Разработчик: Gearbox Software
Get ready for the mind blowing insanity! Play as one of four trigger-happy mercenaries and take out everything that stands in your way!
With its addictive action, frantic first-person shooter combat, massive arsenal of weaponry, RPG elements and four-player co-op*, Borderlands is a breakthrough experience that challenges all the conventions of modern shooters. Borderlands places you in the role of a mercenary on the lawless and desolate planet of Pandora, hell-bent on finding a legendary stockpile of powerful alien technology known as The Vault.
- Role Playing Shooter (RPS) - Combines frantic first-person shooting action with accessible role-playing character progression
- Co-Op Frenzy - Fly solo in single player or drop in and out with up to 4 Player Co-Op online for a maniacal multiplayer experience
- Bazillions of Guns - Gun lust fulfilled with rocket-launching shotguns, enemy-torching revolvers, SMGs that fire lightning rounds, and tons more
- Radical Art Style - New visual style combines traditional rendering techniques with hand-drawn textures to create a unique and eye-catching spin on the First Person genre
- Intense Vehicular Combat - Get behind the wheel and engage in intense vehicle-to-vehicle combat
THE ZOMBIE ISLAND OF DOCTOR NED: Enter the corporate owned small town known as Jakobs Cove and put an end to the rumors of the walking “undead.” New areas, new missions, new enemies, Oh My!MAD MOXXI’S UNDERDOME RIOT: Celebrate the grand opening of Marcus Bank by taking on hundreds of foes in the only competitive arena around where you’re coming back famous... or not at all.
THE SECRET ARMORY OF GENERAL KNOXX: Want more of the Borderlands story and more loot than you could possibly figure out what to do with? Add new guns, missions, vehicles and more!
CLAPTRAP’S NEW ROBOT REVOLUTION: This destructive adventure invites you to battle a vicious new threat, a massive uprising of your former friends: the claptraps.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, spanish - spain, german, italian
Системные требования
- OS *: Windows XP/Vista
- Processor: 2.4 Ghz or equivalent processor with SSE2 support
- Memory: 1GB System RAM (2GB recommended with Vista)
- Graphics: 256mb video ram or better (GeForce 7 series or higher/Radeon HD3000 series or higher)
- Hard Drive: 8 GB or more free space
- Sound: Windows compatible sound card
Отзывы пользователей
i haved enjoyed borderlabnds since the xbox in 2008 but this goty is a dealbreaker for one reason it doesnt have Vsync option and its way too choppy for me i am a tride and true vsync lover so if youre like me you wont find this game appealing very much at high resolution
My headshots never register unless im moving otherwise i have enjoyed every second of this chaos
better play with friends, good gameplay and story
I have hundreds of hours across the entire series (besides Tiny Tina and 3 because they're meh in my opinion) but have the most on this game out of the 3 i enjoy. This brings a very story rich environment and story to a pastel paradise that you can dump loads of time into and in my opinion has the most replayability out of the 3.I will forever have good words for this game as i am now beginning my journey on PC
This game is too old, thats what i thought at least. I genuinely did not even know that Original Borderlands existed on steam. After giving Borderlands 2 at least 4th try and finally enjoying it, i decided to completely go through all the series that borderlands has to offer.
The game is extremely simple, there is also hardly any story. The entire game, you are looking for the vault keys, you collect them and then it opens. That is pretty much the whole thing. Now, obviously, there are some parts, where some characters interfere and some that suggest to aid you in the journey. Missions are as simple, you have to go to a certain place, kill something, turn it in, get EXP, repeat. It was rather difficult for me to distinguish main missions from side missions, because there are no specific marks, which notify you of the fact that you are currently on the path of the main quest, so... i got up and did all the missions. Turns out, i had to do them anyway, otherwise the final boss would have been impossible to defeat (Final boss was a bit boring).
Gunplay is great, there are variety of weapons at your disposal along with their different types of elements. They sound great, feel great, look good and all that. Few issues i had, accuracy is horrible. Even if my crosshair is at the enemy's head, it still misses. During my last mission, i obtained an yellow sniper riffle, which dealt a lot of damage, but the accuracy was so bad that i was missing 8 shots out of 10 despite having an enemy in my sight. Another thing, Rocket launchers are absolutely horrible. Sure, if they have elemental damage such as fire and you hit it to someone, the fire keeps on deteriorating the HP of the hit enemy. However, i am too used to RPG dealing a lot of damage on impact rather than gradually lowering the health. Imagine, you shoot an RPG and it deals 20 damage, but inflicts fire and the health gradually deteriorates. it might take up to a minute to kill an enemy like that.
Dialogues are hardly ever used, actually. I was hoping to hear a lot, but most of the time, you have to read the missions, which was not a problem necessarily. Although voices were really well done.
Despite the game being almost 17 years old, it still holds up really well. I personally did not have any issues with it or the gameplay. Some minor inconvenience was my fps being locked at 60 and i could not do anything about it. However, there are a lot of issues with the Enhanced Edition. Framerate is low, it often lags, crashes, settings and graphics are pretty much the same. It comes with a lot of issues and is simply not worth it. two positives, which i have seen in the Enhanced version, were the map and auto-pickup.
I still have not played any DLCs just yet, but have started with claptrap. I heard a lot of good things about it and im sure it will not disappoint. The main game was not boring for me either. I enjoyed the RPG elements of it. It was repetitive indeed, but in a good way.
I believe, it costs 2$s on a sale and comes with EVERYTHING. Even without a sale, it is worth it. With all the DLCs in mind, you get around 40 to 50 hours of gameplay. I highly recommend it, since it deploys the fundamental idea of what borderland is all about.
I played this with a friend who had already played it before, so i have no idea wtf happened in the story. Gameplay is mid tho, you just run around looking for a better gun
A flawed game but one with a wonderful art style, amazing soundtrack, and an atmosphere none of the other games have recreated. The gameplay is a bit more rough than the later games but there are parts of it I actually prefer. This game is digital crack for me.
Also... I owe it to this game for introducing me to what would eventually become my favorite band of all time all those years ago: Cage the Elephant.
This is definitely a borderlands game with griding. Great game, will 100% it. The sad part is that I also have the enhanced edition to play and 100%
i love the Borderlands it so much fun to play on this game that 2K and Gearbox Software that ever made
No reason to play this over the enhanced version
I played the enhanced version about a month ago and was very close to recommending it, but I ultimately decided to give it a thumbs down. This version of the game is even worse.
I do like the art style and the overall world of Borderlands, but this game has some really outdated mechanics and LOTS of time wasting in order to pad the game out.
If you're going to play Borderlands, just load the enhanced version and give this one a miss.
Very nice Borderlands game but it's really laggy sometimes even on lowest graphics and, the fullscreen windowed mode with 144hz is broken because it locks onto 60hz.
great game love its open world concept and action shooter style always have loved those type of games.
A personal favorite of mine in the borderlands series. Thankfully this one does not have the file leak like the remaster does.
absolute W game even for solo player like me
and it's a W move not to delete OG Borderlands from Steam but keep it, not like [spoiler]rockstar games[spoiler]
classic game, fun to revisit, excited for Borderlands 4
Absolute classic. Borderlands is the OG Shooter-Looter FPS-RPG. Great classes with lots of variety in skill trees. One of the best loot engines ever ... Jillions of different guns to find. Memorable NPC's with real personality and genuinely funny dialogue. Only one thing, when you are playing online with people from different countries, it becomes abit laggy but you can espect that from a game made in 2009. If you have somehow missed this gem, don't hesitate, just buy it.
Co-op scaling broken, no damage, many bugs, audio doesn't work
this game sucks
Amazing game. Not as good as the 2nd one but still up there. And still holds up. Love that the new update added a minimap.
Beginning of the end, reliving a classic with it remastered :) Super cheap on sale
if you go on multiplayer, the game is not rewarding at all, all the weapons suck ass and deal negative damage. tried playing with a friend but nope, fk this game. maybe single player is okay, but in multiplayer, dont.
I highly recommend Borderlands 1, it's a great game and for a first game of many in the series it starts off great, I used to play Roland when I was younger but now I play Brick, I love the story, the art, the characters, its so fun! I highly recommend this game to anyone who loves RPGish FPSs with a great story! EXPLOSIONS!!
Simple, Effective, Charming Wild Western feeling game. Nice.
Amazing game just based on my experience bosses are fun to kill and wish I could buy the second or the third
Feels more like a really polished tech-demo, rather than a fully fleshed out game, primarily due to the significant lack of voice-overs for most of the dialogue and the somewhat thrown together story. At its core, however It's very much Borderlands and It's as good as ever. While the weapons aren't as varied as they are in the games that followed, the overall gunplay is still very fun and the violence is on point. The mission structure is doesn't change much beyond - go somewhere, kill something, repeat, etc. and while it's very basic It's pretty serviceable and works well enough. Overall, I'd say that while I do like the game, It's incredible how much of and improvement Borderlands 2 is and If you're thinking about getting into the franchise you're probably going to have more fun with the sequel.
Not the most amazing game, but it wasn't bad, and it *was* fun to find weapons that are upgrades to what you. If you've got a party it could be fun to just relax and go through the game. I bet it's not bad single player either.
Sometimes enemies are a little bullet-spongy, but that largely depends on level.
If it's cheap, there's nothing wrong with giving this a try.
If you could get quest rewards at max level, items ALWAYS scale to your level when farming and if the claptrap SDU glitch was fixed for playthrough 2 this game would be an 11/10. Sadly these issues hold it back to an 8/10. Id buy it again though.
great game and if you have the spare mony is a meh game i prfer boderland's 2 over 1 but it is a great game but i wedent recamend you giting it as a fost expirions for borderland's
This is an awesome game
not much to say about this as is great fun to play, i had an issue where the game would crash with code general protection error everytime i use an energy weapon, which resulted in not using them, but overall is great fun
id would recommend this game
Probably the best borderlands game. There are definitely balance issues, as Lilith just has immortality as an ability, but hey every game needs better balance. Best played with friends as that leads to more unique fights.
Original release Borderlands. Not much different if you ask me, which says how the Enhanced version did the right thing: Keep the same game, add quality of life/minor additions, done. (I also played the original on Xbox 360 before Enhanced version was released.)
In other words, this is a great game. I'd still say just get the Enhanced version, but I think this comes bundled with it for free(?), so if you want to double up on achievements it can be fun to replay the original version as well. Just make sure to adjust your graphics settings right away, the default is basically the minimum quality and resolution.
Still a blast to play with friends. Though, I will say that snipers in multi-player are not fun. Just grab a shotgun, or a hand cannon and charge in. They can't shoot all of you before you shoot all of them.
This game is no Borderlands 2. If you are coming to this game expecting it to be fun you will be sorely disappointed. The game is a half-baked mess.
Stylistic this game influenced a lot of other games to follow. The sequels never captured the charm of this one and for that I could never get engaged with them. This is pretty much PEAK looter shooter.
This game is an absolute masterpice! Gearbox should hold lessons in developing for how to absolutely create the worst pice of videogame media I have ever withnessed.
I went trough the effort of 100% it so I will never have to touch this steaming pile of shit ever again. Only played it because it was included in the pandora's box edition, wish it weren't.
Every minute i spent with this game was pure agony and I was wishing for the sweet relief of death and hardcore drugs the entire time. every area, mission, enemy and mechanic was masterfully crafted to inconvinience and annoy the player and disrespect their time. I sincerely wish for every level, mission and enemy designer of this game that for the rest of their lives all cottage cheese they ever eat is from a turkish man.
one of my favorite game used to play this game with my brother and a friend back in the day when i was on the Xbox 360 i miss the old times very much so playing this game brings me back
Absolute classic. Borderlands is the OG Shooter-Looter FPS-RPG. Great classes with lots of variety in skill trees. One of the best loot engines ever ... Jillions of different guns to find. Memorable NPC's with real personality and genuinely funny dialogue. If you have somehow missed this gem, don't hesitate, just buy it.
This game is actually about Vatican city.
Ze depiction is accurate.
2009 me's innocence as a kid was oblivious to the dark comedy that existed in Borderlands. While it's hard for me to find jokes used here tear jerking, I did enjoy the simple adventure with a friend. While theorycrafting may have been basic and limited to finding big numbers on guns that supported our builds, there was enough complexity for my expectations and I enjoyed it. The co-op aspect of this game is what made it enjoyable for me and I am looking forward to continuing the adventure in the DLC's next.
The OG Borderlands! Plenty of loot and replay value. I like the style and atmosphere of this original game. It's a bit darker and more serious than the sequels (especially BL3) with their toilet humor.
It's missing an FoV setting, and the default feels like "tunnel vision". You have to remember to select a character before trying to join games, or it won't find any games or players to join. You also can't add anyone as a friend from within the game. Instead, you have to search for them on Steam by the name that you see in-game. Additionally, if I turn my headphones on or off, the game won't switch the audio device until I restart it. Some of the DLC content is quite dull.
Nostalgia for the 1st game from Xbox 360 days was fun, and its nice to experience where the series began at its basic form, and to meet characters from later in the series
But slow movement, some confusing maps and very long travel or vehicle segments make the game feel really slow at times
Enhanced version is a bit better at feeling smoother, but definitely shows its age and roughness still
This version specifically will not show controller glyphs or tooltips, so have fun guessing on controls
Achievement hunting this is something else, about 30-40 hours of just the arena DLC, a bunch of random co-op only achievements, grindly rng collectibles, and a viral play with devs or others achievement that's time gated for who knows what reason
Overall could be fun to checkout, but really just made me realize how nice Borderlands 2 is
game has its moments but its what makes it Borderlands fun to play with other players
Great game. It's a bit rough around the edges, and a bit difficult to get used to if you start with the second one like I did, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.
I highly recommend using mods, but that's par for the course with Borderlands anyway.
When comparing Postal and Hatred, you’re looking at two games that take no prisoners when it comes to embracing dark, nihilistic, and unapologetic chaos — but they each approach it from a different angle, and it’s that difference that makes each one stand out in its own way.
Postal, the older of the two, is a satire-driven, over-the-top first-person shooter that revels in absurdity and dark humor. Originally released in 1997, it became infamous for its intentionally controversial and absurd content. You’re not just playing a game about mindless violence; you’re satirizing the overblown nature of violence in media, poking fun at societal norms, and throwing a massive middle finger to political correctness. The game allows you to take on the role of a character who’s basically had enough of society’s BS and has no qualms about mowing down anyone in his path — be it people, animals, or just bystanders in random situations. The dark humor is what really drives Postal, and though it’s often juvenile and crude, it carries with it an energy that makes it feel like a rebellious act in the face of gaming censorship. The Postal series is chaotic, yes, but it also understands that it’s a joke — one that doesn’t take itself seriously.
Hatred, on the other hand, is a much more nihilistic experience. Released in 2015, Hatred sets itself apart by leaning heavily into a more grim, aggressive, and deeply unsettling narrative. You play as an unnamed protagonist who declares war on humanity simply because he's tired of everything — there's no humor here, no satire, just raw hate and destruction. The tone is much darker, aiming to shock and provoke without any real commentary or self-awareness. It’s a relentless rampage through urban environments, mowing down innocent civilians with no higher purpose than to fulfill your character’s unyielding hatred for society. Unlike Postal, which often played with absurdity, Hatred is far more serious in its presentation and intent, focusing on violent, emotional breakdowns that feel devoid of humor or redemption. The game doesn’t ask you to think — it asks you to revel in unrestrained destruction.
So which is better? If you’re looking for a game that doesn’t take itself seriously and delivers chaos wrapped in dark humor, Postal is your go-to. It’s a mess of satire, absurdity, and mindless violence that doesn’t hold back. But if you're in the mood for something darker, more visceral, and unflinchingly bleak, Hatred might be what you're after — just be warned: it doesn’t offer the same level of self-awareness or levity that Postal does. In the end, both are a brutal commentary on violence in video games, but Postal offers more of a cathartic laugh, while Hatred seeks to push the boundaries of just how much you can feel uncomfortable while indulging in the violence.
I bought the game for the PS3 back in the day and loved it to death. Given the opportunity to buy it again I couldn't pass up the chance ... especially at the price.
If you want a game you can play alone OR with others AND can you can play it for ages if you choose this is a must purchase.
I can't speak for the games made after this one, but this game is a joy to play. Don't miss out if you like these types of games.
Borderlands 1 and 2 are worlds apart from eachother. If you're getting into the series, for the love of God skip this one as it doesn't hold up at all in comparison to 2. It's good for what it is but 2 is so much of an improvement it might as well be a different series entirely, and it's no shock that when most people talk Borderlands, they talk 2 first, then maybe Pre Sequel or Tales and just totally disregard this one exists at all.
It's deserved.
Quite enjoyable despite a few glitches here and there. It's the OG Borderlands. I'll be playing it again!
I really enjoyed the game, story was fun, gun-play was fun, classes were fun which allowed for a little replayability.
Going for 100% completion wasn't that bad, however the DLC achievements are atrocious.
I killed a man with nine toes and three nuts using my bare hands and was rewarded for it. 10/10
I'll summarize the analysis of Borderlands
Simply ADDICTIVE... Very good to play, especially with friends to increase XP and complete many missions
It's a lot of fun
I recommend it to you!
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Gearbox Software |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 14.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 81 |
Отзывы пользователей | 93% положительных (11708) |