Разработчик: Retroware

Iron Meat отдает дань уважения классическим играм прошлого в жанре "беги и стреляй" ("run-and-gun"), в которых напряженные бои с боссами разделены на несколько этапов. С тремя уровнями сложности на выбор игроки могут испытать свои навыки, где более высокий уровень сложности вознаграждается еще более сложной битвой с боссом.
Кто сказал, что вы должны сражаться с Мясным нашествием в одиночку? В диванном кооперативе для 2 игроков вы можете взять с собой приятеля и вместе оставлять за собой след из окровавленных трупов, зараженных Мясом! Это удвоит огневую мощь, увеличит кровопролитие и увеличит количество МЯСА!
Вам не обязательно быть солдатом, чтобы сражаться с Мясом. Черт возьми, для этого даже не обязательно быть ЧЕЛОВЕКОМ! Более 30 открываемых скинов на выбор позволяют игрокам настраивать своего персонажа так, как они хотят. Каждый скин поставляется со сменными деталями, что позволяет лучше настраивать его при смешивании и подборе. Хотите голову акулы на теле робота с ногами динозавра? Сделано! Может быть, наполовину человек, наполовину пёс? Без проблем! Или как насчёт ковбоя с хвостом и крыльями демона? Хм... ДА!
Поддерживаемые языки: english, russian, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, japanese, korean, portuguese - brazil, spanish - latin america, traditional chinese, polish
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10 64-Bit
- Процессор: Intel Core i5-4300 or equivalent
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Integrated GPU
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 2 GB
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10 or 11 64-Bit
- Процессор: Intel Core i5-5700 or equivalent
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Discrete GPU
- DirectX: версии 12
Отзывы пользователей
It's a decent Contra clone. Much easier by Contra standards, but still a good challenge for the average gamer. The pixel art graphics look great. Super gorey with some garish body horror designs. I love the concept of fleshy alien monstrosities melding with steel machinery. The parallax scrolling looks impressive. There are some great little details in the background and foreground. The metal soundtrack fits, but never really stood out. A lot of generic chugging riffs. Bosses were badass. The monster bus was awesome and the final Iron Meat boss was a standout as well. Powerups should be familiar to any Contra fan. No real surprises here. It was cool that you could upgrade them by grabbing another powerup of the same type. I appreciate the lack of gimmick stages Contra is famous for. I hate them. I always hated them, especially the top down stages in Contra 3. It's a straight run 'n gun side scroller through and through. I do wish the game was longer and a little more challenging. I never had to start a stage over again even once. There are some unlocks you get by ranking up playing the same stages repeatedly, but that's not enough of an incentive to keep playing. For $20, you got a lot of options in platformers and this one isn't necessarily doing anything different. I'd say it's worth $10. (6/10)
Iron Meat is an all-around fantastic game!
It's basically a Contra-like game but better overall than most recent entries in that series. The visual presentation, music, and difficulty-level in Iron Meat are all spot-on. *My only complaint is that I want more!
*In reality, my main complaint is the price-point to game length. It's about 1.5-2 hours of gameplay for $20 USD? Yikes! I recommend waiting for a sale.
***I cannot recommend this game enough***
Honestly, I love the retro feel and the Contra-style gameplay. What a throwback! I will happily admit I played this on Easy for an entire playthrough. I couldn't put it down, not that I really wanted to.
This is retro done right. A quality game with a great homage to a wonderful 90's adventure. I noticed the end of the final mission - no spoilers, but I hope the devs segway this into a sequel! Prime setup haha
I hope you buy and enjoy this game, it really is great!
Out of alot of run and gun games that ive played through the years, this is one of my favorite ones of all time, i love the design, the depth of bring the characters to life, the intense battle against the iron meat and saving the world. i also love how to customize your character too its so freaking awesome to be a dinosaur/robot/alien ect. this game and many others from retroware always had my approval and this is a very legendary game.
played the demo, loved it. bought the full game because you deserve the money. real game is even better, this is a love letter to contra, and nice retro music work. im in love!!!!!!!
A great coop 2D action game that reminds me of Turricane 2. Best played with a friend. The controls take a bit getting used to, but once your get the hang they're fine. The maps are very diverse and interesting, not just different backgrounds or sprite sets, and the guns are great.
We tried couch coop with 2 controllers (both Xbox One) and faced a weird issue where one controller would interfere with the controls of the other player: when my friend walked left or right, my player did the same. That way it was unplayable, and we didn't manage to fix the issue by rebinding controls. I ended up playing on keyboard, and he on controller. Still we had a blast and I would recommend it. But if the devs read this and could look into it, or anyone else has a tip on how to fix, it would be much appreciated.
This game is very fun to play. The only negative i have is that it felt a little short and needed a few more levels.
fantastic contra-esque action
fun spin of the contra formula
Good Contra Clone game, with tight controls, good music and good enemy design. The maps are good as well.
A good Contra style game, but a little on the short end for the asking price. There's a wired bug with the walking animation i would expect out of ubisoft or bioware slopware.
The Good
* Good artwork
* Over the top insane and funny enemies and levels.
* Good overall pacing
* Good veriety in enemies both artistically and gameplaywise.
* Weapons feel different
* The soundtrack fits the tone of the game.
The Bad
* There isn't that much game for the bucks. The contra collection is about the same pricetag
* Levels are just long enough to become repetetive.
* When you shoot straight ahead the walking animation breaks for the legs. This doesn't happen when you shoot diagonally. This has an unfortunate side effect of screaming Ubisoft hour right from the start.
* Unlocks are meh.
* The recoil animation doesn't always fit the actual firerate.
Super amazing game all the way through! If you love Contra, this is where it's at.
almost a mastrrpiece
Quality Contra style game made by people who obviously care about what they do.
I was getting major Super C vibes from this game.
The sprites, music, enemies, and overall tone is really wicked.
My only strike is how forgiving it seemed on the normal mode with 16 lives, which made the whole play through under 2 hours with couch co-op. I would recommend starting on a higher difficulty for those who are used to the genre. There is also a mirror mode unlocked after completion, so it does have it's variety.
To the point
A fun and beautiful successor to Contra but man, it's just too short for the price tag. Very worth it on sale
Good Stuff
- The game is full of beautiful sprite work, everything is vibrant with a lot of great animations really showing off the interesting bio-mechanical designs of the game
- The difficulty, on both medium and hard, is not oppressive, which is important for a Contra-like game. You will feel like you are making progress even when you run out of lives and have to continue and there are no "traps" where enemies can cut down a chunk of your lives with no input from you.
- The weapons and power-ups are great fun and no gun felt useless. Special points for the temporary upgrades, the steroids, which improve the gun you're using, and the omni-directional bullet thing. I also LOVE that collecting multiples of the same power-up makes what you're carrying more powerful.
Bad Stuff
- It's just short, like incredibly short. I beat hard mode clocking in at around 90 minutes, which included my replays etc. I know the price tag is 20 bucks but come on. At least I didn't feel as ripped off as when I bought Moonrider.
- There's really no replayability other then unlocking skins. I recall the old 3DS contra ( which is a game grandmas and grandpas like me played) had challenge maps that kept me playing well towards the 20ish hour mark. but once you're done here you get a mirror mode to play the levels in reverse and that's it.
- The unlocks are underwhelming as I didn't care about the minor cosmetic changes the skins provide. It's not a bad thing they included them but again just a poor motivation for replays.
Good Contra-like game, definitely draws inspiration from Contra 3: The Alien Wars. In fact, the gameplay and gamefeel is almost exactly like it. Weapons are different but some are functionally similar. Normal mode is kind of easy, you have 16 lives that refresh every level so you can just kinda tank through the cheap deaths. Planning on going through on hard. I think Operation Galuga is the better "Contra" game, but this feels a little more authentic to the older games in the series.
Indie game of the year if TGA wasn't a soy popularity contest
Rather good for a Contra-like, but replayability is a bit limited in some areas; still, I hope things go well!
Short but intense, beautiful to look at, nice and gory.
Finished it in Normal difficulty in co-op in around 4 hours. Some sections can be a bit hard, but with 16 lives and generous i-frames you can just tank them if all else fails.
Overall, lots of fun.
Iam not going to go into how good this game is, as most people have covered what I wanted to say.
But really guys, if you want a awsome contra type game, we'll go for this as it's amazing.
If you're still not sure, well download the demo if it's still available first.
The developer has done a amazing job with this contra type game, and to be honest it's one of the best I've ever played.😁
I've seen enough. It's been less than 60 minutes and I've seen enough.
This is TOTALLY NOT Contra. Absolutely NOT Contra. Not at all.
Not Contra 64, Not Super C, Not anything like those.
I mean, yes, Iron Meat basically plays exactly like Contra, but I mean, it's not.
It's fair to say that if you want a game that's NOT Contra, but is totally LIKE it (maybe even better?), then you can get in on Iron Meat. No-brainer for 80s kids.
There's also all these skins you can unlock?
The user reviews are Overwhelmingly Positive for a reason.
But like, this isn't Contra.
An iron solid classic-contra-styled run-and-gun with some very nice visuals and soundtrack.
Levels are long and there are 9 of them in total, weapon capsules actually give you random weapons everytime but all of them are useful.
There are 3 difficulties:
- Easy: you start with 30 lives, there are less enemies,they have slightly less HP, and are less aggressive (they shoot slower as well).
- Normal: you get 16 lives
- Hard: you get 8 lives, enemies take slightly more shots, and they shoot faster
For any difficulty, lives get reset between every stage, unless you have more than the stock ammount, and you have to replay the whole stage if you run out of lives, your score also gets reset.
The more points you get per stage the more you gain progress in unlocking skins, and you can choose between any skin's head, torso, arms and legs to customize your player.
I kinda wish there was at least an achievement for completing the game on hard though, and maybe one for getting through the game on hard without getting a game over to give even more replayability beyond obtaining skins
Only 1 hr long
First impressions. if you liked Contra you'll love this one :)
Dare I say this is better than ANY of the Contra games? Yes it's that good. It's just good old mass destruction and mutant shooting.
Polish sausage factory of a game. Especially for an indie Contra game.
Worth the price of entry even at full price. Wait for sale sure whatever.
I played on easy and it was non stop fun. I think impossible to 'lose' on easy but still, fun.
The art of the game in motion plays out well. Sentient meat machines progressively get more interesting. Good weapon variety. Control pretty spot on.
Feels pretty modern despite the retro inspirations. It's probably more accessible than Wayforward's Contra.
This game came out as a surprise. Some random youtube channel was recommended to me and the dude was previewing this, so I wishlisted on steam. I used to love contra games as a kid, and .. I like the new contra game a lot, but something about this game made me want to finish it. I like the simple platforming that isn't punishing, like some games action games I recall on the NES. The enemies are unique, I guess the name is in the title. They're some cyborg mutants or something, and you get some really cool and gross, in a great way, boss designs and such.
The game has a musical score that should be noted. Usually I play these types of games when I listen to a podcast or something, but this one, I enjoyed listening to the sound track and the nice squishy sounds when you kill enemies.
Thank goodness for an easy mode. It gives you 30 lives like I remember playing contra back in the day. It was the only way we were going to beat that game then and it's the only way was able to beat this one. XD
Also, as you play you unlock new character models to choose from, which adds some replay. It's a good game that's easy to recommend.
It's not a bad game, but it's very old in every possible aspects. If you are looking for a run'n'gun game from the 90s this is the one for you.
+ music (soundtrack is great and full of metal action in it)
+ levels designs and bosses (every level has some unique ideas, same with bosses)
+ weapons balance (all weapons are copy-pasted from Contra, but all are also rebalanced in a good way, so "S" is no longer superior like it was in Contra)
- old and wooden controls (like in NES era when your controller had two action buttons: A and B. Here is the same. You can only jump and shot in 8 directions)
- old pixel art graphics from 90s
- annoying moments when enemies spawns right in your face (stage 2 for example, it works similar to Waterfall level from Contra 1, you are jumping up and camera follows your character. There are two moments in this level when enemies literally spawns just few pixels from you and if you don't memorize the entire level you will most likely die here)
- game is short, 1-2h to finish
- low replayability and little content for game's price (you can beat it three times, on Easy/Normal/Hard difficulties and that's it. No secret levels, no challenges, no different characters, no gameplay twists... you can play again of course, but you will repeat the same levels with enemies spawn at the same exactly places)
Many people are calling this one a "real Contra". I would say it's a clone of Contra, but of very first Contra, back from the 80/90s. If you are fine with it -> go and buy that game. You will get a first Contra, with rebalanced weapons, same outdated controls but few times harder.
I believe you will make a better deal buying games that adds something to the core idea. My first choice would be Broforce.
Broforce has like 40 different characters, with unique attacks and special powers, 4 players coop, a long gameplay with a huge amount of levels and bosses. Almost everything is destructible in Broforce and that is both fun and impressive :)
It also has a pixel art graphic if you are a fan of it.
My second choice would be Contra: Operation Galuga.
Operation Galuga has 10 playable characters with unique weapons and special powers, 4 players coop, modern graphics, dash, double jump, shooting in every possible direction (not 8 only...) weapon overloading, perks, challenges, 5 difficulty levels with options to switch on/off health bar so it's adapted for both, new players and hardcore veterans.
Spend few hours in Broforce and Contra: Operation Galuga and after that return to a game like this. You will have a feeling like your hands are tied with only jump and shot and after 2h you will see that the game has nothing more to offer.
Great game! The graphics and animations are wonderful. The story is pretty cool, with a good flow between levels. I even enjoyed the credits at the end. :)
I already beat it (on easy), but it will keep me coming back like the arcade cabinets did.
Top-shape "Contra" gameplay.
Kick-ass music.
Amazing retro art style.
No-bullshit story.
My biggest complaint is the fact there isn't more of it. The sound and visual design are phenomenal, though you'll seriously want a controller for this one. Feels great with one, but handles terribly on keyboard. I'd love to see an expansion for it
Incredible, like contra on steroids but real fast pace action, great soundtrack in the game, cool level designs, awesome weapons to choose, nice skin unlockables to use, and cutting edge bosses to fight at the end of each stage. You should give this one a try if you're into these type of hardcore action games.
The biggest problem is ever-coming troops from the back. Absolutely illogical (there's literally nothing left in the place the player has just come from (except for allies) !), toxic, disgusting and unneeded!!! You have to wait until they come before moving forward, or they'll come when you're destructed/running from bullet/lying down etc. There must be at least opportunity to switch it the hell off.
Special thanks to the author of the idea of leaving flying insects after some of the monsters die. In combination with previous item it gives natural "pleasure"!!!
Sometimes enemies shoot (or throw grenades) while you don't see them. It's very nice to hear that a grenade falls on your and have no f...g idea where exactly it falls and where you should move (or not move at all) to avoid it!
The game'd be ideal on Easy and Normal levels but a few toxic mechanics (as the aforementioned ones) poison the impression.
But when it comes to the Hard level - it is a failure. Again, it is not about challenge - it is about toxicity!
Enemies have more health (which is expected), you kill them slower (which is expected) and you get hit from the back because of ever-coming troops. Nasty.
Without taking into account Hard level I'd rate the game 4.3 / 5 (+ 0.3 for the gorgeous music!).
But for me Hard level was very important, and it gave disappointment! Hard level - 2 / 5.
Overall: 3 / 5
The game has a great potential, but suffers from imbalance and inadequate toxic mechanics.
There was once a company that made games with a name that meant "Against". They were quite good for a very long time, and then they were not. They got bad, and then a lot worse. Then there was a panda and boredom. Sadness ensued.
Then IRON MEAT happened.
This game is the best "Against" type game that has existed for quite some time, and if you like "Against" type games, you should play it. Because it is *for* you.
It is also for John Carpenter fans, because they love twitchy tentacles.
Well, I would say it's old good NES Contra from your memories as you were kid. Variety of guns which most you can remember from old times. Nice retro graphics, nice sound, very nice environment (it's so good to see you're not lonesome super hero who has to sort it out and save the world in solo, but all other background soldier do their thing too) Boss design is SOMETHING, they are very interesting, and you can't really guess how your next major opponent will look and in which form he would appear. After finishing this game I can say it's definitely something you have to try if you liked Contra, Metal Slug and other old school shooters.
If you like contra or metal slug then you will love this game. It features unlockable skins that have customizable pieces that you can swap out. and three difficulties that that have a decreasing amount of lives from 30 to 8. There are minimal to no bugs and it could potentially run smoothly on any computer.
This game is exactly what it says it is. All the ingredients are right there on the package.
A fun Contra like game that brings me back to my childhood. This is a side-scrolling action platform shooter made for the fans of classic arcade style games. The game is fairly simple, kill all the aliens and demon creatures to save the day. The best part of the game is the boss fights, as each one is unique, you go from fighting a possessed tank, to a evil train, and so on. The levels are also very fluid and each one was different enough from the others! Overall I would highly recommend. I have attached some gameplay footage so that you can see if the game is for you.
Haven't played a single Contra game, but have played one of the Metal Slug games back in 2006. I honestly really love this game and wish the best of luck to the devs for the next updates to this amazing game!
Let's be real here, if you are a fan of run and gun games the past 8 to 9 years have been mostly shovelware tier disappointments and titles that got way overhyped by people who's standards are at a point they'll accept anything via sheer copium.
But goddamn this one? oh yeah... i'm into it, it's real refreshing to have something that's this grassroots again while still having a lot of flavour of it's own and also isn't being super tryhard by intentionally going against established genre conventions like it's almost secretly ashamed of being mentioned in the same breath as some of the best games side scrolling action games ever made by human hands.
in TL:DR zoomerspeak language, the devs were absolutely cooking
Great run n' gun game for fans of Contra or Metal Slug. Only about an hour long which is pretty standard for this genre, but I had fun going back to do multiple runs and getting all of the achievements.
The comparison to Contra games are unavoidable, however, Iron Meat is a much better experience than Contra: Operation Galuga. This is a side-scrolling action platform shooter made for the fans of classic arcade style games and it absolutely deserves all of the praise it has received because it embodies everything that is and was great about those games. The detailed and gory graphics, the tight and responsive controls, even the music and sound fx are all top notch. Iron Meat is a throwback to the games of yesteryear and a retro gamer's dream come true. I rarely double dip with games, but I own Iron Meat on the Xbox and PC and have even ordered the physical edition on the Nintendo Switch. It's just that good and it is one of those pick-up and play type of games that I can go back to and enjoy for years to come. Not much more can be said about Iron Meat. It is simply a lot of fun.
Un jeu comme dans le temps, si tu as triper avec les vieux contra au nintendo, tu va adorer Iron meat !
Short, fast and fun game. Easy and more convenient than classic Contra games.
This is really cool "old-school" run'n'gun arcade game! Very good art (style) and soundtrack is excellent!
If you're an oldie with a hart for "retro" arcade games - you will love it!!!
A great Contra homage but with a sense of originality at the same time. Also a very challenging game, its controls are similar to the old ones and yet it feels modern. You should try it to know what I'm talking about.
It is more 'Contra', than the latest crap from Konami. If you miss Contra Hard Corps, Doom Troopers and etc., this is you best choice.
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Retroware |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 97% положительных (232) |