Разработчик: Mechanistry
Человечество превратило Землю в сухую пустошь и осталось в прошлом, но некоторые виды приспособились и эволюционировали. Выберите одну из фракций бобров и посмотрите, как долго продержится ваша колония.
Общество бобров
Управляйте одной из двух фракций бобров: заботливыми Хвостами мира или трудолюбивыми Железными зубами. У каждой фракции есть свои уникальные постройки, технологии и особенности. Выбирайте то, что подходит вашему стилю игры!
Дождливый, засушливый и ядовитый сезоны
Подготовьте своё поселение к периодам засухи и волнам токсичных отходов. Запасайтесь едой и поддерживайте поля и леса даже после высыхания рек. Опирайтесь как на естественные источники воды, так и на искусственное орошение, чтобы земля оставалась пригодной для возделывания, а бобрам не грозила опасность.
Физика воды и терраформирование
Бобры — гениальные строители. С трёхмерной физикой воды и терраформированием в Timberborn вы тоже сможете создавать невероятные инженерные чудеса. Ставьте плотины и шлюзы, возводите огромные акведуки, прокладывайте каналы с помощью взрывчатки и изменяйте ландшафт по своему вкусу.
«Вертикальная» архитектура
Пользуйтесь преимуществами «вертикального» строительства. Пространство ограничено, поэтому ставьте дома и мастерские друг на друга, возводите платформы и мосты и развивайте систему энергоснабжения для своего растущего населения.
Превращайте древесину в сложную технику: от водяных колёс и лесопилок до двигателей и механизированных насосов. Древесина — основной ресурс в Timberborn, но для самых сложных конструкций требуется металл. Чтобы его найти, отправьте своих сборщиков утиля изучать развалины старого мира.
Усильте свою колонию механизированными бобрами. Обеспечивайте их энергией, проводите плановый ремонт, — и вы получите суперэффективных рабочих, которым практически любая задача по силам. Они работают круглые сутки, и их можно отправлять в самые опасные зоны.
Постройте большой город с эффективными производственными цепочками и следите за жизнью его обитателей днём и ночью. По мере роста популяции обеспечивайте своих эволюционировавших грызунов сбалансированной диетой, развлечениями, украшениями и стройте памятники, тем самым помогая восстанавливать Землю.
Редактор карты и модификации
Играйте на одной из имеющихся карт или создайте свою собственную и поделитесь ею с сообществом. Помимо встроенного редактора карт, Timberborn предлагает официальную поддержку модификаций. Доступна масса дополнительных авторских материалов и дополнений, которые делают игру интереснее и разнообразнее, и с каждым днём их становится всё больше.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, spanish - spain, polish, portuguese - brazil, russian, simplified chinese, italian, japanese, korean, ukrainian, thai, traditional chinese, turkish
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10 or newer
- Процессор: 4-core 1.7 GHz or better
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 950, Radeon R9 380 or similar
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 3 GB
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10 or newer
- Процессор: 4-core 2.9 GHz or better
- Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce RTX 2070, Radeon RX 5700 or similar
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 5 GB
- ОС: macOS 11.0 or newer
- Процессор: 4-core 1.7 GHz or better
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Radeon Pro 560X or better
- Место на диске: 3 GB
- ОС: macOS 14.4 or newer
- Процессор: Apple M1 or better
- Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Apple M1 or better
- Место на диске: 5 GB
Отзывы пользователей
Very cute game, but also with a nice creative strategy building story.
Today this became my most played game ever on steam.
It surpassed Cities Skylines by few hours.
Besides all the fun the game gives It kinda changed my whole perspective on beavers as animals.
I respect them more.
If one day they decide it out of nothing, little bastards can destroy a whole ecosystem by building a dam and changing waterways
A lot of fun and quite satisfying when you've adapted the landscape/ redirected water flows exactly as you like - looking forward to the updates for my next playthrough!
this game is a very fun survival/building game and it has endless posibilities on what you can build
so cute, love the twist on the post apocalyptic world being beavers. its a nice city builder, but i love harnessing the water, and being able to terraform the landscape.
For me this is simple one of the best games I have played in a long time. Between the moding community, devs willing to take feedback and actually implement it, I only wish a had another way I could support them.
Cool 3D water physics and cute swimming beavers, on top of a solid city builder game design. What's not to like?
Excellent game with great graphics and mechanics, loads of fun with so many maps, mods, and customization for difficulty settings. Highly recommended for any city style building fans. plus its beavers, so fun!
Love the game. But there doesn't seem to be many updates.
Is the game dead?
Absolute perfect game especially for being early access. I haven't had any bugs or glitches. It is very accurate and you can progress even after becoming a stable civilization
A fun combination of city builder, worker placer and water management.
Bit slow in early phases, delightfully hectic when you've built up to a bigger settlement.
Not only does playing this game let you make far too many euphemisms, but it also is fun. It's really relaxing, although the bad tides and droughts add some tension.
Recently, they changed the storage system. At first I wasn't a big fan of the changes, but now that I can choose exactly which quantity of which items go where, it's somehow even more fun.
It runs sooooo smooth on Linux (Kubuntu 24LTS). No bugs so far. hope they add more stuff but for an early accsess it is really good.
Great improvement from similar games, and a lot of fun! remember these are beavers, they can walk around underwater! It's like building houses and woodmills in a dam.
Still lots that can be added. But over all the the team of Mechanistry have done a tremendous job in adding vertical building, and the 3 D water effects. totally love playing this game it may be a grind at first and just watching your screen as you watch your beavers build a mega structure, but totally worth it if its a type of game you enjoy, highly recommend this game to friends.
Who doesn't like playing with beavers.
It's a fun 'time waster' game with varying levels of difficulty for casual play or chaos and stress.
Fun city builder with creative infrastructure challenges. If you enjoy city builders with a slight twist, you'll enjoy this game. My favorite part is supply chain logistics (plus it's always fun to see a bunch of beavers running around). Consistent updates and a great dev team make this game a must buy in my eyes!
This is just an all around lovey game, if you enjoy city builders. the mechanics are sometimes are tricky but still fun to figure out and the details in the game are very enjoyable. the developers seem to listen to the community and are constantly updating new features and extensions. i am just a casual gamer but this has made me be emerged for many hours without noticing how time flies by. cannot go wrong with this game in my opinion
fun, accessible yet challenging, new updates regularly, awesome strategy game !
Starts with simply figuring out how to save enough food and water to survive a few days... ends with building cities complete with aqueducts and power lines.
A perfect cozy city builder withs great innovative mechanics. Can be a real challenge on Hard, but it is so satisfying when you manage to keep your beavers fed and watered during those looong droughts!
Just another colony sim / city builder, sandboxy, like I have more than a dozen or 2 of them.
But with a particular flavor.
There is no structure integrity so you can do insane stuff with the vertical construction.
terraform and hydraulics for irrigation and thus colonization of map part can be fun planning.
Overrall I am waiting the out of early access, and achievement, to really play it.
This game draws me in for hours. It's still in early access and has a way to go especially in balancing the time it takes to do some things. The recently added WONDERS take way too much time to build, These are going to be the finish or goal to each segment of the game apparently. But I can't stop playing it. It's good and will get even better. I can recommend it.
This game rules, The best Banished-like city builder, I would argue even better than Banished itself (which is also amazing and genre-defining).
The devs are only adding more and more content, each improving to the game and adding more challenges.
You know what, I'm gonna put a negative review on the record just in the hopes that devs might pay more attention to the Steam rating than their do their own suggestion board, which has been asking for this since the very first versions.
There's no SFX.
The game is sterile and silent and eery because of that. They rely on the (stock) music soundtrack and streamer's babbling over gameplay to hide the fact, but there it is. There's STILL no sound.
Now, this isn't literally true, there are a handful of effects (and I do mean a literal handful) but they're all incredibly quiet and disappear beyond anything but the most faceplant level of zoom that you never ever use in reality.
But even when you're very zoomed in and hearing everything the game has to offer, it's still nearly silent, and has nothing to do with what's actually going on, and it really destroys immersion, and it's completely inexcusable at this point in the development cycle.
You can't be at the "marquee game expansion updates" level of things, several years in, and still not have bothered to even put the most basic-ass Banished-caliber degree of sound design into actual use. and it's starting to ruin the game for me. water manipulation is now advanced enough that you repeatedly create conditions that SHOULD lead to the cognitively satisfying reward of changing water sounds, and roaring rapids, and trickling leaks, and enormous aqueducts burbling along, and instead it's just dead ass silent all the time!
Do it devs. cmon. you've clearly been avoiding it since the moment you started, but you're only making the job harder from here on out, and you're taking in more than enough money to justify spending a patch creating ANY kind of meaningful soundscape.
Either a relaxing fun and cute builder game, or an intensely difficult challenge, this game is great for anyone!
I can't recommend this game enough, it is absolutely amazing. Are there things that would need work to make it perfect, yes but it is brilliant to develop and grow you're community the tech tree is brilliant and building a mega world that is perfectly built is one of the most satisfying things i have done in a game in years.
This game is 100% recommended just make sure your logistics network is perfect and your bots have power and you will love it.
One of the better city builders I can think of.
The game has evolved a lot since I bought it, somewhat before the addition of badtides. It's not to understate how much the updates have reshaped my experience, every time I come back to play a round on a major update, I have to learn and adapt to some parts of the game as if I were playing for the first time, but it doesn't feel like the game has had a soft remake or anything like that, it feels like a proper evolution, an expansion of an already solid game.
If you're interested in building a beaver colony, managing their hunger, thirst and population through many difficulties, while also seeking fun and expressive creative freedom in the form of this game's terraforming and fluid systems, I can't recommend this game enough. It's charming, challenging, deep, customizable, punishing, rewarding and even thrilling, especially when you see your colony just about scrape by after a nasty badtide you didn't prepare for well, or well, barely not scrape by.
Overall a pretty neat game. I do think it needs a better way to react to droughts; at time of writing (update 6), the only real way of reacting is to wait it out. If you get caught out and don't have enough resources stockpiled, then there's very little that can be done (OK, technically you could create another district and send some beavers over there without resources to thin the herd, but that's pretty much it). However, if you could influence how much resource beavers used (e.g. halve the food rations; survivable, but will have consequences), there may be more interesting decisions to make.
Simple but great game. Easy to lose hours in optimizing your colony.
this game is simple and complex at the same time. My dad has spent sleepless nights just playing this game. Def a amazing game 10/10
Can't get enough of this game. TBH, I am never someone who likes challenges but this game is really good in balancing the difficulties that i find myself willingly raise the stakes. I already have 100+ hours of gameplay even though it is still in early access. Can't wait for further content!
Great game. Super fun and the devs keep making it better. It's a sim city style.
Solid citybuilder, I'm hooked. The gimmicks of controlling water levels with dams, floodgates and sluices etc and routing power grids makes this game stand out from the crowd. There is no combat but I can see how making your city more efficient as you find better ways of doing things can keep this fresh for dedicated players for a good number of hours.
The game has promise. And I keep coming back. It is pretty easy to get into a death spiral though. Full colony collapse. Build lots of water tanks.
My biggest complaint is the district system. Hate it. I'd rather just one colony. And the info from you colony needs to be expanded. Water consumed yesterday in a game about consuming water would be nice.
So yeah it's worth it. But it's not the greatness it could be.
Pretty fun. Simple starting tutorial and then you get the idea. You can unlock more and it feels pretty solid to open up new things progressively. Pretty fun if you like city builders.
Best strategy game can't wait for full version! Beside some long loading screens this is a great game!
Wonderful game. Really Thought out. Perfect for casuals and Hardcore gamers alike.
Great game to get lost in. Very much like SimCity but with cute beavers. Love that there is still more to come!
Fun game enjoyed working through the seasons and overall just fun.
Easy to get into, then your painstakingly planning each building placement to get the best possible skyscraper with the most efficient pathways for hours on end.
This is a fun twist on resource management and city building. The developers keep adding more cool features too. I love it!
Love this game! The water management aspects make it different from other base building games, it's refreshing.
Timberborn is the best city builder out there. Easy enough for beginners, but brutally challenging if you want it to be, it's always fun to build and manage a city run by beavers. Great mod support, very few bugs, and consistent updates. What's not to like?
Played 237 hours of this game. Life is complete. This is like if minecraft and satisfactory had a baby. But you can play it on the steamdeck and actually enjoy using the controller. (Also bought the RCE merch :))
City builders and Resource management sims are a dime a dozen, but very few of them really stand out like Timberborn does. The way this game allows you to play with the environment is so much fun, simple enough to pick up and unique to keeps you engaged for hours.
Also, who doesn't love adorable little beavers? You WILL care about their well-being while you build your over engineered empire, and you will like it!
I have been watching RealCivilEngineer play this on YouTube for quite a while. Really enjoyed that. I broke down yesterday at about noon and bought this game. I play 16.4 hours straight...... It has been YEARS since a game has gotten me like that. Well done. Highly, HIGHLY recommend.
Well. This is a weird one.
It's infuriatingly slow at the start. But it does something right I guess. I keep coming back, and I keep thinking: "just gonna wait for these beavers to finish this one building, then I'll go to bed."
I have played around 18hrs, but active gameplay is probably 2hrs, because this game is INSANELY SLOW in the beginning.
So here is my advice: At the start of the game, make sure you cannot run out of logs, water and food, then plop down a ton of Inventor-buildings that generate science points. Then plop down a queue of all the buildings you need.
Then you can go f-ck off somewhere for four hours. Go AFK, leave it on highest speed. Make coffee, drink that coffee, walk the dog, watch a movie, then come back and the buildings are finished. And you have enough science points that you don't have to keep waiting for that all the f-cking time.
Then just two or three observatories will keep your science points up.
Now you can start playing for real. And it's pretty fun!
This is easily the best game I have ever bought. At first I wasn't sold on the graphic style but after buying the game and seeing it in action it's incredibly beautiful. I must have been watching YouTube videos that had the alpha build or something because the detail on buildings and even the beavers themselves really blew my mind. My only complaint is that the fast forward feature only goes to x4 (or something). I tend to over build alot all at once and then i get stuck waiting for the beavers to actually build them. I always forget to increase haulers and builders... It's a "ME" problem but I can't think of any other issue I have with the game. 10/10 would buy again.
If you are into world building games this one has you covered. I enjoy the thrill of the early game, doing a little math, and getting into the mid game where expanding more rapidly is possible. I enjoy the different races, as it mixes things up a bit. Same with the various maps. Each one providing it's own unique challenge. Whether familiar with the genre or looking to break into it, I highly recommend this game.
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Mechanistry |
Платформы | Windows, Mac |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 02.02.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 96% положительных (16862) |