Разработчик: Crate Entertainment
- Добывайте, выращивайте, создавайте. Добывайте 14 разных видов сырья: древесину, камень, глину, металлическую руду, травы, мёд и многое другое. Заготавливайте 17 видов пищи, включая дикорастущие ягоды, рыбу и дичь, а также 10 видов различных посевных культур. Создавайте 32 вида предметов и материалов в рамках многоуровневой экономики.
- Стройте и развивайтесь. Вам доступно более 50 различных зданий. Постройте скромное поселение и превратите его в оживлённый город. С ростом процветания поселение будет привлекать новых жителей, а городской центр и жильё пройдут несколько стадий развития. Улучшайте производственные здания, чтобы повысить их эффективность и получить возможность создавать более сложные предметы.
- Развитая система сельского хозяйства. Выбирайте из 10 видов сельскохозяйственных культур с разными характеристиками и организуйте севооборот, чтобы сохранить плодородность почвы, не потерять урожай из-за засухи или заморозков и предотвратить болезни растений. Возделывайте поля, удаляйте сорняки и камни, повышайте плодородность и регулируйте состав почв, чтобы получить максимальный урожай и накормить население.
- Продвинутая симуляция города. Поселенцы живут своей жизнью и выполняют работу в реальном времени. Вы можете наблюдать, как они переносят сырьё из отдалённых рудников в город для последующей переработки и создания предметов; как доставляют пищу и произведённые предметы в жилища и торговые лавки — или на склады для хранения. Развивайте дорожную сеть, стройте повозки и улучшайте методы хранения, чтобы оптимизировать перемещение товаров и предотвратить их порчу.
- Случайные карты. В Farthest Frontier можно играть снова и снова: благодаря случайной генерации ландшафта и ресурсов каждая игровая партия будет уникальной. Игроки могут регулировать количество водоёмов и гор на местности и создавать невероятные карты, которые сами по себе станут сложнейшим испытанием.
- Идиллия или хаос. Настраиваемые параметры сложности позволяют создать спокойную игру без вторжений и эпидемий — или выставить максимальную сложность, которая станет серьёзным испытанием даже для самого опытного градостроителя.
- Взаимодействие со средой. Развивайте экономику исходя из того, какое сырьё вам доступно, и производите товары для обмена на те ресурсы, которых вам недостаёт. Стройте ограды, чтобы олени не вытоптали ваши поля, а медведи не добрались до погребов с пищей. Размещайте колодцы в тени деревьев, чтобы не допустить пересыхания. Расчищайте землю под сельскохозяйственные посадки, но старайтесь сохранить важные дикорастущие ресурсы вроде ягод и целебных трав.
- Старые добрые болезни! Обеспечьте своих поселенцев чистой питьевой водой, чтобы избежать вспышек дизентерии и холеры. Собирайте ягоды и сажайте овощи, чтобы обеспечить им разнообразное питание и защитить от цинги. Убедитесь, что они обуты и одеты — это снижает риск подцепить столбняк, бешенство или простуду. Постройте хижину целителя, чтобы изолировать больных и обеспечить их травами и лекарствами. И не забывайте о грызунах, разносящих ужасную бубонную чуму — утилизируйте мусор, надёжно храните пищу и пользуйтесь услугами крысоловов.
- Отражайте вторжения. Вы можете начать игру в мирном режиме, и тогда вам вообще не придётся сражаться — или выбрать подходящий уровень сложности, при котором на город будут нападать налётчики. Стройте деревянные частоколы и каменные стены, возводите башни и казармы, нанимайте и обеспечивайте снаряжением солдат, которые будут защищать город. Чем богаче станет ваше поселение, тем чаще на него будет падать алчный взор разбойников и чужеземных армий.
Crate Entertainment — независимый разработчик и издатель из пригорода Бостона, штат Массачусетс. Компания получила известность, выпустив ролевой боевик Grim Dawn. Присоединяйтесь к нашему сообществу, и вы сможете участвовать в опросах и обсуждениях на форуме, влиять на ход разработки наших игр и первыми узнавать последние новости о Farthest Frontier.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, czech, korean, polish, portuguese - brazil, russian, simplified chinese, swedish, traditional chinese, japanese
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10 (только 64-битные версии)
- Процессор: Intel Core i5 3470 с частотой 3,2 ГГц или AMD FX 8120 с частотой 3,9 ГГц и выше
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 или AMD R9 290 с 3 ГБ видеопамяти и выше
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 4 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX-совместимая карта с установленными драйверами последней версии
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10 (только 64-битные версии)
- Процессор: Процессор: Intel Core i5 4690 с частотой 3,5 ГГц или AMD Ryzen 5 1600x с частотой 3,6 ГГц
- Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 или AMD RX 590 с 4 ГБ видеопамяти и выше
- DirectX: версии 12
- Место на диске: 4 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX-совместимая карта с установленными драйверами последней версии
Отзывы пользователей
Love the level of detail focused towards the game! Watched a youtube series and got me hooked. Its a nice relaxing game from all the chaotic games in my library.
love the game, countless hours... but would love to see a update to add some dungeons.. police... ect. would love to see crime in the city for an update would be really neat. we have invaders already..
Absolutely amazing game! Looking forward to the full release!
I own most of major games in this genre - this is easily my #1 or #2 in the genre. If you like this sort of game - don't hesitate - get it.
I enjoyed playing Farthest Frontier and I appreciate the developers doing something different with their game
The only thing I distinctly remember not liking was the interface. It's so bulky, old looking and takes up way too much of the screen. They barely showed it in their Steam store screenshots, but it is easily the worst part of the game for me. Simply because it brings a whole 'outdated' feeling to an otherwise fresh take on the city building genre
But I believe that despite the game's slightly dated visuals, it still manages to look quite nice. The atmosphere, the general aesthetic and presentation is great. The sounds and music are nice. I enjoyed expanding my little town and reaching new technological milestones. Will definitely play it again when it leaves early-access
My go-to split screen game for when watching sports, documentaries or other media. A game like this is, imo, best to enjoy the journey. Immerse yourself in your city, and it's inhabitants. No min/maxing, no rush to get anywhere and this game will provide tons of enjoyment! As of early access, once I get to end game (all buildings unlocked/built) and large population is right about when I lose interest and take a break and wait for another itch. This game was my game of the year 2023 and it's come a decent ways from then! The itch still comes back but not as strong as it was last year (850 hours - I've done most everything). I've a feeling the itch will come back STRONG when 1.0 drops.
favorite game. i like it a lot. learning curve fs, but i like that i keep learning new things everytime.
I enjoy the influence I have over the direction the game takes form a strait forward urban simulation to combat strategies
I love this game!! fun to play for long times. beautiful lots of buildings and fun and its not full release yet.
if you like city builders play this game
The graphics are great, the UI is polished. But building sucks, for a colony builder. There is no tilt control so you're stuck at a pre-defined tilt and it's not so easy to align things. The grid only displays around the template of what you're placing to build, not the rest of the map, so that doesn't help assist in aligning to compensate for the major lack of tilt control. If you're picky where you want to place objects, I'd skip this. It takes too much unnecessary effort because of the lack of tilt. If you don't mind just plopping things down wherever, then go for it.
Absolute great sandbox medival city builder! Needs some time to really get into it and feel comfortable with all the mechanics, but then it rocks hard. Im curious about what comes next. Well done, Crate.
Played many of hours, had a lot of fun. Each update makes it better. Applause to the developers.
Farthest Frontier is one of the BEST games! Still in Early Access, however, very well done and very playable. The art work and design in the game is absolutely gorgeous! Devs are still adding to the game and optimizing. I cannot wait to see what they add next! 10 of 10 stars!
Great game in early release. Very engaging - If you liked Banished, this is a good choice.
it is a fun game to play the only gripe i have is the icons for the game such as how much timber, gold, population all are to small to see you got to get close to the screen to see what you have and what you need
Farthest Frontier does some pretty good stuff within the "City Builder With Natural Dangers" subgenre, but I ended up not wanting to play it anymore. My thoughts:
Farming system is in-depth, but the UI makes it easy to understand. You can schedule more than one planting per season, rotate crops on a 3 year cycle, and add more clay or sand to a field to get better yields for crops that prefer one or the other.
Every disease I've seen has a cause (not enough water, bad waste management, wounds from animal attacks) so they present a nice logistical challenge rather than being entirely RNG curveballs. Playing with "Maladies" on the hardest setting is fun!
These might be the smartest sim folks I've ever seen. They somehow are good at defending AND self-preservation, they always spring into action when there is work to do, and their pathing is efficient. Best of all, they only take one long break at the end of the year instead of being stricken with periodic bouts of inexplicable laziness like in Banished.
No way to disable raiders. I like the hostile wildlife but I find the raiders annoying.
No "set it and forget it" way of collecting lumber. I miss the forester's lodge that fells and replants trees :(
My biggest issue with the game: I really dislike the unlockable building Tiers. I don't want to build 25 houses and wait for my population to grow to smelt iron for tools! You're supposed to grow carefully and sustainably, but the iron tools that the villagers need are locked until the midgame. I'd much prefer a tech tree where you spend gold to unlock single buildings. I would have more fun if I could decide, "I think I'll specialize in glassware as early as possible as a trade good for this town." As it stands, it seems like every settlement I found will progress mostly identically.
I almost like the storage system, but for discreet storage areas to be fun, I'd prefer a bit more manual control. My transport wagon drivers are spending 95% of their time idle while my clay miners spend 95% of their time carrying clay to storage. Why??? I wish I could make wagon routes.
Game is great, still working a few bugs out, but definitely in line for an awesome version 1 release!!
I am loving this game. It's precisely the type of game I've been looking for.
It looks fantastic, it plays fantastic, the progression is fantastic.
But sadly, I can't continue to play it because my PC is not good enough to get beyond a population of 90 before the performance becomes a problem. Will definitely be revisiting once I can afford to upgrade.
Great hybrid between a city builder, management game, and 4x. Really hits the sweet spot for me.
Overall I like the game, but installed it due to privacy concerns. While trying to figure out while my microphone was not working for another game, I stumbled upon my microphones recent activity, and it was FILLED with request from Farthest Frontier, when looking for a thread or something similar explaining this occurrence I was not able to find anything out about it.
Amazing game that has gotten better with every patch, the love and attention to detail the devs have, truely shows in this game every time i play it.
Fun colony builder, i like the music a whole bunch. its paced a bit "slow?" some may say but I don't mind it based around the seasons. Crate do a great job with their games ( see grim dawn ) and I can see updates for this coming along well after release. Play it!
hard to start wood is a need but once you get some basics down and housing for more just chop chop you will be fine. one tip stone is needed for grave yard keeps them from rotting on door steps.
Crate has done it again. Another hit PC game. Semi realistic city builder with pretty decent graphics. Got a good amount of content to keep a builder happy for a while. As always Crate just gives MOAR of everything. They dont know when to quit.
Great city builder, not difficult but equally challenging. good graphics and game play
Мной наиграно в эту игру уже 300+ часов, и думаю, будет еще больше. Игра повествует о переселенцах, которые покинули свои родные земли от тирании своих господ и под гнетом разбойников решили обосноваться в новых землях. Здесь существует множество механик, которые завязаны на развитие игрока.
Добыча ресурсов.
Данные механики можно назвать основопологающими, которые будут поддерживать твое существование, жизнь поселенцев. Не уследил за едой - оглоеды померли. Выставил одного охотника против кабана ? Кабан делает хрю и убивает охотника и остальных селян. Не собрал ягоды / овощи собирательством ? получай болячки в виде цинги и других. Пришла зима? озеро замерзло, рыбалки не будет. Наступила Жара / Засуха / Садится одна и та же культура на постоянной основе? Лови гиблые посевы, больные недугами и прочей хренью.
Думал это все? Погоди, нет воды ? Дизентерия, Обезвоживание, Глисты, Брюшной Тиф, Черная Оспа, все че хочешь. И это только начало.
У тебя много ресурсов ? Разбойники это исправят. Придут пешком, в броне и без, с луками, в доспехах. На лошадях / на таранах / на катапультах. И не дай боже у тебя нет хотя бы одного захудалого лучника, твою деревню вырежут всю до основания, а ты с глазами срущей лягушки будешь смотреть на это все и не понимать как нужно было правильно поступать.
Плюсы :
Есть обучение
Интуитивно понятный интерфейс
Присутствуют хоткеи.
Заставляет двигать мозгами.
Продуманное взаимодействие с юнитами
Не хватает оптимизации. При большом количестве объектов, наблюдаются просадки кадров.
Таран делает бам.
Катапульта делает бабах.
Медведь жрет ягоды прямо с твоего рынка
Игра кстати находится в раннем доступе в стим, и уже стоит 1100 р.
11 боевых Священников-волкодавов молящихся у святыни, умершие от бешенства, когда есть лекари, из 10.
I've only played version 0.9.5 so far, as of this review. About 400 hours. Very addictive and interesting. I like this sort of game. The final version is going to be much better and I can see myself playing it a lot.
Crate Entertainment has done it again. It's still early access and needs more polish, but another game of theirs, Grim Dawn, has been past final release for many years and still receives updates. I have zero doubt that Crate will continue to make this game better and better.
Purchased Sep 2023
Love this game.. very relaxing. and actually immersive in a weird way.
I have 95 hours on this game.
only complaint is once you get to the end game. you basically just have to start over. you can change the default population cap from 500 up to 2000 i believe. but once you hit 500 the grind is basically over. But thats with any game like this.
Very fun and beautiful game! Only complaints I would have is more content toward the later part of the game, once you get to 1000 to 2000 people in your village it starts to feel like you've done it all. Which is less a complaint of the game and just more hoping the developer will continue to release updates/content. Also, wouldn't mind more castle building mechanics and fortifications options! Overall though a great game and very soothing.
This game is great - its a wonderful city builder, its fun and doesn't break after a while like so many others - its just missing "purpose" and an end-game as the sandbox style gameplay quickly wears out and some balancing seems needed, because if you don't build in the exact order the dev intended, then you'll be stuck at a certain tier for a very long time, for no reason....
Apart from that - I love it- actually I'm gonna play it right now.
This game is... Well ... boring to be honest -- I keep finding myself struggling to stay involved and working towards anything worth striving for. I like the buildings and the way they are turn of the century and have a good look to them, but to be honest, that's about the last of the luster with this title -- It's all basic and done to death by numerous other city builders...... I dunno -- Just not catching my vibe I guess.....
Great game already, but great potential! I played quite a bit when it first came out (my playtime is mostly over the first two weeks) but now I'm waiting until it's out of EA to revisit.
Definitely a recommend if you like games of the genre like Banished.
I've only played this game a couple of hours and I'm definitely hooked on this genre of game but this is a really good game. I need to build a fresh village now that I know what I'm doing. So far I like this game a lot. I wish it worked better with an xbox controller.
hands down great game for what you paid. not to overwhelm my resources and or mechanics. played anno 1800 i like this better is a want an easy chill game play.
Overwhelming at first that turns into a fun game where you are always learning new things and growing as a player. Still some bugs but keeps your mind busy and entertained.
Its a fun game, i haven't run into any bugs so far. I hope they add acheivments soon,
This could be a very high potential game if the dev put diplomacy system for those merchants related factions and even put them into a corner of the map to build their own city with invasion system.
I must say if you have mastered all gaming system and have your own way to build your town, this game is boring, but for newbie, that is interesting and will be intrigued
I had my eyes on this game since a friend on discord mentioned it to me. For a long time I've been looking for an RTS/Building Game with very specific features. And I'm quite happy that Farthest Frontier is exactly what I am looking for.
Military is important enough, there are wildlife dangers, most important is resource management, there are settlement tiers and especially changing seasons AND there are even mechanics that require you to build a good looking city.
For the people that seek a "most effective RTS combat game ala Age of Empires", this is NOT the game for you in my opinion. But for all people that want a one-for-all game that serves each gameplay niche good enough, this IS your perfect title.
And while this game is settled to be an immersive simulation, I really hope post-release after the early-access phase the game gets a "Medieval Myths" DLC with Dragons and other fantasy creatures, that can be optionally enabled for further difficulty/benefit factor.
All in all, despite Early Access and the occasional bug, I give this game already a 9/10 in fun factor.
Excellent city builder with a historical focus. Reminds me of a medieval-styled Dawn of Man, plus elements of Manor Lords and Patron.
It started out ok, but it becomes slow. Plenty of bugs to work out, example, you build a garden with a fence with gate but animals still get in and destroy the harvest, even with the "herder" present they allow the animals to go thru the gate. Loosing interest at present. Maybe after a couple undates.
Great city builder with good combat elements. Love the game, did a full play through when it first came to EA, and another around v0.9.1, they keep adding features, I can't wait for the 1.0 release.
challenging but very good game and graphics.
Enjoyable and very playable in early access. The game is clearly very carefully designed with a lot of content.
On the more difficult levels there would be more than enough challenges.
Coming from Age of Empires/Mythology, and Civ 3/6. I really appreciated this games slower pace. There are a couple things that need flushed out (town bell for emergencies does not seem to be effective, can't direct villagers to perform certain tasks, just move to certain places, and a couple other very minor things) However the game looks very good and runs well on 1000 pop limit. just got my first town to year 100, and will be starting another on a harder difficulty.
Farthest Frontier is a fairly chill town builder with an overall slow pace to progression. You are limited by population growth primarily, as immigration waves can be fairly scarce even when maintaining surplus housing and food stocks. Going from a dozen starting villagers to a town of 150 can take over a decade in game, which isn't bad but mean if you've been building out most of what you need at a decent pace you'll run out of things to do unless you enjoy townscaping with walls and roads and flattening the terrain.
Raiders pose the most persistent threat, justifying the time, resources and gold into building up defences, but combat isn't the game's strong suit and this is neither an RTS or a tactics game. It'll slow you down further, but that can help give you more to do while you wait for the immigration waves to roll in.
It's a nice looking game with a lovely soundtrack. If you're itching for a survival city builder it won't disappoint.
Fantastic "classic city builder" in the vein of Banished but far better looking and generally more detailed. I say "classic" because these days apparently Against the Storm and this are the same genre, this is nothing like that game.
I love the overgrown wilderness aspect of this game. The level of detail and density of trees, undergrowth, grasses, animals really adds a lot to the immersion of founding a frontier wilderness settlement. Most games seem to think a forest is just a bunch of trees with pretty much nothing else, this game is the complete opposite. The way plants and trees change between seasons is very well done too, unlike so many games.
Gameplay is not incredibly groundbreaking, but it gives a really nice level of control over your production chains, farms, market trading and defense. Unlike many city building games, I absolutely don't feel like restarting a city once past the initial town setup, I really am looking forward to getting to 500 settlers. (500 is the default limit, it can be turned off in options).
The farming system would probably have to be the best I have seen any colony builder (or strategy game). You can rotate your crops and leave some fallow. You can enrich soil, reduce weeds, improve rocky soil. Crops have different temperature, fertility and soil preferences. You can compost the towns waste and use it to enrich your crop fields. Really impressive and fun to tweak and improve over time. Of course it's also actually critical to be able to feed your town as it grows, so absolutely not just a gimmick.
I guess a slight negative is the way early game you have such an amazing looking wilderness in and around your small village. But by mid/late game it is very easy to turn it into a pretty ugly and immersion breaking bland grid of buildings.
I assume this game is not capable but it would be incredible to be able to place buildings with any rotation, not just 4 directions. Same for fences and walls. Roads already can be designated in curves and various angles, but the building limitation makes this a bit pointless and reduces efficiency.
I also miss rivers or streams in this game. It does have lakes, they look decent but they are really just a provider of resources ie fish. A game with this level of undergrowth detail that also had waterways, waterfalls etc would be incredible. Could you imagine this game with Cities Skylines (or Timberborn) style dynamic water system?
The raider aspect is actually not badly implemented (or you can turn it off completely). It adds a bit more urgency to wall your city. The combat controls are not the most user friendly, but this is just not a game about combat, don't buy it if that is what you want.
The game is reasonably performance heavy. When I first started playing my 1080 GPU and 7700 CPU fans were working quite hard after 10 minutes or so. However I found that reducing shadow quality to simple, turning off anti-aliasing has made that issue go away completely. (Although changing game resolution currently seems to be broken/has no effect).
Overall I can definitely recommend this game if you enjoy classic city builders focusing on details and immersion, rather than roguelike aspects, conquest or combat.
PS developers PLEASE provide a first person camera from the perspective of any settler so we can follow their day to day life and enjoy our cities close up.
Also, a free cam control mode or at least let us rotate the view vertically so we can take amazing screenshots and show others to help sell your game. It amazes me developers go to all this effort to make their game look so impressive but then don't let players fully appreciate it visually (and often post screenshots that help sell your game).
Did you love playing Banished? Then you will love playing this game! it has everything you loved from Banished but with so much improvements. This truly is a great successor.
Instead of doing my own positive note I thought it might be better to pick apart one of the more popular negative comments on here that no one can comment or respond to. I feel like if I were looking at buying the game and saw this example comment below, I'd want to know how true it was instead of just assuming that they're right. There's a TON of negative reviews in here that are simply fallacious and show that the reviewer doesn't understand the game or how to play it.
Here we go:
-Its a well paced settlement sim, getting your settlement to thrive especially in adverse conditions is a joy.
-the notion of a market mechanic is novel, youre not going to have everything your people need and youll probably have more of something than your people need.
(Yes, except if you don't like this mechanic you may be miffed by it, since many things are ONLY offered by the traders. It's still a good twist on the genre.)
-the aesthetics are great. towns look lived in, the screen dims during the winter making you feel properly anxious for the survival of your townspeople.
(Yes, but the game still requires a monster computer to run 500-1000 pop.)
-a wolf gave one of my townspeople rabies day 1. that was hilarious.
(Yes, and rabies isn't a huge deal, just 1 death)
-the crop rotation mechanic is pretty damn cool. getting your fields to be fertile and disease free is a neat little minigame in itself.
-the AI is garbage. the people will drop whatever theyre doing literally in the middle of the road to run off for a random unnecessary task.
(This is impossible unless you manually force them to move somewhere or they get re-assigned a new profession, both of which only happen via player action. It is true you can't easily choose which laborer you want assigned to a new profession, though (fix soon?). And it is true that if someone is doing a task and realizes they're starving, or their shoes go ruined, or it's too cold, etc - yes they will stop and fix whatever ailment they're having.)
Tier 3 and 4 towns are littered with half accomplished tasks, streets full of shoes and fish.
(This is precisely because you don't have enough builders, or laborers. The game even tells you in red lettering when you don't have enough of each. 100% player error.)
They'll sit in their houses refusing to do whatever job you've set for seemingly arbitrary reasons.
(Impossible, not even sure how you could force this to happen. All villagers shelter once per winter for a few real-time minutes, or during a blizzard. All of them will be forced to restock their homes if you don't have enough grocers assigned to do it for them. The only thing I can think of here is wagoneers, which they won't leave the wagon shop unless there's a large enough load to pick up. Sometimes they can get in deadlock if laborers or work camp workers keep bringing single items back and preventing an accumulation of stuff from building - but wagoneers don't sit in their houses, either. If a villager is in their houses, it means there's no work to do in their profession, or as a laborer/builder - period.)
Theyll run headlong into danger then realizing theyre in danger turn tail and die fleeing.
(Yes, but villagers don't "wander". They work in assigned areas that you've selected, and harvest things that you've manually selected. Otherwise they have no reason to go to there. Player error for sure.)
Ive watched one of my hunters waste 4 months carting a supply of water to their shack only to realize they had too much water and cart it back while the settlement starved because they werent hunting.
(Impossible. What probably happened is more subtle - like they got close to bringing water and had to turn around for an unrelated reason, like winter or a blizzard.
Very simple fix - put a well near your remote outposts. Player error.)
-the tower defense mechanic is tired. Why does every settlement sim out there have to have raiders. do you not trust that your management/building/expansion gameplay is enough? NPCs have to randomly zerg the town every once in a while? Need us to have a gold sink in random defense for the unnecessary zerg mechanic? raiders do nothing but beeline for the center of town. its muddy and unnecessary.
(It's fine if someone doesn't like raiders, but a lot of people do. The game has Pacifist mode if you don't like it. Player error/old review.)
-Speaking of which, the guard AI is garbage, theyre borderline useless. just build too many defense towers and HOPE they actually fire when a baddie gets near.
(There is no reason they won't fire, unless they're out of bows, arrows, or were out of range. Almost certainly player error again.)
-Grid system or freeform. pick one. or integrate them better. buildings all want to be built on a strict grid but roads are going everywhere with arbitrary rules that keep them from being placed occasionally. The terrain often doesnt work with the grid.
(Valid, except having grid roads would be a huge pain and villagers would probably never use them while path-finding if they had to go diagonally. That's why they made diagonal and curved roads. The terrain works fine, there's a flatten tool - it's part of the game. Player error.)
-The mercantile system is either broken op or useless. Either you make 2000 gold every time they show up or they never show with what you need.
(You can't bank on selling one or two items. You are supposed to keep the trading post stocked with a diverse selection of items if you actually want to make money reliably. 100% player error.)
-Food spoilage is obnoxiously oppressive. You have to keep over 3 months of spoiling food on hand at all times or else your villagers will panic and think theyre starving. Theres no way to stockpile a 4 month supply of food without over half of it spoiling until the end game and you get the warning noise every time it dips below that.
(This is exaggerated. If your food IS NOT spoiling it means people ate it. If they ate all of it, they barely made it and are worried. Therefore, the only way they will be happy is if they're all fed, which almost certainly means you will have some extra. It's up to you to attempt to hit the target perfectly, which honestly doesn't even matter much. Player error and/or nit-picking a nothing-burger.)
I WANT to like this game. I DO like this game, but the petty frustrations build up.
(It is true that there is not a lot of intricate information available within the game itself about how it works, but it is early access and there's a plethora of information online. You can also study how things work and fill in the missing pieces yourself - that's how you get better at the game. It is not frustrating at all if you take some time to learn why certain things are happening and take time to experiment and study your own game. You can pause and run in slow motion any time you want. You can reload as many saves as you want. This game should not be frustrating by any means.)
Its fun to start settlements and see if they thrive. Its not fun to defend against the raiders because the mechanics suck. The end game is dull because youve either got your town set or you dont by that point. all there is to do is watch your town thrive, wait for raiders, and listen to the low food warning donk off every spring because theres *gasp* only 3 months of food left while the farmers are planting more. I hope it gets better, I really do.
(It is true that fighting raiders is somewhat basic. You can "micro" units like in other games, but it's more tedious and harder to control. You can also just let the AI do what it wants which still works well enough to watch and enjoy. I think most likely the frustration here is he probably build a huge wall and expected them to attack it at a certain point, but they didn't, or something like that. It's not a big deal developing an army that can handle any raid.)
Poor performance. This game is trying to fry my GPU (3070) even on lowest settings
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Crate Entertainment |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 21.12.2024 |
Отзывы пользователей | 87% положительных (7754) |