Разработчик: Gunfire Games
Об игре
Невообразимые миры и смертельные опасности
Remnant II® — продолжение крайне успешной игры Remnant: From the Ashes. Выжившим представителям человечества предстоит отправиться в жуткие миры и вступить в бой с новыми беспощадными тварями и богоподобными боссами. Исследуйте глубины неизведанного в одиночку или вместе с друзьями и помешайте злу разрушить реальность. Чтобы не допустить истребления человечества, игрокам придется пройти сложнейшие испытания, полагаясь на собственные навыки и помощь друзей.
Сражаясь с могучими боссами и их коварными приспешниками, вы вновь будете вынуждены то бросаться в ближний бой, то аккуратно отстреливать врагов издалека. Для исследования новых биомов понадобится тщательно выбирать оружие и снаряжение, а схватки с боссами и охота за самыми ценными наградами потребуют слаженной работы высокоуровневых игроков.
Путешествовать по новым причудливым мирам и за их пределами можно как в одиночку, так и с друзьями. Вам предстоит встретиться с невиданными существами и опаснейшими врагами. Вы побываете во множестве миров, населенных различными обитателями, где найдете новые виды оружия и интересные предметы. Используйте и улучшайте находки, чтобы совладать с сильными противниками.
Разветвленные цепочки заданий и динамически генерируемые подземелья и зоны проверят на прочность даже самых закаленных игроков, а различные усиления, добыча и система создания предметов помогут им в путешествиях. Каждое прохождение игры будет увлекательным, неповторимым и полным смертельных опасностей. В новых мирах вас ждет множество историй, которые подтолкнут к исследованиям и повторному посещению уже знакомых мест.
Вместе с расширенной системой классов появились уникальные пассивные бонусы и потрясающие способности. Путешествуя по мирам, вы сможете открыть новые классы, повысить их уровень и снарядить их, чтобы сделать игру еще более разнообразной.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, japanese, korean, portuguese - brazil, russian, simplified chinese
Системные требования
- ОС: Win 10
- Процессор: Intel Core i5-7600 / AMD Ryzen 5 2600
- Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 1650 / AMD Radeon RX 590
- Место на диске: 80 GB
- ОС: Win 10
- Процессор: Intel i5-10600k / AMD R5 3600
- Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce RTX 2060 / AMD Radeon RX 5700
- Место на диске: 80 GB
Отзывы пользователей
its good game but the problem is my friend wont play it with me they said its too scary or we need to play it 3am they have million reason not to play it im so sick of them i just want to play it. However i recommend it good game
Cc: 3tan
Abhorrent performance when playing despite owning a top of the line AMD card. 4K at high settings ran at an average of 62fps but would CONSTANTLY stutter when trying to render in LODs (moving the camera around at high speeds confirmed this is the thing causing the performance drain). Maybe UE5 is to blame with Nanite? either way; shit ass performance for a shit ass game on a high end rig.
Рекомендовать можно, но есть много но...
...которые будут раздражать все больше и больше на протяжении игры.
Плюсы расписывать не буду, обзоров куча, единственное, что хочу выделить - это стрельба. Она ощущается очень круто, к ней хочется возвращаться снова и снова.
Игру прошел два раза, оба - с нуля. Первый раз: кооп (2) + ветеран. Второй раз: кооп (3) + кошмар.
DLC нет.
Проблемы геймдизайна
Игра не должна быть роглайком.
Почему? Потому что многие части игры сводятся к гринду и рероллам локаций, где ты крутишь, пока тебе не выпадет нужное. А игра заключается не в забегах по 10-30 минут, где у тебя каждый новый забег является, по сути, началом игры. Ремнант не про это.
У данного подхода есть несколько больших проблем.
1. На примере ситуации из первой части игры. Нашел глиняного босса, с которым можно взаимодействовать для его активации. В него нужно вставить предмет, выпадающий с альтернативного убийства опционального босса, который мне не заролился в кампании. Как обычный работяга, я даже об этом не узнаю и, естественно, не выполню. Во втором ремнанте хватает подобных ситуаций, когда происходит перекрещивание условий и результата из локаций, в которые ты можешь никогда не попасть.
2. Дубляж опциональных локаций, боссов и ивентов. Наролить другую сюжетку несложно, но ты никогда не угадаешь с побочками, часть из которых, скорее всего, будет повторяться.
3. Невозможность зароллить отдельные миры в кампании. И так, во втором прохождении вижу повторяющиеся мейн цепочки.
Почему нельзя было сделать одну большую кампанию? Две отдельных, в которых четко прописаны разные сюжеты, которые не будут повторяться? Аналогично можно было бы сделать с ивентами и опциональными локациями, ну или хотя бы добавить некую защиту от повтора.
1. Сеты и оружия. Их, если так посудить, хватает, но только если бегаешь, роллишь сюжетки, фармишь и т.д. Для обычного прохождения их нереально мало. Вышеописанная проблема с расширением сюжета могла бы исправить ситуацию. Так же можно было убрать альтернативное убийство босса и дать игроку выбор между оружиями, которые он может заранее посмотреть (а еще лучше - пощупать) и определиться, что нужно именно ему. И не дай бог прокнуть боссам и вариантам убийства на мили оружия человеку, который играет хантером. С доспехами та же история - получить их можно, но это выходит за рамки обычного прохождения. Естественно, имею в виду нечто большее, чем несколько дефолтных сетов.
2. Классы. Тоже самое. 4 базовых класса. Еще 2 можно открыть без проблем, относительно рано. На 1 нужно гриндить. Еще 2 открываются во второй половине игры (один из них почти в конце). Последние 2 после игры.
Пощупать практически ничего не успеваешь. Два класса (зачастую, базовые), может быть повезет и получится вторым использовать какой-то из найденных. По сути, так же как и с оружием и броней, на прохождении практически не дают ничего нового, только здесь еще и весьма долгая прокачка мешает.
3. Кольца и амулеты. Их...много, слишком много. Не готов говорить о полезности или же бесполезности некоторых, но это перебор, при условии, что слотов под это дело всего лишь 5. А это самый часто встречающийся "полезный" лут, ведь оружие и классы в этой игре в дефиците.
Вот и получается, что более менее неплохой арсенал оружия, брони и классов можно оформить к концу прохождения и некоторому количеству роллов приключения. Было ли увлекательно за ними бегать? Нет, конечно, нет. Как уже было сказано выше, можно было добавить вторую сюжетку, где были бы незароленные ранее сюжеты, локации, боссы и ивенты. Такой подход позволил бы использовать нажитый арсенал с большей мотивацией.
Лишний раз решил упомянуть. Спустя год стало даже хуже.
А что итого? Выводы повторяют исходную мысль. Игра не должна себя считать лутер шутером от мира кластелина колец (и амулетов) и роглайком, а, наоборот, делать больший упор на доступность оружия, брони и классов для обычного прохождения, сократить rng моменты, не заставляя игрока раздраженно роллить все что роллится и не роллится, вместо этого предложив ему более цельную кампанию.
One of the best Souls-like available on the market - 10/10.
It took every best aspect of From the Ashes and even more, world are expanded, improved combat - you literally hit what you shoot which is crazy that some souls likes cannot do that, fun part of the game was re-rolling the campaign to find that loot from the guide that you need for your build, replayability is present thanks to procedural generation, every campaign feels like its new but its only on first 20 hours of gameplay, afterwards you'll be seeing similar patterns in some locations and calling out "I've been there before", Boss fights are some much fun in comparison with prev game cause Bosses had only a few attack patterns but now they do all crazy shit me and my homies were cracking on what the hell was even that move, world is really atmospheric with the world and lore, I do prefer base game lore over dlc cause I almost skipped every possible dialogue in dlcs but still very nice, having cool drip while rocking OP build to one shot Bosses feels so much fun, especially when you friend said he won't log in today and you start to re-roll the campaign to find that one set to humble his in-game looks feels great, Gunfire Games cooked on this game from the beggining to the very end - ofc 10/10
its fun but imo 1st game was better the new gem system is great but grinding xp is a drag
copy paste remnant from the ashes items everything. literally just Ctrl+C old game Ctrl+V into remnants 2
not only that the game flops hard af incomparison to remnants from the ashes in mobs areas and bosses just feels like a huge slack off in the copy paste of designs to the mechanics of new mobs and bosses
Atmospheric and varied level design consistently brings you to new worlds modeled after different genres long before the surroundings can become stale. Dynamic and fun above all else. A co-op team's dream come true.
Builds and weapons are significantly better than previous game. Maps are great. Bosses are a good mix. Trait point cap is bad. Rings are excessive in number with very few allowing better combinations.
Remnant 2 takes a unique approach by combining a third-person shooter with the mechanics and difficulty of a Dark Souls-style game. While this concept is intriguing, the execution falls short of delivering a truly memorable experience. The core gameplay is solid, with tight shooting mechanics and the occasional engaging boss fight, but it struggles to sustain interest for the long haul.
One of the game’s biggest issues is its final boss, which introduces a sudden and extreme difficulty spike. Up to that point, most of the bosses present a fair and manageable challenge, but the final fight feels more frustrating than rewarding, leaving a sour taste as the game wraps up. Compounding this is the story, which is utterly forgettable. There’s little to no reason to care about the world or its lore, making the journey feel hollow.
Post-game, Remnant 2 shifts focus to its grind-heavy endgame, which allows players to invest hundreds of hours building and optimizing their characters. While some may find this depth appealing, the gameplay loop simply wasn’t engaging enough for me to pursue it. The repetitive nature of the endgame content combined with a lack of meaningful variety made it easy to step away rather than dive in further.
Overall, Remnant 2 offers an interesting concept but is undermined by an unmemorable story, uneven difficulty, and an overly grindy endgame that fails to justify the time investment. It’s a game that may appeal to hardcore fans of the genre but left me feeling underwhelmed.
6/10 (7/10 with friends) I would not recommend this game unless you love dark souls and grinding games.
Easily one of the funnest games I've played in a while.
•Gun-play is snappy and feels impactful
•Enemies (especially on harder difficulties) are challenging and engaging tests of skill
•The main story is it's weakest point but this is not true for the different worlds stories themselves.
Also I found the final boss of the game to be one of the best bosses in the genre.
Hey game devs, instead of releasing another dlc how about we take time to program the game to launch correctly and NOT hijack my entire computer with a black screen so I cant do anything but shut it down entirely. This is the only game that does this. Unbelievable
CPU bottleneck stutter-fest, clunky movement, boring gunplay, almost no loot nor weapon variety, annoying bosses.
I have played through the whole game and beaten the final boss (same with remnant 1) and I feel like the devs really shot themselves in the foot with this one. Before I go into the negatives, I like the art direction of most of the maps and combat still feels very good. I also enjoyed the final boss fight and it is probably my new favorite fight compared to all the games I played. The bosses are engaging and fun to learn their move sets. The game would be a great linear shoot-em-up game if it didn't have issues, but sadly it has many.
This game shows itself as a action packed RPG with loads of customization content, which is inherently true, trying to get to said content is an absolute sht show and I'm being nice. They should remove the adventure tag for this game and replace it with "search simulator", because to obtain every one item you have to do a 18 step search quests that is based on luck and RNG to obtain. The puzzles in this game are either two things: extremely dumbed down so a two year old could do it (there is a puzzle where you play tik tac toe with a stone statue to open doors), or there are puzzles that are so overly complicated that the reward is NEVER worth it. I will admit, I liked the statue one way more than the rest, and its because I didn't have to spend three hours trying to figure it out or one hour spent on the wiki. Some of these puzzles hold necessary progression points or hold a item that is almost a must to progress so good luck trying to avoid them. You're lucky if they just give you a puzzle, because 80% of the items in this game are so well hidden that it would take you literal years to find them. I'm not against hiding items in your game, but when I am 30 hours in and still using the starting weapons, OR the fact that someone had to data mine the game just to find a new weapon class, I think we need to change some things. I hope a cheat engine that spawns items and runs scripts to gain weapon classes gets made for this game.
SPOILER in this paragraph
I never liked the stories of most soul-like games. They are usually crap, just no one says it. But this one just confuses the hll out of me and especially the ending. Now, I'm not a astrophysicist, nor do I have any magical powers of my own, but the girl that you are trying to track down in the story, at the very end, they talk about resetting the universe because the boss keeps regenerating itself. Based on what little I know about power consumption, wouldn't it be more feasible for the girl to just make the boss not regenerate instead of resetting the whole universe? I know the universe is small and all but still.
Overall, this is not a adventure game, this is a search and rage simulator game that locks all the content that you paid for behind data mining, over complicated puzzles, and weeks of your time. I dare anyone who is new to the game to spend ten hours (without wiki) and find 5 non purchasable guns. The only thing that is fun about this game is the combat but it's still annoying to be running the same build for the last couple days. This game will make you rage and rage even more when you realize you spent 3 hours for a necklace that increases your defense by 5. Not worth, false advertising, buy a real game.
5/10, the final boss saves it from being a 2.
Compared to remnant 1 id say it's worse in basically every metric. In remnant 1 i spent the whole game with a single rifle and none of the weapons given from the bosses could compare. However at least in remnant 1 we were given the choice. remnant 2 refuses to give any loot for any quests or bosses. everything is pointless other than the .01% increase in stamina fragment points.
Great game fun gameplay different difficulties for all types of players I really enjoyed the lore for the nightweaver and thought it was very well flushed out and wanted to keep learning more I would give this game for sure an 8 out of 10 got stuck in some areas where you can vault over something and get stuck in a boundary box bit of bugs here and there but all in all a great game
I really wanted to like this game, I really did. I never played the first one, but the story here caught my attention in the 2 hours I played it. The graphics were pure eye candy and the music, voice acting were great. Unfortunately the gameplay was a let down for me. Cheap one hit deaths, enemies sneaking up on you from behind with no warning and after an enemy pushed me behind a wall outside the game world I decided it was time to let it go. I'm sure some, if not most, will enjoy this game, I just don't have the time for this type of game.
The game is a tonne of fun! So far, lots of variation on all the bosses & loot. Lots of re-playability with the different worlds that you can start on. And the co-op mode is fantastic. So hard to find games that my husband and I can play together that is not an MMO.
I don't think they ran this game on either of their listed system requirements. The first game ran very smoothly, this one not so much.
Devs don't know what LOWEST DIFFICULTY means
Stamina is still bugged and depletes itself even out of combat (they know but never fixed it)
Loot is still trash, can't even upgrade my weapon unless I farm like a madman for hours...
Weapons don't have enough bullets, always end up without ammo no matter how I play. Enemy can attack you before you can land a melee attack forcing you into recoil animation until you get hit 3 times which brings you to 1 health.
Upgrading and items are all way too expensive for the amount of scrap we are getting, impossible to stock on healing items to save healing charges.
Healing items are way too specific, give use better healing option than 1 health per second, jesus it annoying to have to wait in a corner and do nothing because the healing effect is complete garbage.
Normal monsters deals way too much damage for the LOWEST DIFFICULTY which makes it unbearable when playing solo...
Impossible to upgrade you armor in any way to be more resistant to damage, trash design
Level design is really bad when it comes to monster placement, they intentionaly make you deplete all your healing charge BEFORE putting hard monster in your face
Not enough crystals on the way to the boss to get your healing charges back
Monsters spawns next to you when you use a crystal forcing you to reuse it to get back the ammo you waste to kill them (really bad level design)
Merchants are hidden instead of being shown on the map, WHY?
Overall, not recommended even on discount. YOU NEED TO PLAY ONLINE ALL THE TIME.
Very fun game. If you liked the first one then you will for sure love this one too. The DLC's are amazing with tons of new content. Multiplayer is fun and the community is pretty helpful. The game is still popular with people playing it still.
Terrible optimisation. The stutters are terrible in a shooting game.
A great game for a great price. Looks great, plays great and is very creative in it's various world designs. Get it!
I cant recommend this game at all. The first game was a nice combo of souls with a shooter. This has gone full souls which is not what i wanted. its much harder than the first game so im out and i wont be buying a third one if its released
This is an awesome game, buy the 3 DLC to complete your experience, 10/10!
If you are a fan of the first game, it certainly a great game to play. Plus it doesn't require you to play with friends to get through the game, but it does help.
I really tried to like this game. Had some descent fun for a while. Then got to the Nightweaver boss. IMO, this is where some of the jankiness to the character movement (dodging, running) really starts to show. Put a ton of tries in and just ultimately gave up on this game since I realized I was no longer having fun trying to get through this boss. You get hit once and get knocked down with no way to the dodge another attack and then die. With the character I have you essentially have to beat this boss without taking any damage at all.
Also the skill building gem thing whatever da fuq it is dosen't really make sense to me, but maybe I'm just stupid.
A thrilling mix of soulslike combat and randomized exploration. With co-op options and diverse weapons, it’s an exhilarating and replayable experience.
Honestly want to make this review negative just for the way the devs design the mod NPC to go into an un-interactable state whenever you get near her
My husband and I played Remnant From the Ashes and love this one even more. Thank you Gunfire Games for making our favorite coop games! My only complaint is you can't play this game without wiki. Some stuff is impossible to figure out and it's not because we didn't pay attention to the story, environment, etc.
- Логічне і досить якісне продовження гри. Є новий контент, нові світи, більше ворогів, більше зброї, броні, більше секретів, альтернативні варіанти нагород. Найбільше мені сподобався світ Лосом.
– Мені не сподобалося, що забрали бонус з комплектів броні. Хоча б бонус невеликий залишили, або тільки на весь набір одного виду. І немає можливості змінити колір броні або додати якийсь унікальний тип.
– Таємниць багато, стільки, що якби не датамайнери, багато чого можна було б просто не знайти.
— Мені бракувало української локалізації. І невідомо, чи з'явиться колись - це сумно.
- Рекомендую до покупки.
- Logical and fairly high-quality continuation of the game. There is new content, new worlds, more enemies, more weapons, armor, more secrets, alternative reward options. Most of all I liked the world of Losom.
- I did not like that the bonus was taken away from the armor sets. At least leave a small bonus, or only for the entire set of one species. And there is no way to change the color of the armor or add any unique type.
- There are many secrets, so many that if it were not for data miners, many things would simply not be found.
— I lacked Ukrainian localization. And it is not known whether it will ever appear - it is sad.
- I recommend before buying.
most of these monsters.. i would tbh~
11/10 fun, its like if eldenring and the division had a kid
theres so many trinkets to collect that u can replay it 20 times and still need another run lmao
Decent sh't to play with friends. The story itself is "I dont remember anything except the last boss". The thing here is mostly the gameplay.
스토리 모드에서의 마지막 두 보스, '맹독'과 '완전한 파괴'는 FPS 게임에서 겪은 가장 쓰레기 같은 경험이었습니다. 진짜 개같은데. 왜 공격받았는지 모르겠고, 공격 타이밍도 모르겠고, 뭘 해야 죽일 수 있는지도 모르겠습니다. 소을라이크 장르 문법 안에서 가장 쓰레기 같아요.
The last two bosses in the story mode, the Venom and Annihilation, is the worst experience I did in FPS game; they're true evil bosses. Never understand why I've got attacked. Never understand the timing of their attack. Never understand what makes me kill them. It's worst part in soul-like genre syntax.
Very fun its kind of feels like a mix of Tomb Raider and Dark souls and I love the Item systems they have as well as the classes not to mention the game just looks amazing to begin with.
game just spontaneously crashes all the time for no reason, very annoying when trying to complete boss rush mode.
Games fun. However, game didnt work on install. HAd issues saving due to save file destination was never generated and couldnt create one manually. Dev was less than helpful in resolving issue, required multiple IT professionals to resolve
dark souls with guns but with better coop
Bought the ultimate edition last year, and as much as I wanted to like this game, it simply just wasn't good in my opinion
Gameplay is fun but held back by terrible progression systems.
After roughly 700h+ I will say that this game is just not worth it man.
Long text here, because I genuinely care for this game, as the gameplay is really unique and fun, if It weren't for all the rant of context I come up with my complaints here I experienced ingame.
The game was released for over a year now, and still to this date I wrote this message, has an unspeakable amount of bugs (Especially in coop as a client), to the point that I found 2, 3 up to 4 bugs a day at worst, and it's heckin' ridiculous!
Along with it's newly introduced "Prism System" and "Boss Rush", currently as of this message date, covered with annoying bugs.
I bought Remnant 2, because Remnant 1 (Remnant from the Ashes) was actually good!
It was a working, unique game, one can enjoy!
Not noticed any bugs the time I played remnant 1.
This right here is the complete opposite up to this date the message was written.
Introducing new mechanics before getting major bugs fixed (Prism System), and NOW the prism system is bugged as well.
Introducing Boss Rush as well, that Is ALSO hell of a mess, and STILL is!
Certain aberration enemies to kill, spawn outside the boundaries with no way out, needing to forfeit boss rush.
Players get randomly disconnected, and lose ALL of their bloody xp, because the devs seriously didn't consider implementing a security system where players receive their at least "failed" xp even if they crashed/disconnected, and because their netcode just seems unstable and improperly implemented. Wasting so much time for literally NOTHING in return.
I know it's possible to implement this security system I'm writting here about, so there is absolutely NO excuse for it!
Clientside Hit Detection has only been partially implemented, but is still inconsistent, and some attack instances STILL lack clientside hit detection completely. A problem since Remnant 1.
Not to mention the action delays as a client in a session. Consumables, skills, mods all are delayed, dependent on the ping, and it feels awful!
Items to use through inventory menu doesn't work on first try, sometimes not second try, but on third try!
Some mods/skills don't trigger when used, and having to press the input button of either these things again, to actually trigger it.
The devs don't playtest the game at all it seems, nor do they show interest in making the game feel appealing, and THINK about the obvious possibilities of events that can occur in boss rush specifically.
And I say that, cus I had experienced games of this quality that HAD no bugs whatsoever.
Games that ACTUALLY work.
And why would they prioritize balancing when all these bugs still exist!??
By this state, there's a high chance through balance/rework to "bring items more in line", and create more bugs along with the already existing amount of bugs.
Some of them were just pointless nerfs/buffs. These "starting" weapons such as service pistol, repeater, revolver etc. are "starting" weapons, that are meant to be very basic, are they not?
Cus this whole mindset of nerfing the advanced weapons to bring them in line with the basic weapons just makes the advanced weapons equally boring as the basic ones.
The advanced weapons you don't so easily acquire. ESPECIALLY Anguish for example, which is a weapon now nerfed.
It wasn't even strong really.
They are weapons with unique properties and mechanics only obtained mid/late to endgame, that now regress to the point they work the same way as the basic weapons, that are all utterly weak compared to the more advanced weapons you gotta work for, if they don't stop this madness.
I have understanding if it was a bug that made things utterly strong unintentionally, such as Detonator Mutator, that dealt a ridiculous amount of damage before it was patched.
MEMORY LEAK is still crazy in this game. And WHY is the UI so laggy!????? It's like the devs are loading up a 500M polygon mesh when opening any menu.
S**t, just using orb of undoing to respec traits freezes the game for 1-4 seconds.
Why!????? It's just resetting numbers and stuff or what's going on behind the game's code????
None of this crap happened in remnant 1. None!
It was well optimized, and was really enjoyable to play!
And the aberrations in boss rush generally are designed very poorly.
Cheap aberration suffixes to make them "hard". That did NOT achieve it's goal for me.
Spawning projectiles on the players with no Line of Sight check directly is SUPER boring man, including the cloning/displacing/thunder, the hexer suffix that just makes aberrations a bullet hell crap, and this weird cubes suffix, are the worst designs I've ever witnessed in any game.
It's achieving in making them difficult in the cheapest way possible, that's not fun at all. Just lazy work.
It's so easy to make a tiny mistake even for skilled players, that can cost your whole run.
It's like you are forced to run a tank build to eat up these nearly guaranteed mistakes.
I could go rant about it a lot more, but I'll end it here.
This is my absolute honest opinion about the game as once said, after 700h+ of playing the game.
Simply not worth it. My trust THIS time was misplaced it appears for over 1 year.
This product is ultimately shifting my view of Gunfire Games as regressing, and will thus no longer continue buying any of their products anymore.
Absolutely incredible world building for each world. The writing of the "main campaign" is abysmal, but luckily only 1% of what you will be doing and you will forget it about it very quickly.
Such an absolutely wonderful experience, you can feel the attention to detail with the worlds and their secrets.
This is one I was looking forward to.
Absolutely loved the first one.
This is less engaging, way more and unneccesarily convoluted and anything positive I could say about it comes from the first game.
The new worlds have zero personality and feel empty and generic.
The story is just not there, not a big deal but sometimes less is more (yes, like the first one).
All in all I'd get this game on a sale, but for what they're charging... I'd get the first one. Much better.
Also, nobody plays this games for the platforming, wtf were you thinking??
The perfect game to replay infinitely, alone or with friends. So many secrets, weapons, builds, etc. as well as very fun bosses!
I was a year late to this game but after a rec from my friend Chewy I picked it up and been having a blast with friends ever since. I love the buildcraft of the game and I've been able to figure out how to even solo bosses on my own with lower level characters. I'd never played a Souls or Souls-like game before this one but I find the dodge mechanics intuitive. And the rings - you can combine so many different styles to completely change how the character plays. Lots of fun.
Great game, fun gameplay, good story. If you enjoyed the first you'll enjoy this.
The game consistently and repeatedly crashes to desktop on either launch or character load. I can't believe that over a year after release this game still has the same issues as it had at launch.
I had previously managed to work around this by downclocking my processor significantly, which end-users should never really have to do. When I wanted to try the new DLCs, I tried the same strategy, but kept getting those old familiar crashes. The only solution that 'worked' was setting compatibility to Windows 7, but I don't consider choppy 30 fps and multiple minutes long loads to really be playable. Not when Cyberpunk pulls 144 fps steady with psycho settings.
It absolutely baffles me that this issue is still present. Fix your game.
A good game that is fun to play.Easy to navigate thru the game. Good graphics. I like it a lot more than the first REMNANT game.
No only is the first game really good but the sequel is even better.
Amazing game. Plenty of build diversity with some kool guns and gear, great boss fights, secrets everywhere, really unique and interesting biomes. Absolutely a contender for best game '23.
Some dude whose looking for the closest Bass Pro Shops gets caught in the multiverse and accidentally erases the root from existence. 10/10 would shoot Annihilation again
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Gunfire Games |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 22.12.2024 |
Отзывы пользователей | 86% положительных (23805) |