Разработчик: Frozen District

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В «Хаус Флиппер 2» представлены как новые механики, так и переработанные из первой части.
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Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, dutch, japanese, korean, norwegian, polish, portuguese - brazil, portuguese - portugal, russian, simplified chinese, spanish - latin america, traditional chinese, turkish, ukrainian
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10 64bit
- Процессор: AMD Ryzen 5 1st gen / Intel Core i5 7th gen
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: AMD Radeon RX 580 4GB / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 10 GB
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10 64bit or newer
- Процессор: AMD Ryzen 5 3rd gen / Intel Core i5 10th gen
- Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: AMD Radeon RX 5700XT 8GB / NVIDIA RTX 2070 8GB
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 14 GB
Отзывы пользователей
House flipper 1 is one of my most played games. I love it, i never get bored of it. So when i heard a second one would be coming out i was excited! However upon it's release, i was kind of disappointed. I gave it some time for updates and fixes in hopes that it will improve and it has slightly...... The game isn't the worst, but it isn't the best either. They've added things like sandbox mode, co-op, and assembly, which are all amazing features to the game some of which people wanted for the first game. However the mechanics of a lot of the game are terrible, or flawed. I feel like if they had taken the best things from house flipper 1 and just improved on them or changed them a bit this game would have been better. But instead they got rid of all the good stuff and replaced it with mechanics that honestly drive me mad. For example, the painting, lord help me, using the mouse to do this is terrible so i have to use the keys instead and this is no better for moving the damn paint roller around. The simple way of painting in the first game was far better and far easier. The map is not a thing in this game instead with have a 'sense' mode, which isn't the worst but the map was far better, and helped with many more things than just finding dirt and trash. The way the tasks are now laid out is awful. I really miss being able to switch between rooms on the side and see what tasks they had also. With this new set up for tasks you have to check every part of the property just to see if you got every room done, there's not even a percentage of overall done jobs like in the first so god help you if you miss anything.
I could rant on for ages about the pros and cons of this game but that would be wasting peoples time probably. I had really high hopes for this game as i love this companies work, i have several of their games and enjoy all of them. But this one kind of fell flat for me. Like i said it isn't the worst game, but it really isn't the best either. I'll see what else they come out with for this game and maybe something will change my mind, but for now i think i will keep playing the first game more than this one :(
House Flipper 2 is the ULTIMATE home builder, and interior design game HANDS DOWN! And will be beyond as great, because in addition the devs are constantly updating the game as well! Feels an HGTV Simulator. (in the best way possible)
I'm writing this review with HF1 in mind. They really held back with this game. The furniture/decoration options are so beyond limited. Even the doors and windows have little variety. The only thing this game has that HF1 doesn't is the ability to customize what little furniture you have, and the ability to build a house from scratch. These are features that should've just been added to HF1. If this game had a workshop I wouldn't mind the lack of variety with furniture and all that. But it doesn't. The devs don't want it to have a workshop. Which makes no sense. Save your money and get House Flipper 1 instead. They actually put in effort with that one.
I enjoy home decorating in real life as well as in this game. It is fun and relaxing to me. I enjoy being able to play with my mother-in-law as well. We can chat and play at the same time. It is definitely worth purchasing.
Exactly what I wanted out of this game! Runs well, haven't had any issues with co-op lots of stuff to do and it really teaches you how to play by doing
This is probably better than the sims. Design your home and not worry about feeding your character or waiting on your character to go to work and get home. Just build, clean, and fix houses as well as buy and sell houses
This Sequel feels a lot better than the Original. the fact that you can BUILD anywhere on the property, where you couldn't in the first game is an instant 10/10
Great game. Improves upon the original in a number of ways. Mostly polish I would say. This game also runs much better on consoles, steam deck etc. Recommended!
Abysmal amount of options and customizability, you literally have like 3 models for each type of thing and the rest is just painting it different colors. Stairs cant even be painted separate colors, doors are ugly and theres not many options, specially when it comes to size, wood paneling has no volume same with tiles, etc. This game plays like it was made following at youtube tutorial.
Could use more content but i'm able to do quite a lot thanks to the level of customization already in the game. my biggest complaint is that there isn't more game. Really excited about whats to come just wish it was coming faster. Sunk 300 hours in so far and plan to sink in another 300.
So much worse than house flipper (which I played to death) - complete fail - what a disappointment - they've changed things that didn't need changing, there's less choice in many ways and the changes that should be positive are clunky and not very usable - wish I hadn't wasted my money
While I enjoyed this game, it is ridiculous that this game is still unsupported while HF1 is still getting DLCs! Feels like a waste of my money.
Too little content. It lacks lots of furniture. Letting players upload their own 3D models could give us a huge ammount of furniture in no time.
I completed the story after 14 hours of play. I remember having way more fun in the first House flipper. This game is more of a cleaning simulator, as that is pretty much all you do. Very little building/demolishing. The tools are somewhat tedious to use. I had fun, but the game gets so repetitive. The voice acting is pretty good and it is somewhat story heavy, but it just dies off after a couple of missions. I got this game on sale but even for 20% off this game just lacks. Wait for it to go into the $10 to maybe $20 range its a cozy "cold day" game. I really hate to leave a negative review and I wish there was a "kinda good" review type.
House Flipper 1 and House Flipper 2 both have their own unique appeals. HF1 has the advantage of lots of development time, updates, and DLC. Overall, I think that makes it the more appealing game at the moment if you can get all of the bells and whistles on sale. HOWEVER, I do think that HF2 is the better game. There are some areas (the buyers) that still feel unfinished and it can be difficult to figure out exactly what might make a house more valuable. Likewise, it's lost features that I quite enjoyed from the HF1 DLC packs such as themed gardens (don't worry, it still comes with plants!) and pets. I highly recommend this game on its own terms and look forward to what it becomes in the future!
I love this game but i think it needs updates more often with new missions. I blew through this game and all the missions so now theres not much to do.
I really love this game. I got it late december and havent been able to quit playing. I always end up spending hours in sandbox mode. Unfortunately, my bf and I beat the game faster than i expected, so for now we're just waiting for more content. I tried HF1, and can already see how much potential HF2 has.
House Flipper 2 is a total disappointment. The logistics are difficult(i.e. painting, wall paper, etc.); the assembly procedures are totally different from the original game and are utterly useless(you have to assemble a clock with no clear instructions, yet you can hook up plumbing with no assembly?); the graphics aren't as nice I don't think. I don't I'll be playing this version anymore, I've run out of jobs and haven't even sold my first house, nor can I buy one. Not happy at all.
When is the next update? We need more clients. Hehehehe.
I genuinly love this game. I can make a house however I want, I can remodel and flip them. I can also make future houses with this, I can make their layout and design them how id like. The posibilities within this game are almost endless and I love it. The controls are easy to understand and use, the story is nice and not too overwhelming.
This is such a good game to play with your spouse or close friends or even alone, if you always have that dream of seeing your vision come to "life" build whatever however you want its such a good experience, and now with their coop mode I am going to be even more hooked !
I've sunken in so many hours in the first game, and looks like I am going there with this one. Love the ability to customise everything, to create your own playable map, to build any many different structures, sky is the limit with this one. If you love building and designing in Sims, this game is for you! Enjoy ;)
I wish “Maybe Later” was an actual review option, but as a person who plays this for the single player experience I’m going with “Not Recommended”. This isn’t a bad game. The story missions are fine, the new furniture customization options are okay, but the post game has lost its soul. HF1 had buyers, while this game didn’t have them at launch they have since added them. The feature has big problems. Nothing tells you who these buyers are or how to unlock them. Apparently the devs just assumed we’d all make some of these nonsensical design choices and unlock the buyers. Nothing gives you feedback while building the house to let you know if any of the special buyers are interested in the property you’re working on. Even if you look it up and follow a guide on how to build a house specifically for someone, it might not work. I have built over 10 houses for a specific buyer. I’ve followed multiple different guides. Still cannot get her to appear. It's completely sucking the fun out of the post game. The devs don’t seem to care about quality of life features for single players. It’s all about the co-op experience and pushing fan created content on mod.io. I’m not against fan stuff or co-op. I just don’t like when devs use fan creativity as an excuse to not make anything new or exciting for the game they're selling.
Relaxing, enjoyable game. Runs pretty well, and there's a lot you can do.
Exactly what the title says, it's a house flipping game. Very fun, even things like cleaning are more enjoyable than you'd expect. Has a pretty powerful building tool as well, you can build a dream house from scratch, if you're brave enough. There is some trickery though when it comes to house design, there are items like arches and slopes which you can apply colors and textures to but are NOT a part of the standard buildings or surfacing process, nothing in the game explains where these pieces are so you can use them, how to utilize them or how to apply color/texture to them. Even though some of the later houses already in the game use these tricks. Like a sloped drive way, seems simply enough right? But you can't lay concrete in a slant, so HOW do you do it? you use a slope piece, manually edit it's shape and then place it, THEN apply the concrete 'surface' texture to it and bam, you got it. But nothing explains this in the game. These unique set pieces that you can't duplicate or copy with the item gun become really frustrating to work with. I only wish there were ways to expand your furniture and surface options.
I absolutely love this game. The best part is the back stories behind the houses that you buy. It adds more flavor. I don't know why some people complain about having to clean the houses, is that not part of renovating? I do wish there were more types of decor and furniture but I know House Flipper 2 is still new so.
is great it helps me calm down and its really realistic but the painting takes forever and you can mow the lawn
Unfortunately seems very poorly optimized. Buggy, laggy, and, at least for me, crashes after the tutorial mission making it impossible to progress because it only saves AFTER the tutorial is complete. I'd just stick with the first game.
game crashes very often. i have a good pc and this doesnt happen with any other game except this one. crashed so many times that i lost all my progress on a house.
love it, addicted to it even, however i do wish that assemblies for plumbing was in it instead of being it's own thing. Still a very good sequel!
House Flipper 2 is a blast, I have 111 Hours in game at the time of this review, I will say if you prefer realism graphics, you may prefer the original house flipper. However the story in this version is way better, and the community levels is a sweet addition.
I've waited long enough before writing this review, but here it is. There is a lot of good stuff in the game. Nice houses, interesting options for walls and floors that you can customize to a certain extent. But overall I cannot help but feel cheated. I cannot go back to HF1 because there are some mechanics that certainly were improved in this new game. But at the same time the sad selection of furniture and other things is frustrating (yeah yeah, they will add more at some point... when?). I mean, be honest and release it in EA while you add all those promised items. It's been over a year since the release, but there are still no more than handful of lights and lamps, but you did get 8 variations of pumpkins for Halloween, so suck it up, customer.
If there is ever a HF3, I doubt I will even consider buying it.
I like it more than HF1. Enjoying the ability to build and the tweaked game mechanics.
The focus is still on "fun and relaxing" rather than "technically challenging."
Some of the houses are really interesting and full of character, not just boxes with rooms.
Definitely a step up.
Super chill game to just relax and play. I definitely get lost for hours without realizing it.
I absolutely love this game. The only thing that limits you is your own imagination!! It's super laid back and relaxing to play. If you like being creative, houses and design, I don't think you'll be disappointed!
Just as fun as the first one, but it for sure needs improvements. Would love to see the assembly mechanics back into the usual flipping instead of it being in a separate mode. Other than that, can't wait for future updates!
Very cozy building/ designing game. Great way to escape reality for hours on end. If you can think of a design there's a way to do it in this game. The missions and assembly are a great way to vary gameplay but they're mostly optional. Occassionally have to fight the camera- especially in assembly mode- but not bad once you're used to it.
I've enjoyed this game! My kind of relaxing sim, feels like you've lots of opportunities to be unique. Really satisfying gameplay and easy mechanics.
Loved it! Bought both House Flipper 1 & 2, I must say both are very different from each other, yet somehow similar. I love how House Flipper 2 has both a story mode and a sandbox mode, for different players with different preferences. Personally I only play the story mode and won't even touch the sandbox mode. Loved everything about House Flipper 2, except for the assemble part!!!! I am soooo frustrated with it, but in a fun way.
really relaxing and enjoyable but the assembly minigame is not immersive at all because screws don't fall off and disappear into nothingness only to be found with your foot two weeks later, everything stands perfectly still as instructed and as a consequence of these two, there's no dedicated cursing button. until these issues are fixed i recommend having to recite Bob the Builder theme from memory on loop as you're assembling furniture and having to stop whenever you forget the lyrics.
I recommend it for sure but think that the first game had a lot more content. The tools in this game are superior and far more convenient. Overall most of the functions and game play is more convenient than the first version. It looks better as well without any mods considered. Content is definitely lacking so far though in terms of items like decorations and general clutter that can help mix things up from house to house. It's literally the only game I play though so I definitely do like it.
At least not over HF1. I got into HF2 almost immediately since I loved HF1 and i was excited to see a newer looking, more refreshed version of that. I gave it a lot of slack for a while cause "oh but the game is still new, I'm sure they'll add more along the way". But now the game is over a year old and still just so plain.
This game is like the youngest child that lives in the shadow of their older sibling.
It has a lot of nice new features like being able to clone styles and change the color and material of just about every item. I have over 200 hours in the game so of course, I still enjoy it. But like I saw someone else say, it just feels abandoned. HF1 is getting DLC after DLC and I feel like we were lucky to get new items for Christmas and Halloween in HF2.
You don't get to assemble furniture on site like before; but now you can go build it in a completely separate area, one time, and get what? a few dollars off when you buy it? Ngl, kinda lame. And I hope you like the same 2 sets of curtains cause if not, you're sol on that one. And you're telling me, I can have alligator wallpaper but we don't have just a simple checker board pattern?
Again, the game is enjoyable and it's not that I *don't* recommend it, I just would rather suggest HF1 over this one for the time being. I hope they will eventually give this one the love they've been giving to HF1 all this time. Every time I play I just find myself frustrated over the lack of items to choose from and random little bugs and just end up wanting to run back to the first one.
Frozen District, I know you love HF1, but would it kill you to take 2 out for ice cream every now and then or go to one of their soccer games?
There is not enough accessories or anything good to use . you don,t have many choices there is know work shop for you to down load any think . you have what they give you and that not the greatest . update are like far form none . if you ask me house flipper is way better then house flipper 2. after playing it i can,t give it a good review or recommend at all they need to step up there game start adding more to the game
While I totally love HF1, this one doesn't hold me as much. I hate the painting mechanic it's horrible compared to HF1. I don't like that I can't cut the grass as it looks awful as it is even after weeding. The lack of deco and other items that HF1 has is also pretty bad. I keep coming back time and again since it released in 2023 to see if anything has improved or changed and I see nothing. I'll stick with HF1 - if you like that one, stick with it as HF2 isn't all it's cracked up to be. Very disappointed.
Great game, I definitely recommend it. For the most part, great physics, great graphics, fun story, great everything. Every once in a while I encounter a physics glitch or a bug, but the developers are always fixing and always improving their game, and I appreciate them for that. Great game I have really enjoyed playing it.
---{ Graphics }---
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
---{ Gameplay }---
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
---{ Audio }---
☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
---{ Audience }---
☑ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☑ Grandma
---{ PC Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
---{ Game Size }---
☐ Floppy Disk
☐ Old Fashioned
☑ Workable
☐ Big
☐ Will eat 10% of your 1TB hard drive
☐ You will want an entire hard drive to hold it
☐ You will need to invest in a black hole to hold all the data
---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☑ Easy
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
---{ Grind }---
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☑ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second life for grinding
---{ Story }---
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☑ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It'll replace your life
---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☐ Long
☑ To infinity and beyond
---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☐ Worth the price
☑ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
---{ Bugs }---
☐ Never heard of
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☐ 8
☑ 9
☐ 10
---{ Author }---
☑ https://vojtastruhar.github.io/steam-review-template
I highly recommend House Flipper 2, it’s a lot of fun to play with others. I find that it feels more smoother than House Flipper 1 and works especially well on the Steam Deck.
I would enjoy playing this game more with someone else rather than by myself. However, one downside is that the optimisation needs improvement, as it causes my Steam Deck and laptop to run hot.
Regarding the co-op feature, which I know is still in beta, I have a suggestion: players should have more control over the laptop beyond just the host. It would be great if all players could feel like they are building a business together, allowing each person to earn money individually from missions they complete together than just the host getting everything one sidedly. This way, all players can use their own money later in their single-player mode. Adding more features like business features, would make the experience again less one-sided, more interesting and prolonging. Additionally, in the current beta co-op, objects are duplicating, and some players can see things that others can’t, leading to floating objects and other usual bugs.
Overall, if you can get past these issues, I am enjoying this game with others, and I hope the multiplayer side receives further development and more features in the future.
Bit frustrating, as this could be a really good game. However, like some of the other reviews have said, game feels like early access... love the idea of the create-your-own-mission mechanics, but honestly, the selection of items is just sad haha. I didn't play HF1 at the very beginning of its life but there wasn't nearly the amount of DLC content for it that there is now when I started playing. From what I remember, it wasn't even close to this barren feeling. Now, especially with the DLCs which add new mechanics to HF1, I would say this game is far inferior atm. In fact, I love the first game, but I found this game unenjoyable enough that I am requesting a refund (although I accidentally went over .7 hours over 2 hours, so we'll see if it's granted), and I don't do that very often. Super disappointed. Maybe in a handful of years it will live up to its predecessor, idk.
it is fun to play and take up time, great game for a peacful time and creativity
I love this game but it's impossible to play due to it crashing constantly. The recent crashed caused my save to disappear so I had to start again.
Please find a fix a for this as it's a fantastic game
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Frozen District |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 79 |
Отзывы пользователей | 83% положительных (5994) |