Разработчик: Slipgate Ironworks™
Crime Boss: Rockay City
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Ghostrunner — эта жестокая игра-слэшер от первого лица с супердинамичным сюжетом, разворачивающимся в мрачном киберпанковом мире футуристической сверхконструкции. Взбирайтесь вверх по башне Дхарма, ставшей последним убежищем человечества после всемирной катастрофы. Пройдите путь снизу доверху, встретьтесь с тираном Кимастером и воздайте ему по заслугам.

Улицы этого города-башни охвачены насилием. Ваш железный кулак и пренебрежение к человеческой жизни должны разрушить установленные Кимастером порядки.
Количество ресурсов уменьшается, и место, где теплятся остатки жизни, все больше погружается в охоту на слабых и хаос. Приближается последний бой — попытка предотвратить окончательное вымирание человечества.

Вы владеете холодным оружием лучше, чем кто-либо из живших на Земле, и враги всегда превосходят вас числом, но не умением. Потрошите врагов мономолекулярным мечом-катаной, уклоняйтесь от пуль благодаря своим сверхъестественным рефлексам и применяйте разнообразные специальные техники, чтобы победить в бою.
Механика боя «один удар-одна смерть» делает схватки динамичными и интенсивными. Используйте свою превосходную подвижность (и часто встречающиеся контрольные точки), чтобы без страха вступить в бесконечный танец со смертью.
Игра Ghostrunner предлагает уникальный режим одиночной игры: динамичное жестокое сражение в оригинальной атмосфере, в которой научная фантастика сочетается с постапокалиптической тематикой. Игра расскажет вам историю мира, который остался в прошлом и обитатели которого вынуждены постоянно сражаться, чтобы выжить.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, japanese, polish, portuguese - brazil, russian, simplified chinese, spanish - latin america, korean, traditional chinese, spanish - spain, ukrainian
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows 7, 8.1, 10 x64
- Процессор: Intel Core i5-2500K (4 * 3300) AMD Phenom II X4 965 (4 * 3400) or equivalent
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 1050 (2048 MB) / Radeon RX 550 (4096 MB)
- Место на диске: 22 GB
- Дополнительно: 60FPS, Low settings, 720p)
- ОС *: Windows 7, 8.1, 10 x64
- Процессор: Intel Core i7-6700K (4 * 4000) or AMD Ryzen 5 1500X (4 * 3500) or equivalent
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 970 (4096 MB) or Radeon RX 5700 (8192 MB)
- Место на диске: 22 GB
- Дополнительно: (60FPS, High settings, 1080p)
Отзывы пользователей
A game that throws you into a stunning cyberpunk world, with great level design and smooth, satisfying combat, all backed by fast-paced action and an incredible soundtrack that keeps you hooked even as you keep dying and retrying over and over. While the story isn’t the strongest, the gameplay is what truly matters here, delivering such a fun and fluid experience that you won’t even care.
best movement game imo, played fully through twice and a few of the levels many times. good game all around.
Graphics are wild. Gameplay is more of a 1 time thing
An excellent game in the hyper-movement-kill-everything-without-being-hit realm. Tons of great action, really cool movesets, an awesome story (shockingly), and a sweet soundtrack. Looking forward to #2, if I ever get around to it!
Definitely better with a controller...even if you "lose" some accuracy.
The game is a fast-paced FPS game with numerous fancy movement techniques. It is very challenging while the death penalty is very limited, most of time just load the checkpoint and try fancy movement again.
After beating the game, it is still worth to learn advanced movement techniques and play the second run, it will make the gameplay even faster which gives very different experience.
Overall, the game is very satisfied for people who seeking fast-paced gameplay experience, but for people who have slower reaction will have a hard time to finish the game.
I am giving Ghostrunner a cautious recommendation, but it is important that you know what you're getting into. Ghostrunner is equal parts fast-paced platforming and frenetic fighting. The former part is actually really fun - zipping around the levels, running on walls, grappling and activating switches with projectiles fluids together perfectly and those moments were my favorite part of the game. The fighting, on the other hand, is flawed, mostly because the encounters are more puzzles than they are actual battles.
What that means is that there are clearly "right" ways of tackling battles, and trying anything other than what the developers intended you to do will quickly lead to death. You die in one hit, and so do enemies, which just reinforces that puzzle structure. First take out this enemy, then take out that next uncovered enemy, and so on. It *sounds* cool in theory, especially with the fast-paced movement, but especially later in the game there will be encounters where you will just die over and over until you puzzled out the exact correct way of going about the 8 enemies firing or dashing at you from different directions.
It gets rather frustrating, but there is usually a way to make it easier on you by baiting enemies into certain directions or reflecting projectiles by equipping one of the unlockable modules that give you certain bonuses. You also unlock abilities over time, but the resource to use them takes a long time to refill, so I only used them rarely. Still, they can make combat a bit easier if you use them well.
The visual design of the game is very good, as well as the soundtrack. The story is nothing to write home about, very predictable and serves as nothing more than a backdrop, but it's fine. There are collectibles to find, an optional DLC I did not try and also a Hardcore Mode you unlock after playing through the game once, but that I will stay far away from.
Ghostrunner is also surprisingly short; it only took me about 6 hours to play through the main story, with some AFK time. Overall, I wish the game leaned more into the fast-paced platforming and less into the combat, but both are here with equal measure and if you only like one part of the game, you might get annoyed with the other. Still, it is a very stylish game with a lot of love put into the environments and animations, and it's definitely worth a playthrough if you know what you're getting into.
Pretty good game, feels amazing to play. Very fast, tight parkour action that lets a skilled player breeze through and has a overall decent difficulty curve with a few difficulty spikes such as the introduction of the ninjas and the bomb enemies. Story is your fairly standard cyberpunk story only blander, but is presented while in gameplay, which is very welcome.
Bosses are a letdown, although there are a few platforming ones that felt amazing to beat even if they had me white knuckling my mouse.
Music and sound are in general a treat and are very much a highlight of the game.
Game was originally fun, but with bad mechanics and dying when you did literally nothing and when nothing touched you, it took away from the game for me.
Very fun fast paced game. Wasn't sure how I was going to like it at first but after the first few levels I got hooked. I would rate it a solid 8/10.
game was almost amazing. puzzles are okay, kind of annoying so you just push yourself through it to progress. Boss fight with the constant lasers IS unnecessary and quite frustrating. I was looking for the "fast-paced, violent combat" in the game description, and it's there, sometimes...
cause instead of fighting, i'm trying to climb up a wall with constant pulsing rings that kill and reset you. it is just attempt after attempt, If you don't like dying a lot to bs, (just to beat one level) don't touch this game.
This being my first action plattformer video game means i kinda struggled in the beginning, not gonna lie. however i adore this game. the gameplay is smooth and feels good, no bugs or issues there, at least for me. the story isn’t the most revolutionary but personally still enjoyable. playing this game was honestly quite relaxing most of the time. takes a bit to get used to and master mechanics if you’re new to this kinda game but still very very enjoyable nonetheless
Game is incredible. Really tested me and felt good every time I beat a level. You are going to die... A LOT. It's similar to Celeste in that when you die, you start right back over where you were and retry. It's pretty cool and has some solid replayability.
Huge downside here... Almost every time I completed a level, the game would crash. It at least saved my progress, but for some reason, it continuously did so. I followed every guide I found on this issue, and it never got better.
Other than that, game environments are amazing, and the music is insanely good throughout. Easy recommendation. Going to play GR2 next.
Hard but fun, gets easier and wayy more fun to play once you start getting how it all works.
Some boss fights in the Project Hell dlc are mid tho.
The game is very hard and fast paced and as much as it p*sses me off I love it even more as the feeling you get dashing around doing cool tricks taking the people out is unbeatable. Your gonna die 1000+ times in the game but thats how it was designed. 5 hours in I like to say ive got the basics down to the movement but still have so much to get better at and practice.
each level if (not including the short ones) that I have done so far have taken me 30 minutes + with 50+ deaths each.
I havent even touched the dlc levels as I feel like they are way harder given the name...
I got the game when it was on sale for nine bucks so for me that isnt a bad deal and I know once I beat the basic levels and go in for the harder mode and the DLC I will have gotten way more then my moneys worth.
The game is just a better superhot at the of the day and the cyberpunk setting really is the cherry on top
when it comes to the story there isnt cut scenes really as you would think its just voices that you hear and explain stuff and whats going on. im pretty sure ive yet to reach a boss but I know there is at least one at the end that we are targeting.
This game is not for the soft hearted, any perfectionist out there is gonna spend half the day on those final levels...
Gameplay is seriously great and
!Awesome game, short but sweet.
The good:
Combat, is definitely the best part about this game, brutally unforgiving yet rewarding and addictive at the same time. a breath of fresh air from the average AAA RPG where you chip away at health bars while relying on some form of healing.
In this there is no healing, you get hit you die. And the same goes for your enemies. Well, except for bosses of course.
Platforming is another plus, most of the time is pretty satisfying if a bit simple sometimes. some levels do have a high difficulty to them. (TOM)
The story is good, if a bit basic, more than serves its purpose as a backing to the gameplay.
The Looks: proper cyberpunk vibes here, looks great as you can see from the screenshots. Some levels are very reminiscent of Portal which is a plus for me, and most have more detail than you will ever notice while fighting for your life.
Bossfights. While not many, they hit hard. Literally. the TOM fight, not sure if it can be called a bossfight or the most unfair jumping puzzle I've ever had the misfortune of completing..
The OST is good, very much fitting the fast paced cyberpunk vibe
Seems like a near perfect game to speedrun
The bad:
I wish the game were a bit longer, felt like there was room for another boss fight at least. But I guess there is the DLC and GR2.
The Cybervoid puzzles can be the absolute worst, despite having a cool environment they sometimes completely broke the flow of the game for me. And you can't dash in most of them for whatever reason, slowing you down even more.
The auto wall run and clamber feature has caused me to fling off the map or directly into enemy fire multiple times, both amusing and annoying. And sometimes you will just fly right by a wall or rail instead of magnetizing to it
There is a gamebreaking bug which can occur if you die just as the game autosaves, you may respawn and find yourself stuck in place and have to restart the whole level. This is the only gameplay effecting bug I encountered (or noticed).
TLDR: A challenging and fun experience, definitely grab on sale and give it a try.
Seems hard at first but youll catch on quick. Only downside is how they throw you into game right away and might take you a while to get adjusted fast pace and all weird jumping/running on wall. Runs on my couch computer as well which is great
Honestly it's a solid 7/10 game. The story is alright (so far, I haven't gotten to the end but i kinda doubt it's gonna blow my mind. If it does ill update this review) and this is one of those games you will either find satisfying or infuriating. Personally, I find it very satisfying. This is the rare time "spawn die spawn die" doesn't actually frustrate me. It feels purposefully difficult, and replaying the same level 300 times feels like a part of the game
To be clear:
This game has levels that are complete bullshit, you will quit the game and find out it didn't save where you wanted it to, the gameplay can be disorienting, and the game doesn't run as good as you feel like it should (i have an r7 5800, 3060, and 64 gigs of ram so it's not my pc). If any of those are dealbreakers, just don't buy it or wait for a deep sale. If you just wanna run around and slice dudes with a katana in a one hit arcade style game then you'll be happy
Nah having to do gatekeeper boss twice cause apperantly it only saves by level not by checkpoints when you exit the game sucks. Also the boss sucks they should've eased into the whole jumping laser gameplay , shit was too hard , didn't learn anything just forced myself through it. Don't pretend thats good design , its just annoying.
Ghostrunner definietely scratched that parkour itch that every so often comes to me since the day I understood we are probably never getting another Mirror's Edge game. Puzzles relying on precision and timing, combined with fast-paced risky combat never got too frustrating or unjust to the player, despite much skill issue I displayed at times. The instant reload button and rather generous checkpoint system greatly streamlined the overall experience.
The main story of the game isn't exactly the best thing ever that came out of the cyberpunk genre, but it is servicable in the best way possible, rarely if ever getting in the way of arcadey gameplay, most often serving as just the right amount of backdrop, with collectibles always being a nice touch.
Finishing the base game, Mastering all the Kill Runs, doing the rouge-lite mode to completion once and getting all the achievements, including the Project_Hel expansion ones, took me just under 17 hours. For a game this visually stunning and mechanically coherent, with very few technical problems within my playthrough, I say it is well worth the time and money I spent enjoying it.
fast-paced, mechanically fun action. Recommended for short bursts of adrenaline :)
The best of the 2 games. They really fumbled the bag with the second game. They gave us false hope by releasing the demo which contained the best level in the game which also had a hype cliffhanger teasing the outside levels. Unfortunately it did not live up to the hype and it fell flat. this game isn't perfect, but it is a hell of a lot better than the one they made after. Not to mention this game had an actually good dlc. If you're paying for "dlc" that is just cosmetic skins for a singleplayer game that has no multiplayer whatsoever. You have to be the most room temp iq mofo in the world man. There is literally no point.
This game is crack. If you want to feel like a badass cybervoid ninja, this is the game for you. Insane movement and badass factor, with an epic soundtrack. High replayability too.
Very smooth game, but you have to get the hang of it first.
It may seem difficult, but keep trying.
The combat and pvp are really fun, and i love the enemy and level design, but the bosses are sadly just bland and boring
9/10 Great movement, combat, difficulty, level design, AND with a solid story? Whoever made this game had to be smoking straight fent to make a game that makes you feel so cool
Could have been a good game. It has nice graphics, good, intense action including one-hit-one-kill (both ways, for the player too), but the deal breaker for me is that you can't save and quit in the middle of a level. You lose all your progress for that level. Very bad design IMO and it's unfriendly to players who don't want to or can't commit to longer game sessions.
Edit: Ghostrunner 2 doesn't have this issue, so if you like this type of gameplay and this issue is a problem for you, get that one instead.
I had a lot fun with the movement tech and combat flow in this game, and the vibe is also super drip, very good for fast-paced FPS enjoyer.
any hit on you is instant-kill but they do feel fair, I'd say dying a lot and learn the better strategy is part of its gameplay.
However it does have some questionable designs, levels don't feel as streamlined and sometimes you actually have to stop and check the route. It also feels very restricted in the air if there's no zipline or wall around, which leads to some trap heavy level being frustrating experience. Also putting some very complicated puzzle in a fast-pacing game completely breaks the pacing. (Fallout 4 : Far Harbor did this as well and it still doesn't work!)
There are a lot of things I want it to get better at but overall the base game is still awesome, maybe 8/10 consider I'm a big fan of movement techs.
i started playing this game couple years ago but havent finished it. Recently i've picked it back up and now im wondering why i stopped playing it all of those years ago. Even though i suck at games that require some good coordination still i feel thirlled to try again after each one of my deaths. This game is sooo adictive !
solid movement game, love the dashing, sliding, wallrunning, really addicting
great music and nice artstyle
the dlc was also great and worth the money
Very fun game with lots of different challenges. You will die a lot but it's worth it.
i rarely DO NOT recommend games. but i would stay far away from this game. the whole point of the game is to die at least 60 times to progress .1%. took me days just to get pass the prologue. i tried researching, watching videos, and they all confirmed that it wasnt just me lol. why bother putting yourself through so much stress. also, its kind of lacking. the idea is awesome, the execution was a disaster. this is by far the hardest game i have ever played by far and ive been gaming for 34 years. i hate this game. dont play it. dont buy it. dont support them
Story is bad but the game play music and environment is good
Really fun game to play. The constant movement/platforming, the music is excellent, and learning how to solve the combat arena you're in was such a blast. Only issue I would bring up is at times the game will micro-stutter even with good hardware and no background apps running.
very nice and smooth mechanics. 10/10 would recommend, especially on addy!
Unlike many Souls-likes, it offers a fair challenge without unnecessary frustration, making it both exciting and accessible.
Game has some glithes when i dash into stuff, but other then that is good but annoying to play. 6/10
A game with incredible graphics, fun and challenging gameplay, and smooth mechanics. Highly recommend to everyone.
The fast paced movement mechanics are quite fun and flowy but the game suffers heavily in the combat.
The combat is erratic, chaotic, and one hit kill. Random bullets everywhere. Run in and repeat an encounter 15 times until you get lucky enough, or memorize it enough, that none of the stray bullets hit you. It doesn't feel skill based or precise at all, which is clearly what they were going for. It feels messy, unfair, awkward, and punishing. The enemies have weird inconsistent behaviours.
The movement sections require 1 or 2 tries and the pace drives forward in a satisfying way. The combat is arbitrarily difficult and takes 10-20 tries for many encounters, because of some glitchy enemy behaviour or some millisecond mistiming. It makes the game frustrating and luck based. Needlessly punishing.
I got about 5 hours of play before I quit.
I was 2/3rds of the way through the game doing the same tedious combat encounter for the 20th time and getting janked out from unfair and awkward enemy behaviour. Then I realised... This isn't fun. I don't want to slog through another 5 hours of painful combat. I already got to experience all the fun movement mechanics.
Close but no cigar.
Nice story, great artwork, interesting controls. Just my kind of hard game, fast and responsive, demanding fast reflexes and quick thinking.
Ghostrunner offers a really unique style of gameplay where each encounter is more like an open ended puzzle with multiple ways to solve it. When everything works properly, it feels so satisfying to do the parkour actions and slice up enemies. That being said, it is extremely common for enemy behavior to change between each attempt, leading to many more frustrating deaths than you would expecting (it is first game in a long time to really make me ragequit). Approach with patience, and you will find this game is incredibly fun.
One of the best fast-paced games.
Cyberpunk theme makes everything look so cool.
Combat and parkour was SO FUN!
10/10 game
(died a lot at some points but that was fun too)
Not a fun experience, just infuriating. Unfortunately waited too long to request a refund through Steam so it was denied.
Game also has insane FPS dips and even on higher quality builds it doesn't run well. Too many performance issues and devs basically abandoned the game.
Great game! Quite challenging at times but that's part of the fun. Also when you finish the game DO NOT start a new game or EVERYTHING WILL BE ERASED!!!! (Please fix it devs)
a bit slow inputs but difficult fun mostly
All in all, GREAT GAME 9/10 would smash again. the first boss is awesome, and I will be playing the second game when I find the time. Fast flippy flippy parkour zoom zoom fun, and no bullet sponges. Everything (including you) dies in one hit, what more could you want.
To go into further detail:
Very fun gameplay, but portions of the game (small portions, you should still play it) make me think that the developers didn't quite understand how to take full advantage of what the gameplay loop should be. Namely, the second and third bosses. The first "boss" is a parkour arena that is more dangerous and intense than anything you've done before, (or anything you'll do after until the hardcore mode of the game) And IT IS AWESOME, I parkoured into that room, and looked up the giant shaft I needed to climb, and all the lazers turned on and I was like HELL YES! THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN TRAINING FOR! and proceded to die probably 250-ish times. But I loved it and I felt awesome doing it, which is what games are for. Its an amazing presentation as you're thrust into a brand new environment and think "that doesn't look so bad" and then the lazers turn on and then you're like "finally a worthy opponent, OUR BATTLE WILL BE LEGENDARY!"
You're effectively fighting the environment as you are trying to take out the security system of the shaft you're in and you drain the "health" of the shafts defense system by damaging various portions of the level, which perfectly fits the parkour systems the game has been letting you play with the entire time. as each is an intense struggle to get to (remember, you touch anything bad or get shot and you die instantly, none of that duck behind a box and wait a couple seconds to wipe the blood off your face to heal, not in this game, in this game bullet = DEAD)
The second boss ensures you know how to parry which is *haaaaard* and boring but I can understand why it's there. but how does it do this? it traps you in a little arena where you do only a little more than run in a straight line at it to engage the parry battle. which is ... not really what I'm looking for in a parkour game ya know?
the third boss however, traps you in a tiny flat arena where you have to hop in a little circle around her to dodge her attacks. again making very poor use of the parkour systems you've been mastering
are you seeing the pattern?
I spent the whole rest of the game hoping for another parkour battle against the environment which luckily the final boss delivered, though I have to admit that it just never hit that level of intensity or sheer awesome that the first boss did.
Then I got to the hardcore mode of the game, and let me tell you, these developers know how to make a hardcore mode. Each level is entirely reconstructed, different and more difficult enemy placement, lazer walls where there were no lazer walls before, every single level's changes would have been an intense episode of reno my reno as they are each an entirely different experience.
These levels are where the game REALLY begins. Each level has near the same level of crazy parkour that the first boss did, finally giving that fight against the environment that I wanted so dearly from most of my first playthrough. Then I got to the second boss again and stopped having fun trying to win a parry battle so I dropped it. I may come back at some point, but the second boss is most of the way through the game so I don't know if its worth trying to push through for just a handful of levels even if they are in my beloved hardcore mode.
the enemies that crawl at you and explode suck. I learned how to handle them, but they never felt natural as you have no good way to deal with them and they ALWAYS show up in tight corridoors or areas that you don't have as strong of a mobility advantage as you normally do. luckily they don't show up till quite late so they only impair a small portion of the game. Personally I think that the game would only be improved if these were removed, but that's just my 2 cents.
If you like fast paced movement based games, you should buy it you will have fun, honestly even if this isn't normally your jam I'd still recommend it as one of my favorite games.
Completed this in the same amount of time it took me to complete Mirrors edge. Only difference, my hair loss intensified after this game.
A fun game that provided a good challenge, but only really worth it on a sale.
This is a very fun movement based game. Every arena is like a puzzle where you have to figure out the best way to attack each enemy while dodging their various attacks. When it works its some of the most fun you will have. Be prepared to die over and over again, as one hit and you die. But restarts are quick and checkpoints every arena so you never lose much progress.
The only complains I have are one of the last enemies that are introduced are not fun to deal with, they are simply explosive suicide things that will kill you when ever you get near so you have to avoid them instead of fight them, which is more annoying that interesting. Additionally the final boss is not amazing but its hard to have proper boss fights with this kind of game so I understand that difficulty in that.
Last thing is while the game's movement is buttery smooth most of the time there are just times where the certain aspects don't want to work properly, you don't jump off a rail properly, you wall run instead of ledge grab, small things like this that happen randomly, the worst example is in the very end of the game in the last cyberspace level you have to wall run back and forth and get to jump pads to go to another wall run section. I never messed up the wall running but died around 5 times as the pads just didn't launch me properly. Which is annoying to deal with but small blips on an otherwise great game.
Took me almost exactly 8 hours to beat and had a lot of fun with some minor rage inducing moments but usually just felt like a badass ninja.
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Slipgate Ironworks™ |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 81 |
Отзывы пользователей | 92% положительных (18817) |