Разработчик: Cyan Worlds Inc

Firmament — новая игра-приключение с загадками от легендарной студии, создавшей хиты Myst и Riven. Глубокий сюжет и тщательно проработанные детали погрузят вас в атмосферу покинутого мира, где вас будут ждать загадки 3 уникальных земель… и не только!

Firmament приглашает вас в очередное творение Cyan Worlds — новый детально проработанный мир в уникальной стимпанк-эстетике. Firmament — это настоящая услада для глаз, где за каждым поворотом открываются новые красоты. Но при этом в мир Firmament легко поверить, словно он был выстроен по чьему-то великому замыслу… Замыслу, который вам так захочется разгадать.

У вас всегда с собой устройство под названием «Адъюнкт». С его помощью вы можете оперировать разными устройствами в мире Firmament. Используйте Адъюнкта, решайте загадки и разгадывайте тайны, которыми полнятся эти земли.

Вы не одиноки в мире Firmament. Помимо Адъюнкта, вас сопровождает загадочный призрак со своей историей. А еще вам на вашем пути окажутся 3 отдельные земли со своими загадками и тайнами. Какой цели они служат? И можно ли доверять вашей спутнице-призраку?

А так ли уж заброшены земли Firmament? Что за гигантские механизмы разбросаны по ним? Зачем они нужны? И какую роль играете вы в этой великой мистерии? Исследуйте, решайте и раскрывайте тайны, играя в Firmament!

Для VR-систем и 2D-экранов
Играть в Firmament можно в форматах 2D и VR. В VR доступны режимы свободного перемещения и телепорта.
Также в Firmament доступны «настройки уровня комфорта» для новых и опытных пользователей VR, в том числе выбор между мягким поворотом и поворотом «щелчком», быстрый подъем по лестницам, корректировка перемещений по вертикали и другие настройки.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, japanese, korean, polish, portuguese - brazil, russian, simplified chinese, spanish - latin america
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10
- Процессор: AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Eight-Core Processor (16 CPUs), ~3.7GHz; Intel i5 7000 series
- Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: AMD Radeon RX 5700XT; NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 8GB
- DirectX: версии 12
- Место на диске: 20 GB
- Звуковая карта: N/A
- Поддержка VR: Quest 2 over Airlink or Link cable, HTC Vive Pro, Valve Index
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 11
- Процессор: AMD Ryzen 7 3800X 8-Core Processor (16 CPUs), ~3.9GHz; Intel i5 11000 series
- Оперативная память: 32 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: AMD Radeon RX 6800XT; NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti 12GB
- DirectX: версии 12
- Место на диске: 20 GB
- Звуковая карта: N/A
- Поддержка VR: Quest 3 over Airlink or Link cable, HTC Vive Pro, Valve Index
- ОС: macOS Sonoma 14.5
- Процессор: Apple M1 or Intel i5
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Apple, AMD
- Место на диске: 25 GB
- Звуковая карта: N/A
- Дополнительно: - MacBook Pros with a discrete AMD GPU released since 2018 - iMacs with a discrete AMD GPU released since 2019 - Mac Pros released since 2017 - Mac Pros released since 2019 - Apple Silicon MacBook Airs released since 2020 - Apple Silicon Mac minis released since 2020
- ОС: macOS Sonoma 14.5
- Процессор: Apple M1 Pro or M2 or Intel i5
- Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Apple, AMD
- Место на диске: 25 GB
- Звуковая карта: N/A
- Дополнительно: - Apple Silicon MacBook Pros 14" and 16" released since 2021 - Apple Silicon MacBook Airs released since 2022 - Apple Silicon Mac minis released since 2022
Отзывы пользователей
This game has awesome puzzles... but... I was falling several times through the map and had to start the whole section agian. I was stuck several times into objects. I want to love this game because it's visually so stunning and the atmosphere is relaxing plus the concept is good but it's really really annoying with those bugs.
Very fun and occasionally frustrating but extremely satisfying in the end. Can't wait to play this again and for the next Cyan Worlds game.
Remember to save often, there are still some glitches in the game that can make you stuck and thus have to load another save file.
I have to agree with the other reviews. the settings looked cool, the puzzles were underwhelming, difficult to figure out on purpose but easy to solve by playing around. you will spend atleast 25% of your time playing this game just waiting and walking (tip, caps lock can lock you on run). the story seemed interesting and the set dressing was nice, though there Needed to be more lead up, more clues, more documents and journals to Really give a sense of what was going on and the story. (tip 2, turn off the conveyance orb animations, each one takes like a full minute as a loading screen).
the game is also Very taxing on the cpu/gpu, I have never had my fan run audibly for a puzzle game before, usually its games with over the top graphics or calculations (looking at you stellaris)
the ending is super confusing and really clashes with everything else in the story, can't explain why without spoilers
At first I gave a thumbs down and requested a refund immediately after 30 minutes of game play because I got stuck with the first crane (reached with 3 minutes of game start). I moved the crane to one direction until it's out of sight, then when I move back it simply got stuck in both direction. As I read the other's comment before buying this game about soft locking in various place and I'm still in the 2 hours of refundable period, I rushed to request for a refund which is my "safe bet".
As I wait for refund, I continue to try the game and finally got the crane to work. At first I move the crane just left and right, but it got stuck on both direction so I though it's somehow bugged. But then I discover I can also move the load up and down, so after a bit of juggling it's no longer stuck. The remaining game goes smooths and without any bugs. The graphics are very nice, sounds are nice, FPS is smooth, no stuttering besides during occasional auto save.
I cancelled the refund, finished the whole game almost without any help, except the "broken cathode" which I found some hint from the steam community. Overall, some puzzle are easy and some are very challenging. Total play time 15 hours, a short game but still worth the money. Thumbs UP.
I am a Cyan diehard and I was looking forward to this game for about 3 years. I was very disappointed. While I was waiting I played a few Cyan copycats that lacked any interesting or coherent story. This felt like that. It's not the puzzles that make Cyan special, and the puzzles here were no worse than those in the copycats. But there were no characters for me to care about in Firmament, and beyond the basics of the different worlds and their systems, the "what happened here" curiosity that is key to the good stories Cyan has produced before just wasn't here. I made it like 80% through the game and don't have much interest in finishing it. The adjunct wasn't as annoying as I feared it would be, but I didn't feel like it added much.
I recommend just replaying Obduction or any of the Myst games instead.
A mostly-great puzzle game with a deeply stupid surprise ending.
* Great level design.
* Decent voice actor & ambient sounds.
* Innovative puzzles.
* Sometimes it's very difficult to spot interaction points w/o running around and holding right-click.
* Ending is just plain stupid. (see below)
* Show not tell is violated by the very lengthy monologue at the end. (Plus... look, lady, you mind-wiped former-me then angrily rant that you hope I'm upset with what you've done - that was a different person, they're dead.)
Ending spoilers:
* Okay, fine, you're on a space ship where gravity in each "realm" is via centripetal force.
* To achieve the ending, the realms are merged by rotating them into a single lumpy sphere - which means the realms should be thrown into utter chaos as gravity's axis radically shifts.
* Additionally, your "mentor" screwed up a system by effectively killing the (rat-bastard) crew - and then leaving things to lie for a long, long time. Which means that someone should have come to check on the ship, if tech has advanced to the point that you can warp to the destination in ~7 hrs.
TL;DR: Good puzzles, but don't expect a good conclusion to the plotline; if that's cool, 8/10; else, 6/10, or avoid.
Great scenics. Some bugs in the VR mode. Didn't understand the ending, but enjoyed the puzzles and graphics.
Doesn't meet the standard of games that Cyan can produce. The game is prone to softlocking where you can get stuck in the environment, and music could have been used to boost the atmosphere which I thought was lacking. That being said the last portion of the game was enjoyable and the battery puzzle on Juleston was very good.
If you have $35 and want to play games from Cyan, check out the Myst series, or Obduction as well. Party with Atrus and the squad
Got to go through my country music playlist though
Awesome in VR!
Up or down? Up. It is not my favorite and requires more patience than any I've played in this genre but I was glad I took it on. Finished without any hints (flex). Some interesting parts and puzzles, and a lot of hunting for the critical next button to push.
Only about 2 hours of actual play time as I work from home and spent a lot of time tabbed out. I assumed the negative reviews were just people being overly critical.... I blame steam for limiting options to Yes or No. Wheres the middle option for something that just needs imrpovement?
Game is kinda janky, first few puzzles i have done are a bit tedious. But in 2 hours of gameplay I have managed to softlock myself 3 times. So game hasnt been very well tested for the puzzle design. Cleary I wasn't doing things as intended but I was still able to do things that basically locked me out of being able to progress further. May come back to give it a shot later but kinda disappointed.
Gorgeous soundtrack and visuals. Had to seek a hint or two for mathematical and visual help, but had a very positive experience experiencing this universe. Great job, Cyan!
Another wonderful game from Cyan. I've been a fan since I played Myst as a kid. I even loved the books they wrote. This one didn't disappoint.
Played the non-VR version. It was pretty good overall. The game ran smoothly, except for portions of St. Andrew, where I had FPS dropping to the low 20's. The puzzles were a mix of not too difficult to head scratchers. Definitely had to have help on a few of them. But I wouldn't expect any less from the makers of Myst.
**Beautiful** game. The adjunct took some getting used to but by hour 3 I had no problem operating it. Underwater puzzle was kinda evil but now that I finally beat it I don't mind it so much. Looking forward to more games from Cyan
I don't even know where to start with this game. I guess I'll start by saying that I recommend this, with a whole bunch of caveats.
I'll also get out of the way that this game is pretty. Like all Cyan games, really. Art style is fantastic, locations are genuinely breathtaking in some areas. Technically...eh. It's not Cyan's most polished experience.
Now. The puzzles. I...didn't care for them. They seemed needlessly convoluted. Lots of connecting and disconnecting the Adjunct. I feel like ultimately, the Adjunct might have limited things too much and so the result was puzzles that felt complex because they needed to be rather than because they naturally developed that way? Does that make sense? I hope so.
And the story. The story started off intriguing, but by the end I was kinda done with it. I've never been a fan of the "voice in the corner of the screen vomiting exposition at you" story mechanic in video games. It didn't help that those exposition sequences were significantly longer than in other games that use it. BioShock, for instance, they only last maybe thirty seconds at most. There's only so long I can stand around listening to a disembodied voice afraid of moving along and possibly triggering the next too early before I get fed up and frustrated. I feel like some of this could have been put in books or notes, you know, like Cyan usually does. Which leads me to my other story complaint: that there isn't anything to read! There's two books and a handful of clipboards, and only a single clipboard contains a unique diagram. So really, there's only three unique books or notes to read in the entire game.
Finally, the ending. I'm still too angry to talk about it. The game made up for all of the tedium and frustration in the last 60 seconds or though and then just gives you the middle finger. Bleh.
Conclusion: Play this if you're a Cyan diehard and you really want to get your Cyan fix, but don't expect the heights of Myst. Or the lows of Myst. Firmament is its own very flawed thing.
- The most gorgeous Cyan game to date including remasters (though Riven remaster comes close).
- Fantastic sound design.
- New take on environmental puzzles that is fresh (at least for a Cyan game.
- A new type of story that deviates from the Cyan standard.
- The actual events of the story are harder to comprehend due to how it is delivered.
- Some of the puzzles seem to be more tedious than difficult.
- The dialogue can at some times be hard to understand as it is heavily accented.
- This is arguably the loneliest of the Cyan games (which I personally have considered a con since the original Myst).
- The puzzles are easier than Obduction.
[*]Some of the new puzzle concepts needed more time in the oven.
Recommend at a 12.99 price point. Do wait for a sale.
Loved it. Great blend of exploration, story telling, and puzzles. Cyan is still doing what they do.
Beautiful and very atmospheric but with some flaws
The plot was difficult to parse and as a result, it feels like the game lacks any solid motivation for solving the puzzles. You play as a Keeper - an employee of the titular organization Firmament - and are guided by the voice of a previous Keeper. As you explore and solve puzzles this guide speaks to you about their own experiences within this world. This narration serves as exposition for the broader plot but does not begin to make sense until the end of the game. Overall, I enjoyed listening to said narration whilst exploring but found it distracting when trying to solve the puzzles.
The puzzles themselves were less difficult than what one would be used to from Cyan - and yet in very Cyan fashion there is a fair amount of backtracking. The primary mechanic - the "Adjunct" - is a clever way of unifying all other puzzle elements of the game. I loved seeing and being able to operate giant machines, but some puzzles felt more tedious than others due to awkward control schemes. Ultimately I enjoyed solving the variety of puzzles available.
Visually this game is stunning! Each realm has an identity of its own, with custom details and vibrant colors. Each space sprawls, giving the appearance of a world much larger than what can be explored. The look and feel of the Adjunct is satisfying and unique.
The soundscape fits each realm well, and there is custom music for each area. The only critique I have here is that the guide's voice sounds low-quality. I am not sure if this was intentional or not, as the guide sounds just like characters from previous Cyan games. So, this could just be a product of how Cyan records voice lines or possibly an artistic choice.
In conclusion, I would wholeheartedly recommend this game for fans of previous Cyan titles and fans of puzzle games in general. Despite some flaws, it very much contains Cyan DNA. For those still on the fence it might be worth waiting for a sale due to its relatively shorter play-time.
A strong taste of Cyan with an immersive, novel-like approach!
As a leisure-paced veteran adventure gamer, I enjoyed this title! It certainly was a new path in some ways for Cyan and I applaud them for it.
I do sympathize with others who endured bugs. As for me, I had a bug-free experience, although I do have a newer, high-end system if that had any bearing.
I also agree with others that keyboard mapping is desirable. I have limited mobility with my fingers on my left hand and it would be nice to be able to make changes.
I noticed review criticisms of the puzzles and story line, and this is the main takeaway I wish to share with others considering purchase of this title:
Look at the Cyan titles like books...past titles are more like journals and encyclopedias (and immensely enjoyable). Firmament is more like a novel, yet requiring the fleshing out of details to be made by one's imagination. Along with the wonderfully detailed graphics, you have the tools for an immersive, imaginative experience akin to those who fancy getting lost in those novels.
So if you enjoy that type of experience, embracing your imagination to help achieve a rewarding story experience, and aren't worried about completion time, but opting for exploration and immersion in the worlds with an emphasis on the flow of the puzzles over complexity, I feel comfortable recommending this title to you! I hope you enjoy it!
Compared to Obduction and previous games, this was a disappointment. If you play the Myst or Riven remakes and compare them to this (especially Riven), it's night and day. It's not that it's a bad game, but it's not a great one and I don't recommend it because you'd be better off replaying any of their other titles.
I didn't even finish it and considering how long I've been a fan of Cyan Worlds, that is damning.
I bought this game in the summer of 2024 and returned it due to a lot of graphical issues(shadows only appearing in one eye) that made the game unplayable. I saw they recently upgraded the game to unreal engine 5 and fixed a lot of the issues so I decided to give it another go
I'm so glad I did! The game has been a lot of fun so far(I think I'm close to the end). The puzzles have been easier than Obduction and a lot easier than Myst and RIven but I've still really enjoyed the game.
For me, the sense of scale is just so fun to see in VR. Cyan are masters at making cool worlds and crazy steam punk machines and puzzles. Little things like riding an elevator or looking out through the large glass windows at the top of a tower are just hard to describe.
There was some jank, and the game is definitely lacking in VR interactivity with the world(touching a wall, picking things up, etc.) however the interactivity and scope of the worlds do more than enough to suck you in
I think this game is a great gateway game into their other more difficult puzzle games.
I highly recommend Firmament!!
Another great game by the legendary Studio behind 'Myst'. Unlike their previous game 'Obduction', this one doesn't try to be a modern Myst, but instead tries to be its own thing, which is great.
Underrated Gem. Incredibly grand worlds to explore with eerie industrial vibes. The puzzles are slightly easier in this game than its predecessors, but they're still very well put together and will prove challenging for the average player. I also enjoyed the story very much, albeit not being as deep as its predecessors, it was still very captivating compared to your average game.. Firmament is another fantastic immersive experience from Cyan and will be enjoyed by new players of the genre and seasoned players alike.
Fun puzzles, not too difficult. Beautiful worlds. Bugs were few and far between.
Very short, finished in just under 7 hours (maybe less as I left it on pause a few times). Having played all previous Cyan games I found the difficulty fairly easy in comparison, the puzzles weren't very deep (I think limited by all interactions happening through your gauntlet), and only had a couple of moments where I had to take a moment to work things out.
Very nice looking and gives that Cyan exploration vibe we all love.
Only encountered one bug, but a reload fixed it.
Happy with the purchase to support the developers, but I got it on sale and would recommend others do the same.
Myst, But You're A Forklift Operator
I joke, but that's honestly what this game boils down to: about a dozen or so large-scale puzzles that have you operating heavy machinery. And I found these to be a lot of fun, and very inventive!
Outside the main puzzles, the game is a bit of a walking sim. That's just part of the Cyan Worlds vibe. (Still tho, do they have to insist on such LONG walks?)
The environments: fine. The story: fine. I don't think they were going for a grand vision of spectacle and lore. This game feels more like they simply had a solid mechanic for some great puzzles, so they slapped on a vibe and called it a game - and that works great for me! I think this smaller scope is a step in the right direction for Cyan.
Sorry, some nasty gliches, need to save often, need to reload often, game should get patches, there are no patches, final result: beautiful worlds, can't recommend.
Worst Cyan game ever. The story was the standard basic overplayed crap and the game play has no flavor.
Good game, but not for VR. Way too tedious to use the hand device and lots of walking.. plan to play in normal mode.
The game is gorgeous and the environments are fascinating.
I do however unfortunately think that this game fails to learn the lessons of Cyan's past projects.
i recently tried the remastered myst and riven, and i hope the reception of those releases inspires cyan to refocus.
This kind of tool-gimmick puzzler rarely works for me. I think the only tool puzzler i like is portal. I have tried many others and i don't enjoy them.
Its fun for a while, lots of back tracking and time wasting.
Visually quite stunning in parts, but I found it a bit tedious to play. The puzzles weren't very challenging, and it got quite repetitious - there was a lot of running back and forth between places with nothing to do except watch the same views over and over again. I also found the control interface (the so-called Adjunct) irritating and the key mappings (which you can't change) uncomfortable to use. It spoiled the game play.
The biggest problems for me, however, were the bugs - the game continually crashed, and in some passages of play (particularly the Camedus) you could inadvertently walk through walls and objects, leaving you stranded in a limbo state, unable to get back into the game. The devs are obviously aware of this - they have even provided a button in the Settings to allow you to rewind the game to a point before you stepped out of it! Never seen that before. I'd have been more impressed if they'd debugged the game properly in the first place.
The final insult is that at the finish, the game goes into an endless loop, forcing you to watch the whole list of credits, with no way of escaping other than to forcibly close the program down with Windows Task Manager.
I've been impressed with previous Cyan games, but this one is a disappointment, not very good and not very professionally executed.
an excellent puzzle challenge game.
Another great games from Cyan. This one is more concise than Obduction or Riven with less walking and more observation, but it is still pretty good and the VR aspect makes it of course awesome. The aesthetic is pretty interesting, with Soviet style architecture and sculptures. Highly recommend
The puzzles are tedious instead of fun, and don't respect you time. Buggy as hell too.
Very nice. The game was not long enough... I want to see the place the ship is going! GREAT JOB, CYAN <3
But for a couple of glitches in attempting to climb the ladder out of the derrick I found the game challenging and a lot of fun. I solved the ladder climbing problem by saving the game and then starting it again from the control panel. I didn't have to quit to get the glitch gone. Scenery is breath taking and difficulty is up there a bit. I recommend it highly.
absolute banger, beautiful enviroment, challenging puzzles and amazing story. PS the composer of the music slapps. would recommend if you enjoy puzzle games :)
I would wait for a discount, but it is truly a Myst like game, that is explore world while solving puzzle and for an unknown goal and reason.
I want more!
Yikes. Played this game a year and a half ago and it had some glitches but was mostly enjoyable. Glitches are now intolerable. Ice factory level keeps trapping me in control cabs (cannot go up the ladder to get out), forcing restart every time. Giving up. Shame, a beautiful world and superbly conceptualized. Alas...
Thank you so much for this amazing experience ! Epic story line, puzzles were not overly frustrating and made sense after trying at it for a while with maybe 5 or 6 times screaming " I figured it out ! " Just amazing story Thank you so much CYAN team !!!
great game from cyan. not without its hiccups, but still a great game for fans of the genere
Lame puzzles, uninspiring world. Super glitchy.
The puzzles are ok, only a few challenging ones. The game play is not really intended for PC users. I hit a couple of bad bugs, one that was so bad I had to revert to an earlier save losing 3 hours of game time.
Nice story and a beautiful world, but players coming from experiences such as Myst or Riven will probably be a bit disapointed by the lack of intellectually complex puzzles. Also, the whole game took me about 9h to complete, and that includes some technical difficulties with getting stuck in the world and having to reload a couple of times. Obduction was much more in line with the original style of the Cyan games.
What a game! What. A. Game.
Been a fan of Cyan games for many, many years since playing Myst way back in the early 90's. They have always produced beautiful, story-rich games, and this is no exception, this game is absolutely stunning!
The visuals are absolutely astounding, as one would expect from any Cyan game. Beautifully rendered into a fully realised world that feels real and believable along with a deep and intriguing story with one heck of a twist right at the end... and talking about the end... an astounding track by VNV Nation over the end credits just adds a whole new level of feeling and depth to the overall narrative. Honestly I can't praise this game enough.
There were one or two minor glitches when playing in VR, but nothing game-breaking or anything that spoiled the enjoyment of the experience. If this is the quality of any future games by Cyan, I am so excited for whatever comes next. I absolutely LOVE this game!!
I know this didn't get amazing critical reviews but if your are a Myst fan PLEASE play this. Some of the puzzles are a bit difficult and easy to over think but just keep it simple when solving and you will have a great time. I loved this game and I really hope Cyan continues to make games like it. Tell more stories cyan, yall are my heroes.
Pretty linear and the puzzles were fairly straight forward but fun. Most annoying issues are the bugs in the game, but otherwise I wish there was more choice at the end. Overall a short but decent game.
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Cyan Worlds Inc |
Платформы | Windows, Mac |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 69% положительных (618) |