Разработчик: Poetic
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: В раннем доступе игра выходит только на английском языке. Русский перевод будет доступен после релиза.
Вал Адриана пересекли могучие римские силы. Твоя единственная надежда — добраться до Дунадда, где сосредоточена вся власть, и объединить племена. Но сперва нужно предупредить Вида, твоего верного брата и единственного родственника. Кроме него у тебя остались лишь воспоминания об отце, которые хотелось бы забыть, и о матери, которые ты пытаешься сберечь.
Что тебе важнее: спасти близких или рискнуть всем в надежде отомстить римлянам?
Выбор внешнего вида и особенностей — это только начало. Твои мысли, слова и действия также влияют на физические и умственные характеристики по ходу игры.
Эмоции определяют вероятность успеха бросков как вне боя, так и в бою. Используй силу воли, чтобы усилить персонажа во время боя и обеспечить успех в переговорах.
Осознавай гнетущие тебя мысли и преврати разум в оружие, способное справиться со зверями, людьми и твоими собственными чувствами.
Общайся с тщательно прописанными персонажами и узнай, что движет ими. Определяй свое отношение к ним — от заклятой вражды до закаленной в бою дружбы.
Исследуй противников, чтобы открывать их слабости в поединке. Щади, спасай, убивай, оставляй в беде, обходи опасность стороной или осмелься на подвиг ради славы и влияния.
Будешь ли ты просто пытаться выжить или найдешь цель, за которую стоит сражаться? Определят ли твои выборы твою судьбу и оставят ли след в веках?
Поддерживаемые языки: english
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows 7 64-bit
- Процессор: Intel dual core @ 1.7GHz
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Intel HD 4400
- DirectX: версии 10
- Место на диске: 2 GB
- Дополнительно: (disable particles in-game for higher FPS)
- ОС: Windows 10 64-bit
- Процессор: i5 3.4Ghz
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 or AMD Radeon R7 370
- DirectX: версии 10
- Место на диске: 2 GB
- ОС: Mac OS 10.13.6 High Sierra
- Процессор: Intel i5 @ 1.6GHz
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Intel HD 6000 1.5GB
- Место на диске: 2 GB
- Дополнительно: (disable particles in-game for higher FPS)
- ОС: macOS 10.12+
- Процессор: i7-7820HQ @ 2.90Hz
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: AMD 560m PRO - 4GB
- Место на диске: 2 GB
- ОС: Ubuntu 12.04+, SteamOS+
- Процессор: Intel dual core @ 1.7GHz
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Intel HD 4400
- Место на диске: 2 GB
- Дополнительно: (disable particles in-game for higher FPS)
- ОС: Ubuntu 20.04
- Процессор: i7 6700k
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GTX980 Ti
- Место на диске: 2 GB
Отзывы пользователей
So first the good:
This game is, at its core, actually quite good.
- The emotion based mechanics of this game are absolutely fascinating, and I'd love to see more indie titles tell stories like this. The gist is that your characters stats change slowly over the course of the game, including things like your trust and relationship with others characters and your guilt or trauma from past experiences. These stats make it easier or harder to make certain decisions or take certain actions, although you can use a limited resource called "motivation points" to overcome these difficulties. It's a really interesting idea and managed to draw me into the plot.
- The story is really good (if unfinished, more on that later), and I felt for the characters and cared about the outcome of the plot. I wanted to fight for Wid and my people!
The Bad:
- The character graphics and general art in the game is terrible. All of the character art uses weird still AI drawn models and every single Celt character has white hair and giant eyeballs. The game has a system for upgrading your equipment, but your character art never changes throughout the game. Every single character has exactly the same pose, with only minimal variations on if they're holding a bow, or a sword/shield. I can't decide if I would prefer the weird AI art or for the game to simply be text based.
- I'm not convinced the game has much variation between choices or maybe more accurately that the game has a "preferred" story. At one point I decided to not be a hero and run away from a fight and ended up skipping most of the next few chapters and my decision was never referenced. When I got the impression I'd chosen incorrectly, I reloaded and got a bunch more content of my character being an awesome bad-ass as well as all of the content I'd gotten in my "cowardly" game.
The ugly:
- This game has stopped getting updates, and might actually be abandoned. Currently the game is about 7-8 hours long and wraps up at the end of Act 2 out of 3. If you buy this game, know that it is unfinished and may well never be finished. Your call. Maybe wait for it to go on sale or just play the free demo if you want to check out the interesting emotion mechanic.
I have played this game through multiple times and it is one of my favorite story/choice based games. The setting is unique and it has a great visual art style. Its clear that the dev has put love and care into the game which is what the gaming industry needs. Well worth the price as I have put over 60 hours into it with no regrets.
Wow. This game achieved what a lot of visual novels can't. Giving you a sense of agency and decision over the story while feeling challenging in a way that moves the story forward.
I've seen 3 "endings" (the final act is not out yet) and I'm hooked. :) I can't wait to see the rest and start new playthroughs. I love how the game gives you tools to tell it what your character wants and feels towards NPCs so that the story weaves itself accordingly.
Incredibly smart narrative design and story-telling.
This is honestly incredible and I'm glad I gave this project money. I want to see more of this and more games like this. If we can have more scenery and subtle animations, I think it would even improve the experience. I completed chapter one and then unfortunately had to go to bed, but I'm excited to get to the next chapter and to see what's to come next.
I do want to say, I wish there were more hair styles to choose from.
such a good story and game hope you make more games like this also cant wait for act 3 please hurry up
tl;dr: would I recommend this game now, as it is? yes, yes I would.
Before I start to give a more in-depth review, I wanted to get the most important point out of the way, especially if you (the reader) is similarly cautious of price tags and is considering whether to get the game right now, on sale. I'd say it is totally worth it, even for the actual asking price - there is so much choice already, so many options to shape the narrative in a way you like, and I imagine the replayability potential will only increase, once Act 3 will be added. Finally, to make it absolutely, unambiguously clear, you are not playing a Roman, in fact you are trying to stop them from invading your homeland north of what I imagine is Hadrian's Wall. (*at least as far as I know; and this was something that was never entirely clear to me from the description and nearly stopped me from getting the game).Before I go into the more detailed review, a wee disclaimer: currently, I'm not even fully through everything in the early access version (I'm about 1/3 through Act 2 I think -- though I don't expect further play to change my opinion majorly and would adjust this review accordingly). Furthermore, I am also a very particular gamer in that I have very specific things I enjoy in video games, and many that I don't (such that even with games that get praised a lot and/or heralded as being similar to a game I did like, I often do not end up enjoying those). That being said, I took a punt on this game and have not regretted it; rather enjoyed it so much so far that I decided to leave a review already, in the hopes that it might prove helpful to other people on the fence about buying this game and supporting this project.
Things I like about the game:
* all the choices you're given, including all the information about their repercussions. I believe this game gives you a lot of options to play the character in a number of ways - including trying to be non-lethal as much as possible (even out of believing it, rather than just trying to keep numbers for the final fight more balanced), building more on community, whether you want to interpret things you learn about others in a friendly or hostile way (even where and on whom you spend the points to interpret these insights), how you want to lead, what you want to be known for, etc.
This is definitely one of the things that appeals to me a lot, because I have learnt about myself that I do not like to play overly violent characters, or even worse, being boxed into making choices that I do not want to make (as in all options are not satisfying and/or not making them will actively prevent me in advancing the game). I adore that I am able to play in a style that I enjoy, that brings with it narratively satisfying conclusions and consequences, and that many people, with many different playstyles should be able to do the same.
* Your actions have consequences. Often, you'll get a bit of a feel for those consequences, because they will be listed together with certain probabilities that you have to hit in order to say or do certain things, but it does feel like they will affect how things play out, how long certain chapters or scenes go on for (or conversely, how quickly they're done), what the focus of the conversation is etc. Sometimes the consequences are less obvious, or there are additional boni (or negative things) happening as a result of you saying or doing something, but to me this realism (and having to predict what the likely outcome may be) makes the game more enjoyable.
* the dice roll/mechanical side of things. It is a very complex system, and I'm not 100% sure that I fully understand it yet, but I love the amount of depth to it, which gives you the flexibility to create a character to your liking. The mental points as a stat to boost your chances of success in actions, as well as allowing you to regain control, rather than being swayed by emotions (also boosting your success in actions) are really fun. I also like the complex interplay of interpersonal relationships (will this person on average be more likely to react positively or negatively towards me, given the balance of our interactions and their results so far) and how various actions (as well as how you spend your mindfulness and relationship points) will impact these and thus, which actions characters might be able to take or not. Finally, you're also able to track all the dice rolls that happen, and get a clear explanation for any changes to the stats and how they interact to create the number under which you have to roll to succeed. And even better, you get to see that same information for both enemies, followers and other lead characters, too!
A particular favourite of mine so far was some men having to make a roll to see if they could resist the impulse to be sexist pricks towards my female character (thankfully they succeeded).
* the voice acting is used sparingly (for certain scenes and conversations), but always works well when it's brought out, and the orchestral music nicely underpins the various situations and keeps the tension arc high in both verbal and physical battles.
some minor points to consider, that might not be for you (right now):
* It's currently not possible to customise your character overmuch. You can choose binary gender (male/female) and two different (blonde) hairstyles, as well as slight differences in facial features. As far as I can tell from the dev's comments on other reviews, there will be far more options for customisations in the final version, so this shouldn't be a big hurdle. However, if you've seen the trailer and expect something different - fair; and if have strong feelings about rather playing a character that looks a lot more like you (want to imagine them), then maybe it'd be better to wait for the release of v1.
* Apart from your one continuous saved game, there are certain checkpoints (within each chapter, and at the end/beginning of the next one) you can revert back to (although, as the game will warn you, all other "future"/further progress will be erased upon that choice), but you cannot explore all possible choices at any given time by seeing how it pans out and then reverting back to just before you made the choice.
To me this is the sweet spot between the more "life-like" games that if at all only allow you to save under very specific conditions and those visual novels/multiple choice games that give you a nigh infinite number of save spots and do-overs that mean that your choices really matter, not just for the story progress in itself, but also because there's a decent amount of realism in not just allowing you infinite do-overs. Will you possibly close off a story path with a choice you make? Well, that's a chance you'll have to take, if you want to stick with playing the character in a certain way/would react like this to the events in question.
As I said, I personally don't see it as a negative, but can see how others might not like this.
* the character art is a little bit uncanny valley. not quite my aesthetics, but imo the game is so good, that the graphics do not matter that much.
* the odd missing word in the text and slightly illogical fear/anger dice roll statements (e.g. this story part carries a +10 increment of this property, your x percent out of y dice roll means you resist +2 increase and only gain +3 out of +5, when it should be +8 out of +10). I expect these are teething problems that will be gone with more test/bug reports coming in. None of these small things affect the gameplay negatively, if you do spot them at all.
tl;dr #2:
In short, a very choice driven game, that does give you an insane amount of choice to navigate the conflict before you, both of the juicy interpersonal and the Romans trying to invade variety. Certainly feeling like I'm getting my money's worth and having a good time, solid 8.5/10.Really liked the game so far. Great story, can't wait for the finished product. Also whenever there is a text that reads commander, the voice says general, nothing big just something i noticed.
Its a great game with a Great story
I wanted to love this, but everything (from the bizarre AI-generated character art to the fact that it's not actually a full game to the blandly American voice acting) stands in the way of my approval. Maybe it'll be improved when they finally finish it?
Played the demo and got hooked! Thrilling story, combat, character interactions, and your choices do matter. I appreciate the ability to "rewind" one step if you're curious to try out different options. I played 10 hours, had an amazing time, and am so excited for the full release. I appreciate the ability to play as either a male or female main character.
Games in this setting are really engaging (Expeditions Viking is one of my favorites), kudos to the developers for making a gem! Best of luck polishing it to a shine for full release :)
This is more than your typical VN. I appreciate the limited voice acting. I tend to focus more on my preferred narrative at the moment rather than choosing responses that guide the attributes of the characters. The art style is uncommon and quite good. I was momentarily stuck on one of the multi-step tutorials due to selectable items not being obvious.
The potential of this game is astounding. I am excited to continue playing and I am very glad I decided to give it a chance and invest.
Great game great story
absolute cinema
Really beautifully done game, with intriguing mechanics, and a very well-done and elegant story line.
The only problem is that the game is incomplete; I played to the end of Act 2, reaching an intriguing climax, and then was told "wait for the final conclusion coming soon." Most of the story had yet to unfold (intriguing strangers, and a late introduction of a royal family.)
Once they actually complete the game, I think it will be terrific. But I would say wait.
Find it easy to relax and immerse in the story, when I feel burned out from work.
Love the game. First played the free demo and then had to download the full game :-).
Also finished it all in one session. The flow of the skill checks in combat is amazing, it's so fluid and together with the music it makes you feel in control, swift and elegant (my character at least).
The only question I have is about the character customization - No different colors of eyes or hair or skin? Or maybe I missed how to find that. The people on the game have brown hair :-).
Really looking forward to the third act!
Beautiful images and interesting game. Rather short but looking forward to the future releases.
Игры похожие на Sacred Fire: A Role Playing Game
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Poetic |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 94% положительных (353) |