Разработчик: Isolated Games
Создавайте, выращивайте, и стройте! В Travellers Rest вам придётся использовать все доступные инструменты, чтобы стать лучшим трактирщиком в королевстве. Готовьте уникальные блюда и напитки, чтобы порадовать своих клиентов, открывая для себя мир и его колоритных персонажей. Сделайте своё заведение самым популярным в этом замечательном новом приключении!
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Открывайте новые рецепты и создавайте уникальные блюда и напитки, чтобы порадовать своих клиентов. Разумеется, вам понадобятся лучшие продукты, чтобы они оставались довольны - создайте сотни предметов и мебели, чтобы поднять ваше заведение на самый высокий уровень!
Откройте для себя мир
В королевстве полно колоритных персонажей и интересных занятий. Возьмите пару дней отпуска и отправляйтесь на поиски всего, что может предложить мир - в своих путешествиях вы обязательно найдете что-нибудь полезное для своей таверны!
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Веселитесь, играя вместе с друзьями в мультиплеере до 4-х человек! Объединяйтесь с ними, исследуйте мир, или заставляйте работать в вашей таверне! (И вам даже не придётся за это платить!)
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, spanish - spain, polish, portuguese - brazil, turkish, japanese, korean, portuguese - portugal, simplified chinese, russian, traditional chinese, italian, dutch, thai, ukrainian, czech, romanian, hungarian, indonesian, catalan
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows 7 SP1+
- Процессор: SSE2 instruction set support
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Graphics card with shader model 4.0+
- DirectX: версии 10
- Место на диске: 600 MB
Отзывы пользователей
Not recommending multiplayer in its current state. It’s super buggy—friends moving around like the flash, and sometimes you can’t even do anything.
It’s better to wait a month for fixes because, right now, even if you buy it, you won’t be able to play properly anyway.
This is a wonderful game. And I'm going to tell you why.
Travellers Rest has always been a game that I'd described to friends and loved ones as 'Stardew Valley, but you're running the Saloon too'. While Travellers Rest isn't quite at the level of Stardew, admittedly not even close, you can tell that there's some inspiration there. The quiet, cozy atmosphere that the game holds, being able to walk around the map and recently added city to interact with the various NPCs. Even at this early stage of development for the game, there is still lore sprinkled in, secrets between NPCs that exist and begging for the chance to dig deeper and find out more. While it is admittedly threadbare, it's not going to be for long.
This game receives constant updates. I've been playing since before the Farm was added in, and since then we've received major update after major update. The farm has been added, being able to caretake and butcher animals has been added, the beach, fishing, the city, all the NPCs you speak to to gather fresh produce or furniture for your tavern to flourish. And the development team recently brought online multiplayer to the game! And each day it feels they're pushing out patches to ensure that even though this is an Early Access title, it comes with the pure smooth game play experience of a true AAA title.
Isolated Games will put themselves on the map once this cozy, comfortable experience hits its inevitable 1.0 release. Frankly, they should already have more attention, and they deserve it. I've watched this game blossom from a simple tavern keeper simulator with bare bones mechanics and barely-there gameplay into something that I keep coming back to.
It's not for everyone, and I'm not going to claim this game as the second coming. But for what it is, and what Iso Games has made of it, it's exactly what you want. I have every confidence that they will continue to create an experience that brings peace and joy to those who play it.
Travellers Rest is my comfort game. Plain and simple. It could be yours too.
This game's amazing. If you're looking to scratch that Stardew Valley itch this is the game for you. It is essentialy a Stardew Valley-like if you will. But still stands on it's own as this fun managment sim on top of the usual crafting, decorating and exploring formula. Since the online update I think this game has realized it's full potential though I think there's more coming wich is nuts since this already is a kickass cozy game. (Devs are really cool, oh and please add mod support <3)
I would definitely recommend this game to whoever are in this genre or even who wants to keep one or two chill business management games in their library. Even though its still in early access, it shows great promise. Updates are being rolling in pretty consistently too.
I have 92 hours at the time of writing this review, and I picked it up today for a solid 3h, and I can confidently say that it's my last 3h I'll play of this game. If you played it at the first possible stage, yes, I'd say the game upgraded a whole lot. If you've played it last year or so, then I'd say it downgraded.
I miss the customization with my whole heart. The game feels very limiting at the stage it's currently at, and I don't know if I can find myself enjoying it. The NPCs feel very, very bland, too. Obviously I don't expect the customers to have depth to them, but the city NPCs are bland, too. I got the game for 10 euros because from the bottom of my heart, it seemed like a project worth supporting. Now it costs more, for what feels like less. I recommend playing the game, if you're willing to roll back to a good few versions back. At this state, it's both unplayable because it's unfun, but also because the dialog boxes bug out a good 5-10 times in 3-4 hours lol.
The beta is awesome, cannot wait to see how much more comes to this game with all the future updates!
I played this game when it was very new and loved it. Picked it up again and it's even better. I looks beautiful. It's cozy. It's relaxing. Got the right bits of complexity. The farming is satisfying without being too much. Crafting alcohols and cheese and fermenting them.
Some balancing on how much you get of certain items is needed but doesn't hinder enjoyment of the game. The NPCs in the town and surrounding areas are in development and I'm very much looking forward to seeing how they evolve.
Nice game! Really fun to build your own tarvern. Also nice that you also have to make the beer yourself.
This is one of my fave games its up there with graveyard keeper as well. these types of games are not for everyone due to the time consuming of collecting and crafting items but i love grind heavy crafting games. So this is one of my faves
I *LOVED* this game.
But the City Update made me despise it.
Yeah, the dead cat was annoying, but navigating the town is awful - it's like I was given Amazon Prime in terms of delivering items before and now that's been stripped away.
The town must've took tremendous effort... And kudos to you guys for putting it in. But I got used to a certain standard of shopping in the game before. The game is already about time management - finding time for farming, foraging, mining, and opening the tavern - so to add me, stumbling through a sea of NPCs and obstacles just to get crap I could've just ordered from my postbox? Bruh.
I liked the fact that before, we were just dropped into it. Left to our own devices to figure out the game for ourselves - I specifically told my friends I loved this game because there was no tutorial, no hand-holding BS, no annoying NPCs to fish for in an overly elaborate town (Think Stardew Valley, Faefarm, etc), just you and your tavern. Now it's me, my tavern, and that stupid ghost cat.
I also liked that because there wasn't really an established lore or story or reason for you to be doing what you're doing, we could align our own motivations. I personally made up that my character inherited her mother's tavern. But now that creativity has been replaced by some "I'm going to be the next Hokage!" kind of story-line about Kings, Queens, Guild of Tavernkeeps or whatever, and I'm just not feeling it. I don't want to be the next Hokage. I do not want to find the One Piece. I want to run my humble tavern, and keep people fed and happy.
Speaking of anime references, what is with the anime artstyle for character faces? When it first appeared, it completely ruined the medieval vibe. But I didn't have to speak to NPCS often before so I was fine with it. Now that y'all added more NPCS that I have to interact with everyday, however, it's become a cultural whiplash with how the game once was. The worst part is that this game was originally about running a Euro-Inspired Medieval Tavern - and now I can serve hamburgers, kimchi, with a side of onion rings. Isn't that the most medieval thing you've ever heard? /s
Another thing - why are the tools locked during the tutorial? "I don't know how to use that yet" is a phrase that has haunted me since I started a new save on Traveller's Rest. The game-play before was already super intuitive, so to even think about adding a tutorial? Completely unnecessary. Oh what, you don't know how to use a pickaxe? You lift it over your head and friggin' SMASH IT. It really isn't that hard.
Can't say I can recommend it to my friends now. So I'll just be on my older save files.
Super cute animated game with low system requirements. Time flies as you serve your guests, brew your own alcohol, and explore the area. Fans of Stardew Valley will definitely enjoy this one.
It was a fun game for a few hours. Then you realize there’s no story or places to go outside of the tavern, and shops. Tons of areas on the map that look like they lead to more parts of the story, but they’re just visual artifacts.
The game just becomes a grind. All day every day in game. Make food, make alcohol, water crops, and watch the AI employees manage the tavern. Over and over and over.
It’s basically a cheap ripoff of Stardew valley. Except if Stardew was restricted to just a very basic farm and the store in town.
So much possibility, so little story and game play.
ive been playing travellers rest for quite some time, and its been such a pleasure to see it grow as the developers continue to update! at first it was just the tavern on the farm and the inn with one set of decor- now theres a town with several NPCs, animal ranching, farming with seasons, so many decorations to choose from, and a great leveling system to get there! i am so thrilled to see travellers rest when irs fully fleshed out, it'll be even more incredible than it is now :)
A lot of fun and very addictive to say how simple the game is in principle. Love the hiring of staff once you reach lvl 5 but really need to be able to hire more than 1 bar tender and be able to fire staff. Needs a save option instead of just the auto save at the end of every day.
I also think using a game pad or controller will help for this game.
I purchased Travellers Rest some time ago and recently returned to the game. Originally, I remember finding the game fun but limited--which made sense given it was quite early in its early access journey. Upon returning to the game, I found myself surprised by both the vast increase in content and the direction the game had gone. Originally, I had thought TR would be something more akin to a Recettear or similar game, wherein you play as what would usually be an NPC in another RPG, but end up engaging in more RPG mechanics to run your business. Instead, TR is much more like the My Time At series or Stardew Valley, but distinguishes itself by both it's refreshingly distinct conceit of your PC being a tavern keeper and its charming, detailed sprite art style. Additionally, the storyline of you being in a kingdom where only those who work in hospitality are worthy of becoming head of state is very funny, and what little character writing is currently in the game is quite charming and memorable (especially our Boggart tutorial giver). While I'm always wary of recommending anyone to buy into an Early Access game, TR does seem like it's on the road to be something special by the time it hits 1.0, which is quite an impressive feat for a game set in the saturated genre created by Stardew Valley's popularity.
As for the negatives, I do think the game needs more tutorials and signposting. I found myself having to google certain aspects of the game at several different points, which was quite annoying as I would have preferred to stay solidly within the game world. Some examples include how it was somewhat frustrating to be walked step by step through how to make beer, but then never be taught how to make wine. As well as it not being made clear that certain recipes, when bought, also teach you the relevant ingredient recipes to complete them. (For instance, I didn't pick up Chorizo or Onion Rings for a while due to not knowing how to make Paprika or Bread Crumbs respectively. I think that this aspect of the upgrade system needs to be much more obvious or reworked entirely).
Other than that, I think the chat system with the current NPCs should be adjusted. I could generally talk to them about other NPCs I had yet to meet. (Examples include the Fish Seller telling me about Hikari before I met her, Violet telling me about Bob, and Violet's mom telling me about her whole family--though this one at least seemed more diagetic).
Regardless, I look forward to seeing more of TR and hope that the 1.0 is released soon!
good game but really isnt too much content once you get a good tavern running and lots of money flowing
4.5 hours in and experienced two bug crashes during character dialogue. Had to reset the day by exiting the game, which can be very frustrating as I lose the day's progress and foraging (only saves when you sleep).
Apart from those two bugs, it's a good restaurant management game and crafting sim. I'm still on the fence whether I would recommend this game but I'll say yes for now and provide an update later as I am only level two so expect more things to open up.
It is a genuinely nice game with a lot of fun content so far! I like being able to unlock new recipes as you level up your tavern's reputation. The map so far is enjoyable to explore, and I like the option of gathering your own materials as well as buying them from the town. I am excited to see what future updates of this game will entail and look forward to seeing the world expand.
This game entered early access in 2020, and to this day the experience still feels thread-bare. Every corner you turn there's something that looks like it might lead to a quest, a new zone, or something you could unlock, but you just can't. The game has a lot of issues besides content that you might usually be inclined to hand-wave as typical early-access issues, like a poorly tuned resource economy, and an ineffectual skill-point system, but when it's been in early access for nearly five years, it's starting to run out of excuses.
The game looks amazing, and has some incredibly detailed environments, solid sound effects and music, and I'd happily change my review if the game was ever actually released, as I do think the potential is there. But realistically, this does unfortunately look like a game doomed to languish in an incomplete state in early access forever.
After 200+ hours into this game, I think its safe to say this game worth your money if you are into:
- Bar & Alcohol crafting game.
- Restaurant management game.
- Farming & fishing game.
The graphics is adorable and cozy to look at.
The music is soothing and relaxing.
I didn't encounter any kind of bugs playing with my gigs.
But beware, the time between update is long. But the devs are alive thx small blessing.
Grab it if you ran out of games like Graveyard Keeper or Stardew Valley to play.
Either on sale or not, it worth the money.
played the game in early access and it was fun , came back to play after launch and they added a ton to the game ...Lookin forward to get to being a boss tavern owner
Cozy game to can spend hours on!
Much to do in this build-your-own tavern adventure!
Let friends join in on the fun too!
Great game, seems relaxing but can be quite frenetic. Still missing a main storyline but probably coming at some point.
It is an utter and complete delight to play. You are able to relax, lose track of time while simultaneously keeping track of it in game, craft food, craft drinks, and work your way up to taking on The Fellowship. All while decorating and arranging and making the best tavern the realm has ever seen from the original Tavern that started The Fellowship (Sorry for spoilers!!)
All in all, this is definitely a game that one can relax with after a long day or to spend hours on a quiet weekend crafting and creating.
A very cozy great game to explore and meet alot of new characters, now with multiplayers, how cool is that...
5+ years in early access. $6+Million in revenue. Only one update every 6-7 months that still takes at least 4 patches afterwards to make it playable.
On top of that, they keep doing these annual "Halloween" and "Christmas" updates that do not impact the actual permanent story or playability of the game. They only add temporary items and recipes. Instead of working on big long-term updates, we get these mini seasonal updates that don't impact the progress the of actual game.
The new "multiplayer" update is a complete joke considering 2/3 of the game still isnt even completed and there's nothing to do after 2 hours.
Total playtime before reaching end of the current story: about 5-6 hours.
Release a full game before doing all the extra gimmicks.
I've been playing this game off and on for a while, and just recently got back to it.
Now there's some weird contrived story where you want to become king by running a fantastic tavern out of a 'cursed' tavern that clearly belonged to the previous king, they got rid of the catalog mailbox and instead you have to go into town to get your supplies.
I don't want to be king, I just wanna run a tavern.
I'm gonna see if I can roll back to an old version that I liked.
This game is one the best games to play when i just want to chill. I come back to this game over and over again. The only complaint i ever had about it, i posted in the community forums and the dev team responded, looked into it and actually made changes to make the game better for their players. They are constantly working to improve the game and add more and more things into it.
I highly recommend this game if you like chill farming, management games.
+ nice look
+ its cheap
- 5 years early access still unfinished
- a lot of grind and stretched gameplay
After 100+ hours put into the game I feel ready to give my thoughts.
Travellers Rest is a breath of fresh air for me. It takes a formula that has been done, such as Harvest Moon, Stardew Valley, and any other farm type game, and adds to it. Instead of farming endless crops over and over again for money you instead use the large variety of crops, meats, fish, herbs. and so on to create dishes and drinks. This feels as if my work is amounting to something. Instead of selling 300 bottles of wine at once to a shipping bin and getting money, I get to craft wine, age it, and sell it glass by glass for profit. It FEELS more satisfying. I can have a menu of whatever I want (And it can be anything giving you a fair amount of freedom) and watch the money come in.
Having the ability to hire staff to help run and manage is a great feature and they respond very well to situations. Early on it can feel a bit overwhelming, but you can take as much time as you like preparing before opening your Tavern for the day. I spent an entire season just preparing like a mad man and aging up all my drinks and cooking meals so I could run the Tavern for a while without stopping.
With the good there is also some bad, but not a lot. As of now there isn't a large amount of crafting options or decor overall. I don't hold this against the game since it still early access, but it would be nice to see some more variety in furniture. Different table types besides, small, large and round. I'd love to be able to theme my tavern to my style and have it feel unique to me. But as of right now I feel my place, overall, would look very similar to others.
A small issue, more of a personal gripe, is the stone, iron, coal, copper placements on the farm. I know having some near is nice and convenient, but it was a tad frustrating to work around them at times when it interrupted my plans. After time I learned to deal with them and work around.
I am excited to see this game grow more and see what they include in the future. Having different areas, more animal types, and more customization furniture would all be great to see! If you are on the fence about this game do yourself a favor and buy it. Support the game and enjoy some chill time with your new Tavern.
Travellers Rest has definitely scratched that farming/tycoon management itch for me. I never knew that I've always wanted to be a Tavern Keeper but I guess that's who I am now. As for the game play, I do like that that you're encouraged to visit the town for supplies instead of having to do everything on your own like in some other games. I've put in about 20 hours so far and have really enjoyed my time with it.
If you played other farming games like Stardew Valley, Harvest Moon or even Fields of Mistria, you'd fight right in. If you've played games like Diner Dash, I have a feeling you'll really enjoy this one.
My boyfriend recommended this game. Honestly I really love it. It's like Stardew Valley; a nice relaxing game that lets you forget the stresses of life. Not overly competitive or complex, just a slow building of your dream tavern. I wasn't even expecting to have a story or strong characters, so it exceeded my expectations when they actually had them. I hope as the creators flesh out their game more, they continue to make the story and characters strong and fun.
Don't do it. It's become another game where it's unfinished and the devs keep making holiday content that disappears after a month. There is no completion of this game in sight. The NPCs are bland and act like they're imprisoned to say the same monologue every time you try to talk to them. We don't have a lovely mailbox anymore to buy supplies, we are now stuck going to the market that is tedious and boring. If we could save the NPCs and take the cute concept of running a tavern for fun with us to a safe place, I would be happy. Get yourself some Fields of Mistria or Stardew <3
So it's stardew valley in a tavern. It's cute but could use a lot of improvements and feels like there's a lot of content still not implemented.
Things it did well:
* The tavern is fun, figuring out how to hire people and get it somewhat self sufficient while you run around and do other things was a neat mechanic.
* I'm enjoying the cranky parrot yelling in the corner of the room
* The animals are easy to tend, I have a barn so far
* No crashing bugs, so it runs pretty smoothly
Things that need improvement:
* There's very little information everywhere in the game. No mouse over things and the encyclopedia in the help menu is really limited. Online presence is also small but that's not their fault.
* The time/day display in the top left corner. Why does it have to flash between day and time? There are times when you need to know what day it is and have to wait for it to get there
* It takes you a long time to get to different areas, things are kinda far away. So run, everywhere.
* Stores are closed some days. That makes sense but EVERYTHING is closed on Sunday. However there are no signs so you have to just sorta guess. Little signs you could click on to tell you hours of operation would really be nice and is a teeny feature to ask for.
* You have to kill your animals, specifically pigs. Yep first one that actually has you do that, you beat it to death with your mop. Not sure I like that mechanic so if you don't want to kill them don't get pigs. Cows and sheep will give milk and you don't have to kill them if you don't want to.
* If you get a parrot you can only get one "look" and there are special ones. So the only way to get a different one is use the trick of saving (/going to sleep) just before it hatches and then reloading over and over. That's a bit annoying. Would be nice if you could hatch it and sell it and buy a new one.
Biggest gripe:
You can't sell anything. There's a bin out front, I can't put anything in it like stardew to sell thing I don't need anymore. I made a small table before I could make a big one. Great I have big ones now, I can't sell the old one or scrap it, only option is to throw it away. Would be really nice if you could sell it in your bin for a few coins.
All in all it has a lot of potential.
Imagine if Stardew Valley had a shop system instead of just a big box and no stamina bar, just time in the day. Leveling up has been fun, and the game works entirely at your own pace. Decorating is not just fun, but gives bonuses to your tavern. The animations are designs are cute and smooth even on my little laptop that was never built for games. A great game to just lose yourself.
yes i would recommend, it is a fun and relaxing game. once you start to upgrade things, get an irrigation system and hire some employees making money becomes much easier.
I love this game so much. It is super cozy while also being kinda grindy and stressful at times
I love Stardew Valley. This game pulls on the same heart strings, with a nice twist in the form of running your own Tavern, and using farming, fishing, etc. to gather supplies, ingredients, and expand. It has amazing music, and engaging elements. I highly Recommend it
I really enjoy this game . It is fairly easy to figure out. I'm looking forward to additional updates to the game when it comes out. I did notice though when I got my sixth table in the tavern area the game is struggling visually. I also hope that in the future you will be able to higher more than one person per position such as servers. It makes it hard to expand past a certain point in my opinion. But , over all really enjoy it, and I hope it continues to grow into an even more amazing game.
I love this game, but I am desperately hoping for some more development on the story before I continue playing. I really enjoy diving into the craftmanship that goes into making wine, beer, and liquor, and that each step is pretty true to reality. The town was a fantastic addition, and would like to see more from those characters. However, after a few seasons, once you've unlocked most of the content, it begins to feel very tedious. I would like to know that I am making progress to an end goal. It was hinted at in the beginning that the purpose of the game is to become the best tavern in all the lands, but is not mentioned again after. Hoping the developers are planning to expand upon that. Lots of potential to be a great game.
Its relaxing, and very similar to stardew valley but less stressful. theres less to keep track of and people you can hire to run things so you can run off. 10/10 recommend
Not sure if the devs abandoned the game or not. Theres no story just upgrading a bar and collecting ingredients. No story progression beyond the beginning. Looks like there are intended future zones, however the games been out for almost 4 1/2 years and all they have managed is to build a bar cook food upgrade the bar.
I see this game as having a lot of potential, but it feels very empty at the moment and there is still a lot to add before it feel like an enjoyable game. Considering this has been available since 2020, I figured it would at least be a bit further along by now.
It has everything you'd want in a cozy tavern sim, but all the parts feel thrown together just because. I feel no weight to any of my actions and was aimless after the initial tutorial.
I could have kept going, but it was slow to make money and I would have had to sit in tavern mode for way too long to afford some of the stuff I wanted to buy while having an inventory worth of useless stuff I couldn't sell.
Yes, this is an early access game, so you have to expect some of this. But no, I don't think you should spend your money on it yet. Maybe in a few more years.
Even in Early Access this game is amazing. There is plenty of stuff to do, mining, fishing, foraging, farming, leveling up, upgrading/decorating your tavern, getting a coop and a barn, and of course running your own tavern. The mechanics of this game really work well in my opinion. There is no stamina bar, unlike with other similar games, and that is so refreshing to me. I can spend an entire day making good progress without worrying about running out of energy. There is definitely a learning curve to the game as well, it doesn't explain everything fully in the tutorial, so I learned about certain things much later in the game than I probably should have. But despite that, the game is totally fun, and honestly it's becoming my favorite game, even in it's early stages. If you like cozy games like Stardew I recommend this game. I cannot wait to see what this game does in the future.
Liking Stardew Valley does not guarantee that you will like this game. The game is only a tavern management game. There isn't much more than that right now. The core loop of taking care of the tavern can be really fun... at first. But, for me, it became very tedious and quite frankly, boring. I really wanted to like this game because, as I said, the tavern aspect is fun, but the only progression that I've found in the game results in delegating the fun loop to NPCs. You might like this game if you like Cookie Clicker...
It has a large amount of problems which may be forgivable if it was fun, but it is not.
The game moves at an absolute snails pace, providing you very little direction and making everything feel ultimately pretty pointless. The control scheme is pretty clunky aside from the standard WASD, and every action feels like it is delayed, to the extent that at times i doubled my actions because I pressed the key again thinking it hadn't registered.
Items lack proper descriptions to be useful in any kind of way and crafting things is an absolute labor with no real purpose other then to artificially make the experience longer. Thus having to craft things to see what they do is a complete kick in the ding ding should it not work out the way you intended.
I spent four hours in this game, Nothing changed. I leveled up, I made the same dishes or slightly different ones that really changed nothing. I made the same drinks. The customer approval system is lazy and uninspired. Especially the angry customer mechanic. You see, customers get angry but they do so at complete random. There's no way to prevent this so you have to try and appease them by speaking with them and if that doesn't work you hit them with a broom. Why are my customers getting angry when all their needs have been met in a timely fashion? It's so they could include this stupid broom mechanic that's why.
The formula to make this game enjoyable was really quite simple and they botched it at every turn. Very weak story, Very weak gameplay and waste of your time and money.
Has little bit of everything; farming, smithing, a lot of cooking and recipes. Not much fighting, no romance. Overall, really fun. The game mechanics are awesome, you need a lot of different tables/stove/brewing stands and whatnot, but you can buy them!
Constant updates? Check. Fun game play? Check. Fun grind? Check. it seems every time I play it I have more fun then the last run through. Absolutely recommend and still one of my favorite games. 10/10!
The quality comes with the price on this, a wonderful menu of food and drinks to set any rp flavor on your establishment
I love this game, so addicted! I cannot think of any complaints. It's a good paced and laid back game. Easy to achieve accomplishments with a little grinding involved. Recommend to anyone who likes these type of games.
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Isolated Games |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 90% положительных (6045) |