Разработчик: Foulball Hangover

Hydroneer это песочница про добычу золота и других ресурсов для постройки массивных добывающих машин и своей базы для разных задач. Используйте примитивные инструменты, механизмы, работающие на воде и построенные вами структуры для добычи и улучшения ваших процессов в этой магнатообразной прогрессивной системе.

Используя шедевральную воксельную систему почвы, вы можете создавать сети пещер, карьеры и даже земляные горы. Исследуйте реликвии прошлого в глубинах игры, с возрастающими вместе с глубиной наградами.

Преимущества игры это динамическая модульная система для строения структур и механизмов, работающих на воде. Создавайте базы для различных операций, разработанных вами чтобы оптимизировать процесс добычи. Стройте сети из водяных труб, контролируйте давление. Создавайте ресурсы, вооружение и ювелирные украшения.

Буровые установки это большие запитанные водой механизмы, использующиеся в различных целях, от добычи ресурсов до перевозки вещей.

Различные земельные участки ждут вас в игровом мире, каждый со своими особенностями. Глубокие ямы, привлекательные пейзажи и близость магазинов. Вам решать, что важнее.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, russian, portuguese - brazil, french, german, turkish, dutch, polish, spanish - spain, romanian, simplified chinese, czech, italian, korean, arabic, japanese, danish, norwegian, swedish
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10
- Процессор: Quad-Core 64-bit Intel or AMD processor, 2.4 GHZ CPU
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 1 GB DirectX 11 dedicated video card
- Место на диске: 10 GB
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
Отзывы пользователей
I love this game. It's so fun trying to move things around and the grind very much is real. The reason only 10% of people have finished the tutorial is because you would have no idea where the tutorial even is (i still don't). I was very much doing the wrong thing for 30 minutes before accidentally finding better ways.
My only complaint is that most of the game is spent going from place to place. Even with a shop right next to the starting mine, it takes 30-40 seconds to get a single pipe. Sure, if you use the pallet and truck, you might be able to move faster, but you still have to place every single item one at a time, which is so ridiculously slow due to how finicky the placement system is. And if you want a new miner? You have to drive 2 minutes away to a mountain forge to make it and then drive it all the way back.
It's just so frustrating doing things one at a time.
really fun once you get money but i spent 2 hours panhandling just to do fun stuff
super fun game for the price!
This game is perfect.
It has all the good things from games like statisfactory and factorio, while being much more worksy, as you need to bring your machines from town to your landside, so you do much more planning and getting a setup down feels much more rewarding, than in many other games.
I love it.
game just isn't for me the mechanics suck @ss.. Honestly PS3 or even the first gen console had better quality games than this.
Graphics: 8.5/10
Instructions: 3/10
Hud interface: 0/10
Movement: 9/10
Building: 3/10
Tutorial: 5/10
sound: 2/10
Imagine every time you can't drop a item/ place or do an action all you kept hearing was "huh"over and over. Sh** gets old fast!! Then trying to figure out how to get the automated miners to work is a pain because when it's not working you're literally taking it all apart, reassembling everything over, over because there is no HUD guide to notify you the missing components or what's preventing it from working. Also every time your trying to build or place a machine, anvil, furnace, and etc it keeps wanting to build it in the ground rather on the surface of the ground..Better off re-downloading the minecraft in your library
Just my opinion but if you got saint like patience then this game might be for you. ADHD and OCD was kicking my @ss lol couldn't stand it
Also carrying around your coins/ money everywhere is kinda crazy would just prefer it go into a inventory or into a account balance or something because you're already carrying pipes, ore, materials, machines would honestly be nice not having to make an additional trip just for the money.
This game is slow at the very beginning but further in you discover that this game is detailed and very creative in my eyes. This was a game I have been wanting for a long time. This is an amazing game. I will recommend this game to everyone.
12 hours in, I wish I could have my money back. Find the Roblox version of this instead.
Not a building or factory sim, its a transportation nightmare. You can only hold 1 item at a time, that includes money and/or maps. Holding an item is done at some weird "in my right hand outside the Field of View" location by default. A long key press shifts the held item to the center cursor, unless you mess up the long press and drop the item. The odd handling of objects highlights how un-fun moving every item from the shop, to the purchase platform, to the truck/cart, to the mine is. Building is much more fun and less monotonous in games like Valheim, Factorio, Satisfactory.
The mine setup is simple and automation effective once setup. Graphics and art style work well to portray a simple mining village. There is music and sound that you will forget before the game closes to the desktop.
very tedious beginning, not sure if the dropping to fill things is how it's to be done but it's off center from the dot in the middle, so you should focus on the items shadow. is enjoyable to play if you can adjust to those and a few other things. does feel like it needs something but only 5 hours in haven't gotten to much of the game.
The concept is fun, but the approach to the controls is terrible making the game borderline unplayable. The world also feels soulless and the UI is really ugly and lackluster. Cannot recommend.
Trash game. You can carry only one item at a time, including money. Picking up things and putting them down is a major pain. You'd think the middle dot would be where you would drop things, but no. You have to look up and to the left...
Building is also super awkward. When trying to place blocks in locations you want the system fights you.
Also, the drill and extractor are REALLY awkward. The dill and extractor design makes it so the drill is optimally goes ABOVE the extractor. I repeat. The object that drills into the ground wants to be at a higher level than the object that processes the dirt.
I paid $5 for the game and I don't even think it was worth it.
The controls are wonky. I was playing with mouse and keyboard. The tutorial is bad and not clear at all. Maybe it's good farther along, but not a good start for me.
Well there is an hour of my life I will never get back.... The controls are clumsy for computer. The tutorial really dose not explain much. It is open sand box to the point of completely not knowing what to do anywhere. The game launches with no instructions. The controls to pick up an item and use an item are clumsy at best. Then everything drops a little to the right. Not sure who's bright idea that was. I could not find what looked an inventory so you have to carry your money in a chunk. Its just odd/strange and really not anything I'm interested in learning after all its quarks. After an hour I deleted the game. Worst $10 I have spent in a while. Avoid...
I have to comment on this game - I enjoy building games, and this is the second time around trying this one. I just cannot get past the absolute crappy user interface. Single item pick up and drop - and I could even get past that, if it was truly integral to the game. The problem is the interface is possibly the worst I have ever encountered. Trying to put a shard in a fluid tank? Good luck, you'll be at it for 20 minutes. Want to reposition a basket because your ore is going all over the place? Don't accidentally click in the wrong place, or you'll pick up your base tile. Or if you are placing down the basket and get the E and left mouse click mixed up, which is easy to do because what they do is very contextual - you'll dump all your ore on the ground...and have to pick them up one by one, for half an hour. Good luck - but I just can't get past the UI. If I could, I would refund this game.
play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it play it
Been a long time since I've played this.
Sure has gotten much more complex since then.
It was fun for a few hours.
Wanted to like it but never could.
Unique art style, but not my thing.
Tried the automation stuff. I liked the way it was early on, not the way it is now.
Don't personally care for the farming or fishing deal its got now.
For sure don't like the different dirt tiers they have now.
They've added a lot to it since the time when I logged the majority of my hours a few years back.
Its such a pain to transport stuff from stores and the parts I enjoyed I already had my fill of so I just don't care enough to really use up all the paint in the jar, if you know what I mean.
If this game sounds like your cup of tea, go hog wild.
For me, if I could rewind the clock and save the time and money, I would.
this game is built so well and i have played it for a long time you also have a relly easy to use mods that just make it more fun
very good the versions before 2.0 is better tho i think since i don't like the thing where you need to craft the drills and stuff
Really bad controls, nausea-inducing first few hours staring at the ground and repeating a tedious 14 step process to mine for 1 iron. If you figure out how to pull up the tutorial wiki (game doesn't tell you), and follow it you'll find one of the first steps it tells you is actually impossible as the recipe doesn't exist.
Apparently the "multiplayer" is only done through Steam Remote Play with split screen and controller. Can't imagine how much worse it would be trying to use a controller.
Unfortunate because the idea sounded so promising. There are much better digging and building games out there.
to good to be true love the game got it 3 days ago and i have 70 hours already has my approval
49 hours into the game and loving it to come back to find my world is completely wiped, went looking online to find help and found out this has been an issue for over 2 years now and is still not fixed to the point the discord literally has a section for shared save files to get you restarted somewhat after your save is corrupt and unrecoverable... Pretty poor from the dev's to bring out dlc before fixing this issue. No point playing when you know every time you leave it may not work when you return, very disapointed will never support this company again!
i was going to refund but i was a litle of on the time then i play it i did not want my money to go to the trash but after i got a miner set up it was just plain boring i have 4 hours in this game and it sucks after a while i could not buy stuff i had like 2000$ and i could not buy something for 12$ i but the muney in the bucket and press the button and it just said "hugh" fuck this stupid game it not fun i cant refund it and it just plain stupid
Stacking objects causes stong lag or crashing, which happens often
what i like is the strategy of making fully automated machines. one thing that is annoying is that water purfifiers break alot
Everything is great. It is really fun to build complicated mining operations and see them work. The graphics are good. The soundtrack is relaxing. I really like the Volcalidis expansion where you mine ore using lava and ice.
it fun
not the game to play ten mins before u have to go to bed because it takes time to get money
over all very fun
10/10 game
Let me start by saying This game was an amazing idea and I had quite a bit of fun for a little while, but... that's all it is. A few hours of fun then its over this game had promise and could have been a game with tons of replayability. But sadly like a lot of other games you buy in early access, you will hear promises of longevity and a bright future, Also like a lot of other games you buy in early access the devs cant hold to the promise and you are baited into buying an unfinished project that will remain unfinished until the day they abandon said project. As is the case for this game, It died just as fast as it was birthed into the gaming space. poorly managed by creators who could care less. Not to mention the crazy amount of bugs that have been ignored since day 1, No new updates, no new content no real multiplayer just some lousy mods that don't work anymore With the developers already on to the next product to push out. there is so much more i could say about this game but I wont. My goal isn't to bash just to inform anyone who might make purchases from these developers.
I wanted to like this. I picked it up in early access years ago, and decided it needed a lot of work. Then I tried it again now that it is final release. It just gets too tedious too fast.
They made a kind of unique means of interacting with the world, and it's kind of quaint at first, but gets irritating very fast. The reason that most successful games use similar control methods, is that they are intuitive and easy to use.
Here you have no inventory and can only pick up one thing at a time. I guess the character is one armed and backpacks have not been invented.... You also can't put it down or place it normally, but can only drop things from about 4 ft high. There is a little dot where it will fall, and you need to go into the settings and change it's color or it's very hard to see sometimes. Many things, especially the crucible, will not just fall and stay put, but will roll and often stay on their side. But if you need to drop things into them, like the crucible, then you have to pick it up and drop it again, and again, and again, until it lands right. Very stupid not to just set the dang thing down.
You press the E key to pick things up. Be that an item that you made on the anvil, or the anvil it's self that was a place-able object. This means that when you miss slightly in picking up a small ring you just made, you instead pick up the whole anvil and then have to reorient and place it again.
You don't fill a pan with water by holding the pan and clicking on the stream which would make logical game sense. No, you have to drop the pan in the stream and then pick it up again. This gets old fast. It actually reminds me a bit of those humorous surgery simulator games where you can't control your hands well and you end up spattering guts everywhere. But this is not meant to be humorous.
I could give a lot more examples, but this very quickly becomes irritating to play and I stopped. There aree also no real goals, and tools and parts are not explained well. You have to drive a long way to get to stores that sell more then basic parts, and that's boring. There is a food and crop system, that I was not at all motivated to try after briefly trying fishing and getting bored. There are occasional people that if you approach them they say they want something. It's a specific item with a specific weight of metal, but there is no way of seeing how much metal you have before making that part, so how are you supposed to do that?? Maybe there is a way, but it's not explained in the brief tutorial or anywhere else that I saw.
In the end I just got bored and irritated and stopped. I think this could be a good game if it was made differently, with huge QOL improvements, a story, goals and better guides. But it looks like it was finished a while ago.
THIS GAME IS TOO GOOD it may have a slow start but just like minecraft but just the mine its so easy to make fps droping bulids
Sad because I feel the game is good but poorly implemented. Also the game is over after few hours, feels like a demo.
Too many annoying bugs and it's probably the worst game I've played when it comes to interacting with stuff, it's a clunky mess, really takes away the fun.
It's more fun to watch videos about the game than playing the game. Not worth the price.
Fun game takes a while to learn but definetly worth it if your interested in these kind of games.
Worst multiplayer functionality I have seen in a game since N64 split screen games. Even with 2 PC's it is split screen and only 1 player can use keyboard. Other has to use game controller. Multiplayer is absolute garbage. Single player the gam is fun but super buggy and that has never been addressed. It feels like a kickstart game that got abandoned the day it went live.. but amazingly it still gets updates yet nothing gets fixed...
This was a 5 star game for first several hours of play as it was assumed that it would get better over time.....
It's fun if you just want to chill and do your own thing, it could be tedious but it got me writing down plans like an engineer, there's a 7/10 amount of content without the DLC.
I think its a very good game because you can use your fantasy to make sort of a factory and when you start its a easy to understatement game and you can even play with a controller so overall this is a very good game for its price
I love this game, and honestly I wish some features where added but use mods for it.
The vanila game is good enough to be enjoyed.
simple and chill game. little bit of a learning curve but fun to learn. got it on sale and glad I bought it. Very relaxing if you like goldrush type stuff. Definitely get the hydroquad... fun little buggy to tool around.
on the one hand its insane and tedious, you have to pick items up individually, load them one by one, loading a vehicle in hydroneer with your machines can sometimes feel almost realistic in time spent wrangling things in your truck...
the start of the game is a slog tbh, its maybe a few hours before the game actually progresses into automation. you wont really be able to get a true feel for the game in the 2hr refund window, but it will give you at least a bit of a feel i suppose!
you start on your plot of land, large bucket, smol bucket, shovel, map and lamp...
the best way to start is, shovel dig dirt, palce dirt in river, do this ten times, then shovel dig dirt from river into large bucket, (keep this bucket submerged)
bring brush over and scrub dirt, it really is that tedious in the begginning lol! scoop, swirl, scoop swirl... when you do this ten times you can sell your ores at a nearby vendor just at the top of the hill. (take your bucket full of resources and sprint up the hill, or take your trusty cart and make your way up there slowly)
find a nearby shop and buy a fishing rod, now you can continue on with scrub, scoop, scrub.. or you can play the fishing minigame, theres multiple fish to catch, and i think like 8 rods total in game... make sure you stand near the large bucket with the circle thingy in the bucket.
now you are fishing for moneys...
later on you can even go fishing while your machines collect precious ores for you, or perhaps even find ways to automate fishing too...
also don't forget to check out steam discussions if you are lost, plenty of wonderful tutorials out there. but for your first automation you will want to aim for the two machines sold in the nearby shop, hook them up to your renewable water source, and set them up so dirt falls into crusher... then after a while you will want to purchase a spanner, a crucible/furnace thingy, etc...
and then you will make bars of gold/iron and sell these. (don't forget to take advantage of the stock market!)
finally after maybe a few hours you will be able to travel out to the further shops in bridgepour (check your map) and find conveyors, and whatnot to create an actual fully automated mine/smelter operation, and from there on its up to you!
i have to say despite this games initial tedium its really fun/addictive. and the way it handles inventory management (you have no inventory, every item is placed in your hand), its up to you to decide whether you can run with a bucket, need a cart, or maybe even your hydro powered tractor to complete a task, is pretty interesting and honestly works well here, not many games that mechanic works with, but it really works well here imo!
seeing your coins stack up into piles after amassing 5k and whatnot is honestly pretty satisfying!
i think if you like grindy games, or automation games you may like this one, but ill stress that automation fans may find this title tedious compared to what you are used to! its more of a mining game (now with crops/planting)
there's also some really crazy logic contraptions for the smarter crazier people. you could certainly make a counting machine, and whatnot... or you could just use it to automate crop watering for example...
this game goes deep, and doesn't really explain much to you tbh, you have to explore alot, tho each item does at least tell you what it does/how to use in brief, so that's nice!
not many games handle the whole voxel digging thing often, but ill admit after playing a game about digging a hole i had the itch to dig more holes, so came back! honestly im surprised at how far this game has come over its years!
there's tons of easter eggs based within the community here, including one aimed at letsgameitout's josh... (iykyk, if not check out his yt series on hydroneer if you want some laughs!)
great game i would recommend playing the first time or if you are a beginner play sandbox mode its really fun to design a cool base
The game is fun and I can see potential. currently it looks and feels very finicky and sometimes frustrating. hats off to you guys as there are no bugs encountered in my gameplay, but sooo many missing quality of life features.
I hope this is not the final version and it is still WIP, if so, can't wait to see what features get added!
Feels like a pretentious tech demo without the tech.
And there's such a thing as immersive UIs then there's not having a UI at all and calling it design.
Overall it's just a very simplistic automation game that stops at like 10% of the progression those games usually have, the only thing it has going for it is the super early manual stage and even that is just a crude novelty that very quickly gets replaced by some generic automation.
Very satisfying relaxing game. Amazing bit of work by the developer Max. The DLC Volcalidus is definitely worth the money. Although I recommend having a good snow day, or like me stuck home with the flu. The large map size makes it longer to get around, and the stores are spread out. Hoping he sticks with it, and creates a sequel or more DLC. TAKE MY MONEY! lol
I do not agree with the devs in any way, shape, or form regarding their decision to open this game up to Steam Workshop and then immediately turn around and ban people from getting achievements for using said Workshop. On top of that, in the past year, the devs have been made aware of multiple people having issues where their save gets blocked from earning achievements even though they have never used any mods or creative mode and their response, instead of seeing there is a bug and helping their customer fix the issue, turns around and tells them 'tough crap, start over'. Wow! Awesome view there dev! I'll be taking my money back and putting this dev on my blacklist. Thanks!
Hydroneer is a game about rage, it is fun and creative at times, but most of the time is: WHERE THE HELL IS MY MONEY, WHY WONT MY PIPES PIPE?!? I FORGOT TO BUY SOMETHING and you go to and from the shop and wondering what the fuck you forgot and why the hell you bought the game. and then you realize you have been playing for 10 hours straight. Its fun. Hydroneer is fun.
I was really looking forwards to playing this game as I've watched a youtuber try it out and it looks really fun. But I got severe motion sickness to the point I threw up in the first 20 min of trying to play this game upon launch. adjusting settings did nothing.
I literally can't play this game.
Game is very cool but easy to make stutter a little when you make larger mining operations
Don't be fooled by the simplistic graphics and sparse UI. This game starts pretty simple but can get very complicated if you want it to. I would highly recommend watching some play through content and tips and tricks videos. You can certainly get started without help and you can make lots of progress without help but at some point you will probably greatly benefit from seeing what others have done/figured out. I'm having so much fun playing this game!
the cycle is way too short. As soon as you get enough ressources to get going the game is basically over. Basically once you get over 5-6k $, making the next million $ is easy and there is nothing to do with it. Quests are a 1 time deal and therefore the ressource you get from them is very limited. having 25k$ or 1 billion $ is basically the same. Game could be much better if it had more than a single goal.
Its Good, Just Is Good For You But Complaining The Physics And Lag.
the initial stage of the game is intensely annoying and tedious, and making the progress currency.-based makes it feel hollow and pointless, but that last part might just be me :)
Very fun game. Is a relaxed vibe and hours upon hours of fun. Perfectly balanced to where I don't advance too quick, but I can still have fun and get further into the game at a medium pace.
Amazing Game, Great DLC gameplay, They've got the goods if you got the cash. If you like simulators where you work hard to get money to automate things, This is the game for you. It could use a few tweaks on multiplayer though.
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Foulball Hangover |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 87% положительных (16886) |