Larva Mortus

Larva Mortus

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Разработчик: Meridian4

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В конце 19-го века темные силы снова омрачают мир. Храбрый агент, опытный в экзорцизме и бою, сталкивается с надвигающимся злом и сражается с отвратительными сверхъестественными монстрами и ужасающими пороками черной магии. В роли агента это ваши стремления сражаться с зловещими силами и сталкиваться с темным колдуном древних времен и остановить его план захвата мощных артефактов черной магии.

Поддерживаемые языки: english

Системные требования


  • ОС: Windows XP/Vista
  • Процессор: с тактовой частотой 1,5 ГГц
  • Оперативная память: 256 МБ
  • Видеокарта: со 128 МБ видеопамяти, совместимая с DirectX
  • DirectX®: 9.0c
  • Жесткий диск: 55 МБ свободного места
  • Звуковая карта: совместимая с DirectX

Отзывы пользователей

Не рекомендую 11.12.2024 15:33
0 0

>reset the game's profile to play anew
>create a completely new player
>screw you, the agency's progress/unlocks are tied to Steam achievements
Well, screw you too I guess.

ed: Also, maniacally re-enables fullscreen (and associated messing with the resolution of all other windows on the desktop thank you w10) every freaking time despite explicitly setting it to off and triple-checking if it saved. Even setting it in the config file directly does't help.

Время в игре: 460 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 27.05.2024 01:42
3 0

Great little game from 2009, recommend for sure but I took long way of grinding as per the hours I played but got to the point it was almost impossible to grind I think from around the 4million point mark so then just smashed out the main story which was actually really good to me.

Very happy I brought this and played it, it reminds me of old flash games, this game is like 50 mb or something so come on people who are bagging it out, what you expect, clearly your not from old school gaming community and expect the world for such a tiny size LMFAO get real idiots.

This game was fun and time happily spent playing it but it defiantly has its issues and some minor bugs that were annoying such as dying to re-spawn with no health and no health packs help then you die.

Most annoying things I found is when grinding if you die multiple times all your experience goes like gone start over, frustrating to say the least and the difficulty is insane jump if you bump it up from easy to normal, completely unbalanced so I just played it on easy rather then be utterly angered by the jump which offers no extra experience that I found and tested, so was no reason to play on higher than easy and honestly was actually playable and enjoyable on easy which felt normal level for this game, normal was per above utterly broken balance wise.

Время в игре: 2324 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 17.12.2023 05:45
0 0

I don't know, the story feels lacking. You can basically defeat 90% of the game with the sword. If you enjoy achievements, they are not tied to the game in terms of completion or skill. Just luck.
Its basically the same level over and over again. I don't hate it, just blah.

Время в игре: 685 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 09.10.2022 08:28
5 0

Extremely primitive game. I would have played normally at the end of the last century, but now (played in 2009) it looks disgusting. Also, I couldn't get to the end due to a bug in one of the last levels.

Время в игре: 210 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 03.03.2021 03:22
14 0

This is a small top down shooter that is a horror based dungeon crawler. It's actually pretty good for a small independent project like this. It's not super polished, but it's not overwhelmingly amateur either.
The game does have some bugs here and there, and one that can really hurt your achievement hunting, so be careful of that.

The game has a mix of it's normal campaign missions, as well as randomly generated missions that appear on the map as yo complete more. Most of the campaign missions are level locked, including the first one so you have to play a couple of the random missions to level up enough to access the main missions. This is fairly easy anyways. There is an good mix of enemies and weapons you fight and get. It does get harder as you go, though there seems to be a point where things don't get any harder despite you leveling up. However there is the difficulty setting where you can set from easy, normal and hard, and change it at any time from the map on your save file. You will want to start on easy as even on normal the difficulty ramps up pretty high with more enemies and them hitting you much harder.
Be carful though as the large demon enemies do have a 1 hit kill move regardless of how much health you have leveled up or the difficulty.

The achievements in this game are all item collection based, with different items having a chance of appearing in some rooms or after some enemies are killed. There are 25 different collectables, and 25 achievements attached to them. Which one appears is completely random, and ones that you already have can still spawn. So your achievements are based on complete RNG chance of if an item appears in the room, and then a 1 in 25 chance for each collectable it could be.
There is, however, a bug in the game that can prevent you from getting the last one.
Each item, once collected, is put into your equipment menu where you can view them. There are 25 slots in this menu which makes sense as there are 25 collectables. The problem, however, is that your sword that you start the game with for some reason takes up one of these 25 slots. This means, that through some odd coding in the game, once you have the other 24 slots filled up with collectables, this prevents the 25th collectable you need from ever spawning at all. Making it pretty much impossible to find. I have deleted my save file and started new characters several times, even uninstaling and reinstalling the game to try and clear this, but despite the 0 progress on the new saves, the items menu still shows all the items I had collected with the 25th slot filled by my sword. I have only ever seen this be emptied again hen installing on a different computer. I have played this game on 3 different computers over the years, but hadn't actually put the time into completing it till recently on this new one. Just so happens that the Bat Wing I never got in any of my other play throughs either and now I can't get it unless I go to a different computer to install.

Not too difficult, but a pain.

So over all, this game is really good and I enjoy it, just as an achievement hunter this collectables bug can be annoying

Время в игре: 2604 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.01.2018 08:09
3 1

Good game overall but beware the RNG god

I got it on sale but if I knew its such a game I would even pay more. If you like top-down shooters, chances are you will like this game. Atmosphere is good, enemies aplenty, wide array of weapons to choose from and some RPG elements. Although there are some negatives, they are not as bad. Good game that keeps you occupied for a while... or longer if you try harder difficulty.

+ good music
+ atmosphere
+ better story than you would expect from such game
+ RPG elements
+ variety of levels
+ many weapons, good for different situations
+ difficulty for everyone

- only 4 sound tracks
- atmosphere wears off quickly
- random trophy/upgrade drop
- need to grind for Steam achievments

Story is nothing exceptional, but as top-down shooters go - its good.

Atmosphere is great, even those cheap jump scares got me good for first few times. But it's same old same old... so after a while you just start to ignore it.

Music, although its awesome, has only 4 tracks and you hear 2 of them only when you win a game or in menu. So you are stuck in the same loop for every mission which can be a bore for many people.

Missions are randomly generated and there are I think 4 types, which is pretty neat since its not always the same.

RPG elements + weapons are great addition. You can customise your character to suit your playstyle and weapons are good for different situations. Authors really gave it a thought before making the game. Kudos for that.

Difficulty has 3 options and they cater for everyone. Easy is really easy, so if you only want to have fun and blaze through the game, go for it (youi can finish it as level 20 easily). Or if you like a challenge you can go Hard mode and then you will need to spend your skill points wisely and be on your toes when playing it. Very good gameplay decisions from authors of the game.

Thias is my only gripe, and that is that new weapons, trophies and upgrades are a random drop, which SUCK BALLS. Sure, by the level 20 you will have all the weapons, since they drop quite often, but trophies and upgrades are a chore. I am missing 10 upgrades and trophies alltogether and the only way how to get them is to grind the game, get more levels and put all the points into LUCK stat then grind some more for that random chance I get the trophy/upgrade I am missing. And nevermind you can get duplicate, which doesn't count.

Oh and if you die, you lose your upgrade/trophy you just found in this level. I would be fine with that, it makes you play more careful and take care about what you are doing, but since the drop is random, it's so frustrating to finally get a trophy you were missing and then lose it because you got c*ckblocked between enemy and a barrel.

Unfortunately I don't have time to grind for that so with a heavy heart I am uninstalling this game (since I finished it) with 10 achievments locked. Thank you RNGeezus. I hate you.

Время в игре: 559 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 15.12.2016 17:24
4 0

Top down action RPG-lite with a nice atmosphere, a range of weapons and items to pick up to improve your character, a few mission variants to do, although they mostly come down to either killing everything on each map, or killing almost everything on each map, and a reasonable variety of bad guys to take out where most of your enemies require different weapon preferences/tactics to deal with.

The story has you as a Van Helsing style dispatcher of evil who gets letters from various parties who have some supernatural trouble, and a rating for how difficult it is (1-5 stars), some of the letters will be story missions which advance the plot, or you can do side missions to try to find those extra bits of equipment you are missing. Unfortunately if you want to find them all that will take quite a while (and is very luck dependant), and things will probably start getting a bit monotonous, but if you limit it to just doing some of the side quests and run through the storyline you probably won't be struck as much by the limitations of the amount of enemy types, locations/maps and missions.

Overall a cautious recommend as a bit of lightweight RPG action gameplay, but expect boredom if you want to get all the achievements.

Время в игре: 1297 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 04.10.2015 10:52
11 1

Larva Mortus is a top-down shooter with nice 2D graphics and fast-paced combat. While it has a campaign with a story it's nothing you haven't seen elsewhere already. Still, completing the story still makes the world map available where more and more quests pop-up so that you can play for a long time.

You have a decent array of weapons and a few dozen unique enemies and of course some RPG elements just to make sure you like getting things going. Achievements are related to special objects found throughout the levels which randomly pop-up - if you have only a couple of more left you may find a bit tedious to lay your hands on these few.

The game is regularly on sale so this is an easy grab for a couple of hours of pastime.

Время в игре: 173 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 01.10.2015 04:53
5 0

This game is a guilty pleasure for me.
There are lots of mechanic glitches/shortcomings that impede progress that you have to deal with ---- such as being in a dungeon then finding yourself at the map having to start the dungeon again, losing your total score (keep a careful eye on the score, and if it happens, exit the dungeon, and your score will be where it was), difficult to understand instructions, and the lack of any sort of in game help.
But in spite of all this, I love the game.

The challenge is high (even on easy), the fun level is great, and the music is great.

As you travel from one monster lair to another, you build your experience (points), and maybe ultimately defeat a difficult boss.
The story is presented well, and motivates you to keep hunting for the pieces of the missing artifact.

I like that you can play in short sessions, or devote most of an evening if you want ---- so I'll keep at it. But, be warned, even with all its problems it is very addictive. There's a demo, so give it a try.

eta ---- there is a basic manual available on the store page that offers some help.

Время в игре: 1416 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 03.05.2015 14:10
10 1

Would be a really fun game if it didn't constantly prevent you from completing levels. When you finish whatever the objective is and no exits spawn, it's really annoying.

First time I was OK with it. Thought it was just a bug.

Second time I was annoyed.

Third time I uninstalled the game. What a waste of money.

Время в игре: 236 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 20.04.2015 07:34
15 0

Larva Mortus is a typical example of a isometric budget shooter with semi-cartoonish graphics. The interesting in it is the extremly low price due the constant 90%-off price label, which puts it into the bellow 50 cents category. And for that it offers quite a few good things.

We are controlling a monster hunter looking guy from a birds perspective, which gives us a quite good overview trough combat. Our hero is easy to work with, which is definitely welcomed as combat always happens in cramped rooms. The mechanics is exactly this - you basically go from room to room and clean them out from monsters. Levels are generated randomly so you never know into what you go, but as long the level design regardless of the environment serves the same purprose, it doesn't really requires you some change in tactics or would surprise you in any way. The enemies vary from basic undead, flying bats to spiders and poison spitting fat zombies. Except the boss level templars, they don't really represent any serious force and usually are trying to make up for the lack of their power with rather high numbers. Very importantly - try not leave the room until is not cleared out entirely, cause the room will reset even if only one enemy remains and you need fight the horde once again. Exceptions might be missions where you need to rescue a certain number of civilians, blasting trough the rooms and just focusing on the rescue can save some time and nerves.
Sometimes you need to find a key in order to continue, but it means cleaning a few more rooms into a other direction, until you eventually find what you searched for. Except the enemies the room also contain "furniture" like coffins and crates, which I recommend to destroy, cause you might get stuck in them in middle of combat and enemies can corner you, plus there is a chance that they might drop ammo or powerups. (see bellow) Unfortunately the game gets eventually a bit dull after some hours spent in it and you usually keep going only to raise your level and find some new item. It simply lacks the depth, but I think it's forgiveable by such a budget title.

While it might sound weird, it actually features a working story. It's your typical "find missing ancient artefacts and beat some evil monsters trying to take over the world" B (or C?) class movie type of story, already the fact that there is actually one and with animations/voicing included, is quite surprising (and very welcomed) which might raise it slightly above other games of this category. What I noticed the doing random levels while being in middle of the story can cause some bugs. Is highly recommended complete it first.

Leveling, weapons, artefacts, powerups
Leveling - And yet another surprise for your cents, the game has actually a RPG system. Each level you get a point which you might use for raising you stats. Personally I found some more useful as others. I highly recommend to put many points as possible into Endurance and Regeneration, (6+ recommended) First raises your HP and the other speeds up healing which might be crucial on more difficult levels. I also recommend to raise your walking speed and luck to get more drops from destroyed enemies of crates. Other abilities doesn't have such influence and are okay with 2-3 points.
Weapons - plenty of them and they are rather balanced. Is always the best to switch whatever has the most ammo in it. Of course certain weapons are better into certain situations, like the machinegun is best against weak huge groups, while the shotgun is better against individual strong enemies. Don't worry, as you play, would fill eventually figure out all of them.
Artefacts - pretty much the alpha and omega of this game. While many of them adds only points to your score, other give you huge advantages, which will change your game dramatically. I highly recommend to get the backpack, extended clips and enchanted scroll so fast as is possible. Backpack raises the carried ammo by a huge ammount, extended clips raise the magazine to 120 by one of the most used weapons and the scroll doubles the time duration of all powerups.Artefacts can be found randomly in dungeon, but the game doesn't excludes the already found ones. so it depends on pure luck. But assuming in certain levels you can find 3 at once, you will eventually get 100%. On sidenote, you most successfully complete the level to keep the artefact. If you die, they get lost. Can be quite the bummer.
Powerups - unlike artefacts, they are only temporary. However they can change the tide of the battle dramatically, especially if you have a good luck (more powerups) and the scroll, which doubles the duration. Unlimited ammo with the machinegun and double damage can literally make you to a walking terminator.

One of the biggest cons of the game is the low resolution. Is quite noticable that is a ported mobile game. While the graphics aren't bad and objects stay sharp even on my full HD screen, the devs could have added a option of standard desktop resolutions even if it would be achieved with simple stretching.

Music and sounds
Modern/organ combo which gives away a creepy cemetery feeling. Few and repetitive, but suits the game rather well. I cannot say anything else as I really liked it. If there would be more tracks, I would ask the devs for a OST. Really.

Basically all of the achievements are connected to finding the artefacts. As I mentioned, there is a high chance that you find the pieces same over and over, but you will eventually find all of them, even if means a bit of grinding. One of the easiest games on Steam to get on 100%.

Do I recommend this game? Definitely yes, if you find that 90%-off price tag on it. While this game will not cause a panic in the game stores, it offers quite a fun for a few cents.
My rating: 6/10

Время в игре: 839 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 13.02.2015 22:36
31 2

This is a top down retro shooter. Each level is randomly generated, and you must clear every bad guy in the room before progressing. If you die, you start the level again on a new completely random map. I normally would find it annoying starting all over again, but this mechanic stops you from just running trial and error to eventually get through.

You get a pretty standard set of guns, twin pistols, shotgun etc, all of which can be upgraded.

I ran into no bugs and the games run very well on new operating systems.

The price is right and the game play is good. If you like the horror genre, and love the arcade games from the past, then you will get plenty of enjoyment out of Larva Mortus

Время в игре: 372 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 28.12.2014 16:00
12 0

This game lacks any remarkable quality that justifies buying it, even on a sale. It's basically a twin stick shooter (without controller support) where the player scuffles through randomized (but persistently unstimulating) dungeons, fending off flocks of uninspired enemies to tediously grind through a few repetitive mission objectives, all tied together by the most perfunctory of stories.
The game's design and visuals transpire blandness. Enemy variety consists of the trite assortment of bats, spiders, skeletons, zombies, werewolves and respective supersized variants. Moreover the monsters are afflicted by extremely constrained behaviour types, limited to either rushing the player, casually flying around or throwing the odd missile. This cognitive impairment makes the enemies prone to getting stuck behind objects and frequently kamikaze into the environmental traps, and the only challenge comes from the occasional overwhelming numbers of enemies.
Due merits for the low hardware requirements, which allow to run it in a modest 5 year old computer, but when the game looks over 10 years old that's hardly a redeeming feature.

This is an inexpensive game that nevertheless feels too cheaply made for its price, and I can't find any reason to recommend playing it even if it finds its way into your steam account after a bundle sale.

Время в игре: 301 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.11.2014 05:01
5 0

Overall, I enjoyed Larva Mortus. I got the game very cheaply using a 90% off coupon and had low expectations. I was pleasantly surprised! It is a solid top down shooter game. The graphics are decent and it is the kind of game you can just play 10 or 20 minutes before bed to relax. The music is solid for the setting. It's easy to learn and get into. There's 9 different weapons, 6 stats you can raise, and the plot isn't bad. Without grinding, you could probably beat the game in a few hours. I leveled up more than necessary to get more of the achievements, ended up beating the game at level 26 but you can beat it much earlier than that. There's 24 achievements that are pretty easy to get and random drops. I was able to 100% the game in 10.5 hours. The last few drops can be tedious but otherwise it's pretty fun overall. Grab this game on sale if you enjoy top down shooters!

Время в игре: 629 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 13.11.2014 16:07
4 0

To tell the truth, I was surprised by this game.

It doesn't look like much as a top down horror hack'n'slay, but exactly this spartan design is what is captivating about this, kill hordes of monsters with whatever weapon you got. Later in the game you will get better and more powerful weapons. You have to destroy monsters, hordes of them, zombies, animated skeletons, bats, spiders ... demons.

I bought it as it was very cheap during last years winter holiday sales - and it lay in the backlist of my library, just recently I started to play it.

Given, it isn't the best game around, but this type of game never gets old, or can bother you to be a bore. The gameplay is similiar to Binding of Issac and Our Darker Purpose. Some goals are hard to reach, but if you try to prepare you'll get more and more items that help to end your mission.

For the price I bought it the game is a gem, even at the original price of 4,99 it is worth your time. The game is no hype, but it is rock solid.

Время в игре: 293 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 16.10.2014 17:43
5 0

I bought this game as part of a bundle. It was dirt cheap, so I wasn't expecting much.

Long story short: this game has a ton of atmosphere draped over a fun little action romp. You move from room to room, clearing out monsters, the undead, and cursed altars (monster generators) while switching between your different weapons and trying to stay alive. What makes this game unique is its dedication to its bizarre and weird story. There's lots of little touches - fog effects, spooky hallucinations, creepy music and sound effects, and a storyline that would feel right at home in a Weird Tales action story.

It's cheap, fun, and spooky. You can't go wrong.

Время в игре: 144 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 08.08.2014 08:11
10 1

Not one of the best PCgames out, but... Well, its better than many of the games that were coming out for the Atari 400 back in the early '80's. In the '90's it would have been shareware or freeware. But due to inflation over the last twenty years what used to be free now costs money. Well, maybe that's not exactly why, but it's the best lie I could come up with on short notice.

The game isn't all that bad if you come home from work or school brain dead and need something really nit-witted to unwind with, or if you happen to be an anacephalic gammer, in which case you probably aren't reading this review. For those of you who are off to uni and have to work your way through, this is the game equivilent of ramen noodles for supper every night. You put up with it for a few years so thatyou can get a better job and the better standard of living that goes with it. Or so the schools' admissions propaganda would have you believe. The fact is that you can get an Ox-Cam education and still end up eating dry cat food, living under a bridge, and playing the solo version of tic-tac-toe in the dust. That's when ramen and Larva Mortus start looking really good.

The game does have its place,even in the library of a power gamer. Just make sure you get it when its on sale, and preferably when its under 75p (1 dollar for those of you in the US.

Время в игре: 40 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 14.01.2014 18:37
32 1

I received the 90% coupon from forging and decided to give it a shot, and to be honest, for .45€ it's a pretty decent game. It gets a bit repetitive and I'm expecting a low replayability from it. Here's to hoping for a sequel!

Время в игре: 211 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 27.11.2013 14:39
19 0

I bought the game using a coupon with -90 percent on it. I'm pleasently surpriced. Though the graphics are bland and the textures are repetetive, it features pretty solid mechanics and a grand variety of monsters (each with different abilities)
and a wide array of weapons and bonuses. Overall its a solid game, but not for everyone. Even though I found its artstyle incredibly lacking, I will reccomend this game and give it a solid 5/10. If they were to introduce a sequel, refine their mistakes and add more animations and textures, Ill be buying it in no time.

Yours truly, CB

Время в игре: 7 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 13.07.2013 22:23
11 0

Experience to gain, skills to develop, 10 Weapons, different enemies who'll drop trophies and equipment (You may find out or just imagine that some weapons are more effective than others against some monsters), random generated quests and
dungeons. Not challenging but not even relaxing, it's a cute game to kill time (And some money) with.
The storyline is nothin' of complex but still deserve appreciation.
Even after ending the main game, you can still play it and complete "Jobs".
You can give it a try by downloading the demo, too.

Время в игре: 2008 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 26.07.2012 21:26
26 0

A top-down horror shooter with very arcade-like action; you'd think it would be twin stick but it's not. The game is mission-based and you select from either story or randomly generated missions on a world map. Missions take place in a small, NES Zelda-style dungeon with an objective. Random missions give you a chance to level up, find artifacts and better weapons before progressing with the story.

Upon leveling, you can put points into stats like max health, regen, run speed and resistances, adding some lite rpg elements. You'll amass an arsenal of weapons you can switch between at any time, from the basic revolver and shotgun to flamethrowers and cannons.

Natively, the game runs at 1024x768, but looks fine and the Steam overlay works. The story is dull and short; most of your hours will come from grinding, due to the difficulty. Repetitive and shallow, I can't really recommend it with so many other games to play.

Время в игре: 262 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик Meridian4
Платформы Windows
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 17.02.2025
Metacritic 64
Отзывы пользователей 75% положительных (239)

Отзывы пользователей

180 положительных и 59 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 23.01.2025 08:00


Action Indie


Single-player Steam Achievements Family Sharing