Разработчик: Merscom
Войдите во взрывчатый мир, где извергается закись азота и горит резина. Вы живете своей жизнью по одной гонке за раз и с полночи до рассвета, адреналин имеет место. Ощутите неограниченную власть вашего супер-заряженного двигателя, когда вы жмете на газ ради денег и дающегося с трудом уважения.
- Испытайте приток адреналина, когда вы газуете через 11 реалистичных 3D локаций, включая побережье Тихого океана, горы, торговый район, шоссе и более.
- Когда солнце заходит, высвобождайте своего внутреннего изгоя и укрощайте более 50 треков, плюс все четвертьмильные испытания, с которыми вы можете справиться.
- Деньги в вашем умении. Действуйте, положите ваш кошелек туда, где ваша репутация. Зарабатывайте много, чтобы переделывать вашу уличную машину для пиковой производительности.
- Живите мечтой. Гоняйте, чтобы выиграть, затем смотрите, как 55+ скриптовых сцен и почти 30 минут кинематических фильмов раскрывают вашу следующую жертву.
- Правьте ночными улицами в Режиме приключения, Четвертьмильных испытаниях, Режиме погони, Соревнованиях 'Иди в' и Диких гонках, где любая улица при желании ваша.
- С полночи до рассвета адреналин имеет место! Разорвите ночь 8 горячими автомобилями. Вы строите их с нуля, затем гоняете их ради денег.
- У вас в венах закись азота. Заправляйте вашу жажду скорости, пока вы хитрите копов, решивших попортить вам гонку.
- Подгоняйте вашу машину под максимальную уличную производительность. Изучайте тысячи клевых внебиржевых комбинаций двигателя и кузова. Теперь у вас есть все - скорость и стиль.
Поддерживаемые языки: english
Системные требования
- Поддерживаемые ОС: Microsoft® Windows® 2000/XP
- Процессор: Intel Pentium III 800 МГц или быстрее
- Графика: совместимая с DirectX видеокарта 32 МБ
- Звук: совместимая с DirectX звуковая карта
- Версия DirectX: DirectX 9.0c
- Память: ОЗУ 256 МБ
- Жесткий диск: свободное пространство на жестком диске 2.5 ГБ
Отзывы пользователей
The game came in a bundle if I remember and seems very old but from my play through isn't all bad. It reminds me of a lot of Need for Speed kinda gameplay set in the creators version of LA. The protagonist sets out to find his stolen car and so a story pursues. Very old graphics which makes me think this came out around the time Need for Speed Hot Pursuit came out as most racing games no longer have a story. Sadly due to the fact I was having to drive with a keyboard my hand started to cramp so I could no longer effectively win races and could not progress in the story. However your welcome to give my gameplay a look sometime to see if it may be worth your interest or if your like me and it came as an extra in a bundle and it is just sitting on your steam library give it a look and see if you may want to give it a try. Not a bad old retro game. Sadly I will not be giving it any more attention going forward but it is not a bad game and if your into things like Need for Speed Hot Pursuit you maybe into this.
I'm throwing in the towel on this one because I usually don't uninstall games until I'm completed with them but after a day of tinkering it doesn't function. You can get to the shitty gameplay but cutscenes crash the game. When I was playing the game the games engine cannot load anywhere near fast enough for a racing game and for some reason the game world fades out into mist periodically
its ok for a 2000s street racing game
This game does not work on Windows 10, unless you download a sketchy third party .exe fix.
No thanks.
This is my review of this game titled: Midnight Outlaw 6 Hours To Sunup.
Ok I want to start off by saying that I indeed bought this game on steam and when proceeded to download and install and launched I was quite surprised to find out that another game similar to this is named - Top Gear RPM Tuning and is exactly the same game. Now both games have issues working proper on modern day windows/systems (beware people) and mind the other reviews on here about this one because whatever issues it has with newer operating systems (as mentioned) they are very true. However I did get the game to work with no problems but you must jump thru hoops in order to do so, skipping the video intro sequence by pushing the "return key" on the keyboard is a essential action to do so then the game won't crash (most times) and setting compatibility modes are necessary. Now the biggest issue as far as running this game on the current hardware that I have "when actually playing it" is the maps graphics walls/structures/scenery seem to disappear at will, almost seems like the game is drawing the stuff on the map on the go? But again that alone is a sign of a very old game the way it was created. The way this is fixed as a quick solution is by hitting the cars nitro, as this lights up the screen and somehow that triggers the drawing of the game's graphics to render faster then the track and everything around you comes into full view again (for a couple of seconds) and then you must hit nitro again over and over each and everytime the graphics/track disappears just to rectify that problem. Aside from those issues mentioned above here is some good things about this game, surprisingly for how old this game really is it did recognize my Logitech wireless controller which I thought it would never be able to do. Also this is a fun street racing game to play, for its generation and considering back in the day it might have been impressive to look at at one point. If you see the screenshots and videos of this and you think it looks cool - Your not mistaken. Infact to be honest I actually played it (quick race mode) for a little while (despite all the problems mentioned above) and it did keep me entertained for the most part. Underneath all the huge unplayability factors is a nice little street racing game "that needs to updated majorly to fit today's standards" with lots of cool features to have fun with. Valusoft prob won't do any updates anytime soon with this game anymore since the company might have went belly up out of business a long time ago, and if someone had the time to fix it (as a personal project) they would have already done it by now a long time ago. But the problem is no one really cared about this game when it was abandoned so a lot of time would be put in to rectify all the above and I guess no one feels it is important enough to follow up on. Some of the creators that are still around are prob very aware of the universal issues with the different hardware and the game's compatibility issues with newer windows and such, but they do not feel its something they must do to try to make a competitor out of this with the current market of "newer" racing games with nicer graphics and gameplay that are relevant and available these days - I honestly don't blame them.
What else is there to say?
The cars handle well with good comfortable arcade like style physics/controls. The maps are nice but a little bland for my taste. The music being played per race is catchy and pretty standard dance tracks (not sure if they are real dance tacks or just composed by a random person). Then there is the other cars you see your opponents driving that look powerful and fast enough to win by a landslide but the AI in this game proves that theory wrong. The amount of cars available in this game to drive are not a vast whole lot to choose from so its really up to you how you wanna tune them and that part I found really innovative though as there a are at least 3 or 4 different upgrades for each tier of car parts. Like I said there is a hidden gem here but only if someone has the time to find it and remodel this gem.
BTW: I do have RPM Tuning as well it is on Abandonware site for download. The only thing is the graphics glitches (mentioned above earlier) which I will try and see if I can tinker with that. With that all being said I really hope that one day someone can update this game to be working on newer hardware as intended but that day won't come. Leaving this game as it is with the graphics glitchy - it looks like the whole city got hit by an atomic bomb.
I won't recommend this to anyone to download just because the fact it has not been updated/formatted to work on modern systems and the price tag of this should be a lot lower if not, even free dare I say. Its a nice fun street racer game but really old and games that are this old should not have a heavy price tag on them just because of the universal compatibility issues alone.
It worked immediately on my system (Ryzen 5 2600, RX 570, 16gb, Win10), but you still shouldn't buy it, because it's a really bad game for 5 euros. And the freeride fog makes this game impossible to play.
Doesnt even run. Total piece of shit. How did I get over 6 hours on this?
Should I get it for the Xbox if I refund it?
Tried to install on laptop, only shows left half of startup no matter what resolution I set it at. Set it to windowed mode and it refuses to work at all. So apparently I can't even play it. Guess it's a good thing it was part of a pack I brought for something else.
Can't even get the game to run well. Don't waste your time with this game.
Doesn't even run, crashes before it even starts.
it works on my mothers shitty pc
this game has the most extreme bodykits i have ever seen no joke.
if you want to play it just emulate RPM tuning and done, same game with a shit soundtrack, just that it actually starts up.
i did get this game to run on my modern pc, but cant fix the resoloution sadly, just set every exe to win98 compatibily mode and done.
otherwise a solid game with a decent story.
i give it a 6.5/10
Does not work on Windows 10, tried all kinds of compatibility settings but it won't start. I hope someone can come up with a solution to play this on Windows 10.
I forget where I bought the disc for this, but for whatever reason I remember that it actually ran on my (old) laptop.
Surprisingly, it was a fun game. I wasn't really expecting a need for speed - esque game with some cool and detailed customization, but there it was. The map was pretty nice too, if a bit linear by design. Unfortunately...
Definitely don't buy it. Nothing about this game works properly and it can't be fixed. And nobody capable of fixing the problem cares enough about it's existence to do it for you.
Some day I would like to see this game be playable, but that is a day that is probably never going to come.
I spent all of 3 dollars on this at sale value and I wasted about that much worth of my time just seeing if there was anything I could do. Valusoft doesn't care. And that's time I'm never getting back. There's something to be said when an old game gets completely abandoned and there is no way to play it without having to revert to obsolete technology, but I honestly can't blame them.
If the game looks cool, you aren't mistaken - underneath the unplayability, this is still a fun street racing game with a ton of stuff to enjoy. But it can't be played it. It's a universal issue with most of the people playing it, especially on new hardware.
What else is there to say -
The car list in the game is quite small, but each car handles differently and gives you plenty of variety. Your starting selection had you pick between a Civic hatchback, a BMW and a Ford F150 - each with their own line of upgrades and a ton of choice in how each vehicle looked. By no means was this anything exceptional, but there was a lot of attention put into how this was handled (in the case of the starter cars - then, there is the cars that you see your opponents drive - I don't want to talk about it).
Then there was the narrative, which doesn't do much more than push you into the next thing to do. And the soundtrack - you'll hear all of it pretty quickly. It isn't bad, but if you were into completing the game, it got repetitive pretty darn quick.
That's really all I have to say. Don't buy it unless you still have an old system kicking around that might be able to run it.
Game has this glitch where the road doesn't seem to load -- you can see on the radar where the road is supposed to be, but the game never seem to 'draw' it. I bought this game in a pack of old, abandonware type games, and wish now I had saved my money for games that still had a community and were ported/maintained better.
very very poor, don't even get if 90% off
This game don't work on any of m PCs. I've tried on vista, win7 and win8, and it don't work on any off them. How old is this game? As it requires a 15 year old OS, maybe is it time to remove it from store and game bundles???
I didn't play this game much, and that's partly becuase it feels really low budget-and not in a good way. It doesn't keep your attention that much.
I think this is a racing game. Or a game about clock theives.
Anti-Recommendation: Doesn't run on Vista. You've been warned.
Игры похожие на Midnight Outlaw: 6 Hours to SunUp
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Merscom |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 13.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 21% положительных (24) |