Разработчик: Passtech Games
В игру Curse of the Dead Cells добавлено обновление! Главные особенности обновления:
Тематический контент «Мертвые клетки»
Новое проклятие
- Проклятье Безголового позволяет вам убивать быстрее и эффектнее.
3 новых вида оружия
- Меч Коньюнктивиуса (из Проклятого меча).
- Арбалет Приговоренного (из Разрывного арбалета).
- Палаш Рыцаря (из Палаша).
Новая комната испытаний
- Пройдите испытание Проклятого сундука, чтобы получить редкие предметы.
Другие нововведения
- Новый двуручный стиль боя: бомбы!
- Новое проклятие.
- Новые реликвии и значки реликвий!
- Режим помощи.
- Другие изменения комнат.
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Об игре

Вы ищете несметные богатства, вечную жизнь и могущество. Ваши поиски привели вас в этот проклятый храм, в бесконечный лабиринт, где вас ждут бездонные пропасти, ловушки и монстры.

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С каждой минутой скрытая в вас скверна усиливается. Вы можете не обращать на нее внимания или усиливать ее, но помните: каждое проклятие представляет опасность и для вас.

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- Основанный на использовании навыков «рогалик», в котором игрок исследует бесконечные комнаты и коридоры жуткого храма
- Мечи, копья, луки, огнестрельное оружие и многое другое
- Свет и пламя — ваши верные союзники против опасностей, что прячутся во мраке
- Уникальные проклятия влияют на каждое прохождение и изменяют каждое действие
- Десятки врагов, включая могучих чемпионов и смертельно опасных боссов
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, simplified chinese, traditional chinese, portuguese - brazil, russian, korean, japanese
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows 7/8/10 (64 bits)
- Процессор: Intel Core i3-2125 (3.3 GHz)/AMD FX-4100 (3.6 GHz)
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 2 GB, GeForce GTX 660/Radeon R7 370
- Место на диске: 2 GB
- ОС *: Windows 7/8/10 (64 bits)
- Процессор: Intel Core i7-3820 (3.6 GHz)/AMD FX-8350 (4.0 GHz)
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 2 GB, GeForce GTX 760/Radeon R9 280
- Место на диске: 2 GB
Отзывы пользователей
This game felt like a mobile game to me, I remember being let down and feeling like this game wasn't even a finished product before refunding it. I had just played inscryption, dead cells, hades and blasphemous before getting this so that may have had a huge effect on my perception but the feeling I got from this game was that it may have initially been built to be a mobile game and was then ported to PC. I think this game would be fairly priced around $2 or free-to-play with minimal advertising that plays between runs or something like that.
A Hades clone that rips Darkest Dungeon art style.
It's another of those games that takes pride in being initially too hard. As you unlock passives and bonuses little by little, it probably becomes too easy, but not before having to painstakingly hit your head against the initial wall over and over. That's what many poorly designed rogue-like do, hiding behind the genre to excuse poor balancing, and incompetent skill-to-challenge mapping. This one added the fun twist of disabling all achievements if you tweaked the difficulty in any way.
So yeah. Nope. I just wasn't in the mood for masochism-until-fun tonight. Refunded.
Kind of Hades, but set in Aztec/Inca theme. That'd be fantastic, but the problem with the game is wonky controls. Forget enjoyable dashing you know from Hades, responsiveness is weird, to the point of being so unplayable I requested refund. Might give it chance after some time, but for now - not recommended.
Unskippable cutscenes.
Great game
Ravenswatch predecessor, that is even more fun in certain ways
I think this is a good game. It looks beautiful visually. I really like the artstyle. The combat and enemy designs are pretty good. I like that when presented with upgrades/new weapons you can always choose what you want even if you don't have sufficient gold by incurring debuffs.I just hate how enemies and bosses are recycled. And some may say this is also the case with games like Hades, and while this is true, this game presents progression as new areas you unlock. The novelty and awe wears off after realising the game only has 3 areas and the subsequent areas you "unlock" just provide the same recycled bosses and enemies but with more health. The sponginess of the enemies can get a bit ridiculous. The problem isn't that the enemies are recycled, the problem is the presentation and player expectation. At the start, the game teaches the player that each new area has new enemies, but this rule is broken later in the game and instead you fight to reach the same end-game boss 3-4 times.
It's a fun roguelike which leans heavily into the "One more run" mechanic to keep you at bay. The combat is fun and the controls usually work quite good. The curses are interesting and can really enhance your run (despite their negative main effects), The Enemies are generally interesting and the art style and athmosphere is great. There are a touch to few biomes for my taste, but I can see beyond that for the price point.
Great game, similar to Hades
Obviously not perfect; for me, it's an 8 in the normal walkthrough.
If we speak about the platinum, it's a 5 too much grind.
Very enjoyable experience that became too hard for me to continue in the harder difficulties although for 5 bucks i spend for this game i can say money well spent.
Difficult but fair, took a lot of time for me to work up my skill but was very rewarding in the end. Lore and story is given through codex entries so you only get it if you look for it, beside amazing visual style!
Had to edit my review because the end of the game SUCKS COMPLETE A$$. AVOID THIS GAME AT ALL COSTS. Not even worth a buy ON SALE. One of the final levels the final boss HEALS so you can't even do any fucking dmg to it and it might as well be a 40min boss fight because of it and the boss kills you in seconds AFTER you have to do THREE MAPS WORTH OF ROOMS and get your health sapped from you as much as possible all along the way. I could barely even make it to that horsesh*t boss and after I did I was fucking DONE. Fuck this game I don't EVER want to play it again after seeing this. And to think I was having some fun up until that point. So many things wrong with this game I could write a book over. A complete waste of time and fuck whoever made this game. I wouldn't buy another game from them with a gun to my head. AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL GAME! Didn't even think twice before uninstalling this piece of shit
The best things about "Curse..." is that you can master it and has no BS mechanics that will kill you. If you died, it's on you.
The worst thing is that it is bothersome.
Somewhere in the middle of the game you will become spammed with spongy enemies. Full of HP with armors that are easy but time consuming to dispose.
Moreover darkness mechanic is bothersome w/o adding any meaningful layer to the game.
Also RNG is strong in this one. Which again - os bothersome considering that most of weapons is on "meh" or worse side. Some goes for traits etc.
So yeah, most of your runs you will end up with things that aren fun to use, takes time and you will start getting hurt because you tried to cut corners so you dont have to play it for so long... And this. This exactly what makes it thumbs down game.
I hope these dead gods don't curse me
I don't know why I let this sit unplayed in my library for so long. But now I'm glad I did. Much better than I expected. I am really enjoying the pacing so far. Unlike many other games of its genre, it hasn't forced me to die repeatedly to gain miniscule progress.
boring game with monotonous content
phenomenal dungeon crawler, solid weapon variety, intuitive; all in all controversial take but CotDG > Hades
main reason I bought it again after switching from console was nothing scratched this games itch.
A great little roguelite, deceivingly simple, incredibly addictive, and fairly challenging.
The combat system is pretty tight, easy to learn but challenging to master. I wish there were a few more weapons to add more variety, but there's already quite a few to choose from, depending on your playstyle and what you're comfortable with.
Admittedly, once you reach the hard mode things start getting a little too challenging fast, and there's no further upgrades to help you push through. You just need to "Git Gud". But if my only real criticism of the game is that its challenge mode is a little too challenging, I think it's pretty safe to say I would recommend it wholeheatedly.
cool as hell, love the art style and the massive arsenal, worth every penny
It's an interesting game with lots of potential but so many poor game design decisions.
For instance the game has a curse system, which is a pretty cool design overall, especially fitting with the themes of the game. They even have some really cool mechanics that can alter the base itself like Hullucination and others. However the completely random way Curse are dealt with isn't a great decision. For instance there are some that can completely cripple builds and you can get Cursed right before boss fights and have literally no options at all for dealing with them since the only ways to remove a Curse are random too.
Again some potential in the game, but many of the decisions made in design were just half baked and need further cooking, hopefully in the designers future games they have more developed concepts to work with.
this game needs tuning...
Dislike the darkness mechanic. There is a whole torch button that just seems like busywork saddled with clunky weapon change animations. Hasn't clicked for me yet as I might not be good enough at these games. I did beat Hades but this seems more unforgiving and finicky. You have to be almost perfect with the dodges and parries. I can see how it would be fun for masochists though.
very fun game
A big thumb up to this amazing game. Totally liked it!
It feels like a cheap copy of Hades without any stories.
For me, this game is challenging. At the same time, beating a boss is quite gratifying! I've struggled with dodging and can't parry well, but I am slowly getting better. If this sounds like a good time for, I would 10/10 recommend this game. I am honestly really enjoying it.
This is a gem in this genre, extremely underrated game. Progression is smart and natural, game eases you in smartly and strategically, i would suggest everyone to try it.
Very addictive roguelike with solid combat. The visual style is something that appealed to me a lot too, with dark dungeons, and the lighting. All the combat mechanics work very well with each other. There is a lot of weapon variety so it was easy to find weapons that I found fun. It's very rewarding when you beat dungeons. There's a lot of old school Diablo vibes. It's very good.
Context: I could not get into Hades and I tried a lot. I prefer this one much more.
not good
The final boss is :)
Most fun rogue like I have ever played. Love the enemies and weapons and the variability with each run.
Really good action roguelike. Pretty unforgiving when you make a mistake, but the gameplay is so polished that it does actually feel like YOUR mistake if you take damage, especially because there are I-frames and the ability to parry most attacks. The curse system is super cool and adds an extra element to consider when upgrading between rooms, and I think the curses alone add so much variability that no two runs will be the same. I recommend COTDG doubly for fans of the Hades games, because of the similar perspective and gameplay loop. Really great bossfights that also feel pretty fair across the board, while being challenging still. If you like action roguelikes, or action games in general, pick this one up when it's inevitably on sale. 8.5/10
I'm Sean Prime and I approve of this game!
I died twenty times on the same level because the game expects you to be perfect with all your dodges, is very stingy with health, and has *two* boss encounters per level. I only beat this level when I turned down the difficulty, which the game punished by disabling achievements on that save forever.
Curse of the Dead Gods stands out with its sharp and satisfying combat mechanics that reward precision and strategy. The curse system adds an intriguing layer of risk and reward, making every decision matter. Combined with its haunting atmosphere and striking visuals, the game immerses you in a world that feels dangerous and alive.
Very intense tomb raiding while getting assaulted by various monstrosities under a daaark cuuurse.
The combat is very satisfying. The usual easy to learn and hard to master mechanics. Really love the importance of stamina management in fights and how if played well you can never have your stamina depleted.
Parrying can sometimes be too abusive, but occasionally feels janky with some attacks and makes it feel like the enemies just went through you.
The curses are the most interesting element because they can alter your run in significant ways. Some ignorable and some having you be cautious about every action.
Nice weapon variety, but I mostly ignored the two handed weapons because they felt more risky and did not feels as strong as they should be except on a rare occasion when you get a really powerful one.
Traps are cool, but most of the times they are only a real threat if you are being air headed while walking a corridor between the combat arenas. There are also traps in some combat arenas, but I wish they were inside more combat arenas because it is fun to use the traps against the enemies. The worst feeling is how often one of the enemies indirectly destroys them.
Light is also an important mechanic and to simplify it: stand in light = good, stand in dark = bad
3 primary elemental affliction you can apply to enemies or even suffer yourself which are fire and anything afflicted with fire also creates light and deals damage over time, but just a little. Lightning attacks can mark enemies with a lightning mark and then some attacks trigger the lightning mark and detonate them to deal damage and turn enemies on fire. Poison is just damage over time and the worst element to be afflicted by because it slows stamina regeneration.
Biggest complaint I have would be the difficulty progression where in the beginning I found it easy and was never scared of my curse build up. Then there is the golden middle where it feels just appropriately difficult. And then at the endgame it just becomes tedious. It is even worse because the later parts do not add anything new besides arbitrary difficulty bumps. Every single boss became a test of endurance and patience which made them super tedious. I did manage to get to the last run, but I never finished it not only because of how the difficulty made the experience tedious, but on many good runs I experienced this terrible glitch where I would end up outside of the map which forces me to restart the run and I could not be bothered to beat the same run with one difficulty augmentation.
This is a good game, but heed my warning about the downsides because they are not ignorable.
Nice game
gold is not needed in this game
Felt pretty hard. Art style is great and I really like how the character looks.
Very satisfying combat. Light/darkness mechanic is unique. Played it like crazy on my steam deck. Definitely recommending to people who likes isometric action games like hades.
It's a great game, but for a controller game not having the option to change the button layout to match with Playstation controllers is pretty unacceptable in this day and age. Especially considering the game has been out for 3 years now. Devs have had more than enough time for a patch, so there's really no excuse.
If you have an Xbox controller and you're used to using it then it's a great game and you should buy it. If you're like me and you only have a Playstation controller and for whatever reason you have a hard time wrapping your brain around translating the buttons then I don't recommend it. Skill issue I guess ^.^
Truly an exciting game with crisp combat mechanics. After 120 hours of gameplay, I am only disinstalling it because it gives me eye inflammation.
That's my first roguelite and i must enjoy the game as much time i need, Curse Of The Dead Gods is a game with one of the best potential that i've seen on my life
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Passtech Games |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 85% положительных (3525) |