Разработчик: Soda Den
Вы наверняка влюбитесь в Roots of Pacha — безмятежный, оригинальный и наполненный приятными сюрпризами симулятор фермы, в котором вам предстоит исследовать доисторический мир Пачи.
Собирайте ресурсы, работайте на ферме, приручайте животных, мастерите инструменты, а также настраивайте внешний вид своего персонажа и его дома. Расширяйте деревню и укрепляйте связь с её жителями. Процветайте и развивайтесь вместе со своим кланом на протяжении многих сезонов и создайте собственную историю в этом уютном уголке мира.
Познакомьтесь со своим кланом и отправьтесь в путешествие по разнообразным биомам. На каждом шагу вас будут ждать сюрпризы: от новых растений и животных до мини-игр и таинственных пещер. Откройте давно забытый мир.
Ухаживайте за посевами, собирайте ресурсы, рыбачьте, ищите способы обрабатывать и консервировать еду. Приручайте и разводите животных ради ценных ресурсов или делайте из них милых питомцев. Создавайте инструменты, предметы и постройки, меняющие облик первобытного общества.
В Roots of Pacha всё решает совместная работа. Помогайте своему клану развиваться и делать открытия, чтобы ваша деревня росла. Играйте в одиночку или вместе с друзьями.
Посещайте праздники и заводите друзей, приручите питомца своей мечты или найдите вторую половинку для создания семьи. Не забудьте настроить внешний вид персонажа, его дома и фермы, чтобы они отражали ваш уникальный характер.
В беспечном мире Roots of Pacha не нужно никуда спешить: все идеи и предсказания доступны в любом сезоне. Просто наслаждайтесь приключениями в удобном для вас темпе.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, portuguese - brazil, russian, simplified chinese, spanish - spain, japanese, korean, traditional chinese
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows 7 or greater
- Процессор: 2 GHz
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 2 gb dedicated video card, shader model 3.0+
- DirectX: версии 10
- Место на диске: 1 GB
- ОС: Mac OSX 10.15+
- Процессор: 2 Ghz
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 2 gb video memory, OpenGL 2
- Место на диске: 1 GB
- ОС: Steam Deck OS
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Место на диске: 1 GB
Отзывы пользователей
To say its like prehistoric stardew is an understatement!
I really love how the player originally comes from the clan/village. It really capture the community vibe where the player's house is right in the village itself instead having a separate house in different map/end of the village.
Clan members also do their part with the project contributions.
Multiplayer gameplay is also more immersive since we get to share cutscenes and all players included in it.
The calendar event also have lots of stuff to do and not just you attending and speaking with npcs. Trial cave is also different, having to go through puzzles instead of randomly generated levels.
Only letdown is that there are no enemies/monsters in the game which makes it quite boring at times but its okay since it fits the narrative perfectly for Pachans are peaceful tribe.
Fully played on legion go, controller works fine.
TLDR ; its damn fun. not your typical farming game.
It's alright. Basically stardew valley, but with ancient vibes. Gameplay loop and most mechanics are identical, but it does feature new mechanics like domestication and transmutation. It is also missing combat, or, in fact, any sort of violence compared to stardew. Stability and performance are almost perfect: I've seen no crashes and only one instance of input lag in UI. Overall quality is good; there is an annoying bug that can happen when you water a device that waters adjacent tiles; I would think that the #1 most common activity in the game would deserve a little more quality control, but what do I know. At least it's the only bug that I encountered in the entire game. Character writing is alright. It's a little shallower than in some other farming sims, but they are good enough to do the job. There are some... interesting choices when it comes to pacing and balance: this game goes from "oh my god, I have 70 active quests and am completely overwhelmed, and also broke and can't afford to buy seeds" to "I don't have any active quests and am not entirely sure how I'm supposed to progress, and have more money than I can spend in a lifetime" at about the midway point. It's mostly consistent when it comes to sticking to its prehistoric atmosphere, but it does occasionally slip into modern scientific terms. The prophecy that mentions something about nutrients is the most cursed thing ever. Despite all the downsides I mentioned, it's still a good game because it inherits everything else from stardew. In conclusion, this farming sim is sufficiently distinct from stardew to justify its existence and is sufficiently good to justify its price
I love this game so much. It has everything I like about Stardew Valley, but without combat and with a few more mechanics. One of my favorites is that as the tribe prospers things change without your involvement, like putting up torches and making a laundry spot, it really makes the world of Pacha feel real and not like everything is simply a response to what you've done.
It's a fun little farming game that really emphasizes community. Your farm isn't in another area it's right next to the rest of the town. Also as an avid animal lover and serial animal tamer I love the variety of animals you can tame and keep.
Bought this blind looking for something cozy to play (I also liked the pre-historic theme) and was pleasantly surprised. 147 hours in. Already on my second play through...I just can't get enough. Absolutely ADORE everything about this game. It's wholesome, relaxing, cute, and the NPCs actually have depth. Highly, highly recommend. Excited for the big update.
This is one of the best games I have ever played. it is so creative, so full of heart, and truly delightful to play across all aspects. 10/10 amazing love it wonderful!!!!!
Do you wish Stardew Valley had less capitalism? More community? Get this game.
Are you on the fence about the art style? Get it anyway. It'll grow on you faster than you'd expect.
I love the characters, love that I can date every romancable character at once. I really appreciate that the caves are puzzles instead of combat based.
obsessed. purchased exactly a week ago and have already spent 55 hours on this game. roots of pacha features EVERYTHING i've been looking for in a game; taming animals (it even has rare and legendary animals you can collect!), adorable pets and house decorations, interactive events with npcs, secrets in caves, evolution, and so much more. i can't even begin to express how fun it is. my only problem is that i didn't buy it sooner; worth every penny
Its so different than any other cozy game that i have played. When it comes to cozy games the baseline is stardew valley, in which all other cozy games are compared to. HOWEVER, this game is so different!!!!! There are so many interesting mechanics when it comes to caving, taming animals, and fishing. Its so easy to get lost in this game.
I started playing this game again recently. It had been over a year since I opened it, and now I wonder why it took me so long to return to it. This cozy farming game occurs in a prehistoric environment where the clan advances through community involvement, whether that is helping an NPC with an idea or placing items in the contribution box. Seeds are first foraged and then can be exchanged with contribution points once the nursery is built, where you can also get tree seedlings. Instead of combat in the caves, the player must solve puzzles and upgrade tools to advance to different areas. The map feature shows where the NPCs are and will show plant seed locations once you have found them. Overall, I enjoy this game and am still discovering new things about it.
Roots of Pacha is a relaxing and beautiful game. The art is awesome, the crafting system is fun and the dialogues aren't bad either. I love how you can discover ideas and grow the village little by little. I love farming, exploration and community building games and this has it all. I really love it. (Oh! fishing is nice too! would love it if fishing could have small treasure boxes or some items as well, but it's good anyway!)
I play on my steam deck while it's docked.
A great experience both solo and coop. I love the research aspect and all the new technologies it unlocks. I hope that there is a follow up game leading us further into a future timeline. Coop is easy, reliable, and works fantastic.
i don't normally write reviews on games however i feel this one absolutely deserves it! Roots of Pacha is such a breath of fresh air in the Farming sim genre! it brings its own uniqueness that a lot of farming sims these days lack. Im currently sitting at 70 hours and still feel like there is so much to do and achieve!!
This has easily become one of my favourite cozy games to play!
Awesome game highly recommend but on steam deck been having trouble loading the game in hat last few weeks
It seems similar to Stardew Valley but not so much, its very unique on its own, theres so much to do. Fun game to play.
Holy cow, I've tried a lot of different farming games that try to dramatically alter the setting but I think Roots of Pacha is the first one I've played that's really committed fully to it. And I freaking love it. Even if this is going to be a pretty familiar gameplay loop to anyone whose touched a farming RPG, the pre-historic setting has led to basically everything having some new twist that makes it feel fresh. The game sets out with the idea that you're cave person in a tribe where everyone serves a role, and yours involves the harvest. Every day before you even get your personal results, you see the clan's contribution points that goes up whether you've done anything or not - making it feel like you're one of many. As your tribe establishes itself, different members will present "ideas" to you, basically cave men beginning to invent things like a sprinkler equivalent or a barn. Ranking up seeds is presented as domestication. Ranching requires you to tame wild animals and frankly it's cool that the selection of them is so unique compared to other farming games (no chickens here! Ostrich eggs baybee!) All of the festivals are unique to this game - like the cave painting festival where you just go wild on a wall for personal amusement. And of course... DANCING! DANCE WITH EVERYONE! DANCE WITH YOUR BAD CAVE SELF!
If I have any real complaints, while the overall theme of the clan is well done the individual tribesman are a bit flat. I can certainly tell them all apart, but I haven't yet seen some of the real juicy drama that say, Stardew Valley, has. But I'm not that far into the social system yet so I can't judge it too much.
I'm sad a game this polished is going rather under the radar - I only found out about it because I saw it recommended a lot in a cozy games subreddit. So I had to write a review to help boost it, if only a little.
I do love a farming simulator, but this adds so much to the cozy aesthetic. The creativity in this game is unmatched and i have never seen so many fantasy, and historical elements in a game like this. I really do hope it gets the love it deserves
I love this game. The concept is very cool. It's so easy to get into and it holds my interest long-term. Super relaxing with an interesting theme and backstory. If you like Stardew Valley, you will likely enjoy this. That being said, there are some mechanics I don't love but it doesn't bother me enough to truly be upset, just a matter of preference.
i love roots of pacha! I've played so much stardew over the years and I'm sick of it. Pacha is the first successor of stardew to actually add new mechanics imo, and i'mma fan. The tribes people are cute, i love the progression system, the animal taming, etc. definitely worth it and especially worth it on sale!
An excellent addition to the farming sim genre, offering a familiar formula with fresh twists through its unique setting, engaging storyline, and slightly modified mechanics. The absence of combat creates a more relaxed experience compared to similar games. So far i like it and it's a good switch up from Fields of Mistria.
A fantastic iteration of the farming sim genre. The formula is familiar but the setting, storyline, and slightly altered mechanics make it stand out and not feel like a copy paste of other games. No combat so much more laidback than other games. Only complaint would be that the animal taming system can be a bit grindy and tedious if you want rare variations of animals. I had pretty much finished the game by the time I got an animal with maxed out stats. Some of the end game content does make getting variations easier, but breeding for stats still takes a long time for what feels like little reward.
Other than that, it's probably my favorite farming sim that I've played and holds very well against the genre standard of Stardew Valley.
He llegado a la perfección en stardew valley y buscando otro juego de granjas y agricultura encontré roots of pacha. Primero de todo, este juego tiene MUY buenos NPCs, con personalidades, diálogos e interacciones muy interesantes. Las contribuciones del clan hacen parecer que no están ociosos, que avanzan contigo y progresan en sus trabajos como tú, mejorando entre todos la aldea. El sistema de cuevas lineal es muy interesante, pero es muy importante que los nuevos jugadores no lo den por hecho porque en él está la clave del progreso en la historia principal. El juego siempre trata de dar un sentido dentro de su historia a todos los avances tecnológicos que el jugador necesita para aumentar la productividad de la granja, y se agradece mucho. Los desarrolladores son activos, actualizando constantemente, y tiene muy buena comunidad. Yo personalmente decidí jugar sin ver ni una sola wiki, ni un solo videotutorial, y es completamente posible y se disfruta más así, descubriendo por ti mismo cómo avanzar la historia y desbloquear las ideas y las mejoras.
En lo personal, pude completar la pirámide en el primer año sin problemas, siendo mi primera partida, así que la progresión está equilibrada. Si no te gusta el sacrificio de los animales que cuidas, puedes deshabilitarlo y aparte no es necesario para avanzar en absoluto.
Mis únicas quejas, que no creo que sean tales, son que no puedes modificar la posición de la cama dentro de tu casa, así que cuando la mejoras al máximo está muy lejos de la puerta y es más posible desmayarse dentro, y que limpiar el campo puede llegar a ser un poco tedioso (cuando juegas solo, claro, creo que en multiplayer sería muy fácil) hasta que desbloqueas algunas mejoras.
Los gráficos son excelentes, me gusta mucho la variedad de cultivos y productos artesanales, y espero que hagan gráficos específicos en un futuro para las producciones de las diferentes verduras y frutas. La música es bastante buena, pero no creo que sea el elemento más destacable del juego.
~TLDR: Prehistoric Stardew Valley, 9/10~
~Summary: Roots of Pacha is a farming and life simulator in the same vein as Stardew Valley, but with a much larger scope. It feels much bigger than Stardew, has more interactions, more npcs and more romance options. Now, if you know my 500+ (700+**) hours in Stardew, trust me when I say this is a worthy time investment. Plus, children don't just stay tiny forever, they yearn for the fields!
+Unique biomes: so far the game consists of a handful of biomes, from the dry savanna to the lush forests to the rocky and mysterious caves. Each biome has its own animals, population, collectables and more. A journey to the Beach is different than visiting the Jungle.
+Fun NPCs: there are over 20 npcs to interact with at any given time; theyre all unique with opinions, personalities, and gossip! Romance is fun and engaging and dancing is a heck of a time! Igrork really knows how to shake it down! Plus, NPCs seem to collectively and passively grow to like you, so you don't have to gift every single person a gift twice a week.
+Routine: Each NPC has their own routine, which changes the further you progress. Igrork will go from sweeping all day to tending the seed nursery to silently judging your farm while you desperately try to sort your chests.
+Events: each season has at least 2 events, which keeps things fresh as you get to greet even more new faces, learn more, and gossip! From what I understand, some NPCs are only accessible via the festival, so you don't get tired of them.
+My personal favorite: the money system. Instead of selling carrots for fungible paper, you gain good will from your fellow Pachans, also known as contributions. Its a similar system to money, but it makes it feel that every choice you make is supported by the tribe. Getting an Olla? Support you. Investing in a Copper pot; go for it! Helping to build a station for Tare, rock on!
+Animals: animals fall into two classifications: pets and functional. There are 4 (I think) animals that you can recruit as pets, that will chill around your house, love you, play with you and even fetch items for you at some points. Function animals stay in a shed and will provide relevant items: like milk, eggs and fur.
+Farming: I like the farming system in this game, thats all. Olla go wheee.
+Quick fire rounds+
+Character and Level Design
+Character customization
+Challenge difficulty
-Animals: the animal recruitment system is very unique and sometimes a little annoying, only being able to gain the trust of 4 animals a day is a little annoying, but it ensures you have a relationship before inviting the animal to the tribe.
-Rain on the Farm: a nitpick, but it would be great if Ollas refilled when it rained.
-Accessories: you are allowed 3 accessories, 1 fully bonded and 2 others. Getting the materials to upgrade them is a pain, especially when there is no guarantee that you'll find what you need.
~Roots of Pacha is a fun addition to the life/farming sim genre and should be on the wishlist of any fan of the genre. Very excited for the future of the game, especially with the eventual release of 1.3. Stay tuned!
Such a fun game so far! It was an alternate version of stardew valley for me!
I know most people compare it to stardew valley, and while i do not think it right to judge games only by comparing them, i'll still say that i like roots of pacha way better. The pre-historic setting itches that part of my brain that loves historical settings. As an agriculture major, i hugely appreciate the fact that there is undomesticated and domesticated versions of every crop, and i think it would be really cool if the domesticated plants gave larger crop, too; as larger harvests were one of the major goals in the domestication process, alongside disease resistance and all, of course. The ideas and recipes make it so that you really want to grow every crop, instead of just mass-producing the most valuable one. It is also lgbtq+ and polygamy friendly, which, while i dont specifically care for, am sure a lot of folk appreciate. It also feels more wholesome, in a way; not that i dont love stardew valley, dont get me wrong; but even if you chose the community center route, stardew is still a largely money-driven game. Instead of fixing up a community center that npc's sometimes go to and you mostly forget about after maybe the second year; in roots of pacha it feels like you really are helping the community. Overall; great concept, nice soundtrack, your kids actually grow up and become human beings, you can trap or raise animals for meat, there is a genetics system for animals, great game all around. And also you can have a pet wolf. Come on now. Dont you want a pet wolf.
3.5/5. Not too much depth and not much incentive to progress but is ok for a couple afternoons.
It's in the same vein as Stardew Valley, but it has a lot of unique charm and life that makes it its own thing. I supported this game on Kickstarter back in the day, and watching the growth that the development team has put into the game ever since the EA has been fantastic. I think it's well worth the purchase price and I anticipate this game being one I'll return to for binges of play every so often, just like the old Harvest Moon (Story of Seasons) games before Stardew was the new kid on the block.
I started cosygaming with Stardew Valley and was looking for another cosy game that kept my attention. Ive loved roots of patcha. Love that theres always something to do. Super keen to explore the new areas opened up in the new patch. its a game i love to come back to again and again.
I just want to start out by saying, I love this game!
There is so much to do and see and so much love put into it. The characters, the way the money system works, the way you advance in crafting and such is all so well thought out and logical. I will say playing multiplayer has been one of my favorite things. I played many of my hours in this game alone, and I still enjoyed it. But playing with a friend is totally worth it!
The romance aspect of this game is very similar to Stardew Valley, but there is a wider range of characters you can romance, and they all have such in depth backstories that make them feel more alive. Also the kids you can have will have their own personalities and you can actually interact with them, beyond just giving them hats.
I also love how it is still being updated and looking at all of the stuff that is going to be added, I can't wait!! If you like Stardew but feel like you need more, this is totally the game to play!
I've played enough of this I can show my support and recommend it, very fun take on a cozy farming sim, with a really interesting setting.
I also like that you can date everyone if you want to, it's a nice feature to have, and also culturally accurate to the time period.
Best played with a controller. I am enjoying this game a lot as I can explore at my own pace and appreciate not being rushed by deadlines to complete a task.
Roots of Pacha borrows all the best elements from other games in the genre, and manages to stand out in a field of copycats, all while introducing many new, fun ideas, and gameplay elements. The setting is unique, and progression is paced very nicely. The game is phenomenal.
Of all the 'cozy' games my wife and I have played, this is the most fulfilling. We have played Stardew Valley, but it can become a chore the longer you play. This game has shorter overall content, but that content feels incredibly polished and fun to play. We liked this game so much we have bought additional copies for friends just so they could play with us. We highly recommend this game!
Shit I think I just played for 13 hours straight. THIS GAME HAS A GRIP ON ME.
This game is a hidden gem! It's neolithic Stardew Valley. It's actually better polished. The user experience is really well designed. The story and characters are compelling.
Super fun and easy to get sucked in, I love the differences they took with a 'usual farming sim' game. It's now one of my favorite games to play to unwind after work. I highly suggest this game, and really don't think you'll find yourself disappointed.
This game is really good i love it!!! The only thing i don't like about it, is the time goes by too fast for me cant really get anything done, other than that i would totally recommend this game to a friend.
Such a lovely game! Great game-play, great music and great atmosphere.
I feel like it's definitely a different enough farming sim from Stardew (the obvious comparison) to definitely warrant a purchase if you like cozy farming games. The racing and the idea-feature are my favorite aspects of the game.
However, it's shorter (though still a very good sized game) and focuses more on the coziness and puzzle aspects.
There's no combat, which honestly I prefer and really like. Because of this I think it's also better for kids compared to Stardew.
Because of it's historical setting I think it's also a great tool for kids to learn about early human cultures, how we became settled in societies (however fictional the story may be).
I really wanted to like the game, but sadly I don't. The villagers are forgettable and the cut scenes few and far between. Progression feels very, very, very slow. I'm in autumn of my first year and already bored. As someone who loves Sun Haven, Fields of Mistra and cosy farming games in general, I'm not sure why this one feels so dull and repetitive. OK, maybe because I don't care about: any of the npcs, the romance options, (very limited) clothing options, the fate of my tribe (of forgettable people) or my ugly brown hut.
Even with the addition of the savanna, the maps feel small. There's nothing to explore. Tool selection is unnecessarily tedious if you play with keyboard and mouse. I'm not sure why I have to tab through all of them to select the one I want. It gets old fast.
Animal taming
The theme and idea of the game is actually pretty nice, but unfortunately there are too many mechanics in this game that make it frustrating for me personally.
I feel like they tried too hard to invent their own mechanics in order to not copy existing games (like Stardew Valley), but that made it really non-intuitive.
- switching tools is a huge pain. you can't quickly switch between 2 tools
- no proper way to label chests so you don't know what is inside the chest until you look inside
- moving items in the inventory/chest. i feel like the mechanic of moving items is widely established and they just invented a new badly intuitive system just for the sake of it
- getting out of dungeons is a huge pain. it's like sliding down a hill, it's fun sliding but noone enjoys going up the hill. e.g. Stardew Valley had an elevator system
- entrances inside the dungeon are so badly visible it's more frustrating than a "puzzle"
- some of the abilities from these spirit animals feel useless and un-fun. e.g. monkey jumping around really gets tiring after the 5th time
- very unsatisfactory not being able to synchronize the harvests of "wild plants"
- frustrating placement of things on the map due to restrictions
+ the endless seed bag is a cool idea on its own
+ riding together on a mount
+ functional pets
+ hunting mechanism
+ taming is cool
I love this game. I was looking for a cozy game that wasn't too much pressure but had plenty to do. I'm sure I've missed out on some of the things because I wasn't paying enough attention, but I don't feel like I've been punished for it.
Roots of Pacha is a lovely game with a unique setting. This game is everything you want from a farming life sim and it has the community built in well. You don't feel like you have to go out of your way to speak with the towns folk, they just fit in well in your characters journey through out each day.
I haven't played the recent updates yet, but what I have played of the game is good.
It did take me a while to get into this game, I'm not sure why, but after about 15 hours of struggling a bit (yeah really took a while) I started to love it.
Though the cave puzzles can be a bit tedious (mostly because it feels a bit slow to move between different areas/pieces of the puzzle that you need, to solve the whole thing. They are interesting puzzles, I just wish there was an easier way to interact with different things without the tedious moving in between.
There are some new and creative game play elements in this game, including mini games. Though I don't like all of them, I like that it's different and offers something new compared to most other farming games.
How you grow better and better crops is especially interesting. You feel like you're speeding through actual history. It's even a bit educational. The crops as we have today are the result of many generations of farmers making them better and better through careful selection and better ways of farming.
I also love the festivals, they feel quite unique and like they truly belong with these people. Something they would truly do to have fun, spend time together, and celebrate. Very appropriate for the stone age setting.
I hope to enjoy the game more once I continue my save with the new updates.
For now, I'm quite satisfied. I would recommend this game to people who love farming games, but who want something fresh within the genre.
This game is really intuitive and fun, if you like a farming/fishing/mining relaxation game, this one is for you. I honestly can't stop playing.. the characters are delightful, the animals are cool (and you can ride some of them!) there are caves to explore and lots of things to grow. It is easy, and relaxing, and plays really smoothly. It is definitely worth the price!
I befriended a boar in the woods. We rode together, hunted together, and explored the land.
Then I needed some contribution money.
I sold out my friend to the butcher for 18 red meats.
I am the prehistoric Judah, Father forgive me for I have sinned.
The exact same game loop as Stardew Valley but without the stress of combat or difficult mini-games.
A great co-op game to relax with friends!
Absolutely loved this game to start. I am a die hard Stardew Valley fan, ad I liked that this game was similar in aspects, but did things differently. It may have been how I played it through, but around the beginning of the 2nd year, I began to lose interest. I am hoping I will come back to the game and try playing it differently, but at the moment, there isn't a ton to do once you have completed the story line and leveled up most of your stuff. Definitely worth checking out though! Loved this game!
Relatively simple but well-thought out game. I enjoyed spending time in this world and any annoyances were only minor and did not diminish from the overall enjoyment.
I love this game so much. It's peaceful, the puzzles are fun and not too confusing for me to solve, I adore the music, the mechanics are fun, the NPCs are easy to get attached to, etc. 10/10, I couldn't recommend this game enough.
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Soda Den |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 95% положительных (1983) |