Trinoline All Ages Version

Trinoline All Ages Version

Steam Store

Разработчик: minori

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One summer day, Shun Nanami meets a girl who is the spitting image of his dead sister. She turns out to be a high-tech android indistinguishable from a human being. So begins a touching tale in a world where androids and human beings coexist.

Description & Features

- Experience three unique stories filled with touching romance and exciting drama in a world where human beings and androids coexist, and sometimes fall in love with each other.
- Traditional visual novel with multiple endings.
- Hundreds of beautiful CGs to explore, fully voiced heroines, and special effects which bring the characters to life such as animated facial expressions, lip sync, and more.
- A soundtrack with over 50 unique songs, including a full-length, vocal opening theme and three full-length, vocal ending theme songs.
- Approximately 30+ hours of average reading time


One hot, midsummer's day, Shun Nanami's sister, Shirone Nanami, drowned at sea. It's a memory he will never forget; one that will forever be etched into his heart. He vows to live in her stead from then on and to make up for the life she never got to have.

Time passes and Shun currently spends his days attending school like any other student. Yet another sultry summer bears down upon him, reminding him of the sibling he had lost all those years ago...

However, that summer was different. Shun hears a piano's melody far off in the distance--a tune Shirone always adored. He follows the sound to its source, only to find... his sister, Shirone.

"Please take care of me from now on, Onii-chan."

The being that stood before him was not of his own flesh and blood, but an android who looked exactly like her. Her name was...


Поддерживаемые языки: english

Системные требования


  • OS *: Windows Vista and up
  • Processor: Core i series
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 256MB VRAM
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Storage: 6 GB available space

Отзывы пользователей

Рекомендую 12.12.2023 22:50
0 0

When first time see this VN, I thought this VN is about android. But after read through all route, I was convinced to say. This VN is about facing upcoming death(Except for the last route). They will show you how painful when you have to accept upcoming and unavoidable death while you have to stay like normal and nothing happened.

For the last route, the story change very differently. Last route like a out of nowhere turn into political drama with inconsistent complication and resolution. When the story talking about full of sorrow and tragedy, but after one scene the story change into wholesome and comedy.

- The art was amazing as minori always did.
- Full animation sprite
- The heroines is easily hateable, but it will become the charm of the heroines

- The story was bad and inconsistent
- The UI and interface was messed up, even the tittle screen was glitchy
- You can't open the gallery till complete all route
- Most of dramatic scene was appear too suddenly
- When entering heroine's route, most of the character gone and ended up like forgot if they already a friend or an acquaintance
- Bad guy at the last route motive kinda lame and hillarious( That guy was angry because what happened to MC mom due to the android behavior, but in other route the android has do something worse and that guy not appear like is not his bussines )

This VN is lower than mid, but because the art was godly good, I will give it chance.

Время в игре: 1440 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 04.05.2023 12:39
0 0

High production value almost looks like a freakin anime.

Sara's route was good though, the others were rather mid.

Still good read but would suggest getting it on a sale. To much flaws to justify full price for just one route which is worth reading.

Время в игре: 1273 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 19.02.2023 12:05
0 0

Okay I'd like to base this review off of the fact I haven't completed this VN yet and have only read Shirone's route but first off I gotta mention 2 other vns because this while having nothing to do with those VNs could easily be read after 1 and before another.

Qualia - This is like the start of the robotics

Trinoline - This is like the midpoint robotics are now helping humanity and more tests are happening.

ATRI - The end of the standard robotics and the beginning of even more advanced world of robotics and life on earth.

Reading this one right after Qualia shows some links that wouldn't normally be shown in these type of vns I think these vns definitely show what our future could be like (Especially ATRI with the sea level stuff).

All in all tho not far in I've thoroughly enjoyed the read so far.

Время в игре: 786 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 09.03.2022 05:16
0 0

nice production values and poorly written main story but still enjoyable if you just want cute heroines

Время в игре: 693 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 09.02.2022 22:41
0 0

Truthfully, I was VERY conflicted giving this game the thumbs up. It has nothing to do with any aspect of the quality (aside from the ending, which I'll get to later). From quality aspects the game is freaking amazing - VFX, SFX, BGM CGs, and UI are all beyond reproach. The characters are FANTASTIC - I have never seen such humanity or depth of character displayed in any other game, ever, which after nearly 33 years of being a dedicated gamer is damned impressive. And, to varying degrees, they are all likable and understandable. The story is incredibly well executed with truly euphoric highs and heartbreaking lows.

IT BEARS SAYING AT THIS POINT, IF YOU RECENTLY LOST A LOVED ONE - DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME! I lost my brother 4 months ago, and this game hit me ESPECIALLY hard. All the wounds of losing the person who meant the absolute most to me were ripped open.

Moving on - I say the story is "well executed" and not some variant of "good" because it is most assuredly NOT the latter. It is horribly depressing. But it tackles such deep philosophical topics such as the meaning of life, what defines being "alive", death, the presumed necessity of purpose, and what defines happiness very well.

The sole area the game falls short is the ending; not because it IS so horribly depressing, but because the ending is decided by the MC under a false premise. The thought that with an immortal life, when tomorrow is guaranteed, "today" loses all meaning. And if that were true, I'd agree. But not aging is not the same as being immortal. No matter who, or what, you are - "tomorrow" is NEVER guaranteed.

The MC is a fucking imbecile for not recognizing that - and if he had, the game would have a VERY different end. And his idiocy leads to more suffering for every other character of note in the game, which makes the ending even more depressing.

I suppose I should also say that there are two other routes you can follow, but by the time they diverge going any route other that Shirone's, feels like a betrayal to her, and to yourself. If the divergence happened earlier, I could forgive it, but by the time you have the option, you've already put your life on the line to protect what you have with her.

Despite my misgivings, I cannot deny the obvious effort that went into this game, and the superb quality that follows.

Время в игре: 766 ч. Куплено в Steam Получено бесплатно
Рекомендую 23.01.2022 08:48
0 0

A lot of people don't like Trinoline, due to a multiple of reasons. "Forced H-Scenes, way too many melodrama, boring writing format/style, etc." going as far as to say, minori (the developers) lost their way and because of that, they went bankrupt, which is unfortunately true.

I do agree with some of the negative stuff unfortunately, although not to the degree as some other people. Let's start with the melodrama part. This only ever bothered me on SHIRONE's route, where I really felt like it was a bit too much. Not only that, but the ending felt like a cheapshot on multiple levels which I can't get into because of spoilers.

The common route didn't feel like especially boring to me, but because how little Shun, the main character has interacted with SHIRONE, I didn't feel like I had an established connect to either of them, yet the story already wanted me to care about them. The characters talked more about them, than the actual characters talking to each other, SHIRONE and Shun I mean. Also, in Yuuri's route, most of the common route felt completely pointless.

I could actually list a few more things I didn't like, but compared to the ones I already mentioned, they're minor and didn't really affect my experience that much.
Listing some of the positives however is more important, because I do actually recommend this game, as long you already finished minori's better works, like Supipara and eden.

Because it's a minori game, you can see how gorgeous it looks. Sprites are animated, although not fully, but just enough that the characters felt alive to me. It's very thought provoking, often times I couldn't decide what I would do in the current situation, or just kept thinking about the morality of the situation and my brain was constantly working. The voice acting was fantastic, I could always feel the emotions coming from the characters. Heck, I even liked the story for the most part, although every route tells a different one and I liked the little life lessons they told me every now and then.

Initially I wanted to keep it short, but I wanted to share at least some of my thoughts about the game. It's decent. It's not good, it's not bad. It's worth a read, especially if you can get it on sale. Personally, I had a good time with it, it made my smile, it made me cry, it made me think. To me, it was a time well spent.

Время в игре: 2050 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 16.11.2021 22:51
0 0

This game had wonderful art, a gorgeous soundtrack that I still remember to this day, and a very neat concept to it.

However, as much as it pains me to say it, I had some difficulties enjoying this visual novel for the express reason that it was a game that attempted to be good sci-fi romance, but simply couldn't follow through. The choices made by the protagonist and the side characters were infuriating at almost every turn, and in truth the novel's answers to the thought-provoking concepts that they presented did not seem terribly well thought-out. If you have more patience than I do, I'm sure that this game could potentially be enjoyable, but for my part I cannot in good faith recommend this game.

Время в игре: 1363 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 12.06.2021 06:09
2 0

Nice game with interesting graphics. Mostly the character sprites which sometimes look and speak like an anime. Interesting storyline. A lot of introspection on what it means to be human. Believe there is a free patch on Mangagamer for it, but… can’t recall. Mosaic censorship, though. One more thing, the Extras galleries will only unlock if you complete all the routes. Recommend.

Время в игре: 7 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 05.05.2021 09:11
3 0

I started this VN without any knowledge of androids, the devs and so on. Just wanted to read a VN.

But a MC having no problems with replacing his dead sister with a f*ing android really made sh*t hit the fan.
More so when he decided to stop living with his mother and moved in with said android instead because his mother could NOT replace her dead daughter with an android. So, basically dumping his flesh and blood mother for some stupid robot. What the hell?

Sara is the next thing. It is told that all 4 of them were good friends and had loads of fun together until Shirone died. But as the reader is told on Yuuri's route, she actually doesn't care about anything other than that android she created.
I know there is more going on, but still, I mean, come on!?
Should a person not tell the truth when a FRIEND comes to seek answers? Stating "I could tell you whatever I find fitting without it being the truth and repeat it as often until you come to believe it." What kind of a friend would do that...!?

Yeah, I know Yuuri's persona has issues too, but her common sense is the one mostly intact of all 4 main characters and the mother.

For me, completing SHIRONE's route first really felt like torture, but being a completionist, I wanted to read everything and maybe, just MAYBE get the full picture.
I had to take a break after that route, so atrociously stupid.
I came back a couple of months later started Yuuri's route but it didn't get better. When I got to the point where Shun, Yuuri and Sara had that conversation my 'tolerance switch' flipped again.

I can only confirm and repeat what others already stated: production-wise it is really good. No question about it. But that is also where every positive aspect ends.
Don't expect well-written drama about life and death because it really isn't. That VN is a prime example of bad writing. Themes such as androids and loosing a beloved family member make the whole thing even worse when the writing is so awful.


P.S. forgive me for using bad words twice. :S

Время в игре: 1130 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 01.01.2021 03:59
3 0

There are times when you take a chance on a seemingly overlooked title and it pays off. I found Trinoline on VNDB by investigating all VN's with the highly animated sprites tag. Although there are moments when the story dragged out or got a little too serious about some "deeper meaning" nonsense, overall it was very entertaining.

The main focus is about memories defining "who" someone is, the meaning of life, death, and happiness, and the role of sentient AI. Yes it is a bit over the top with philosophy, but the characters are interesting enough to make that forgivable. If you liked SOMA and enjoy lengthy VN's, then you will probably find enough enjoyment to make this VN worthwhile.

The adult content is extremely vanilla and honestly skippable, but it is free on the publisher's web site.

Shirone best waifu. AI waifus for the win!

Время в игре: 1662 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 13.08.2020 15:29
2 0

The concept was excellent - the execution, not so much. The main characters were somewhat boilerplate for the visual novel genre, the story was overly reliant on I, Robot (Asimov) for ideas though still interesting and understandably attractive to those who have not read Asimov. The CGs are very pleasant to look at (just look at those eyes!).

Would I read it again or pay full price - probably not, but it's still worth reading if you like SCI-FI/Romance.

Время в игре: 1335 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 07.07.2020 13:10
5 1

This is the most disappointing VN I have ever read. Just by checking the screen shots you can tell the art is fantastic and it is made by minori. What could go wrong? Well the writing/story is awful and 75% of the game is crap for starters. The only good thing is the adult patch is free and the CGs are plentiful and very high quality. I read Sara's route in 4-5 hours and that was the only enjoyable part of the game.

There are three routes in this game (Yuuri, SHIRONE, and Sara) along with the "common" route. Sara's route is locked behind completing the other two for no real reason. The common route you can read in about 5 hours but is pretty bad. There is nothing common about it and focuses almost completely on SHIRONE. You would think you accidentally triggered her route but then it just stops for a dumb reason. It's so awful the Sara route doesn't even use it and just branches off near the middle. The Sara route IMO feels like the only real route and the rest were just filler material to pad the hours.

The sex scenes sometimes (mostly) happen at random and go on for way to long. The first one I thought in my head of Joseph Joestar's "oh my god!" then busted out laughing at how random it was. The story goes to crap right there and doesn't recover until you get on Sara's route. The text isn't that interesting and I found myself skipping it after awhile since they all just repeat themselves. The CGs get an A+ but they are very vanilla here and are censored.

I would have to spoil the story to accurately explain how dumb it is. Save yourself 15+ hours and don't even waste your time. The low amount of ratings on Steam make the actual rating percentage much higher then it deserves. This VN is not worth reading.

Время в игре: 889 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.01.2020 18:16
4 0

BOTTOM LINE: I felt betrayed, but I still recommend it for SHIRONE and what Sara could have been.

(Meta)spoilers ahead.

SHIRONE is a brilliant, passionate pianist android imouto with a tragic fate, thus the ultimate heroine. Or so I thought, when Sara, the scientific genius who created her, totally stole the show: she was logic and reason embodied, embedded with brutal honesty and a desperate need of love. Her arc was a fierce advance into her every spot, until reaching her innermost and becoming one by the means of a final transhuman leap... Or so I thought, before the last sprint when both Sara and SARA gave it all up to an improvised Sein-zum-Tode speech. Yuuri is barely worth mentioning; YUURI's lesson was spot on but immediately disregarded as a mistake.

I felt betrayed. They betrayed a seeming transhumanist masterpiece for the sake of conservatism, natalism, Heideggerian influence and whatnot. I do am sad that Minori went down; I couldn't see 'Trinoline' as a worthy swan song of them, but I still recommend it for SHIRONE and what Sara could have been.

Время в игре: 2217 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 28.11.2019 04:04
3 0

This game hit me hard like cybertruck wreck. I love everything about this VN from characters build up to the soundtrack. I feel like I understand & connect people better in different perspective thanks to the themes the writer portrays like "What does it mean to feel alive" which I can really relate to.

There's just so much love put into this title, I can go on & on about it but totally worth the read!!

Время в игре: 2150 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 09.11.2019 17:00
3 0

I had a bit water in my eyes while reading this.

And while i write this, i have to mention, that i just completed the route of "Shirone", so there are still two left.

To not spoiler anyone, I will keep that review short, I don’t want to take you any joy, because I wrote too much.

But two things, I want to ask you, you, who ever read this review, personally.

1. Are you, still you, after losing your body, but keeping your thoughts (mind)?
2. Are thoughts (mind) what makes us humans human?
As a joke: 3. Is it incest, if you sleep with the thought (mind) of your sister? ;D )

[b]For those who are seeking for a patch: there is one [b]

So, to the review:

In my point of view this is really good, you can easy read it and fall in the abyss of "I want to know, how it will go further on". Partly melodramatic, but nothing, that I would personally feel as too much.
There are some really nice mechanics that I missed in a few other games.
You can scroll back to previous scenes, there are a few mechanics you can use with the “gesture” of your computer mouse, with “right click” of your mouse, and you can open a short menu with the most important options. This game have a timelenght (I'm a slow reader!) around 50hrs I suppose.

Secondly, the voice acting of the characters are nice! I really loved them. The music was also (highly!) enjoyable and to that point I have literally nothing that annoyed me.

Thirdly, the story is really interesting, you can easily fall curiosity and can’t stop reading. Too not spoiler too much, but the story is about the coexistence between humans and androids. Really interesting! At least for me.
Fourthly, this game is kind of a kinetic novel, but a kinetic novel, that even surpass the kinetic novels I know of, the characters are literally moving by your side, such as while speaking and walking to school! Their eyes and lips are moving, sometimes they are moving while talking face to face (such as 180% spin to you, while you talked to their back, don’t know, if you understand what I mean. xD)

And because of this, you (at least me >_> ) are feeling much deeper being in the story.

In the End, I want to thank Minori and all who worked at this magnificent game! Especially the artist, the Seiyūs, the musicians and all, who made this game possible. Thank you very much, I enjoyed every second.

greetings Kota

Время в игре: 2064 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 29.06.2019 21:43
3 0

story 8/10
art 11/10
enjoyment 0/10 because its depressing 9/10

Overall 9/10

i dont know why, but there is something off (unreasonable plot) that lead to the main story, you all will notice it for sure if you play the game (especially when on shirone's route)

Время в игре: 2735 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 11.06.2019 14:15
5 0

I am giving this game a thumbs up with a condition that some character routes are better than others. The character art is amazing, the story is interesting, and translation was good.

There are 3 character routes after the common route as you would expect. Two of those routes have good endings, and one has an absolute terrible, disastrous ending. Think Romeo and Juliet here. All 3 routes should be played, but I highly recommend that you play the bad one first Shirone's route to get it out of the way. Then when you play the other two routes, you can walk away from the game with a satisfied experience.

Время в игре: 3151 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 17.05.2019 08:35
7 0

Trinoline is such an amazing high quality VN that will hit you right in the feels, which will make you smile and most certainly cry for hours. Come with high level CG Art and music.
Also Its not incest if she's a robot right? (´,,• ω•,,)ノ゙♡
minori : We always keep minority spirit.
but now, We always keep minori spirit.

Время в игре: 1637 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 26.04.2019 23:09
8 0

I like this, I really do. I really want to recommend this highly, but I can't.
A lot of it is excellent; the stories, the morals, the thought provoking situations where I genuinely was struggling to decide what I would do in such a situation. However, some things I can't really forgive that easily really do let it down.
- Ambiguity. Two of the three routes leave off with several loose ends and unanswered questions.
- Massive amounts of build up towards particular plot points that then end blandly and minimal fanfare.
- A lot of filler. A significant proportion of the reading time is spent on everyday stuff where nothing happens.

Overall, there's a lot I love in this, but there's a lot of undeniable problems that left me finishing feeling unfulfilled and disappointed. It's worth playing, but it's not as good as I'd hoped based on the author and the description.

Время в игре: 2009 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 23.04.2019 17:29
1 1

Oh boy where to start where to start with this one..
First of all, is it just me or does the Memories Menu (Music Recollection etc) not work at all? I Tried hitting everything in that screen and nothing worked.
And just overall this VN is just a technical trainwreck.
Some of the Audio is way to loud, such as Shirone's Voice while the other one's Voices are normal in terms of volume.
Some of the Music was waaay to Loud and some I could barely hear at all.
But honestly, the Music is still the best aspect of this VN.
Compared to Supipara, this VN is suuuuper Average..
The first half was marked by just Shirone being in love with her brother (the Main Protagonist) without you being able to change anything about that, which is really gross.
The Second half started of decent with

the Main Protagonist getting Amnesia and having everything lost besides the Names of 3 People.
At the beginning, Yuuri did kept me Interested, but Unfortunetly her story and how she developed turned out way to Average.
Why, just why in the World do so a lot of VN's the mistake of making their Characters do really stupid things nowadys, I don't get it.
And don't get me started on Sara.. she's just throwing money at you for some reason and even bought a House for you, because why...?
I get that she is rich and wants to show that off a little bit, but jesus christ, I can't like her at all with that ego.

BTW Hanako's Eyes are absoluely Hideous and to add in some more salt, I say they are the most Ugly eyes I have ever seen in my Life, I couldn't even look at her because they where so big (even bigger than other Characters Eyes) and disgusting to look at.
There is only 2 likeable Characters for me in this VN and that is Ayaka and Monami.

But I do will miss you Minori..
Bringing us Great titles such as: Wind a breath of Heart, Supipara, Eden and EF.
Trinoline not so much, can't recommend it, only to beginners maybe.

Rest is Peace Minori you Lived for 19 Years bringing us VN's and now Decided to do something different, but if you really wanted to do something different than that was definetly the right decision.

Those are my Words to Trinoline and Minori, Kazato out. <3

Время в игре: 243 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 19.04.2019 00:22
25 5

wondering why I restlessly buy this once released while having preordered a hardcopy of the JP version much earlier.

This won't help with ANYTHING. Minori is dead. There is no need for euphemism.

Little hope for Supipara 2. No more heroine voiced by Kusuhara Yui here.

Seems that accepting the truth is still painful. Even after weeks.

Время в игре: 17 ч. Куплено в Steam

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Разработчик minori
Платформы Windows
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Дата релиза 07.03.2025
Отзывы пользователей 88% положительных (34)

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Обновлено: 28.02.2025 19:10




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