 8800 или лучше (с 512 МБ видеопамяти или больше)
Отзывы пользователей
Great old school dungeon crawler mixed with real time combat.
Much like what others have said, this is a great old school game. It also brings back why I quit playing these types of games many years ago. I found them very frustrating. And as I'm now older, I find them much more frustrating. However; I still highly recommend this game.
A masterpiece. Check out the LoG2 as well.
"I wonder what's behind this door"
*opens door*
"Is that a giant spide-ACKKKKKKK"
Good ol' tile-based first-person dungeon crawler. I didn't play a lot of it, but what I did was enjoyable.
An absolute gem! Implements very traditional dungeon crawler in a way that it's joy to play even in 2025. A lot of secrets to find and puzzles are mostly fun to solve. Learning to cope with the moving might take some time but it'll come sooner or later. Remember to dance when fighting!
Do it...
If you are a fan of the old dungeon crawler games then this is a must play. The puzzles are decent, the enemies are varied (the furious giant attack snail was funny). There were only a couple of occasions where I needed to cheese the system to kill something.
If you aren't a fan of those old games then there is something new for you to experience here. It is certainly not as frustrating as those games.
Contrary to the developer's belief, you do NOT need 25 poison spiders in one area.
Un classique donjon, dans le style de dungeon master (fin des annees 80).
Juste avec des graphismes modernes.
Mais le style reste tres proche.
Ha, it takes you to the past ancient games... just with thousands times better visuals.
Great experience and atmosphere, played on normal and the challenge was good. The boss was lackluster and the spell system was annoying. I end up playing a lot more due to backtracks and the secrets, still missed some things.
This game is digital cr'ack
This game has ruined all other grid based dungeon crawlers for me.
Graphic quality is decent. Music is great. User interface and plot are good.
I would suggest making it so when a character is charging an action, other characters could also attack rather than just be idling. And the grid combat system can be easily exploit because most of the time you are guaranteed to win against an enemy in a 2x2 grid, so I think that aspect could be improved.
I've played this game ages ago, long before i had enough money to buy games on steam. I don't think I've ever finished it back then, but it always lingered in my mind, as an experience i want to go back to. Recently, I sat down and went through it from start to finish, and I have to say, it's a wonderful game, full of secrets to figure out by yourself, rather unique real-time combat, and an unmistakeable, dungeon-crawler atmosphere. Since the days I first played this game, and downloaded it from some sketchy torrents site, I've played a whole lot of table-top RPGs and, frankly, after all these years, I find the traps, and room designs of this game, to be both a golden standard of what you should aim for in gaming, either one played on the table, or on the computer. The exploring aspect is extraordinary, the gameplay loop is satisfying and the last boss is so campy and well-thought-out it just... works perfectly, bringing both a smile and high intensity into the last few minutes of the game. Overall, I think of this game as 9/10, as the locations can become a bit repetitive, and a fuckup may mean a lot of mindless backtracking. Other than that, I can't wait to see the second part of this series, as it seemed like an improvement over an already wonderful game.
I tried playing the OG Eye of the Beholder like a week ago. I started the game only to find out there was no map. "Well, shit. Fine, I'll keep playing for right now and if need be I can bust out the ol' graph paper." Then I got to some stairs and it told me to go to page 6 of the manual and read one of the passages. "ahhh yeah no not today." I didn't feel like alt-tabbing to look at the manual every 2 minutes.
Anyways so yeah this game is basically the same shit except you don't need a manual or graph paper on hand to actually enjoy the game. Anything you have to read is, y'know, in the game, and by default there's an automap. It even has an "oldschool mode" where it takes away the in-game map if you still wanna engage in the self-made maps aspect.
Game's great if you're looking for an oldschool style game. Very puzzle heavy. Ngl, for YEARS I saw screenshots of this game and said "nah this looks like knock-off Dark Souls. I already have all the Dark Souls", but then my friend streamed this for me and I was like "yooooooooo this ain't Dark Souls, this is Eye of the Beholder" and the rest is history
I appreciate that the classes and character races are limited and straightforward in this game. A lot of old RPGs have a TON of class and species options, but then half of them are fucking worthless. This game just kinda streamlines a lot of that aspect by giving you 4 races and 3 classes. Ultimately it probably takes away replay value I'm sure, but, how many times can you really replay a puzzle game anyways?
Good game, very good if you enjoy puzzles.
VERY fun dungeon crawler.
mostly a puzzle game with combat, exploration, and treasure as pacing elements. creates a gameplay loop that works really well. its such a mentally stimulating experience if you can get past the janky combat.
10/10 on level/puzzle design alone.
I played Legend of Grimrock when it came out, but never got past the first couple of levels. I've always said that I'll play through it one day. Over 10 years later, that day has finally come.
Legend of Grimrock is a dungeon-crawling RPG with lots of puzzles. The game has no real story to speak of, but rather a semblance of one. You control a party of convicts that have been imprisoned in a huge tower which no one ever comes out of. The tower is befitting a true dungeon and is filled with all kinds of monsters, traps and puzzles. The real emphasis in Legend of Grimrock is on puzzles and secrets, while combat and RPG elements come secondary.
Speaking of combat, I find it utterly terrible. The combat is in real-time and consist of moving your characters with keyboard while performing actions by mouse. Like in all old-school dungeon crawlers, the map is divided by square spaces and you control your party in first-person view. Most of the time, the combat will resemble you strafing around a monster and hitting it, while it turns hopelessly around in circles trying to follow you. The game is designed so you need to isolate the monsters by kiting, killing them one at a time by using glitches. So yes, terrible combat. On the other hand, the puzzles are pretty well-designed and generally quite rewarding, but their sheer quantity is overwhelming. There is literally a puzzle or a secret at every corner and I was glad to be rid of them by the time I finished the game.
In terms of presentation, Legend of Grimrock looks fairly decent. It also lacks any kind of musical background, so you'll be wandering around in silence. However, this silence adds to the distinct dungeon-crawling atmosphere that is present in the game. All in all, I consider Legend of Grimrock more of a puzzle game than a RPG.
This game has gained legendary status over the years, but I wasn't impressed by it in any way. There are better dungeon crawlers out there, both older and newer.
Score (out of 10):
Truly the dark souls 2 of grimrock games
i was bored so i installed some games i got on sale.
first was bards tale which quickly turned into a healthcare inssurance simulator.
but then i played grimrock and it was much alike but improved in many ways.
im playing on easy becouse i KNOW RPGs start with you oneshotting everyone and then reversing those rolls, and this was no different.
the game has food/light mechanics which are very forgiving, and a dark&darker gear system.
its also very simple which is good, and 70% of the game is puzzles which make you feel smart and arent using moon logic (most of the time).
i learned about both bards tale and grimrock in the song *i want my RPG* from miricle of sound.
and another mention to grimrock in a mandelore gaming video.
i recomend this game if you want to play old video games but are put off by insane mechanic desighn ;)
8 / 10
Enjoyed playing this on Normal Mode. I have been playing the second game, which is definitely better, but I kept stumbling on that game, so I decided to play this all the way through to get the hang of the gameplay better.
--- Solid gameplay, once you grasped the controls, how to organise and handle your inventory, and how to make fast gestures with keyboard and mouse, it is very playable.
--- Very good graphics and animations as indie games go from early 2010's. I did muck around with earlier dungeon crawler games like EYE OF THE BEHOLDER which had very shoddy animations, but these GRIMROCK games are a massive technical upgrade.
--- Good variety of enemies.
--- On Normal Mode, it is a fair challenge if you don't save the game often, and you get into some tight situations with multiple enemies.
--- Probably just my gameplay experience, but a tactic I kept using is to lure the monsters individually by themselves into small areas so I can circle around them and kill them one by one. That got quite tedious after a while. But once you really geared your party up, you can just go in and slaughter hordes of enemies with a couple of your team dying.
--- Big flaw, but it's just the devs starting out at the time, the boxed in environments are more or less the same. The second GRIMROCK game is a massive improvement on level designs.
I enjoy this game cause its a real time dungeon crawler rather than turn based so it adds extra elements, also the fact that you can't melee from the back for example, its a niche game but very good one! (I have yet to play 2 hope its as good as this one)
true classic
Sufficiently reminiscent of the original Dungeon Master by FTL from back in the 80's to keep me engaged forever!
Can get frustrating in places as you realise you need to think and maybe focus on what the monsters aren't doing rather than on how they keep killing you!
Also handy to know how to go though combinations in grey-code sequence...
Even managing your game saves is critical so you can go back to key moments in the future.
The only awkward thing is that it's possible to get into areas before you have the equipment, notes or skills that you need - so when that happens, retrace your steps and see what you missed, or just get more XP on anywhere that you find spawner areas.
Really challenging and enjoyable!
Accidentally did... Something. Fell into a hole. Landed on an enemy that just happened to be walking underneath. Got an achievement. Fun.
I really want to like Legend of Grimrock. I've reinstalled it and given it another go probably a dozen times, but I never get very far because even though I like puzzle dungeons, I just hate the combat system, which is run away while firing in real time. I guess it's enough for me to not play a game that otherwise seems practically designed with me as the audience.
12 years late but really enjoyed the game! The combat is a little hard to learn at first but once you're used to it it's a good time! The magic is difficult but it kind of made it more charming in a way. Plus if you're like me and usually play games with a guide so you don't miss stuff there's plenty of guides that help you learn the magic. Alternatively you usually find the button combos for spells pretty early. Overall, 10/10! scratches the itch for wanting to play something close to a classic rpg
Excellent Dungeon Master clone. Tropetastic.
I got really surprised how satisfying is to play this game. Solve puzzles, uncover secrets, get better gear, slay monsters.
great game still holds up today
Love it as a decent Dungeon Crawler
This game is so unique and challenging. One of my favorite games of all time
First time playing and I had a blast. I got stuck and had to look up puzzle spoilers more than I would like to admit but the game was great. Now I'm moving on to Legend of Grimrock 2.
Not sure why the recent reviews are mixed, this is a great game. A bit obscure at times with its puzzles, and a little clunky by modern standards, but still a fun game. Seeing as one of the recent negative reviews is "How the ♥♥♥♥ attack in this game? Non key works." when the game TELLS you that all you need to do is right click to attack, I can only assume the negative reviews were left by morons.
How the fuck attack in this game? Non key works.
A great dungeon crawler. It's indie so this game has some irritating bugs but in general is an excellent experience.
Not for me
I get scared by the snail every goddamn time.
Surpassed only by its sequel for grid-based dungeon crawlers. The combat is fun and the puzzles are absolutely top notch.
excellent dungeon crawler. don't pass this up or legend of grimrock 2
Takes me back to the 80s and old school RPG
hours of frustrating gameplay for a dud ending
This game is fan, relaxing and challenging.
Pretty awesomely faithful recreation of my favourite type of game from the early 90s. Dungeon crawler where you go frame by frame with the keyboard. Finding items, solving puzzles and finding treasure. Similar to lands of lore or ultima underworlds. I remember how hyped i was when UW2 got released. This feels similar.
I am only a few hours in, but so far, no market to sell surplus items you find so dont bother hoarding them. There are also no NPCs which i find strange. I mean the plot is that you are in a prison, so i guess stores and npcs are not part of that. Still i am digging it. I even got stuck on one of the puzzles for several days! Several times a monster came out of nowhere and scared me :P
Glad people are still interested in making this type of game so that the younger generations can experience it.
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Almost Human Games |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 22.01.2025 |
Metacritic | 82 |
Отзывы пользователей | 93% положительных (3095) |